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Mechanisms of T cell activation by the calcium ionophore ionomycin   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We have investigated signaling mechanisms that may underlie the T cell mitogenic properties of the Ca2+ ionophore ionomycin. Ionomycin induces highly purified resting human T cells to proliferate in the presence of monocytes with accompanying IL-2R expression and IL-2 synthesis. Treatment of T cells with ionomycin triggers the hydrolysis of phosphoinositides, as evidenced by the accumulation of the hydrolytic by-products phosphatidic acid and inositol phosphates. Ionomycin also induces the activation of protein kinase C (PKC), as demonstrated by the auto-phosphorylation of PKC and the phosphorylation of the PKC target proteins CD4 and CD8. Ionomycin synergizes with PMA in enhancing the activation of PKC. It is concluded that, in addition to its putative activation of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent signaling pathways, ionomycin induces the hydrolysis of phosphoinositides and the activation of PKC in human T cells. The synergy of ionomycin with phorbol esters in triggering T cell activation may relate, at least in part, to enhanced activation of PKC.  相似文献   

Subcellular fractionation studies were performed on human neutrophils stimulated with ionomycin (a Ca(2+)-specific ionophore). The results of these studies revealed NADPH-oxidase activity, without any additive, both in the plasma membrane and in the specific granule fractions. After comparing these results with the NADPH oxidase activity induced by the ionophore in intact neutrophils, in differentiated HL-60 cells and in neutrophil cytoplasts, we conclude that ionomycin preferentially activates the NADPH oxidase pool located in the membrane of specific granules. Furthermore, we suggest that incorporation of granule membrane into the plasma membrane makes the associated NADPH oxidase less sensitive to activation induced by a rise in [Ca(2+)]i.  相似文献   

The ionophoretic capabilities of dioleoylphosphatidic acid (DOPA) for transporting calcium across phospholipid bilayers have been investigated. Calcium uptake by large unilamellar vesicles is shown to depend on the presence of DOPA. This uptake is sensitive to the nature and concentration of calcium chelators in the vesicle interior, indicating that accumulation results from DOPA-mediated translocation of calcium across the membrane. Further, it is shown that characteristics of DOPA-mediated Ca2+ uptake are similar to those observed for the fungal calcium ionophore, A23187.  相似文献   

Phagocytic cells can be primed for enhanced stimulated release of superoxide anion (O2-) by exposure to a variety of biologic agents, including gamma-interferon and lipopolysaccharide. We examined the role of calcium ion in this priming, using the calcium ionophore ionomycin. Preincubation with ionomycin, 1 to 10 nM, primed human neutrophils to release up to 7-fold more O2- during stimulation with 1 microM formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (f-Met-Leu-Phe). With 160 nM phorbol myristate acetate as stimulus, ionomycin caused a doubling of O2- production in mouse peritoneal macrophages. Incubation of phagocytes with ionomycin at priming concentrations did not directly stimulate O2- release. Priming of neutrophils occurred in 1-2 min and was associated with a marked reduction in the lag time for O2- release after f-Met-Leu-Phe stimulation and with an increase in the rate of O2- production. Kinetic analysis of NADPH-dependent O2(-)-producing activity in sonicates of resting human neutrophils incubated with sodium dodecyl sulfate suggested that modification of the enzyme responsible for the respiratory burst was not responsible for priming. Priming of neutrophils with ionomycin had no apparent effect on either the activity or subcellular distribution of protein kinase C. The effect of ionomycin on the cytosolic free calcium concentration ([Ca2+]c) was assessed in neutrophils using the calcium-sensitive fluorescent dye fura-2. Ionomycin at priming concentrations caused an approximate doubling of the base-line [Ca2+]c. When neutrophils were exposed to various concentrations of ionomycin, a parallel rise in [Ca2+]c and priming was observed. A rise in [Ca2+]c of approximately 0.8 microM caused half-maximal priming. These results suggest that an increase in [Ca2+]c is not sufficient to initiate release of O2-, but they support the concept that Ca2+ can serve as a second messenger in this event.  相似文献   

Based on the effects of ionomycin upon mitochondrial respiration, ionomycin was shown to be an effective ionophore for Ca2+ in rat liver mitochondria. The ionomycin-induced efflux of Ca2+ across the inner membrane was more sensitive to loading the mitochondria with Ca2+ than was efflux catalyzed by A23187. At saturating concentrations of Ca2+, the turnover number for ionomycin was 3- to 5-fold greater than that of A23187. Ionomycin catalyzed the efflux of mitochondrial Mg2+ at rates comparable to those observed with A23187. Ionomycin also mediated an efflux of K+ provided that the mitochondria were depleted of their endogenous divalent metal ions. The apparent turnover numbers for K+ efflux suggest that ionomycin is more specific for divalent metal ions than A23187.  相似文献   

The conformation of the carboxylic ionophore salinomycin has been examined in a variety of solvents by circular dichroism. The solution conformation of the ionophore has been correlated with Na+ and K+ affinity and selectivity. Cation selectivity appears to be a function of both the initial conformation of the free anionic ionophore and the ability of the latter to reorient about the cation. An analogy to the induced fit model of enzyme-substrate interaction is proposed.  相似文献   

The transport mechanism and specificities of ionophore ETH-29 have been investigated in a highly defined phospholipid vesicle system, with the goal of facilitating the application of this compound to biological problems. ETH-129 transports Ca(2+) via an electrogenic mechanism, in contrast to A23187 and ionomycin, which function in a charge neutral manner. The rate of transport is a function of membrane potential, increasing by 3.9-fold per 59 mV over a broad range of that parameter. Rate is independent of the transmembrane pH gradient and strongly stimulated by the uncoupler carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone when no external potential has been applied. The effect of uncoupler reflects the collapse of an opposing potential arising during Ca(2+) transport, but also reflects the formation of a mixed complex between the uncoupler, ETH-129, and Ca(2+) that readily permeates the vesicle membrane. Oleate does not substitute for the uncoupler in either regard. ETH-129 transports polyvalent cations according to the selectivity sequence La(3+) > Ca(2+) > Zn(2+) approximately equal to Sr(2+) > Co(2+) approximately equal to Ni(2+) approximately equal to Mn(2+), with the magnitude of the selectivity coefficients reflecting the cation concentration range considered. There is little or no activity for the transport of Na(+), K(+), and Mg(2+). These properties suggest that ETH-129 will be useful for investigating the consequences of a mitochondrial Ca(2+) overload in mammalian cells, which is difficult to pursue through the application of electroneutral ionophores.  相似文献   

Bilayers containing calcium ionophore A23187 form channels.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
For the first time, based on bilayer membrane conductance experiments, it has been shown that A23187, a carboxylic calcium ionophore, incorporated in lipid bilayers gives single channel currents similar to the well known gramicidin channel. The current characteristics indicate the possibility that the transmembrane ion transport by this important calcium ionophore is initially by a carrier mechanism but with time is by a channel or pore mechanism due to the aggregation of the molecule in a lipid matrix.  相似文献   

Calciphorin, the putative mitochondrial calcium ionophore from rat liver mitochondria, exhibits the inherent properties of the mitochondrial calcium transport system and is similar to the calf heart preparation reported earlier. The protein has a strong selectivity for Ca2+, and has a Kd for Ca2+ of 56.5 +/- 6.6 microM and 13.9 +/- 2.1 microM in organic extraction and flow dialysis experiments, respectively. Reduction of the contaminating lipids from 23 +/- 6.5 to 1.73 +/- 0.4 moles per mole protein does not alter the affinities, Ca2+/protein stoichiometry or selectivity for Ca2+.  相似文献   

Ionomycin, a recently discovered calcium ionophore, inhibits the ATP-dependent active Ca2+ transport of rabbit sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles at concentrations as low as 10(-8) to 10(-6) M. The effect is due to an increase in the Ca2+ permeability of the membrane which is also observed on liposomes. The inhibition of Ca2+ uptake is accompanied by an increase in the Ca2+-sensitive ATPase activity of sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles.  相似文献   

The purposes of this experiment were: (1), to compare effect of three E64 derivatives, E64, E64c and E64d in preventing nuclear opacity and proteolysis in calcium ionophore-induced cataract and (2), to measure the accumulation of E64 derivatives in the cultured lenses. In vitro E64 and E64c strongly inhibited purified calpain II from porcine heart, while E64d showed weaker inhibition than E64 and E64c. In cultured lenses, all three E64 derivatives reduced nuclear opacity by calcium ionophore A23187 in a concentration-dependent manner, and E64d, the ethyl-ester of E64c, was the most effective. When lenses were cultured in E64d for 2 h, the resulting concentration of E64 derivative in the lens was markedly higher than during culture in E64 or E64c. All three E64 derivatives prevented proteolysis of crystallins seen in A23187 cataract. The stronger effect of E64d against A23187 cataract was likely due to an earlier penetration into the lens, conversion to E64c and inhibition of activated calpain.  相似文献   

Abramov AY  Duchen MR 《Cell calcium》2003,33(2):101-112
We have used fluorescence digital imaging techniques to explore the actions of two groups of Ca(2+) ionophores: (i). ferutinin, an electrogenic naturally occurring ionophore, and (ii). the neutral ionophores 4-BrA23187 and ionomycin, on cytosolic [Ca(2+)] ([Ca(2+)](c)), mitochondrial [Ca(2+)] ([Ca(2+)](m)) and mitochondrial membrane potential (deltapsi(m)) in HepG2 cells and primary hippocampal neurones in culture. 4-BrA23187 and ionomycin promoted the equilibration of [Ca(2+)] gradients between cellular compartments, including ER, mitochondria and cytosol. Thus, [Ca(2+)](c) and [Ca(2+)](m) increased together and then recovered in parallel on removal of the ionophore. In contrast, following a rise in [Ca(2+)](c) in response to ferutinin, [Ca(2+)](m) remained elevated for prolonged periods after the recovery of [Ca(2+)](c) levels despite washout of the compound. Both groups of Ca(2+) ionophores caused some mitochondrial depolarisation, although this was highly variable in degree. Mitochondrial depolarisation induced by ionomycin and 4-BrA23187 was often modest, independent of cyclosporin A (CsA), was suppressed in the absence of extracellular Ca(2+) and was enhanced by pre-incubation of cells with the inhibitor of the mitochondrial Ca(2+)/2Na(+)-exchanger, CGP37157, suggesting that the change in potential reflects the prior state of mitochondrial calcium loading. The mitochondrial depolarisation induced by ferutinin was not influenced by CGP37157 but was completely blocked by CsA, suggesting that it reflects opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP). We suggest that ferutinin may provide a very valuable tool to promote mitochondrial calcium overload experimentally and to promote calcium-dependent opening of the mPTP.  相似文献   

The K(+) ionophore nigericin is shown to be highly effective as an ionophore for Pb(2+) but not other divalent cations, including Cu(2+), Zn(2+), Cd(2+), Mn(2+), Co(2+), Ca(2+), Ni(2+), and Sr(2+). Among this group a minor activity for Cu(2+) transport is seen, while for the others activity is near or below the limit of detection. The selectivity of nigericin for Pb(2+) exceeds that of ionomycin or monensin and arises, at least in part, from a high stability of nigericin-Pb(2+) complexes. Plots of log rate vs log Pb(2+) or log ionophore concentration, together with the pH dependency, indicate that nigericin transports Pb(2+) via the species NigPbOH and by a mechanism that is predominately electroneutral. As with monensin and ionomycin, a minor fraction of activity may be electrogenic, based upon a stimulation of rate that is produced by agents which prevent the formation of transmembrane electrical potentials. Nigericin-catalyzed Pb(2+) transport is not inhibited by physiological concentrations of Ca(2+) or Mg(2+) and is only modestly affected by K(+) and Na(+) concentrations in the range of 0-100 mM. These characteristics, together with higher selectivity and efficiency, suggest that nigericin may be more useful than monensin in the treatment of Pb intoxication.  相似文献   

Changes in the concentration of cytosolic Ca2+ are known to affect various macrophage functions; in particular, exposure in vitro to the Ca2+ ionophore A23187 primes macrophages for tumor cell killing. In the present report, it is shown that treatment with this ionophore similarly mimics IFN-gamma as a priming signal for induction of microbicidal activity. Incubation of mouse bone marrow-derived macrophages with 10(-7) to 10(-6) M A23187 (in the presence of Ca2+) led to intracellular killing of the protozoan parasite Leishmania enriettii within 24 h, provided LPS (1 ng/ml) was also present; no microbicidal activity was observed using either compound alone. A 4-h exposure to the ionophore in the presence of Ca2+ (priming phase) was sufficient to induce leishmanicidal activity upon reincubation with LPS, here acting as a necessary second signal. Addition of EGTA during the priming phase blocked intracellular killing upon subsequent LPS treatment; microbicidal activity could be restored by excess Ca2+, but not Mg2+, suggesting that changes in the concentration of cytosolic Ca2+ are sufficient to mediate the molecular events that lead to acquisition of microbicidal potential. Ionophore-induced leishmanicidal activity was paralleled by a stimulation of the hexosemonophosphate shunt pathway and production of nitrites, which are biochemical correlates of the activated state. In addition, sequential exposure to A23187 and LPS markedly stimulated macrophages to release TNF and PGE2, two agents thought to act as modulators of macrophage activation.  相似文献   

The present study examined the mechanism of A23187-induced activation in pig oocytes, with special reference to the effects of extracellular calcium on oocyte activation. The following endpoints were evaluated: intracellular free calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i), intracellular pH ([pH]i), cortical granule (CG) exocytosis, pronuclear formation, and blastocyst development. In experiment one, when oocytes were exposed to 50 microM A23187 for 5 min in a medium with, or without, calcium, a significant (P < 0.004) increase in the [Ca2+]i was observed in medium with calcium but not in medium without calcium. An increased [pH]i (0.08 unit in medium with calcium and 0.13 unit in medium without calcium), cortical granule exocytosis and pronuclear formation were observed in oocytes treated with A23187 irrespective of the presence or absence of calcium in the medium. In experiment two, the effects of treatment time (0, 0.5, 1, 2, and 5 min) on nuclear activation of oocytes with A23187 were further examined in medium with, or without, calcium. It was found that a 2 min treatment activated more (71-74%) oocytes than the other treatments. Treatment for 5 min in medium without calcium resulted in chromatin condensation in some oocytes. Microtubules were not found in these oocytes. In experiment three, developmental ability was examined of the oocytes treated with A23187 in medium with, or without, calcium. In vitro fertilized oocytes were used as a positive control. It was found that 16%, 6% and 38% of the oocytes treated with A23187 in medium with calcium, in medium without calcium, and in vitro fertilized oocytes developed to blastocysts after culture for 7 days, respectively. These results indicate that A23187 can induce pig oocyte activation in calcium-free medium without a typical increase in the [Ca2+]i and that A23187-induced pig oocyte activation is accompanied by an increase in [pH]i. Oocytes activated with A23187 can develop to blastocysts regardless of activation in medium with, or without, calcium.  相似文献   

We have measured the effects of the carboxylic Ca++ ionophore A23187 on muscle tension, resting potential and 3-O-methylglucose efflux. The ionophore produces an increase in tension that is dependent on external Ca++ concentration since (a) the contracture was blocked by removing external Ca++ and (b) its size was increased by raising outside Ca++. Neither resting potential nor resting and insulin-stimulated sugar efflux were modified by the ionophore. These data imply that the action of insulin is not mediated by increasing cytoplasmic [Ca++]. Additional support for this conclusion was obtained by testing the effects of caffeine on sugar efflux. This agent, which releases Ca++ from the reticulum, did not increase resting sugar efflux and inhibited the insulin-stimulated efflux. Incubation in solutions containing butyrated derivatives of cyclic AMP or cyclic GMP plus theophylline did not modify the effects of insulin on sugar efflux. Evidence suggesting that our experimental conditions increased the cytoplasmic cyclic AMP activity was obtained.  相似文献   

The calcium ionophore, A23187, when used alone was found to induce proliferation of murine T cells, at concentrations of 0.5-1 mM. This response required the presence of syngeneic splenic adherant cells (SAC) as a source of accessory cells. Interestingly, only CD4+ T cells but not CD8+ T cells or B cells responded to the calcium ionophore by proliferation. The inability of CD8+ T cells or B cells to respond was not related to decreased elevation in the intracellular ionized calcium [Ca2+]i concentration induced by the ionophore, because activated CD4+ T, CD8+ T and B cells all exhibited similar elevation in [Ca2+]i. The inability of CD8+ T cells to respond to calcium ionophore was probably due to insufficient production of autocrine growth factors, such as IL-2, inasmuch as the addition of exogenous IL-2 could completely restore the CD8+ T cell responsiveness. Also, exogenous rIL-1 could partially restore purified T cell response to calcium ionophore, whereas, rIL-6 failed to do so. IL-2, but not IL-4, acted as an autocrine growth factor for T cells responding to the calcium ionophore in the presence of SAC, since, antibodies against IL-2 or IL-2 receptor (IL-2R) but not against IL-4, could inhibit the T cell proliferation. Furthermore, exogenous rIL-2 but not rIL-4 supported the proliferation of T cells to calcium ionophore in the absence of accessory cells. Our results suggest that murine lymphocytes exhibit heterogeneity in their proliferative responsiveness to calcium ionophore and that this may not depend on the early activation signal such as the elevation in [Ca2+]i) induced by the ionophore but may depend on subsequent signals which regulate endogenous growth factor production.  相似文献   

Stepwise activation of T cells. Role of the calcium ionophore A23187   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The calcium ionophore A23187, at a concentration of 1 microgram/ml, is able to stimulate proliferation of freshly isolated peripheral blood lymphocytes, CD4+-enriched cells, or CD8+-enriched cells as measured by [3H]thymidine incorporation. This proliferation is accompanied by an increase in interleukin 2 (IL-2) receptor expression but not by a detectable up-regulation in (IL-2) production or the development of cytotoxicity. Proliferation can be blocked by anti-CD3, CD4, or CD8 monoclonal antibodies, but not by anti-Tac. If CD8+-enriched cells are activated for 3 days with A23187 and the blasts present on day 3 are sorted and returned to culture, they rapidly develop cytolytic activity in the presence of recombinant IL-2 but not recombinant interferon-gamma. CD4+ enriched cells, after activation with A23187, do not become cytotoxic in the presence of either recombinant IL-2 or recombinant interferon-gamma. These findings permit study of the stepwise maturation of T cells in this alternative pathway by using "minimal signals" that do not, by themselves and as used in these studies, stimulate precursor Tc to mature to full effector cytotoxic function. These findings are consistent with the model that A23187 drives T cells only part way along a pathway of maturation and that an additional second signal must be given to effect maturation of cytotoxic status.  相似文献   

We investigated the combined effect of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT, serotonin) and calcium ionophore (A23187) on human platelet aggregation. Aggregation, monitored at 37 degrees C using a Dual-channel Lumi-aggregometer, was recorded for 5 min after challenge by a change in light transmission as a function of time. 5-HT (2-200 microM) alone did not cause platelet aggregation, but markedly potentiated A23187 (low dose) induced aggregation. Inhibitory concentration (IC50) values for a number of compounds were calculated as means +/- SEM from dose-response determinations. Synergism between 5-HT (2-5 microM) and A23187 (0.5-2 microM) was inhibited by 5-HT receptor blockers, methysergide (IC50 = 18 microM) and cyproheptadine (IC50 = 20 microM), and calcium channel blockers (verapamil and diltiazem, IC50 = 20 microM and 40 microM respectively). Interpretation of the effects of these blockers is complicated by their lack of specificity. Similarly, U73122, an inhibitor of phospholipase C (PLC), blocked the synergistic effect at an IC50 value of 9.2 microM. Wortmannin, a phosphatidylinositide 3-kinase (PI 3-K) inhibitor, also blocked the response (IC50 = 2.6 microM). However, neither genistein, a tyrosine-specific protein kinase inhibitor, nor chelerythrine, a protein kinase C inhibitor, affected aggregation at concentrations up to 10 microM. We conclude that the synergistic interaction between 5-HT and ionophore may be mediated by activation of PLC/Ca2+ and PI 3-kinase signalling pathways, but definitive proof will require other enzyme inhibitors with greater specificity.  相似文献   

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