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Sequencing single molecules of DNA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In 2004, the NIH set a remarkable challenge: the 1000 dollars genome. Roughly speaking, success would provide, by 2015, the ability to sequence the complete genome of an individual human, quickly and at an accessible price. An intermediate goal of a 100,000 dollars genome was set for 2010. While the cost of Sanger sequencing has dropped dramatically over the past two decades, it is unlikely that the 100,000 dollars genome will be achieved by this means. New massively parallel technologies will push the cost of sequencing towards this mark, but it is doubtful whether these efforts will match the 1000 dollars goal. The best bets for ultrarapid, low-cost sequencing are single-molecule approaches.  相似文献   

The elastic properties of DNA are essential for its biological function. They control its bending and twisting as well as the induction of structural modifications in the molecule. These can affect its interaction with the cell machinery. The response of a single DNA molecule to a mechanical stress can be precisely determined in single-molecule experiments which give access to an accurate measurement of the elastic parameters of DNA.  相似文献   

Single-molecule manipulation techniques have enabled the characterization of the unfolding and refolding process of individual protein molecules, using mechanical forces to initiate the unfolding transition. Experimental and computational results following this approach have shed new light on the mechanisms of the mechanical functions of proteins involved in several cellular processes, as well as revealed new information on the protein folding/unfolding free-energy landscapes. To investigate how protein molecules of different folds respond to a stretching force, and to elucidate the effects of solution conditions on the mechanical stability of a protein, we synthesized polymers of the protein ubiquitin and characterized the force-induced unfolding and refolding of individual ubiquitin molecules using an atomic-force-microscope-based single-molecule manipulation technique. The ubiquitin molecule was highly resistant to a stretching force, and the mechanical unfolding process was reversible. A model calculation based on the hydrogen-bonding pattern in the native structure was performed to explain the origin of this high mechanical stability. Furthermore, pH effects were studied and it was found that the forces required to unfold the protein remained constant within a pH range around the neutral value, and forces decreased as the solution pH was lowered to more acidic values.  相似文献   

Sequence-dependent mechanics of single DNA molecules   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Atomic force microscope-based single-molecule force spectroscopy was employed to measure sequence-dependent mechanical properties of DNA by stretching individual DNA double strands attached between a gold surface and an AFM tip. We discovered that in lambda-phage DNA the previously reported B-S transition, where 'S' represents an overstretched conformation, at 65 pN is followed by a nonequilibrium melting transition at 150 pN. During this transition the DNA is split into single strands that fully recombine upon relaxation. The sequence dependence was investigated in comparative studies with poly(dG-dC) and poly(dA-dT) DNA. Both the B-S and the melting transition occur at significantly lower forces in poly(dA-dT) compared to poly(dG-dC). We made use of the melting transition to prepare single poly(dG-dC) and poly(dA-dT) DNA strands that upon relaxation reannealed into hairpins as a result of their self-complementary sequence. The unzipping of these hairpins directly revealed the base pair-unbinding forces for G-C to be 20 +/- 3 pN and for A-T to be 9 +/- 3 pN.  相似文献   

Stretching of single collapsed DNA molecules   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The elastic response of single plasmid and lambda phage DNA molecules was probed using optical tweezers at concentrations of trivalent cations that provoked DNA condensation in bulk. For uncondensed plasmids, the persistence length, P, decreased with increasing spermidine concentration before reaching a limiting value 40 nm. When condensed plasmids were stretched, two types of behavior were observed: a stick-release pattern and a plateau at approximately 20 pN. These behaviors are attributed to unpacking from a condensed structure, such as coiled DNA. Similarly, condensing concentrations of hexaammine cobalt(III) (CoHex) and spermidine induced extensive changes in the low and high force elasticity of lambda DNA. The high force (5-15 pN) entropic elasticity showed worm-like chain (WLC) behavior, with P two- to fivefold lower than in low monovalent salt. At lower forces, a 14-pN plateau abruptly appeared. This corresponds to an intramolecular attraction of 0.083-0.33 kT/bp, consistent with osmotic stress measurements in bulk condensed DNA. The intramolecular attractive force with CoHex is larger than with spermidine, consistent with the greater efficiency with which CoHex condenses DNA in bulk. The transition from WLC behavior to condensation occurs at an extension about 85% of the contour length, permitting looping and nucleation of condensation. Approximately half as many base pairs are required to nucleate collapse in a stretched chain when CoHex is the condensing agent.  相似文献   

Mechanical stability of single DNA molecules   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Using a modified atomic force microscope (AFM), individual double-stranded (ds) DNA molecules attached to an AFM tip and a gold surface were overstretched, and the mechanical stability of the DNA double helix was investigated. In lambda-phage DNA the previously reported B-S transition at 65 piconewtons (pN) is followed by a second conformational transition, during which the DNA double helix melts into two single strands. Unlike the B-S transition, the melting transition exhibits a pronounced force-loading-rate dependence and a marked hysteresis, characteristic of a nonequilibrium conformational transition. The kinetics of force-induced melting of the double helix, its reannealing kinetics, as well as the influence of ionic strength, temperature, and DNA sequence on the mechanical stability of the double helix were investigated. As expected, the DNA double helix is considerably destabilized under low salt buffer conditions (相似文献   

Bozec L  Horton M 《Biophysical journal》2005,88(6):4223-4231
Although the mechanical behavior of tendon and bone has been studied for decades, there is still relatively little understanding of the molecular basis for their specific properties. Thus, despite consisting structurally of the same type I collagen, bones and tendons have evolved to fulfill quite different functions in living organisms. In an attempt to understand the links between the mechanical properties of these collageneous structures at the macro- and nanoscale, we studied trimeric type I tropocollagen molecules by atomic force microscopy, both topologically and by force spectroscopy. High-resolution imaging demonstrated a mean (+/- SD) contour length of (287 +/- 35) nm and height of (0.21 +/- 0.03) nm. Submolecular features, namely the coil-pitch of the molecule, were also observed, appearing as a repeat pattern along the length of the molecule, with a length of approximately 8 nm that is comparable to the theoretical value. Using force spectroscopy, we established the stretching pattern of the molecule, where both the mechanical response of the molecule and pull-off peak are convoluted in a single feature. By interpreting this response with a wormlike chain model, we extracted the value of the effective contour length of the molecule at (202 +/- 5) nm. This value was smaller than that given by direct measurement, suggesting that the entire molecule was not being stretched during the force measurements; this is likely to be related to the absence of covalent binding between probe, sample, and substrate in our experimental procedure.  相似文献   

Experiments in which single molecules of RNA and DNA are stretched, and the resulting force as a function of extension is measured have yielded new information about the physical, chemical and biological properties of these important molecules. The behavior of both single-stranded and double-stranded nucleic acids under changing solution conditions, such as ionic strength, pH and temperature, has been studied in detail. There has also been progress in using these techniques to study both the kinetics and equilibrium thermodynamics of DNA-protein interactions. These studies generate unique insights into the functions of these proteins in the cell.  相似文献   

Hyaluronan (HA) is a major component of the extracellular matrix. It plays an important role in the mechanical functions of the extracellular matrix and stabilization of cells. Currently, its mechanical properties have been investigated only at the gross level. In this study, the mechanical properties of single HA molecules were directly measured with an optical tweezer technique, yielding a persistence length of 4.5 +/- 1.2 nm. This information may help us to understand the mechanical roles in the extracellular matrix infrastructure, cell attachment, and to design tissue engineering and drug delivery systems where the mechanical functions of HA are essential.  相似文献   

DNA electrostatic character is mostly determined by both water and counterions activities in the phosphate backbone, which together with base sequence, further confer its higher order structure. The authors overstretch individual double-stranded DNA molecules in water-ethanol solutions to investigate the modulation of its mechanical stability by hydration and polycations. The authors found that DNA denatures as ethanol concentration is increased and spermine concentration decreased. This is manifested by an increase in melting hysteresis between the stretch and release curves, with sharp transition at 10% ethanol and reentrant behavior at 60%, by a loss of cooperativity in the overstretching transition and by a dramatic decrease of both the persistence length and the flexural rigidity. Changes in base-stacking stability which are characteristic of the B-A transition between 70 and 80% ethanol concentration do not manifest in the mechanical properties of the double-helical molecule at low or high force or in the behavior of the overstretching and melting transitions within this ethanol concentration range. This is consistent with a mechanism in which A-type base-stacking is unstable in the presence of tension. Binding of motor proteins to DNA locally reduces the number of water molecules and therefore, our results may shed light on analogous reduced-water activity of DNA conditions caused by other molecules, which interact with DNA in vivo.  相似文献   

Structural properties of single λ DNA treated with anti-cancer drug cisplatin were studied with magnetic tweezers and AFM. Under the effect of low-concentration cisplatin, the DNA became more flexible, with the persistence length decreased significantly from ~52 to 15 nm. At a high drug concentration, a DNA condensation phenomenon was observed. Based on experimental results from both single-molecule and AFM studies, we propose a model to explain this kind of DNA condensation by cisplatin: first, di-adducts induce local distortions of DNA. Next, micro-loops of ~20 nm appear through distant crosslinks. Then, large aggregates are formed through further crosslinks. Finally, DNA is condensed into a compact globule. Experiments with Pt(dach)Cl2 indicate that oxaliplatin may modify the DNA structures in the same way as cisplatin. The observed loop structure formation of DNA may be an important feature of the effect of platinum anti-cancer drugs that are analogous to cisplatin in structure.  相似文献   

RecBCD is a processive, DNA-based motor enzyme with both helicase and nuclease activities. We used high-resolution optical trapping to study individual RecBCD molecules moving against applied forces up to 8 pN. Fine-scale motion was smooth down to a detection limit of 2 nm, implying a unitary step size below six basepairs (bp). Episodes of constant-velocity motion over hundreds to thousands of basepairs were punctuated by abrupt switches to a different speed or by spontaneous pauses of mean length 3 s. RecBCD occasionally reversed direction, sliding backward along DNA. Backsliding could be halted by reducing the force, after which forward motion sometimes resumed, often after a delay. Elasticity measurements showed that the DNA substrate was partially denatured during backsliding events, but reannealed concomitant with the resumption of forward movement. Our observations show that RecBCD-DNA complexes can exist in multiple, functionally distinct states that persist for many catalytic turnovers: such states may help tune enzyme activity for various biological functions.  相似文献   

Dimerized (tandemly repeated) protein was constructed, and the stretching force during the unfolding of the single protein molecule was measured using an atomic force microscope. In quasistatic measurements using normal force-distance curve measurements, each monomer unit was unfolded step by step. To elucidate the conformational state at each extension length, we measured the relax-stress response of the protein using short stroke sinusoidal movements of the sample stage. This allowed us to investigate the dynamic response of the protein repeatedly without full stretching or rupturing. Although the protein molecule responded in-phase to the applied movement in most cases, we found a novel out-of-phase response around the stretching length where the second monomer unit unfolded. Applying the spring constant measured in the quasistatic experiment, the out-of-phase response was reproduced in the simple calculation, which suggested the folding and the unfolding at the second monomer unit were taking place repeatedly during the relax-stress response measurement.  相似文献   

Protamine molecules bind to and condense DNA in the sperm of most vertebrates, packaging the sperm genome in an inactive state until it can be reactivated following fertilization. By using methods that enable the analysis of protamine binding to individual DNA molecules, we have monitored the kinetics of DNA condensation and decondensation by protamine 1 (P1) and synthetic peptides corresponding to specific segments of the bull P1 DNA binding domain. Our results show that the number of clustered arginine residues present in the DNA binding domain is the most important factor affecting the condensation and stability of the DNA-protamine complex prior to the formation of inter-protamine disulfide cross-links. The high affinity of P1 for DNA is achieved by the coordinated binding of three anchoring domains, which together in bull P1 contain 19 Arg residues. The single DNA molecule experiments show that sequences containing two or more anchoring domains have an off-rate that is at least 3 orders of magnitude slower than those containing a single domain. The use of Arg, rather than Lys residues, and the inclusion of Tyr or Phe residues in the hinge regions between anchoring domains provide additional stability to the complex.  相似文献   

Detection of single DNA molecules by multicolor quantum-dot end-labeling   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Observation of DNA–protein interactions by single molecule fluorescence microscopy is usually performed by using fluorescent DNA binding agents. However, such dyes have been shown to induce cleavage of the DNA molecule and perturb its interactions with proteins. A new method for the detection of surface-attached DNA molecules by fluorescence microscopy is introduced in this paper. Biotin- and/or digoxigenin-modified DNA fragments are covalently linked at both extremities of a DNA molecule via sequence-specific hybridization and ligation. After the modified DNA molecules have been stretched on a glass surface, their ends are visualized by multicolor fluorescence microscopy using conjugated quantum dots (QD). We demonstrate that under carefully selected conditions, the position and orientation of individual DNA molecules can be inferred with good efficiency from the QD fluorescence signals alone. This is achieved by selecting QD pairs that have the distance and direction expected for the combed DNA molecules. Direct observation of single DNA molecules in the absence of DNA staining agent opens new possibilities in the fundamental study of DNA–protein interactions. This work also documents new possibilities regarding the use of QD for nucleic acid detection and analysis.  相似文献   

Stretching or aligning DNA molecules onto a surface by means of molecular combing techniques is one of the critical steps in single DNA molecule analysis. However, many of the current studies have focused on λ-DNA, or other large DNA molecules. There are very few studies on stretching methodologies for DNA molecules generated via PCR (typically smaller than 20 kb). Here we describe a simple method of stretching DNA molecules up to 18 kb in size on a modified glass surface. The very low background fluorescence allows efficient detection of single fluorescent dye labels incorporated into the stretched DNA molecules.  相似文献   

The mechanical properties of the respiratory system are important determinants of its function and can be severely compromised in disease. The assessment of respiratory system mechanical properties is thus essential in the management of some disorders as well as in the evaluation of respiratory system adaptations in response to an acute or chronic process. Most often, lungs and chest wall are treated as a linear dynamic system that can be expressed with differential equations, allowing determination of the system’s parameters, which will reflect the mechanical properties. However, different models that encompass nonlinear characteristics and also multicompartments have been used in several approaches and most specifically in mechanically ventilated patients with acute lung injury. Additionally, the input impedance over a range of frequencies can be assessed with a convenient excitation method allowing the identification of the mechanical characteristics of the central and peripheral airways as well as lung periphery impedance. With the evolution of computational power, the airway pressure and flow can be recorded and stored for hours, and hence continuous monitoring of the respiratory system mechanical properties is already available in some mechanical ventilators. This review aims to describe some of the most frequently used models for the assessment of the respiratory system mechanical properties in both time and frequency domain.  相似文献   

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