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Root, arbuscular-mycorrhizal (AM), soil faunal (protozoa and microarthropods), and microbial responses to field exposure to CO2 for six growing seasons were measured in spring 1997 in two adjacent grassland communities. The grasslands showed contrasting root responses to CO2 enrichment: whereas root length was not affected in the sandstone grassland, it was greater in the serpentine grassland, as was specific root length. AM fungal hyphal lengths were greater in the sandstone, but were unaffected in the serpentine community. This lent support to the hypothesis that there may be a tradeoff in resource allocation to more fine roots or greater mycorrhizal extraradical hyphal length. AM root infection was greater in both communities at elevated CO2, as was the proportion of roots containing arbuscules. Our data on total hyphal lengths, culturable and active fungi, bacteria, and protozoa supported the hypothesis that the fungal food chain was more strongly stimulated than the bacterial chain. This study is one of the first to test these hypotheses in natural multi-species communities in the field. Received: 23 October 1998 / Accepted: 19 February 1999  相似文献   

The need to combine data from CO2 field experiments with climate data remains urgent, particularly because each CO2 experiment cannot run for decades to centuries. Furthermore, predictions for a given biome need to take into account differences in productivity and leaf area index (LAI) independent of CO2-derived changes. In this study, we use long-term weather records and field data from the Jasper Ridge CO2 experiment in Palo Alto, California, to model the effects of CO2 and climate variability on ecosystem water fluxes. The sandstone and serpentine grasslands at Jasper Ridge provide a range of primary productivity and LAI, with the sandstone as the more productive system. Modeled soil water availability agreed well with published observations of time-domain reflectometry in the CO2 experiment. Simulated water fluxes based on 10-year weather data (January 1985–December 1994) showed that the sandstone grassland had a much greater proportion of water movement through plants than did the serpentine; transpiration accounted for approximately 30% of annual fluxes in the sandstone and only 10% in the serpentine. Although simulated physiological and biomass changes were similar in both grasslands, the consequences of elevated CO2 were greater for the sandstone water budget. Elevated CO2 increased soil drainage by 20% in the sandstone, despite an approximately one-fifth increase in plant biomass; in the serpentine, drainage increased by <10% and soil evaporation was unchanged for the same simulated biomass change. Phenological changes, simulated by a 15-day lengthening of the growing season, had minimal impacts on the water budget. Annual variation in the timing and amount of rainfall was important for water fluxes in both grasslands. Elevated CO2 increased sandstone drainage >50 mm in seven of ten years, but the relative increase in drainage varied from 10% to 300% depending on the year. Early-season transpiration in the sandstone decreased between 26% and 41%, with elevated CO2 resulting in a simulated water savings of 54–76 mm. Even in years when precipitation was similar (e.g., 505 and 479 mm in years 3 and 4), the effect of CO2 varied dramatically. The response of grassland water budgets to CO2 depends on the productivity and structure of the grassland, the amount and timing of rainfall, and CO2-induced changes in physiology. In systems with low LAI, large physiological changes may not necessarily alter total ecosystem water budgets dramatically. Received: 11 March 1997 / Accepted: 23 September 1997  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Elevated levels of atmospheric [CO2] are likely to enhance photosynthesis and plant growth, which, in turn, should result in increased specific and whole-plant respiration rates. However, a large body of literature has shown that specific respiration rates of plant tissues are often reduced when plants are exposed to, or grown at, high [CO2] due to direct effects on enzymes and indirect effects derived from changes in the plant's chemical composition. SCOPE: Although measurement artefacts may have affected some of the previously reported effects of CO2 on respiration rates, the direction and magnitude for the effects of elevated [CO2] on plant respiration may largely depend on the vertical scale (from enzymes to ecosystems) at which measurements are taken. In this review, the effects of elevated [CO2] from cells to ecosystems are presented within the context of the enzymatic and physiological controls of plant respiration, the role(s) of non-phosphorylating pathways, and possible effects associated with plant size. CONCLUSIONS: Contrary to what was previously thought, specific respiration rates are generally not reduced when plants are grown at elevated [CO2]. However, whole ecosystem studies show that canopy respiration does not increase proportionally to increases in biomass in response to elevated [CO2], although a larger proportion of respiration takes place in the root system. Fundamental information is still lacking on how respiration and the processes supported by it are physiologically controlled, thereby preventing sound interpretations of what seem to be species-specific responses of respiration to elevated [CO2]. Therefore the role of plant respiration in augmenting the sink capacity of terrestrial ecosystems is still uncertain.  相似文献   

Five co-occurring plant species from an annual mediterranean grassland were grown in monoculture for 4 months in pots inside open-top chambers at the Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve (San Mateo County, California). The plants were exposed to elevated atmospheric CO2 and soil nutrient enrichment in a complete factorial experiment. The response of root-inhabiting non-mycorrhizal and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to the altered resource base depended strongly on the plant species. Elevated CO2 and fertilization altered the ratio of non-mycorrhizal to mycorrhizal fungal colonization for some plant species, but not for others. Percent root infection by non-mycorrhizal fungi increased by over 500% for Linanthus parviflorus in elevated CO2, but decreased by over 80% for Bromus hordeaceus. By contrast, the mean percent infection by mycorrhizal fungi increased in response to elevated CO2 for all species, but significantly only for Avena barbata and B. hordeaceus. Percent infection by mycorrhizal fungi increased, decreased, or remained unchanged for different plant hosts in response to fertilization. There was evidence of a strong interaction between the two treatments for some plant species and non-mycorrhizal and mycorrhizal fungi. This study demonstrated plant species- and soil fertility-dependent shifts in below-ground plant resource allocation to different morpho-groups of fungal symbionts. This may have consequences for plant community responses to elevated CO2 in this California grassland ecosystem. Received: 2 June 1997 / Accepted: 22 August 1997  相似文献   

Indirect effects of atmospheric CO2 concentration [CO2], onlongleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) foliage respiration werestudied by growing trees in a factorial arrangement of low andhigh [CO2] (369 and 729µmol CO2 mol–1) and low andhigh N (40 and 400 kg ha–1 yr–1). Direct effectsof [CO2] on leaf respiration were tested by measuring respirationrates of foliage from all treatments at two CO2 levels (360and 720µmol CO2mol–1) at the time of measurement.Elevated CO2 did not directly or indirectly affect leaf respirationwhen expressed on a leaf area or mass basis, but a significantincrease in respiration per unit leaf N was observed in treesgrown in elevated [CO2] (indirect response to elevated [CO2]).The lack of a [CO2] effect on respiration, when analysed onan area or mass basis, may have resulted from combined effectsof [CO2] on factors that increase respiration (e.g. greateravailability of non-structural carbohydrates stimulating growthand carbon export from leaves) and on factors that decreaserespiration (e.g. lower N concentration leading to lower constructioncosts and maintenance requirements). Thus, [CO2] affected factorsthat influence respiration, but in opposing ways. Key words: Pinus palustris, elevated CO2, nitrogen, foliar, respiration  相似文献   

We previously used dual stable isotope techniques to partition soil CO2 efflux into three source components (rhizosphere respiration, litter decomposition, and soil organic matter (SOM) oxidation) using experimental chambers planted with Douglas-fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco] seedlings. The components responded differently to elevated CO2 (ambient + 200 mol mol–1) and elevated temperature (ambient + 4 °C) treatments during the first year. Rhizosphere respiration increased most under elevated CO2, and SOM oxidation increased most under elevated temperature. However, many studies show that plants and soil processes can respond to altered climates in a transient way. Herein, we extend our analysis to 2 years to evaluate the stability of the responses of the source components. Total soil CO2 efflux increased significantly under elevated CO2 and elevated temperature in both years (1994 and 1995), but the enhancement was much less in 1995. Rhizosphere respiration increased less under elevated temperature in 1995 compared with 1994. Litter decomposition also tended to increase comparatively less in 1995 under elevated CO2, but was unresponsive to elevated temperature between years. In contrast, SOM oxidation was similar under elevated CO2 in the 2 years. Less SOM oxidation occurred under elevated temperature in 1995 compared with 1994. Our results indicate that temporal variations can occur in CO2 production by the sources. The variations likely involve responses to antecedent physical disruption of the soil and physiological processes.  相似文献   

Flowering time and elevated atmospheric CO2   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Flowering is a critical milestone in the life cycle of plants, and changes in the timing of flowering may alter processes at the species, community and ecosystem levels. Therefore understanding flowering-time responses to global change drivers, such as elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations, [CO(2)], is necessary to predict the impacts of global change on natural and agricultural ecosystems. Here we summarize the results of 60 studies reporting flowering-time responses (defined as the time to first visible flower) of both crop and wild species at elevated [CO(2)]. These studies suggest that elevated [CO(2)] will influence flowering time in the future. In addition, interactions between elevated [CO(2)] and other global change factors may further complicate our ability to predict changes in flowering time. One approach to overcoming this problem is to elucidate the primary mechanisms that control flowering-time responses to elevated [CO(2)]. Unfortunately, the mechanisms controlling these responses are not known. However, past work has indicated that carbon metabolism exerts partial control on flowering time, and therefore may be involved in elevated [CO(2)]-induced changes in flowering time. This review also indicates the need for more studies addressing the effects of global change drivers on developmental processes in plants.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizae, ubiquitous mutualistic symbioses between plant roots and fungi in the order Glomales, are believed to be important controllers of plant responses to global change, in particular to elevated atmospheric CO2. In order to test if any effects on the symbiosis can persist after long-term treatment, we examined root colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) and other fungi of several plant species from two grassland communities after continuous exposure to elevated atmospheric CO2 for six growing seasons in the field. For plant species from both a sandstone and a serpentine annual grassland there was evidence for changes in fungal root colonization, with changes occurring as a function of plant host species. We documented decreases in percentage nonmycorrhizal fungal root colonization in elevated CO2 for several plant species. Total AM root colonization (%) only increased significantly for one out of the five plant species in each grassland. However, when dividing AM fungal hyphae into two groups of hyphae (fine endophyte and coarse endophyte), we could document significant responses of AM fungi that were hidden when only total percentage colonization was measured. We also documented changes in elevated CO2 in the percentage of root colonized by both AM hyphal types simultaneously. Our results demonstrate that changes in fungal root colonization can occur after long-term CO2 enrichment, and that the level of resolution of the study of AM fungal responses may have to be increased to uncover significant changes to the CO2 treatment. This study is also one of the first to document compositional changes in the AM fungi colonizing roots of plants grown in elevated CO2. Although it is difficult to relate the structural data directly to functional changes, possible implications of the observed changes for plant communities are discussed.  相似文献   

In nitrogen (N)-limited systems, the response of symbiotic N fixation to elevated atmospheric [CO2] may be an important determinant of ecosystem responses to this global change. Experimental tests of the effects of elevated [CO2] have not been consistent. Although rarely tested, differences among legume species and N supply may be important. In a field free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiment, we determined, for four legume species, whether the effects of elevated atmospheric [CO2] on symbiotic N fixation depended on soil N availability or species identity. Natural abundance and pool-dilution 15N methods were used to estimate N fixation. Although N addition did, in general, decrease N fixation, contrary to theoretical predictions, elevated [CO2] did not universally increase N fixation. Rather, the effect of elevated [CO2] on N fixation was positive, neutral or negative, depending on the species and N addition. Our results suggest that legume species identity and N supply are critical factors in determining symbiotic N-fixation responses to increased atmospheric [CO2].  相似文献   

Soil microbial response in tallgrass prairie to elevated CO2   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Terrestrial responses to increasing atmospheric CO2 are important to the global carbon budget. Increased plant production under elevated CO2 is expected to increase soil C which may induce N limitations. The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of increased CO2 on 1) the amount of carbon and nitrogen stored in soil organic matter and microbial biomass and 2) soil microbial activity. A tallgrass prairie ecosystem was exposed to ambient and twice-ambient CO2 concentrations in open-top chambers in the field from 1989 to 1992 and compared to unchambered ambient CO2 during the entire growing season. During 1990 and 1991, N fertilizer was included as a treatment. The soil microbial response to CO2 was measured during 1991 and 1992. Soil organic C and N were not significantly affected by enriched atmospheric CO2. The response of microbial biomass to CO2 enrichment was dependent upon soil water conditions. In 1991, a dry year, CO2 enrichment significantly increased microbial biomass C and N. In 1992, a wet year, microbial biomass C and N were unaffected by the CO2 treatments. Added N increased microbial C and N under CO2 enrichment. Microbial activity was consistently greater under CO2 enrichment because of better soil water conditions. Added N stimulated microbial activity under CO2 enrichment. Increased microbial N with CO2 enrichment may indicate plant production could be limited by N availability. The soil system also could compensate for the limited N by increasing the labile pool to support increased plant production with elevated atmospheric CO2. Longer-term studies are needed to determine how tallgrass prairie will respond to increased C input.  相似文献   

Plant responses to elevated CO2 concentrations ([CO2]) may be regulated by both accelerated ontogeny and allocational changes as plants grow. However, isolating ontogeny‐related effects from age‐related effects are difficult because these factors are often confounded. In this study, the roles of age and ontogeny in photosynthetic responses to elevated [CO2] were examined on Xanthium strumarium L. grown at ambient (365 µmol mol?1) and elevated (730 µmol mol?1) [CO2]. To examine age‐related effects, six cohorts were planted at 5‐day intervals. To examine ontogeny‐related effects, all plants were induced to flower at the same time; ontogeny in Xanthium is relatively unaffected by growth in elevated [CO2]. Growth in elevated [CO2] increased net photosynthetic rates by approximately 30% throughout vegetative growth (i.e. active carbohydrate sinks), approximately 10% during flowering (i.e. minimal sink activity), and approximately 20% during fruit production (i.e. active sinks). At the harvest, the ratio of source to sink tissue significantly decreased with increasing plant age and was correlated with leaf soluble sugar concentration. Leaf soluble sugar concentration was negatively correlated with the relative photosynthetic response to elevated [CO2]. These results suggest that age and ontogeny independently affect photosynthetic responses to elevated [CO2] and the effects are mediated by reversible changes in source : sink balance.  相似文献   

Among the most promising approaches of long‐term atmospheric CO2 sequestration is terrestrial biogeochemical carbon sequestration. One of the most promising terrestrial biogeochemical carbon sequestration mechanisms is the occlusion of carbon within phytoliths, the silicified features that deposit within plant tissues. Using phytolith content‐biogenic silica content transfer function obtained from our investigation, in combination with published silica content and above‐ground net primary productivity (ANPP) data of China's grasslands, we estimated the production of phytoliths and phytolith‐occluded carbon (PhytOC) in grasslands. The results show that the average above‐ground phytolith production rates of China's grasslands (10.9 106 t yr?1 or 1.45% of world grasslands) are much lower than those of other grasslands (e.g. North American nonwoody grasslands) mainly because of much lower ANPP. Assuming a median content of PhytOC of 1.5%, the average above‐ground PhytOC production rates of China's grasslands and world grasslands are estimated to be 0.6 106 t CO2 yr?1 and 41.4 106 t CO2 yr?1, respectively. The management of grasslands to maximize ANPP has the potential to result in considerable quantities of phytoliths and securely bio‐sequestered carbon.  相似文献   

Optimal nitrogen allocation controls tree responses to elevated CO2   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite the abundance of experimental data, understanding of forest responses to elevated CO2 is limited. Here I show that a key to previously unexplained production and leaf area responses lies in the interplay between whole-plant nitrogen (N) allocation and leaf photosynthesis. A simple tree growth model, controlled by net growth maximization through optimization of leaf area index (LAI) and plant N, is used to analyse CO2 responses in both young, expanding and closed, steady-state canopies. The responses are sensitive to only two independent parameters, the photosynthetic capacity per leaf N (a) and the fine-root N:leaf N ratio. The model explains observed CO2 responses of photosynthesis, production and LAI in four forest free air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiments. Insensitivity of LAI except at low LAI, increase in light-use efficiency, and photosynthetic down-regulation (as a result of reduced leaf N per area) at elevated CO2 are all explained through the combined effects on a and leaf quantum efficiency. The model bridges the gap between the understanding of leaf-level and plant-level responses and provides a transparent framework for interpreting and linking structural (LAI) and functional (net primary production (NPP):gross primary production (GPP) ratio, light-use efficiency, photosynthetic down-regulation) responses to elevated CO2.  相似文献   

Atmospheric CO2 enrichment may stimulate plant growth directly through (1) enhanced photosynthesis or indirectly, through (2) reduced plant water consumption and hence slower soil moisture depletion, or the combination of both. Herein we describe gas exchange, plant biomass and species responses of five native or semi-native temperate and Mediterranean grasslands and three semi-arid systems to CO2 enrichment, with an emphasis on water relations. Increasing CO2 led to decreased leaf conductance for water vapor, improved plant water status, altered seasonal evapotranspiration dynamics, and in most cases, periodic increases in soil water content. The extent, timing and duration of these responses varied among ecosystems, species and years. Across the grasslands of the Kansas tallgrass prairie, Colorado shortgrass steppe and Swiss calcareous grassland, increases in aboveground biomass from CO2 enrichment were relatively greater in dry years. In contrast, CO2-induced aboveground biomass increases in the Texas C3/C4 grassland and the New Zealand pasture seemed little or only marginally influenced by yearly variation in soil water, while plant growth in the Mojave Desert was stimulated by CO2 in a relatively wet year. Mediterranean grasslands sometimes failed to respond to CO2-related increased late-season water, whereas semiarid Negev grassland assemblages profited. Vegetative and reproductive responses to CO2 were highly varied among species and ecosystems, and did not generally follow any predictable pattern in regard to functional groups. Results suggest that the indirect effects of CO2 on plant and soil water relations may contribute substantially to experimentally induced CO2-effects, and also reflect local humidity conditions. For landscape scale predictions, this analysis calls for a clear distinction between biomass responses due to direct CO2 effects on photosynthesis and those indirect CO2 effects via soil moisture as documented here.  相似文献   

We tested the hypotheses that increased belowground allocation of carbon by hybrid poplar saplings grown under elevated atmospheric CO2 would increase mass or turnover of soil biota in bulk but not in rhizosphere soil. Hybrid poplar saplings (Populus×euramericana cv. Eugenei) were grown for 5 months in open-bottom root boxes at the University of Michigan Biological Station in northern, lower Michigan. The experimental design was a randomized-block design with factorial combinations of high or low soil N and ambient (34 Pa) or elevated (69 Pa) CO2 in five blocks. Rhizosphere microbial biomass carbon was 1.7 times greater in high-than in low-N soil, and did not respond to elevated CO2. The density of protozoa did not respond to soil N but increased marginally (P < 0.06) under elevated CO2. Only in high-N soil did arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and microarthropods respond to CO2. In high-N soil, arbuscular mycorrhizal root mass was twice as great, and extramatrical hyphae were 11% longer in elevated than in ambient CO2 treatments. Microarthropod density and activity were determined in situ using minirhizotrons. Microarthropod density did not change in response to elevated CO2, but in high-N soil, microarthropods were more strongly associated with fine roots under elevated than ambient treatments. Overall, in contrast to the hypotheses, the strongest response to elevated atmospheric CO2 was in the rhizosphere where (1) unchanged microbial biomass and greater numbers of protozoa (P < 0.06) suggested faster bacterial turnover, (2) arbuscular mycorrhizal root length increased, and (3) the number of microarthropods observed on fine roots rose. Received: 18 March 1997 / Accepted: 5 August 1997  相似文献   

Elevated atmospheric CO2 generally enhances plant growth, but the magnitude of the effects depend, in part, on nutrient availability and plant photosynthetic pathway. Due to their pivotal role in nutrient cycling, changes in abundance of detritivores could influence the effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on essential ecosystem processes, such as decomposition and primary production. We conducted a field survey and a microcosm experiment to test the influence of changes in detritus‐based food chains on litter mass loss and plant growth response to elevated atmospheric CO2 using two wetland plants: a C3 sedge (Scirpus olneyi) and a C4 grass (Spartina patens). Our field study revealed that organism's sensitivity to climate increased with trophic level resulting in strong inter‐annual variation in detritus‐based food chain length. Our microcosm experiment demonstrated that increased detritivore abundance could not only enhance decomposition rates, but also enhance plant growth of S. olneyi in elevated atmospheric CO2 conditions. In contrast, we found no evidence that changes in the detritus‐based food chains influenced the growth of S. patens. Considered together, these results emphasize the importance of approaches that unite traditionally subdivided food web compartments and plant physiological processes to understand inter‐annual variation in plant production response to elevated atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   

Root structure parameters, root biomass and allometric relationships between above- and belowground biomass were investigated in young Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) trees cultivated inside the glass domes with ambient (AC, 375 μmol(CO2) mol?1) and elevated (EC, A + 375 μmol(CO2) mol?1) atmospheric CO2 concentrations ([CO2]). After 8 years of fumigation, a mean EC tree in comparison with AC one exhibited about 37 % higher belowground biomass. The growth of primary root structure was unaffected by elevated [CO2]; however, the biomass of secondary roots growing on the primary root structure and the biomass of secondary roots growing in the zone between the soil surface and the first primary root ramification were significantly higher in EC comparing with AC treatment about 58 and 70 %, respectively. The finest root’s (diameter up to 1 mm) biomass as well as length and surface area of both primary and secondary root structures showed the highest difference between the treatments; advancing EC to AC by 43 % on average. Therefore, Norway spruce trees cultivated under well-watered and rather nitrogen-poor soil conditions responded to the air elevated [CO2] environment by the enhancement of the secondary root structure increment, by enlargement of root length and root absorbing area, and also by alternation of root to aboveground organ biomass proportion. Higher root to leaf and root to stem basal area ratios could be beneficial for Norway spruce trees to survive periods with limited soil water availability.  相似文献   

There is, so far, no common conclusion about photosynthetic responses of trees to long-term exposure to elevated CO2. Photosynthesis and specific leaf area (SLA) of 1-year-old and current-year needles in Pinus koraiensis and P. sylvestriformis grown in open-top chambers were measured monthly for consecutive two growing seasons (2006, 2007) after 8–9 years of CO2 enrichment in northeastern China, to better understand species-specific and needle age-related responses to elevated CO2 (500 μmol mol−1 CO2). The light-saturated photosynthetic rates (P Nsat) increased in both species at elevated CO2, but the stimulation magnitude varied with species and needle age. Photosynthetic acclimation to elevated CO2, in terms of reduced V cmax (maximum carboxylation rate) and J max (maximum electron transport rate), was found in P. koraiensis but not in P. sylvestriformis. The photosynthetic parameters (V cmax, J max, P Nsat) measured in different-aged needles within each species responded to elevated CO2 similarly, but elevated CO2 resulted in much pronounced variations of those parameters in current-year needles than in 1-year-old needles within each species. This result indicated that needle age affects the magnitude but not the patterns of photosynthetic responses to long-term CO2 enrichment. The present study indicated that different species associated with different physioecological properties responded to elevated CO2 differently. As global change and CO2 enrichment is more or less a gradual rather than an abrupt process, long-term global change experiments with different plant species are still needed to character and better predict the global change effects on terrestrial ecosystems.  相似文献   

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