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During protein synthesis, transfer RNA and messenger RNA undergo coupled translocation through the ribosome's A, P and E sites, a process catalyzed by elongation factor EF-G. Viomycin blocks translocation on bacterial ribosomes and is believed to bind at the subunit interface. Using fluorescent resonance energy transfer and chemical footprinting, we show that viomycin traps the ribosome in an intermediate state of translocation. Changes in FRET efficiency show that viomycin causes relative movement of the two ribosomal subunits indistinguishable from that induced by binding of EF-G with GDPNP. Chemical probing experiments indicate that viomycin induces formation of a hybrid-state translocation intermediate. Thus, viomycin inhibits translation through a unique mechanism, locking ribosomes in the hybrid state; the EF-G-induced 'ratcheted' state observed by cryo-EM is identical to the hybrid state; and, since translation is viomycin sensitive, the hybrid state may be present in vivo.  相似文献   

Reversible specific binding of [14C]inosine has been demonstrated in turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) buccal tissues rich in taste buds. A highly significant correlation was found for a series of nucleosides and nucleotides between their feeding stimulant activity and their ability to displace bound [14C]inosine. It is concluded that the binding of inosine is the first step in the gustatory process.  相似文献   

1. Binding of [14C] DDT by submitochondrial particles and by liposomes prepared from lipids extracted from the particles was studied by the discontinuous sucrose gradient method. 2. Binding of the insecticide was a biphasic linear function of the biomembrane- and liposome-concentration with a break in the binding curve occurring at identical concentrations of phospholipid for both the biomembrane and vesicle. The biphasic binding curve is interpreted in terms of decreased availability of binding sites as a result of particle-particle interaction. 3. [14C] DDT was bound mainly by the membrane lipids and only negligible binding was detected for the delipidated membrane. 4. A 100-200-fold excess of unlabeled DDT had no effect on the binding of [14C] DDT and a 600-fold excess of unlabeled DDT reduced the binding by 20% suggesting that binding of [14C] DDT by lipids was nonspecific. 5. These results are discussed in relation to the strong inhibition by DDT of mitochondrial bioenergetics.  相似文献   

Thermophilic (55°C) anaerobic enrichment cultures were incubated with [14C-lignin]lignocellulose, [14C-polysaccharide]lignocellulose, and kraft [14C]lignin prepared from slash pine, Pinus elliottii, and 14C-labeled preparations of synthetic lignin and purified cellulose. Significant but low percentages (2 to 4%) of synthetic and natural pine lignin were recovered as labeled methane and carbon dioxide during 60-day incubations, whereas much greater percentages (13 to 23%) of kraft lignin were recovered as gaseous end products. Percentages of label recovered from lignin-labeled substrates as dissolved degradation products were approximately equal to percentages recovered as gaseous end products. High-pressure liquid chromatographic analyses of CuO oxidation products of sound and degraded pine lignin indicated that no substantial chemical modifications of the remaining lignin polymer, such as demethoxylation and dearomatization, occurred during biodegradation. The polysaccharide components of pine lignocellulose and purified cellulose were relatively rapidly mineralized to methane and carbon dioxide; 31 to 37% of the pine polysaccharides and 56 to 63% of the purified cellulose were recovered as labeled gaseous end products. An additional 10 to 20% of the polysaccharide substrates was recovered as dissolved degradation products. Overall, these results indicate that elevated temperatures can greatly enhance rates of anaerobic degradation of lignin and lignified substrates to methane and low-molecular-weight aromatic compounds.  相似文献   

[14C]GABA is taken up by rat brain synaptosomes via a high affinity, Na+-dependent process. Subsequent addition of depolarizing levels of potassium (56.2 MM) or veratridine (100 μM) stimulates the release of synaptosomal [14C]GABA by a process which is sensitive to the external concentration of divalent cations such as Ca2+, Mg2+, and Mn2+. However, the relatively smaller amount of [14C]GABA taken up by synaptosomes in the absence of Na+ is not released from synaptosomes by Ca2+ -dependent, K +-stimulation. [14C]DABA, a competitive inhibitor of synaptosomal uptake of GABA (Iversen & Johnson , 1971) is also taken up by synaptosomal fractions via a Na + -dependent process; and is subsequently released by Ca2+ -dependent, K+-stimulation. On the other hand, [14C]β-alanine, a purported blocker of glial uptake systems for GABA (Schon & Kelly , 1974) is a poor competitor of GABA uptake into synaptosomes. Comparatively small amounts of [14C] β-alanine are taken up by synaptosomes and no significant amount is released by Ca2+ -dependent, K+-stimulation. These data suggest that entry of [14C]GABA into a releasable pool requires external Na+ ions and maximal evoked release of [14C]GABA from the synaptosomal pool requires external Ca2+ ions. The GABA analogue, DABA, is apparently successful in entering the same or similar synaptosomal pool. The GABA analogue, β-alanine, is not. None of the compounds or conditions studied were found to simultaneously affect both uptake and release processes. Compounds which stimulated release (veratridine) or inhibited release (magnesium) were found to have minimal effect on synaptosomal uptake. Likewise compounds (DABA) or conditions (Na+-free medium) which inhibited uptake, had little effect on release.  相似文献   

A bacterium isolated from activated sludge formed a visible floc and also produced an exoenzyme that could bring about deflocculation. Scanning electron microscopic examination revealed that the cells were embedded in a film mesh in the floc, which disappeared after treatment with the deflocculating enzyme. Polysaccharides isolated from the floc were fractionated into three fractions by diethylaminoethyl-Sephadex A-25 column chromatography, whereas those from the free cells were fractionated into only two fractions. The missing fraction was a mucopolysaccharide composed of glucosamine, glucose, mannose, galactose, and rhamnose and was hydrolyzed to oligosaccharides by the deflocculating enzyme. The other two fractions were resistant to the enzyme. These results show that the mesh structure of the floc is dependent on a mucopolysaccharide hydrolyzed by the deflocculating enzyme.  相似文献   

Exocellular mucopolysaccharide closely related to bacterial floc formation.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A bacterium isolated from activated sludge formed a visible floc and also produced an exoenzyme that could bring about deflocculation. Scanning electron microscopic examination revealed that the cells were embedded in a film mesh in the floc, which disappeared after treatment with the deflocculating enzyme. Polysaccharides isolated from the floc were fractionated into three fractions by diethylaminoethyl-Sephadex A-25 column chromatography, whereas those from the free cells were fractionated into only two fractions. The missing fraction was a mucopolysaccharide composed of glucosamine, glucose, mannose, galactose, and rhamnose and was hydrolyzed to oligosaccharides by the deflocculating enzyme. The other two fractions were resistant to the enzyme. These results show that the mesh structure of the floc is dependent on a mucopolysaccharide hydrolyzed by the deflocculating enzyme.  相似文献   

Cultures of Fusarium roseium 'Gibbosum' on rice were treated with [14C]zearalenone, alpha[14C]zearalenol, or beta-[14C]zearalenol to determine whether a precursor-product relationship exists among these closely related fungal metabolites. Culture extracts were purified by silica gel column chromatography and fractionated by high-pressure liquid chromatography, and the level of radioactivity was determined. Within 7 days, the beta-[14C]zearalenol was converted to zearalenone, and no residual beta-[14C]zearalenol was detectable. Most of the alpha-[14C]zearalenol added was also converted into zearalenone with 14 days. In cultures treated with [14C]zearalenone, no radioactivity was noted in any other components.  相似文献   

The uptake and binding of ring-labelled [-14C]aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) by rat and hamster liver and kidney has been studied, the former species being extremely sensitive to the carcinogenic action of AFB, whereas the latter is resistant. In contrast to an earlier report (Lijinsky et al, Cancer Res., 30 (1970) 2280-2283, binding of the carcinogen to nucleic acids was far greater than that to protein. Rat liver DNA bound ten times and rRNA twenty times more carcinogen than protein. There were also differences in the amount of carcinogen bound to rat liver nucleic acids compared to those of the hamster, the latter species binding lower amounts of the carcinogen. Rat liver DNA bound four times and rRNA ten times as much AFB1 6 h after carcinogen administration whereas liver protein bound AFB1 was similar for the two species. Not only was there a difference in the amount of AFB1 bound but whereas in the rat, liver nucleic acid bound carcinogen decayed with time, no such fall was seen in the hamster, this remaining at a low level throughout the 48-h time period studied. In contrast, reaction of the carcinogen with kidney macromolecules was similar for the two species. The much higher binding of AFB1 to nucleic acids than to protein might account for the potent carcinogenicity of this compound in the rat, particularly since liver protein binding does not differ between a susceptible and a resistant species. A further important factor in determining carcinogenic sensitivity may be the removal of nucleic acid bound radioactivity with time, a possible repair process.  相似文献   

1. [14C]Acetylcholine synthesis and 14CO2 production from [U-14C]glucose has been measured in tissue prism preparations from human neocortex. 2. Electron micrographs of prisms from human and rat neocortex show that both contain intact synaptic endings with evenly-distributed vesicles and normal-appearing mitochondria, but only poorly preserved cell body structure. 3. Synthesis of [14C]acetylcholine in prisms from rat neocortex is similar to estimates for turnover in vivo. Synthesis in prisms from human neocortex is 18% of that in rat tissue and 64% of that in tissue from baboon neocortex for incubations performed in 31 mM-K+. 4. Investigations of prisms prepared from rat brains stored at 37 degrees C after death revealed that synthesis of [14C]acetylcholine in the presence of 31 mM-K+ was greatly decreased within 30 min of post-mortem incubation, whereas synthesis at 5 mM-K+ and production of 14CO2 at both K+ concentrations were only significantly affected after longer periods. Changes were similar in neocortex and striatum. Thus human autopsy material is unlikely to be suitable for use with this system. 5. Investigations using animal models suggest that [14C]acetylcholine synthesis and 14CO2 production are not affected by surgical or anaesthetic procedures. 6. Neither [14C]acetylcholine synthesis nor 14CO2 production in human prisms was significantly changed with age between 15 and 68 years. 7. Samples from patients with the dementing condition Alzheimer's disease showed a significant decrease in [14C]acetylcholine synthesis to 47% of normal samples and a significant increase of 39% in production of 14CO2.  相似文献   

Endogenous proteins of cell-free preparations of hen oviduct labeled from GDP-[14C]Man or from [Man-14C]oligosaccharide-lipid have been compared by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Under the conditions tested, a polypeptide chain of molecular weight about 25,000 was the principle acceptor for the oligosaccharide moiety of exogenous [Man-14C]oligosaccharide-lipid. The product labeled by [Man-14C]oligosaccharide-lipid appeared identical with one of three glycoproteins formed when GDP-[14C]Man was incubated with a crude membrane fraction. These three proteins (apparent molecular weight of 75,000, 55,000, and 25,000) accounted for nearly two-thirds of the [14C]mannose-labeled glycoprotein products using GDP-[14C]Man and either the crude membrane fraction or a total oviduct homogenate. Thus, all of the mannose acceptor proteins present in the oviduct homogenate appear to be membrane-bound. Analyses of the [Man-14C]glycoproteins labeled from GDP-[14C]Man in membrane fractions from hen kidney, liver, brain, and oviduct indicated that a labeled polypeptide of apparent molecular weight 25,000 was the only major protein product common to the four preparations.  相似文献   

Cultures of Fusarium roseium 'Gibbosum' on rice were treated with [14C]zearalenone, alpha[14C]zearalenol, or beta-[14C]zearalenol to determine whether a precursor-product relationship exists among these closely related fungal metabolites. Culture extracts were purified by silica gel column chromatography and fractionated by high-pressure liquid chromatography, and the level of radioactivity was determined. Within 7 days, the beta-[14C]zearalenol was converted to zearalenone, and no residual beta-[14C]zearalenol was detectable. Most of the alpha-[14C]zearalenol added was also converted into zearalenone with 14 days. In cultures treated with [14C]zearalenone, no radioactivity was noted in any other components.  相似文献   

Female rats were injected i.v. with comparable trace amounts of [U-14C] glycerol, [2-3H] glycerol, [U-14C] glucose, or [1-14C] palmitate, and killed 30 min afterwards. The radioactivity remaining in plasma at that time was maximal in animals receiving [U-14C] glucose while the appearance of radioactive lipids was higher in the [U-14C] glycerol animals than in other groups receiving hydrosoluble substrates. The carcass, more than the liver, was the tissue where the greatest proportion of radioactivity was recovered, while the greatest percentage of radioactivity appeared in the liver in the form of lipids. The values of total radioactivity found in different tissues were very similar when using either labelled glucose or glycerol but the amount recovered as lipids was much greater in the latter. The maximal proportion of radioactive lipids appeared in the fatty-acid form in the liver, carcass, and lumbar fat pads when using [U-14C] glycerol as a hydrosoluble substrate, and the highest lipidic fraction appeared in adipose tissue as labelled, esterified fatty acids. In the spleen, heart, and kidney, most of the lipidic radioactivity from any of the hydrosoluble substrates appeared as glyceride glycerol. The highest proportion of radioactivity from [1-14C] palmitate appeared in the esterified fatty acid in adipose tissue, being followed in decreasing proportion by the heart, carcass, liver, kidney, and spleen. Thus at least in part, both labelled glucose and glycerol are used throughout different routes for their conversion in vivo to lipids. A certain proportion of glycerol is directly utilized by adipose tissue. The fatty acids esterification ability differs among the tissues and does not correspond directly with the reported activities of glycerokinase, suggesting that the alpha-glycerophosphate for esterification comes mainly from glucose and not from glycerol.  相似文献   

Addition of [1-14C]acetate or [1,2-14C]acetate to actively growing cultures of Fusarium roseum 'Gibbosum' on rice yielded zearalenone with a specific activity ranging between 1.63 and 46.5 microCi/mmol.  相似文献   

1. The metabolism of [1-(14)C]glyoxylate to carbon dioxide, glycine, oxalate, serine, formate and glycollate was investigated in hyperoxaluric and control subjects' kidney and liver tissue in vitro. 2. Only glycine and carbon dioxide became significantly labelled with (14)C, and this was less in the hyperoxaluric patients' kidney tissue than in the control tissue. 3. Liver did not show this difference. 4. The metabolism of [1-(14)C]glycollate was also studied in the liver tissue; glyoxylate formation was demonstrated and the formation of (14)CO(2) from this substrate was likewise unimpaired in the hyperoxaluric patients' liver tissue in these experiments. 5. Glycine was not metabolized by human kidney, liver or blood cells under the conditions used. 6. These observations show that glyoxylate metabolism by the kidney is impaired in primary hyperoxaluria.  相似文献   

The present article describes the use of the aqueous dextran-polyethylene glycol two-phase system for the study of the interactions between the bacterial ribosomes and some antibiotics like streptomycin, chloramphenicol, tobramycin, and tetracycline. As compared to other methods, such as equilibrium dialysis, this simple technique appears to be a particularly suitable and rapid one.  相似文献   

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