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Ludlow (Silurian) Chitinozoa are described from the lower part of GSSP “Na Po?árech” (Prague Basin, Barrandian area, Czech Republic). Two chitinozoan biozones — Angochitina elongata and Eisenackitina barrandei are established.  相似文献   

The Lampertice Member in the ?aclé? coalfield represents the long-term coal-bearing deposition of nearly all Upper Bashkitian (Namurian to Ducmantian). Nearly the whole thickness, more than 600 m was revealed during the construction of the Jan pit of the Jan ?verma coal mine during 1958–1962. Z. Rieger collected stratigraphically determined plant remains for later evaluation and he also sampled individual coal seams. The plant material was evaluated again and four coal samples were macerated for cuticles to expand our knowledge of ?aclé? flora. The following local biozones are valid for the Lampertice Member. The Namutian (Yeadonian) Mariopteris glabra Zone lasts from the basal coal-barren rocks till lower coal seam 17 (there are 24 lower coal seams). The Langsettian is crowed by the LAD of Neuralethopteris schlehanii (Stur) Laveine at upper coal seam 20 (there are 32 upper coal seams). The Langsettian can be divided into the upper and lower parts by FAD of Lonchopteris Brongniart at about lower coal seam 8. The Upper Duckmantian is defined by the FAD of Linopteris neuropteroides Gutbier forma major Potonié from about upper coal seam 11 upwards. The results of cuticular analysis are as follows: Undeterminable cuticles with polygonal or tetragonal, randomly or parallel oriented cells dominate. Such cuticles predominantly belong to seeds. Cordaitalean cuticles are common in three of four samples. They are assigned to the genera Cordaites Unger, Cordaadaxicutis ?im?nek et Florjan, and Cordaabaxicutis ?im?nek et Florjan. Pteridosperm cuticles are very rare—Silesiacutis prosenchymatica Roselt et Schneider and undetermined cuticles with probably neuropterid cyclopterid affinity.  相似文献   

Two new wood types from the Late Cenozoic of the Ituzaingó Formation, La Plata Basin, Northeast Argentina add to our knowledge of South American Cenozoic plants. The materials were preserved by siliceous cellular permineralization, and they were prepared for microscopic examination by surface polishing and in thin sections. The anatomy of these new species was described. The relationship and comparison with the nearest living relatives (NLRs) are discussed. Maytenoxylon perforatum Franco gen. and sp. nov. is described as the first fossil wood referable to Celastraceae from South America. This new fossil species is related to extant Maytenus Molina. The other fossil twig, Ruprechtioxylon breae Franco sp. nov., has features of the Polygonaceae family and particularly resembles the extant specie Ruprechtia laxiflora Meisn. The occurrence of these fossil woods in south-eastern South America suggests that a relatively warm and dry to seasonally dry climate prevailed over this region of Gondwana during the Upper Cenozoic. It also provides new evidence for the hypothesis of the more wide distribution of Seasonally Dry Tropical Forest (SDTF) during the Upper Cenozoic.  相似文献   

A new species of gobioid fish Pirskenius Obrhelová, 1961 (P. radoni sp. nov.) is described from Oligocene strata of the ?eské St?edoho?í Mountains and compared with related species. The new species is characterized by a unique combination of characters that allow it to be separated from P. diatomaceus Obrhelová, 1961. The taxonomic position of the genus Pirskenius is discussed, and its affinity to the family Eleotridae is indicated. The new record documents, together with P. diatomaceus, the oldest known skeletal record of the Eleotridae.  相似文献   

A 50-m-thick section in the Po?áry quarry, Prague Syncline (Czech Republic) spanning the upper Silurian (uppermost Ludlow and P?ídolí) to the lowermost Devonian (Lochkovian) has been studied using sedimentological and physical stratigraphical (gamma-ray spectrometry) methods combined with conodont biostratigraphy. Conodont data demonstrate the presence of local conodont biozones: “Ozarkodina” crispa (uppermost Ludlow)—Zieglerodina zellmeri (base of P?ídolí)—Zieglerodina ivochlupaciDelotaxis detorta—“Ozarkodina” eosteinhornensis s.s.—Zieglerodina klonkensisIcriodus hesperius-optima (lowermost Lochkovian). The studied section represents a transgressive–regressive facies succession characterized by a transition from distal calciturbidites deposited in a distally steepened carbonate platform during transgression and sea-level highstand (crispa to lower ivochlupaci zones) to mixed calciturbidites/coarse-grained bioclastic limestones (falling-stage systems tract, upper ivochlupaci to lower klonkensis zones). The upper part of the succession consists of bioclastic limestones corresponding to a subtidal setting between storm-wave and fair-weather wave base (lowstand systems tract in upper klonkensis and hesperius-optima zones). This interpretation corresponds to the late Silurian global sea-level pattern as recorded in other regions. Thus the depositional system is interpreted as mostly driven by eustasy with short-lived periods of influence from local tectonics.  相似文献   


New insects are described from the Middle Permian (Guadalupian) of Salagou Formation in the Lodève Basin (Languedoc region, France). Palaeopterans are represented by new odonatopterans viz. Huangiopterum lodevense n. gen., n. sp. and Huangiopterum species B, attributed to clade Panodonata (Huangiopteridae n. fam.), already recorded through the family Saxonagrionidae in the same formation, and a diaphanopterodean Martynovia cf. halli Beckemeyer 2004 (Martynoviidae) known from the Lower Permian of Oklahoma. Archaeorthopterans are supplemented by Bethouxia ariegensis n. gen., n. sp., Paralongzhua elongata n. gen., n. sp., Lodevolongzhua incompleta n. gen., n. sp., the caloneurodean Jarmiloptera mouralensis n. gen., n. sp., and a cnemidolestodean cf. Tococladus sp. (Tococladidae). Permophyllum rotundatum n. sp. (?Tettigoniidae) demonstrates the first presence of Orthoptera with wings probably mimicking Peltaspermales reproductive organs in Late Palaeozoic possibly analogous to the known crypsis of roachoid tegmina with pteridosperm pinnules. Frequent occurrence of hardly identifiable grylloblattid wing fragments support their significant role in term of abundance and diversity of the Permian faunas. New taxa based on wing venation pattern as Genera and species undetermined A, B (Liomopteridae), Permobaharellus salagousensis n. gen., n. sp. (family uncertain), Lodevophlebia reticulata n. gen., n. sp. (Sylvaphlebiidae), Oborella lodevensis n. sp. (Euryptilonidae), and Genus and species undetermined C, were described. Paoliida is represented by a paoliid gen. et sp. indet. and three anthracoptilids Strephocladus gandi n. sp., Strephocladus mouralensis n. sp., Lodevocladus subtilis n. gen., n. sp. The first record of miomopteran Palaeomantis sp. (Paleomanteidae) from Salagou Formation is presented. Acercarian insects are represented by the first record of Thripida and diverse new hemipterans, namely Euroscytina lutevanorum n. gen., n. sp. (Cicadomorpha: Scytinopteridae), Prosbole dio n. sp., Prosbole garrici n. sp., Pervestigia cf. veteris Becker-Migdisova 1961 (Prosbolidae), Archescytina species A (Paleorrhyncha: Archescytinidae) and Permopsyllidium lesclansis n. sp. (Sternorrhyncha: Psylloidea: Protopsyllidiidae). Entomofauna from the Salagou Formation demonstrate highly diverse insect communities with some taxa linked to early and late Permian ones known from assemblages in Euramerica and Russia, such as Obora (Czech Republic), Wellington Formation (Kansas and Oklahoma, USA), and Tshekarda (Ural, Russia).  相似文献   

Detailed anatomical study of the solute Girvanicystis batheri from the Girvan starfish bed (Ashgill) has enabled the oral partition, hydropore, gonopore and the possible opening of a branchial slit to be identified. The distal part of the alimentary tract and the stomach were located in the posterior part of the head. Structures preserved as steinkernen are interpreted as a brain and left cranial nerve. The gross anatomy of G. batheri supports the hypothesis that it was a suspension feeder. Girvanicystis batheri is characterized by large plates on the dorsal surface of the head, 20 rings of the feeding arm and a nodular median plate on the ventral surface of the head. A new species of Girvanicystis, G. casteri , is described from the Sholeshook limestone (Ashgill) of South Wales. Girvanicystis casteri is distinguished from G. batheri in that the former has narrower head, a longer feeding arm and a spine on the median plate of the ventral surface of the head. Girvanicystis batheri has characters in common with the cornute Ceratocystis perneri , namely large plates of the skeleton of the head, right and left marginal flanges, opposite dorsal fore tail plates and alternate ventral fore tail plates, which suggest that G. batheri may also be a stem chordate.  相似文献   

The Basal Chote? or jugleri Event, close above the Lower–Middle Devonian boundary, has been regarded as a minor but important eustatic transgressive event, which is characterized by significant environmental changes, faunal extinction, appearance of new forms, and maximum radiation, particularly among the goniatites. This study contributes to a more precise stratigraphic allocation of the event, and provides a reconstruction of paleoenvironmental settings in the type area of the event, the Prague Basin (Czech Republic). The beginning of a transgression is recorded already in the T?ebotov Limestone (partitus Zone, Eifelian, early Middle Devonian). The basin-wide change in the sedimentation pattern (onset of peloidal and crinoidal grainstones (calciturbidites) of the Chote? Formation) corresponding to the uppermost partitus and costatus conodont zones, base of Nowakia (Dmitriella) sulcata sulcata dacryoconarid Zone, and Pinacites jugleri goniatite Zone is interpreted here to be linked to a maximum flooding of the basin. A hypothesis of enhanced nutrient load during sedimentation of the Chote? Formation is suggested here as a triggering mechanism for intense micritization and peloid formation and prasinophyte blooms, which could be, along with a greater depositional depth, responsible for oxygen deficiency and consequent reduction of diversity and habitat tracking among benthic invertebrates.  相似文献   

Radek Vodrážka 《Ichnos》2013,20(3):199-201
The validity of the little-known ichnospecies Entobia exogyrarum (Fri?) is verified. Shells of an oyster, Rhynchostreon suborbiculatum (Lam.), represent the substrate for the sponge borings. The borings occur in many Upper Cenomanian to Middle Turonian localities of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin. This study revealed that the sponges attacked shells of living oysters. Entobia exogyrarum (Fri?) also represents one of the shallowest occurrences of Entobia borings in the Upper Cretaceous rocks.  相似文献   

One of the Europe's most complete Crocuta crocuta spelaea (Goldfuss 1823) skeletons from the Kon?prusy Caves, Bohemian Karst (Czech Republic) is an older pathological (hindlimb arthritis) and possibly smaller female individual. Few other cannibalistically scavenged hyena remains of older animals demonstrate a ‘small population’ that used the Main Dome area as a den site, which was marked well by faecal pellets. A large amount of megafauna prey was accumulated, and bones were further damaged or cracked. These hyenas hunted Przewalski horses dominantly, as has been documented all over the Bohemian Karst at several Late Pleistocene hyena den caves. The mammoth was mostly absent, instead the woolly rhinoceros was one of the meat colossi with indestructible bones also found in the Main Dome. These are the best indicators for hyena den sites identifications in general. Those massive bones found are left in repeating damaged ways and mainly as shafts and exposed best with bite marks in the bone spongiosa. Rhinoceros carcass body parts were removed by hyenas from the scavenging sites of the nearby surroundings, which they deported to the ‘prey storage den’-type site in the Main Dome area of the Kon?prusy Caves.  相似文献   

A slightly crushed but otherwise nearly complete specimen of the recently described rhombiferan echinoderm genus Vizcainoia Zamora and Smith, 2012 is documented from the “Middle” Cambrian Jince Formation of the P?íbram–Jince Basin of the Czech Republic. Isolated thecal plates, earlier determined as calyx plates of the eocrinoid Acanthocystites briareus Barrande, 1887 and/or as eocrinoid sp., occurring in diverse levels of the Jince Formation are reassigned to Dibrachicystidae gen. et sp. indet. Similarly, isolated thecal plates collected from the Buchava Formation of the Skryje–Tý?ovice Basin could be classified as Dibrachicystidae gen. et sp. indet. Specimens from the Barrandian area are the first records of the family Dibrachicystidae outside of southwestern Europe, of the family otherwise known only from the Languedocian of Montagne Noire of France and from the Caesaraugustian and Languedocian of Iberian Chains of northern Spain.  相似文献   

Multituberculate mammals are scarce in the Late Cretaceous of Europe, being recorded exclusively from the Maastrichtian terrestrial deposits of the Ha?eg and Transylvanian basins, in Romania. Moreover, they all belong to the endemic and primitive cimolodontan family Kogaionidae. Here, we report multituberculate teeth originating from the Maastrichtian fluviatile sediments of the Rusca Montan? Basin (Occidental Carpathians, Poiana Rusc? Mountains). This is the westernmost occurrence of these Cretaceous mammals in Romania. These teeth are assigned to Barbatodon oardaensis, the smallest Cretaceous kogaionid species. This study presents the first occurrence of this species outside the Metaliferi sedimentary area (southwestern Transylvania, Romania). The distribution of Romanian Maastrichtian kogaionids is also discussed.  相似文献   

Invasive species belong to the main threats to dry grassland biodiversity. That́s why nature conservation managers seek the best ways to remove them and to support the restoration process of original natural habitats. We studied the effect of clear-cutting of invasive black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) on the recovery of former species rich dry grassland vegetation. Ten permanent plots where R. pseudoacacia was cut down were long-term monitored in nature reserves protecting dry grasslands. The representation of dry grassland plants has been increased four times and the representation of synanthropic plants has been decreased two times during 40 years of succession even though R. pseudoacacia still relatively successfully resisted eradication efforts. During the succession after R. pseudoacacia cutting down, the Ellenberg indicator values for nutrients have decreased significantly, but no decrease in the nitrate content of the soil was observed. The long-term monitoring revealed that the restoration of dry grasslands invaded by R. pseudoacacia is possible but very time consuming.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2002,1(3):161-166
A fossil angiosperm wood is described for the first time from the famous Early Miocene locality of Bı́lina. It represents a fossil elm wood, attributed to Ulmoxylon marchesonii Biondi. The fossil wood can be compared to extant North American soft elms, also to Ulmus macrocarpa Hance and U. parvifolia Jacq. from China or to the European common elm U. carpinifolia Gled. The wood together with fossil leaves/fruits of Ulmus pyramidalis Goeppert forms a single natural fossil species that lived in the Bı́lina area during the Early Miocene. The influence of two types of preservation, permineralised and xylitic, on the same wood species is also discussed. To cite this article: J. Sakala, C. R. Palevol 1 (2002) 161–166.  相似文献   

Selachian teeth obtained from trial samples of the Bosenberg quarry near Vorhelm (Beckumer Beds; lower Upper Campanian) and from outcrops along the Hamelbach brook near Stromberg/Oelde (Stromberger Beds; upper Lower Campanian) are presented. Both sites are located in the central southeast of the Münsterland Cretaceous Basin. Fifteen different taxa were identified but only seven could be assigned to a known species. Compared with other taxa the fauna is clearly dominated by squaliform selachians in terms of the number of species and number of specimens. The mixture of selachians presumed to inhabit both deep and shallow waters corresponds with typical taphonomic assemblages of turbiditic deposits and fits very well with the geological setting of the sampled locations.  相似文献   

The macaque fossils, including mandible fragments, were discovered for the first time from the Taedong River Basin around Pyongyang (TRBP) (the Chongphadae Cave, Hwangju County; the Taehung Cave, Sangwon County; the Maeri Cave, Sungho County), the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, which represent the first recognized occurrences of fossil M. mulatta in DPRK. Although the only available skull specimens are the mandible including the teeth, the materials display some mandibular and dental feature combinations that might belong to the known species of Macaca mulatta. This discovery indicates that TRBP may be the richest area of Macacina fossils and an evolutionary center for macaques in DPRK. Radiometric dating of the Chongphadae Cave sediment Layer 12 and Layer 13 yielded 34770–27800 and 24980–21340 cal yr BP respectively.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of the genus Hypostomus in the upper Rio Paraná basin presents some very complex issues. For this reason, an allozyme electrophoresis survey of 10 populations of Hypostomus from the Rio Corumbá basin was performed, revealing 25 loci from 14 enzyme systems. Allozyme data revealed diagnostic genetic markers for the four nominal species analyzed (Hypostomus ancistroides, H. iheringi, H. margaritifer, and H. regani) and for six possible undescribed species. The mean expected heterozygosity of the populations ranged from 0.009 in H. iheringi to 0.099 in Hypostomus sp. 4. The genetically most similar populations (I = 0.954) were H. iheringi and Hypostomus sp. 2; the most divergent (D = 0.839) were H. iheringi and H. ancistroides.  相似文献   

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