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Cryptococcus neoformans is a basidiomycete fungal pathogen of humans that has diverged considerably from other model fungi such as Neurospora crassa, Aspergillus nidulans, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the common human fungal pathogen Candida albicans. The recent completion of the genome sequences of two related C. neoformans strains and the ongoing genome sequencing of three other divergent Cryptococcus strains with different virulence phenotypes and environmental distributions should improve our understanding of this important pathogen. We discuss the biology of C. neoformans in light of this genomic data, with a special emphasis on the role that evolution and sexual reproduction have in the complex relationships of the fungus with the environment and the host.  相似文献   

RNA interference in the pathogenic fungus Cryptococcus neoformans   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Cryptococcus neoformans is a pathogenic fungus responsible for serious disease in immunocompromised individuals. This organism has recently been developed as an experimental system, with initiation of a genome project among other molecular advances. However, investigations of Cryptococcus are hampered by the technical difficulty of specific gene replacements. RNA interference, a process in which the presence of double-stranded RNA homologous to a gene of interest results in specific degradation of the corresponding message, may help solve this problem. We have shown that expression of double-stranded RNA corresponding to portions of the cryptococcal CAP59 and ADE2 genes results in reduced mRNA levels for those genes, with phenotypic consequences similar to that of gene disruption. The two genes could also be subjected to simultaneous interference through expression of chimeric double-stranded RNA. Specific modulation of protein expression through introduction of double-stranded RNA thus operates in C. neoformans, which is the first demonstration of this technique in a fungal organism. Use of RNA interference in Cryptococcus should allow manipulation of mRNA levels for functional analysis of genes of interest and enable efficient exploration of genes discovered by genome sequencing.  相似文献   

Melanin is a virulence factor for many pathogenic fungal species, including Cryptococcus neoformans. Melanin is deposited in the cell wall, and melanin isolated from this fungus retains the shape of the cells, resulting in hollow spheres called "ghosts". In this study, atomic force, scanning electron, and transmission electron microscopy revealed that melanin ghosts are covered with roughly spherical granular particles approximately 40-130 nm in diameter, and that the melanin is arranged in multiple concentric layers. Nuclear magnetic resonance cryoporometry indicated melanin ghosts contain pores with diameters between 1 and 4 nm, in addition to a small number of pores with diameters near 30 nm. Binding of the antibodies to melanin reduced the apparent measured volume of these pores, suggesting a mechanism for their antifungal effect. We propose a model of cryptococcal melanin structure whereby the melanin granules are held together in layers. This structural model has implications for cell division, cell wall remodeling, and antifungal drug discovery.  相似文献   

Xu J 《Genetics》2004,168(3):1177-1188
Spontaneous mutation is the ultimate source of all genetic variation. By interacting with environmental factors, genetic variation determines the phenotype and fitness of individuals in natural populations. However, except in a few model organisms, relatively little is known about the patterns of genotype-environment interactions of spontaneous mutations. Here I examine the rates of spontaneous mutation and the patterns of genotype-environment interaction of mutations affecting vegetative growth in the human fungal pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans. Eight mutation accumulation (MA) lines were established from a single clone on the nutrient-rich medium YEPD for each of two temperatures, 25 degrees and 37 degrees. Cells from generations 100, 200, 400, and 600 for each of the 16 MA lines were stored and assayed for vegetative growth rates under each of four conditions: (i) 25 degrees on SD (a synthetic dextrose minimal medium); (ii) 25 degrees on YEPD; (iii) 37 degrees on SD; and (iv) 37 degrees on YEPD. Both MA conditions and assay environments for vegetative growth showed significant influence on the estimates of genomic mutation rates, average effect per mutation, and mutational heritability. Significant genotype-environment interactions were detected among the newly accumulated spontaneous mutations. Overall, clones from MA lines maintained at 37 degrees showed less decline in vegetative fitness than those maintained at 25 degrees. The result suggests that a high-temperature environment might be very important for the maintenance of the ability to grow at a high temperature. Results from comparisons between clinical and environmental samples of C. neoformans were consistent with laboratory experimental population analyses. This study calls into question our long-standing view that warm-blooded mammals were only occasional and accidental hosts of this human fungal pathogen.  相似文献   

Cryptococcus neoformans (= Filobasidiella neoformans) is a significant emerging fungal pathogen of humans. To understand the evolution of this pathogen, 34 strains were obtained from various locations around the world and fragments of four genes were sequenced from each. These strains represented all three varieties and five serotypes. The four sequenced genes are: (i) the mitochondrial large ribosomal subunit RNA; (ii) the internal transcribed spacer region of the nuclear rRNA, including ITS1, 5.8S rRNA subunit and ITS2; (iii) orotidine monophosphate pyrophosphorylase; and (iv) diphenol oxidase. Phylogenetic analyses indicated considerable divergence among lineages, which corresponded to the current classification of C. neoformans into three varieties. However, there is no apparent phylogeographic pattern. Significant incongruences were observed among gene genealogies. The analyses indicated that the major lineages in C. neoformans diverged tens of millions of years ago but have undergone recent dispersion and hybridization.  相似文献   

Genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) play a critical role in immune recognition and are the most genetically diverse loci known. One hypothesis to explain this diversity postulates that pathogens adapt to common MHC haplotypes and thus favour selection of new or rare alleles. To determine whether the pathogenic yeast Cryptococcus neoformans adapts to MHC-dependent immune responses, it was serially passaged in two independent replicate lines of five B10 MHC-congenic strains and Balb/c mice. All passaged lines increased in virulence as measured by reduced host survival. MHC influenced the rate (trajectory) of virulence increase during passages as measured by significant differences in mortality rate (p < 0.001). However, when the post-passage strains were tested, no MHC differences in mortality rate remained and only minor differences in titres were observed. Also contrary to expectations, increased virulence in three lines passaged in B10 mice had a larger effect in Balb/c mice, and the evolution of virulence in lines passaged in alternating hosts was not retarded. To our knowledge, these data represent the first experimental test of MHC-specific adaptation in a non-viral pathogen. The failure to observe MHC effects despite dramatically increased virulence and host-genotype-specific adaptation to non-MHC genes suggests that escape of MHC-dependent immune recognition may be difficult for pathogens with unlimited epitopes or that other virulence factors can swamp MHC effects.  相似文献   

Xu J 《Genetics》2002,162(3):1157-1167
Few events have evolutionary consequences as pervasive as changes in reproductive behavior. Among those changes, the loss of the ability to undergo sexual reproduction is probably the most profound. However, little is known about the rate of loss of sex. Here I describe an experimental system using the fungus Cryptococcus neoformans and provide the first empirical estimate of the spontaneous mutation rate of loss of sex in fungi. Two critical steps in sexual reproduction in C. neoformans were examined: mating and filamentation. Mating, the fusion of cells of opposite sexes, is a universal first step in eukaryotic sexual reproduction. In contrast, filamentation, a prerequisite process preceding meiosis and sexual spore development, is restricted to C. neoformans and a few other fungal species. After approximately 600 mitotic divisions under favorable asexual growth conditions, mean abilities for mating and filamentation decreased significantly by >67 and 24%, respectively. Similarly, though statistically not significant, the mean vegetative growth rates also decreased and among the mutation accumulation lines, the vegetative growth rates were negatively correlated to the mating ability. The estimated mutation rates to decreases in mating ability and filamentation were in excess of 0.0172 and 0.0036, respectively. The results show that C. neoformans can be a highly attractive model for analyses of reproductive system evolution in fungi.  相似文献   

The major virulence factor of the pathogenic fungus Cryptococcus neoformans is an extensive polysaccharide capsule which surrounds the cell. Almost 90% of the capsule is composed of a partially acetylated linear alpha-1,3-linked mannan substituted with D-xylose and D-glucuronic acid. A novel mannosyltransferase with specificity appropriate for a role in the synthesis of this glucuronoxylomannan is active in cryptococcal membranes. This membrane-associated activity transfers mannose in vitro from GDP-mannose to an alpha-1, 3-dimannoside acceptor, forming a second alpha-1,3 linkage. Product formation by the transferase is dependent on protein, time, temperature, divalent cations, and each substrate. It is not affected by amphomycin or tunicamycin but is inhibited by GDP and mannose-1-phosphate. The described activity is not detectable in the model yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, consistent with the absence of a similar polysaccharide structure in that organism. A second mannosyltransferase from C. neoformans membranes adds mannose in alpha-1,2 linkage to the same dimannoside acceptor. The two activities differ in pH optimum and cation preference. While the alpha-1,2 transferase does not have specificity appropriate for a role in glucuronoxylomannan synthesis, it may participate in production of mannoprotein components of the capsule. This study suggests two new targets for antifungal drug discovery.  相似文献   

Most of the species of fungi that cause disease in mammals, including Cryptococcus neoformans var. grubii (serotype A), are exogenous and non-contagious. Cryptococcus neoformans var. grubii is associated worldwide with avian and arboreal habitats. This airborne, opportunistic pathogen is profoundly neurotropic and the leading cause of fungal meningitis. Patients with HIV/AIDS have been ravaged by cryptococcosis--an estimated one million new cases occur each year, and mortality approaches 50%. Using phylogenetic and population genetic analyses, we present evidence that C. neoformans var. grubii may have evolved from a diverse population in southern Africa. Our ecological studies support the hypothesis that a few of these strains acquired a new environmental reservoir, the excreta of feral pigeons (Columba livia), and were globally dispersed by the migration of birds and humans. This investigation also discovered a novel arboreal reservoir for highly diverse strains of C. neoformans var. grubii that are restricted to southern Africa, the mopane tree (Colophospermum mopane). This finding may have significant public health implications because these primal strains have optimal potential for evolution and because mopane trees contribute to the local economy as a source of timber, folkloric remedies and the edible mopane worm.  相似文献   

Environmental pathogenic fungi present a paradox in that they are virulent in animals without requiring animal hosts for replication or survival, a phenomenon we call 'ready-made' virulence. In the human pathogenic fungus Cryptococcus neoformans, the capacity for virulence in animals may originate from environmental selective pressures imposed by such organisms as amoeboid and nematode predators. Many C. neoformans virulence factors appear to have 'dual use' capabilities that confer survival advantages in both animal hosts and in the environment. The findings with C. neoformans may provide a paradigm for understanding the origin and maintenance of virulence in other pathogenic environmental fungi.  相似文献   

胡阳  姜楠  黄怡文  朱旭东 《菌物学报》2013,32(Z1):62-69
microRNAs (miRNAs)在植物和动物中大量存在,但是否在真菌中存在一直是个未解之谜.本研究组在担子菌新型隐球酵母Cryptococcus neoformans中发现了miRNA.两个miRNA,miR1和miR2,长度分别是22nt和18nt,前体是70nt,和动物miRNA相近.通过报告基因,证实miRl/2具有沉默功能.真菌miRNA的发现为研究其进化、功能等提供有用知识.  相似文献   

Cryptococcus neoformans is an important pathogenic fungus that has been classified as a basidiomycete. Little is known of the molecular genetics of this fungal pathogen. To begin such studies, we devised a procedure for extraction of DNA from cryptococci; this method involved the use of the cell wall-active enzyme NovoZym 234. Using cloned rDNA of Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a probe, we identified homologous restriction fragments in a Southern blot of digested C. neoformans DNA. An 8.6-kilobase HindIII fragment that hybridized with the yeast rDNA probe was ligated with the vector pBR322 and cloned into Escherichia coli. When the fragment was used as a probe, it hybridized to the 18S and 25S rRNAs of C. neoformans in Northern (RNA) blots of native and denatured RNA. It bound at high stringency only weakly to the rRNAs of the ascomycete S. cerevisiae. The locations of the genes for 5/5.8S, 18S, and 25S subunits in the cloned fragment were identified with labeled rRNA of these different types.  相似文献   

Melanin and virulence in Cryptococcus neoformans   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Melanin synthesis has been associated with virulence for the human pathogenic fungus Cryptococcus neoformans. Recent evidence indicates that C. neoformans cells synthesize melanin during infection and that this pigment protects the fungus against immune defense mechanisms.  相似文献   

Cryptococcus neoformans is a pathogenic fungus surrounded by an elaborate polysaccharide capsule that is strictly required for its virulence in humans and other mammals. Nearly half of the sugar residues in the capsule are derived from UDP-glucuronic acid or its metabolites. To examine the role of these nucleotide sugars in C. neoformans, the gene encoding UDP-glucose dehydrogenase was disrupted. Mass spectrometry analysis of nucleotide sugar pools showed that the resulting mutant lacked both UDP-glucuronic acid and its downstream product, UDP-xylose, thus confirming the effect of the knockout and indicating that an alternate pathway for UDP-glucuronic acid production was not used. The mutant was dramatically affected by the lack of specific sugar donors, demonstrating altered cell integrity, temperature sensitivity, lack of growth in an animal model of cryptococcosis, and morphological defects. Additionally, the polysaccharide capsule could not be detected on the mutant cells, although the possibility remains that abbreviated forms of capsule components are made, possibly without proper surface display. The capsule defect is largely independent of the other observed changes, as cells that are acapsular because of mutations in other genes show lack of virulence but do not exhibit alterations in cell integrity, temperature sensitivity, or cellular morphology. All of the observed alterations were reversed by correction of the gene disruption.  相似文献   

Sun S  Xu J 《Genetics》2007,177(3):1475-1486
Cryptococcus neoformans has two varieties, var. grubii and var. neoformans, that correspond to serotypes A and D, respectively. Molecular phylogenetic analyses suggest that these two varieties have diverged from each other for approximately 18 million years. The discovery of pathogenic serotype AD hybrid strains in nature indicates that intervariety mating in C. neoformans occurs in the natural environment. However, little is known about the genetic consequences of hybridization in C. neoformans. Here, we analyzed a hybrid population of 163 progeny from a cross between strains of serotypes A (CDC15) and D (JEC20), using 114 codominant nuclear PCR-RFLP markers and 1 direct PCR marker. These markers were distributed on all 14 chromosomes of the sequenced strain JEC21 that was isogenic to one of the parents (JEC20) in our cross. Our analyses identified that of the 163 progeny, 5 were heterozygous at all 115 loci, 1 was completely homozygous and identical to one of the parents (CDC15), and the remaining 157 each contained at least 1 heterozygous locus. Because all 163 progeny inherited mitochondria from the MATa parent JEC20, none of the progeny had a genotype identical to either of the two parents or to a composite of the two parents. All 115 nuclear loci showed three different genotypes in the progeny population, consistent with Mendelian segregation during meiosis. While the linkage analysis showed independent reassortment among loci on different linkage groups, there were significant differences in recombination frequencies among chromosomes and among regions within certain chromosomes. Overall, the linkage-map length from this hybrid cross was much shorter and the recombination frequency much lower than those constructed using serotype D strains, consistent with suppressed recombination in the intervariety cross between strains of serotypes A and D. We discuss the implications of our results in our understanding of the speciation and evolution of the C. neoformans species complex.  相似文献   

The capsule of Cryptococcus neoformans can undergo dramatic enlargement, a phenomenon associated with virulence. A prior study that used Ab to the capsule as a marker for older capsular material concluded that capsule growth involved the intermixing of new and old capsular material with displacement of older capsular polysaccharide towards the surface. Here we have revisited that question using complement (C), which binds to capsular polysaccharide covalently, and cannot redistribute by dissociation and binding at different sites. The experimental approach involved binding of C to cells with small capsules, inducing capsule growth, and following the location of C relative to the cell wall as the capsule enlarged. C remained close to the cell wall during capsule growth, indicating that capsule enlargement occurred by addition of new polysaccharide near the capsule edge. This conclusion was confirmed by an independent method that employed radioactive metabolic labelling of newly synthesized capsule with 3H-mannose followed by gradual capsular stripping with gamma-radiation. Capsule growth proceeded to a certain size, which was a function of cell size, and was not degraded when the cells were transferred to a non-inducing medium. During budding, an opening appeared in the capsule of the mother cell that permitted the nascent bud to separate. Scanning EM suggested that a physical separation formed between the capsules of the mother and daughter cells during budding, which may avoid mixture between both capsules. Our results indicate that C. neoformans capsular enlargement also occurs by apical growth and that budding results in capsular rearrangements.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic karyotype of the pathogenic yeast Cryptococcus neoformans   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
The electrokaryotype of the pathogenic yeast Cryptococcus neoformans is described for the first time. Three different patterns were seen: (a) serotypes B and C (variety gattii) are similar and consist of nine chromosome mobility groups of greater than 580 kb; (b) serotype A (variety neoformans) revealed eight chromosome-like groups greater than 700 kb; (c) serotype D (the second serotype of variety neoformans) not only differs from those described above, but each D isolate tested showed a different distribution of bands. The discrepancy, and the importance of electrokaryotyping as a taxonomic tool, are discussed.  相似文献   

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