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The coloration of species can have multiple functions, such as predator avoidance and sexual signalling, that directly affect fitness. As selection should favour traits that positively affect fitness, the genes underlying the trait should reach fixation, thereby preventing the evolution of polymorphisms. This is particularly true for aposematic species that rely on coloration as a warning signal to advertise their unprofitability to predators. Nonetheless, there are numerous examples of aposematic species showing remarkable colour polymorphisms. We examined whether colour polymorphism in the wood tiger moth is maintained by trade-offs between different functions of coloration. In Finland, males of this species have two distinct colour morphs: white and yellow. The efficacy of the warning signal of these morphs was tested by offering them to blue tits in the laboratory. Birds hesitated significantly longer to attack yellow than white males. In a field experiment, the survival of the yellow males was also higher than white males. However, mating experiments in the laboratory revealed that yellow males had lower mating success than white males. Our results offer an explanation for the maintenance of polymorphism via trade-off between survival selection and mating success.  相似文献   

Structural colors result from an interaction between light and the fine-scale physical structure of a surface, and are often extremely bright, chromatic, and iridescent. Given that these visual features depend upon the aggregate abundance and architectural precision of photonic structures, structurally colored sexual ornaments seem well placed to indicate a range of mate quality characteristics. We tested this hypothesis by investigating the signaling potential of structural coloration in the sexually dimorphic butterfly Colias eurytheme. Males of this species display iridescent ultraviolet (UV) markings (arising from multilayer thin films) that overlay a broad area of yellowish-orange pigmentation on their dorsal wing surface. Only the structural UV has demonstrated function as a sexual signal; hence we predicted that it should contain more reliable phenotypic and/or genetic quality information, which would be indicated by phenotypic and/or genetically mediated condition dependence. In two split-family breeding experiments we manipulated condition by exposing full siblings to different stressors at two different juvenile life-history stages: (1) reduced larval host-plant quality and (2) transient heat/cold shocks during metamorphosis. Both stressors had profound effects on key developmental and life-history traits. Each stressor also significantly affected male dorsal coloration; thus, the expression of both structural and pigmentary coloration is phenotypically condition dependent. As predicted, the strongest condition dependence was evident in the brightness and angular visibility (i.e., iridescence) of the UV. Characteristics of both the iridescent UV and pigmentary orange also exhibited moderate-high and significant heritability (H(2) approximately h(2) approximately 0.4-0.9). However, genetic and residual variances did not increase under stress; thus, the observed condition dependence was not genetically mediated as predicted if wing color trait signals "good" genes for the ability to either withstand or circumvent developmental stress. The heightened stress sensitivity of the iridescent UV suggests that it offers an informative lifetime indicator of juvenile environments and, henceforth, adult male phenotypic condition, which may be salient to females seeking a highly fertile and/or nutritious male ejaculate.  相似文献   

Autumn tree colours as a handicap signal.   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Many species of deciduous trees display striking colour changes in autumn. Here, we present a functional hypothesis: bright autumn coloration serves as an honest signal of defensive commitment against autumn colonizing insect pests. According to this hypothesis, individuals within a signalling species show variation in the expression of autumn coloration, with defensively committed trees producing a more intense display. Insects are expected to be averse to the brightest tree individuals and, hence, preferentially colonize the least defensive hosts. We predicted that tree species suffering greater insect damage would, on average, invest more in autumn-colour signalling than less troubled species. Here, we show that autumn coloration is stronger in species facing a high diversity of damaging specialist aphids. Aphids are likely to be an important group of signal receivers because they are choosy, damaging and use colour cues in host selection. In the light of further aspects of insect and tree biology, these results support the notion that bright autumn colours are expensive handicap signals revealing the defensive commitment of individual trees to autumn colonizing insect pests.  相似文献   

There are two major competing explanations for the counter-intuitive presence of bright coloration in certain orb-web spiders. Bright coloration could lure insect prey to the web vicinity, increasing the spider's foraging success. Alternatively, the markings could function as disruptive camouflage, making it difficult for the insect prey to distinguish spiders from background colour variation. We measured the prey capture rates of wasp spiders, Argiope bruennichi, that were blacked out, shielded from view using a leaf fragment, or left naturally coloured. Naturally coloured spiders caught over twice the number of prey as did either blacked-out or leaf-shielded spiders, and almost three times as many orthopteran prey. Spectrophotometer measurements suggest that the bright yellow bands on the spider's abdomen are visible to insect prey, but not the banding on the legs, which could disguise the spider's outline. Thus, our results provide strong support for the hypothesis that bright coloration in the wasp spider acts as a visual lure for insect prey and weak support for the hypothesis that the arrangement of the banding pattern across the spider's body disguises the presence of the spider on the web.  相似文献   

Exaggerated male-limited coloration is widespread among butterflies,yet convincing demonstrations of intraspecific mating preferencesfor signal brightness and/or chromaticity are relatively rarein this group. Here, I couple behavioral experiments involvingmanipulations of ambient light environments and male reflectancepatterns with observation of wild mating patterns to investigatevisual mating biases in the large grass yellow (Eurema hecabe).Males in this species possess exaggerated, limited-view ultraviolet(UV) iridescence across most of their dorsal wing surface thathas putative sexual signaling function. In the first experiment,conducted in small (0.7–m3) cages, individuals were significantlyless likely to copulate when the UV portion of natural ambientillumination (i.e., 300–400 nm) was strongly reduced.In 2 subsequent experiments, conducted under full-spectrum sunlightin small and large (5 x 6 x 4 m) cages, males with their UVsignal artificially dulled by 25% consistently copulated withfewer, and smaller, females than sham-control individuals. Importantly,the manipulated levels of UV brightness in these experimentsfall well within the naturally occurring bounds of variationin male UV reflectance. These findings therefore unanimouslysupport the presence of a UV signal–based female bias.In apparent contrast, comparison of 161 in-copula and 188 free-flyingmales from a high-density field assemblage revealed that copulatingmales were significantly older and henceforth actually possessed(subtly) less UV bright wings. Copulating male UV brightnesswas, however, positively related to the size of their mate,which echoes the experimental findings and may represent a signatureof mutual mate choice. I discuss these results in light of thefull complexities of the butterfly mating system and the potentialsignaling value of iridescent coloration in butterflies andanimals generally.  相似文献   

In hummingbirds, a showy gorget of iridescent throat feathers is a characteristic male ornament in many sexually dichromatic species. Given that polygynous breeding systems are the only ones observed in hummingbirds, and that polygyny is often associated with dramatic male ornamentation and sexual dimorphism, it is not surprising that gorgets are usually interpreted as sexual display characters. This proposition is challenged by exceptional 'polychromatic' species in which adult females diner in their development of a male-like gorget. This analysis focuses on determining the prevalence of polychromatic variation in the Andean genus Heliangelus. In eight of nine species, females' gorgets range from a dull plumage characteristic of most female hummingbirds (female-like), to a bright iridescent plumage that matches that of the males (male-like). Analysis of museum study-skins reveals that individual variation in gorget colour is limited to females, and that it is independent of month and year of collection. Only H. exortis and H. amethysticollis exhibit significant geographic variation in the frequencies of different colour forms, though most male-like female H. amethysticollis occur in southern Ecuador-northern Peru. Some species-specific features of the male-like females' gorget appear to be linked to qualities of the male gorget (presence/absence, colour and maximum size). However, non-adaptive hypotheses, including genetic correlation between the sexes, hybridization and neutral variation, cannot account for the plumage variation among females. The absence of any association between female gorget colour and breeding condition suggests that gorget colour has a non-sexual function. I propose that gorgets can evolve solely as a non-sexual signal associated with different foraging behaviours.  相似文献   

The butterfly Papilio dardanus is well known for the spectacular phenotypic polymorphism in the female of the species. We show that numerical simulations of a reaction diffusion model on a geometrically accurate wing domain produce spatial patterns that are consistent with many of those observed on the butterfly. Our results suggest that the wing coloration is due to a simple underlying stripe-like pattern of some pigment-inducing morphogen. We focus on the effect of key factors such as parameter values for mode selection, threshold values which determine colour, wing shape and boundary conditions. The generality of our approach should allow us to investigate other butterfly species. The relationship between these key factors and gene activities is discussed in the context of recent biological advances.  相似文献   

Endemic land snails of the genus Mandarina of the oceanic Bonin Islands offer an exceptional example of habitat and character divergence among closely related species. In this study, microhabitat differences between sympatric ground-dwelling species were studied by distinguishing habitats on the basis of vegetation and types of litter. In all sites where two ground species coexisted, segregation occurred with each species showing preference for the microhabitat in which they were found. When they were in sympatry, one species was predominant in relatively wet and sheltered sites and the other in relatively dry and exposed sites. Although most species can live in both types of habitat, occupation by one species is inhibited by occupation by another. This suggests that competitive interaction between sympatric species caused segregation. Except for populations that have undergone interspecific hybridization, no examples were found of sympatric populations of two ground species sharing a similar shell colour. Species that were predominant in relatively wet and sheltered sites possessed shells with dark coloration and their colour patterns were mostly of one type. Species that were predominant in relatively dry and exposed sites possessed shells with bright coloration and their color patterns were polymorphic. Most populations from areas in which single species were distributed had shells with medium coloration. Microhabitat differentiation between sympatric species possibly caused diversification of shell colour, because bright shells are advantageous in sites where snails are largely exposed, and dark shells are advantageous in sites in where they are mostly sheltered from sunlight. In addition, frequency-dependent selection by predators hunting by sight may have operated to maintain colour polymorphism in the populations which are restricted to exposed habitats by competition with other sympatric species. This reveals the importance of interaction among closely related species as a cause of diversification in ecological and morphological traits.  相似文献   

Warning coloration deters predators from attacking distasteful or toxic prey. Signal features that influence warning color effectiveness are not well understood, and in particular, we know very little about how effective short‐wavelength and iridescent colors are as warning color elements in nature and how warning signal effectiveness changes throughout the day. We tested the effect of these factors on predation risk in nature using specimens of the distasteful pipevine swallowtail butterfly, Battus philenor. B. philenor adults display both iridescent blue and diffusely reflecting orange components in their warning signal. We painted B. philenor wings to create five different model types: all‐black, only‐iridescent‐blue, only‐orange, iridescent‐blue‐and‐orange (intact signal), and matte‐blue‐and‐orange. We placed 25 models in each of 14 replicate field sites for 72 h and checked for attacks three times each day. Model type affected the likelihood of attack; only‐orange models were, the only model attacked significantly less than the all‐black model. Iridescence did not enhance or decrease warning signal effectiveness in our experiment because matte‐blue‐and‐orange models were attacked at the same rate as iridescent‐blue‐and‐orange models. Time of day did not differentially affect model type. Video recordings of attacks revealed that insectivorous birds were responsible. The results of this experiment, when taken with previous work, indicate that the response to blue warning coloration is likely dependent on predator experience and context, but that iridescence per se does not affect warning signals in a natural context.  相似文献   

The breast-plate plumage of male Lawes' parotia (Parotia lawesii) produces dramatic colour changes when this bird of paradise displays on its forest-floor lek. We show that this effect is achieved not solely by the iridescence--that is an angular-dependent spectral shift of the reflected light--which is inherent in structural coloration, but is based on a unique anatomical modification of the breast-feather barbule. The barbules have a segmental structure, and in common with many other iridescent feathers, they contain stacked melanin rodlets surrounded by a keratin film. The unique property of the parotia barbules is their boomerang-like cross section. This allows each barbule to work as three coloured mirrors: a yellow-orange reflector in the plane of the feather, and two symmetrically positioned bluish reflectors at respective angles of about 30°. Movement during the parotia's courtship displays thereby achieves much larger and more abrupt colour changes than is possible with ordinary iridescent plumage. To our knowledge, this is the first example of multiple thin film or multi-layer reflectors incorporated in a single structure (engineered or biological). It nicely illustrates how subtle modification of the basic feather structure can achieve novel visual effects. The fact that the parotia's breast feathers seem to be specifically adapted to give much stronger colour changes than normal structural coloration implies that colour change is important in their courtship display.  相似文献   

Many animals display static coloration (e.g. of feathers or fur) that can serve as a reliable sexual or social signal, but the communication function of rapidly changing colours (as in chameleons and cephalopods) is poorly understood. We used recently developed photographic and mathematical modelling tools to examine how rapid colour changes of veiled chameleons Chamaeleo calyptratus predict aggressive behaviour during male–male competitions. Males that achieved brighter stripe coloration were more likely to approach their opponent, and those that attained brighter head coloration were more likely to win fights; speed of head colour change was also an important predictor of contest outcome. This correlative study represents the first quantification of rapid colour change using organism-specific visual models and provides evidence that the rate of colour change, in addition to maximum display coloration, can be an important component of communication. Interestingly, the body and head locations of the relevant colour signals map onto the behavioural displays given during specific contest stages, with lateral displays from a distance followed by directed, head-on approaches prior to combat, suggesting that different colour change signals may evolve to communicate different information (motivation and fighting ability, respectively).  相似文献   

Theory suggests that genetic polymorphisms in female mating preferences may cause disruptive selection on male traits, facilitating phenotypic differentiation despite gene flow, as in reinforcement or other models of speciation with gene flow. Very little experimental data have been published to test the assumptions regarding the genetics of mate choice that such theory relies on. We generated a population segregating for female mating preferences and male colour dissociated from other species differences by breeding hybrids between species of the cichlid fish genus Pundamilia. We measured male mating success as a function of male colour. First, we demonstrate that non-hybrid females of both species use male nuptial coloration for choosing mates, but with inversed preferences. Second, we show that variation in female mating preferences in an F2 hybrid population generates a quadratic fitness function for male coloration suggestive of disruptive selection: intermediate males obtained fewer matings than males at either extreme of the colour range. If the genetics of female mate choice in Pundamilia are representative for those in other species of Lake Victoria cichlid fish, it may help explain the origin and maintenance of phenotypic diversity despite some gene flow.  相似文献   

Seasonal polyphenism in animal colour patterns indicates that temporal variation in selection pressures maintains phenotypic plasticity. Spring generation of the polyphenic European map butterfly Araschnia levana has an orange–black fritillary‐like pattern whilst individuals of the summer generation are black with white bands across the wings. What selects for the colour difference is unknown. Because predation is a major selection pressure for insect coloration, we first tested whether map butterfly coloration could have a warning function (i.e. whether the butterflies are unpalatable to birds). In a following field experiment with butterfly dummies we tested whether the spring form is better protected than the summer form from predators in the spring, and vice versa in the summer. The butterflies were palatable to birds (blue tits Cyanistes caeruleus) and in the field the spring and summer form dummies were attacked equally irrespective of season. Therefore, we found no evidence that the map butterfly is warning‐coloured or that seasonal polyphenism is an adaptation to avian predation. Because insect coloration has multiple functions and map butterfly coloration is linked to morphology, life history and development it is likely that the interplay of several selection pressures explains the evolution of colour polyphenism. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ?? , ??–??.  相似文献   

In recent decades, the link between the exaggeration of male sexual ornaments and ejaculate quality has received much attention. When males with conspicuous sexual ornaments have high-quality ejaculate, females are believed to obtain benefits, such as high fertilization success and offspring with good genes, by choosing mates on the basis of male ornamentation. In this study, we examined the relationships among male body coloration, female mate preference, and sperm longevity in the sexually dichromatic fish Puntius titteya. Males of this species assume a bright red coloration over the entire body, and neither sex invests in the parental care of eggs. In the female preference test, females preferred males with redder body coloration over their counterpart males with duller coloration. In addition, the sperm longevity test indicated that redder males had sperm with greater longevity. These results suggest that the red coloration of males in this species may signal sperm longevity and that females can mate with males with higher quality sperm by choosing redder males.  相似文献   

Many of nature's most striking animal colours are iridescent, exhibiting a high degree of spectral purity and strong angular dependence of intensity and hue. Although a growing number of studies have detailed the intricate mechanisms responsible for producing iridescent colours, few attempts have been made to describe their dynamic appearance in ecologically and behaviourally realistic contexts. We suggest that the optical properties unique to iridescent structural colours are important for understanding how they function as signals during behavioural interactions. Using males of the orange sulphur butterfly, Colias eurytheme , which exhibit an iridescent ultraviolet (UV) reflectance on their dorsal wing surfaces, we develop a holistic framework for inferring the appearance of this signal to conspecifics under field conditions that incorporate data on their spectral sensitivity. We show that, during flight, the UV signal is brightest within a wing beat cycle when viewed from directly above the male. Spectral properties of the signal under natural lighting indicate that male wing colour should be readily perceived and distinguished from that of females and from the dark green visual background of UV-absorbing vegetation. Finally, our analyses permit predictions regarding how signal senders and receivers should orientate themselves for maximal transmission and reception of this ultraviolet iridescent signal.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 90 , 349–364.  相似文献   

Animal communication through colour signals is a central theme in sexual selection. Structural colours can be just as costly and honest signals as pigment-based colours. Ultraviolet (UV) is a structural colour that can be important both in intrasexual competition and mate choice. However, it is still unknown if a UV signal alone can determine the outcome of male-male fights. European green lizard (Lacerta viridis) males develop a nuptial throat coloration with a strong UV component. Among males differing only in their manipulated UV colour, females prefer males with higher UV. Here, we experimentally decreased the UV coloration of randomly chosen males from otherwise similar male pairs to test the hypothesis that a difference in UV colour alone can affect fight success during male-male competition. Our results fully supported the hypotheses: in almost 90 per cent of the contests the male with reduced UV lost the fight. Our results show that UV can be an important signal, affecting both female mate choice and determining male fight success.  相似文献   

Many unpalatable butterfly species use coloration to signal their distastefulness to birds, but motion cues may also be crucial to ward off predatory attacks. In previous research, captive passion-vine butterflies Heliconius mimetic in colour pattern were also mimetic in motion. Here, I investigate whether wing motion changes with the flight demands of different behaviours. If birds select for wing motion as a warning signal, aposematic butterflies should maintain wing motion independently of behavioural context. Members of one mimicry group (Heliconius cydno and Heliconius sapho) beat their wings more slowly and their wing strokes were more asymmetric than their sister-species (Heliconius melpomene and Heliconius erato, respectively), which were members of another mimicry group having a quick and steady wing motion. Within mimicry groups, wing beat frequency declined as its role in generating lift also declined in different behavioural contexts. In contrast, asymmetry of the stroke was not associated with wing beat frequency or behavioural context-strong indication that birds process and store the Fourier motion energy of butterfly wings. Although direct evidence that birds respond to subtle differences in butterfly wing motion is lacking, birds appear to generalize a motion pattern as much as they encounter members of a mimicry group in different behavioural contexts.  相似文献   

Sensory drive theory contends that signaling systems should evolve to optimize transmission between senders and intended receivers, while minimizing visibility to eavesdroppers where possible. In visual communication systems, the high directionality afforded by iridescent coloration presents underappreciated avenues for mediating this trade-off. This hypothesis predicts functional links between signal design and presentation such that visual conspicuousness is maximized only under ecologically relevant settings and/or to select audiences. We addressed this prediction using Hypolimnas bolina, a butterfly in which males possess ultraviolet markings on their dorsal wing surfaces with a narrow angular reflectance function. Males bearing brighter dorsal markings are increasingly attractive to females, but also likely more conspicuous to predators. Our data indicate that, during courtship (and given the ritualized wingbeat dynamics at these times), males position themselves relative to females in such a way as to simultaneously maximize three components of known or putative signal conspicuousness: brightness, area, and iridescent flash. This suggests that male signal design and display have coevolved for the delivery of an optimally conspicuous signal to courted females. More broadly, these findings imply a potential signaling role for iridescence itself, and pose a novel example for how signal design may coevolve with the behavioral context of display.  相似文献   

In polygynous birds, bright plumage is typically more extensive in the sexually competitive males and develops at or after sexual maturity. These patterns, coupled with the importance of male plumage in sexual displays, fostered the traditional hypothesis that bright plumages and sexual dichromatism develop through the actions of sexual selection on males. This view remains problematic for hummingbirds, all of which are polygynous, because their bright iridescent plumages are also important non-sexual signals associated with dominance at floral nectar sources. Here I show that female amethyst-throated sunangels [ Heliangelus amethysticollis (d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye)], moult from an immature plumage with an iridescent gorget to an adult plumage with a non-iridescent gorget. This 'reversed' ontogeny contradicts the notion that iridescent plumage has a sexual function because sexual selection in polygynous birds should be lowest among non-reproductive immature females. Moreover, loss of iridescent plumage in adult females indicates that adult sexual dichromatism in H. amethysticollis is due in large part to changes in female ontogeny. I suggest that both the ontogeny and sexual dichromatism evolved in response to competition for nectar.  相似文献   

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