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We have used pulsed field gel electrophoresis and megabase DNA techniques to investigate the basic genomic organization of Ralstonia eutropha H16, and to construct a physical map of its indigenous megaplasmid pHG1. This Gram-negative, soil-dwelling bacterium is a facultative chemolithoautotroph and a denitrifier. In the absence of organic substrates it can grow on H2 as its sole energy source and CO2 as its sole source of carbon. Under anaerobic conditions it can utilize nitrate as a terminal electron acceptor, whereby dinitrogen is released. Essential genetic determinants of the enzyme systems responsible for these metabolic processes are linked to the 0.44-Mb conjugative megaplasmid pHG1. Aside from pHG1, the genome of R. eutropha H16 is comprised of two circular chromosomes measuring 4.1 and 2.9 Mb, adding up to a total genome size of 7.1 Mb. An estimated five copies of rDNA are distributed on the two chromosomes. A macrorestriction map of pHG1 was derived for the endonucleases DraI and XbaI. Hybridization studies showed that genes for anaerobic metabolism are located on all three genomic replicons.  相似文献   

Abstract The membrane-bound hydrogenase was localized in cells of Alcaligenes eutrophus by electron microscopic immunocytochemistry. Post-embedding labeling performed on ultrathin sections revealed that the enzyme was located predominantly (80%) at the cell periphery in autotrophically and heterotrophically grown bacteria harvested from the exponential phase of growth. In the stationary growth phase, however, only 50% of the enzyme was found at the cell periphery; the remaining 50% was distributed over the cytoplasm. The relative amount of electron microscopic label per cell as seen by application of the protein A—gold technique was higher in cells grown autotrophically as compared to cells grown heterotrophically on fructose. Derepression of the enzyme was followed electron microscopically in a substrate-shift experiment (growth on fructose, followed by a shift to glycerol). Major amounts of the enzyme appeared to undergo a reattachment to the cytoplasmic membrane under these conditions, starting with a reduced location of the enzyme in the cytoplasm and an accumulation in cell areas close to the cytoplasmic membrane. These findings indicate that the 'membrane-bound' hydrogenase (i.e., that material enriched as membrane-bound enzyme according to the appropriate activity test) is not, in fact, membrane bound or membrane integrated but membrane associated. It may or may not interact with the cytoplasmic face of the cytoplasmic membrane, depending on the growth phase and conditions.  相似文献   

Summary Genomic DNA from Azotobacter chroococcum was shown by DNA hybridization to contain sequences homologous to Rhizobium japonicum H2-uptake (hup) hydrogenase genes carried on the plasmid pHU1. Two recombinant cosmid clones, pACD101 and pACD102, were isolated from a gene library of A. chroococcum by colony hybridization and physically mapped. Each contained approximately 42 kb of insert DNA with approximately 27 kb of overlapping DNA. Further hybridization studies using three fragments from pHU1 (6 kb HindIII, 6.4 kb BglII and 5 kb EcoRI) showed that the hup-specific regions of R. japonicum and A. chroococcum are probably highly conserved. Weak homology to the hydrogenase structural genes from Desulfovibrio vulgaris (Hildenborough) was also observed. A 24 kb BamHI fragment from pACD102 subcloned into a broad host-range vector restored hydrogenase activity to several Hup- mutants of A. chroococcum.  相似文献   

Abstract Hybridizations using heterologous glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) gene probes suggested the existence of three GAPDH genes in Alcaligenes eutrophus H16. Two of these, located on the chromosome and the megaplasmid pHG1 of the organism, respectively, mapped about 2.5 kilobase pairs (kb) downstream of the two duplicated CO2 fixation gene clusters ( cfx genes). They were identified as GAPDH genes ( cfxG c and cfxG p ) by cloning and expression in Escherichia coli . These genes encode GAPDH isoenzymes functioning in the Calvin cycle. The third gene ( gap ) is chromosomally encoded but not linked to the cfx c cluster. Its product is probably involved in heterotrophic carbon metabolism.  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria have tremendous potential to produce clean, renewable fuel in the form of hydrogen gas derived from solar energy and water. Of the two cyanobacterial enzymes capable of evolving hydrogen gas (nitrogenase and the bidirectional hydrogenase), the hox-encoded bidirectional Ni-Fe hydrogenase has a high theoretical potential. The physiological role of this hydrogenase is a highly debated topic and is poorly understood relative to that of the nitrogenase. Here the structure, assembly, and expression of this enzyme, as well as its probable roles in metabolism, are discussed and analyzed to gain perspective on its physiological role. It is concluded that the bidirectional hydrogenase in cyanobacteria primarily functions as a redox regulator for maintaining a proper oxidation/reduction state in the cell. Recommendations for future research to test this hypothesis are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The innervation of the pancreas of the domestic fowl was studied electron microscopically. The extrapancreatic nerve is composed mostly of unmyelinated nerve fibers with a smaller component of myelinated nerve fibers. The latter are not found in the parenchyma. The pancreas contains ganglion cells in the interlobular connective tissue. The unmyelinated nerve fibers branch off along blood vessels. Their synaptic terminals contact with the exocrine and endocrine tissues. The synaptic terminals can be divided into four types based on a combination of three kinds of synaptic vesicles. Type I synaptic terminals contain only small clear vesicles about 600 Å in diameter. Type II terminals are characterized by small clear and large dense core vesicles 1,000 Å in diameter. Type III terminals contain small clear vesicles and small dense core vesicles 500 Å in diameter. Type IV terminals are characterized by small and large dense core vesicles. The exocrine tissue receives a richer nervous supply than the endocrine tissue. Type II and IV terminals are distributed in the acinus, and they contact A and D cells of the islets. B cells and pancreatic ducts are supplied mainly by Type II terminals, the blood vessels by Type IV terminals.This work was supported by a scientific research grant (No. 144017) and (No. 136031) from the Ministry of Education of Japan to Prof. M. Yasuda  相似文献   

Summary The origins of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) replication were mapped in two plastome types of Oenothera in order to determine whether variation in the origin of cpDNA replication could account for the different transmission abilities associated with these plastomes. Two pairs of displacement loop (D-loop) initiation sites were observed on closed circular cpDNA molecules by electron microscopy. Each pair of D-loops was mapped to the inverted repeats of the Oenothera cpDNA by the analysis of restriction fragments. The starting points of the two adjacent D-loops are approximately 4 kb apart, bracketing the 16S rRNA gene. Although there are small DNA length variations near one of the D-loop initiation sites, no apparent differences in the number and the location of replication origins were observed between plastomes with the highest (type I) and lowest (type IV) transmission efficiencies.  相似文献   

Summary Two distinct types of neuron in the cat trochlear nucleus (one large, one small) are described, the - and -motoneurons, respectively. Four types of terminals are observed which establish axo-dendritic synapses. Two of them (Types I and II) perform axo-somatic synapses as well. Terminals en passant (Types I and II) are predominant. The Type I terminal is long and slender with a characteristic distribution of the axoplasmic organelles and the unique feature of a relative narrowing of the synaptic cleft as compared to the width of the neighboring extracellular space. Its vesicle population is pleomorphic and a conspicuous glial barrier surrounds the synaptic zones. The Type II terminal differs slightly from Type I, revealing a wider synaptic cleft and lacking a characteristic distribution of the axoplasmic organelles. The type III terminal is rarely observed performing axo-somatic synapses, but is a common finding in the neuropil. Post-junctional dense bodies are often present in its axodendritic synapses. The Type IV nerve terminal performs axo-dendritic synapses and is characterized by a rich content of large granulated vesicles. Axo-axonal synapses are observed only very rarely.The synaptic organization of the feline trochlear nucleus is compared with the synaptic morphology of the oculomotor nuclei of inframammalian species (Waxman and Pappas, 1971). In addition to certain similarities (e.g., richness of synapses en passant), significant differences are encountered: the present study provides no morphological evidence for electrotonic transmission in the trochlear nucleus of cat.Preliminary report made at the Annual German Jahresversammlung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1973.The authors wish to thank Professor R. Hassler for his valuable discussion. — Dr. W. B. Choi is on leave from the Department of Anatomy, Catholic Medical School, Seoul, Korea.  相似文献   

Summary The central part of the corpus vitreum in the ox possesses a relative firmness. Electron microscopically it has been shown to consist of collagen fibrils with interfibrillar spaces containing 8 nm thick granules. The granules are made up of chains of macromolecules (hyaluronic acid in an oligomer state) 130–200 nm in length and of an oval shape. The collagen fibrils are tightly covered with 8.5 nm thick macromolecules which represent highly polymerized hyaluronic acid. These macromolecules can be stained with ruthenium-red.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. med. Drs. h.c. W. Bargmann, Kiel, on the occasion of his 70th birthday  相似文献   

Summary Sequential electron microscopic observations of thymic histogenesis in the toad, Xenopus laevis, reveal that the thymus arises as epithelial buddings of the visceral pouches at Nieuwkoop-Faber stage 40, and acquires its basic histological features at stages 48–49. In the rudiments and the surrounding mesenchyme at stages 43–45, there are non-epithelial cells with pseudopodia, abundant ribosomes, and marginated heterochromatin. These cells, possible precursor cells of thymic lymphocytes, are frequently observed to attach and pass through the basal lamina which coats the thymic rudiment. The proliferation and differentiation of large lymphocytes are evident at stage 47. During stages 48–49 the small lymphocytes, lymphoid cortex and epithelial medulla including the thymic cysts, differentiate, and vascularization occurs.The results provide an ultrastructural basis for recent experimental evidence that the thymus exerts its essential function at stages 47–48. The possibility of non-epithelial derivation of thymic lymphocytes is discussed.The author wishes to express his thanks to Asst. Prof. Ch. Katagiri for his helpful advice during the course of this study  相似文献   

Summary The terminals of centrifugal fibers to the olfactory bulbs of goldfish were studied by electron microscopy after transection of the medial, lateral or entire olfactory tract. The centrifugal fibers originate in the telencephalic hemisphere, pass through both the medial and the lateral olfactory tract, and form synaptic contacts with dendrites in the granule cell layer.  相似文献   

Summary The thyroid gland of adult salamanders, Hynobius nebulosus, in the breeding season was studied by electron microscopy. The follicular cells are different in cell height and fine structures; the taller cells with many cell organelles and granules and the lower cells with a few cell organelles and granules are both present in the same follicle. In the cytoplasm, three types of membrane-bounded granules, namely, cytosomes, colloid droplets, and vacuolar bodies and circular membrane complexes occur. The vacuolar bodies are subdivided into two types; the ordinary type having loosely distributed particles and the specific type containing tubules and/or closely packed filaments, crystalloid structures, except for the particles. The chromophobe colloids within the Bensley-cells correspond to extremely large, ordinary type vacuolar bodies, while the Langendorff-colloid cells possess increased numbers of granular cisternae of endoplasmic reticulum and a ribosome-rich, dense cytoplasmic matrix but not extremely large colloid. The intracytoplasmic circular membrane complexes appear in the Golgi area of cytosome-rich cells. It is suggested that they originate from the Golgi apparatus which was activated to produce many cytosomes. Intranuclear inclusions consisting of microtubules and filaments and tight junctions between two adjacent lateral plasma membranes are occasionally encountered.  相似文献   

The interaction of liposomes containing glycophorin, a major sialoglycoprotein of human crythrocytes, with Sendai virus was studied by freeze-fracture and negative staining electron-microscopy. Viral envelopes were absorbed on liposomal membranes at 0°C. When the temperature was shifted up to 37°C, the viral envelopes fused with the liposomal membranes (envelope fusion). Particles representing viral membrane components formed clusters on liposomal membranes after incubation for more than 1 h at 37°C.  相似文献   

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