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This paper presents the first data on individually tagged male and female Red Kites Milvus milvus breeding at 1 year old and is validated by genetic fingerprinting. The data were collected during 1989 to 1994 when Red Kite nestlings were translocated to, and released in, southern England as part of a re-establishment project. A total of 23 1-year-old Red Kites attempted to breed in southern England from 1991 to 1994, of which three pairs, each composed of at least one yearling bird, reared five young. We conclude that habitat quality is ultimately the main influence that determines whether Red Kites can breed and how well they breed. However, individual experience, climate and competition with other Red Kites for nesting territories probably influence the age at which an individual can breed in a particular habitat.  相似文献   

I. NEWTON  P. E. DAVIS  J. E. DAVIS 《Ibis》1989,131(1):16-21
Twenty-nine Red Kites, that were tagged as nestlings in Wales, bred for the first time at 2–7 years old (mean 3–6). A minimum of 41% of tagged young had entered the breeding population by the 7th year. Individuals moved up to 22 km between birthplace and breeding place and, having bred, most stayed in the same locality from year to year. No differences in these various respects were found between the sexes, though two long movements by territorial birds both involved females. Annual survival of adult breeders was estimated at around 95%.  相似文献   

Red Kites (Milvus milvus) are avian scavengers limited to Europe, and they currently are listed as an endangered species worldwide. Accidental poisoning is often listed as one of the threats to Red Kites throughout their range of distribution. The purpose of this article is to investigate the suspected poisoning cases reported to the French Wildlife Disease Surveillance System. Dead animals are submitted to a local veterinary laboratory for necropsy and when poisoning is suspected, samples are submitted to the Toxicology Laboratory of the College of Veterinary Medicine, Lyon, France. Over the period 1992-2002, 62 Red Kites suspected of poisoning were submitted, and poisoning was the confirmed cause of death for greater than 80% of these cases. The major toxicants found were cholinesterase inhibitors (carbamates and organophosphate insecticides) and anticoagulant compounds. The circumstances of exposure include secondary poisoning after the use of anticoagulants over vast areas to control water vole (Arvicola terrestric) populations, but they also include malicious poisoning with carbamates (aldicarb and cabofuran) in meat baits. Cases of poisoning vary throughout France, with observed mortality rates ranging between 0.1/100 hundred breeding pairs/10 yr and four cases/100 hundred breeding pairs/10 yr. Additional cases of poisoning likely go undetected, and our results suggest that acute poisoning is not uncommon in Red Kites and that it should be considered in the current restoration plans.  相似文献   

Black and Red Kites Milvus migrans and M. milvus chase other raptors approaching their nests. The study of this behaviour during the post-fledging period suggested that it reflects mainly, but not only, anti-predator behaviour. The frequency of vigilance and aggressive chases decreased through the post-fledging period as predicted by theoretical models of nest defence. Although predation risks were similar, Black Kites invested more time chasing intruders than did Red Kites. Black Kites, unlike Red Kites, chased away intruding juveniles, which may be interpreted as a behaviour to avoid investment in unrelated fledglings. Black Kites usually nest in loose colonies where the risk of, and selection pressures against, accidental investment in unrelated fledglings is likely to be greater than for Red Kites. Differences in aggressive chases by Black and Red Kites are better related to this than to different predation risks.  相似文献   

Reintroductions are commonly used to mitigate biodiversity loss. One prominent example is that of the Red Kite Milvus milvus, a charismatic raptor of conservation concern. This species has been reintroduced across the UK over the last 25 years following its near extinction after centuries of persecution. The species was not expected to recolonize urban areas; its historical association with human settlements is attributed to scavenging on human waste and refuse, a resource now greatly reduced on the streets of modern European cities. However, the species has become a common daytime visitor to a large conurbation centred on the town of Reading, southern England, approximately 20 km from the first English reintroduction site. Given a near‐absence of breeding and roost sites, we investigated foraging opportunities and habitat associations that might explain use by Red Kites of this urban area. Surveys of discarded human foods and road‐kill suggested that these could support at most 13–29 Kites per day. Face‐to‐face surveys of a cross‐section of residents revealed that 4.5% (equivalent to 4349 households) provided supplementary food for Red Kites in their gardens. Using estimates of per‐household resource provision from another study, we calculated that this is potentially sufficient to feed 142–320 Kites, a substantial proportion of the total estimated to visit the conurbation each day (between 140 and 440). Road transects found positive associations between Red Kites and residential areas. We suggest that the decision made by thousands of householders to provide supplementary food for Red Kites in their gardens is the primary factor explaining their daytime abundance in this urban area.  相似文献   

J. T. GARCÍA  J. VIÑUELA  C. SUNYER 《Ibis》1998,140(2):302-309
This paper presents data on the winter diet of the Red Kite Milvus milvus in the Iberian Peninsula. The diet composition and its relationship with food abundance and habitat characteristics were studied in two areas (northern and southern plateaux) with different food availability and habitat composition. Red Kites showed a clear difference in diet between the two plateaux, with a higher consumption of carrion on the northern plateau and of game species on the southern plateau. Common Voles Microtus arvalis , despite being a very abundant prey on the northern plateau, did not appear in the diet in high numbers, but their frequency was related to the proportion of land occupied by nonirrigated (cereal) crops. High frequencies of "small" carrion (e.g. farmed Rabbits Oryctolagus cuniculus , poultry Gallus sp.) in the diet were correlated with a decrease in the trophic diversity which suggested an active choice of the food, at least in years with low vole densities. We suggest that the use of carrion is influenced not only by its abundance but by its availability to Red Kites. Refuse tips and muladares (dumps for dead livestock) and their management during the winter are important for the conservation of the species.  相似文献   

Poisoning by pesticides is considered one of the primary threats to the Red Kite Milvus milvus. We studied the diet of this raptor in an area of eastern France where the rodenticide bromadiolone is widely used to control Water Vole Arvicola terrestris outbreaks. A high degree of specialization for Water Voles was noted, as their remains were identified in all 119 pellets collected in autumn 2008, whereas other small rodent species and insects occurred in 27 and 9% of pellets, respectively. We estimated that Water Voles constituted 94% of the total biomass ingested by Red Kites under these conditions. Based on these data, the risk of secondary poisoning due to feeding on poisoned voles was assessed. Acute exposure on a single day was not considered a risk for Kites, but exposure to poisoned voles over 1 week represented the maximal risk for the Red Kite; the calculated dose of bromadiolone ingested by a Red Kite was 137 times higher than the toxicological benchmark for birds. A field survey in the studied area detected four dead Red Kites and one moribund bird in autumn 2008 but did not confirm that the cause of death was bromadiolone poisoning. We suggest that professional monitoring is needed to assess the impact of rodenticides on Red Kites in areas where voles are controlled.  相似文献   

JAVIER BUSTAMANTE 《Ibis》1994,136(2):176-184
I observed the natural process of family break-up in 13 families of Black Kites Milvus migrans and five families of Red Kites M. milvus in which fledglings had been individually marked. In other broods, I performed experiments which modified the parental investment fledglings received by supplementing nests of both species with food or transferring Black Kite chicks to nests with younger or older chicks of the same species.
The time of family break-up in the Black Kite is mainly an offspring decision which is not affected by an artificial increase of parental investment. The duration of the post-fledging period was not increased in Black Kites that were given supplementary food. Chicks transferred to nests with a younger chick did not extend the post-fledging period, nor did chicks transferred to nests with an older chick shorten the post-fledging period. In Red Kites, parental investment seemed to have more influence on the timing of the family break-up. Red Kite adults invested less as parents than did Black Kites during the post-fledging dependence period, and in nests where supplementary food was given, Red Kite fledglings stayed attached for a longer period.  相似文献   

Social feeding strategies of wintering red kites are analyzed in relation to age, food, roost-sites and differences from kite residents. Whereas young and adult wintering kites gathered at roost sites almost daily, adult residents did not, and immature residents only occasionally. Kites using roost sites feed more often on prey prelocated by others, while lone roosters also forage and discover food alone. After finding food, kites tend to shift to a new roost site and foraging area. Two details of the ‘information centre’ hypothesis are confirmed in our study: carcasses are unpredictably found patches, divisible between several individuals. But carcasses disappeared fast in the study area, and no increase with time in the number of birds consuming a carcass was observed, so that information transmission was unconfirmed. When kites leave the roost in groups no leader is detectable. It seems that other types of social foraging are operating, and the model best matching our results is network foraging.  相似文献   

Yozzo  David J.  Smith  David E. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,362(1-3):9-19
Previous research on intertidal nekton communities has identifiedimportant determinants of community structure and distribution; however, fewstudies have compared nekton utilization of disparate marsh habitats. Inthis study, abundance and distribution patterns of resident nekton werecompared between tidal freshwater marsh and salt marsh surfaces varying inflooding depth and duration. Nekton were collected in pit traps installedalong elevational transects at four marshes in coastal Virginia (twofreshwater, two saline) from April through November 1992–1993. Thedominant fish collected at all sites was the mummichog Fundulusheteroclitus. The daggerblade grass shrimp Palaemonetes pugio was thedominant nekton species collected at salt marsh sites, and was seasonallyabundant on tidal freshwater marshes. A positive correlation betweenflooding depth and nekton abundance was observed on salt marshes; anopposite pattern was observed on tidal freshwater marshes. Tidal floodingregime influences the abundance of resident nekton, however, the effect maybe confounded by other environmental variables, including variation insurface topography and seasonal presence or absence of submerged aquaticvegetation (SAV) in adjacent subtidal areas. In mid-Atlantic tidalfreshwater wetlands, SAV provides a predation refuge and forage site forearly life stages of marsh-dependent nekton, and several species utilizethis environment extensively. Salt marshes in this region generally lackdense SAV in adjacent subtidal creeks. Consequently, between-sitedifferences in species and size-specific marsh surface utilization byresident nekton were observed. Larvae and juveniles represented 79%and 59% of total fish collected at tidal freshwater and salt marshsites, respectively. The resident nekton communities of tidal freshwater andsalt marsh surfaces are characterized by a few ubiquitous species with broadenvironmental tolerances. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Settlement and habitat use by juvenile pike in early winter   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The spatial distribution and social behaviour of young-of-the-year pike Esox lucius was investigated in early winter. Reed beds were selected in the early exploration phase but thereafter, pike congregated in the pool habitat. A significant increase in pool occupancy combined with a decrease in reed bed occupancy and movement indicated settlement within 3 days. There was no evidence of territoriality, which has been reported previously in adult pike: indeed, inter-individual spacing was consistent with social grouping rather than territory defence. The strong preference for reed cover among juveniles reported in other studies that were undertaken during summer was not observed here. Among-individual variation in exploratory behaviour was observed but this was not related to activity levels or habitat use.  相似文献   

To contribute to the poorly known ecology of Palearctic immigrant waders in East Africa, we studied the foraging system (roosting and foraging behaviours, 24‐h activity rhythm, time‐activity budget and habitat use) of eleven wader species overwintering on the Kenyan coast. The waders congregated in communal roosts and completely overlapped in their foraging rhythms, which in this tidal environment were completely determined by tides, and which were independent of the dark/light cycle. All species, both tactile and visual foragers, fed both by day and by night. This study, along with similar findings for other areas of the Palaeotropics, shows that wader activity throughout the 24‐h day is essentially uniform, and is only slightly influenced by the dark/light cycle, but is modified by tidal levels. The total time devoted to feeding by each wader species was related to their body mass. Each species used a specific micro‐habitat for foraging.  相似文献   

Allozyme analysis of 24 loci in 154 red kites (Milvus milvus) and 36 black kites (Milvus migrans) from die Hakel forest (Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany) revealed a Nei's interspecies genetic distance of D = 0.009. Of die observed genetic variance of four polymorphic enzymes, 15.4% referred to die differentiation between die kite species, but 84.6% were contributed by the ingroup polymorphism widiin diese species. Allozymes permit the identification of some 78% of samples as orignating from M. milvus , but only of 5.4% of samples obtained from M. migrans. Akhough the genetic distance is slight, die Milvus kites are valid biospecies which, despite occasional instances of hybridization, coexist sympatrically and may breed in mixed breeding aggregations. Mate choice in die largely separate winter quarters of diese migratory birds or chromosomal incompatibility are hypodietical isolation mechanisms stabilizing die species boundary. Moreover, the range sympatry could have developed fairly recendy widi die spread of human agriculture.  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of a 4-year study examining the use of nest boxes by Red Squirrels. Two different designs of nest box were erected in a conifer woodland which supported a high density of animals; spring population estimates were between 3.5 and 4.0 individuals per hectare. Boxes were used by adults, subadults, lactating females and their young. Breeding females more frequently used the larger of the two box designs, although this preference was not statistically significant. There was no difference in the mean sizes of litters found within the two box types. The mean size of litters present in boxes was 2.7 (n = 31, SE = 0.23) which was similar to the mean litter size of 2.5 (n = 8, SE = 0.50) found in dreys. Thus, nest boxes proved to be a valuable research tool for monitoring parturition dates, litter sizes, nestling sex ratios, and preweaning mortality.  相似文献   

For migrant birds, which habitats are suitable during the non‐breeding season influences habitat availability, population resilience to habitat loss, and ultimately survival. Consequently, habitat preferences during winter and whether habitat segregation according to age and sex occurs directly influences migration ecology, survival and breeding success. We tested the fine‐scale habitat preferences of a declining Palearctic migrant, the whinchat Saxicola rubetra, on its wintering grounds in west Africa. We explored the influence of habitat at the territory‐scale and whether dominance‐based habitat occupancy occurs by describing the variation in habitat characteristics across wintering territories, the degree of habitat change within territories held throughout winter, and whether habitat characteristics influenced territory size and space‐use within territories or differed with age and sex. Habitat characteristics varied substantially across territories and birds maintained the same territories even though habitat changed significantly throughout winter. We found no evidence of dominance‐based habitat occupancy; instead, territories were smaller if they contained more perching shrubs or maize crops, and areas with more perching shrubs were used more often within territories, likely because perches are important for foraging and territory defence. Our findings suggest that whinchats have non‐specialised habitat requirements within their wintering habitat of open savannah and farmland, and respond to habitat variation by adjusting territory size and space‐use within their territories instead of competing with conspecifics. Whinchats show a tolerance for human‐modified habitats and results support previous findings that some crop types may provide high‐quality wintering habitat by increasing perch density and foraging opportunities. By having non‐specialised requirements within broad winter habitat types, migrants are likely to be flexible to changing wintering conditions in Africa, both within and across winters, so possibly engendering some resilience to the rapid anthropogenic habitat degradation occurring throughout their wintering range.  相似文献   

Most small birds wintering in the tropics should show little subcutaneous fat deposition (SFD), except in habitats where food availability may decline in late winter or, for some resident species, to prepare for incubation or brooding fasts. However, these predictions need re‐examination in light of a new, precise, cross‐validated method to compare SFD among habitats and species. We sampled 170 Nearctic‐Neotropical migrant and 279 resident birds during early and late winter in 1993 and 1994 in Jamaica, West Indies. Habitats, from greatest to least expected availability of insect prey, were (1) mangrove forest, (2) montane/foothills forest and cultivation, (3) dry limestone forest, and (4) acacia scrub. Percent lipid, estimated from multiple‐regression models using visual fat scoring (0–8 scale), total‐body electrical conductivity, and a variety of morphometrics, was categorized by percentile ranks to determine if SFD varied by habitat, season, or age for all species, resident species, migrant species, and several individual species. SFD averaged ~ 13% total mass for all birds, ranging from 8–24% for well‐sampled species. The few bird species in acacia scrub, primarily two facultative long‐distance migrants, averaged ~ 26% lipid content, significantly more than birds in other habitats. Most birds did not vary in SFD in the other three habitats, although Common Yellowthroats (Geothlypis trichas) had greater SFD in dry limestone habitat than in montane habitat. Bananaquits (Coereba flaveola) and Jamaican Euphonias (Euphonia jamaica) in montane habitat, especially in early winter, had higher SFD than other resident species. Contrary to our prediction, adults and juveniles had similar SFD, with the exception of juveniles having more SFD than adults in acacia scrub habitat. Winter fat deposition (or, in some cases, muscle‐protein catabolism) in the tropics may be an overlooked strategy, potentially important as a hedge against fasting for floaters, facultative migrants, some territorial migrants in habitats with seasonal declines in food resources, and some resident species prior to breeding.  相似文献   

1. Movements and habitat use by Atlantic salmon parr in Catamaran Brook, New Brunswick, were studied using Passive Integrated Transponder technology. The fish were tagged in the summer of 1999, and a portable reading system was used to collect data on individual positions within a riffle‐pool sequence in the early winter of 1999. Two major freezing events occurred on November 11–12 (Ice 1) and November 18–19 (Ice 2) that generated significant accumulations of anchor ice in the riffle. 2. Individually tagged parr (fork length 8.4–12.6 cm, n = 15) were tracked from 8 to 24 November 1999. Over this period, emigration (40%) was higher from the pool than from the riffle. Of the nine parr that were consistently located, seven parr moved <5 m up‐ or downstream, and two parr moved more than 10 m (maximum 23 m). Parr moved significantly more by night than by day, and diel habitat shifts were more pronounced in the pool with some of the fish moving closer to the bank at night. 3. During Ice 2, there was relatively little movement by most of the parr in the riffle beneath anchor ice up to 10 cm in thickness. Water temperature was 0.16 °C above the freezing point beneath anchor ice, suggesting the existence of suitable habitats where salmon parr can avoid supercooling conditions and where they can have access to low velocity shelters. To our knowledge, these are the first data on habitat use by Atlantic salmon parr under anchor ice.  相似文献   

Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Analytic Network Process (ANP) are helpful multi-criteria methods used by the decision-makers to prioritize the ecosystem services provided to humankind by a natural area. Despite being the most common in this field, as it is the easiest and quickest method, AHP simplifies reality by distributing criteria as a hierarchy. As many ecosystem services are firmly connected, this simplification can alter the results owing to the inherent subjectivity of the decision-makers' judgments when completing the required pairwise comparisons. In contrast, ANP considers the relationships among criteria, drawing a complex network that can help in reducing subjectivity and uncertainty. This study aims to compare how both the methods deal with these possible biases. This study prioritizes the ecosystem services provided by a farming area in an internationally recognized wetland with various interconnected services. The case study was conducted in a rice field area raised in the Guadalquivir marshes located within the Doñana Biosphere Reserve in Spain. After applying both methodologies, the results conclude that AHP considerably overestimates the most abstract services. Generally, decision-makers overvalue cultural services as they are socially more visible than others, and in AHP, they are not compared directly with other elements. Additionally, when a problem impacts the production and many people are affected, AHP also magnifies its importance because it is in the limelight. Therefore, ANP is an efficient method when a study requires higher accuracy and coexists with intangible assets despite the benefits and drawbacks of each multi-criteria method.  相似文献   

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