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Joint introduction of cytostatic antitumor drugs and dogfish liver extract into animals with experimental tumors was shown to increase the efficacy of drugs as revealed by the increase in life span of experimental animals.  相似文献   



Tyrosine kinase inhibitor gefitinib is effective against lung cancer cells carrying mutant epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR); however, it is not effective against lung cancer carrying normal EGFR. The breaking of immune tolerance against self epidermal growth factor receptor with active immunization may be a useful approach for the treatment of EGFR-positive lung tumors. Xenogeneic EGFR gene was demonstrated to induce antigen-specific immune response against EGFR-expressing tumor with intramuscular administration.


In order to enhance the therapeutic effect of xenogeneic EGFR DNA vaccine, the efficacy of altering routes of administration and formulation of plasmid DNA was evaluated on the mouse lung tumor (LL2) naturally overexpressing endogenous EGFR in C57B6 mice. Three different combination forms were studied, including (1) intramuscular administration of non-coating DNA vaccine, (2) gene gun administration of DNA vaccine coated on gold particles, and (3) gene gun administration of non-coating DNA vaccine. LL2-tumor bearing C57B6 mice were immunized four times at weekly intervals with EGFR DNA vaccine.


The results indicated that gene gun administration of non-coating xenogenic EGFR DNA vaccine generated the strongest cytotoxicty T lymphocyte activity and best antitumor effects. CD8(+) T cells were essential for anti-tumor immunityas indicated by depletion of lymphocytes in vivo.


Thus, our data demonstrate that administration of non-coating xenogenic EGFR DNA vaccine by gene gun may be the preferred method for treating EGFR-positive lung tumor in the future.  相似文献   

We previously reported that E7 subunit and DNA vaccines are both capable of inducing antitumor protection through induction of antigen-specific CTL. In this study, we investigated their ability to control established tumors according to tumor size, vaccine doses, and vaccine delivery routes. Antitumor therapeutic efficacy of both vaccine types was dependent on tumor burden. However, E7 subunit vaccines induced a higher level of antitumor therapeutic activities at the tested dose compared to DNA vaccines. This was concomitant with induction of antibody, CTL, and IFN-gamma responses, as well as histologic changes (heavy infiltration of lymphocytes and presence of apoptotic bodies). In vaccine dose titration assays, 50 and 100 microg of DNA vaccines exhibited an equivalent antitumor efficacy to 0.5 and 1 microg of E7 subunit vaccines, respectively, i.e., a 100-fold difference in E7 dosage, suggesting the importance of vaccine doses for achieving antitumor immunity. Furthermore, tumors of a larger size were controlled by intratumoral injection with E7 subunit vaccines, underscoring the importance of vaccine delivery routes for antitumor therapeutic efficacy. Thus, these data suggest that antitumor therapeutic efficacy of E7 therapeutic vaccines is determined by vaccine doses, vaccine delivery routes, and tumor sizes, and that these vaccines could be another addition to conventional therapy modalities against cervical cancer.  相似文献   



It is important to develop innovative therapies for advanced stage cancers in addition to the conventional therapies including chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. Antigen-specific immunotherapy has emerged as a novel alternate therapy for advanced stage cancers, which may be employed in conjunction with conventional therapies.  相似文献   

Despite the conventional treatments of radiation therapy and chemotherapy, the 5-year survival rates for patients with advanced-stage cervical cancers remain low. Cancer immunotherapy has emerged as an alternative, innovative therapy that may improve survival. Here, we utilize a preclinical HPV-16 E6/E7-expressing tumor model, TC-1, and employ the chemotherapeutic agent cisplatin to generate an accumulation of CD11c+ dendritic cells in tumor loci making it an ideal location for the administration of therapeutic vaccines. Following cisplatin treatment, we tested different routes of administration of a therapeutic HPV vaccinia vaccine encoding HPV-16 E7 antigen (CRT/E7-VV). We found that TC-1 tumor-bearing C57BL/6 mice treated with cisplatin and intratumoral injection of CRT/E7-VV significantly increased E7-specific CD8+ T cells in the blood and generated potent local and systemic antitumor immune responses compared to mice receiving cisplatin and CRT/E7-VV intraperitoneally or mice treated with cisplatin alone. We further extended our study using a clinical grade recombinant vaccinia vaccine encoding HPV-16/18 E6/E7 antigens (TA-HPV). We found that intratumoral injection with TA-HPV following cisplatin treatment also led to increased E7-specific CD8+ T cells in the blood as well as significantly decreased tumor size compared to intratumoral injection with wild type vaccinia virus. Our study has strong implications for future clinical translation using intratumoral injection of TA-HPV in conjunction with the current treatment strategies for patients with advanced cervical cancer.  相似文献   

Use of antibiotics can't completely solve the problem of brucellosis treatment, especially its chronic forms, because antibacterial preparations do not eliminate main pathogenetic factor of the disease--sensibilization of the macroorganism. It makes actual the question about complex immuno- and antibacterial therapy. Long-term clinical experience proved high effectiveness of a therapeutic brucellosis vaccine. Earlier this preparation was manufactured in Research Institute of Vaccines and Sera in Tbilisi (Georgia). To date new composition of components of the vaccine has been developed, and manufacturing and control methods have been improved. Marked desensitizing effect of the vaccine and its stimulatory action on cellular and humoral immunity has been observed. In 2002 technological normative documentation for manufacturing and use of the vaccine was developed in the Research Institute of Microbiology (Kirov) and production of the vaccine began.  相似文献   

构建了含有恶性疟原虫抗原基因 ( AWTE)及白介素 2基因的重组质粒 p CMV- AWTE以及p CMV- IL2、p CMV- IL2 - AWTE、p RSV- AWTE。将纯化的质粒混合后免疫小鼠 ,3次免疫后比较其诱导机体产生的免疫应答的水平 ,发现 IL- 2可以明显地提高机体的细胞免疫 ,而对体液免疫的影响甚微。麻醉剂、蔗糖、免疫剂量等因素也可以不同程度地提高机体的免疫应答水平 ,RSV启动子与 CMV启动子对免疫应答水平无明显的影响  相似文献   

Antigen-specific immunotherapy using DNA vaccines has emerged as an attractive approach for the control of tumors. Another novel cancer therapy involves the employment of the vascular disrupting agent, 5,6-dimethylxanthenone-4-acetic acid (DMXAA). In the current study, we aimed to test the combination of DMXAA treatment with human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV-16) E7 DNA vaccination to enhance the antitumor effects and E7-specific CD8+ T cell immune responses in treated mice. We determined that treatment with DMXAA generates significant therapeutic effects against TC-1 tumors but does not enhance the antigen-specific immune responses in tumor bearing mice. We then found that combination of DMXAA treatment with E7 DNA vaccination generates potent antitumor effects and E7-specific CD8+ T cell immune responses in the splenocytes of tumor bearing mice. Furthermore, the DMXAA-mediated enhancement or suppression of E7-specific CD8+ T cell immune responses generated by CRT/E7 DNA vaccination was found to be dependent on the time of administration of DMXAA and was also applicable to other antigen-specific vaccines. In addition, we determined that inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) plays a role in the immune suppression caused by DMXAA administration before DNA vaccination. Our study has significant implications for future clinical translation.  相似文献   

Although therapeutic HPV vaccines are able to elicit systemic HPV-specific immunity, clinical responses have not always correlated with levels of vaccine-induced CD8+ T cells in human clinical trials. This observed discrepancy may be attributable to an immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment in which the CD8+ T cells are recruited. Regulatory T cells (Tregs) are cells that can dampen cytotoxic CD8+ T-cell function. Cyclophosphamide (CTX) is a systemic chemotherapeutic agent, which can eradicate immune cells, including inhibitory Tregs. The optimal dose and schedule of CTX administration in combination with immunotherapy to eliminate the Treg population without adversely affecting vaccine-induced T-cell responses is unknown. Therefore, we investigated various dosing and administration schedules of CTX in combination with a therapeutic HPV vaccine in a preclinical tumor model. HPV tumor-bearing mice received either a single preconditioning dose or a daily dose of CTX in combination with the pNGVL4a-CRT/E7(detox) DNA vaccine. Both single and daily dosing of CTX in combination with vaccine had a synergistic antitumor effect as compared to monotherapy alone. The potent antitumor responses were attributed to the reduction in Treg frequency and increased infiltration of HPV16 E7-specific CD8+ T cells, which led to higher ratios of CD8+/Treg and CD8+/CD11b+Gr-1+ myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs). There was an observed trend toward decreased vaccine-induced CD8+ T-cell frequency with daily dosing of CTX. We recommend a single, preconditioning dose of CTX prior to vaccination due to its efficacy, ease of administration, and reduced cumulative adverse effect on vaccine-induced T cells.  相似文献   

It is well known that DNA vaccines induce protective humoral and cell-mediated immune responses in several animal models. Antrodia camphorata (AC) is a unique basidiomycete fungus of the Polyporaceae family that only grows on the aromatic tree Cinnamomum kanehirai Hayata (Lauraceae) endemic to Taiwan. Importantly, AC has been shown to be highly beneficial in the treatment and prevention of cancer. The goal of this study was to investigate whether AC is able to augment the antitumor immune properties of a HER-2/neu DNA vaccine in a mouse model in which p185neu is overexpressed in MBT-2 tumor cells. Compared with the mice that received the HER-2/neu DNA vaccine alone, co-treatment with AC suppressed tumor growth and extended the survival rate. This increase in the antitumor efficacy was attributed to the enhancement of the Th1-like cellular immune response by the HER-2/neu DNA vaccine–AC combination. Evidence for this came from the marked increase in the IFN-γ mRNA expression in CD4+ T cells in the draining inguinal lymph nodes, an increase in the number of functional HER-2/neu-specific CTLs, and the increased tumor infiltration of both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, depletion of which abolishes the antitumor effect of the HER-2/neu DNA vaccine–AC therapy. Our results further indicate that the treatment of mice with AC enhanced DC activation and production of Th1-activating cytokines (e.g. IL-12, and IFN-α) in the draining lymph nodes, which were sufficient to directly stimulate T cell proliferation and higher IFN-γ production in response to ErbB2. Overall, these results clearly demonstrate that AC represents a promising immunomodulatory adjuvant that could enhance the therapeutic potency of HER-2/neu DNA vaccines in cancer therapy.  相似文献   

The therapeutic significance of concomitant antitumor immunity   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It is shown that progressive growth of the SA1 sarcoma in its semisyngeneic AB6F1 host results in the generation of concomitant immunity to growth of a tumor challenge implant, and in the generation of T cells in the spleen capable, on passive transfer, of causing regression of an established tumor in gamma-irradiated recipients, but not in normal recipients. T cells that passively transferred concomitant immunity against an established tumor were first generated around day 6 of tumor growth, reached peak numbers on day 9, and slowly decreased in number thereafter. They were of the Ly-1-2+ phenotype, in that they were functionally eliminated by treatment with monoclonal anti-Ly-2 antibody and complement, but not by treatment with anti-Ly-1 antibody and complement. The paradoxical ability of T cells from a donor with a relatively large tumor to cause the regression of a tumor in sublethally gamma-irradiated recipients is explained with reference to the facts that the recipient tumor was only half as large as the donor tumor at the time of passive transfer, and that the recipient was incapable of generating suppressor T cells that would function to inhibit the expression of adoptive immunity.  相似文献   

Summary Intravenous injection of 50 g bacterial endotoxin can cause complete regression of an established SA1 sarcoma, but not if the tumor ir growing in mice that are incapable of generating concomitant immunity because they have been made T cell-deficient by thymectomy and -radiation (TXB mice). It also was shown that endotoxin fails to cause complete regression of a tumor that is either too large or too small. Only when administered on day 9 of tumor growth, at the time of peak concomitant immunity, did endotoxin cause the tumor to undergo complete regression. Direct evidence that the antitumor effect of endotoxin is dependent on concomitant immunity consisted in the demonstration that an SA1 sarcoma growing in TXB recipients can be primed for endotoxin-induced regression by IV infusion of splenic T cells from concomitantly immune donors bearing an endotoxin-susceptible 9-day tumor. Surprisingly, the donor T cells that primed the recipient tumor for endotoxin-induced regression were of the Ly-1+2 phenotype, as evidenced by their susceptibility to treatment with anti-Ly-1 antibody and complement, and their complete resistance to treatment with anti-Ly-2 antibody and complement. They were different, therefore, from the T cells that cause the regression of smaller tumors in -irradiated recipients without the aid of endotoxin. It is suggested that the antitumor function of endotoxin depends on its ability to cause intratumor macrophages to acquire and express tumoricidal function, but only after the macrophages have been activated by Ly-1+2 tumor-sensitized T cells.  相似文献   

In the present work, a long-circulating epirubicin hydrochloride (EPI)-containing thermosensitive liposome aiming at antitumor therapy, DPPC/MSPC/DSPG/DSPE-mPEG(2000) (EPI-LTSL), was developed and evaluated. Nonthermosensitive and traditional liposomes, HSPC/cholesterol/DSPG/DSPE-mPEG(2000) (EPI-NTSL) and HSPC/cholesterol (EPI-LIP), were also prepared at the same time for comparison. Temperature-dependent EPI release from loaded liposomes in vitro was characterized by the fluorescence method. Different liposome preparations were administered in rats by intravenous injection at the same dosage of 12 mg·kg(-1). EPI and internal standard daunorubicin hydrochloride (DAU) were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography and verified by LC tandem mass spectrometry. In the pharmacodynamics study, the EPI-LTSL was combined with local hyperthermia for target-specific delivery to the anesthetized and tumor-bearing mice. According to the in vitro results, more than 90% of loaded EPI was released from MSPC-containing liposome (EPI-LTSL) within 4 minutes at 43°C, while at 37°C, less than 5% was released beyond 60 minutes. However, less than 5% of drug was released at 43°C for the other two liposomes without MSPC (EPI-NTSL and EPI-LIP). The results of the pharmacokinetics study in rats showed that not only the circulation time of EPI was prolonged significantly, but also the concentration in vivo was promoted for EPI-LTSL, compared to EPI-NTSL and EPI-solution. The mean tumor inhibitory rate for EPI-LTSL, EPI-NTSL, and EPI-solution were 61.1, 39.6, and 43.1%, respectively.  相似文献   

DNA shuffling and screening strategies for improving vaccine efficacy   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The efficacy of vaccines can be improved by increasing their immunogenicity, broadening their crossprotective range, as well as by developing immunomodulators that can be coadministered with the vaccine antigen. One technology that can be applied to each of these aspects of vaccine development is MolecularBreeding directed molecular evolution. Essentially, this technology is used to evolve genes in vitro through an iterative process consisting of recombinant generation followed by selection of the desired recombinants. We have used DNA shuffling and screening strategies to develop and improve vaccine candidates against several infectious pathogens including Plasmodium falciparum (a common cause of severe and fatal human malaria), dengue virus, encephalitic alphaviruses such as Venezuelan, western and eastern equine encephalitis viruses (VEEV, WEEV, and EEEV, respectively), human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1), and hepatitis B virus (HBV). By recombining antigen-encoding genes from different serovar isolates, new chimeras are selected for crossreactivity; these vaccine candidates are expected to provide broader crossprotection than vaccines based on a single serovar. Furthermore, the vaccine candidates can be selected for improved immunogenicity, which would also improve their efficacy. In addition to vaccine candidates, we have applied the technology to evolve several immunomodulators that when coadministered with vaccines can improve vaccine efficacy by fine-tuning the T cell response. Thus, DNA shuffling and screening technology is a promising strategy to facilitate vaccine efficacy.  相似文献   

Although CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) epitope-based DNA vaccination is valuable experience on vaccine research but many attempts are still continued to achieve acceptable protective response. To study the role of full length antigen in CTL epitope immunization, we evaluated cellular immunity of diverse patterns of complete Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) glycoprotein B (gB) and the immunodominant CTL epitope (498–505) DNA injection in C57BL/6 mice. Optimal immune response was observed in the group immunized with the full length of gB in the first injection and CTL epitope in the second and third vaccination as assessed by lymphocyte proliferation assay (MTT), cytokine assay (ELISA) and CTL assay. B cell and spatially CD4+ T cell epitopes in full length protein might be important for appropriate priming of CTL immune response. These findings may have important implication for the improvement of CTL epitope based DNA vaccine against HSV and other pathogens.  相似文献   

Immunological and antitumor effects of IL-23 as a cancer vaccine adjuvant   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The promising, but modest, clinical results of many human cancer vaccines indicate a need for vaccine adjuvants that can increase both the quantity and the quality of vaccine-induced, tumor-specific T cells. In this study we tested the immunological and antitumor effects of the proinflammatory cytokine, IL-23, in gp100 peptide vaccine therapy of established murine melanoma. Neither systemic nor local IL-23 alone had any impact on tumor growth or tumor-specific T cell numbers. Upon specific vaccination, however, systemic IL-23 greatly increased the relative and absolute numbers of vaccine-induced CD8(+) T cells and enhanced their effector function at the tumor site. Although IL-23 specifically increased IFN-gamma production by tumor-specific T cells, IFN-gamma itself was not a primary mediator of the vaccine adjuvant effect. The IL-23-induced antitumor effect and accompanying reversible weight loss were both partially mediated by TNF-alpha. In contrast, local expression of IL-23 at the tumor site maintained antitumor activity in the absence of weight loss. Under these conditions, it was also clear that enhanced effector function of vaccine-induced CD8(+) T cells, rather than increased T cell number, is a primary mechanism underlying the antitumor effect of IL-23. Collectively, these results suggest that IL-23 is a potent vaccine adjuvant for the induction of therapeutic, tumor-specific CD8(+) T cell responses.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the role of host factors in Helicobacter pylori infection and immunity, two different strains of inbred mice, C57BL/6 and BALB/c, were infected with a standard H. pylori strain, SS1. A month later, infected mice were immunized orally with whole-cell lysates of H. pylori SS1 and cholera toxin on days 1, 3, 6, 30, and 54. Ten days after the last immunization, mice were sacrificed and the stomach was collected to assess H. pylori colonization density by quantitative culture. H. pylori SS1 colonization was significantly greater in C57BL/6 than in BALB/c (P<0.02 and P<0.003 at 2 and 13 weeks post-inoculation, respectively). Colonization in C57BL/6 persisted at equivalent levels for 13 weeks but the colonization density in BALB/c decreased significantly during this period. In contrast to the pattern of bacterial colonization, antibody responses following H. pylori SS1 infection were greater in BALB/c than in C57BL/6, suggesting that host factors may modulate the immune responses to H. pylori infection. Following therapeutic immunization, H. pylori colonization in BALB/c mice was also significantly reduced (P<0.03), while no significant differences in bacterial density were observed in C57BL/6. These observations collectively demonstrate the great importance of host factors in H. pylori infection and the development of effective immune responses.  相似文献   



There is an urgent need to develop new innovative therapies for the control of advanced cancer. The combination of antigen-specific immunotherapy with the employment of immunomodulatory agents has emerged as a potentially plausible approach for the control of advanced cancer.


In the current study, we explored the combination of the DNA vaccine encoding calreticulin (CRT) linked to human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV-16) E7 antigen (CRT/E7) with the TLR7 agonist imiquimod for their ability to generate E7-specific immune responses and antitumor effects in tumor-bearing mice.


We observed that treatment with CRT/E7 DNA in combination with imiquimod leads to an enhancement in the E7-specific CD8+ T cell immune responses and a decrease in the number of myeloid-derived suppressor cells in the tumor microenvironment of tumor-bearing mice. Furthermore, treatment with CRT/E7 DNA in combination with imiquimod leads to significantly improved antitumor effects and prolonged survival in treated mice. In addition, treatment with imiquimod led to increased number of NK1.1+ cells and F4/80+ cells in the tumor microenvironment. Macrophages and NK1.1+ cells were found to play an important role in the antitumor effects mediated by treatment with CRT/E7 DNA in combination with imiquimod.


Thus, our data suggests that the combination of therapeutic HPV DNA vaccination with topical treatment with the TLR7 agonist imiquimod enhances the antitumor immunity induced by DNA vaccination. The current study has significant implications for future clinical translation.

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