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The DNA sequence of the Q10 genes appears to be highly conserved amongst strains of mice and has only been found to be transcribed in the liver. An examination of the nucleotide sequence of the exon that normally encodes the transmembrane domain of class I molecules suggested that the Q10 gene encodes a secreted protein. We have established this by showing that L cells transformed with an expression vector containing the Q10 gene secrete a class I molecule which was identified with an antiserum raised against a peptide predicted by the Q10 transmembrane exon. Both the L cell-derived Q10 molecule and a class I protein immunoprecipitated from serum with this anti-peptide antiserum have mol. wts. of approximately 38 000; the Q10 molecule secreted by L cells is heterogeneous in mol. wt. This heterogeneity was drastically reduced after endoglycosidase F treatment, suggesting that Q10 molecules secreted into the serum by the liver may be glycosylated differently from those secreted by L cells. Endoglycosidase F treatment of both the L cell and serum forms of the soluble molecule yielded two products with mol. wts. of approximately 32 000 and 35 000; this is consistent with the observation that the predicted Q10 protein sequence has two potential glycosylation sites. In contrast to previous published results, the Q10 molecule reacted with rabbit anti-H-2 antisera which is consistent with its greater than 80% homology to the classical transplantation antigens.  相似文献   

Q10 is a class I molecule previously proven to be secreted rather than membrane bound. To measure the amount of Q10 in various mouse sera, a quantitative Western blot assay was developed. Q10 was the only class I molecule detectable in mouse sera. It occurs as a high m.w. complex of 200,000 to 300,000. The amount of Q10 in serum varies among different mouse strains and is controlled by a region telomeric to H-2S. Mice of the f haplotype do not express Q10, but all other mice examined (20 strains) with inbred or wild-derived H-2 haplotypes do. The H-2 haplotypes rank according to their levels of Q10 as follows: z, s greater than k, b greater than d, q greater than f; and the actual values range from to 60 micrograms/ml to undetectable levels in serum. In some strains the levels are higher in males than in females. The levels increase with age and decrease during pregnancy but not during lactation. There is a dramatic decrease after the injection of irritants or syngeneic tumor transplantation, but allostimulation has no effect on Q10 levels. The possible significance of this soluble class I molecule is discussed in the light of our findings.  相似文献   

Q10 is a class I Qa-2 region-encoded molecule that is secreted by the liver and present in serum at high concentrations (about 10 to 60 micrograms/ml) in most strains of mice. The amino terminal portion of this molecule can also be expressed as an integral membrane protein by splicing the 5' end of the Q10 gene to the 3' end of H-2Ld and transfecting the hybrid gene into murine L cells. Because CTL primarily recognize polymorphic determinants controlled by the alpha 1 and alpha 2 domains of class I molecules and because the Q10d/Ld product expressed by transfected L cells includes the alpha 1 and alpha 2 domains of Q10d, we could address whether mice bearing serum Q10 were tolerant to this molecule at the CTL level. The results of these experiments demonstrate that Q10+ mice are able to generate H-2-unrestricted CTL activity against Q10d expressed on transfected L cells, and this response was not inhibitable by the addition of Q10-containing normal mouse serum. It is unlikely that this CTL activity is due to possible polymorphic differences in Q10 alleles, since semisyngeneic BALB/c (H-2d) mice, from which the Q10d hybrid gene construct was derived, are able to generate anti-Q10d effector cells. The Q10d molecule was shown to cross-react with H-2Ld, lending support to the concept that Qa genes can serve as donors for polymorphic sequences found in H-2K, -D, and -L. That mice can generate anti-Q10 CTL activity suggests that this soluble class I protein does not act as a toleragen for these cells. The implications of these findings for an understanding of self-tolerance are discussed.  相似文献   

The biological properties of the nonclassical class I MHC molecules secreted into blood and tissue fluids are not currently understood. To address this issue, we studied the murine Q10 molecule, one of the most abundant, soluble class Ib molecules. Mass spectrometry analyses of hybrid Q10 polypeptides revealed that alpha1alpha2 domains of Q10 associate with 8-9 long peptides similar to the classical class I MHC ligands. Several of the sequenced peptides matched intracellularly synthesized murine proteins. This finding and the observation that the Q10 hybrid assembly is TAP2-dependent supports the notion that Q10 groove is loaded by the classical class I Ag presentation pathway. Peptides eluted from Q10 displayed a binding motif typical of H-2K, D, and L ligands. They carried conserved residues at P2 (Gly), P6 (Leu), and Pomega (Phe/Leu). The role of these residues as anchors/auxiliary anchors was confirmed by Ala substitution experiments. The Q10 peptide repertoire was heterogeneous, with 75% of the groove occupied by a multitude of diverse peptides; however, 25% of the molecules bound a single peptide identical to a region of a TCR V beta-chain. Since this peptide did not display enhanced binding affinity for Q10 nor does its origin and sequence suggest that it is functionally significant, we propose that the nonclassical class I groove of Q10 resembles H-2K, D, and L grooves more than the highly specialized clefts of nonclassical class I Ags such as Qa-1, HLA-E, and M3.  相似文献   

The nonclassical MHC class I locus HLA-G is expressed primarily in the placenta, although other sites of expression have been noted in normal and pathological situations. In addition, soluble HLA-G isoforms have been detected in the serum of pregnant and nonpregnant women as well as men. The rhesus monkey placenta expresses a novel nonclassical MHC class I molecule Mamu-AG, which has features remarkably similar to those of HLA-G. We determined that the rhesus placenta expresses Mamu-AG mRNA (Mamu-AG5), retaining intron 4 as previously noted in HLA-G5. Immunostaining experiments with Ab 16G1 against the soluble HLA-G5 intron 4 peptide demonstrated that an immunoreactive protein(s) was present in the syncytiotrophoblasts of the chorionic villi of the rhesus placenta, within villous cytotrophoblasts, and occasionally within cells of the villous stroma. The Mamu-AG5 mRNA was readily detected in rhesus testis (although not in ejaculated sperm). Whereas an Ab against membrane-bound Mamu-AG stained few cells, primarily in the interstitium of the testis, there was consistent immunostaining for Mamu-AG5 in cells within the seminiferous tubules, which was corroborated by localization of Mamu-AG mRNA by in situ hybridization. While primary spermatocytes were negative, Sertoli cells, spermatocytes, and spermatids were consistently positive for 16G1 immunostaining. The specific recognition of the soluble Mamu-AG isoform was confirmed by Western blotting of Mamu-AG5 expressed in heterologous cells. The results demonstrate that a soluble nonclassical MHC class I molecule is expressed in the rhesus monkey placenta and testis, and confirm and extend the unique homology between HLA-G and the rhesus nonclassical molecule Mamu-AG.  相似文献   

The Q4 class I gene has been shown to participate in gene conversion events within the mouse major histocompatibility complex. Its complete genomic nucleotide sequence has been determined. The 5 half of Q4 resembles H-2 genes more strongly than other Q genes. Its 3 end, in contrast, is Q-like and contains a translational stop signal in exon 5 which predicts a polypeptide with an incomplete membrane spanning segment. The presence of two inverted B1 repeats suggests that part of the Q4 gene may be mobile within the genome. Gene transfer experiments have shown that the Q4 gene encodes a 2-microglobulin associated polypeptide of Mr 41 000. A similar protein was found in activated mouse spleen cells. The Q4 polypeptide was found to be secreted both by spleen cells and by transfected fibroblasts and was not detectable on the cell surface. Antibody binding and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis indicate that the Q4 molecule is identical to a mouse class I polypeptide, Qb-1, which has been previously described.  相似文献   

All expressed human MHC class I genes (HLA-A, -B, -C, -E, -F, and -G) have functional orthologues in the MHC of the common chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes). In contrast, a nonclassical MHC class I gene discovered in the chimpanzee is not present in humans or the other African ape species. In exons and more so in introns, this Patr-AL gene is similar to the expressed A locus in the orangutan, Popy-A, suggesting they are orthologous. Patr-AL/Popy-A last shared a common ancestor with the classical MHC-A locus >20 million years ago. Population analysis revealed little Patr-AL polymorphism: just three allotypes differing only at residues 52 and 91. Patr-AL is expressed in PBMC and B cell lines, but at low level compared with classical MHC class I. The Patr-AL polypeptide is unusually basic, but its glycosylation, association with beta(2)-microglobulin, and antigenicity at the cell surface are like other MHC class I. No Patr-AL-mediated inhibition of polyclonal chimpanzee NK cells was detected. The Patr-AL gene is present in 50% of chimpanzee MHC haplotypes, correlating with presence of a 9.8-kb band in Southern blots. The flanking regions of Patr-AL contain repetitive/retroviral elements not flanking other class I genes. In sequenced HLA class I haplotypes, a similar element is present in the A*2901 haplotype but not the A*0201 or A*0301 haplotypes. This element, 6 kb downstream of A*2901, appears to be the relic of a human gene related to Patr-AL. Patr-AL has characteristics of a class I molecule of innate immunity with potential to provide common chimpanzees with responses unavailable to humans.  相似文献   

The specificity of the T-cell receptor (TCR) and its interaction with coreceptors play a crucial role in T-cell passing through developmental checkpoints and, eventually, determine the efficiency of adaptive immunity. The genes for the α and β chains of TCR were cloned from T-cell hybridoma 1D1, which was obtained by fusion of BWZ.36CD8α cells with CD8+ memory cells specific for the H-2Kb MHC class I molecule. Retroviral transduction of the 1D1 TCR genes and the CD4 and CD8 coreceptor genes was used to obtain 4G4 thymoma variants that exposed the CD3/TCR complex together with CD4, CD8, or both of the coreceptors on their surface. Although the main function of CD4 is to stabilize the interaction of TCR with MHC class II molecules, CD4 was found to mediate the activation of transfected cells via TCR specific for the H-2Kb MHC class I molecule. Moreover, CD4 proved to dominate over CD8, since the response of CD4+CD8+ transfectants was suppressed by antibodies against CD4 and the Ab MHC class II molecule but not to CD8. The response of CD4+ transfectants was not due to a cross-reaction of 1D1 TCR with MHC class II molecules, because the transfectants did not respond to splenocytes of H-2b knockout mice, which were defective in the assembly of the MHC class I molecule/β2 microglobulin/peptide complex and did not expose the complex on cell surface. The domination was not due to sequestration of p56lck kinase, since CD4 devoid of the kinase-binding site was functional in 4G4 thymoma cells. The results were used to explain some features of intrathymic cell selection and assumed to provide an experimental basis for developing new methods of anticancer gene therapy.  相似文献   

Two BoT2+, BoT8+ cytotoxic T cell clones were generated from peripheral blood of a steer immunized with the intracellular protozoan parasite Theileria parva. Both cytotoxic T cell clones appeared to be restricted by the same major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecule and were specific for the immunizing parasite clone. However, one of the two clones also recognized uninfected mouse cell lines carrying the H-2d haplotype. Inhibition of cytotoxicity with monoclonal antibodies specific for polymorphic determinants on H-2 molecules confirmed that this CTL clone recognized the H-2Kd MHC molecule. These results extend to the bovine system observations in other species that foreign MHC mimics self MHC plus antigen.  相似文献   

Genomic characterization of MHC class I genes of the horse   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

Specificity of T cell receptor (TCR) and its interaction with coreceptor molecules play decisive role in successful passing of T lymphocytes via check-points during their development and finally determine the efficiency of adaptive immunity. Genes encoding alpha- and beta-chains of TCR hybridoma 1D1 have been cloned. The hybridoma 1D1 was established by the fusion of BWZ.36CD8alpha cell line with CD8+ memory cells specific to MHC class I H-2Kb molecule. Exploiting retroviral transduction of thymoma 4G4 cells with TCR genes and coreceptors CD4 and CD8, variants of this cell line expressing on the surface CD3/TCR complex and coreceptors, separately or simultaneously have been obtained. The main function of CD4 is stabilization of interaction between TCR and MHC class II molecule. Nevertheless, we have found that CD4 could successfully participate in the activation of transfectants via TCR specific to MHC class I molecule H-2Kb. Moreover, coreceptor CD4 dominates CDS, because the response of transfectants CD4+CD8+ is blocked by antibodies to CD4 and MHC Class II Ab molecule but not to coreceptor CD8. The response of CD4+ cells was not due to cross-reaction between TCR 1D1 with MHC class II molecules, because transfectants do not respond to splenocytes of H-2b knockouted mice with impaired assembly of TCR/beta2-microglobulin/peptide complexes resulting in their absence on the cell surphace. The effect of domination was not due to sequestration of kinase p56lck, because truncated CD4 with the loss of binding motif for p56lck remained functional in 4G4 cells. Results obtained can explain the number of features of intrathymic selection and represent experimental basis for development of new methods of cancer gene therapy.  相似文献   

C R Wang  B E Loveland  K F Lindahl 《Cell》1991,66(2):335-345
Mta, the maternally transmitted antigen of mice, is a hydrophobic, N-formylated mitochondrial peptide, MTF, presented on the cell surface to cytotoxic T lymphocytes by a novel major histocompatibility complex class I molecule, encoded by H-2M3. We have cloned and sequenced two alleles of M3, which differ in their ability to present MTF despite greater than 99% identity in the coding regions. M3 is as divergent from classical, antigen-presenting H-2 molecules as from other class I genes of the Hmt and the Qa/Tla regions. Amino acids critical for folding of class I molecules are conserved in M3. Noncharged amino acids lining the peptide-binding groove and phenylalanine 171 may explain the unique interaction with MTF, and leucine 95 appears critical for immunological activity.  相似文献   

MHC class I A region diversity and polymorphism in macaque species   总被引:11,自引:7,他引:4  
The HLA-A locus represents a single copy gene that displays abundant allelic polymorphism in the human population, whereas, in contrast, a nonhuman primate species such as the rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) possesses multiple HLA-A-like (Mamu-A) genes, which parade varying degrees of polymorphism. The number and combination of transcribed Mamu-A genes present per chromosome display diversity in a population of Indian animals. At present, it is not clearly understood whether these different A region configurations are evolutionarily stable entities. To shed light on this issue, rhesus macaques from a Chinese population and a panel of cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) were screened for various A region-linked variations. Comparisons demonstrated that most A region configurations are old entities predating macaque speciation, whereas most allelic variation (>95%) is of more recent origin. The latter situation contrasts the observations of the major histocompatibility complex class II genes in rhesus and cynomolgus macaques, which share a high number of identical alleles (>30%) as defined by exon 2 sequencing.  相似文献   

The Q10 gene is a member of the major histocompatibility complex of the mouse that is expressed in the liver and kidney of the adult. Using transient expression assays, we found that the Q10 promoter was activated by retinoic acid (RA) and exogenous RARs and/or RXRs in a cell type-dependent manner. In addition, the basal activity of the Q10 promoter in HepG2 cells is lowered by expressing a dominant negative form of RARalpha. Incidentally, we have identified two cis-elements which consist of sequences related to retinoic acid response elements (RAREs) and a putative cAMP responsive element (CRE) the sequence of which overlaps one of the RAREs. RAR, RXR, CREB-ATF, and COUP-TF factors bind these elements and/or affect their activity. We also demonstrate that the CRE mediates part of the stimulation induced by activation of the cAMP pathway on the Q10 promoter, the residual activation being mediated by RARs. Our results suggest that Q10 expression in liver depends upon RA and the interaction between nuclear receptors that are expressed in this organ. The overlapping of the CRE with one of the RAREs together with the results of PKA activation also suggest that RA and cAMP signalling pathways are linked.  相似文献   

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