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It was earlier shown that ultraslow tilts of the support under quiet standing conditions evoke an unusual response reflecting the operation of compensatory mechanisms: postural sway is a superposition of postural oscillations typical of quiet standing and greater, slower inclinations of the body caused by the tilt. This may be explained by the presence of two hierarchical levels of upright posture control: real-time control compensates for small deviations of the body from the reference posture prescribed by presetting control. Mathematical simulation methods have been used to study the mechanisms of reference posture control. The results are compared with available experimental data. It is demonstrated that the reference posture can be corrected according to the gravitational vertical with the use of a kinesthetic reference alone. It is hypothesized that, when correcting the reference posture, the nervous system “assumes” the support to be immobile. The afferent input from sole pressure receptors is an important factor in reference posture correction. The advantages of the putative two-level control over control based on an explicit internal model are discussed.  相似文献   

The EEG spectral-coherence parameters were analyzed in 10 healthy individuals (mean age, 22 ± 0.67 years) at different steps of verticalization, from the lying position to the sitting and standing positions. The maximal changes in all EEG parameters were revealed when the upright posture was maintained in the absence of visual control. Under these conditions, a power increase for the fast EEG components (the ??- and ??-bands) was observed, as was an additional increase when the conditions of maintaining the upright posture were complicated. According to the results of the EEG??s coherent analysis, human verticalization revealed a specific increase for most of the EEG rhythm ranges in the right hemisphere, especially in the frontocentral and occipitoparietal regions, as well as for the interhemispheric coherences for these leads reflecting the involvement of both cortical and subcortical structures in these processes. When the posture maintenance conditions were complicated, an additional coherence increase in the fast EEG bands (the ??-rhythm) was observed in the frontal cortical regions, which was evidence of the increase in the executive functions under these conditions.  相似文献   

The sagittal and frontal components of the stabilogram were monitored in 14 healthy subjects standing on a rigid or pliant support under three different conditions of visual control: with the eyes opened (EO), with the eyes closed (EC), or in a virtual visual environment (VVE). Under the VVE conditions, the subjects looked at a three-dimensional image of elements of a room (a 3-D artificial room) that was generated by a computer and locked to the fluctuations of the body center of gravity (CG) so that the visual connection between body sway and shifts of the visual environment typical of normal visual conditions was reproduced. Frequency filtration of the fluctuations of the foot’s center of pressure (FCP) was used to isolate the movements of the vertical projection of the CG and determine the difference between these two variables. The changes in the variables (CG and FCP-CG) were estimated using spectral analysis followed by the calculation of the root mean square (RMS) amplitudes of their spectral fluctuations. In subjects standing on a rigid support, the RMS amplitudes of the spectra of both variables were the highest under the VVE and EC conditions and the lowest under the EO conditions. In subjects standing on a pliant support, body sway was considerably enhanced, which was accompanied by a different pattern of visual influences. The RMS values were the highest under the EC conditions and were lower by a factor of 2–2.5 under the EO and VVE conditions. Thus, it has been demonstrated that the cerebral structures controlling posture ignore the afferent input from the eyes under VVE conditions, if the subject is standing on a rigid support and the CG fluctuations are relatively small; however, this afferentation is efficiently used for maintaining the posture on a pliable support, when the body sway is substantially enhanced.  相似文献   

The effectivity of the compensatory role of visual biofeedback in cases of decreased stability of upright posture has been analysed. The deterioration of stance was modelled by a subject standing on a soft surface and with additional weight load on the body. The influence of visual biofeedback was positive only for the compensation of decreased stability of upright posture caused by artificially increased body weight of the subject. The compensatory effectivity of visual biofeedback in stabilization of upright posture during stance on a soft surface was practically negligible. The results have shown that effective compensation of the destabilizing effect by visual biofeedback in human upright posture was possible only when the activity and efficiency of efferent-action part of the postural system remained unchanged.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that an elevation in albumin synthetic rate contributes to increased plasma albumin content during exercise-induced hypervolemia. Albumin synthetic rate was measured in seven healthy subjects at 1-5 and 21-22 h after 72 min of intense (85% peak oxygen consumption rate) intermittent exercise and after 5 h recovery in either upright (Up) or supine (Sup) postures. Deuterated phenylalanine (d(5)-Phe) was administrated by a primed-constant infusion method, and fractional synthetic rate (FSR) and absolute synthetic rate (ASR) of albumin were calculated from the enrichment of d(5)-Phe in plasma albumin, determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. FSR of albumin in Up increased significantly (P < 0.05) from 4.9 +/- 0.9%/day at control to 7.3 +/- 0.9%/day at 22 h of recovery. ASR of albumin increased from 87.9 +/- 17.0 to 141.1 +/- 16.6 mg albumin. kg body wt(-1). day(-1). In contrast, FSR and ASR of albumin were unchanged in Sup (3.9 +/- 0.4 to 4.0 +/- 1.4%/day and 74.2 +/- 8.9 to 85.3 +/- 23.9 mg albumin. kg body wt(-1). day(-1) at control and 22 h of recovery, respectively). Increased albumin synthesis after upright intense exercise contributes to the expansion of greater albumin content and its maintenance. We conclude that stimuli related to posture are critical in modulating the drive for albumin synthesis after intense exercise.  相似文献   

Pressures were measured at two levels in the esophagus in 14 young healthy subjects performing slow inspiratory and expiratory vital capacity (VC) maneuvers in upright and head-down posture (180 degrees body tilt). In both postures, a gravitational pressure gradient was found, which increased very slightly with decreasing lung volumes (0.006 cmH2O X % VC-1 X cm descent-1) except for upright expiratory curves above 60% VC. The expiratory pressure gradient tended to be larger in head-down than in upright posture; however, during inspiration the opposite was true. In both postures the pressure change between 100 and 20% VC was smaller in the uppermost zone, which is consistent with the smaller changes in alveolar expansion in this zone. Also, in seven of the subjects, changes in cross-sectional area of the middle and lower part of the rib cage (HRC and LRC) and of the abdomen (ABD) were measured by respiratory inductive plethysmography in upright and head-down posture. The ratio of HRC motion to LRC motion was constant throughout the VC and did not change with posture, yet the ratio of ABD motion to mean RC motion changed with overall volume and was also larger in head-down than in upright posture. In conclusion, the changes in esophageal pressure gradient during slow VC maneuvers in head-down vs. upright posture were not related to (and thus not caused by) changes in chest wall configuration.  相似文献   

Equilibrium maintenance was estimated in a subject standing with the eyes closed while holding a small weight. The experiments were performed on a movable platform in the form of a seesaw. Loads of 200, 500, and 1000 g were held by the subjects between the forefinger and the thumb, with the arm bent at the elbow. The rate of change in the length of the sagittal stabilogram and the root mean square deviation of the center of pressure from the equilibrium position were less when a subject was holding a load while standing on a movable support. The rate of change in the stabilogram length was the lowest (44.5 ± 6.8 mm/s) if the subject stood holding a 1000-g load and was 52.6 ± 9.2 mm/s without a load (p < 0.05, paired T-test). At the same time, when these loads were fixed on a mechanical holder attached to the trunk and simulating an arm bent at the elbow, there was no significant change in stabilogram parameters. Apparently, postural sway reduction is associated with the fact that the system of equilibrium maintenance can control the upright posture using an uncommon afferent input, namely, modulation of afferent signals induced by inertial interaction of an object and the fingers.  相似文献   

This study aimed to compare body sway characteristics of the healthy elderly and the disordered elderly. The subjects were 38 healthy elderly and 24 disordered elderly with disequilibrium. The latter consisted of two groups: 12 elderly with vestibular organ or central nervous systems disorder (central nervous disorders), and 12 elderly with disorder in other systems (other disorders). The measurement device can calculate the center of foot pressure (CFP) of vertical loads from the values of three vertical load sensors, which are located at the corners of an isosceles triangle on a level surface. The data sampling frequency was 20 Hz. Four body sway factors with high reliability (unit time sway, front-back sway, left-right sway, and high frequency band power) were used to evaluate body sway. As compared with healthy people, central nervous disorders had larger unit time sway, high frequency band power, and left-right sway factors. Other disorders were larger in unit time sway and high frequency band power factors. Central nervous disorders, as compared with other disorders, had larger unit time sway and left-right sway factors. Disorders produced large and fast sway, and central nervous disorders in particular showed a marked sway in the left-right direction. The existence of disease influenced body sway more than decline in various functions related to posture control with aging, because even with the same elderly, disorders showed a larger body sway.  相似文献   

Surface perturbation has been used for decades to study balance and postural control; however the behavior of the trunk in these postural responses has been largely overlooked. Thirteen healthy males (18–23 yrs) were exposed to horizontal support surface translations delivered randomly in one of eight different horizontal directions in both sitting and standing. A 4-segment model of the trunk was used to estimate the kinematics and kinetics associated with the postural response, while surface EMG was acquired, bilaterally, from seven trunk muscles and one hip muscle. Multi-segmental movement was observed in the trunk in both test postures. Both the biomechanical and neuromuscular aspects of the trunk response were significantly affected by translation direction and test posture, with an interaction effect between these variables. The response in sitting was closely tied to the movement of the support surface, while the response in standing occurred in two phases: the first related to the dynamic response in the lower limbs, and the second tied to the movement of the support surface. As such, the observed postural responses could be largely explained by the biomechanical constraints of the system, such that the neural control of trunk equilibrium is simplified.  相似文献   

Seahorses (Syngnathidae: Hippocampus) are iconic marine teleosts that are readily identifiable by their upright posture. The fossil record is inadequate to shed light on the evolution of this trait because it lacks transitional forms. There are, however, extant syngnathid species (the pygmy pipehorses) that look like horizontally swimming seahorses and that might represent a surviving evolutionary link between the benthic seahorses and other, free-swimming members of the family Syngnathidae. Using sequence data from five nuclear loci, we confirm the sister taxon relationship between seahorses and pygmy pipehorses. Molecular dating indicates that the two taxa diverged during the Late Oligocene. During this time, tectonic events in the Indo-West Pacific resulted in the formation of vast amounts of new shallow-water areas and associated expansion of seagrass habitats that would have favoured the seahorses’ upright posture by improving their camouflage while not affecting their manoeuvrability negatively. The molecular techniques employed here provide new insights into the evolution of a taxon whose fossil record is incomplete, but whose evolutionary history is so recent that the major stages of morphological evolution are still represented in extant species.  相似文献   

We determined the configuration of lungs and chest in six healthy young subjects using anteroposterior and lateral technetium-99m-labeled scintigraphic images obtained in upright and in 90 degree head-down posture at 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100% vital capacity (VC). The lung shape was evaluated from curves relating vertical height vs. cumulative volume of 20 apicodiaphragmatic lung zones of equal height. S-shaped curves were obtained, which, after size normalization, were largely independent of volume or posture (P greater than 0.1). However, the apical zones tended to become relatively wider and the diaphragmatic zones relatively smaller with increasing volume, especially between 0 and 25% VC in upright posture and 0-50% VC in head-down posture. Changing posture from upright to head-down also tended to slightly widen the apical zones and to narrow the diaphragmatic zones, which is in line with a greater intrathoracic penetration of the diaphragm/abdomen. The shape of the chest was evaluated from the ratio of the transverse-thoracic and anteroposterior distances over height. These ratios did not clearly change with posture (P greater than or equal to 0.05) but increased by approximately 30% with decreasing volume (P less than 0.01). The fact that these shape changes of the chest were not accompanied by similar changes in lung shape can be explained mainly by widening of the mediastinum when volume decreases. In conclusion, the shape of the lung and chest are similar in head-down and upright humans, in contrast to the reversal of the apicodiaphragmatic differences in alveolar expansion and in transpulmonary pressure.  相似文献   


This study aimed to investigate the influence of three stimulating surfaces based on center of pressure (CoP), anteroposterior sway velocity (VA/P), and medio-lateral sway velocity (VM/L) of 40 elderly subjects. CoP and VM/L showed a significant decrease in all visual conditions only in the stimulating surface whereas VA/P showed a significant decrease only on the same surface with eyes open. Results confirm the importance of multisensory stimulation in postural control in the elderly.  相似文献   

Serum FSH and LH levels in basal conditions and after Gn-RH test were investigated in 15 idiopathic oligozoospermic patients. Basal FSH was significantly higher in oligospermic than in normal subjects and a negative relationship was found between basal FSH and sperm count. Basal LH was not different in oligozoospermic and in normal subjects. Both FSH and LH responses to GN-RH were significantly higher in oligozoospermic patients. In idiopathic oligozoospermia the presence of a testicular defect involving both the seminiferous epithelium and Leydig cells is suggested.  相似文献   

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