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The sympatric bruchids Callosobruchus rhodesianus (Pic) and Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) colonize cultures of cowpea, Vigna unguiculata (Walp.) (Papilionaceae), in Togo at the end of the rainy season. Seeds containing larvae of the two bruchid species were introduced into the storage systems. Callosobruchus rhodesianus adults emerged from the seeds at the beginning of storage, but this species disappeared quickly and C. maculatus became dominant. Analysis of the reproduction of females collected at the beginning of storage made it possible to distinguish between four groups of females differing in their reproductive activity. Three groups were sexually active but they differed in their fecundity and the duration of the latency period before the first oviposition phase. The fourth group of females was in reproductive diapause. In interspecific competition, the presence of C. maculatus larvae reduced the survival chances of C. rhodesianus and therefore is disadvantageous for this species. The main factors explaining the rapid decrease of the C. rhodesianus populations under storage conditions were the variability of female reproductive activity with the emergence of insects in reproductive diapause and the significant larval mortality in interspecific competition with C. maculatus.  相似文献   

Faunal assembly in chironomids was analysed using published data in the fauna of three rivers in southern England and of Great Britain as a whole. Two questions, both relating to the generic composition of local faunal assemblages, were asked: (i) to what extent are faunas from different sites within a single geographical area associated in terms of the occurrence of genera ('generic association'); (ü) given the total number of species observed, is the number of different genera represented ('generic spread') more than would be expected by chance. The latter question relates to the hypothesis that if interspecific competition is a strong organizing force of local faunal assemblages, species would be more likely to occur as widely spread out among different genera, thus decreasing overlap in resource use and hence the possibility of outright competition. Null models of species occurrence were constructed through Monte Carlo simulation to evaluate quantitatively these two questions. Generic association of faunal assemblages from three localities was statistically significant, though there was some variation among different subfamilies of Chironomidae. No evidence of generic diversification (more genera occurring in the fauna than expected by chance) was found. These results and the original questions were given critical considerations in the discussion.  相似文献   

The processes which determine the structure of plant communities vary across spatial and temporal scales. Climatic factors are more likely to influence community structure at a regional scale with more transient environmental effects such as disturbance or demographic interactions having a greater influence at local scales. Understanding these differences is important for managing communities at a landscape scale. Triodia spp. grasslands are the most extensive plant community in Australia, covering 1.4 million km2, and yet little is known about the processes which structure these communities. We collected data on six sympatric Triodia spp. at the regional, landscape and local scale across the 325 000 ha property, Mornington Wildlife Sanctuary, in the Kimberley region of northern Western Australia to investigate the processes which structure this community. Regionally we looked for correlations between species distributions and substrate or rainfall. At the landscape scale we collected data on substrate, drainage and vegetation type and at the local scale we determined the extent to which individuals form mono‐specific stands both along and across the contour gradient. Only one species, T. aeria, was found to be substrate specific and only T. epactia was restricted to the drier southern end of the property. The other species were not restricted by substrate or rainfall at the regional scale and were found to be habitat generalists at the landscape scale. All species grew in mono‐specific stands with little to no mixing at shared boundaries. However, this pattern broke down when crossing the contour gradient on hillsides. The results suggest rainfall may influence the distribution of some Triodia spp. at a regional scale with interspecific competition, due to differences in post‐fire regeneration niches, structuring the community at the local scale. At the landscape scale community structure appears to be influenced by feedback mechanisms involving differences in the post‐fire regeneration strategies of sympatric species and subsequent competition for establishment microsites.  相似文献   

Considerable research efforts have been made to predict the influences of climate change on species composition in biological communities. However, little is known about how changing environmental conditions and anthropogenic pollution can affect aquatic communities in combination. We investigated the influence of short warming periods on the response of a zooplankton community to the insecticide esfenvalerate at a range of environmentally realistic concentrations (0.03, 0.3 and 3 μg L?1) in 55 outdoor pond microcosms. Warming periods increased the cumulative water temperature, but did not exceed the maximum temperature measured under ambient conditions. Under warming conditions alone the abundance of some zooplankton taxa increased selectively compared to ambient conditions. This resulted in a shift in the community composition that had not recovered by the end of the experiment, 8 weeks after the last warming period. Regarding the pesticide exposure, short‐term effects of esfenvalerate on the community structure and the sensitive taxa Daphnia spp. did not differ between the two temperature regimes. In contrast, long‐term effects of esfenvalerate on Daphnia spp., a taxon that did not benefit from elevated temperatures, were observed twice as long under warming than under ambient conditions. This resulted in long‐term effects on Daphnia spp. until 4 months after contamination at 3 μg L?1 esfenvalerate. Under both temperature regimes, we identified strength of interspecific competition as the mechanism determining the time until recovery. However, enhanced interspecific competition under warming conditions was prolonged and explained the delayed recovery of Daphnia spp. from esfenvalerate. These results show that, for realistic prediction of the combined effects of changing environmental factors and toxicants on sensitive taxa, the impacts of stressors on the biotic interactions within the community need to be considered.  相似文献   

Understanding community responses to climate is critical for anticipating the future impacts of global change. However, despite increased research efforts in this field, models that explicitly include important biological mechanisms are lacking. Quantifying the potential impacts of climate change on species is complicated by the fact that the effects of climate variation may manifest at several points in the biological process. To this end, we extend a dynamic mechanistic model that combines population dynamics, such as species interactions, with species redistribution by allowing climate to affect both processes. We examine their relative contributions in an application to the changing biomass of a community of eight species in the Gulf of Maine using over 30 years of fisheries data from the Northeast Fishery Science Center. Our model suggests that the mechanisms driving biomass trends vary across space, time, and species. Phase space plots demonstrate that failing to account for the dynamic nature of the environmental and biologic system can yield theoretical estimates of population abundances that are not observed in empirical data. The stock assessments used by fisheries managers to set fishing targets and allocate quotas often ignore environmental effects. At the same time, research examining the effects of climate change on fish has largely focused on redistribution. Frameworks that combine multiple biological reactions to climate change are particularly necessary for marine researchers. This work is just one approach to modeling the complexity of natural systems and highlights the need to incorporate multiple and possibly interacting biological processes in future models.  相似文献   

To provide an in-depth insight into the molecular basis of spontaneous tautomerism in DNA and RNA base pairs, a hybrid Monte Carlo (MC)–quantum chemical (QC) methodology is implemented to map two-dimensional potential energy surfaces along the reaction coordinates of solvent-assisted proton transfer processes in guanosine and its analog acyclovir in aqueous solution. The solvent effects were simulated by explicit inclusion of water molecules that model the relevant part of the first hydration shell around the solute. The position of these water molecules was estimated by carrying out a classical Metropolis Monte Carlo simulation of dilute water solutions of the guanosine (Gs) and acyclovir (ACV) and subsequently analyzing solute–solvent intermolecular interactions in the statistically-independent MC-generated configurations. The solvent-assisted proton transfer processes were further investigated using two different ab initio MP2 quantum chemical approaches. In the first one, potential energy surfaces of the ‘bare’ finite solute–solvent clusters containing Gs/ACV and four water molecules (MP2/6-31+G(d,p) level) were explored, while within the second approach, these clusters were embedded in ‘bulk’ solvent treated as polarizable continuum (C-PCM/MP2/6-31+G(d,p) level of theory). It was found that in the gas phase and in water solution, the most stable tautomer for guanosine and acyclovir is the 1H-2-amino-6-oxo form followed by the 2-amino-6-(sZ)-hydroxy form. The energy barriers of the water-assisted proton transfer reaction in guanosine and in acyclovir are found to be very similar – 11.74 kcal mol?1 for guanosine and 11.16 kcal mol?1 for acyclovir, and the respective rate constants (k = 1.5?×?101 s?1, guanosine and k = 4.09?×?101 s?1, acyclovir), are sufficiently large to generate the 2-amino-6-(sZ)-hydroxy tautomer. The analysis of the reaction profiles in both compounds shows that the proton transfer processes occur through the asynchronous concerted mechanism.  相似文献   

In most experimental hybridizations between oilseed rape (Brassica napus) and weedy B. campestris, either intra- or interspecific pollen has been applied to individual flowers. Under field conditions, however, stigmas will often receive a mixture of the two types of pollen, thereby allowing for competition between male gametophytes and/or seeds within pods. To test whether competition influences the success of hybridization, pollen from the two species was mixed in different proportions and applied to stigmas of both species. The resulting seeds were scored for paternity by isozyme and randomly amplified polymorphic DNA analysis. Using data on the proportion of fully developed seeds and the proportion of these seeds that were hybrids, a statistical model was constructed to estimate the fitness of conspecific and heterospecific pollen and the survival of conspecific and heterospecific zygotes to seeds. B. campestris pollen in B. napus styles had a significantly lower fitness than the conspecific pollen, whereas no difference between pollen types was found in B. campestris styles. Hybrid zygotes survived to significantly lower proportions than conspecific zygotes in both species, with the lowest survival of hybrid zygotes in B. napus pods. This is in contrast to the higher survival of hybrid seeds in B. napus than in B. campestris pods when pollinations are made with pure pollen. Altogether, the likelihood of a foreign pollen grain producing a seed was much lower on B. napus than on B. campestris. In addition, pods on B. napus developed to a lower extent the more heterospecific pollen was in the mix, whereas this had no effect on B. campestris.  相似文献   

T Noguti  N Go 《Proteins》1989,5(2):125-131
Differences in atom packing are studied in the minimum energy conformations derived from the record of the Monte Carlo simulation of conformational fluctuation in the native state of a globular protein, bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor. It is found that local deformations observed among the minima which are found in the previous paper are accompanied by rearrangement of atom packing. Spatial locations of the local deformations in the three-dimensional folded structure are also studied. It is found that the local deformations are distributed in space in several clusters in the folded structure. The size and location of the clusters characterize the respective fluctuations of the first and the second levels observed in the simulation. In the fluctuations of the first level local deformations, each of which usually involves a few side chains and one main chain local segment, are thermally exited independently of each other near the surface of the molecule. The observed fluctuation of the second level involves a cooperative deformation involving many side chains and local main chain segments all in one cluster, which goes though the core of the molecule. The collective local deformations observed both in the first and second levels are plastic in the sense that they are accompanied with rearrangement of atom packing.  相似文献   

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