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Polygamy (including trioecy and subdioecy), the co-occurrence of males, hermaphrodites, and females in natural populations, is a rare and poorly studied breeding system expressed in Fraxinus excelsior L. (Oleaceae), a wind-pollinated tree. Here we investigate siring ability of pollen from male vs. hermaphrodite individuals to better understand this sex polymorphism. We conducted single-donor and two-donor pollination experiments and compared both fruit set and seed siring success, assessed with polymorphic microsatellite markers, of male and hermaphrodite individuals. Single pollen donor crosses allowed us to verify the male function of hermaphrodites. However, pollen from hermaphrodites was much less proficient than male pollen, with males siring 10 times as many fruits in single donor pollination treatments. This result was strengthened by the surprisingly low reproductive success of hermaphrodites in pollen competition conditions: of the 110 seedlings analyzed three were selfed and only one was sired by the hermaphrodite donor. The remaining 106 were sired by the male pollen donor. These results raise the question of the maintenance of male fertility in hermaphrodites in Fraxinus excelsior. Male function of hermaphrodites in this species now needs to be assessed under field conditions.  相似文献   

Sex ratios are subject to strong frequency-dependent selection regulated by the mating system and the relative male versus female investment. In androdioecious plant populations, where males co-occur with hermaphrodites, the sex ratio depends on the rate of self-fertilization by hermaphrodites and on the relative pollen production of males versus hermaphrodites. Here, we report evolutionary changes in the sex ratio from experimental mating arrays of the androdioecious plant Mercurialis annua. We found that the progeny sex ratio depended strongly on density, with fewer males in the progeny of plants grown under low density. This occurred in part because of a plastic adjustment in pollen production by hermaphrodites, which produced more pollen when grown at low density than at high density. Our results provide support for the prediction that environmental conditions govern sex ratios through their effects on the relative fertility of unisexual versus hermaphrodite individuals.  相似文献   

Male and hermaphrodite flowers from the andromonoecious perennial Solanum carolinense were compared. Hermaphrodite flowers were 11–16% heavier than males, and this difference was consistent for two clones studied. Hermaphrodite flowers contained a greater amount of nitrogen than did male flowers, but males had higher percent nitrogen. Male and hermaphrodite flowers had equal investment in male structures: stamen mass, number of pollen grains, mass of pollen grains ejected by vibration, and pollen size were all similar for the two flower types. In contrast, male flowers had reduced masses of disfunctional female structures: ovaries of males were ⅓ as massive, and styles 1/7; as massive, as those of hermaphrodites. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that male flowers (which occur where fruit set is unlikely) increase male fitness through pollen donation, while saving resources that would otherwise be invested in hermaphrodite flowers that abscise.  相似文献   

Androdioecy, the coexistence of males and hermaphrodites within a population, is a rare breeding system, often considered as unlikely to evolve because of restrictive conditions for its maintenance. Phillyrea angustifolia, a wind-pollinated shrub, is one of the handful species reported to be androdioecious. Our previous studies have shown that natural populations of this species in southern France exhibit higher male frequencies (approximately 50%) than predicted on theoretical grounds. Thus, the male functionality of hermaphrodites is still debated. To assess the functional breeding system of this species in the wild, a paternity analysis was performed with two highly polymorphic microsatellite loci on 729 seeds collected on 10 maternal shrubs in a natural population of 24 mature individuals of P. angustifolia. A large proportion of seeds were found to have been sired by pollen from outside the population. Analysis of seeds sired by individuals within the study population revealed a high male fertility of hermaphrodites resulting in a low male advantage in fertility for male plants. Intermate distances were found to have a strong impact on male reproductive success, whereas sexual morph had no effect, with males and hermaphrodites performing equivalently. This study is the first to unequivocally document the occurrence of a male function of hermaphrodites in a natural population of an androdioecious species.  相似文献   

Plants are notoriously variable in gender, ranging in sex allocation from purely male through hermaphrodite to purely female. This variation can have both a genetic and an adaptive plastic component. In gynodioecious species, where females co‐occur with hermaphrodites, hermaphrodites tend to shift their allocation towards greater maleness when growing under low‐resource conditions, either as a result of hermaphrodites shifting away from an expensive female function, or because of enhanced siring advantages in the presence of females. Similarly, in the androdioecious plant Mercurialis annua, where hermaphrodites co‐exist with males, hermaphrodites also tend to enhance their relative male allocation under low‐resource conditions. Here, we ask whether this response differs between hermaphrodites that have been evolving in the presence of males, in a situation analogous to that supposed for gynodioecious populations, vs. those that have been evolving in their absence. We grew hermaphrodites of M. annua from populations in which males were either present or absent under different levels of nutrient availability and compared their reaction norms. We found that, overall, hermaphrodites from populations with males tended to be more female than those from populations lacking males. Importantly, hermaphrodites' investment in pollen and seed production was more plastic when they came from populations with males than without them, reducing their pollen production at low resource availability and increasing their seed production at high resource availability. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that plasticity in sex allocation is enhanced in hermaphrodites that have likely been exposed to variation in mating opportunities due to fluctuations in the frequency of co‐occurring males.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: In andromonoecious taxa with separate floral types along the inflorescence, architectural or plastic effects can simulate floral sexual dimorphism. Both the primary and secondary sexual characteristics of the cyathia of the protogynous andromonoecious species Euphorbia nicaeensis were analysed according to their sex and arrangement on the inflorescence. METHODS: The production of male and hermaphrodite cyathia at each inflorescence level was surveyed in two natural populations. The longevity, size, pollen production and viability, and nectar secretion of both types of cyathia were checked between inflorescence levels and between sexes at the only level at which they occur together. This sampling method makes it possible to know whether differences between cyathia types are based on sex or are attributable to inflorescence development. KEY RESULTS: Male cyathia were produced predominantly at the first and second inflorescence levels, whereas at levels 3-5, the cyathia were almost exclusively hermaphrodite. Viable pollen production by male cyathia at the second inflorescence level was higher than that of hermaphrodite cyathia at the third level but, when males and hermaphrodites at the same level were compared, their pollen production was similar. Male and hermaphrodite cyathia were similar in size, irrespective of the inflorescence level, although the exclusively hermaphrodite cyathia of the last level were smaller. Both cyathium types produced similar amounts of sugar. However, male cyathia produced nectar during their whole lifespans, whereas hermaphrodites produced it exclusively during their male phase. Moreover, the nectary activity of male cyathia started earlier in the day than that of hermaphrodites. CONCLUSIONS: An apparent floral dimorphism exists in the primary sexual characteristics of Euphorbia nicaeensis because differences in pollen production between cyathium types are due to theirs positions. Similarly, differences affecting most secondary sexual characteristics are only apparent between the two cyathium types. However, E. nicaeensis shows a true but slight floral dimorphism in some of the secondary sex characters related to nectar secretion. The lack of nectar production by the female phase of the hermaphrodite cyathia of E. nicaeensis indicates that this is a deceit-pollinated species.  相似文献   

Natural selection operates on the mating strategies of hermaphrodites through their functional gender, i.e. their relative success as male versus female parents. Because functional gender will tend to be strongly influenced by sex allocation, it is often estimated in plants by counting seeds and pollen grains. However, a plant's functional gender must also depend on the fate of the seeds and pollen grains it produces. We provide clear evidence of a paternal effect on the functional gender of a plant that is independent of the resources invested in pollen. In the Mediterranean tree Fraxinus ornus, males coexist with hermaphrodites that disperse viable pollen and that sire seeds; the population would thus appear to be functionally androdioecious. However, we found that seedlings sired by hermaphrodites grew significantly less well than those sired by males, suggesting that hermaphrodites may be functionally less male than they seem. The observed 1 : 1 sex ratios in F. ornus, which have hitherto been difficult to explain in the light of the seed-siring ability of hermaphrodites, support our interpretation that this species is cryptically dioecious. Our results underscore the importance of considering progeny quality when estimating gender, and caution against inferring androdioecy on the basis of a siring ability of hermaphrodites alone.  相似文献   

Abstract Androdioecy (the presence of males and hermaphrodites in a breeding population) is a rare reproductive system in plants, with Datisca glomerata (Datiscaceae) representing the only well-documented example. Recent reports of high outcrossing rates, inbreeding depression, and high male pollen production satisfy theoretical predictions for the continued maintenance of androdioecy in populations of this species. However, in prior studies pollen production was measured indirectly in terms of numbers of anthers per flower—based on the assumption that male and hermaphroditic plant have equal numbers of flowers and that anthers from the two sexual morphs produce equivalent amounts of pollen. Herein, we demonstrate that male and hermaphrodite plants do not differ significantly in terms of flower number, but that pollen production in anthers from hermaphroditic plants is 12.6% higher than in anthers from male plants, thus refining the estimate of relative pollen fecundity of male versus hermaphrodite plants. The differential lowers the frequency of males predicted by theory, but is still consistent with the maintenance of androdioecy in this species.  相似文献   

Hermaphroditic Corbicula leana clams reproduce by androgenesis and have been regarded as simultaneous hermaphrodites. To date, there has been no report on the occurrence of male clams in hermaphroditic Corbicula. In an irrigation ditch in Shiga Prefecture, we found that 78.2% of C. leana specimens were males and 21.8% were hermaphrodites. Microfluorometric analysis revealed that males were diploids and hermaphrodites were triploids. All males produced nonreductional and biflagellate spermatozoa. The sequence analysis of mitochondrial DNA (cytochrome b, 621 bp) for 31 specimens of C. leana showed that four male and nine hermaphrodites shared the same H2 mtDNA haplotype; H1 was detected from 17 males and H3 was detected from one hermaphrodite. Coexisting C. fluminea clams also have haplotypes H1 and H2. Phylogenetic tree by a neighborjoining method based on the partial sequence of cytochrome b revealed that the haplotypes (H1- 3) of C. leana were evidently different from those of dioecious C. sandai (S1 and S2) and C. japonica (J1 and J2). These results suggest that males may be derived from hermaphrodite C. leana clams. The role of males in hermaphroditic populations is unknown. However, if the spermatozoon from a male is able to fertilize an egg from a hermaphrodite and the nuclear genome of the egg is expelled as polar bodies, the sperm nucleus could form a zygote nucleus. This mode of reproduction would allow the replacement of the nuclear genome.  相似文献   

Androdioecy is an unusual breeding system in which populations consist of separate male and hermaphrodite individuals. The evolution of androdioecy is still poorly understood; however, there is evidence from several androdioecious species that the breeding system may have evolved from dioecy (males and females). This article presents a simple deterministic model showing that androdioecy can evolve from dioecy under a broad range of realistic conditions. For the evolution of androdioecy from dioecy, hermaphrodites must be able to invade the dioecious population. Then, males must be maintained, while females are eliminated. Hermaphrodite invasion is favored when females are pollen limited and hermaphrodites have high overall fertility and are self-fertile. Male maintenance is favored when hermaphrodites resemble females, having high seed production and low pollen fitness, and when the selfing rate is not too high. These conditions were satisfied over a broad and realistic range of parameter values, suggesting that the evolution of androdioecy from dioecy is highly plausible.  相似文献   

How androdioecy (coexistence of hermaphrodites and males) is maintained is still poorly understood. Therefore, sex determination was studied in the androdioecious barnacle Scalpellum scalpellum L. First, 247 cypris larvae from seven broods were investigated for sexual dimorphism in larval morphology and found to be all identical. Second, experiments with cyprids showed that males and hermaphrodites differ distinctly in morphology as soon as 4–5 days after settlement. Third, 14 252 cyprids were allowed to settle on the bottom of their culture cages, and all surviving larvae developed into hermaphrodites and none into dwarf males. Fourth, larvae settled in hermaphrodite receptacles (i.e. future males) were removed at increasing intervals after settlement to study if the male and hermaphrodite sexual expressions are fixed or plastic. All larvae became dwarf males if allowed to stay there for more than 8 h after settlement. But if removed within 3 h after settlement, half of them developed into hermaphrodites. We conclude that an environmental sex determination mechanism operates in S. scalpellum. Together with a 1:1 hermaphrodite/male ratio observed in previously reported experiments offering a free choice of settlement, we suggest that all larvae are potential hermaphrodites, but only 50% can settle in hermaphrodite receptacles and yield males.  相似文献   

Tapiscia sinensis, a rare endemic woody plant with both male and hermaphrodite individuals, is distributed in southern China. Whether T. sinensis is functionally androdioecious is unknown. In this study, we compare the male fitness between male and hermaphrodite individuals and perform pollination experiments in different habitats, identify the ability of actual siring of pollen from hermaphrodites and males under natural pollination, and discuss the evolution and maintenance of androdioecy in T. sinensis. Research suggests that flowers and fruits grow synchronously on hermaphrodite plants of T. sinensis from April to June. The males of T. sinensis had more than twice the genetic contribution of hermaphrodites through their male function and the fruit set from male pollination and cross‐pollination was the highest in all of the treatments, whereas that from self‐pollination was the lowest. Additionally, paternity analysis showed that the hermaphroditic pollen could result in siring success under natural pollination. The results showed that T. sinensis is a functionally androdioecious tree, that male individuals might evolve from a hermaphroditic ancestor and that the synchronous growth of flowers and fruit in hermaphrodites might facilitate the evolution and maintenance of androdioecy in T. sinensis.  相似文献   



The ‘gynodioecy–dioecy pathway’ is considered to be one of the most important evolutionary routes from hermaphroditism to separate sexes (dioecy). Despite a large accumulation of evidence for female seed fertility advantages in gynodioecious species (females and hermaphrodites coexist) in support of the first step in the gynodioecy–dioecy pathway, we still have very little evidence for the second step, i.e. the transition from gynodioecy to dioecy.


We review the literature to evaluate whether basic predictions by theory are supported. To establish whether females'' seed fertility advantage and frequencies are sufficient to favour the invasion of males, we review these for species along the gynodioecy–dioecy pathway published in the last 5 years. We then review the empirical evidence for predictions deriving from the second step, i.e. hermaphrodites'' male fertility increases with female frequency, selection favours greater male fertility in hermaphrodites in gynodioecious species, and, where males and hermaphrodites coexist with females (subdioecy), males have greater male fertility than hermaphrodites. We review how genetic control and certain ecological features (pollen limitation, selfing, plasticity in sex expression and antagonists) influence the trajectory of a population along the gynodioecy–dioecy pathway.


Females tend to have greater seed fertility advantages over hermaphrodites where the two coexist, and this advantage is positively correlated with female frequency across species, as predicted by theory. A limited number of studies in subdioecious species have demonstrated that males have an advantage over hermaphrodites, as also predicted by theory. However, less evidence exists for phenotypic selection to increase male traits of hermaphrodites or for increasing male function of hermaphrodites in populations with high female frequency. A few key case studies underline the importance of examining multiple components of male fertility and the roles of pollen limitation, selfing and plasticity, when evaluating advantages. We conclude that we do not yet have a full understanding of the transition from gynodioecy to dioecy.  相似文献   

Abruzzi KC  Magendantz M  Solomon F 《Genetics》2002,160(3):983-994
The free-living nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans reproduces primarily as a self-fertilizing hermaphrodite, yet males are maintained in wild-type populations at low frequency. To determine the role of males in C. elegans, we develop a mathematical model for the genetic system of hermaphrodites that can either self-fertilize or be fertilized by males and we perform laboratory observations and experiments on both C. elegans and a related dioecious species C. remanei. We show that the mating efficiency of C. elegans is poor compared to a dioecious species and that C. elegans males are more attracted to C. remanei females than they are to their conspecific hermaphrodites. We postulate that a genetic mutation occurred during the evolution of C. elegans hermaphrodites, resulting in the loss of an attracting sex pheromone present in the ancestor of both C. elegans and C. remanei. Our findings suggest that males are maintained in C. elegans because of the particular genetic system inherited from its dioecious ancestor and because of nonadaptive spontaneous nondisjunction of sex chromosomes, which occurs during meiosis in the hermaphrodite. A theoretical argument shows that the low frequency of male mating observed in C. elegans can support male-specific genes against mutational degeneration. This results in the continuing presence of functional males in a 99.9% hermaphroditic species in which outcrossing is disadvantageous to hermaphrodites.  相似文献   

In Thymus vulgaris L., sex determination involves both the nuclear and the cytoplasmic genomes: the cytoplasm is responsible for male-sterility (the female phenotype) while specific nuclear genes may restore male fertility (the hermaphrodite phenotype). Previous observations have shown high variation among hermaphrodites for pollen and seed production. In order to investigate the origin of this variation, 12 female plants, four from each of three populations, were hand-pollinated with pollen from hermaphrodites from three different paternal populations. The sex-ratio (i.e. the frequency of hermaphrodites) produced and the reproductive functions of these offspring were measured. A strong positive correlation was observed between the sex-ratio within a family and both female and male reproductive functions of its hermaphrodites. No such correlation was found for females. This result suggests that restorer genes may be directly or indirectly involved both in sex determination and in the efficiency of resource allocation to reproductive functions. As a consequence, female advantage, i.e. the relative fecundity of females to hermaphrodites, is larger in families with low sex-ratio, and this might affect the evolution of this gynodioecious breeding system.  相似文献   

D E Wolf  J A Satkoski  K White  L H Rieseberg 《Genetics》2001,159(3):1243-1257
Datisca glomerata is an androdioecious plant species containing male and hermaphroditic individuals. Molecular markers and crossing data suggest that, in both D. glomerata and its dioecious sister species D. cannabina, sex is determined by a single nuclear locus, at which maleness is dominant. Supporting this conclusion, an amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) is heterozygous in males and homozygous recessive in hermaphrodites in three populations of the androdioecious species. Additionally, hermaphrodite x male crosses produced 1:1 sex ratios, while hermaphrodite x hermaphrodite crosses produced almost entirely hermaphroditic offspring. No perfectly sex-linked marker was found in the dioecious species, but all markers associated with sex mapped to a single linkage group and were heterozygous in the male parent. There was no sex-ratio heterogeneity among crosses within D. cannabina collections, but males from one collection produced highly biased sex ratios (94% females), suggesting that there may be sex-linked meiotic drive or a cytoplasmic sex-ratio factor. Interspecific crosses produced only male and female offspring, but no hermaphrodites, suggesting that hermaphroditism is recessive to femaleness. This comparative approach suggests that the hermaphrodite form arose in a dioecious population from a recessive mutation that allowed females to produce pollen.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Euphorbia boetica (Euphorbiaceae) is a functional andromonoecious species that shows both intra- and interfloral dichogamy, hermaphrodite cyathia being protogynous. Sexual dimorphism of the cyathia of E. boetica is examined according to their gender and arrangement on the inflorescence. METHODS: Data were obtained from two natural populations, where the distribution of male and hermaphrodite cyathia in the inflorescence was recorded. The size, pollen production and viability, and nectar secretion were measured in both types of cyathia. KEY RESULTS: Most cyathia were male at the first levels of the inflorescence, then hermaphrodite cyathia predominated at the successive levels, although at the last levels the proportion of male cyathia increased. Male cyathia at basal positions lack ovaries, whereas those at distal positions showed vestigial ovaries. The size of the cyathia varied significantly depending on the level of the inflorescence where they were produced: those of the last levels were usually smaller. The hermaphrodites were significant bigger than males; however, these differences were due to the differential distribution of each cyathium type in the inflorescence. Male cyathia produced significantly more pollen and nectar than hermaphrodites. CONCLUSIONS: In Euphorbia boetica, basal male cyathia could be explained by the presence of protogyny, and apical male cyathia seem to respond to a preemption of resources. A true dimorphism affecting primary sexual characters and related to gender function appears at lower levels of the inflorescence, whereas an apparent size dimorphism due to positional effects occurs at upper positions. Longevity and distribution of cyathia, and their pattern of nectar production, could improve both male and female fitness.  相似文献   

In subdioecious populations, functional female, male and hermaphrodite individuals coexist. Subdioecy may be a transitional state towards dioecy or a breakdown of dioecy, although lability in sex expression may maintain subdioecy as a stable condition. To better understand the ecological aspects involved in sex ratio dynamics and breeding system evolution, we studied the pollination and female fitness components of female and hermaphrodite individuals of the subdioecious shrub Fuchsia microphylla. In two natural populations at the Trans‐Mexican Volcanic Belt we estimated female frequency and several reproductive components of female and hermaphrodite plants under natural pollination and experimental pollination treatments. Average female frequency was 42%, and on average, 42.5% of hermaphrodites produced fruits. Female plants showed a 17‐fold female fertility advantage over hermaphrodites through increased fruit production, as the number of seeds and germination rates did not differ between morphs. Hermaphrodite flowers were larger, with similar nectar production and concentration to female flowers, and pollinators did not show consistent morph preferences. Some hermaphrodites produced fruits autonomously, and female flowers excluded from pollinators produced fruits putatively by apomixis. Fruit production in hermaphrodites, but not in females, was related to height, suggesting increased investment of hermaphrodites in the female function at higher resource status. For sex ratios to be at equilibrium, the female fertility advantage should be reduced about eightfold. However, it may be that hermaphrodites are maintained by producing fruits at no cost to the male function at higher resource status, as the gender plasticity hypothesis proposes.  相似文献   

Summary This paper examines the correlates of individual size, reproductive success, gonadal allocation, and growth in a hermaphroditic reef fish. Individuals in S. fasciatus mature as simultaneous hermaphrodites; large individuals subsequently lose female function and become functional males. Daily female reproductive success was highly correlated with both hermaphrodite size and amount of female gonadal tissue. Three separate comparisons gave a positive correlation between male reproductive success and male gonadal allocation: (1) Males had higher levels of male gonadal allocation and male reproductive success than hermaphrodites. (2) The percent of gonad allocated to male tissue in hermaphrodites was higher in the year they had higher male mating success. (3) Male gonadal tissue of hermaphrodites was positively correlated with male reproductive success in the year that male reproductive success by hermaphrodites was higher and more variable. There was no evidence for a trade-off between male function, female function, and growth among hermaphrodites. Many of these patterns have also been observed in plants, but the selective pressures leading to these patterns in S. fasciatus and plants are probably quite different.  相似文献   

Brooding and the evolution of hermaphroditism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It has been suggested that hermaphroditism may evolve when the resources that females can profitably allocate to ova is limited by factors such as lack of brooding space. Spare resources could then be allocated to produce male gametes in a hermaphrodite. A model is developed to investigate the conditions under which this will occur. Hermaphrodites will displace males (and females) if the hermaphrodites produce at least half as many male gametes as a male. If the hermaphrodite produces less than half the number of gametes produced by a male then a stable equilibrium arises where males and hermaphrodites coexist. In this situation the frequency of males is determined by the ratio of the numbers of male gametes produced by hermaphrodites to the numbers produced by males.  相似文献   

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