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Anatomically preserved Woodwardia virginica (Blechnaceae) and a newly recognized onocleoid fern are described from the middle Miocene Yakima Canyon flora of central Washington State, USA. Identification of the W. virginica fossils is based on a combination of vegetative pinnules, rhizome and stipe anatomy, and fertile pinnules with indusiate sori and sporangia like those of extant W. virginica. Fronds are isomorphic. Vegetative pinnae are elongated and pinnatifid, with a secondary vein paralleling the midvein. Secondary veins of the pinnule lobe anastomose to form primary areoles and are either simple or dichotomize toward the margin. Rhizomes have a simple dictyostele with 3-5 cauline vascular bundles and often a sclerotic hypodermis. Leaf traces contain two large adaxial vascular bundles that occur laterally and adaxially, flanking an arc of 4-6 smaller bundles. Fertile pinnules have linear sori that are somewhat embedded in the laminae and are enclosed by a thin indusium. Leptosporangia display a vertical annulus and an elongated stalk. A second fern, Wessiea yakimaensis gen. et sp. nov., is represented by anatomically preserved branching rhizomes and attached frond bases that conform to the Onoclea-type pattern of rhizome and frond-base vasculature. Rhizomes have a simple dictyostele of 4-5 cauline meristeles. Leaf divergence is helical, with paired hippocampiform rachial traces. These two ferns occur in the same matrix with specimens of Osmunda wehrii. They demonstrate that filicalean fern assemblages similar to those of extant temperate floras were well established in western North America by the middle Miocene and further emphasize the exceptional species longevity of some homosporous pteridophytes.  相似文献   

Compressed specimens of the fern Osmunda are described from the Triassic of the Allan Hills, Antarctica. The specimens consist of a once pinnate, deeply pinnatifid fertile frond as well as several sterile specimens. Six pinnae are present on the partial fertile rachis, with two sterile pinnae above four fertile pinnae. Both sterile and fertile specimens are virtually identical to the modern species Osmunda claytoniana. Entire fronds are fragmentary; the longest is 21 cm in length. Sterile pinnae are alternate and deeply pinnatifid, with slightly toothed pinnules and dichotomous venation. Fertile pinnae are 1-1.3 cm long, once pinnate, and lack vegetative lamina. Sporangia are clustered, each 300-375 um in diameter, and possess a transverse annulus 6-8 cells long; dehiscence is by a vertical slit. Fronds arise from a rhizome 4 cm long by 1 cm wide; two croziers are present on the rhizome. Two frond segments up to 6 cm long and three deeply pinnatifid pinnae are present on the uppermost part of one rachis. Pinnules are ~4 mm long and 2-3 mm wide. The presence of this Osmunda species in the Triassic demonstrates stasis of frond morphology, both fertile and vegetative, for the genus.  相似文献   

内蒙古乌达地区早二叠世晋囊蕨属一新种   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过扫描电镜研究,建立了内蒙古中部乌达地区下二叠统山西组晋囊蕨诉一个新种Chansitheca wudaensis sp .onv.。新种的小心片Sphenopteris型,囊群椭圆形,由4~10个孢子囊组成,着生一示羽片背面,位于中脉的两侧。环带横列于孢子囊的上部,完全,单排细胞,细胞数目约为18个,这些特征表明新种属于里白科。  相似文献   

内蒙古乌达地区早二叠世晋囊蕨属一新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chansitheca (Sphenopteris) wudaensis sp. nov. is described based on the materials collected from the Lower Permian Shansi Formation of Wuda, Nei Mongol, China. The frond is small and at least two times pinnate. The pinnule is sphenopteroid. The sori are borne on the abaxial surface of the pinnule, arranged in two rows parallel to the midvein, elliptic,and composed of 4-10 round sporangia. The indusium is absent. The annulus is transverse and complete, and consists of about 18 thickened cells. The features of the fertile parts, sori, sporangia and annulus and the absence of indusium indicate that the new species belongs to the Gleicheniaceae.  相似文献   

Pollen organ Telangiopsis sp., associated with but not attached to vegetative fronds, has been collected from the Upper Devonian (Famennian) Wutong Formation, Dongzhi County, Anhui Province, China. Fertile axes with terminal pollen organs are dichotomous for 2–4 times and may be proximally attached by fragmentary pinnules. Pollen organs are synangiate and borne on the top of a short stalk. Synangia are radial in symmetry and each consists of 4–8 elongate microsporangia fused at base. Microsporangia have a longitudinal dehiscence line and show a tapered apex. The associated stem is spiny and bears a vegetative frond which bifurcates once at the basalmost part. Frond rachises possess one order of pinna arranged alternately. Pinnules are borne alternately, planate, highly dissected, and equally dichotomous for 2–3 times. Comparisons among Late Devonian seed plants recognize several branching patterns in the fertile fronds/axes bearing terminal pollen organs. Telangiopsis sp. reinforces that the Late Devonian pollen organs are synangiate usually with basally fused microsporangia. It is suggested that the evolutionary divergence of radial and bilateral symmetries of pollen organs may have occurred in the Famennian, when the earliest seed plants evolved planate and sometimes laminate pinnules.  相似文献   

Numerous small fern trunks and dispersed osmundaceous frond fragments occur within a Middle Triassic silicified peat near Fremouw Peak in the Transantarctic Mountains of Antarctica. These specimens form the basis of a new species of osmundaceous ferns that further helps to characterize the early Mesozoic vegetation of high latitude Gondwana. Ashicaulis woolfei n. sp. consists of small, upright trunks with a persistent armor of frond bases, adventitious roots, and vegetative frond parts. In cross section the trunks are ~2.5 cm in diameter and include up to 45 frond bases. Stems range from 5 to 8 mm in diameter with a xylem cylinder of 8-9 xylem segments separated by leaf gaps. Phyllotaxy is variable, approaching 2/5 or 3/8, with 10-12 frond traces in the cortex. Stipes have parenchymatous, stipular wings that are usually devoid of sclerenchyma; fronds are pinnate with alternate-subopposite pinnatifid pinnules. Although the absence of fertile pinnules and sporangia precludes assigning the fossils to a living genus, this species demonstrates that ferns with stelar architecture and histology similar to Osmunda subgenus Osmundastrum (Osmundaceae) were present in the Southern Hemisphere by the mid-Triassic.  相似文献   

More than 50 specimens of permineralized fertile pinnules with abaxially borne sporangia have been discovered in calcareous marine nodules from the Upper Cretaceous (Coniacian) Comox Formation from the Eden Main localities on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Isolated pinnules 1.6–3.0 mm wide × 1.6–2.8 mm long are lobed and abaxially enrolled to form irregular globose structures. Pyriform sporangia 216–300 μm wide × 360–468 μm long occur in two rows on the abaxial surface of pinnule lobes. Sporangia have an apical annulus of 15–18 cells. Spores are tetrahedral and trilete, 33–42 μm in diameter, with straight to concave interradial sides, laesurae extending nearly to the equator, and a psilate exine. Spores are assignable to the sporae dispersae genus Deltoidospora. Fertile pinnules are compared to fossils of Anemia poolensis and two previously described species of Paralygodium, and show closest similarities to P. vancouverensis from the Eocene of British Columbia. The Cretaceous Eden Main specimens differ in number of pinnule lobes and their morphology and are described as a new taxon: P. meckertii sp. nov. This discovery extends the Cretaceous geographic range of Paralygodium from Japan to North America and adds to our knowledge of the diversity of extinct schizaeaceous ferns.  相似文献   

Exceptionally well-preserved specimens from the middle Albian of Spain corresponding to a nearly complete fertile frond and fragments of pinnae containing soral clusters of the tree fern Weichselia reticulata have provided new data about the structure and arrangement of pinnae and their associated fertile reproductive structure. This new material has been compared with the previous studies, and recostructions of this fern and the new data indicate the segregation of vegetative and fertile fronds within the main stipe of this fern.  相似文献   

The performance of the ferns Thelypteris limbospgrma and Athyrium distentifolium , as expressed by number of son on pinnules and frond size, has been related to environmental gradients. Data have been collected from homogenous fern-dominated stands from different geographical areas in Western Norway. Number of sori produced, which was assumed to indicate fern fertility, was highly variable. There were significant correlations between frond size and fertility, but only 35–46 % of the variation in fertility could be explained by differences in frond size. The highest number of sori was found on plants of medium size, and for A. distentifolium there was a statistically significant reduction in sori number on fronds taller than 125 cm. For the linear relationships between fertility and size, it is suggested that the small X-intercept and slope defines the high competitive ability of A. distentifolium in sites with a long-lasting snow cover. The ferns may dominate in large stands even though their fertility is low or zero, which indicates that they under certain ecological conditions mainly reproduce vegetatively. Both ferns show decreased fertility both toward their altitudinal and lowland distribution limits, but their fertility optima were different. The performances of the two fern species showed highly different responses to geographical and climatical variables. The fertility of T. limbosperma could be predicted by mean July- and January temperatures, humidity and canopy cover, while the fertility of A. distentifolium could not be predicted by any of the site environmental variables investigated.  相似文献   

Vegetative and fertile frond segments of Botrychium have been recovered from Paleocene deposits of central Alberta, Canada. Specimens are preserved as coalified compressions that yield information about frond structure, sporangia, and spore ultrastructure. These fossils, described as Botrychium wightonii sp. nov., establish a megafossil record for the Ophioglossales, and demonstrate that modern-appearing species of the order were present in western North America by the earliest Tertiary. The largest vegetative fragments are up to 4.6 cm long and tripinnately compound, with opposite to subopposite branching. Ultimate segments are pinnatifid with dentate pinnules and open dichotomous venation. Fertile specimens are also tripinnately compound with a long rachis and subopposite to alternate pinnae. Sporangia are either submarginal and superficial, or marginal, and are all directed toward one surface of the pinnule. They are ovoid to subspheroidal and 0.8-2.0 mm in diameter. Some sporangia are apparently stalked, while others appear to be sessile. This variation results both from the ultimate frond segments being compressed in several different planes, and the fossils being exposed at different levels. Spores macerated from the sporangia are radial and trilete, and range 30–67 μm in diameter. Most are psilate, but some have a densely striate surface.  相似文献   

The Lower Jurassic (Sinemurian) deposits of Cristian (Brasov County, Romania) contain a well-preserved land flora. Pachypteris gradinarui n.sp., a new species of seed fern foliage belonging to the Corystospermales, is described, figured and analysed. The species has a bipinnate, petioled frond; secondary rachises inserted on the upper side of the primary rachis; rounded, occasionally lobed pinnules without marked abaxial thickening or folding. The material is compared with other Pachypteris species, and with Cycadopteris, a related genus characterised by marginal (cuticular) thickening and folding, as it presents transitional characters between the two genera.  相似文献   

A new fertile species of Botryopteris (Botryopteridaceae: Filicales) is described from four incomplete Middle Pennsylvanian specimens. Fertile pinnae of B. cratis sp. n. consist of branched frond members bearing numerous globose sporangia. Surrounding the sporangial aggregations are larger sterile frond members (0.5-1.5 mm diam). Fertile pinnae are oval in transverse section and possess an eccentrically developed cortex composed chiefly of fibers. Some frond members show the typical botryopterid xylem configuration with three protoxylem strands. Spherical sporangia are loosely aggregated on the smallest pinnae by short, broad stalks. The annulus is band-like, two cells high, and extends transversely across the lower half of the sporangium for approximately half the circumference. Spores are oval, trilete, verrucate, and covered by a thin separable layer. Sporangium morphology is like that of Botryopteris antiqua, but the spores closely resemble those of B. globosa. The new species is unlike previously described fructifications of Botryopteris in exhibiting a small pinna system which surrounds smaller pinnae bearing sporangia in an aggregation. The new form is considered to be less specialized than previously described globosoid forms because the sporangia are much less crowded. Isolated frond members, believed to belong to the new species, have a large central arm in the pinna xylem trace that resembles the Stephanian taxon B. renaultii. Small stems attached to the adaxial surface of frond members are radial, protostelic, centrarch, and have a three-zoned cortex. The inner cortical zone contains large elongate cells with distinctive layered deposits. Stems are covered with uniseriate multicellular hairs on multicellular bases. Stems compare closely with B. mucilaginosa in histological features.  相似文献   

The stem, rachides, and pinnae of Archaeopteris macilenta, formerly considered to be a fern of Devonian age, comprise a branch system in which the ultimate divisions heretofore referred to as pinnules are the leaves. The primary vascular system of the “frond” is a lobed siphonostele from which leaf traces arise in a spiral sequence. The anatomy of the “rachis” and of the “pinnae” is shown to be similar to that of the stem, Callixylon, which bore these “fronds.” Branching, epidermal pattern and stomates are described for the spirally arranged leaves (fertile pinnules). Attachment and dehiscence of sporangia as well as their stomates are reported. Archaeopteris is retained in the Class Progymnospermopsida which includes plants with gymnospermous anatomy and pteridophytic reproduction. It is suggested that Actinopodium, Svalbardia and Siderella are related closely to Archaeopteris and that this group of genera shows evolutionary stages in webbing of leaves and planation of branch systems. The opportunities for ontogenetic studies of the arborescent genus Archaeopteris are pointed out.  相似文献   

New material of Diplopteridium holdenii is described from the Drybook Sandstone assemblage of Upper Visean (Middle Mississippian) age at Puddlebrook, Gloucestershire. Vegetative leaves consist of bifurcate fronds which are pinnately divided and terminate in narrow pinnule segments. The fronds are arranged spirally in terminal crowns on a narrow, spindly axis. Fertile leaves consist of fronds which bear a median, dichotomous branchlet which gives rise to reflexed, bilaterally symmetrical cupules. One specimen demonstrates that a single fertile crown consisted of cupulate and vegetative fronds. The detailed morphology of the cupules is reconstructed from compression/impression and fusainized material from both attached and isolated units. An isotomously branched synangiate organ is also described from the locality. The synangiate organ is assigned to a new genus and species. A comparison of D. holdenii and this synangiate organ with Diplopteridium teilianum from north Wales and Sphenopteris bifida and Sphenopteris affine from northern England and Scotland, provides indirect evidence that the synangiate organ may have belonged to D. holdenii . Bifurcate and trifurcate fronds associated with dichotomous branchlets bearing either synangial or cupulate structures was a common association in the Visean compression assemblages of Great Britain.  相似文献   

Odland, A. 1995. Frond development and phenology of Thelypteris limbosperma, Athyrium distentifolium, and Matteuccia struthiopteris in Western Norway. — Nord. J. Bot. 15: 225–236. Copenhagen. ISSN 0107–055X. The pattern of growth and phenology of Thelypteris limbosperma, Athyrium distentifolium, and Matteuccia struthiopteris fronds has been investigated, with particular emphasis on height increments of the sporophytes and the development of fertile fronds. In order to study both interspecific and intraspecific differences, fern stands along altitudinal gradients have been monitored. To investigate the initiation of fertility, fronds representing different developmental stages have been sampled. Climatic data have been collected with a data-logger during the study periods. The ferns show significant differences in growth pattern and phenology. Matteuccia struthiopteris has a growth curve that is best described as monomolecular, characterised by high growth rates during the early developmental stage, while the development of Thelypteris limbosperma and Athyrium distentifolium follow a logistic growth curve. The species need different periods of time to develop their fronds. The main frond elongation does not start before soil temperature has reached 7 C. After that, the growth is mainly controlled by air temperature. Within the interval when mean maximum temperatures are 8–20 C, all three ferns showed increased growth rates with increasing air temperatures, but the increase was greatest in M. struthiopteris. At higher temperatures, the growth rate of M. struthiopteris and T. limbosperma decreased. Athyrium distentifolium is characterised by producing sori at an early developmental stage. Fertile Matteuccia strurhiopteris fronds are developed at a much later developmental stage. Thelypteris limbosperma needs a longer period of time to produce mature fronds than the other species. The investigation indicates that plant growth and development are determined by both internal and external factors. It is concluded that growth rate, phenology, and the ability of ferns to produce mature fronds reveal close similarities with their response to environmental variables, and hence with their broad-scale geographical distributional patterns.  相似文献   

The first Cretaceous representatives of Matoniaceae and Gleicheniaceae in the Antarctic are described from the Albian flora of Alexander Island. Two new species are recognized, one is assigned to Matonia, and another to the emended gleicheniaceous form-genus Gleicheniaceaephyllum. The taxonomy of fossil genera assigned to Gleicheniaceae is problematic, and as an alternative to the invalid genus Gleichenites, we propose that Microphyllopteris be utilised as a form-genus for species that have either an unknown branching pattern or pseudo-dichotomous branching without resting buds; Microphyllopteris is reserved for ferns that cannot be ascribed conclusively to Gleicheniaceae. Alternatively, Gleicheniaceaephyllum should be used for gleicheniaceous material that has a resting bud amongst two to four primary branches. Gleicheniaceaephyllum acutum sp. nov. is preserved as sterile and fertile fronds, pinnae and pinnules. The other new species, Matonia jeffersonii sp. nov., occurs as sterile and fertile pinnae and pinnules, and is aligned to Matoniaceae based on the presence of circular-oval sori with peltate indusia. The two taxa are inferred to have either a pedate or scrambling habit. These morphologies are relatively common at Alexander Island, compared to other high latitude fossil floras, and are interpreted as an adaptation to the high disturbance, polar conditions and unusual photoperiod experienced at Alexander Island during the Early Cretaceous. The theory that angiosperms caused the demise of ferns is discussed in relation to the Matoniaceae and Gleicheniaceae, and there does not appear to be association between angiosperm expansion and the decline of these two fern families.  相似文献   

Recently collected specimens of Danaeites rigida Gu and Zhi from the Upper Permian of south China have been subjected to detailed morphological investigations in order to reveal features of their fertile pinnules. The specimens are preserved as compression/impressions and possess pecopteroid-type pinnules with a single row of synangia on either side of the pinnule midvien. Individual synangia are bilaterally symmetrical, sessile, and their bases are embedded in the tissues of the pinnules. Synangia possess 18–24 sporangia that are laterally fused to one another throughout their entire length. Sporangial dehiscence is through a longitudinal slit and sporangia contain trilete spores with a granular ornamentation, referable to the dispersed spore Cyclogranisporites. This combination of characters is unique in specimens preserved by compression/impression although they are similar to those known in permineralized marattialean fertile fronds. However, anatomical details salient to the identification of these permineralized taxa are not identifiable in impression/compression fossils such as Danaeites. The taxonomic and phylogenetic implications of these findings are considered in detail and we conclude that Danaeites has closer links with Marattia than with Danaea.  相似文献   

蹄盖蕨属的分类   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
谢寅堂 《植物研究》1986,6(4):129-135
德国植物学家Roth 1799年根据瑞典植物学家Linnaeus定名的Polypodium filix-femina L.为模式,建立了蹄盖蕨属Athyrium Roth,得到各国植物学家所承认。但一百多年来,由于本属植物形体变异较大,孢子囊群多种多样,属下分类比较困难,以致造成今日学名上的混乱!  相似文献   

A new genus of pteridosperm pollen organ is described from Pennsylvanian age coal balls of Illinois. Individual sporangia are grouped into radial synangia which are borne in opposite pairs on the abaxial surface of slightly modified pinnules. Sporangia contain monosaccate pollen with a distinct sulcus, referable to the pollen genus Vesicaspora. Pinnules are borne on a regularly pinnate frond which is circinately coiled when young. At least a large portion of the frond is fertile and possesses anatomical features similar to those of Callistophyton. Phyletic relationships with other pteridosperm pollen organs are discussed.  相似文献   

During field studies on the pteridophytes of Costa Rica, a peculiarly dimorphic polypodioid fern was found in the rain-forests of the Atlantic lowlands near Puerto Viejo. The variation in the fertile frond, ranging from simple and short petiolate to pinnatisect and long petiolate, coupled with peculiarly elongate and irregular sori, prompted further investigations. Additional herbarium specimens from localities in Mexico, British Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica showed intermixed variations between plants with all leaves simple (typified byPolypodium bradeorum Rosenstock) to plants with all leaves lobed or pinnatisect (typified byP. colysoides Maxon & Copeland). Other characters were judged sufficiently homogeneous to consider these individuals as conspecific underP. bradeorum. Morphological studies indicate parallel evolution of several characters in the Asiatic generaColysis, Microsorium, andLeptochilus on the one hand and the New World members ofMicro gramma, Pleopeltis, andPolypodium bradeorum on the other  相似文献   

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