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Spatial and temporal variability in a butterfly population   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
C. D. Thomas 《Oecologia》1991,87(4):577-580
Summary The dynamics of a butterfly (Plebejus argus) population were analysed at two levels, (i) the population as a whole and (ii) sections within the population. Some sections of the population fluctuated out of synchrony with others, such that the variability [SD Log(Density+1)] shown by the population as a whole was less than the variability shown by each part of the population — overall temporal variability was dampened by spatial asynchrony. Since observed population variability depends on the spatial scale that is sampled, comparisons of population variability among taxa should be carried out only with caution. Implications for island biogeography and conservation biology are discussed.  相似文献   

Diane Wagner 《Oecologia》1993,96(2):276-281
The transfer of nutrients between organisms is a common feature of mutualism. The production of these food rewards is often assumed to be costly. Estimation of the costs of producing food rewards is important for understanding the overall effects of the interaction on fitness. When food rewards are harvested by several species differing in foraging behavior, costs to the producer may differ. The larvae of many species in the butterfly family Lycaenidae produce secretions consumed by tending ants. Here I report that three North American ant species, Formica perpilosa, Dorymyrmex sp. (smithi complex), and Forelius foetida, had no negative effect on the duration of development and adult size of the lycaenid Hemiargus isola. Moreover, tending by the ant Formica perpilosa significantly enhanced larval growth, resulting in butterflies that were 20% heavier than their untended counterparts. Tending by the ants Dorymyrmex sp. (smithi complex) and Forelius foetida had no effect on butterfly weight. Tended, nonfeeding larvae lost 69% more weight than untended, nonfeeding larvae. Taken together, the results suggest that, although ant tending imposes a physiological cost, H. isola larvae use behavioral or physiological mechanisms to compensate or overcompensate for nutrients lost to ants.  相似文献   

Most studies aiming to determine the beneficial effect of ants on plants simply consider the effects of the presence or exclusion of ants on plant yield. This approach is often inadequate, however, as ants interact with both non-tended herbivores and tended Homoptera. Moreover, the interaction with these groups of organisms is dependent on ant density, and these functional relationships are likely to be non-linear. A model is presented here that segregates plant herbivores into two categories depending on the sign of their numerical response to ants (myrmecophiles increase with ants, non-tended herbivores decline). The changes in these two components of herbivores with increasing ant density and the resulting implications for ant-plant mutualisms are considered. It emerges that a wide range of ant densities needs to be considered as the interaction sign (mutualism or parasitism) and strength is likely to change with ant density. The model is used to interpret the results of an experimental study that varied levels of Aphis fabae infestation and Lasius niger ant attendance on Vicia faba bean plants. Increasing ant density consistently reduced plant fitness and thus, in this location, the interaction between the ants and the plant can be considered parasitic. In the Vicia faba system, these costs of ants are unlikely to be offset by other beneficial agents (e.g., parasitoids), which also visit extrafloral nectaries.  相似文献   

D. Jordano  C. D. Thomas 《Oecologia》1992,91(3):431-438
Summary Many lycaenid butterflies are believed to be mutualists of ants — the butterfly larvae secrete sugars and amino acids as rewards for the ants, and the ants protect the larvae from predation or parasitism. We examined the specificity of the relationship between the lycaenid Plebejus argus and ants in the genus Lasius. Eggs were not attractive to Lasius ants until the emerging larvae had broken through the chorion. First instar larvae were palpated and picked up by Lasius workers and taken to the nest. First instars were mostly ignored by Myrmica sabuleti ants and they were rarely detected by Formica fusca. Older larvae were more attractive to Lasius than to the other ant genera. Pupae were very attractive to Lasius, moderately so to Myrmica, and were ignored by Formica fusca. Teneral adults were palpated by Lasius, but were attacked by Myrmica and Formica workers. We conclude that P. argus is a specialist associate of Lasius ants. Two populations of Plebejus argus were compared: one is naturally associated with Lasius niger, and the other with Lasius alienus. In reciprocal trials, larvae were slightly more attractive to their natural host ant species. Since test larvae were reared on a single host plant species in captivity, this differentiation probably has a genetic basis.  相似文献   

Summary The caterpillars of Jalmenus evagoras are tended by ants as they feed upon Acacia trees. In the area of Brisbane, Australia, J. evagoras require ants of the Iridomyrmex anceps species group; predation and parasitism are so intense that larvae and pupae deprived of attendant ants cannot survive (Pierce 1983). We investigated the efficiency with which J. evagoras locate and exploit the host ant resource by sampling 737 quadrats in 30 sampling grids and six study sites containing appropriate host plants; ants were collected at baits located in the center of each quadrat. J. evagoras was found in all habitats where I. anceps cooccurred with host Acacia. Nine of the ten sampling grids which had three or more I. anceps/Acacia host quadrats also had colonies of J. evagoras present (or immediately adjacent), including sites as far as 35 km apart. Of 19 sampling grids on which host quadrats were rare (i.e., less than three quadrats), none had J. evagoras (P<0.001). Within sample grids, I. anceps was distributed indepedently from Acacia trees, suggesting that they are not dependent for their survival on either Acacia or on J. evagoras. Within montane pasture habitats, I. anceps and at least one other ground-dwelling Iridomyrmex species were distributed in mutually exclusive ant mosaic territories which were stable during a one month period. I. anceps did not colonize or tend pupae of J. evagoras experimentally placed in adjacent territories of a different, nontending species of Iridomyrmex, demonstrating the integrity of territory boundaries. Sampling of ants in Acacia trees revealed that, in the absence of J. evagoras, Iridomyrmex workers are not common above ground level, and that their numbers decline in larger trees (P=0.02). In I. anceps territories, eight of nine J. evagoras pupae placed in trees over 3.0 m tall were not found after 24 h whereas all ten controls placed in low trees were found and tended (P=0.00012). This may explain why J. evagoras tends to oviposit in trees less than 2.0 m tall. An alternative hypothesis, that smaller trees have higher content of total nitrogen, and are threfore more nutritious, was not supported. We conclude that the local distribution and host tree selection by J. evagoras is dependent upon the distribution, patchiness, and foraging behavior of the host ant, I. anceps, and its spatial overlap with a number of species of host Acacia.  相似文献   

The Dufour gland secretions of both virgin queens and workers of Camponotus aethiops are similar and consist of straight chain hydrocarbons ranging from C10–C15 with C11 the major compound. The difference between the two castes is that C15 appears only as a trace in queens, and the total amount of secretion is smaller in queens than in workers.In Lasius fuliginosus, the Dufour gland secretion contains a series of straight chain hydrocarbons (C10–C17) with undecane the major compound, and a series of 2-alkanones ranging from C13 to C19.
Résumé Les sécrétions des glandes de Dufour sont toutes semblables et comprennent, chez les reines et les ouvrières de C. aethiops, une chaîne linéaire d'hydrocarbures de C10 à C15, avec C11 comme constituant principal. Les différences entre les castes se traduisent chez la reine, par une teneur totale en sécrétions plus faible et l'existence de C15 uniquement sous forme de traces.Chez L. fuliginosus, la sécrétion de la glande de Dufour comprend une série de chaînes linéaires d'hydrocarbures (C10–C17) avec l'undécane comme constituant principal, et une série de 2-alkanones allant de C13 à C19.

Summary The relation between ant-plant specificity and the use of host plants as a resource was investigated in the facultative, myrmecophytic orchid, Caularthron bilamellatum (Rchg.f.) Schult. Using stable isotopes, we determined the portion of the ants' diets derived from host plants. We documented that six ant species inhabiting the orchid: (1) derived nutritional benefit from host orchids, and (2) had species-specific levels of extrafloral nectar use. Proportionate contribution of extrafloral nectar to ant diets ranged from 11 to 48%. These results demonstrate extreme interspecific differences in the nutritional benefits received by ants from host orchids. Interspecific differences in nutritional benefits from orchid nectar may be affected by colony size, nutritional needs, behavioral ecology of the ants, and the abundance of alternate food sources.  相似文献   

Goverde M  Erhardt A  Stöcklin J 《Oecologia》2004,139(3):383-391
Effects of elevated CO2 and P availability on plant growth of the legume Lotus corniculatus and consequences for the butterfly larvae of Polyommatus icarus feeding on L. corniculatus were investigated in screen-aided CO2 control chambers under natural conditions on a calcareous grassland in the Swiss Jura mountains. Elevated CO2 conditions and P fertilisation increased the biomass production of L. corniculatus plants and affected the plant chemical composition. CO2 enrichment increased the C/N ratio and sugar concentration and decreased the N and P concentrations. C- and N-based allelochemicals (cyanoglycosides, total polyphenols and condensed tannins) were only marginally affected by CO2 enrichment. P fertilisation increased the specific leaf area and concentrations of water, N, sugar and P, while the C/N ratio and the concentration of total polyphenols decreased. Furthermore, P availability marginally enhanced the effect of elevated CO2 on the total dry mass and sugar concentration while the opposite occurred for the total polyphenol concentration. The changes in food-plant chemistry as a result of P fertilisation positively affected larval mass gain and accelerated the development time of P. icarus. Only a marginal negative effect on larval mass gain was found for CO2 enrichment. However, we found genotype-specific responses in the development time of P. icarus to elevated CO2 conditions. Larvae originating from different mothers developed better either under elevated CO2 or under ambient CO2 but some did not react to CO2 elevation. As far as we know this is the first finding of a genotype-specific response of an insect herbivore to elevated CO2 which suggests genetic shifts in insect life history traits in response to elevated CO2.  相似文献   

Recently, it has been suggested that habitats for insect herbivores have been too narrowly defined, often on the basis of larval hostplants; in particular, non-consumable resources (called utilities; structural elements) have been ignored. Here, the importance of utility resources for roosting and mate location has been examined in the silver-studded blue butterfly Plebejus argus (L.) (Lycaenidae) on the Great Ormes Head, North Wales, UK. The methods included using dedicated surveys and correspondence analysis applied to behavioural observations in relation to vegetation structure on a transect through a key patch for this metapopulation model species. A substantial and significant bias in roosting (97%) and mating (75%) is found to occur outside hostplant areas on shrubs and rank bunched grasses and forbs. Population density is higher in shrubby areas and shrubs are increasingly occupied during the afternoons and night, during the late flight season and in cloudy, cool and windy weather. These findings suggest that shrubs are a valuable habitat component for this butterfly, at least at this coastal location, and important for their conservation. As scrub growth is inimical to calcicolous grassland, population status will depend on a fine balance between shrub and hostplant cover dependent on grazing and browsing by the indigenous goat, sheep and rabbit populations as well as on controlled cutting and burning. Opportunities exist for increasing population size and distribution on the headland but this will need to be managed carefully. There are also implications for metapopulation dynamics studies; the status of shrubs neighbouring host plant areas switches from that of barriers to resources and refuges.  相似文献   

Nandini  S.  Sarma  S. S. S. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,435(1-3):117-126
Algal food density is known to influence life history variables of cladoceran species. It is not, however, well established whether both littoral and planktonic cladocerans show similar trends when exposed to increasing food concentrations. In the present work, we studied the life table demography of four cladoceran species (Ceriodaphnia cornuta, Moina macrocopa, Pleuroxus aduncus and Simocephalus vetulus) in relation to three algal food concentrations (low: 0.5 × 106, medium: 1.5 × 106 and high: 4.5 × 106 cells ml–1 of Chlorella vulgaris) (in terms of carbon content, these were equivalent to 0.15, 0.45 and 1.35 g ml–1, respectively) at 25 °C. In general, for all the tested cladoceran species, values of average lifespan, gross reproductive rate, net reproductive rate, generation time and the rate of population growth were higher at lower food concentrations. Furthermore, high food concentration resulted in a negative population growth rate (mean ± standard error: –0.091 ± 0.026) for P. aduncus. The highest population growth rate (0.602 ± 0.014) was recorded for M. macrocopa at low food density. S. vetulus had the longest average lifespan (40 ± 1 d) while M. macrocopa had the lowest (5 ± 1 d). C. cornuta showed better performance at medium food concentration. We conclude that among the algal concentrations used here, 0.5 × 106 – 1.5 × 106 was beneficial not only to the planktonic species but also to the littoral P. aduncus and S. vetulus while 4.5 × 106 cells ml–1 was unsuitable for all the cladocerans tested.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal by the Clark's nutcracker (Nucifraga columbiana Wilson) may markedly influence the growth form and genetic population structure of limber pine (Pinus flexilis James). The nutcracker buries clusters of seeds in subterranean caches; germination of clustered seeds often results in a growth form characterized by two or more genetically distinct trees with fused or contiguous trunks (tree clusters). The occurrence of a morphologically similar form, the multi-trunk tree (a single genet branched near the base), as well as the typical single-trunked tree, complicates the study of limber pine populations. We examined growth form distribution and genetic relationships in tree clusters in limber pine populations at four elevations (from 2585 m to 3460 m) in the Colorado Front Range. At three study areas, relative occurrence of limber pine growth forms, as well as that of associated pines, was examined by a point-centered quarter survey. From the four study areas, we collected foliage from each trunk from a total of 74 clumps (combined tree clusters and multi-trunk trees) in order to differentiate the two growth forms using starch gel protein electrophoresis. Tree clumps were significantly more common in limber pine than in ponderosa or lodgepole pine (P<0.010). Although single-trunk limber pine was the most common growth form, except at the highest elevation, both multi-trunk trees and tree clusters were present in each stand. Tree clusters were estimated to comprise about 20% of the tree sites in each limber pine stand; the estimated proportion of multi-trunk trees varied by site from 5% to 77%. Trees in clusters were related, on average, as half to full siblings (mean r=0.43), but were unrelated to trees in other clusters (mean r=0.01). Electrophoretic analysis suggests possible genetic differentiation in limber pine that may be the result of different selection pressures on the growth forms.  相似文献   

We investigated the metapopulation genetic structure of two specialist parasitoids, Cotesia melitaearum and Hyposoter horticola, attacking the Glanville fritillary butterfly (Melitaea cinxia) in the Åland Islands south-western Finland. The host butterfly persists as a classic metapopulation in a network of 4,000 small habitat patches within an area of 50 by 70 km . The two parasitoids are known to differ greatly in their population dynamics and spatial pattern of occupancy in local host populations. Analysis of genetic population structure using FST and clustering of multilocus genotypes revealed a distinct large-scale spatial structure in C. melitaearum but a very weak pattern in H. horticola. This result is consistent with the known difference in the dispersal range (much longer in H. horticola) and population size (much greater in H. horticola) of the two parasitoids.  相似文献   

Summary Caterpillars of Maculinea arion are obligate predators of the brood of Myrmica sabuleti ants. In the aboratory, caterpillars eat the largest available ant larvae, although eggs, small larvae and prepupae are also palatable. This is an efficient way to predate. It ensures that newly-adopted caterpillars consume the final part of the first cohort of ant brood in a nest, before this pupates in early autumn and becomes unavailable as prey. At the same time, the fixed number of larvae in the second cohort is left to grow larger before being killed in late autumn and spring. Caterpillars also improve their feeding efficiency by hibernating for longer than ants in spring, losing just 6% of their weight while the biomass of ant larvae increases by 27%. Final instar caterpillars acquire more than 99% of their ultimate biomass in Myrmica nests, growing from 1.3 mg to an estimated 173 mg. A close correlation was found between the weights of caterpillars throughout autumn and the number of large ant larvae they had eaten. This was used to calculate the number of larvae eaten in spring, allowing both for the loss of caterpillar weight during winter and the increase in the size of their prey in spring. It is estimated that 230 of the largest available larvae, and a minimum nest size of 354 M. sabuleti workers, is needed to support one butterfly. Few wild M. sabuleti nests are this large: on one site, it was estimated that 85% of nests were too small to produce a butterfly, and only 5% could support two or more. This prediction was confirmed by the mortalities of 376 caterpillars in 151 wild M. sabuleti nests there. Mortalities were particularly high in nests that adopted more than two caterpillars, apparently due to scramble competition and starvation in autumn. Survival was higher than predicted in wild nests that adopted one caterpillar. These caterpillars seldom exhaust their food before spring, when there is intense competition among Myrmica for nest sites. Ants often desert their nests in the absence of brood, leaving the caterpillar behind. Vacant nests are frequently repopulated by a neighbouring colony, carrying in a fresh supply of brood. Maculinea arion caterpillars have an exceptional ability to withstand starvation, and sometimes survive to parasitize more than one Myrmica colony. Despite these adaptations, predation is an inefficient way to exploit the resources of a Myrmica nest. By contrast, Maculinea rebeli feeds mainly at a lower trophic level, on the regurgitations of worker ants. Published data show that Myrmica nests can support 6 times more caterpillars of Maculinea rebeli than of M. arion in the laboratory. This is confirmed by field data.  相似文献   

The spatio-temporal distribution of Ceutorhynchus assimilis Payk. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) adults caught in a rectangular grid of flight traps in a crop of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) was mapped and was analysed using Spatial Analysis by Distance IndicEs (SADIE). Their distribution was compared to that of their larvae and that of their parasitoid Trichomalus perfectus (Walker) (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) in pods. The distribution of immigrating C. assimilis adults was consistent with their arrival at the crop boundaries and movement within the crop towards its centre. Adult C. assimilis were aggregated at all times, invasion being on two fronts, leading to the formation of two major clusters within the crop. Large areas of the crop remained relatively unpopulated. During the emigration phase, numbers declined simultaneously in all parts of the crop. The distributions of adult and larval C. assimilis and of larval T. perfectus were spatially associated. The distribution of the parasitoid did not show a density dependent relationship with that of its host. We discuss the movements of insects which underlie their population distributions, the value of integrating spatial information into improved management strategies for C. assimilis and the potential for the spatial targeting of insecticides to reduce the amount applied and to conserve T. perfectus.  相似文献   

Summary This paper describes temporally varying determinants of the spatial distribution of adults in an insect population and the relationship between that distribution and the mating system. Male Oeneis chryxus butterflies were distributed nonrandomly throughout a sloping Colorado meadow divided horizontally by a dirt road into an upper and lower slope. Over an eight-year period of intensive study, the proportion of males located on the road, the upper slope, and the lower slope varied as a function of population size and sex ratio. In each year, more than half of the male population aggregated on sections of the road in a distinct and recurring pattern that was not correlated with the distribution of any food resource or thermal regime. Females were usually extremely scarce and not distributed in any pattern apparent from the few observations of them. Areas densely occupied by males were associated with visual landmarks. We hypothesize that the male distribution is determined by a pattern of movement of receptive females toward these landmarks. The road offers a thermally favorable environment with an unobstructed view in which to await the passage of scarce females. The mating system in this population has several lek-like features and supports the prediction that landmark mating is a favored strategy under conditions of female scarcity and wide dispersal of resources.  相似文献   

I studied brown capuchins (Cebus apella)in primary forest in French Guiana. They displayed different feeding and ranging patterns in response to changes in fruit availability and distribution. When fruit was scarce and patchily distributed, foliage/stem feeding and invertebrate foraging was high, and capuchins limited their daily movement to <2 km, focusing on large fruit patches. When fruit was in average supply and scattered throughout the forest, the proportions of foliage/stems and invertebrates in the diet decreased, and the day range length increased to 2.8 km. When fruit was abundant and widespread, foliage/stems were rarely eaten, while invertebrate foraging increased, and. the daily locomotor distance was reduced to 2 km.  相似文献   

Cospeciation, in which both parties of an ecological interaction speciate in parallel with each other, has rarely been reported in biotic associations except the cases for host–parasite interaction. Many tropical plants house ants and thereby gain protection against herbivores. Although these ant–plant symbioses have been regarded as classical cases of coevolved mutualism, no evidence of cospeciation has been documented. The Asian ant–plant association between Crematogaster ants and Macaranga plants is highly species specific and the molecular phylogeny of the ants parallels the plant phylogeny, reflecting history of cospeciation. Evidence is presented that this association has been maintained over the past seven million years. Phylogeographic patterns of 27 ants from two Macaranga species suggest that allopatric cospeciations are still in progress in Asian wet tropics.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among eight taxa of seven species of Phaseolus and Vigna (Phaseolus angularis, P. aureus, P. calcaratus, P. coccineus, P. vulgaris, Vigna sesquipedalis and V. sinensis; 2n = 22 each) were studied by the fluorescent chromosome banding technique. Preparations of somatic metaphase chromosomes of each taxon were sequentially stained with Giemsa, GC-specific fluorochrome chromomycin A3 (CMA) and AT-specific fluorochrome 4-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI). On the basis of the fluorescent banding patterns of the 22 chromosomes of each taxon, P. angularis, P. coccineus (from China and Korea) and P. vulgaris were grouped into one group (Phaseolus group), P. aureus and two Vigna species were grouped into another (Vigna group) and P. calcaratus was grouped in an independent group.  相似文献   

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