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Two independent replica-exchange molecular dynamics (REMD) simulations with an explicit water model were performed of the Trp-cage mini-protein. In the first REMD simulation, the replicas started from the native conformation, while in the second they started from a nonnative conformation. Initially, the first simulation yielded results qualitatively similar to those of two previously published REMD simulations: the protein appeared to be over-stabilized, with the predicted melting temperature 50-150K higher than the experimental value of 315K. However, as the first REMD simulation progressed, the protein unfolded at all temperatures. In our second REMD simulation, which starts from a nonnative conformation, there was no evidence of significant folding. Transitions from the unfolded to the folded state did not occur on the timescale of these simulations, despite the expected improvement in sampling of REMD over conventional molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The combined 1.42 micros of simulation time was insufficient for REMD simulations with different starting structures to converge. Conventional MD simulations at a range of temperatures were also performed. In contrast to REMD, the conventional MD simulations provide an estimate of Tm in good agreement with experiment. Furthermore, the conventional MD is a fraction of the cost of REMD and continuous, realistic pathways of the unfolding process at atomic resolution are obtained.  相似文献   

We have performed 128 folding and 45 unfolding molecular dynamics runs of chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 (CI2) with an implicit solvation model for a total simulation time of 0.4 microseconds. Folding requires that the three-dimensional structure of the native state is known. It was simulated at 300 K by supplementing the force field with a harmonic restraint which acts on the root-mean-square deviation and allows to decrease the distance to the target conformation. High temperature and/or the harmonic restraint were used to induce unfolding. Of the 62 folding simulations started from random conformations, 31 reached the native structure, while the success rate was 83% for the 66 trajectories which began from conformations unfolded by high-temperature dynamics. A funnel-like energy landscape is observed for unfolding at 475 K, while the unfolding runs at 300 K and 375 K as well as most of the folding trajectories have an almost flat energy landscape for conformations with less than about 50% of native contacts formed. The sequence of events, i.e., secondary and tertiary structure formation, is similar in all folding and unfolding simulations, despite the diversity of the pathways. Previous unfolding simulations of CI2 performed with different force fields showed a similar sequence of events. These results suggest that the topology of the native state plays an important role in the folding process.  相似文献   

Protein folding is scientifically and computationally challenging problem. The early phases of protein folding are interesting due to various events like nascent secondary structure formation, hydrophobic collapse leading to formation of non-native or meta-stable conformations. These events occur within a very short time span of 100ns as compared to total folding time of few microseconds. It is highly difficult to observe these events experimentally due to very short lifetime. Molecular dynamics simulation technique can efficiently probe the detailed atomic level understanding about these events. In the present paper, all atom molecular dynamics simulation trajectory of nearly 200ns was carried out for fully solvated villin headpiece with PME treatment using AMBER 7 package. Initial hydrophobic collapse along with secondary structure formation resulted into formation of partially stable non-native conformations. The formation of secondary structural elements and hydrophobic collapse takes place simultaneously in the folding process.  相似文献   

The concept of the protein transition state ensemble (TSE), a collection of the conformations that have 50% probability to convert rapidly to the folded state and 50% chance to rapidly unfold, constitutes the basis of the modern interpretation of protein engineering experiments. It has been conjectured that conformations constituting the TSE in many proteins are the expanded and distorted forms of the native state built around a specific folding nucleus. This view has been supported by a number of on-lattice and off-lattice simulations. Here we report a direct observation and characterization of the TSE by molecular dynamic folding simulations of the C-Src SH3 domain, a small protein that has been extensively studied experimentally. Our analysis reveals a set of key interactions between residues, conserved by evolution, that must be formed to enter the kinetic basin of attraction of the native state.  相似文献   

Arkun Y  Gur M 《PloS one》2012,7(1):e29628
A new method to develop low-energy folding routes for proteins is presented. The novel aspect of the proposed approach is the synergistic use of optimal control theory with Molecular Dynamics (MD). In the first step of the method, optimal control theory is employed to compute the force field and the optimal folding trajectory for the Cα atoms of a Coarse-Grained (CG) protein model. The solution of this CG optimization provides an harmonic approximation of the true potential energy surface around the native state. In the next step CG optimization guides the MD simulation by specifying the optimal target positions for the Cα atoms. In turn, MD simulation provides an all-atom conformation whose Cα positions match closely the reference target positions determined by CG optimization. This is accomplished by Targeted Molecular Dynamics (TMD) which uses a bias potential or harmonic restraint in addition to the usual MD potential. Folding is a dynamical process and as such residues make different contacts during the course of folding. Therefore CG optimization has to be reinitialized and repeated over time to accomodate these important changes. At each sampled folding time, the active contacts among the residues are recalculated based on the all-atom conformation obtained from MD. Using the new set of contacts, the CG potential is updated and the CG optimal trajectory for the Cα atoms is recomputed. This is followed by MD. Implementation of this repetitive CG optimization-MD simulation cycle generates the folding trajectory. Simulations on a model protein Villin demonstrate the utility of the method. Since the method is founded on the general tools of optimal control theory and MD without any restrictions, it is widely applicable to other systems. It can be easily implemented with available MD software packages.  相似文献   

The folding of a polypeptide from an extended state to a well-defined conformation is studied using microsecond classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and replica exchange molecular dynamics (REMD) simulations in explicit solvent and in vacuo. It is shown that the solvated peptide folds many times in the REMD simulations but only a few times in the conventional simulations. From the folding events in the classical simulations we estimate an approximate folding time of 1-2 micros. The REMD simulations allow enough sampling to deduce a detailed Gibbs free energy landscape in three dimensions. The global minimum of the energy landscape corresponds to the native state of the peptide as determined previously by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments. Starting from an extended state it takes about 50 ns before the native structure appears in the REMD simulations, about an order of magnitude faster than conventional MD. The calculated melting curve is in good qualitative agreement with experiment. In vacuo, the peptide collapses rapidly to a conformation that is substantially different from the native state in solvent.  相似文献   

McCully ME  Beck DA  Daggett V 《Biochemistry》2008,47(27):7079-7089
The principle of microscopic reversibility states that at equilibrium the number of molecules entering a state by a given path must equal those exiting the state via the same path under identical conditions or, in structural terms, that the conformations along the two pathways are the same. There has been some indirect evidence indicating that protein folding is such a process, but there have been few conclusive findings. In this study, we performed molecular dynamics simulations of an ultrafast unfolding and folding protein at its melting temperature to observe, on an atom-by-atom basis, the pathways the protein followed as it unfolded and folded within a continuous trajectory. In a total of 0.67 micros of simulation in water, we found six transient denaturing events near the melting temperature (323 and 330 K) and an additional refolding event following a previously identified unfolding event at a high temperature (373 K). In each case, unfolding and refolding transition state ensembles were identified, and they agreed well with experiment on the basis of a comparison of S and Phi values. On the basis of several structural properties, these 13 transition state ensembles agreed very well with each other and with four previously identified transition states from high-temperature denaturing simulations. Thus, not only were the unfolding and refolding transition states part of the same ensemble, but in five of the seven cases, the pathway the protein took as it unfolded was nearly identical to the subsequent refolding pathway. These events provide compelling evidence that protein folding is a microscopically reversible process. In the other two cases, the folding and unfolding transition states were remarkably similar to each other but the paths deviated.  相似文献   

Li J  Wang J  Wang W 《Proteins》2008,71(4):1899-1907
In the native structure of a protein, all the residues are tightly parked together in a specific order following its folding and every residue contacts with some spatially neighbor residues. A residue contact network can be constructed by defining the residues as nodes and the native contacts as edges. During the folding of small single-domain proteins, there is a set of contacts (or bonds), defined as the folding nucleus (FN), which is formed around the transition state, i.e., a rate-limiting barrier located at about the middle between the unfolded states and the native state on the free energy landscape. Such a FN plays an essential role in the folding dynamics and the residues, which form the related contacts called as folding nucleus residues (FNRs). In this work, the FNRs in proteins are identified by using quantities which characterize the topology of residue contact networks of proteins. By comparing the specificities of residues with the network quantities K(R), L(R), and D(R), up to 90% FNRs of six typical proteins found experimentally are identified. It is found that the FNRs behave the full-closeness centrals rather than degree or closeness centers in the residue contact network, implying that they are important to the folding cooperativity of proteins. Our study shows that the FNRs can be identified solely from the native structures of proteins based on the analysis of residue contact network without any knowledge of the transition state ensemble.  相似文献   

A “key-residue” hypothesis that a few residues’ characteristics contain the essential dynamics of the whole protein is proposed for the study of side-chain relaxation near native states. Molecular dynamics simulation is performed on the folding of Trp-cage, and four key residues are discovered and shown to be highly sensitive to the change of state of the protein away from the native state. Order parameters that characterize the geometrical properties of key residues are shown to form valuable phase plane on which one distinguishes different reaction pathways. Furthermore, one of the key residues, Trp6, is observed to display two reconfiguration processes, in which one is induced by an unconstrained torsion of the side-chain of Trp6, with a rate faster by almost an order of magnitude than the other one described by Kussell’s model. The faster process seems to occur more frequently in our simulation and thus represent a significant mechanism in folding dynamics.  相似文献   

The processes by which protein side chains reach equilibrium during a folding reaction are investigated using both lattice and all-atom simulations. We find that rates of side-chain relaxation exhibit a distribution over the protein structure, with the fastest relaxing side chains located in positions kinetically important for folding. Traversal of the major folding transition state corresponds to the freezing of a small number of side chains, belonging to the folding nucleus, whereas the rest of the protein proceeds toward equilibrium via backbone fluctuations around the native fold. The postnucleation processes by which side chains relax are characterized by very slow dynamics and many barrier crossings, and thus resemble the behavior of a glass.  相似文献   

All atom molecular dynamics simulations have become a standard method for mapping equilibrium protein dynamics and non-equilibrium events like folding and unfolding. Here, we present detailed methods for performing such simulations. Generic protocols for minimization, solvation, simulation, and analysis derived from previous studies are also presented. As a measure of validation, our water model is compared with experiment. An example of current applications of these methods, simulations of the ultrafast folding protein Engrailed Homeodomain are presented including the experimental evidence used to verify their results. Ultrafast folders are an invaluable tool for studying protein behavior as folding and unfolding events measured by experiment occur on timescales accessible with the high-resolution molecular dynamics methods we describe. Finally, to demonstrate the prospect of these methods for folding proteins, a temperature quench simulation of a thermal unfolding intermediate of the Engrailed Homeodomain is described.  相似文献   

The experimentally well-established folding mechanism of the src-SH3 domain, and in particular the phi-value analysis of its transition state, represents a sort of testing table for computational investigations of protein folding. Here, parallel molecular dynamics simulations of the src-SH3 domain have been performed starting from denatured conformations. By rescuing and restarting only trajectories approaching the folding transition state, an ensemble of conformations was obtained with a completely structured central beta-sheet and a native-like packing of residues Ile-110, Ala-121, and Ile-132. An analysis of the trajectories shows that there are several pathways leading to the formation of the central beta-sheet whereas its two hairpins form in a different but consistent way.  相似文献   

Dimerization of the p53 oligomerization domain involves coupled folding and binding of monomers. To examine the dimerization, we have performed molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of dimer folding from the rate-limiting transition state ensemble (TSE). Among 799 putative transition state structures that were selected from a large ensemble of high-temperature unfolding trajectories, 129 were identified as members of the TSE via calculation of a 50% transmission coefficient from at least 20 room-temperature simulations. This study is the first to examine the refolding of a protein dimer using MD simulations in explicit water, revealing a folding nucleus for dimerization. Our atomistic simulations are consistent with experiment and offer insight that was previously unobtainable.  相似文献   

We observe folding of horse heart cytochrome c in various environments including nano-compartments (micelles and reverse micelles). Using picosecond-resolved Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) dynamics of an extrinsic covalently attached probe dansyl (donor) at the surface of the protein to a heme group (acceptor) embedded inside the protein, we measured angstrom-resolved donor–acceptor distances in the environments. The overall structural perturbations of the protein revealed from the FRET experiments are in close agreement with our circular dichroism (CD) and dynamic light scattering (DLS) studies on the protein in a variety of solution conditions. The change of segmental motion of the protein due to imposed restriction in the nano-compartments compared to that in bulk buffer is also revealed by temporal fluorescence anisotropy of the dansyl probe.  相似文献   

We propose a method for extracting useful kinetic information from all-atom molecular dynamics simulations of protein folding. By calculating the time correlation functions between the evolution of different structural properties during the course of the simulation we can determine the endpoint of the reaction and the mechanism by which it occurs. As a test of our method we use thermal denaturation simulations on a 76 residue protein, ubiquitin. The method we present should be used in combination with current techniques for analyzing molecular dynamics trajectories.  相似文献   

Theory and experiment have provided answers to many of the fundamental questions of protein folding; a remaining challenge is an accurate, high-resolution picture of folding mechanism. Atomistic molecular simulations with explicit solvent are the most promising method for providing this information, by accounting more directly for the physical interactions that stabilize proteins. Although simulations of folding with such force fields are extremely challenging, they have become feasible as a result of recent advances in computational power, accuracy of the energy functions or 'force fields', and methods for improving sampling of folding events. I review the recent progress in these areas, and highlight future challenges and questions that we may hope to address with these methods. I also attempt to place atomistic models into the context of the energy landscape view of protein folding, and coarse-grained simulations.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the role of native geometry on the kinetics of protein folding based on simple lattice models and Monte Carlo simulations. Results obtained within the scope of the Miyazawa-Jernigan indicate the existence of two dynamical folding regimes depending on the protein chain length. For chains larger than 80 amino acids, the folding performance is sensitive to the native state's conformation. Smaller chains, with less than 80 amino acids, fold via two-state kinetics and exhibit a significant correlation between the contact order parameter and the logarithmic folding times. In particular, chains with N=48 amino acids were found to belong to two broad classes of folding, characterized by different cooperativity, depending on the contact order parameter. Preliminary results based on the Go model show that the effect of long-range contact interaction strength in the folding kinetics is largely dependent on the native state's geometry.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations of the model protein chignolin with explicit solvent were carried out, in order to analyze the influence of the Berendsen thermostat on the evolution and folding of the peptide. The dependence of the peptide behavior on temperature was tested with the commonly employed thermostat scheme consisting of one thermostat for the protein and another for the solvent. The thermostat coupling time of the protein was increased to infinity, when the protein is not in direct contact with the thermal bath, a situation known as minimally invasive thermostat. In agreement with other works, it was observed that only in the last situation the instantaneous temperature of the model protein obeys a canonical distribution. As for the folding studies, it was shown that, in the applications of the commonly utilized thermostat schemes, the systems are trapped in local minima regions from which it has difficulty escaping. With the minimally invasive thermostat the time that the protein needs to fold was reduced by two to three times. These results show that the obstacles to the evolution of the extended peptide to the folded structure can be overcome when the temperature of the peptide is not directly controlled.  相似文献   

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