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Running specific prostheses (RSP) are designed to replicate the spring-like behaviour of the human leg during running, by incorporating a real physical spring in the prosthesis. Leg stiffness is an important parameter in running as it is strongly related to step frequency and running economy. To be able to select a prosthesis that contributes to the required leg stiffness of the athlete, it needs to be known to what extent the behaviour of the prosthetic leg during running is dominated by the stiffness of the prosthesis or whether it can be regulated by adaptations of the residual joints. The aim of this study was to investigate whether and how athletes with an RSP could regulate leg stiffness during distance running at different step frequencies.Seven endurance runners with an unilateral transtibial amputation performed five running trials on a treadmill at a fixed speed, while different step frequencies were imposed (preferred step frequency (PSF) and −15%, −7.5%, +7.5% and +15% of PSF). Among others, step time, ground contact time, flight time, leg stiffness and joint kinetics were measured for both legs.In the intact leg, increasing step frequency was accompanied by a decrease in both contact and flight time, while in the prosthetic leg contact time remained constant and only flight time decreased. In accordance, leg stiffness increased in the intact leg, but not in the prosthetic leg. Although a substantial contribution of the residual leg to total leg stiffness was observed, this contribution did not change considerably with changing step frequency.Amputee athletes do not seem to be able to alter prosthetic leg stiffness to regulate step frequency during running. This invariant behaviour indicates that RSP stiffness has a large effect on total leg stiffness and therefore can have an important influence on running performance. Nevertheless, since prosthetic leg stiffness was considerably lower than stiffness of the RSP, compliance of the residual leg should not be ignored when selecting RSP stiffness.  相似文献   

This paper studies the properties of a modified Lotka-Volterra model for two competing species, in which the coefficients of the interaction terms are time-dependent averages of the level of interaction over the entire past. For this model, it is shown that (1) competitive exclusion does not occur, (2) there are two possible stable equilibrium points, and (3) in a certain region of parameter space numerical simulations suggest the existence of interesting oscillatory solutions.  相似文献   

The Volterra-Lotka predator-prey equations are modified so that the predator's ability to utilize the prey varies in proportion to the average number of encounters between the two species in the past. The behavior of this adaptive system is then described in terms of three parameters — the carrying capacity of the prey, the relative death rate of the predator, and the predator's memoryspan. The most stable situation is shown to occur when the carrying capacity of the prey is large, the predator's death rate is close to zero, and the predator is able to adapt quickly to changing levels of prey density.  相似文献   

We analyze a model for motor-level adaptation in Escherichia coli based upon the premise that clockwise (CW) and counter-clockwise (CCW) states have different preferred numbers of FliM subunits. We show that this model provides a simple mechanism for the recently observed motor-level adaptation, and it also explains the long-lasting puzzle on the thresholds observed when tethered cells are used to monitor responses to temporal ramps. We note that the motor-level adaptation has the same negative-feedback network design as the upstream receptor-level adaptation, and the tandem architecture of one control circuit followed by the other mitigates the effects of cell-to-cell variation and broadens the range of stimuli over which cells optimally respond.  相似文献   

Montagner A  Frasca LC  Rivaldo EG 《Gerodontology》2012,29(2):e1180-e1184
doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2011.00561.x Implant‐supported palatal lift prosthesis in a patient with velopharyngeal incompetence: a case report Objective: To describe the use of dental implants in the treatment of velopharyngeal incompetence. Background: Velopharyngeal incompetence is characterized by the inability to contract the tissues of the soft palate. The most common causes are neuromuscular problems resulting from concussion and degenerative conditions of the central nervous system. Materials and methods: The treatment using palatal lift prosthesis is well established in the literature; however, reports on the use of osseointegrated implants are scarce. Rehabilitation using only this type of fibromucosal support is difficult in edentulous patients, since the prosthesis has a palatal lift extension. Results: The implants provided retention and stability to the prosthesis, improving swallowing and speech and contributing to improve the patient’s quality of life. Conclusion: This article reports the rehabilitation of a patient with a totally edentulous maxilla with velopharyngeal incompetence using an implant‐retained palatal lift prosthesis.  相似文献   

The mechanism of how bone adapts to every day demands needs to be better understood to gain insight into situations in which the musculoskeletal system is perturbed. This paper offers a novel multi-factorial mathematical model of bone density adaptation which combines previous single-factor models in a single adaptation system as a means of gaining this insight. Unique aspects of the model include provision for interaction between factors and an estimation of the relative contribution of each factor. This interacting system is considered analogous to a Newtonian mechanical system and the governing response equation is derived as a linear version of the adaptation process. The transient solution to sudden environmental change is found to be exponential or oscillatory depending on the balance between cellular activation and deactivation frequencies.  相似文献   

The human head-neck system requires continuous stabilization in the presence of gravity and trunk motion. We investigated contributions of the vestibulocollic reflex (VCR), the cervicocollic reflex (CCR), and neck muscle co-contraction to head-in-space and head-on-trunk stabilization, and investigated modulation of the stabilization strategy with the frequency content of trunk perturbations and the presence of visual feedback.We developed a multisegment cervical spine model where reflex gains (VCR and CCR) and neck muscle co-contraction were estimated by fitting the model to the response of young healthy subjects, seated and exposed to anterior-posterior trunk motion, with frequency content from 0.3 up to 1, 2, 4 and 8 Hz, with and without visual feedback.The VCR contributed to head-in-space stabilization with a strong reduction of head rotation (<8 Hz) and a moderate reduction of head translation (>1 Hz). The CCR contributed to head-on-trunk stabilization with a reduction of head rotation and head translation relative to the trunk (<2 Hz). The CCR also proved essential to stabilize the individual intervertebral joints and prevent neck buckling. Co-contraction was estimated to be of minor relevance. Control strategies employed during low bandwidth perturbations most effectively reduced head rotation and head relative displacement up to 3 Hz while control strategies employed during high bandwidth perturbations reduced head global translation between 1 and 4 Hz. This indicates a shift from minimizing head-on-trunk rotation and translation during low bandwidth perturbations to minimizing head-in-space translation during high bandwidth perturbations. Presence of visual feedback had limited effects suggesting increased usage of vestibular feedback.  相似文献   

Transtibial amputation prosthetic-users are at risk of developing deep tissue injury (DTI) while donning their prosthesis for prolonged periods; however, no study addresses the mechanical loading of the residuum during sitting with a prosthesis. We combined MRI-based 3D finite element modelling of a residuum with an injury threshold and a muscle damage law to study risks for DTI in one sitting subject in two postures: 30°-knee-flexion vs. 90°-knee-flexion. We recorded skin-socket pressures, used as model boundary conditions. During the 90°-knee-flexion simulations, major internal muscle injuries were predicted (>1000 mm3). In contrast, the 30°-knee-flexion simulations only produced minor injury ( < 14 mm3). Predicted injury rates at 90°-knee-flexion were over one order of magnitude higher than those at 30°-knee-flexion. We concluded that in this particular subject, prolonged 90°-knee-flexion sitting theoretically endangers muscle viability in the residuum. By expanding the studies to large subject groups, this research approach can support development of guidelines for DTI prevention in prosthetic-users.  相似文献   

华北地区棉铃虫对转Bt基因抗虫棉抗性适应的模拟模型   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
通过对华北地区耕作制度和生态系统的了解,在充分考虑种群遗传学、生物学和人为操纵因子等三大因素的基础上,建立了一个预测棉铃虫对转Bt基因抗虫棉抗性适应的模拟模型。在华北地区典型的耕作制度下,如果所有棉田均为Bt棉,则Bt棉的预期寿命为7年;如果只有春播棉为Bt棉(约占棉田总面积的70%),则其寿命为10年。模型的灵敏度分析表明, Bt棉的使用寿命随抗性基因的显性度、初始抗性频率、Bt棉所占比例等因素的增长而迅速缩短。当Bt棉表达的杀虫蛋白量恰好全部杀死敏感基因型(GSGS)个体时,Bt棉的预期寿命最短。由于国外采用的“高剂量/庇护所”抗性治理策略不适用于棉铃虫及华北棉区的耕作制度,我国需要加强对其它抗性治理措施(如转双基因抗虫棉)的研究与应用。  相似文献   

Evolutionary trends responsible for systematic differences in genome and proteome composition have been attributed to GC:AT mutation bias in the context of neutral evolution or to selection acting on genome composition. A possibility that has been ignored, presumably because it is part of neither the Modern Synthesis nor the Neutral Theory, is that mutation may impose a directional bias on adaptation. This possibility is explored here with simulations of the effect of a GC:AT bias on amino acid composition during adaptive walks on an abstract protein fitness landscape called an "NK" model. The results indicate that adaptation does not preclude mutation-biased evolution. In the complete absence of neutral evolution, a modest GC:AT bias of realistic magnitude can displace the trajectory of adaptation in a mutationally favored direction, to such a degree that amino acid composition is biased substantially and persistently. Thus, mutational explanations for evolved patterns need not presuppose neutral evolution.  相似文献   

Ongoing animal preclinical studies on transcutaneous bone-anchored prostheses have aimed to improve biomechanics of prosthetic locomotion in people with limb loss. It is much less common to translate successful developments in human biomechanics and prosthetic research to veterinary medicine to treat animals with limb loss. Current standard of care in veterinary medicine is amputation of the whole limb if a distal segment cannot be salvaged. Bone-anchored transcutaneous prostheses, developed for people with limb loss, could be beneficial for veterinary practice. The aim of this study was to examined if and how cats utilize the limb with a bone-anchored passive transtibial prosthesis during level and slope walking. Four cats were implanted with a porous titanium implant into the right distal tibia. Ground reaction forces and full-body kinematics were recorded during level and slope (±50%) walking before and 4–6 months after implantation and prosthesis attachment. The duty factor of the prosthetic limb exceeded zero in all cats and slope conditions (p < 0.05) and was in the range of 45.0–60.6%. Thus, cats utilized the prosthetic leg for locomotion instead of walking on three legs. Ground reaction forces, power and work of the prosthetic limb were reduced compared to intact locomotion, whereas those of the contralateral hind- and forelimbs increased (p < 0.05). This asymmetry was likely caused by insufficient energy generation for propulsion by the prosthetic leg, as no signs of pain or discomfort were observed in the animals. We concluded that cats could utilize a unilateral bone-anchored transtibial prosthesis for quadrupedal level and slope locomotion.  相似文献   

Implant‐retained thumb prosthesis with anti‐rotational attachment for a geriatric patient This report presents the use of a dental implant with an anti‐rotational attachment for the retention of a thumb prosthesis. A retention system was manufactured with an attachment (UCLA) screwed into the implant with a two‐bar system that was cast in metallic silver palladium. A substructure made from heat‐cured acrylic resin was joined to the retention system by clips to join the thumb to the finger (bar clip) in the cast with implant rejoinder. The silicone material, Silastic‐MDX 44210, was used to achieve function and aesthetics. Following osseointegration, no skin problems were observed. Whilst the implant‐retained digital prosthesis presented some motor limitations, it allowed the patient to return to entertainment and achieve social conviviality.  相似文献   

The extent to which acclimation and genetic adaptation might buffer natural populations against climate change is largely unknown. Most models predicting biological responses to environmental change assume that species' climatic envelopes are homogeneous both in space and time. Although recent discussions have questioned this assumption, few empirical studies have characterized intraspecific patterns of genetic variation in traits directly related to environmental tolerance limits. We test the extent of such variation in the broadly distributed tidepool copepod Tigriopus californicus using laboratory rearing and selection experiments to quantify thermal tolerance and scope for adaptation in eight populations spanning more than 17° of latitude. Tigriopus californicus exhibit striking local adaptation to temperature, with less than 1 per cent of the total quantitative variance for thermal tolerance partitioned within populations. Moreover, heat-tolerant phenotypes observed in low-latitude populations cannot be achieved in high-latitude populations, either through acclimation or 10 generations of strong selection. Finally, in four populations there was no increase in thermal tolerance between generations 5 and 10 of selection, suggesting that standing variation had already been depleted. Thus, plasticity and adaptation appear to have limited capacity to buffer these isolated populations against further increases in temperature. Our results suggest that models assuming a uniform climatic envelope may greatly underestimate extinction risk in species with strong local adaptation.  相似文献   

The Department of Thoracic Surgery of the National Institute of Cancer in Milan developed a new rib-cage prosthesis which tries to combine flexibility, protection and bio-compatibility. This new replacement concept has been implanted in many patients, showing cheering results in term of reconstructions simplicity, postoperative complications reduction and patients comfort. This paper investigates and discusses in detail the mechanical behavior of the innovative rib cage prosthesis. Mechanical strength and stiffness are numerically evaluated in order to asses its limits and if it is fully compatible with patients ‘normal’ life.  相似文献   

We study an excitatory all-to-all coupled network of N spiking neurons with synaptically filtered background noise and slow activity-dependent hyperpolarization currents. Such a system exhibits noise-induced burst oscillations over a range of values of the noise strength (variance) and level of cell excitability. Since both of these quantities depend on the rate of background synaptic inputs, we show how noise can provide a mechanism for increasing the robustness of rhythmic bursting and the range of burst frequencies. By exploiting a separation of time scales we also show how the system dynamics can be reduced to low-dimensional mean field equations in the limit N → ∞. Analysis of the bifurcation structure of the mean field equations provides insights into the dynamical mechanisms for initiating and terminating the bursts.  相似文献   

This study establishes a procedure to couple Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT) and China Agroecological Zone model (AEZ-China). This procedure enables us to quantify the effects of two natural adaptation measures on soybean production in China, concern on which has been growing owing to the rapidly rising demand for soybean and the foreseen global climate change. The parameters calibration and mode verification are based on the observation records of soybean growth at 13 agro-meteorological observation stations in Northeast China and Huang-Huai-Hai Plain over 1981–2011. The calibration of eco-physiological parameters is based on the algorithms of DSSAT that simulate the dynamic bio-physiological processes of crop growth in daily time-step. The effects of shifts in planting day and changes in the length of growth cycle (LGC) are evaluated by the speedy algorithms of AEZ. Results indicate that without adaptation, climate change from the baseline 1961–1990 to the climate of 2050s as specified in the Providing Regional Climate for Impacts Studies-A1B would decrease the potential yield of soybean. By contrast, simulations of DSSAT using AEZ-recommended cultivars with adaptive LGC and also the corresponding adaptive planting dates show that the risk of yield loss could be fully or partially mitigated across majority of grid cells in the major soybean-growing areas.  相似文献   

Ludwig A  Tenhaken R 《Planta》2001,212(5-6):792-798
Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea bacteria or zoospores of the fungus Phytophthora sojae were used to trigger a hypersensitive reaction (HR) in cell cultures of soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr. cv. Williams 82). During a screen for genes that show an altered expression as a response to dying neighbour cells we have identified a gene fragment that is specifically but transiently down-regulated in an HR. The corresponding cDNA codes for the ribosomal protein L2 (rpL2) of 80S ribosomes, which is essential for the peptidyl-transferase activity. Two gene copies of rpL2 exist in soybean and both genes are transcribed. The temporary down-regulation of the rpL2 genes is followed by a transient block in the synthesis of new proteins as visualised by pulse-labelling experiments using 35S-amino acids. The same basic phenomenon was also found after treatment of soybean cells with other stress-causing compounds such as elicitors or heavy metals. It is suggested that the transient block in protein synthesis allows a more rapid depletion of, for example, signal molecules with a short half-life time and thus leads to a faster adaptation of the cellular protein inventory to the new environmental conditions. Received: 10 May 2000 / Accepted: 21 July 2000  相似文献   

Evidence for temperature adaptation in Daphnia magna was inferred from variation in the shape of temperature reaction norms for somatic growth rate, a fitness‐related trait. Ex‐ephippial clones from eight populations across Europe were grown under standardized conditions after preacclimation at five temperatures (17–29 °C). Significant variation for grand mean growth rates occurred both within populations (among clones) and between populations. Genetic variation for reaction norm shape was found within populations, with temperature‐dependent trade‐offs in clone relative fitness. However, the population average responses to temperature were similar, following approximately parallel reaction norms. The among‐population variation is not evidence for temperature adaptation. Lack of temperature adaptation at the population level may be a feature of intermittent populations where environmentally terminated diapause can entrain the planktonic stage of the life‐history within a similar range of temperatures.  相似文献   

The muscle-specific receptor tyrosine kinase (MuSK) forms part of a receptor complex, activated by nerve-derived agrin, that orchestrates the differentiation of the neuromuscular junction (NMJ). The molecular events linking MuSK activation with postsynaptic differentiation are not fully understood. In an attempt to identify partners and/or effectors of MuSK, cross-linking and immunopurification experiments were performed in purified postsynaptic membranes from the Torpedo electrocyte, a model system for the NMJ. Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) analysis was conducted on both cross-link products, and on the major peptide coimmunopurified with MuSK; this analysis identified a polypeptide corresponding to the COOH-terminal fragment of membrane-associated guanylate kinase (MAGUK) with inverted domain organization (MAGI)-1c. A bona fide MAGI-1c (150 kD) was detected by Western blotting in the postsynaptic membrane of Torpedo electrocytes, and in a high molecular mass cross-link product of MuSK. Immunofluorescence experiments showed that MAGI-1c is localized specifically at the adult rat NMJ, but is absent from agrin-induced acetylcholine receptor clusters in myotubes in vitro. In the central nervous system, MAGUKs play a primary role as scaffolding proteins that organize cytoskeletal signaling complexes at excitatory synapses. Our data suggest that a protein from the MAGUK family is involved in the MuSK signaling pathway at the vertebrate NMJ.  相似文献   

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