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Platelet receptor occupancy with factor IXa promotes factor X activation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
To investigate the activated platelet surface as a locus for factor X activation, the functional consequences of factor IXa binding to platelets were studied. The concentration of factor IXa required for half-maximal rates of factor X activation in the presence of factor VIIIa and thrombin-activated platelets was 0.53 nM, which is close to the Kd (0.56 nM) for factor IXa binding to platelets under identical conditions, determined from equilibrium binding studies. In direct comparative experiments, there was a close correspondence between equilibrium binding of factor IXa to thrombin-activated platelets in the presence of factor VIIIa and kinetic determinations of factor X activation rates. Analysis by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed that 125I-labeled factor IXa bound to platelets was structurally intact and did not form covalent complexes with platelet proteins. Factor IXa active site-inhibited by 5-dimethylaminonaphthalene-1-sulfonyl glutamyl-glycylarginyl chloromethyl ketone was shown to be a competitive inhibitor of factor IXa binding in the absence (Ki = 2.3 nM) and presence (Ki = 0.43 nM) of factor VIIIa and factor X and of factor X activation (Ki = 0.4 nM) by factor IXa in the presence of factor VIIIa, indicating that the generation of factor Xa is not required for factor IXa binding and that factor IXa bound to activated platelets in the presence of factor VIIIa is closely coupled with rates of factor X activation. We conclude that factor IXa bound tightly to a platelet receptor in the presence of factor VIIIa is the enzyme active in factor X activation.  相似文献   

R P Link  F J Castellino 《Biochemistry》1983,22(17):4033-4041
The Vmax/Km (microM -1 min -1.) for bovine factor X activation by bovine factor IXa alpha, in the presence of sufficient [Ca2+] to saturate the initial reaction rate, was 0.007. When factor IXa beta was substituted for factor IXa alpha in this reaction, the Vmax/Km decreased to 0.001, suggesting that factor IXa alpha was a more potent catalyst under these conditions. When phospholipid (PL) vesicles (egg phosphatidylcholine/bovine brain phosphatidylserine, 4:1 w/w) were added to these same systems, at levels sufficient to saturate their effects, little change in the Vmax/Km occurred when factor IXa alpha was the enzyme. However, when factor IXa beta was employed, the Vmax/Km dramatically increased to 0.023, demonstrating that factor IXa beta responded to PL addition to a much greater extent than did factor IXa alpha. Upon addition of thrombin-activated factor VIII (factor VIIIa,t), at a suboptimal level, to the above systems, the Vmax/Km for factor X activation by factor IXa alpha/Ca2+/PL/factor VIIIa,t was increased to 1.0, whereas this parameter for factor X activation by factor IXa beta/Ca2+/PL/factor VIIIa,t under the same conditions was found to be 27.3. During these studies, it was discovered that the factor X which became activated to factor Xa during the course of reaction participated in several feedback reactions: activation of factor X, activation of factor VIII, and conversion of factor IXa alpha to factor IXa beta. All feedback reactions, which are capable of complicating the kinetic interpretation, were inhibited by performing the studies in a system which contained a rapid factor Xa inhibitor, Glu-Gly-Arg-CH2Cl, thus allowing kinetic constants to be accurately determined. The results show that while factor IXa alpha is a more efficient enzyme than factor IXa beta toward factor X activation in the absence of cofactors, the response of factor IXa beta to the reaction cofactors, PL and factor VIIIa,t, is much greater than that of factor IXa alpha.  相似文献   

We investigated the kinetics of the inhibitory action of antithrombin III and antithrombin III plus heparin during the activation of factor X by factor IXa. Generation and inactivation curves were fitted to a three-parameter two-exponentional model to determine the pseudo first-order rate constants of inhibition of factor IXa and factor Xa by antithrombin III/heparin. In the absence of heparin, the second-order rate constant of inhibition of factor Xa generated by factor IXa was 2.5-fold lower than the rate constant of inhibition of exogenous factor Xa. It appeared that phospholipid-bound factor X protected factor Xa from inactivation by antithrombin III. It is, as yet, unclear whether an active site or a nonactive site interaction between factor Xa and factor X at the phospholipid surface is involved. The inactivation of factor IXa by antithrombin III was found to be very slow and was not affected by phospholipid, calcium, and/or factor X. With unfractionated heparin above 40 ng/ml and antithrombin III at 200 nM, the apparent second-order rate constant of inhibition of exogenous and generated factor Xa were the same. Thus, in this case phospholipid-bound factor X did not protect factor Xa from inhibition. In the presence of synthetic pentasaccharide heparin, however, phospholipid-bound factor X reduced the rate constant about 5-fold. Pentasaccharide had no effect on the factor IXa/antithrombin III reaction. Unfractionated heparin (1 micrograms/ml) stimulated the antithrombin III-dependent inhibition of factor IXa during factor X activation 400-fold. In the absence of reaction components this stimulated was 65-fold. We established that calcium stimulated the heparin-dependent inhibition of factor IXa.  相似文献   

Blostein MD  Rigby AC  Furie BC  Furie B  Gilbert GE 《Biochemistry》2000,39(39):12000-12006
Blood coagulation factor IXa gains proteolytic efficiency upon binding to a phospholipid membrane. We have found that an amphipathic, membrane-binding peptide from the C2 domain of factor VIII, fVIII(2303)(-23), enhances proteolytic efficiency of factor IXa in the absence of phospholipid membranes. This enhancement is the result of a reduction in the K(M) for the substrate, factor X, with little effect on the k(cat). Enhanced function requires interaction of the gamma-carboxyglutamic acid (Gla) domains of factor IXa and factor X since (i) a synthetic peptide comprising the Gla domain of factor IXa and antibodies directed to the Gla domain of factor IXa inhibit this acceleration, (ii) the acceleration is Ca(II) dependent, and (iii) conversion of Gla-domainless factor X is not affected by the presence of fVIII(2303)(-23). The effect of fVIII(2303)(-23) on factor IXa parallels the enhanced function produced by phosphatidylserine-containing bilayers, and fVIII(2303)(-23) does not further enhance function of factor IXa when phospholipid vesicles are present. The critical feature of fVIII(2303)(-23) is apparently its amphipathic helix-forming structure [Gilbert, G. E., and Baleja, J. D. (1995) Biochemistry 34, 3022-3031] because other alpha-helical peptides such as a homologous peptide from the C2 domain of factor V and melittin have similar effects. Diastereomeric analogues of fVIII(2303)(-23) and melittin, which have reduced helical content, do not support factor IXa activity. A truncated peptide of fVIII(2303)(-23) with three C-terminal residues deleted retains alpha-helical content but loses capacity to enhance factor X cleavage, suggesting that a minimum length of alpha-helix is required. Although these results probably do not illuminate the physiologic function of the factor VIII peptide corresponding to fVIII(2303)(-23), they demonstrate a novel, membrane-mimetic role of amphipathic helical peptides in supporting function of factor IXa.  相似文献   

Neuenschwander PF 《Biochemistry》2004,43(10):2978-2986
Blood coagulation factor IXa (fIXa) is a trypsin-like serine protease with low inherent activity that is greatly enhanced in the factor X activation complex. Molecular details of the conversion of fIXa from an inactive enzyme into a fully functional procoagulant are unclear. Recent studies have identified a heparin-binding exosite in the protease domain of fIXa. Effects of exosite occupation on fIXa activity are unclear. We used the Kunitz-type inhibitor bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) to probe fIXa reactivity in the absence and in the presence of heparin. While fIXa alone was poorly reactive with BPTI (K(i) approximately 0.7 mM), this reactivity was increased roughly 20-fold (K(i) = 37 +/- 6 microM) by heparin. This was reproducible with low-molecular-weight heparin (enoxaparin; K(i) = 70 +/- 12 microM). Surface plasmon resonance studies of the interaction between heparin and BPTI indicated an unstable interaction with very low affinity (K(d) = 172 microM). In contrast, kinetic studies revealed a high-affinity interaction between heparin and fIXa (K(d) = 128 +/- 26 nM) and showed that the enhancement of BPTI inhibition of fIXa by heparin was well described by a competitive inhibition model where heparin acts as an affecter of fIXa reactivity with inhibitor. Fluorescence studies with dansyl-EGR-fIXa supported the high-affinity interaction between heparin and fIXa and suggested an altered environment in the fIXa active-site region upon heparin binding. This modulating effect of heparin was supported by the observation of a heparin-induced increase in reactivity of fIXa toward a pentapeptide substrate. When viewed together, the results imply that specific physiological exosite interactions with heparin can induce alterations in the environment of the extended fIXa active site that can result in increased reactivity.  相似文献   

Pathways in the activation of human coagulation factor X.   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Purified human Factor X (apparent mol.wt. 72000), which consists of two polypeptide chains (mol.wt. 55000 and 19000), was activated by both Russell's-viper venom and the purified physiological activators (Factor VII/tissue factor and Factor IXa/Factor VIII). They all convert Factor X to catalytically active Factor Xa (mol.wt. 54000) by cleaving the heavy chain at a site on the N-terminal region. In the presence of Ca2+ and phospholipid, the Factor Xa formed catalyses (a) the cleavage of a small peptide (mol.wt. 4000) from the C-terminal region of the heavy chain of Factor Xa, resulting in a second active form (mol.wt. 50000), and (b) the cleavage of a peptide containing the active-site serine residue (mol.wt. 13000) from the C-terminal region of the heavy chain of Factor X, resulting in an inactivatable component (mol.wt. 59000). A nomenclature for the various products is proposed.  相似文献   

The published activation site sequences of bovine factors IX and X have been utilized to synthesize a number of peptides specifically designed respectively as substrates for bovine factors XIa and IXa beta. The substrates contain a fluorophore (2-aminobenzoyl group, Abz) and a quenching group (4-nitrobenzylamide, Nba) that are separated upon enzymatic hydrolysis with a resultant increase in fluorescence that was utilized to measure hydrolysis rates. Factor XIa cleaved all of the peptides bearing factor IX activation site sequences with Abz-Glu-Phe-Ser-Arg-Val-Val-Gly-Nba having the highest kcat/KM value. The kinetic behavior of factor XIa toward the synthetic peptide substrate indicates that it has a minimal extended substrate recognition site at least five residues long spanning S4 to S1' and has favorable interactions over seven subsites. The hexapeptide Abz-Glu-Phe-Ser-Arg-Val-Val-Nba was the most specific factor XIa substrate and was not hydrolyzed by factors IXa beta or Xa beta or thrombin. Factor IXa beta failed to hydrolyze any of the synthetic peptides bearing the activation site sequence of factor X. This enzyme slowly cleaved four hexa- and heptapeptide substrates with factor IX activation site sequences extending from P4 or P3 to P3'. Factor Xa beta poorly hydrolyzed all but one of the factor XIa substrates and failed to cleave any of the factor IXa beta substrates. Thrombin failed to hydrolyze any of the peptides examined while trypsin, as expected, was highly reactive and not very specific. Phospholipids had no effect on the reactivity of either factors IXa beta or Xa beta toward synthetic substrates. Both factor IXa beta and Xa beta cleaved the peptide substrates at similar rates to their natural substrates under comparable conditions. However the rates were substantially lower than optimum activation rates observed in the presence of Ca2+, phospholipids, and protein cofactors. In the future, it may be useful to investigate synthetic substrates that can bind to phospholipid vesicles in the same manner as the natural substrates for factors IXa beta and Xa beta.  相似文献   

This study examines mechanisms that regulate the activation of blood coagulation proteases on intact cell membranes. The activation of factor X by factors IXa and VIIIa assembled on viable monocytes is presented as a biologically relevant model for membrane-dependent proteolysis of coagulation zymogens. The hypothesis that this reaction is limited by diffusion was tested by comparing predicted with observed concentration dependence, temperature dependence, and effective rate coefficient. Rates of factor X catalysis were measured using a chromogenic substrate specific for the product, factor Xa. The value of KR and of K1/2, i.e. concentrations giving half-maximal rates in reciprocal functional titrations with substrate and enzyme, respectively, were directly correlated with the concentration of the titrated component. Arrhenius plots constructed over temperatures encompassing 10-35 degrees C were biphasic with downward concavity. Apparent activation energies were 6.01 +/- 0.93 and 35.84 +/- 8.9 kcal/mol for the interval above and below the inflection point, respectively. The effective rate coefficient calculated from apparent kinetic parameters was 3.58 +/- 0.1 x 10(12) M-1 s-1. This rate is similar to the maximal rate of collision between factor X molecules and the monocyte, i.e. 2.9 x 10(12) M-1 s-1 estimated from the steady-state von Smoluchowski equation for uniformly reacting spherical particles. The observed agreement between predicted and experimental results indicates that under biologically relevant conditions, the rate of factor X activation by the intrinsic protease is controlled by diffusion of factor X toward the catalytic site.  相似文献   

Molecular recognition in the activation of human blood coagulation factor X   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Factor X can be activated by the extrinsic activation complex (factor VIIa:tissue factor), the intrinsic activation complex (factor IXa:factor VIIIa) and by an enzyme from Russell's viper venom (RVV-X). To identify the regions on the surface of factor X that mediate its association with these three activators, we have prepared 21 synthetic peptides representing 65% of the primary structure of factor X. Only 3 of the 21 peptides inhibited the rate of factor X activation, indicating the regions represented by these three peptides are involved in factor X association. Using purified components, the rate of factor Xa formation was inhibited in a dose-dependent manner by these three peptides with the same relative potency of inhibition in each of the activation systems. The observed relative potencies were: peptide 267-283 greater than or equal to peptide 284-303 greater than peptide 417-431. Kinetic analyses indicated that the three peptides inhibited factor X activation in a non-competitive manner, and in mixed inhibitor assays the peptides were shown to be mutually exclusive of one another. In coagulation-based assays, the potency of inhibition by each peptide was decreased. However, in Russell's viper venom-X-initiated assays peptide 417-431 was the best inhibitor. Fab fragments of antibodies raised to these peptides and affinity purified on factor X-agarose columns inhibited both the purified and coagulation-based assays in a dose-dependent manner. Using the x-ray crystal structure of chymotrypsinogen as a model, these three peptides were found to be located spatially close to one another on the surface of factor X and opposite to the region where factor X is cleaved for activation. These data are consistent with a model in which the three activators combine with factor X through a recognition site composed of multiple loci that is distal to the potential cleavage site. This interaction aligns the active sites of these three enzymes in the correct orientation to cleave factor X at the same arginyl-isoleucyl bond.  相似文献   

Activation of coagulation factor X via the intrinsic pathway requires the assembly of factors IXa and VIII on lipid membranes. It is known that the platelet expresses membrane sites for assembly of factors IXa/VIII and promotes efficient factor X activation. We now show that human blood monocytes, but not lymphocytes or polymorphonuclear leukocytes, also express appropriate sites for factors IXa/VIII assembly. The maximal rate of factor X activation by factors IXa (0.75 nM) and VIII (1 unit/ml) assembled on monocytes is similar to the maximal rate on platelets. This rate, adjusted per micromole of lipid phosphorus, is 1636 +/- 358 nM factor Xa/min on monocyte, and 1569 +/- 54 nM factor Xa/min on platelets. At physiologic concentrations of factors X and VIII, the activation rate increases with factor IXa concentration asymptotically approaching a maximum. Half-maximal rate is achieved with 1.0 +/- 0.16 nM factor IXa. Monocytes and macrophages, but not platelets, can express membrane tissue factor and thus promote simultaneous assembly of two distinct factor X-activating protease complexes. In these studies, blood monocytes and alveolar macrophages are used as membrane sources in kinetic experiments comparing factor X activation by intrinsic (factor IXa/VIII) versus extrinsic (factor VII/tissue factor) protease complexes. At plasma concentration of factors VIII and VII, apparent Km on the monocyte is 14.6 +/- 1.4 nM for intrinsic and 117.0 +/- 10.1 nM for extrinsic activation. The apparent Km on alveolar macrophages is 12.1 +/- 1.9 and 90.6 +/- 10.2 nM for intrinsic and extrinsic activation, respectively. Maximal rates on monocytes at saturating concentration of factors IXa, VIII, and VII are 48.0 +/- 11.2 nM factor Xa/min, for intrinsic activation, and 16.5 +/- 5.5 nM factor Xa/min, for extrinsic activation. These data show that the monocyte/macrophage is the only blood-derived cell type with membrane sites for both intrinsic and extrinsic pathway assembly. We have exploited this characteristic of the monocyte/macrophage membrane to demonstrate that factor X activation by the intrinsic pathway protease is more efficient than activation via the extrinsic pathway protease complex.  相似文献   

Factor VIII (FVIII) is the nonproteolytic cofactor for FIXa in the tenase complex of blood coagulation. FVIII is proteolytically activated by thrombin and FXa in vitro to form a heterotrimer with full procoagulant activity. Activated protein C inactivates thrombin-activated FVIII through cleavage adjacent to position Arg 336 in the cofactor. We have investigated the interaction of FIXa and FVIII and subjected FVIII polypeptides to N-terminal amino acid sequence analysis. Contrary to previous reports, we were unable to demonstrate the activation of FVIII by FIXa. Incubation of these two proteins at equimolar or close to equimolar concentrations resulted in the inactivation of FVIII, coincident with cleavage of the FVIII heavy chain adjacent to Arg 336 and the light chain adjacent to Arg 1719. These cleavages were detected in the presence or absence of thrombin, indicating that FIXa does not stabilize thrombin-activated FVIIIa. APC cleaved FVIII at the same position in the heavy chain, and simultaneous incubation of FVIII, APC, and FIXa did not result in stabilization of the cofactor. We conclude that FIXa does not play a role in the stabilization or activation of FVIII.  相似文献   

M Y Wong  J A Gurr  P N Walsh 《Biochemistry》1999,38(28):8948-8960
Factor IXa binding to the activated platelet surface is required for efficient catalysis of factor X activation. Platelets possess a specific binding site for factor IXa, occupancy of which has been correlated with rates of factor X activation. However, the specific regions of the factor IXa molecule that are critical to this interaction have not yet been fully elucidated. To assess the importance of the second epidermal growth factor (EGF2) domain of factor IXa for platelet binding and catalysis, a chimeric protein (factor IXa(Xegf2)) was created by replacement of the EGF2 domain of factor IX with that of factor X. Competition binding experiments showed 2 different binding sites on activated platelets (approximately 250 each/platelet): (1) a specific factor IXa binding site requiring the intact EGF2 domain; and (2) a shared factor IX/IXa binding site mediated by residues G(4)-Q(11) within the Gla domain. In kinetic studies, the decreased V(max) of factor IXa(Xegf2) activation of factor X on the platelet surface (V(max) 2. 90 +/- 0.37 pM/min) versus normal factor IXa (37.6 +/- 0.15 pM/min) was due to its decreased affinity for the platelet surface (K(d) 64.7 +/- 3.9 nM) versus normal factor IXa (K(d) 1.21 +/- 0.07 nM), resulting in less bound enzyme (functional complex) under experimental conditions. The hypothesis that the binding defects of factor IXa(Xegf2) are the cause of the kinetic perturbations is further supported by the normal k(cat) of bound factor IXa(Xegf2) (1701 min(-)(1)) indicating (1) an intact catalytic site and (2) the normal behavior of bound factor IXa(Xegf2). The EGF2 domain is not a cofactor binding site since the mutant shows a normal rate enhancement upon the addition of cofactor. Thus, the intact EGF2 domain of factor IXa is critical for the formation of the factor X activating complex on the surface of activated platelets.  相似文献   

Coagulation factor X is activated by the extrinsic Xase complex composed of factor VIIa associated with the integral membrane protein tissue factor. The kinetics of human factor X activation was studied following reconstitution of this reaction system using purified human proteins and synthetic phospholipid vesicles composed of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylserine (PCPS) or phosphatidylcholine alone (PC). Factor X activation was evaluated by discontinuous measurements of the amidolytic activity of the product, factor Xa, or continuously monitored using the fluorescent serine protease inhibitor 4-aminobenzamidine. The results of both techniques were verified by direct physical measurements of zymogen activation using SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The rate of factor X activation with PC vesicles was less than 5% of that observed with PCPS vesicles. Since factor X does not bind to vesicles containing only PC, these data suggested an important role for the substrate-membrane interaction in the catalytic cycle. The importance of the substrate-membrane interaction in the activation process was investigated by using membrane-binding proteins to compete with the substrate for combining sites on PCPS vesicles. Prothrombin fragment 1 was an inhibitor of factor X activation. The dependence of inhibition by fragment 1 on PCPS and factor X was consistent with a significant reduction in initial velocity due to the displacement of factor X from the membrane surface. The inhibition data also suggested that the membrane-bound pool of factor X was the preferred substrate for the human extrinsic Xase complex. The influence of PCPS concentrations on the rate of factor X activation was systematically investigated. Increasing concentrations of PCPS resulted in a modest change in the Km,app and a dramatic change in the Vmax,app for the reaction. The initial velocity data could be globally analyzed according to the preferential utilization of membrane-bound factor X with the intrinsic kinetic constants: Km approximately equal to 1 microM and kcat = 37 s-1 at saturating PCPS. In addition, the equilibrium parameters for the factor X-membrane interaction inferred from these studies were in excellent agreement with the directly determined values. Collectively, the data suggest that the substrate-membrane interaction must precede catalysis for the efficient activation of human factor X by the extrinsic Xase complex.  相似文献   

During blood coagulation, factor IXa (FIXa) activates factor X (FX) requiring Ca2+, phospholipid, and factor VIIIa (FVIIIa). The serine protease domain of FIXa contains a Ca2+ site and is predicted to contain a Na+ site. Comparative homology analysis revealed that Na+ in FIXa coordinates to the carbonyl groups of residues 184A, 185, 221A, and 224 (chymotrypsin numbering). Kinetic data obtained at several concentrations of Na+ and Ca2+ with increasing concentrations of a synthetic substrate (CH3-SO2-d-Leu-Gly-Arg-p-nitroanilide) were fit globally, assuming rapid equilibrium conditions. Occupancy by Na+ increased the affinity of FIXa for the synthetic substrate, whereas occupancy by Ca2+ decreased this affinity but increased k(cat) dramatically. Thus, Na+-FIXa-Ca2+ is catalytically more active than free FIXa. FIXa(Y225P), a Na+ site mutant, was severely impaired in Na+ potentiation of its catalytic activity and in binding to p-aminobenzamidine (S1 site probe) validating that substrate binding in FIXa is linked positively to Na+ binding. Moreover, the rate of carbamylation of NH2 of Val16, which forms a salt-bridge with Asp194 in serine proteases, was faster for FIXa(Y225P) and addition of Ca2+ overcame this impairment only partially. Further studies were aimed at delineating the role of the FIXa Na+ site in macromolecular catalysis. In the presence of Ca2+ and phospholipid, with or without saturating FVIIIa, FIXa(Y225P) activated FX with similar K(m) but threefold reduced k(cat). Further, interaction of FVIIIa:FIXa(Y225P) was impaired fourfold. Our previous data revealed that Ca2+ binding to the protease domain increases the affinity of FIXa for FVIIIa approximately 15-fold. The present data indicate that occupancy of the Na+ site further increases the affinity of FIXa for FVIIIa fourfold and k(cat) threefold. Thus, in the presence of Ca2+, phospholipid, and FVIIIa, binding of Na+ to FIXa increases its biologic activity by approximately 12-fold, implicating its role in physiologic coagulation.  相似文献   

Coagulation factor VIIa (FVIIa) is a serine protease that, after binding to tissue factor (TF), plays a pivotal role in the initiation of blood coagulation. We used hydrogen exchange monitored by mass spectrometry to visualize the details of FVIIa activation by comparing the exchange kinetics of distinct molecular states, namely zymogen FVII, endoproteolytically cleaved FVIIa, TF-bound zymogen FVII, TF-bound FVIIa, and FVIIa in complex with an active site inhibitor. The hydrogen exchange kinetics of zymogen FVII and FVIIa are identical indicating highly similar solution structures. However, upon tissue factor binding, FVIIa undergoes dramatic structural stabilization as indicated by decreased exchange rates localized throughout the protease domain and in distant parts of the light chain, spanning across 50A and revealing a concerted interplay between functional sites in FVIIa. The results provide novel insights into the cofactor-induced activation of this important protease and reveal the potential for allosteric regulation in the trypsin family of proteases.  相似文献   

In this study, we present a novel approach for the induction of tumor vessel thrombosis using genetically modified coagulation factor X. Human factor X was engineered in its activation peptide in a way that it can be specifically activated by prostate-specific antigen (PSA), a tumor-specific proteinase secreted into the bloodstream by prostate cancer cells. For this purpose we inserted different sequences of known PSA cleavage sites from the natural substrate of PSA, semenogelin I, into the activation peptide of factor X. One FX variant (FX-V4) was further optimized by site-directed mutagenesis of the P2 position and the P5 position (FX-V4-P2YP5R). After preincubation with PSA, FX-V4-P2YP5R was able to efficiently induce coagulation in vitro. These FX variants should be useful for site-specific induction of blood coagulation in the tumor vasculature.  相似文献   

Synthesis and secretion of blood coagulation factor X was studied during incubations of hepatocytes prepared by perfusion of rat livers with collagenase. The apparent molecular weight of factor X isolated from the incubation medium was about 14,000 less than factor X isolated from rat plasma. The extracellular form of factor X was a two-chain polypeptide and the observed difference in molecular weight was reflected in the heavy chain. Since these properties were more characteristic of factor Xa than factor X, experiments were designed to determine if factor X activation occurred during the incubations. Clotting factor assays indicated that factor X secreted by hepatocytes was present as factor Xa. Also, when purified plasma factor X was added to incubations of hepatocytes the added factor X was converted to factor Xa. Plasma membranes prepared from isolated hepatocytes or from liver homogenates contained an enzyme that converted factor X to factor Xa in a calcium-dependent reaction. The results suggest that the activity is due to the presence of thromboplastin (tissue factor) and factor VII in the membrane preparations.  相似文献   

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