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The expression of DNP- and TNP-specific B cells in spleens of neonatal BALB/c mice was analyzed by the in vitro splenic focus technique. B cells of these specificities were found to be present in slightly higher frequency in neonatal than in adult spleens. The parameters of stimulation of neonatal B cells were similar to those of adult B cells but the antibody-forming cell progeny of neonatal B cells produce predominantly gammaM rather than gammaG antibody and produce less antibody than the progeny of adult B cells. Isoelectric focusing analyses of monoclonal antibodies derived from neonatal B cells stimulated in vitro with DNP or TNP revealed that over 90 per cent of the antibodies could be identified as belonging to one of six predominant clonotypes, three specific for DNP and three for TNP. While individual neonates rarely expressed all of the predominant clonotypes, B cells of each of the six clonotypes were found in several donors. When B cells of a given predominant clonotype were present in an individual many such B cells could be found and in many cases the entire DNP- or TNP-specific B cell population of an individual could be accounted for by B cells of a single clonotype. These findings are discussed in terms of the diversity of clonotype specificities available in neonates, the kinetics of development of cells within a clonotype, and factors that may play a role in controlling the expression of B cell clones.  相似文献   

To examine the involvement of cell adhesion molecules in the inductive epithelial-mesenchymal interactions during avian scale development, a study of the spatiotemporal distribution of L-CAM and N-CAM was undertaken. During scutate scale development, L-CAM and N-CAM are expressed together in cells of the transient embryonic layers destined to be lost at hatching. The ongoing linkage of the cells of these layers by both CAMs sets them apart, early in development, as unique cell populations. L-CAM and N-CAM were also expressed simultaneously at the basal surface of the early germinative cells where signal transduction is presumed to occur. In spite of the differences in cell shape, adhesion, density and proliferative state between populations of epidermal placode and interplacode cells, the expression of L-CAM and N-CAM appeared to be uniform and nondiscriminating for these discrete cell lineages. The same pattern of L-CAM and N-CAM expression was observed during morphogenesis of reticulate scales that develop without placode formation. While L-CAM and N-CAM are present during the early stages of scale development and most likely function in cell adhesion, the data do not support a role for these adhesion molecules in the formation of the morphogenetically critical placode and interplacode cell populations. In both scale types, L-CAM became predominantly epithelial, and N-CAM became predominantly dermal as histogenesis occurred. Initially, N-CAM was concentrated near the basal lamina where it may be involved in the reciprocal epidermal-dermal interactions required for morphogenesis. However, as development of the scales progressed, N-CAM disappeared from the tissues. L-CAM expression continued in the epidermis and was intense on all suprabasal cells undergoing differentiation into either an alpha-stratum or beta-stratum. However, L-CAM was more prevalent on the basal cells of alpha-keratinizing regions than on the basal cells of beta-keratinizing regions.  相似文献   

Studies of chicken embryos have demonstrated that cell adhesion molecules are important in embryonic induction and are expressed in defined sequences during embryogenesis and histogenesis. To extend these observations and to provide comparable evidence for heterochronic changes in such sequences during evolution, the local distributions of the neural cell adhesion molecule (N-CAM) and of the liver cell adhesion molecule (L-CAM) were examined in Xenopus laevis embryos by immunohistochemical and biochemical techniques. Because of the technical difficulties presented by the existence of multiple polypeptide forms of CAMs and by autofluorescence of yolk-containing cells, special care was taken in choosing and characterizing antibodies, fluorophores, and embedding procedures. Both N-CAM and L-CAM were found at low levels in pregastrulation embryos. During gastrulation, N-CAM levels increased in the presumptive neural epithelium and decreased in the endoderm, but L-CAM continued to be expressed in all cells including endodermal cells. During neurulation, the level of N-CAM expression in the neural ectoderm increased considerably, while remaining constant in non-neural ectoderm and diminishing in the somites; in the notochord, N-CAM was expressed transiently. Prevalence modulation was also seen at all sites of secondary induction: both CAMs increased in the sensory layer of the ectoderm during condensation of the placodes. During organogenesis, the expression of L-CAM gradually diminished in the nervous system while N-CAM expression remained high. In all other organs examined, the amount of one or the other CAM decreased, so that by stage 50 these two molecules were expressed in non-overlapping territories. Embryonic and adult tissues were compared to search for concordance of CAM expression at later stages. With few exceptions, the tissue distributions of N-CAM and L-CAM were similar in the frog and in the chicken from early times of development. In contrast to previous observations in the chicken and in the mouse, N-CAM expression was found to be high in the adult liver of Xenopus, whereas L-CAM expression was low. In the adult brain, N-CAM was expressed as three components of apparent molecular mass 180, 140, and 120 kD, respectively; in earlier stages of development only the 140-kD component could be detected. In the liver, a single N-CAM band appears at 160 kD, raising the possibility that this band represents an unusual N-CAM polypeptide. L-CAM appeared at all stages as a 124-kD molecule.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The expression of the neural adhesion molecules L1 and N-CAM has been studied in the embryonic and early postnatal olfactory system of the mouse in order to gain insight into the function of these molecules during development of a neural structure which retains neuronal turnover capacities throughout adulthood. N-CAM was slightly expressed and L1 was not significantly expressed in the olfactory placode on Embryonic Day 9, the earliest stage tested. Rather, N-CAM was strongly expressed in the mesenchyme underlying the olfactory placode. In the developing nasal pit, L1 and N-CAM were detectable in the developing olfactory epithelium, but not in regions developing into the respiratory epithelium. At early developmental stages, expression of the so-called embryonic form of N-CAM (E-N-CAM) coincides with the expression of N-CAM, whereas at later developmental stages and in the adult it is restricted to a smaller number of sensory cell bodies and axons, suggesting that the less adhesive embryonic form is characteristic of morphogenetically dynamic neuronal structures. Moreover, E-N-CAM is highly expressed at contact sites between olfactory axons and their target cells in the glomeruli of the olfactory bulb. L1 and N-CAM 180, the component of N-CAM that accumulates at cell contacts by interaction with the cytoskeleton are detectable as early as the first axons extend toward the primordial olfactory bulb. L1 remains prominent throughout development on axonal processes, both at contacts with other axons and with ensheathing cells. Contrary to N-CAM 180 which remains detectable on differentiating sensory neuronal cell bodies, L1 is only transiently expressed on these and is no longer detectable on primary olfactory neuronal cell bodies in the adult. Furthermore, whereas throughout development L1 has a molecular form similar to that seen in other parts of the developing and adult central nervous systems, N-CAM and, in particular, N-CAM 180 retain their highly sialylated form at least partially throughout all ages studied. These observations suggest that E-N-CAM and N-CAM 180 are characteristic of developmentally active structures and L1 may not only be involved in neurite outgrowth, but also in stabilization of contacts among fasciculating axons and between axons and ensheathing cells, as it has previously been found in the developing peripheral nervous system.  相似文献   

Previous studies of the adhesive properties of embryonic chick neural retina cells indicate a gradual decrease in the expression of calcium-dependent adhesions during retinal histogenesis, a function which has been attributed in part to gp130/4.8, a retinal calcium-dependent adhesion-associated cell surface membrane glycoprotein with a molecular weight of approximately 130 kDa and an isoelectric point of 4.8 (G. B. Grunwald, R. Pratt, and J. Lilien, 1982, J. Cell Sci. 55, 69-83). The experiments described here were done to define the relationship of gp130/4.8 to N-cadherin, another calcium-dependent adhesion molecule found in chick retina, which has a reported molecular weight of 127 kDa and which is recognized by monoclonal antibody NCD-2 (K. Hatta and M. Takeichi, 1986, Nature (London) 320, 447-449). Using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis followed by Western blotting as well as quantitative solid-phase immunoassays, polyspecific antisera recognizing gp130/4.8 were compared with monoclonal antibody NCD-2 for reactivity with proteins of retina and other tissues. The data lead us to conclude that retinal calcium-dependent adhesion proteins gp130/4.8 and N-cadherin are likely to be the same molecule. In order to obtain evidence for a direct correlation of changes in expression of these adhesion proteins with changes in retinal cell adhesivity and related morphogenetic events, parallel studies were carried out with cells from various ocular tissues to examine the functional, biochemical, and immunohistochemical expression of N-cadherin during ocular development. Immunohistochemical mapping of N-cadherin in the developing chick eye reveals three modes of N-cadherin expression which occur simultaneously in different ocular tissues: (1) down-regulation, (2) up-regulation, and (3) steady-state expression. These patterns of expression correlate with changes in the adhesive behavior of cells as well as with discrete stages in the morphogenesis of several ocular tissues. The results suggest that N-cadherin is a versatile cell adhesion protein with a role in both the development of several ocular tissues and the maintenance of specialized structures in the mature eye.  相似文献   

A peculiarity of nitrosamines is the high degree of cell and organ specificity in inducing tumors. There is substantial evidence that the initiation of the carcinogenesis process by carcinogens of this group is linked to the metabolic competence of the target tissue or cell to convert these carcinogens into mutagenic metabolites and to the binding of those metabolites to cellular DNA. Alkylation occurs in the DNA at the N-1, N-3, and N-7 positions of adenine; the N-3, N-7, and O6 of guanine; the N-3, and O2 of cytosine; and the N-3, O4, and O2 of thymine; and the phosphate groups. The initial proportion of each DNA adduct depends upon the alkylating agent used. The various DNA adducts are lost to a variable extent from DNA in vivo by spontaneous release of bases and Or by specific DNA repair processes. Studies conducted in vitro and in vivo indicate that alkylation at the oxygen atoms of DNA bases is more critical than alkylation at other positions in the mutagenesis and carcinogenesis induced by N-nitroso compounds. In particular, tissues in which tumors occur more frequently after a pulse dose of nitrosamine are those in which O6-alkylguanine persists longest in DNA, presumably resulting in an increased probability that a miscoding event (mutation) will take place during DNA synthesis. The more rapid removal of O6-methylguanine from the DNA of liver (as compared with cxtrahepatic tissues) of rats has been associated with the absence of tumor production in this organ by a single dose of dimethylnitrosamine; however, a significant incidence of liver tumors is observed if the same dose is given 24 hr after partial hepatectomy, and tumors arc induced by such a dose of dimethyl-nitrosamine in the liver of hamsters, which has a low capacity to remove O6-methylguanine from its DNA. These data also indicate that the rate of disappearance of 7-methylguanine from the liver or cxtrahepatic tissues is independent of the dose of dimethylnitrosamine; whereas O6-methylguanine is lost from DNA more rapidly after a low dose of this nitrosamine. It has been shown that in liver the removal of O6-methylguanine, but not of other DNA adducts, from DNA can be affected by pretreating the animals with N-nitroso compounds. The modulation of DNA repair processes observed after a single dose and after chronic treatment with nitrosamines is discussed in relation to the tissue-specific carcinogenic effect of this group of carcinogens.  相似文献   

Cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesion are crucial during many stages of eukaryotic development. Here, we provide the first example that mucin-type O-linked glycosylation is involved in a developmentally regulated cell adhesion event in Drosophila melanogaster. Mutations in one member of the evolutionarily conserved family of enzymes that initiates O-linked glycosylation alter epithelial cell adhesion in the Drosophila wing blade. A transposon insertion mutation in pgant3 or RNA interference to pgant3 resulted in blistered wings, a phenotype characteristic of genes involved in integrin-mediated cell interactions. Expression of wild type pgant3 in the mutant background rescued the wing blistering phenotype, whereas expression of another family member (pgant35A) did not, revealing a unique requirement for pgant3. pgant3 mutants displayed reduced O-glycosylation along the basal surface of larval wing imaginal discs, which was restored with wild type pgant3 expression, suggesting that reduced glycosylation of basal proteins is responsible for disruption of adhesion in the adult wing blade. Glycosylation reactions demonstrated that PGANT3 glycosylates certain extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins. Immunoprecipitation experiments revealed that PGANT3 glycosylates tiggrin, an ECM protein known to bind integrin. We propose that this glycosyltransferase is uniquely responsible for glycosylating tiggrin in the wing disc, thus modulating proper cell adhesion through integrin-ECM interactions. This study provides the first evidence for the role of O-glycosylation in a developmentally regulated, integrin-mediated, cell adhesion event and reveals a novel player in wing blade formation during Drosophila development.  相似文献   

During cleavage, the mouse embryo expresses a variety of cell adhesion systems on its cell surfaces. We have reviewed biogenetic and assembly criteria for the formation of the uvomorulin/catenin, tight junction and desmosome adhesion systems as the trophectoderm differentiates. Each system reveals different mechanisms regulating molecular maturation. Adhesion processes contribute to the generation of distinct tissues in the blastocyst by modifying the expression pattern of blastomeres entering the non-epithelial inner cell mass lineage. Cell adhesion also influences the spatial organisation, but rarely the timing of expression, of proteins involved in trophectoderm differentiation.  相似文献   

Neural crest cells are highly migratory cells that give rise to many derivatives including peripheral ganglia, craniofacial structures and melanocytes. Neural crest cells migrate along defined pathways to their target sites, interacting with each other and their environment as they migrate. Cell adhesion molecules are critical during this process. In this review we discuss the expression and function of cell adhesion molecules during the process of neural crest migration, in particular cadherins, integrins, members of the immunoglobulin superfamily of cell adhesion molecules, and the proteolytic enzymes that cleave these cell adhesion molecules. The expression and function of these cell adhesion molecules and proteases are compared across neural crest emigrating from different axial levels, and across different species of vertebrates.  相似文献   

The organisation and differentiation of striated skeletal muscles and their innervation is a particularly complex process implicating cells of mesodermic (myoblasts and fibroblasts) and neuroectoderrmic origin (neurons and glial cells). Myogenic and motor neuron precursors, the two major cell types participating in the formation of the neuromuscular axis, migrate, segregate, reassociate and differentiate in a coordinated fashion. The subsequent organisation of muscle cells and the establishment of muscle innervation rely on a complex tissular and cellular architectural organisation, which cannot be understood without taking into account juxtacrine cell interactions, and especially cell adhesion. Cell adhesion receptors of the cadherin family are widely expressed and dynamically regulated in space and time throughout neuromuscular development. A single cell expresses in general more than one cadherin at its surface and it is the combination of these molecules and their level of expression that determine their action within a given cell population. We focused in this review on the expression and roles of classical cadherins in relation to muscle cell and motoneuron differentiation. We also review the latest results on the mode of action of cadherins allowing to propose cellular and molecular cues on the mechanisms by which these cell adhesion receptors control muscle and neuronal cell shape, migration and differentiation.  相似文献   

Defects in desmosome-mediated cell-cell adhesion can lead to tissue fragility syndromes. Both inherited and acquired diseases caused by desmosomal defects have been described. The two organs that appear most vulnerable to these defects are the skin with its appendages, and the heart. Furthermore, the analysis of genetically engineered mice has led to the discovery that desmosomal proteins are also required for normal embryonic development. Knockout mice for several desmosomal proteins die in utero. Depending on the protein studied, death occurs either around the time of implantation, at mid-gestation or shortly before birth. So far, it appears that structural defects leading to abnormal histo-architecture and tissue fragility are the main cause of death, i.e. there is no evidence that loss of a desmosomal protein would abort specific cell lineages or differentiation programs. Nevertheless, we are only beginning to understand the functions of individual desmosomal proteins during development. This review focuses on the role of desmosomes during mouse embryonic development.  相似文献   

We have studied the initial phase of cell adhesion as a function of the lateral organization of individual integrin molecules with single-cell force microscopy. Nanostructures, consisting of hexagonally ordered gold dots, were prepared with diblock-copolymer micelle lithography and functionalized with arginine- glycine-aspartate peptides, thus defining integrin position with nanometer resolution. Adhesion strength was characterized with an atomic force microscope and both cell detachment forces and work of detachment showed a reinforcement of adhesion if the distance between integrin molecules was <70 nm. This reinforcement had already occurred at cell-substrate contact times <5 min. We believe our results show quantitatively the relevance of the distance between adjacent integrin binding sites rather than their density. Furthermore, we propose a model describing the cooperative stabilization of early integrin clusters as a function of receptor patterning at the nanoscale.  相似文献   

The cell adhesion molecules N-CAM and L1 are important for cell-cell recognition and cell migration and so may be involved in the metastatic process. We have studied the biosynthesis of N-CAM and L1 in the B16 melanoma cell lines B16-F1 and B16-F10 which differ in metastatic capacity. N-CAM was synthesised as two glycosylated polypeptides with Mr of 150,000 and 210,000; L1 was synthesised as one polypeptide with Mr of 215,000. In fetal neurons N-CAM is synthesised as a 135,000 and a 200,000 Mr polypeptide and L1 as a 200,000 Mr polypeptide. Thus, the Mr of N-CAM and L1 in tumour cells appeared to be 10,000-15,000 higher than in the normal cells. L1 was phosphorylated in the tumour cells as in neurons. The tumour cells also phosphorylated the 210,000 Mr N-CAM polypeptide, whereas no phosphorylation of the 150,000 Mr polypeptide was observed. In neuronal cells both the corresponding polypeptides are phosphorylated and thus the biosynthesis of N-CAM in tumour cells seem to differ from that in neuronal cells with regard to phosphorylation. No differences in biosynthesis of N-CAM or L1 were apparent between the two tumour cell lines, B16-F1 and B16-F10.  相似文献   

The studies of neuronal cell-glycosaminoglycan interactions indicate an increasing interest in the question of how heparin can mediate adhesion properties of the cell. We have found that high levels of both N-CAM concentration and heparin-binding activity were noticed in the early stages of brain formation. According to electron microscopy data, an elevation of free heparin in the substratum leads to a decrease of the N-CAM content and changing of its distribution on the membrane of cultured hippocampal neurons. Spatial arrangement of immunogold labelled N-CAM molecules in plasma membrane profiles of cultured neurones was quantified with image analysis software using an interlabel distance estimate. To convert these estimates into two dimensional (2D) quantities, namely the 2D pattern and density of labelling, a computer simulation technique was used. Heparin added to the substratum in a concentration of 40 microg/ml decreased the 2D N-CAM labelling density by 50% - 39.8 labels/microm(2) compared with the control values of 88.9 labels/microm(2).  相似文献   

During development of Dictyostelium, four adhesion systems have been identified and adherens junction-like structures have been discovered in the fruiting body. The temporal and spatial expression of cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) is under stringent developmental control, corresponding to major shifts in morphological complexity. Genetic manipulations, including over-expression and knockout mutations, of the adhesion genes, cadA (encoding DdCAD-1), csaA (gp80) and lagC (gp150), have shed light on new roles for cell adhesion molecules in aggregate size regulation, cell-type proportioning, cell differentiation and cell sorting. As cell–cell interactions remain highly dynamic within cell streams and aggregates, mechanisms must exist to facilitate the rapid assembly and disassembly of adhesion complexes. Studies on gp80 have led to a model for the rapid assembly of adhesion complexes via lipid rafts.  相似文献   

With the aid of microarray and PCR analysis, this investigation sought expression profiles of BDNF-regulated genes in cultured mouse cerebellar granule cells and addressed their relevance to gene regulation in developing granule cells in vivo. Many of the BDNF-upregulated and downregulated genes identified were upregulated and downregulated, respectively, during cerebellar development. This developmental change was, at least partly, prevented in the TrkB receptor-deficient cerebellum. The BDNF-upregulated genes were distributed in either postmigratory or both premigratory and postmigratory granule cells at postnatal day 8 (P8) and were still present in mature granule cells at P21. In contrast, the BDNF-downregulated genes were predominantly expressed in premigratory granule cells at P8 and disappeared at P21. Furthermore, many of the BDNF-upregulated gene products are implicated in signaling cascades of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors and MAP kinase. The results indicate that BDNF signaling plays a pivotal role in promoting gene expression in granule cell development and maturation.  相似文献   

Mousa SA 《Life sciences》2004,75(1):93-105
Inflammatory processes play a major role in the secondary injury of the liver produced by cadmium (Cd), and infiltration of neutrophils at the site of necrosis is a common observation. Although the infiltration of leukocytes (mainly neutrophils) into sites of injuried tissue within liver during Cd toxicity is mediated by adhesion molecules, little is known about expression of these adhesion molecules during Cd hepatotoxicity. In the present study, the expression of E-, P-selectin, intracellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and platelet-endothelial adhesion molecule-1 (PECAM-1) was analyzed by immunohistochemistry and immunofluoresence during Cd-induced hepatotoxicity in male rats. In contrast to E-, and P-selectin, ICAM-1 and PECAM-1 were constitutively expressed on sinusoidal endothelial cells of control liver. However, P-selectin was not induced within the liver by Cd administration, whereas E-selectin expression was induced in the liver with a marked increase in immunostaining on sinusoidal endothelial cells from 12 h to 7 days. Also, there was an upregulation in ICAM-1 immunostaining on sinusoidal endothelial cells from 12 h to 7 days after Cd administration, whereas there was no obvious change of PECAM-1 immunostaining on sinusoidal endothelial cells until 24 h. However, PECAM-1 expression was markedly decreased at 48 h but significantly increased at 7 days after Cd administration compared to control liver. Taken together, upregulation of E-selectin and ICAM-1 with biphasic changes in PECAM-1 expression within liver after Cd administration suggests an important role for these adhesion molecules during Cd hepatoxicity.  相似文献   

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