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Temperature is of fundamental importance in the functioning of the cardiovascular system of ectothermic fish, with cold-induced ventricular hypertrophy and increased red muscle mass being reported in a number of fish species upon cold acclimation. This study demonstrates a non-linear cold-induced ventricular hypertrophy in common carp (relative ventricular mass (RVM)=0.086±0.003%, 0.074±0.005% and 0.074±0.004% at 5, 15 and 25 °C, respectively), but a cold-induced atrophy of the lateral red muscle mass (RMM) with respect to total muscle mass (2.504±0.554%, 3.982±0.818% and 4.490±0.256% at 5, 15 and 25 °C, respectively). The ventricular hypertrophy in carp acclimated to 5 °C reflects a compensation against the increased workload of pumping viscous blood at low temperatures and the negative inotropic effects of the cold, whereas atrophy of the red muscle is likely due to disuse resulting from reduced locomotory activity in the cold.  相似文献   

Experiment was conducted with the aim of determining the effect of varying water temperature and ration size on growth and body composition of fry of the common carp, Cyprinus carpio. Common carp fry with an initial body weight (BW) of 0.86 g were fed a diet (34.9% protein, 18.3 KJ/g diet) at four ration sizes 4%, 5%, 6% and 7% of their body weight per day and reared at two water temperatures 28 and 32 °C for 60 days. Fry fed with 6% ration showed the highest mean final body weight at 28 °C. Final body weight was significantly (P<0.05) affected by ration and temperature. Cyprinus carpio fry raised at 28 °C had higher feed efficiency (FE) (44.36%) than the fry reared at 32 °C (40.98%) with 4% ration. Further, feed efficiency decreased with increase in ration levels in both temperatures. Protein efficiency ratio (PER) was higher (1.26) at 28 °C than at 32 °C (1.17). At 6% ration, common carp fry showed highest specific growth rate (SGR) (3.82%/day) at 28 °C as compared with at 32 °C (3.57%/day). A linear increase in protein and lipid contents was evident with increasing ration levels up to 6% body weight at both temperatures 28 and 32 °C. Second-order polynomial regression analysis of weight gain and SGR indicated the breakpoints at ration level 6.04% and 6.08% body weight per day at 28 and 32 °C. Hepatosomatic index (HSI) not affected by temperature and ration size while, viscerosomatic index (VSI) influenced (P<0.05) by ration size and temperature. Based on the above results, it may be concluded that 6% BW/day ration is optimal for growth of Cyprinus carpio fry at both the temperatures 28 and 32 °C.  相似文献   

In fish, like in mammals, ghrelin affects gonadotropin release acting at the level of the hypothalamus as well as directly on the pituitary gland. In the present study, enzymatically dispersed pituitary cells obtained from sexually mature male and female carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) were incubated in the presence of human ghrelin at the concentration of 10− 7 or 10− 6 M, salmon GnRH analogue (Des-Gly10, D-Arg6, Trp7, Leu8, Pro9)-LHRH (sGnRH-A) at the concentration of 10− 8 M or the combination of ghrelin (both concentrations) and sGnRH-A. ELISA method was used for carp LH levels determination in the media collected after 10 or 24 h of incubation. Ghrelin at the concentration of 10− 6 M caused the increase of the spontaneous LH secretion from female pituitary cells only. The combination of ghrelin (both concentrations) with sGnRH-A resulted in the significant elevation of LH levels in the incubations of both male and female pituitary cells in comparison with control incubations as well as with sGnRH-A alone treated cells. The results obtained in this study show that ghrelin functions as LH-stimulating hormone in common carp and that it acts directly on gonadotrophic cells, potentiating also the action of GnRH.  相似文献   

The phospholipid composition, fatty acid pattern and cholesterol content are studied in mitochondria of red lateral muscle of carp acclimated to high and low environmental temperatures.The results of the experiments are: mitochondria from cold-acclimated carp contain higher proportions of ethanolamine phosphatides than mitochondria from warm-acclimated fish, the opposite is true for the choline phosphatides. Thus, at constant pH, the membrane phospholipids are slightly more negatively charged at low acclimation temperature. The total plasmalogen content is reduced in the cold; this reduction is caused by a decrease in the proportion of the choline plasmalogens. The ethanolamine phosphoglycerides contain approx. 20% of the alk-1-enyl acyl type, irrespective of the acclimation temperature. There is no temperature-dependent difference in the low proportion of cholesterol.The fatty acids of total mitochondrial phospholipids are characterized by large amounts of the n-3 and n-6 families. The ratio of unsaturated to saturated fatty acids and the unsaturation index are remarkably higher than those reported for comparable mammalian phospholipids. Cold acclimation of carp does not significantly increase the unsaturation of total phospholipids. A fatty acid analysis of the main isolated phospholipids, however, shows that cold acclimation considerably increases unsaturation of the neutral phosphatidylcholine, whereas it dramatically decreases unsaturation of the negatively charged cardiolipin. It is suggested that the observed fatty acid substitution in phosphatidylcholine indicates a temperature-induced fluidity adaptation within the mitochondrial lipid bilayer, whereas the inverse acclimation pattern of cardiolipin provides a suitable lipid to accommodate the temperature-dependent modifications in the dynamic surface shape of integral membrane proteins.  相似文献   

The Aldox and Adh structural loci of Musca domestica L. belong to autosome II. They code for the enzymes aldehyde oxidase and alcohol dehydrogenase. Both these enzymes have allelic variants with specific electrophoretic mobility, which, on cellogel, are seen as single bands. The Aldox and Adh loci encompass a large map interval, which includes the morphological markers ar, cm, and car. The recombination frequencies between these five loci indicate the alignment Aldox-ar-cm-car-Adh.
Localisation chez Musca domestica L. des gènes Aldox et Adh codant les enzymes ald\;ehyde oxydase (AO) et alcool déshydrogénase (ADH)
Résumé Chez la mouche, les enzymes AO et ADH, observées par électrophorèse sur cellogel, présentent toutes 2 des formes alléliques exprimées par des bandes ayant une mobilité anodique propre.Les gènes structuraux Aldox et Adh, codant ces formes, sont liés entre eux et situés sur le chromosome 2. Ils se recombinent avec une fréquence élevée d'interchange; ils sont donc séparés par un intervalle important dans lequel sont compris les caractères visibles ar, cm, car. La fréquence des recombinaisons entre caractères visibles et gènes enzymatiques indique l'ordre suivant sur ce segment du deuxième chromosome de la mouche: Aldox, ar, cm, car, Adh.


1. 1.|The difference between tissue temperatures and ambient water temperatures (ΔT) of the ectothermic Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus L.) ranged between 0.2 and 0.6°C.

2. 2.|For fish held at 5.7°C there were no significant differences in ΔT of exercising fish and those of controls.

3. 3.|By contrast, for fish held at 1.7°C sustained exercise led to a significant increase in ΔT of all body compartments compared with fish held in standing water (controls).

4. 4.|It is suggested that Arctic charr are capable of a limited control of metabolic heat exchange between body compartments and surrounding water when subjected to sustained exercise and ambient temperatures <2°C.

Author Keywords: Salmonidae; sustained exercise; body temperature; Arctic charr; Salvelinus alpinus  相似文献   

The interacting effects of temperature and pH on the kinetics of glutathione reductase from maize have been studied in detail. The apparent Km for oxidized glutathione (GSSG) measured with desalted crude extracts increased in an exponential manner with rising temperature as a single variable. Increasing pH as a single variable also resulted in higher values of apparent Km for GSSG. When pH was allowed to vary with temperature, a curve which combined the pH and temperature responses was observed. Temperature had the stronger influence and this combined curve was displaced from the temperature curve due to the effect of pH. The pH to which the assay buffer was adjusted at 30°C had an influence on the pattern of the results in this type of experiment. The response of apparent Km for NADPH, and of apparent Km for GSSG using partially-purified extracts, were also examined. The variation with temperature, at constant pH, was again exponential. The pattern of change of apparent Km with temperature is strongly dependent on experimental conditions. Affinity/temperature relationships deduced from such data would only reflect enzyme function in vivo if the physiological environment could be reproduced exactly in the assay mixture.  相似文献   

Stands of carrot (Daucus carota L.) were grown in the field within polyethylene-covered tunnels at a range of soil temperatures (from a mean of 7·5°C to 10·9°C) at either 348 (SE = 4·7) or 551 (SE = 7·7) μmol mol−1 CO2. The effect of increased atmospheric CO2 concentration on root yield was greater than that on total biomass. At the last harvest (137d from sowing), total biomass was 16% (95% CI = 6%, 27%) greater at 551 than at 348 μmol mol−1 CO2, and 37% (95% CI = 30%, 44%) greater as a result of a 1°C rise in soil temperature. Enrichment with CO2 or a 1°C rise in soil temperature increased root yield by 31% (95% CI = 19%, 45%) and 34% (95% CI = 27%, 42%), respectively, at this harvest. No effect on total biomass or root yield of an interaction between temperature and atmospheric CO2 concentration at 137 DAS was detected. When compared at a given leaf number (seven leaves), CO2 enrichment increased total biomass by 25% and root yields by 80%, but no effect of differences in temperature on plant weights was found. Thus, increases in total biomass and root yield observed in the warmer crops were a result of the effects of temperature on the timing of crop growth and development. Partitioning to the storage roots during early root expansion was greater at 551 than at 348 μmol mol−1 CO2. The root to total weight ratio was unaffected by differences in temperature at 551 μmol mol−1CO2, but was reduced by cooler temperatures at 348 μmol mol−1 CO2. At a given thermal time from sowing, CO2 enrichment increased the leaf area per plant, particularly during early root growth, primarily as a result of an increase in the rate of leaf area expansion, and not an increase in leaf number.  相似文献   

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