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As the primary microtubule nucleator in animal cells, the γ-tubulin ring complex (γTuRC) plays a crucial role in microtubule organization, but little is known about how the activity of the γTuRC is regulated. Recently, isolated γTuRC was found to contain NME7, a poorly characterized member of the NME family. Here we report that NME7 is a γTuRC component that regulates the microtubule-nucleating activity of the γTuRC. NME7 contains two putative kinase domains, A and B, and shows autophosphorylating activity. Whereas domain A is involved in the autophosphorylation, domain B is inactive. NME7 interacts with the γTuRC through both A and B domains, with Arg-322 in domain B being crucial to the binding. In association with the γTuRC, NME7 localizes to centrosomes throughout the cell cycle and to mitotic spindles during mitosis. Suppression of NME7 expression does not affect γTuRC assembly or localization to centrosomes, but it does impair centrosome-based microtubule nucleation. Of importance, wild-type NME7 promotes γTuRC-dependent nucleation of microtubules, but kinase-deficient NME7 does so only poorly. These results suggest that NME7 functions in the γTuRC in a kinase-dependent manner to facilitate microtubule nucleation.  相似文献   

Microtubules (MTs) are crucial for both the establishment of cellular polarity and the progression of all mitotic phases leading to karyokinesis and cytokinesis. MT organization and spindle formation rely on the activity of γ-tubulin and associated proteins throughout the cell cycle. To date, the molecular mechanisms modulating γ-tubulin complex location remain largely unknown. In this work, two Arabidopsis thaliana proteins interacting with gamma-tubulin complex protein3 (GCP3), GCP3-interacting protein1 (GIP1) and GIP2, have been characterized. Both GIP genes are ubiquitously expressed in all tissues analyzed. Immunolocalization studies combined with the expression of GIP-green fluorescent protein fusions have shown that GIPs colocalize with γ-tubulin, GCP3, and/or GCP4 and reorganize from the nucleus to the prospindle and the preprophase band in late G2. After nuclear envelope breakdown, they localize on spindle and phragmoplast MTs and on the reforming nuclear envelope of daughter cells. The gip1 gip2 double mutants exhibit severe growth defects and sterility. At the cellular level, they are characterized by MT misorganization and abnormal spindle polarity, resulting in ploidy defects. Altogether, our data show that during mitosis GIPs play a role in γ-tubulin complex localization, spindle stability and chromosomal segregation.  相似文献   

Mitosis is a highly regulated process that allows the equal distribution of the genetic material to the daughter cells. Chromosome segregation requires the formation of a bipolar mitotic spindle and assembly of a multi-protein structure termed the kinetochore to mediate attachments between condensed chromosomes and spindle microtubules. In budding yeast, a single microtubule attaches to each kinetochore, necessitating robustness and processivity of this kinetochore–microtubule attachment. The yeast kinetochore-localized Dam1 complex forms a direct interaction with the spindle microtubule. In vitro, the Dam1 complex assembles as a ring around microtubules and couples microtubule depolymerization with cargo movement. However, the subunit organization within the Dam1 complex, its higher-order oligomerization and how it interacts with microtubules remain under debate. Here, we used chemical cross-linking and mass spectrometry to define the architecture and subunit organization of the Dam1 complex. This work reveals that both the C termini of Duo1 and Dam1 subunits interact with the microtubule and are critical for microtubule binding of the Dam1 complex, placing Duo1 and Dam1 on the inside of the ring structure. Integrating this information with available structural data, we provide a coherent model for how the Dam1 complex self-assembles around microtubules.  相似文献   

The presenilin complex is composed of four core proteins (presenilin 1 or presenilin 2, APH1, nicastrin, and PEN2). Several endogenous proteins have been reported to selectively modulate the function of the presenilin complexes; these include transmembrane trafficking protein, 21-KD (TMP21), CD147 antigen (basigin), the γ-secretase-activating protein (gSAP), and the orphan G-protein-coupled receptor 3. Because the structure and assembly of these complexes underlies their activity, this review will discuss current work on the assembly of the complex and on presenilin-interacting proteins that regulate secretase activity.  相似文献   

The early signaling events in T cell activation through CD3 receptor include a rapid change in intra cellular free calcium concentration and reorganization of actin cytoskeleton. Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinases (PtdIns 4-kinases) are implicated as key components in these early signaling events. The role of type II PtdIns 4-kinase β in CD3 receptor signaling was investigated with the help of short hairpin RNA sequences. Cross-linking of CD3 receptors on Jurkat T Cells with monoclonal antibodies showed an early increase in type II PtdIns 4-kinase activity and co-localization of type II PtdIns 4-kinase β with CD3 ζ. Transfection of Jurkat T Cells with shRNAs inhibited CD3 receptor mediated type II PtdIns 4-kinase activation with a concomitant reduction in intra cellular calcium release, suggesting a role for type II PtdIns 4-kinase β in CD3 receptor signal transduction. Knock-down of type II PtdIns 4-kinase β with shRNAs also correlated with a decrease in PtdIns 4-kinase activity in cytoskeleton fractions and reduced adhesion to matrigel surfaces. These results indicate that type II PtdIns 4-kinase β is a key component in early T cell activation signaling cascades.  相似文献   

Since available structures of native bc(1) complexes show a vacant Q(o)-site, occupancy by substrate and product must be investigated by kinetic and spectroscopic approaches. In this brief review, we discuss recent advances using these approaches that throw new light on the mechanism. The rate-limiting reaction is the first electron transfer after formation of the enzyme-substrate complex at the Q(o)-site. This is formed by binding of both ubiquinol (QH(2)) and the dissociated oxidized iron-sulfur protein (ISP(ox)). A binding constant of approximately 14 can be estimated from the displacement of E(m) or pK for quinone or ISP(ox), respectively. The binding likely involves a hydrogen bond, through which a proton-coupled electron transfer occurs. An enzyme-product complex is also formed at the Q(o)-site, in which ubiquinone (Q) hydrogen bonds with the reduced ISP (ISPH). The complex has been characterized in ESEEM experiments, which detect a histidine ligand, likely His-161 of ISP (in mitochondrial numbering), with a configuration similar to that in the complex of ISPH with stigmatellin. This special configuration is lost on binding of myxothiazol. Formation of the H-bond has been explored through the redox dependence of cytochrome c oxidation. We confirm previous reports of a decrease in E(m) of ISP on addition of myxothiazol, and show that this change can be detected kinetically. We suggest that the myxothiazol-induced change reflects loss of the interaction of ISPH with Q, and that the change in E(m) reflects a binding constant of approximately 4. We discuss previous data in the light of this new hypothesis, and suggest that the native structure might involve a less than optimal configuration that lowers the binding energy of complexes formed at the Q(o)-site so as to favor dissociation. We also discuss recent results from studies of the bypass reactions at the site, which lead to superoxide (SO) production under aerobic conditions, and provide additional information about intermediate states.  相似文献   

Gerstmann-Str?ussler-Scheinker disease (GSS) is a cerebral amyloidosis associated with mutations in the prion protein (PrP) gene (PRNP). The aim of this study was to characterize amyloid peptides purified from brain tissue of a patient with the A117V mutation who was Met/Val heterozygous at codon 129, Val(129) being in coupling phase with mutant Val117. The major peptide extracted from amyloid fibrils was a approximately 7-kDa PrP fragment. Sequence analysis and mass spectrometry showed that this fragment had ragged N and C termini, starting mainly at Gly88 and Gly90 and ending with Arg148, Glu152, or Asn153. Only Val was present at positions 117 and 129, indicating that the amyloid protein originated from mutant PrP molecules. In addition to the approximately 7-kDa peptides, the amyloid fraction contained N- and C-terminal PrP fragments corresponding to residues 23-41, 191-205, and 217-228. Fibrillogenesis in vitro with synthetic peptides corresponding to PrP fragments extracted from brain tissue showed that peptide PrP-(85-148) readily assembled into amyloid fibrils. Peptide PrP-(191-205) also formed fibrillary structures although with different morphology, whereas peptides PrP-(23-41) and PrP-(217-228) did not. These findings suggest that the processing of mutant PrP isoforms associated with Gerstmann-Str?ussler-Scheinker disease may occur extracellularly. It is conceivable that full-length PrP and/or large PrP peptides are deposited in the extracellular compartment, partially degraded by proteases and further digested by tissue endopeptidases, originating a approximately 7-kDa protease-resistant core that is similar in patients with different mutations. Furthermore, the present data suggest that C-terminal fragments of PrP may participate in amyloid formation.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis G subunit, GP1, was expressedwithin Escherichia coli by co-transformation with the expressionvector and the dnaY gene which encodes tRNAArg AGA/AGG. Isolation of the recombinant GP1 in a highly pureform could be achieved by a combination of anion exchange and dyeaffinity chromatography or by a single step affinity procedure viachromatography on 4-amino-anilido-GTP agarose. The recombinant proteinyielded by both procedures was highly active and bound GTPS withan apparent Kd in the nM range. GTPS binding wasstimulated two-fold in the presence of Zn2+ compared with that inthe presence of Mg2+, Mn2+ or Ca2+.Abbreviations: 4aaGTP, 4-amino-anilido-GTP; GTPS,guanosine- 5-(3-O-thiotriphosphate), PMSF,phenylmethylsulphonyl fluoride; PVDF, polvinylidene fluoride;rGP1, recombinant GP1  相似文献   

γ-Secretase is an intramembrane-cleaving protease related to the etiology of Alzheimer disease. γ-Secretase is a membrane protein complex composed of presenilin (PS) and three indispensable subunits: nicastrin, Aph-1, and Pen-2. PS functions as a protease subunit forming a hydrophilic catalytic pore structure within the lipid bilayer. However, it remains unclear how other subunits are involved in the pore formation. Here, we show that the hydrophilic pore adopted with an open conformation has already been formed by PS within the immature γ-secretase complex. The binding of the subunits induces the close proximity between transmembrane domains facing the catalytic pore. We propose a model in which the γ-secretase subunits restrict the arrangement of the transmembrane domains of PS during the formation of the functional structure of the catalytic pore.  相似文献   

In neurons, specific mRNAs are transported in a translationally repressed manner along dendrites or axons by transport ribonucleic-protein complexes called RNA granules. ZBP1 is one RNA binding protein present in transport RNPs, where it transports and represses the translation of cotransported mRNAs, including β-actin mRNA. The release of β-actin mRNA from ZBP1 and its subsequent translation depends on the phosphorylation of ZBP1 by Src kinase, but little is known about how this process is regulated. Here we demonstrate that the ribosomal-associated protein RACK1, another substrate of Src, binds the β-actin mRNA/ZBP1 complex on ribosomes and contributes to the release of β-actin mRNA from ZBP1 and to its translation. We identify the Src binding and phosphorylation site Y246 on RACK1 as the critical site for the binding to the β-actin mRNA/ZBP1 complex. Based on these results we propose RACK1 as a ribosomal scaffold protein for specific mRNA-RBP complexes to tightly regulate the translation of specific mRNAs.  相似文献   

The ability to sense and respond to nutritional cues is among the most fundamental processes that support life in living organisms. At the cellular level, a number of biochemical mechanisms have been proposed to mediate cellular glucose sensing. These include ATP-sensitive potassium channels, AMP-activated protein kinase, activation of PKC (protein kinase C), and flux through the hexosamine pathway. Less well known is how cellularly heterogenous organs couple nutrient availability to prioritization of cell autonomous functions and appropriate growth of the entire organ. Yet what is clear is that when such mechanisms fail or become inappropriately active they can lead to dire consequences such as diabetes, metabolic syndromes, cardiovascular diseases and cancer. In this issue of the Biochemical Journal, Anagnostou and Shepherd report the identification of an important link between cellular glucose sensing and the Wnt/beta-catenin signalling pathway in macrophages. Their data strongly indicate that the Wnt/beta-catenin pathway of Wnt signalling is responsive to physiological concentrations of nutrients but also suggests that that this system could be inappropriately activated in the diabetic (hyperglycaemic) or other metabolically compromised pathological states. This opens the exciting possibility that organ-selective modulation of Wnt signalling may become an attractive therapeutic target to treat these diseases.  相似文献   

PICK1 is a modular scaffold implicated in synaptic receptor trafficking. It features a PDZ domain, a BAR domain, and an acidic C-terminal tail (ACT). Analysis by small- angle x-ray scattering suggests a structural model that places the receptor-binding site of the PDZ domain and membrane-binding surfaces of the BAR and PDZ domains adjacent to each other on the concave side of the banana-shaped PICK1 dimer. In the model, the ACT of one subunit of the dimer interacts with the PDZ and BAR domains of the other subunit, possibly accounting for autoinhibition. Consistently, full-length PICK1 shows diffuse cytoplasmic localization, but it clusters on vesicle-like structures that colocalize with the trans-Golgi network marker TGN38 upon deletion of either the ACT or PDZ domain. This localization is driven by the BAR domain. Live-cell imaging further reveals that PICK1-associated vesicles undergo fast, nondirectional motility in an F-actin–dependent manner, but deleting the ACT dramatically reduces vesicle speed. Thus the ACT links PICK1-associated vesicles to a motility factor, likely myosin, but, contrary to previous reports, PICK1 neither binds nor inhibits Arp2/3 complex.  相似文献   

TORC1 regulates cellular growth, metabolism, and autophagy by integrating various signals, including nutrient availability, through the small GTPases RagA/B/C/D in mammals and Gtr1/2 in budding yeast. Rag/Gtr is anchored to the lysosomal/vacuolar membrane by the scaffold protein complex Ragulator/Ego. Here we show that Ego consists of Ego1 and Ego3, and novel subunit Ego2. The ∆ego2 mutant exhibited only partial defects both in Gtr1-dependent TORC1 activation and Gtr1 localization on the vacuole. Ego1/2/3, Gtr1/2, and Tor1/Tco89 were colocalized on the vacuole and associated puncta. When Gtr1 was in its GTP-bound form and TORC1 was active, these proteins were preferentially localized on the vacuolar membrane, whereas when Gtr1 was in its GDP-bound form, they were mostly localized on the puncta. The localization of TORC1 to puncta was further facilitated by direct binding to Gtr2, which is involved in suppression of TORC1 activity. Thus regulation of TORC1 activity through Gtr1/Gtr2 is tightly coupled to the dynamic relocation of these proteins.  相似文献   

The single cystathionine β-synthase (CBS) pair proteins from Arabidopsis thaliana have been identified as being a redox regulator of the thioredoxin (Trx) system. CBSX1 and CBSX2, which are two of the six Arabidopsis cystathione β-synthase domain-containing proteins that contain only a single CBS pair, have close sequence similarity. Recently, the crystal structure of CBSX2 was determined and a significant portion of the internal region was disordered. In this study, crystal structures of full-length CBSX1 and the internal loop deleted (Δloop) form are reported at resolutions of 2.4 and 2.2 Å, respectively. The structures of CBSX1 show that they form anti-parallel dimers along their central twofold axis and have a unique ~155° bend along the side. This is different from the angle of CBSX2, which is suggestive of the flexible nature of the relative angle between the monomers. The biochemical data that were obtained using the deletion as well as point mutants of CBSX1 confirmed the importance of AMP-ligand binding in terms of enhancing Trx activity.  相似文献   

Throughout spermatogenesis, leptotene spermatocytes traverse the blood–testis barrier (BTB) to enter the adluminal compartment of the seminiferous epithelium for continued development. At the same time, the integrity of the BTB, which is constituted by co-existing tight junctions (TJ), basal ectoplasmic specializations (basal ES) and desmosome-like junctions, must be maintained since a breach in barrier function can result in spermatogenic arrest and even infertility. There is evidence to suggest that drug transporters may function at the BTB, but little is known about how they contribute to spermatogenesis. In this study, we investigate the role of P-glycoprotein (P-gp), a drug efflux pump, in BTB dynamics. A survey by RT-PCR revealed several transporter genes to be expressed by the testis, including Mdr1 (gene symbol for P-gp), Mrp1, Abcc5 and Slc15a1. It was also demonstrated that P-gp localizes to the BTB in all stages of the seminiferous epithelial cycle in the adult rat testis, as well as to the Sertoli cell–elongated spermatid interface in stages VII and VIII. We continued our study by examining the levels of several transporters in the testis following oral administration of Adjudin, a compound known to affect Sertoli–germ cell adhesion. In this experiment, the steady-state levels of P-gp, MRP1, ABCG1 and SLC15A1 were all found to increase by several-fold within hours of Adjudin treatment during junction restructuring. More importantly, an increase in P-gp association with TJ proteins (e.g., occludin, claudin-11 and JAM-A) was noted when testis lysates from Adjudin-treated rats were used for co-immunoprecipitation experiments, suggesting that P-gp may enhance BTB function during Sertoli–germ cell junction restructuring.  相似文献   

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