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辽东山区落叶松人工林地上生物量和养分元素分配格局   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
闫涛  朱教君  杨凯  于立忠   《生态学杂志》2014,25(10):2772-2778
落叶松是我国北方最主要的人工用材林树种,由于人工林树种单一、结构简单等原因,导致土壤养分循环出现失衡.研究落叶松生物量和养分元素分配规律,可以为落叶松人工林的合理经营和养分循环研究提供科学参考.本文以辽东山区19年生二代落叶松人工林(胸径12.8 cm,树高15.3 m,密度2308株·hm-2)为对象,研究其地上各器官(干、枝、皮、叶)生物量、碳和养分元素含量(N、P、K、Ca、Mg、Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn)的积累规律和分配格局.结果表明:单株落叶松生物量为70.26 kg,林分水平落叶松生物量为162.16 t·hm-2,各器官生物量差异显著,排序为:树干>树枝>树皮>树叶;单株落叶松养分积累量为749.94 g,林分水平落叶松养分积累量为1730.86 kg·hm-2,其中,大量元素和微量元素的养分积累量均为树干显著高于树枝、树皮和树叶.全叶期每砍伐一棵落叶松(19年生),平均从系统中带出749.94 g养分元素;如果将树皮、树枝、树叶留在林地仅仅带走树干,带出的养分元素可减少40.7%.

目的:建立新疆云杉蓄积及地上生物量模型,为在林分尺度上估算云杉碳储量及生产力提供基础数据。方法:利用收获法采集西伯利亚云杉(Picea obovata)与雪岭云杉(Picea schrenkiana)各50株,以蓄积为自变量,地上生物量为因变量,采用4种生物量模型进行回归分析构建模型,综合模型评价、参数估计值的稳定性及相对误差筛选出最优生物量模型。结果:确定W=0.515V0.926 (R2=0.980)为西伯利亚云杉估测模型,W=0.541V0.953 (R2=0.954)为雪岭云杉估测模型。结论:新疆云杉蓄积和地上生物量极显著相关,4种估测模型以幂函数拟合效果最优。  相似文献   

麻栎(Quercus acutissima)是一种分布广、用途大、耐干旱瘠薄的乔木树种, 掌握其生长规律和养分利用特性对麻栎人工林的科学经营十分必要。对安徽省滁州市红琊山林场两种立地条件下的麻栎人工林的生长和养分状况进行了对比研究, 结果表明: 在土壤含石量较高、养分含量较少的立地条件下, 12年生的麻栎人工林地上部分生物量为49 180.2 kg·hm-2; 林木养分总累积量为633.9 kg·hm-2, 其中N、P、K、Ca、Mg的累积量分别为119.9、18.7、88.5、368.6和38.2 kg·hm-2。在土壤含石量较少、养分含量较高的立地条件下, 12年生麻栎人工林地上部分生物量为90 774.8 kg·hm-2; 林木养分总累积量为993.6 kg·hm-2, 其中N、P、K、Ca、Mg的累积量分别为203.5、23.0、146.9、553.6和66.6 kg·hm-2。所以, 立地条件对麻栎生长和养分累积具有显著影响。较差立地条件下的麻栎对土壤养分的富集系数较大, 但其凋落物的养分含量较低。研究显示, 麻栎可以通过养分奢侈吸收、提高养分内循环、减少养分损失等途径来适应低养分环境。  相似文献   

杨树和桤木落叶混合分解对土壤微生物生物量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈琴  方升佐  田野 《应用生态学报》2012,23(8):2121-2128
通过室内培养,研究了杨树和江南桤木落叶混合分解过程中两种落叶的混合比例及落叶添加方式对土壤微生物生物量的影响.结果表明:落叶混合比例对土壤微生物生物量碳(MBC)、氮(MBN)均有显著的影响.培养30 d,江南桤木落叶比例为50%以上的土壤MBC和MBN显著高于纯杨树落叶处理及对照;75 d时,江南桤木落叶比例≥40%的土壤MBC和≥30%的土壤MBN均显著高于纯杨树落叶处理及对照;135 d后,江南桤木落叶比例≥20%的土壤MBC和≥40%的土壤MBN均显著高于纯杨树落叶处理及对照.不同混合比例的土壤MBC/MBN无显著差异,总体呈前期增长后期下降的变化趋势.杨树和江南桤木落叶混合分解对土壤MBC和MBN有显著的协同促进作用.在整个培养过程中,落叶添加方式对土壤MBC、MBN和MBC/MBN无显著影响.  相似文献   

杉木人工林生物量与养分积累动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Yang M  Wang SL  Zhang WD  Wang QK 《应用生态学报》2010,21(7):1674-1680
基于中国科学院会同森林生态实验站30多年的定位观测数据,结合文献资料,分析了杉木人工林生物量和养分积累及其分配格局随时间的变化过程,以及不同轮伐期和收获强度对养分输入/输出的影响.结果表明:林龄是影响杉木人工林生物量和养分积累的主要因子,不同器官的生物量和养分贮量差异显著,二者对生物量与养分积累变异的解释量分别为37.1%和40.3%.随林龄增长,杉木人工林生物量和养分向树干分配比例增大,而向树叶分配比例减小;生物量和养分积累速率分别在17a和13a时达到最大值,即养分积累先于生物量积累达到最大值;在3~20a,杉木人工林生产单位干物质所需的营养元素量随着林龄增大持续快速下降,20a之后渐趋平稳,即养分的利用效率随林龄增大而增大.不同收获预案分析显示,延长轮伐期、降低利用强度可以减少养分输出.若仅收获树干,轮伐期从28a延长至56a,收获的生物量减少31.57%,但林分N、P、K、Ca、Mg输出分别减少42.02%、58.93%、27.70%、31.07%和45.26%.  相似文献   

基于树木年轮学与标准地调查法, 研究了川西亚高山林区3种恢复森林类型生物量、蓄积量及生产力动态变化特征, 旨在尝试年轮学在森林生长过程反演中的运用, 并探索不同恢复模式下森林生物量和蓄积量的动态变化。结果表明, 不同恢复类型发育至20年以后, 均进入生长加速期, 平均胸径间差异逐渐显著, 人工云杉(Picea asperata)林胸径增长最快, 明显高于天然恢复的次生桦木(Betula spp.)林和次生针阔混交林。在恢复过程中, 次生针阔混交林一直保持最高的林分平均地上生物量与林分蓄积量, 其地上平均生物量一直显著高于人工云杉林(p < 0.05), 在20年以后显著高于次生桦木林(p < 0.05)。与人工云杉林相比, 次生桦木林在25年前具有相对较高的生物量, 而在25年之后则低于人工云杉林。在0-20年桦木林林分蓄积量略高于云杉林, 而20年以后, 云杉林蓄积量则超过桦木林。不同恢复类型的生产力大小对比显示, 30年之前, 次生针阔混交林>次生桦木林>人工云杉林, 30年之后, 针阔混交林生产力仍然最高, 而人工云杉林则超过次生桦木林。川西林区次生针阔混交林恢复模式在生物量和蓄积量积累方面均具有显著优势。  相似文献   

马尾松与湿地松人工林生物量动态及养分循环特征   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
田大伦  项文化  闫文德 《生态学报》2004,24(10):2207-2210
对乡土树种马尾松和引进外来树种湿地松人工林的生物量动态变化、养分积累与分配以及养分循环特征进行比较 ,结果表明 :在林分生长发育早期 ,马尾松生长慢 ,而湿地松生长快 ,生长发育后期马尾松生长速度比湿地松快。马尾松人工林生物量的数量成熟年龄为 36 a,采伐利用时的最大生物量为 4 34t/ hm2 ;湿地松的为 2 6 a,采伐利用时的最大生物量为 338t/ hm2。湿地松人工林各器官和总的养分积累量均高于马尾松 ,其中养分的总积累量是马尾松的 2倍多 ,树干高达 5倍多。在采伐利用时 ,不管是全树利用还是仅利用干材 ,同马尾松相比 ,湿地松林将带走更多的养分 ,对地力的养分消耗量更大。同时 ,湿地松林养分循环速率低 ,周转时间长 ,需要的养分多 ,比马尾松林维持地力的能力差。因此 ,在湿地松人工林的经营管理过程 ,更应处理好养地与用地之间的关系 ,否则会造成林地生产力的下降  相似文献   

芦苇作为湿地生态系统中重要的群落类型,其地上生物量是衡量湿地生态系统质量的关键指标。应用面向对象的土地覆盖分类技术,基于多季相Landsat8 OLI遥感数据,提取松嫩平原西部芦苇湿地分布信息;依托野外实测芦苇地上生物量数据(AGB)和同期MODIS数据源的NDVI、EVI、RVI、MSAVI和WDVI 5种光谱植被指数,探讨不同光谱植被指数对芦苇AGB的敏感性,进而构建松嫩平原西部芦苇AGB遥感估算最优模型,并进行芦苇AGB遥感反演及空间格局分析。结果表明:2014年松嫩平原西部地区芦苇总面积为1653 km~2,其中扎龙湿地自然保护区内芦苇分布面积最大(1178km~2),占区域芦苇总面积的71.3%;所选取的5种植被指数均与芦苇AGB呈极显著正相关(P0.01),基于EVI构建的指数曲线模型为松嫩平原西部芦苇AGB反演的最优模型(R2=0.55)。研究区芦苇平均AGB为372.1g/m~2,AGB总量为6.14×105t,其中扎龙湿地自然保护区内芦苇AGB总量为4.38×105t;各保护区芦苇平均AGB由大到小依次为:向海保护区(469.7 g/m~2)大布苏保护区(454.1 g/m~2)莫莫格保护区(373.0 g/m~2)扎龙保护区(372.4 g/m~2)查干湖保护区(369.8 g/m~2);松嫩平原西部芦苇AGB总体呈现南高北低的分布格局,将为湿地生态系统管理与保护及芦苇资源的合理利用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

应用地统计学方法,研究了群落尺度上陕北黄土丘陵区不同演替阶段猪毛蒿、长芒草和达乌里胡枝子3种撂荒群落土壤全氮、全磷和地上生物量的空间异质性.利用基于距离矩阵的Mantel偏相关方法分析了群落地上生物量与土壤全氮、全磷在不同尺度上的相互关系,分析了土壤全氮、全磷及群落自身的空间过程对群落地上生物量空间分布的解释程度.结果表明:(1)猪毛蒿、长芒草和达乌里胡枝子3种群落土壤全氮含量空间自相关性较差,而全磷自相关性较好,不同深度的土壤全氮含量其空间异质性大小也有所差别.3种群落0~20cm全氮的空间变异性大小为:达乌里胡枝子〉长芒草〉猪毛蒿群落;20~40cm为:长芒草〉达乌里胡枝子〉猪毛蒿群落.即土壤表层全氮含量为撂荒年限越长空间变异性越大,而亚表层全氮含量则是演替中期空间异质性较大,演替前后期较小.3种群落0~20cm、20~40cm全磷含量也是演替中期空间异质性较大,而前后期较小.(2)3种群落地上生物量空间自相关性以长芒草群落为最小,并且空间异质性大小为猪毛蒿〉达乌里胡枝子〉长芒草群落;猪毛蒿群落地上生物量与土壤全氮在小尺度上(0.71m)为显著正相关,与全磷相关性也较好,为负相关,在19.80~20.51m尺度上与全磷为显著负相关.达乌里胡枝子群落地上生物量与全磷在7.07~20.51m尺度上为显著正相关,在小尺度上(0.71m)正相关性也较好.长芒草群落地上生物量与土壤全氮、全磷相关性在各个尺度上都不显著,只在小尺度上与全氮负相关性较好.(3)土壤氮和磷,对达乌里胡枝子群落地上生物量的解释较好,约为19.59%,猪毛蒿次之,长芒草群落最小.群落本身的空间过程对猪毛蒿群落的解释程度最高,约为5.42%,其次为达乌里胡枝子,长芒草最小. m)为显著正相关,与全磷相关性也较好,为负相关,在19.80~20.51 尺度上与全磷为显著负相关.达乌里胡枝子群落地上生物量与全磷在7.07~20.51m尺度上为显著正相关,在小尺度上(0.71m)正相关性也较好.长芒草群落地上生物量与土壤全氮、全磷相关性在各个尺度上都不显著,只在小尺度上与全氮负相关性较好.(3)土壤氮和磷,对达乌里胡枝子群落地上生物量的解释较好,约为19.59%,猪毛蒿次之,长芒草群落最小.群落本身的空间过程对猪毛蒿群落的解释程度最高,约为5.42%,其次为达乌里胡枝子,长芒草最小. m)为显著正相关,与全磷相关性也较好,为负相关,在19.80~20.51 尺度上与全磷为显著负相关.达乌里胡枝子群落地上生物量与全磷在7.07~20.51m尺度上为显著正相关,在小尺度上(0.71m)正相关性也较好.长芒草群落地上生物量与土壤全氮、全磷相关性在各个尺度上都不显著,只在小尺度上与全氮负相关性较好.(3)土壤氮和磷,对达乌里胡枝子群落地上生物量的解释较好,约为19.59%,猪毛蒿次之,长芒草群落最小.群落本身的空间过程对猪毛蒿群落的解释程度最高,约为5.42%,其次为达乌里胡枝子,长芒草最小. m)为显著正相关,与全磷相关性也较好,为负相关,在19.80~20.51 尺度上与全磷为显著负相关.达乌里胡枝子群落地上生物量与全磷在7.07~20.51m尺度上为显著正相关,在小尺度上( .71m)正相关性也较好.长芒草群落地上生物量与土壤全氮、全磷相关性在各个尺度上都不显著,只在小尺度上与全氮负相关性较好.(3)土壤氮和磷,对达乌里胡枝子群落地上生物量的解释较好,约为19.59%,猪毛蒿次之,长芒草群落最小.群落本身的空间过程对猪毛蒿群落的解释程度最高,约为5.42%,其次为达乌里胡枝子,长芒草最小. m)为显著正相关,与全磷相关性也较好,为负相关,在19.80~20.51 尺度上与全磷为显著负相关.达乌里胡枝子群落地上生物量与全磷在7.07~20.51m尺度上为显著正相关,在小尺度上( .71m)正相关性也较好.长芒草群落地上生物量与土壤全氮、全磷相关性在各个尺度上都不显著,只在小尺度上与全氮负相关性较好.(3)土壤氮和磷,对达乌里胡枝子群落地上生物量的解释较好,约为19.59%,猪毛蒿次之,长芒草群落最小.群落本身的空间过程对猪毛蒿群落的解释程度最高,约为5.42%,其次为达乌里胡枝子,长芒草最小. m)为显著正相关,与全磷相关性也较好,为负相关,在19.80~20.51 尺度上与全磷为显著负相关.达乌里胡枝子群落地上生物量与全磷在7.07~20.51m尺度上为显著正相关,在小尺度上( .71m)正相关性也较好.长芒草群落地上生物量与土壤全氮、全磷相关性在各个尺度上都不显著,只在小尺度上与全氮负相关性较好.(3)土壤氮和磷,对达乌里胡枝子群落地上生物量的解释较好,约为19.59%,猪毛蒿次之,长芒草群落最小.群落本身的空间过程对猪毛蒿群落的解释程度最高,约为5.42%,其次为达乌里胡枝子,长芒草最小. m)为显著正相关,与全磷相关性也较好,为负相关,在19.80~20.51 尺度上与全磷为显著负相关.达乌里胡枝子群落地上生物量与全磷在7.07~20.51m尺度上为显著正相关,在小尺度上( .71m)正相关性也较好.长芒草群落地上生物量与土壤全氮、全磷相关性在各个尺度上都不显著,只在小尺度上与全氮负相关性较好.(3)土壤氮和磷,对达乌里胡枝子群落地上生物量的解释较好,约为19.59%,猪毛蒿次之,长芒草群落最小.群落本身的空间过程对猪毛蒿群落的解释程度最高,约为5.42%,其次为达乌里胡枝子,长芒草最小. m)为显著正相关,与全磷相关性也较好,为负相关,在19.80~20.51 尺度上与全磷为显著负相关.达乌里胡枝子群落地上生物量与全磷在7.07~20.51m尺度上为显著正相关,在小尺度上( .71m)正相关性也较好.长芒草群落地上生物量与土壤全氮、全磷相关性在  相似文献   

吴楚  王政权  范志强 《生态学报》2005,25(6):1282-1290
森林土壤中NO-3-N和NH 4-N的比例不平衡,造成森林树木对养分的吸收与利用、生长以及生物量分配格局发生变化。采用沙培技术,以不同NO-3-N和NH 4-N的比例对水曲柳播种苗木进行处理,研究养分吸收利用与生长的关系以及养分分配格局与生物量分配格局的关系。实验结果表明,虽然水曲柳幼苗偏好NO-3-N,但NNUR、NPUR、NUE、PUE、RGR、NAR以及单株总生物量均没有随NO-3-N的比例增加而增加。在8~9月份水曲柳幼苗生长旺盛时期,NNUR和NUE之间以及NPUR和PUE之间的关系显著,而在9~10月份这两组关系不显著。在水曲柳旺盛生长的8~9月份,NUE和PUE对水曲柳幼苗的NAR具有很大的影响,而在生长较弱的9~10月份,这两者对其NAR影响不大。在8~9月份和9~10月份两个时段内,NUE和RGR之间以及PUE和RGR之间的关系非常显著。在8月份和9月份,在不同氮素形态处理下,水曲柳幼苗体内的氮分配格局决定了其生物量的分配格局,而磷分配格局与生物量分配格局无关。  相似文献   

Ståhl  Lena  Nyberg  Gert  Högberg  Peter  Buresh  Roland J. 《Plant and Soil》2002,243(1):103-117
The effects of planted fallows of Sesbania sesban (L.) Merr. and Calliandra calothyrsus (Meissner) on soil inorganic nitrogen dynamics and two subsequent maize crops were evaluated under field conditions in the highlands of eastern Kenya. Continuous unfertilised maize, maize/bean rotation and natural regrowth of vegetation (weed fallow) were used as control treatments. The proportion of symbiotic N2-fixation was estimated by measuring both leaf 15N enrichment and whole-plant 15N enrichment by the 15N dilution technique for Sesbania and Calliandra, using Eucalyptus saligna (Sm.) and Grevillea robusta (A. Cunn) as reference species. Above- and below-ground biomass and N contents were examined in Sesbania, Calliandra, Eucalyptus and Grevillea 22 months after planting. Both the content of inorganic N in the topsoil and the quantity of N mineralised during rainy seasons were higher after the Sesbania fallows than after the other treatments. Compared to the continuous unfertilised maize treatment, both residual crop yields were significantly higher when mineral N (one application of 60 kg N ha–1) was added. Furthermore, the second crop following the Sesbania fallow was significantly higher than the continuous maize crop. The above-ground biomass of the trees at final harvest were 31.5, 24.5, 32.5 and 43.5 Mg ha–1 for the Sesbania, Calliandra, Grevillea and Eucalyptus, respectively. For the total below-ground biomass the values for these same tree species were 11.1, 15.5, 17.7, and 19.1 Mg ha–1, respectively, of which coarse roots (>2 mm), including tap roots, amounted to 70–90%. About 70–90% of the N in Sesbania, and 50–70% in Calliandra, was derived from N2-fixation. Estimates based on leaf 15N enrichment and whole-plant 15N enrichment were strongly correlated. The N added by N2-fixation amounted to 280–360 kg N ha–1 for Sesbania and 120–170 kg N ha–1 for Calliandra, resulting in a positive N balance after two maize cropping seasons of 170–250 kg N ha–1 and 90–140 kg N ha–1, for Sesbania and Calliandra, respectively. All the other treatments gave negative N balances after two cropping seasons. We conclude that Sesbania sesban is a tree species well suited for short duration fallows due to its fast growth, high nutrient content, high litter quality and its ability to fix large amounts of N2 from the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Nutrient cycling, nutrient use efficiency and nitrogen fixation in an age series of Alnus-cardamom plantations were studied in the eastern Himalaya. The impact of stand age (5, 10, 15, 20, 30 and 40 years) on the nutrient dynamics of mixtures of N2-fixing (Alnus nepalensis) and non-N2-fixing (large cardamom) plants was assessed. Foliar nutrient concentrations of Alnus decreased with advancing age groups of plantations and showed an inverse relationship with stand age. Annual N fixation increased from the 5-year-old stand (52 kg ha(-1)), peaking in the 15-year-old stand (155 kg ha(-1)) and then decreased with increasing plantation age. Nitrogen and phosphorus uptake was lowest in the 40-year-old stand, and highest in the 15- and 5-year-old stand, respectively. Nutrient storage in understorey cardamom was very high: up to 31 % N and 59 % P of the stand total in the 15-year-old stand. Nutrient use efficiency was higher (with faster turnover times) in younger stands and decreased (with slower turnover times) in older plantations. Nitrogen retranslocation showed a strong positive relationship with stand age, while that of P was inversely related to stand age. Nutrient standing stock, uptake and return were also highest in the 15-year-old stand. Nitrogen and P cycling in Alnus-cardamom plantations was functionally balanced. Nutrient cycling and dynamics indicated that Alnus-cardamom plantations performed sustainably up to 15-20 years. The management practice should be altered to incorporate replantation after this age.  相似文献   

The relationship between total phytoplankton cell number, chlorophyll a, cell volume, and the response of these parameters to reactive phosphorus and nitrate in surface waters of Saronicos Gulf (Greece) was examined using simple and partial correlation statistics. Different conclusions could be drawn as to the comparability between biomass parameters and their interrelation with nutrients. Partial correlation analysis is considered to be a better method for comparing ecological data. The analysis of phytoplankton abundance should include determinations of as many biomass characteristics as possible since each has its own specificity.  相似文献   

Biomass, net primary productivity, energetics and energy efficiencies were estimated in an age series of Alnus-cardamom plantations in the eastern Himalaya. The impact of stand age (5, 10, 15, 20, 30 and 40 years) on the performance of mixtures of N2-fixing (Alnus nepalensis) and non-N2-fixing (large cardamom) plants was studied. Large cardamom (Amomum subulatum) is the most important perennial cash crop in the region and is cultivated predominantly under Alnus trees. Net primary productivity was lowest (7 t ha(-1) per year) in the 40-year-old stand and was more than three times higher (22 t ha(-1) per year) in the 15-year-old stand. Agronomic yield of large cardamom peaked between 15 and 20 years of age. Cardamom productivity doubled from the 5- to the 15-year-old stand, and then decreased with plantation age to reach a minimum in the 40-year-old stand. Performance of cardamom in association of N2-fixing Alnus remained beneficial until 20 years of age. Annual net energy fixation was highest (444 x 10(6) kJ ha(-1) per year) in the 15-year-old stand, being 1.4 times that of the 5-year-old stand and 2.9-times that of the 40-year-old stand. Inverse relationships of production efficiency, energy conversion efficiency and energy utilized in N2-fixation against stand age, and a positive relationship between production efficiency and energy conversion efficiency suggest that the younger plantations are more productive. The Alnus-cardamom plantation system will be sustainable by adopting a rotational cycle of 15 to 20 years.  相似文献   

Du F  Liang Z S  Xu X X  Zhang X C  Shan L 《农业工程》2008,28(1):13-22
The responses of soil enzyme activity of freshwater marsh, microbial biomass carbon (MBC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and aboveground biomass to water gradients were studied with Carex lasiocarpa pot culture experiment. The relationships between soil enzyme activity and MBC, DOC and aboveground biomass were discussed. The water gradients were W1, 15 cm; W2, ?5 cm; W3, ?5–5 cm; W4, submerged. The results indicated that acid phosphatase, invertase and urease activities were decreased with the increase of water level, while catalase activity was increased with moisture content increasing. Drying-wetting alternation (W3) increased soil enzyme activities if compared with W1. MBC content followed the order of W3 > W1 > W2 > W4, and the activities of invertase, urease and catalase were significantly positively correlated with MBC (p < 0.05). DOC content presented the order of W4 > W1 > W3 > W2, and the activities of urease and acid phosphatase were most significantly negatively correlated with DOC (p < 0.01). In addition, drying-wetting alternation promoted the growth of Carex lasiocarpa. When water submerged plants, the growth of Carex lasiocarpa was significantly inhibited. The aboveground biomass was positively related to soil enzyme activities. There were close relationships between the activities of invertase, urease and catalase and the growth situation of Carex lasiocarpa.  相似文献   

增铵营养对小麦氮及矿质营养含量和积累的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
1 引  言增铵营养 (EAN)即混合形态N营养 ,是相对于单一NO-3 营养而提出的旱地作物N营养的新方法 .旱地作物在NO-3 营养下生长优于NH+ 4 营养[6] ,但在增铵营养下小麦等旱地作物的干物质积累和产量显著高于两种单一形态N营养[1~ 3 ,5,7] .同时 ,我们的研究表明 ,增铵营养对小麦生长的促进效应具有明显的基因型差异[3 ] ,但其生理基础尚不明确 .由于植株对两种形态N的吸收和积累也影响对其它无机离子的吸收 ,因此 ,在增铵营养下 ,不同小麦基因型对N及P、K、Ca、Mg等营养元素的吸收和积累也会存在差异 ,可能影响小麦…  相似文献   

Alder is a typical species used for forest rehabilitation after disturbances because of its N2-fixing activities through microbes. To investigate forest dynamics of the carbon budget, we determined the aboveground and soil carbon content, carbon input by litterfall to belowground, and soil CO2 efflux over 2 years in 38-year-old alder plantations in central Korea. The estimated aboveground carbon storage and increment were 47.39 Mg C ha−1 and 2.17 Mg C ha−1 year−1. Carbon storage in the organic layer and in mineral soil in the topsoil to 30 cm depth were, respectively, 3.21 and 66.85 Mg C ha−1. Annual carbon input by leaves and total litter in the study stand were, respectively, 1.78 and 2.68 Mg C ha−1 year−1. The aboveground carbon increment at this stand was similar to the annual carbon inputs by total litterfall. The diurnal pattern of soil CO2 efflux was significantly different in May, August, and October, typically varying approximately twofold throughout the course of a day. In the seasonally observed pattern, soil CO2 efflux varied strongly with soil temperature; increasing trends were evident during the early growing season, with sustained high rates from mid May through late October. Soil CO2 efflux was related exponentially to soil temperature (R 2 = 0.85, < 0.0001), but not to soil water content. The Q 10 value for this plantation was 3.8, and annual soil respiration was estimated at 10.2 Mg C ha−1 year−1. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

谷子幼苗对土壤铅、铬的生长响应及吸收积累的差异性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用盆栽土培试验,研究了谷子幼苗对土壤中不同含量铅(Pb)、铬(Cr)的生长响应和吸收积累的差异性。结果表明,在所试浓度(50~800 mg·kg-1)范围内,Pb、Cr在谷子幼苗地上部和地下部的积累量存在较大差异,幼苗重金属的吸收富集和转运系数均为Pb大于Cr、Pb、Cr胁迫对幼苗生物量的影响表现为低浓度的促进和高浓度的抑制作用,但Cr对生物量的影响比Pb更强。相同处理条件下,幼苗茎叶中可溶性蛋白质、DNA含量和增色效应对Pb、Cr的响应也有明显差别,Cr对幼苗的生理毒性和DNA损伤效应的作用强度大于Pb。  相似文献   

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