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Hepatitis delta virus (HDV) RNA subfragments undergo self-cleavage at varying efficiencies. We have developed a procedure of using repeated cycles of heat denaturation and renaturation of RNA to achieve a high efficiency of cleavage. This effect can also be achieved by gradual denaturation of RNA with heat or formamide. These results suggest that only a subpopulation of the catalytic RNA molecules assumes the active conformation required for self-cleavage. This procedure could be of general use for detecting catalytic RNA activities.  相似文献   

The structure and replication of the single-stranded circular RNA genome of hepatitis delta virus (HDV) are unique relative to those of known animal viruses, and yet there are real similarities between HDV and certain infectious RNAs of plants. Therefore, since some of the latter RNAs have been shown to undergo in vitro site-specific cleavage and even ligation, we tested the hypothesis that similar events might also occur for HDV RNA. In partial confirmation of this hypothesis, we found that in vitro the RNA complementary to the HDV genome, the antigenomic RNA, could undergo a self-cleavage that was not only more than 90% efficient but also occurred only at a single location. This cleavage was found to produce junction fragments consistent with a 5'-hydroxyl and a cyclic 2',3'-monophosphate. Since the observed cleavage was both site-specific and occurred only once per genome length, we propose that the site may be relevant to the normal intracellular replication of the HDV genome. Because the site is located almost adjacent to the 3' end of the delta antigen-coding region, the only known functional open reading frame of HDV, we suggest that the cleavage may have a role not only in genome replication but also in RNA processing, helping to produce a functional mRNA for the translation of delta antigen.  相似文献   

To determine the sequence requirements and structural features of the self-cleavage domain of hepatitis delta virus (HDV) antigenomic RNA, we constructed a series of mutants and measured the rate constant of the cleavage reaction for each. The self-cleavage activity of HDV RNA of antigenomic sense was found to reside in a region of less than 90 nucleotides in length. The catalytic domain contained a long complementary sequence which could be deleted to half of its original size. Moreover, this region could be replaced by other sequences as long as they could fold into a stem-and-loop structure. The catalytic domain also required a 6-basepair helix adjacent to the cleaving point for activity. The structural features of these two base-pairing regions are quite similar to those of the HDV genomic self-cleavage domain. The cleavage site as well as the the hinge region (the sequence between the two stems) requires specific sequences for activity.  相似文献   

A self-cleaving RNA sequence from hepatitis delta virus was modified to produce a ribozyme capable of catalyzing the cleavage of RNA in an intermolecular (trans) reaction. The delta-derived ribozyme cleaved substrate RNA at a specific site, and the sequence specificity could be altered with mutations in the region of the ribozyme proposed to base pair with the substrate. A substrate target size of approximately 8 nucleotides in length was identified. Octanucleotides containing a single ribonucleotide immediately 5' to the cleavage site were substrates for cleavage, and cleavage activity was significantly reduced only with a guanine base at that position. A deoxyribose 5' to the cleavage site blocked the reaction. These data are consistent with a proposed secondary structure for the self-cleaving form of the hepatitis delta virus ribozyme in which a duplex forms with sequences 3' to the cleavage site, and they support a proposed mechanism in which cleavage involves attack on the phosphorus at the cleavage site by the adjacent 2'-hydroxyl group.  相似文献   

Self-cleavage efficiency of ribozymes derived from hepatitis delta virus (HDV) has been shown to depend on the RNA structure, which in turn may be determined by the length of the considered sequences. Here we describe the construction and functional analysis of a 71 nucleotide-long RNA genomic fragment, Rz71, which carries an 18 nucleotide deletion in a very stable GC-rich stem-loop (stem IV), predicted to be present in several computer-derived secondary structure models. Rz71 is able to undergo self-cleavage under non-denaturing conditions (the t1/2 of the reaction at 37 degrees C is 3 min). The deletion, however, is not neutral, since under the same conditions the non-deleted ribozyme cleaves to 50% in less than 15 sec. Therefore, stem-loop IV seems to play a structural role, not being directly involved in the catalytic reaction, but contributing to the correct positioning of the catalytic core of the HDV ribozyme. Rz71 is the smallest self-cleaving sub-fragment of HDV genomic RNA reported so far.  相似文献   

The hepatitis delta virus (HDV), an infectious human pathogen affecting millions of people worldwide, leads to intensified disease symptoms, including progression to liver cirrhosis upon coinfection with its helper virus, HBV. Both the circular RNA genome of HDV and its complementary antigenome contain a common cis-cleaving catalytic RNA motif, the HDV ribozyme, which plays a crucial role in viral replication. Previously, the crystal structure of the product form of the cis-acting genomic HDV ribozyme has been determined, and the precursor form has been suggested to be structurally similar. In contrast, solution studies by fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) on a trans-cleaving form of the ribozyme have shown significant global conformational changes upon catalysis, while 2-aminopurine (AP) fluorescence assays have detected concomitant local conformational changes in the catalytic core. Here, we augment these studies by using terbium(III) to probe the structure of the trans-acting HDV ribozyme at nucleotide resolution. We observe significant structural differences between the precursor and product forms, especially in the P1.1 helix and the trefoil turn in the single-stranded region connecting P4 and P2 (termed J4/2) of the catalytic core. We show, using terbium(III) footprinting and sensitized luminescence spectroscopy as well as steady-state, time-resolved, and gel-mobility FRET assays on a systematic set of substrates, that the substrate sequence immediately 5' to the cleavage site significantly modulates these local as well as resultant global structural differences. Our results suggest a structural basis for the previously observed impact of the 5' substrate sequence on catalytic activity.  相似文献   

K S Jeng  A Daniel    M M Lai 《Journal of virology》1996,70(4):2403-2410
The ribozymes of hepatitis delta virus (HDV) have so far been studied primarily in vitro. Several structural models for HDV ribozymes based on truncated HDV RNA fragments, which are different from the hammerhead or the hairpin/paperclip ribozyme model proposed for plant viroid or virusoid RNAs, have been proposed. Whether these structures actually exist in vivo and whether ribozymes actually function in the HDV replication cycle have not been demonstrated. We have now developed an in vivo ribozyme self-cleavage assay capable of detecting self-cleavage of dimer or trimer HDV RNA in vivo. By site-directed mutagenesis and compensatory mutations to disrupt and restore potential base pairing in the ribozyme domain of the full-length HDV RNA according to the various structural models, a close correlation between the detected in vivo and the predicted in vitro ribozyme activities of various mutant RNAs was demonstrated. These results suggest that the proposed in vitro ribozyme structure likely exists and functions during the HDV replication cycle in vivo. Furthermore, the pseudoknot model most likely represents the structure responsible for the ribozyme activity in vivo. All of the mutants that had lost the ribozyme activity could not replicate, indicating that the ribozyme activities are indeed required for HDV RNA replication. However, some of the compensatory mutants which have restored both the cleavage and ligation activities could not replicate, suggesting that the ribozyme domains are also involved in other unidentified functions or in the formation of an alternative structure that is required for HDV RNA replication. This study thus established that the ribozyme has important biological functions in the HDV life cycle.  相似文献   

Mutagenesis analysis of a hepatitis delta virus genomic ribozyme.   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
We conducted extensive mutagenesis analysis on a hepatitis delta virus (HDV) genomic ribozyme to study the sequence specificity of certain region and to derive the secondary structure associated with the catalytic core. The results confirmed that the autocatalytic domain of HDV genomic RNA contained four base-pairing regions as predicted in the 'pseudo-knot' model [Perrotta & Been (1990) Nature 350, 434-436]. The size and sequence of one of the base-pairing regions, i. e. stem-and-loop, could be flexible. Helix 3 and the first basepair of helix 1 required specific sequence to retain self-cleavage activity. The structural requirement of helix 2 was less stringent than the other base-pairing regions. Moreover, the size of helix 1 affected self-cleavage whereas the length of hinge could be variable even though the first three residues of hinge had stringent sequence requirement.  相似文献   

Shih I  Been MD 《Biochemistry》2000,39(31):9055-9066
A minimal kinetic mechanism for a trans-acting ribozyme derived from the HDV antigenomic RNA self-cleaving element was established from steady-state, pre-steady-state, single-turnover, and binding kinetics. Rate constants for individual steps, including substrate binding and dissociation, cleavage, and product release and binding, were measured at 37 degrees C at pH 8.0 in 10 mM Mg(2+) using oligonucleotides as either substrates, noncleavable analogues or 3' product mimics. A substrate containing a normal 3',5'-linkage was cleaved with a first-order rate constant (k(2)) of 0.91 min(-)(1). The association rate constant for the substrate to the ribozyme (2.1 x 10(7) M(-)(1) min(-)(1)) was at the lower range of the expected value for RNA duplex formation, and the substrate dissociated with a rate constant (1.4 min(-)(1)) slightly faster than that for cleavage. Thus the binary complex was not at equilibrium with free enzyme and substrate prior to the cleavage step. Following cleavage, product release was kinetically ordered in that the 5' product was released rapidly (>12 min(-)(1)) relative to the 3' product (6.0 x 10(-)(3) min(-)(1)). Rapid 5' product release and lack of a demonstrable binding site for the 5' product could contribute to the difficulty in establishing the ribozyme-catalyzed reverse reaction (ligation). Slow release of the 3' product was consistent with the extremely low turnover under steady-state conditions as 3' product dissociation was rate-limiting. The equilibrium dissociation constant for the substrate was 24-fold higher than that of the 3' cleavage product. A substrate with a 2',5'-linkage at the cleavage site was cleaved with a rate constant (k(2)) of 1.1 x 10(-)(2) min(-)(1). Thus, whereas cleavage of a 3',5'-linkage followed a Briggs-Haldane mechanism, 2', 5' cleavage followed a Michaelis-Menten mechanism.  相似文献   

Three independent lines of evidence showed that when an infectious clone of hepatitis delta virus of known sequence was used to initiate genome replication, up to 41% of the genomes were specifically mutated in the amber termination codon (UAG to UGG) for the open reading frame of the delta antigen, thereby increasing the length of the predicted protein from 195 to 214 amino acids. This change was detected only on molecules that participated in RNA-directed RNA synthesis.  相似文献   

The self-cleaving hepatitis delta virus (HDV) ribozyme is essential for the replication of HDV, a liver disease causing pathogen in humans. The catalytically critical nucleotide C75 of the ribozyme is buttressed by a trefoil turn pivoting around an extruded G76. In all available crystal structures, the conformation of G76 is restricted by stacking with G76 of a neighboring molecule. To test whether this crystal contact introduces a structural perturbation into the catalytic core, we have analyzed approximately 200 ns of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. In the absence of crystal packing, the simulated G76 fluctuates between several conformations, including one wherein G76 establishes a perpendicular base quadruplet in the major groove of the adjacent P1 stem. Second-site mutagenesis experiments suggest that the identity of the nucleotide in position 76 (N76) indeed contributes to the catalytic activity of a trans-acting HDV ribozyme through its capacity for hydrogen bonding with P1. By contrast, in the cis-cleaving genomic ribozyme the functional relevance of N76 is less pronounced and not correlated with the P1 sequence. Terbium(III) footprinting and additional MD show that the activity differences between N76 mutants of this ribozyme are related instead to changes in average conformation and modified cross-correlations in the trefoil turn.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of a genomic hepatitis delta virus (HDV) ribozyme 3' cleavage product predicts the existence of a 2 bp duplex, P1.1, that had not been previously identified in the HDV ribozymes. P1.1 consists of two canonical C-G base pairs stacked beneath the G.U wobble pair at the cleavage site and would appear to pull together critical structural elements of the ribozyme. P1.1 is the second stem of a second pseudoknot in the ribozyme, making the overall fold of the ribozyme a nested double pseudoknot. Sequence comparison suggests the potential for P1.1 and a similar fold in the antigenomic ribozyme. In this study, the base pairing requirements of P1.1 for cleavage activity were tested in both the genomic and antigenomic HDV ribozymes by mutagenesis. In both sequences, cleavage activity was severely reduced when mismatches were introduced into P1.1, but restored when alternative base pairing combinations were incorporated. Thus, P1.1 is an essential structural element required for cleavage of both the genomic and antigenomic HDV ribozymes and the model for the antigenomic ribozyme secondary structure should also be modified to include P1.1.  相似文献   

Moderation of hepatitis delta virus (HDV) replication is a likely prerequisite in the establishment of chronic infections and is thought to be mediated by the intracellular accumulation of large hepatitis delta antigen (L-HDAg). The regulatory role of this protein was suggested from several studies showing that cotransfection of plasmid cDNAs expressing both L-HDAg and HDV RNA results in a potent inhibition of HDV RNA replication. However, since this approach differs significantly from natural HDV infections, where HDV RNA replication is initiated from an RNA template, and L-HDAg appears only late in the replication cycle, it remains unclear whether L-HDAg can modulate HDV RNA replication in the natural HDV replication cycle. In this study, we investigated the effect of L-HDAg, produced as a result of the natural HDV RNA editing event, on HDV RNA replication. The results showed that following cDNA-free HDV RNA transfection, a steady-state level of RNA was established at 3 to 4 days posttransfection. The same level of HDV RNA was reached when a mutant HDV genome unable to make L-HDAg was used, suggesting that L-HDAg did not play a role. The rates of HDV RNA synthesis, as measured by metabolic labeling experiments, were identical at 4 and 8 days posttransfection and in the wild type and the L-HDAg-deficient mutant. We further examined the effect of overexpression of L-HDAg at various stages of the HDV replication cycle, showing that HDV RNA synthesis was resistant to L-HDAg when it was overexpressed 3 days after HDV RNA replication had initiated. Finally, we showed that, contrary to conventional thinking, L-HDAg alone, at a certain molar ratio with HDV RNA, can initiate HDV RNA replication. Thus, L-HDAg does not inherently inhibit HDV RNA synthesis. Taken together, these results indicated that L-HDAg affects neither the rate of HDV RNA synthesis nor the final steady-state level of HDV RNA and that L-HDAg is unlikely to act as an inhibitor of HDV RNA replication in the natural HDV replication cycle.  相似文献   

C Z Lee  J H Lin  M Chao  K McKnight    M M Lai 《Journal of virology》1993,67(4):2221-2227
Hepatitis delta antigen (HDAg) is an RNA-binding protein with binding specificity for hepatitis delta virus (HDV) RNA (J. H. Lin, M. F. Chang, S. C. Baker, S. Govindarajan, and M. M. C. Lai, J. Virol. 64:4051-4058, 1990). By amino acid sequence homology search, we have identified within its RNA-binding domain two stretches of an arginine-rich motif (ARM), which is present in many prokaryotic and eukaryotic RNA-binding proteins. The first one is KERQDHRRRKA and the second is EDEKRERRIAG, and they are separated by 29 amino acids. Deletion of either one of these ARM sequences resulted in the total loss of the in vitro RNA-binding activity of HDAg. Thus, HDAg is different from other RNA-binding proteins in that it requires two ARM-like sequences for its RNA-binding activity. Replacement of the spacer sequence between the two ARMs with a shorter stretch of sequence also reduced RNA binding in vitro. Furthermore, site-specific mutations of the basic amino acid residues in both ARMs resulted in the total loss or reduction of RNA-binding activity. The biological significance of the RNA-binding activity was studied by examining the trans-activating activity of the RNA-binding mutants. The plasmids expressing HDAgs with various mutations in the RNA-binding motifs were cotransfected with a replication-defective HDV dimer cDNA construct into COS cells. It was found that all the HDAg mutants which had lost the in vitro RNA-binding activity also lost the ability to complement the defect of HDV RNA replication. We conclude that the trans-activating function of HDAg requires its binding to HDV RNA.  相似文献   

Harris DA  Rueda D  Walter NG 《Biochemistry》2002,41(40):12051-12061
The hepatitis delta virus (HDV) is a human pathogen and satellite RNA of the hepatitis B virus. It utilizes a self-cleaving catalytic RNA motif to process multimeric intermediates in the double-rolling circle replication of its genome. Previous kinetic analyses have suggested that a particular cytosine residue (C(75)) with a pK(a) close to neutrality acts as a general acid or base in cleavage chemistry. The crystal structure of the product form of a cis-acting HDV ribozyme shows this residue positioned close to the 5'-OH leaving group of the reaction by a trefoil turn in the RNA backbone. By modifying G(76) of the trefoil turn of a synthetic trans-cleaving HDV ribozyme to the fluorescent 2-aminopurine (AP), we can directly monitor local conformational changes in the catalytic core. In the ribozyme-substrate complex (precursor), AP fluorescence is strongly quenched, suggesting that AP(76) is stacked with other bases and that the trefoil turn is not formed. In contrast, formation of the product complex upon substrate cleavage or direct product binding results in a significant increase in fluorescence, consistent with AP(76) becoming unstacked and solvent-exposed as evidenced in the trefoil turn. Using AP fluorescence and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) in concert, we demonstrate that this local conformational change in the trefoil turn is kinetically coincidental with a previously observed global structural change of the ribozyme. Our data show that, at least in the trans-acting HDV ribozyme, C(75) becomes positioned for reaction chemistry only along the trajectory from precursor to product.  相似文献   

The hepatitis delta virus (HDV) ribozyme is an RNA enzyme from the human pathogenic HDV. Cations play a crucial role in self-cleavage of the HDV ribozyme, by promoting both folding and chemistry. Experimental studies have revealed limited but intriguing details on the location and structural and catalytic functions of metal ions. Here, we analyze a total of approximately 200 ns of explicit-solvent molecular dynamics simulations to provide a complementary atomistic view of the binding of monovalent and divalent cations as well as water molecules to reaction precursor and product forms of the HDV ribozyme. Our simulations find that an Mg2+ cation binds stably, by both inner- and outer-sphere contacts, to the electronegative catalytic pocket of the reaction precursor, in a position to potentially support chemistry. In contrast, protonation of the catalytically involved C75 in the precursor or artificial placement of this Mg2+ into the product structure result in its swift expulsion from the active site. These findings are consistent with a concerted reaction mechanism in which C75 and hydrated Mg2+ act as general base and acid, respectively. Monovalent cations bind to the active site and elsewhere assisted by structurally bridging long-residency water molecules, but are generally delocalized.  相似文献   

The tertiary structure of the 3′-cleaved product of the genomic hepatitis delta virus (HDV) ribozyme was solved by X-ray crystallographic analysis. In this structure, three single-stranded regions (SSrA, -B and -C) interact intricately with one another via hydrogen bonds between nucleotide bases, phosphate oxygens and 2′-OHs to form a nested double pseudoknot structure. Among these interactions, two Watson–Crick (W–C) base pairs, 726G–710C and 727G–709C, that form between SSrA and SSrC (P1.1) seem to be especially important for compact folding. To characterize the importance of these base pairs, ribozymes were subjected to in vitro selection from a pool of RNA molecules randomly substituted at positions 709, 710, 726 and 727. The results establish the importance of the two WC base pairs for activity, although some mutants are active with one G–C base pair. In addition, the kinetic parameters were analyzed in all 16 combinations with two canonical base pairs. Comparison of variant ribozymes with the wild-type ribozyme reveals that the difference in reaction rates for these variants (ΔΔG) is not simply accounted for by the differences in the stability of P1.1 (ΔΔG037). The role played by Mg2+ ions in formation of the P1.1 structure is also discussed.  相似文献   

The hepatitis delta virus (HDV) genome is a circular, single-stranded, rod-shaped, 1.7-kb RNA that replicates via a rolling-circle mechanism. Viral ribozymes function to cleave replication intermediates which are then ligated to generate the circular product. HDV expresses two forms of a single protein, the small and large delta antigens (delta Ag-S and delta Ag-L), which associate with viral RNA in a ribonucleoprotein (RNP) structure. While delta Ag-S is required for RNA replication, delta Ag-L inhibits this process but promotes the assembly of the RNP into mature virions. In this study, we have expressed full-length and deleted HDV RNA inside cells to determine the minimal RNA sequences required for self-cleavage, ligation, RNP packaging, and virion assembly and to assess the role of either delta antigen in each of these processes. We report the following findings. (i) The cleavage and ligation reactions did not require either delta antigen and were not inhibited in their presence. (ii) delta Ag-L, in the absence of delta Ag-S, formed an RNP with HDV RNA which could be assembled into secreted virus-like particles. (iii) Full-length HDV RNAs were stabilized in the presence of either delta antigen and accumulated to much higher levels than in their absence. (iv) As few as 348 nucleotides of HDV RNA were competent for circle formation, RNP assembly, and incorporation into virus-like particles. (v) An HDV RNA incapable of folding into the rod-like structure was not packaged by delta Ag-L.  相似文献   

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