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A variety of methods have been described for making synthetic polynucleotide microarrays. These include in situ synthesis directly on the array surface, for example, by photolithography or ink-jet printing technologies, and the application of presynthesized polynucleotides that are derivatized with various nucleophiles or electrophiles. In the latter case, a variety of surface chemistries have been developed, and several are available commercially. These chemistries must be compatible with nanoliter-scale volumes of polynucleotide reagents, which contact the array over a small portion of their surface. We reasoned that a three-dimensional polymer coating could potentially offer greater surface contact and higher binding efficiency. Here we describe a polyethylenimine-based coating chemistry that provides exceptional binding and hybridization characteristics. In our preferred process, size-fractionated polyethylenimine polymers are cross-linked onto an aminopropylsilanated glass surface in the presence of cyanuric chloride. The resulting three-dimensional coating binds polynucleotides through a mixture of covalent and noncovalent interactions as evidenced by comparisons between 5'-aminoalkyl modified and unmodified polynucleotides. Binding and hybridization comparisons are presented including analogous two-dimensional electrophilic and electrostatic chemistries.  相似文献   

Successful use and reliability of microarray technology is highly dependent on several factors, including surface chemistry parameters and accessibility of cDNA targets to the DNA probes fixed onto the surface. Here, we show that functionalisation of glass slides with homemade dendrimers allow production of more sensitive and reliable DNA microarrays. The dendrimers are nanometric structures of size-controlled diameter with aldehyde function at their periphery. Covalent attachment of these spherical reactive chemical structures on amino-silanised glass slides generates a reactive ~100 Å layer onto which amino-modified DNA probes are covalently bound. This new grafting chemistry leads to the formation of uniform and homogenous spots. More over, probe concentration before spotting could be reduced from 0.2 to 0.02 mg/ml with PCR products and from 20 to 5 µM with 70mer oligonucleotides without affecting signal intensities after hybridisation with Cy3- and Cy5-labelled targets. More interestingly, while the binding capacity of captured probes on dendrimer-activated glass surface (named dendrislides) is roughly similar to other functionalised glass slides from commercial sources, detection sensitivity was 2-fold higher than with other available DNA microarrays. This detection limit was estimated to 0.1 pM of cDNA targets. Altogether, these features make dendrimer-activated slides ideal for manufacturing cost-effective DNA arrays applicable for gene expression and detection of mutations.  相似文献   

DNA microarrays have been widely adopted by the scientific community for a variety of applications. To improve the performance of microarrays there is a need for a fundamental understanding of the interplay between the various factors that affect microarray sensitivity and specificity. We use lattice Monte Carlo simulations to study the thermodynamics and kinetics of hybridization of single-stranded target genes in solution with complementary probe DNA molecules immobilized on a microarray surface. The target molecules in our system contain 48 segments and the probes tethered on a hard surface contain 8-24 segments. The segments on the probe and target are distinct and each segment represents a sequence of nucleotides ( approximately 11 nucleotides). Each probe segment interacts exclusively with its unique complementary target segment with a single hybridization energy; all other interactions are zero. We examine how the probe length, temperature, or hybridization energy, and the stretch along the target that the probe segments complement, affect the extent of hybridization. For systems containing single probe and single target molecules, we observe that as the probe length increases, the probability of binding all probe segments to the target decreases, implying that the specificity decreases. We observe that probes 12-16 segments ( approximately 132-176 nucleotides) long gave the highest specificity and sensitivity. This agrees with the experimental results obtained by another research group, who found an optimal probe length of 150 nucleotides. As the hybridization energy increases, the longer probes are able to bind all their segments to the target, thus improving their specificity. The hybridization kinetics reveals that the segments at the ends of the probe are most likely to start the hybridization. The segments toward the center of the probe remain bound to the target for a longer time than the segments at the ends of the probe.  相似文献   

Incomplete binding, saturation, and cross-hybridization between partially complementary strands complicate the parallel detection of nucleic acids via DNA microarrays. Treating the competing equilibria governing binding to microarrays requires computational tools. We have developed the web-based program ChipCheckII that calculates total hybridization matrices for target strands interacting with probes on small DNA microarrays. The program can be used to compute the extent of cross-hybridization and other phenomena affecting fidelity of detection based on sequences, quantities of strands, and hybridization conditions as inputs. Enthalpy and entropy of duplex formation are generated locally with UNAfold, including those for complexes that are partially matched. Simulated binding versus temperature curves for portions of a commercial genome chip demonstrate the extent to which cross-hybridization can complicate DNA detection. ChipCheckII is expected to aid nucleic acid chemists in developing high fidelity DNA microarrays.  相似文献   

DNA microarrays on nanoscale-controlled surface   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
We have developed new surface to ensure a proper spacing between immobilized biomolecules. While DNA microarray on this surface provided each probe DNA with ample space for hybridization with incoming target DNAs, the microarray showed enhanced discrimination efficiency for various types of single nucleotide polymorphism. The high discrimination efficiency holds for all tested cases (100:<1 for internal mismatched cases; 100:<28 for terminal mismatched ones). In addition, by investigating influence of hybridization temperature and washing condition on the fluorescence intensity and the discrimination efficiency with and without controlled mesospacing, it was observed that the nanoscale-controlled surface showed good discrimination efficiency in a wide range of temperature (37–50°C), and hybridization behavior on the surface was in agreement with the solution one. Intriguingly, it was found that washing process after the hybridization was critical for the high discrimination efficiency. For the particular case, washing process was so efficient that only 30 s washing was sufficient to reach the optimal discrimination ratio.  相似文献   

DNA microarray is a powerful tool allowing simultaneous detection of many different target molecules present in a sample. The efficiency of the array depends mainly on the sequence of the capture probes and the way they are attached to the support. The coupling procedure must be quick, covalent, and reproducible in order to be compatible with automatic spotting devices dispensing tiny drops of liquids on the surface. We compared several coupling strategies currently used to covalently graft DNA onto a glass surface. The results indicate that fixation of aminated DNA to an aldehyde-modified surface is a choice method to build DNA microarrays. Both the coupling procedure and the hybridization efficiency have been optimized. The detection limit of human cytomegalovirus target DNA amplicons on such DNA microarrays has been estimated to be 0.01 nM by fluorescent detection.  相似文献   

We have investigated the complexes formed by oligonucleotides with the general sequence d(T15,Gn), where n = 4-15. Two distinct classes of structures are formed, namely, the four-stranded tetraplex and frayed wires. Frayed wires differ from four-stranded tetraplexes in both strand association stoichiometry and the ability of dimethyl sulfate to methylate the N7 position of guanine. Thus, it appears that these two guanine-rich multistranded assemblies are stabilised by different guanine-guanine interactions. The number of contiguous guanine residues determines which of the complexes is favoured. Based on the stoichiometry of the associated species and the accessibility of the N7 position of guanine to methylation we have found that oligonucleotides with smaller number of contiguous guanines; n = 5-8, form primarily four-stranded tetraplex. Oligonucleotides with larger numbers of contiguous guanines adapt primarily the frayed wire structure. The stability of the complexes formed by this series of oligonucleotides is determined by the number and arrangement of the guanines within the sequences. We propose that the formation of the two types of complex proceed by a parallel reaction pathways that may share common intermediates.  相似文献   

Looking into DNA recognition: zinc finger binding specificity   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
We present a quantitative, theoretical analysis of the recognition mechanisms used by two zinc finger proteins: Zif268, which selectively binds to GC-rich sequences, and a Zif268 mutant, which binds to a TATA box site. This analysis is based on a recently developed method (ADAPT), which allows binding specificity to be analyzed via the calculation of complexation energies for all possible DNA target sequences. The results obtained with the zinc finger proteins show that, although both mainly select their targets using direct, pairwise protein–DNA interactions, they also use sequence-dependent DNA deformation to enhance their selectivity. A new extension of our methodology enables us to determine the quantitative contribution of these two components and also to measure the contributions of individual residues to overall specificity. The results show that indirect recognition is particularly important in the case of the TATA box binding mutant, accounting for 30% of the total selectivity. The residue-by-residue analysis of the protein–DNA interaction energy indicates that the existence of amino acid–base contacts does not necessarily imply sequence selectivity, and that side chains without contacts can nevertheless contribute to defining the protein's target sequence.  相似文献   

Consideration is given to alternative approaches to the development of DNA sequences selective binding agents because of their potential applications in diagnosis and treatment of cancer as well as in molecular biology. The concept of lexitropsins, or information-reading molecules, is introduced within the antigene strategy as an alternative to, and complementary with, the antigene approach for cellular intervention and gene control The chemical, physical and paharmacological factors involved in the design of effective lexitropsins are discussed and illustrated with experimental results. Among the factors contributing to the molecular recognition processes are: the presence and disposition of hydrogen bond accepting and donating groups, ligand shape, chirality, stereochemistry, flexibility and charge. For longer ligands, such as are required to target unique sequences in biological systems (14–16 base pairs), the critical feature is the phasing or spatial corresponding between repeat units in the ligand and receptor. The recently discovered 2:1 lexitropsin-DNA binding motif provides a further refinement in molecular recognition in permitting discrimination between GC and CG base pairs. The application of these factors in the design and synthesis of novel agents which exhibits anticancer, antiviral and antitretroviral properties, and inhibition of critical cellular enzymes including topoisomerases is discussed. The emerging evidence of a relationship between sequence selectivity of the new agents and the biological responses they invoke is also described.  相似文献   

F factor TraY, a ribbon-helix-helix DNA-binding protein, performs two roles in bacterial conjugation. TraY binds the F origin of transfer (oriT) to promote nicking of plasmid DNA prior to conjugative transfer. TraY also binds the P(Y) promoter to up-regulate tra gene expression. The two plasmid regions bound by TraY share limited sequence identity, yet TraY binds them with similar affinities. TraY recognition of the two sites was first probed using in vitro footprinting methods. Hydroxyl radical footprinting at both oriT and P(Y) sites indicated that bound TraY protected the DNA backbone bordering three adjacent DNA subsites. Analytical ultracentrifugation results for TraY:oligonucleotide complexes were consistent with two of these subsites being bound cooperatively, and the third being occupied at higher TraY concentrations. Methylation protection and interference footprinting identified several guanine bases contacted by or proximal to bound TraY, most located within these subsites. TraY affinity for variant oriT sequences with base substitutions at or near these guanine bases suggested that two of the three subsites correspond to high-affinity, cooperatively bound imperfect inverted GA(G/T)A repeats. Altering the spacing or orientation of these sites reduced binding. TraY mutant R73A failed to protect two symmetry-related oriT guanine bases in these repeats from methylation, identifying possible direct TraY-DNA contacts. The third subsite appears to be oriented as an imperfect direct repeat with its adjacent subsite, although base substitutions at this subsite did not reduce binding. Although unusual for ribbon-helix-helix proteins, this binding site arrangement occurs at both F TraY sites, consistent with it being functionally relevant.  相似文献   

The type IIs restriction endonuclease MboII recognizes nonsymmetrical GAAGA sites, cutting 8 (top strand) and 7 (bottom strand) bases to the right. Gel retardation showed that MboII bound specifically to GAAGA sequences, producing two distinct complexes each containing one MboII and one DNA molecule. Interference analysis indicated that the initial species formed, named complex 1, comprised an interaction between the enzyme and the GAAGA target. Complex 2 involved interaction of the protein with both the GAAGA and the cutting sites. Only in the presence of divalent metal ions such as Ca(2+) is the conversion of complex 1 to 2 rapid. Additionally, a very retarded complex was seen with Ca(2+), possibly a (MboII)(2)-(DNA)(2) complex. Plasmids containing a single GAAGA site were hydrolyzed slowly by MboII. Plasmids containing two sites were cut far more rapidly, suggesting that the enzyme requires two recognition sites in the same DNA molecule for efficient hydrolysis. MboII appears to have a mechanism similar to the best characterized type IIs enzyme, FokI. Both enzymes initially bind DNA as monomers, followed by dimerization to give an (enzyme)(2)-(DNA)(2) complex. Dimerization is efficient only when the two target sites are located in the same DNA molecule and requires divalent metal ions.  相似文献   

The DNA repair enzyme human uracil DNA glycosylase (UNG) scans short stretches of genomic DNA and captures rare uracil bases as they transiently emerge from the DNA duplex via spontaneous base pair breathing motions. The process of DNA scanning requires that the enzyme transiently loosen its grip on DNA to allow stochastic movement along the DNA contour, while engaging extrahelical bases requires motions on a more rapid timescale. Here, we use NMR dynamic measurements to show that free UNG has no intrinsic dynamic properties in the millisecond to microsecond and subnanosecond time regimes, and that the act of binding to nontarget DNA reshapes the dynamic landscape to allow productive millisecond motions for scanning and damage recognition. These results suggest that DNA structure and the spontaneous dynamics of base pairs may drive the evolution of a protein sequence that is tuned to respond to this dynamic regime.  相似文献   

C M Price  R Skopp  J Krueger  D Williams 《Biochemistry》1992,31(44):10835-10843
The 51-kDa telomere protein from Euplotes crassus binds to the extreme terminus of macronuclear telomeres, generating a very salt-stable telomeric DNA-protein complex. The protein recognizes both the sequence and the structure of the telomeric DNA. To explore how the telomere protein recognizes and binds telomeric DNA, we have examined the DNA-binding specificity of the purified protein using oligonucleotides that mimic natural and mutant versions of Euplotes telomeres. The protein binds very specifically to the 3' terminus of single-stranded oligonucleotides with the sequence (T4G4) > or = 3 T4G2; even slight modifications to this sequence reduce binding dramatically. The protein does not bind oligonucleotides corresponding to the complementary C4A4 strand of the telomere or to double-stranded C4A4.T4G4-containing sequences. Digestion of the telomere protein with trypsin generates an N-terminal protease-resistant fragment of approximately 35 kDa. This 35-kDa peptide appears to comprise the DNA-binding domain of the telomere protein as it retains most of the DNA-binding characteristics of the native 51-kDa protein. For example, the 35-kDa peptide remains bound to telomeric DNA in 2 M KCl. Additionally, the peptide binds well to single-stranded oligonucleotides that have the same sequence as the T4G4 strand of native telomeres but binds very poorly to mutant telomeric DNA sequences and double-stranded telomeric DNA. Removal of the C-terminal 15 kDa from the telomere protein does diminish the ability of the protein to bind only to the terminus of a telomeric DNA molecule.  相似文献   

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