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Site-directed spin-labeling of proteins whereby the spin-label methyl 3-(2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-1-oxypyrrolinyl)methanethiolsulfonate (SLMTS) is reacted with the -SH groups of cysteinyl residues incorporated into a protein by mutagenesis has been successfully applied to investigate secondary structure and conformational transitions of proteins. In these studies, it is expected that the spin-label moiety adopts different conformations dependent on its local environment. To determine the conformation of SLMTS in solution reacted with L-cysteine (SLMTCys) and bound in the active site of the Glu240Cys mutant of TEM-1 beta-lactamase, we have synthesized SLMTS both of natural abundance isotope composition and in site-specifically deuterated forms for electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) studies. ENDOR-determined electron-proton distances from the unpaired electron of the nitroxyl group of the spin-label to the methylene and methyl protons of SLMTS showed three conformations of the oxypyrrolinyl ring with respect to rotation around the S-S bond dependent on the solvent dielectric constant. For SLMTCys, two conformations of the molecule were compatible with the ENDOR-determined electron-nucleus distances to the side-chain methylene protons and to H(alpha) and H(beta1,2) of cysteine. To determine SLMTS conformation reacted with the Glu240Cys mutant of TEM-1 beta-lactamase, enzyme was overexpressed in both ordinary and perdeuterated minimal medium. Resonance features of H(alpha) and H(beta1,2) of the Cys240 residue of the mutant and of the side-chain methylene protons within the spin-label moiety yielded electron-proton distances that sterically accommodated the two conformations of free SLMTCys in solution.  相似文献   

The techniques of EPR and electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) were used to probe structure and electronic distribution at the nitric oxide (NO)-ligated heme alpha 3 in the nitrosylferrocytochrome alpha 3 moiety of fully reduced cytochrome c oxidase. Hyperfine and quadrupole couplings to NO (in both 15NO and 14NO forms), to histidine nitrogens, and to protons near the heme site were obtained. Parallel studies were also performed on NO-ligated myoglobin and model NO-heme-imidazole systems. The major findings and interpretations on nitrosylferrocytochrome alpha 3 were: 1) compared to other NO-heme-imidazole systems, the nitrosylferrocytochrome alpha3 gave better resolution of EPR and ENDOR signals; 2) at the maximal g value (gx = 2.09), particularly well resolved NO nitrogen hyperfine and quadrupole couplings and mesoproton hyperfine couplings were seen. These hyperfine and quadrupole couplings gave information on the electronic distribution on the NO, on the orientation of the g tensor with respect to the heme, and possibly on the orientation of the FeNO plane; 3) a combination of experimental EPR-ENDOR results and EPR spectral simulations evidenced a rotation of the NO hyperfine tensor with respect to the electronic g tensor; this implied a bent Fe-NO bond; 4) ENDOR showed a unique proton not seen in the other NO heme systems studied. The magnitude of this proton's hyperfine coupling was consistent with this proton being part of a nearby protein side chain that perturbs an axial ligand like NO or O2.  相似文献   

The impact of protein-protein interactions on the conformation of the N-terminal hirudin domain consisting of residues 1 to 51 in the X-ray crystal structure of a hirudin-thrombin complex was investigated through comparisons with the nuclear magnetic resonance solution structure of hirudin(1-51). The close overall similarity observed between these two structures contrasts with the behavior of the C-terminal 17-residue polypeptide segment of hirudin, which is flexibly disordered in solution but exhibits a defined conformation in the complex with thrombin. Localized structural differences in the N-terminal domain include that residues 1 to 3 of hirudin in the crystalline complex form a hydrogen-bonding network with thrombin that is reminiscent of a parallel beta-sheet. Moreover, the backbone conformation of residues 17 to 20 in the complex does not contain the characteristic hydrogen bond observed for the type II' reverse turn in the solution structure, and the side-chains of Ser19 and Val21 have significantly different orientations in the two structures. Most of these structural changes can be related directly to thrombin-hirudin contacts, which may also be an important factor in the mechanism of hirudin action. In this context, it is of special interest that other residues that also make numerous contacts with thrombin, e.g. Thr4, Asp5 and Asn20, have identical conformations in free hirudin and in the complex.  相似文献   

We present an electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) study of the bound Qc.- ubisemiquinone in the mitochondrial quinol cytochrome c reductase complex. An ENDOR probe specifically modified for insertion into our electron paramagnetic resonance cavity was used for this study. We observed strongly hyperfine-coupled protons whose exchangeable nature indicated they were hydrogen-bonded to the quinone oxygen(s). It is thought that such hydrogen bonds are critical in binding the ubiquinone to protein, in stabilizing its semiquinone form, and in modulating the thermodynamic properties of the bound ubiquinone in the mitochondrial quinol cytochrome c reductase complex. Additional ENDOR features were assigned to protons of the quinone ring itself and to weakly coupled protons that may be associated with nearby amino acids. From very weakly hyperfine-coupled, distant, exchangeable protons there was also ENDOR evidence to suggest proximity and accessibility of the ubiquinone site to the solvent.  相似文献   

A new rhombic EPR signal was recently discovered in the partially reduced type 2 copper-depleted Rhus vernicifera laccase (Reinhammar, B. (1983) J. Inorg. Biochem., in press). The signal originates from one of the type 3 Cu(II) ions that becomes EPR-detectable as a result of the selective reduction of the other copper ion in the exchange-coupled Cu(II)-Cu(II) pair. The 14N and 1H and 63,65Cu electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) of this uncoupled Cu(II) now have been collected and represent the first ENDOR measurements of a type 3 copper site. The data indicate that the copper is coordinated by at least three nitrogenous ligands, at least one of which is an imidazole. H/D exchange suggests a nearby H2O or OH-, perhaps as a fourth ligand. A similar EPR signal is seen for CuB of reduced cytochrome c oxidase under turnover conditions. The 14N ENDOR, and, therefore, the structure, of this site corresponds extremely closely to that of the laccase type 3 (Cu(II).  相似文献   

Two series of 1-(3-aminomethyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)-3-pyridinyl-2-propen-1-ones, designed as novel cytotoxins, were synthesized. The compounds had low CC50 values in the micromolar range against HL-60 promyelocytic leukemic cells and HSC-2, HSC-3 and HSC-4 oral squamous cell carcinomas. The CC50 values of these compounds were higher towards non-malignant HGF (gingival fibroblasts), HPC (pulp cells), and HPLF (periodontal ligament fibroblasts) cells, which reveals the tumour-selectivity of these enones. A representative compound 4c caused cleavage of PARP1 in HSC-2 cells but not in HGF cells, which may be a contributing factor to the tumour-selectivity.  相似文献   

Electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) was performed on the protein-bound, stabilized, high-affinity ubisemiquinone radical, QH*-, of bo3 quinol oxidase to determine its electronic spin distribution and to probe its interaction with its surroundings. Until this present work, such ENDOR studies of protein-stabilized ubisemiquinone centers have only been done on photosynthetic reaction centers whose function is to reduce a ubiquinol pool. In contrast, QH*- serves to oxidize a ubiquinol pool in the course of electron transfer from the ubiquinol pool to the oxygen-consuming center of terminal bo3 oxidase. As documented by large hyperfine couplings (>10 MHz) to nonexchangeable protons on the QH*- ubisemiquinone ring, we provide evidence for an electronic distribution on QH*- that is different from that of the semiquinones of reaction centers. Since the ubisemiquinone itself is physically nearly identical in both QH*- and the bacterial photosynthetic reaction centers, this electronic difference is evidently a function of the local protein environment. Interaction of QH*- with this local protein environment was explicitly shown by exchangeable deuteron ENDOR that implied hydrogen bonding to the quinone and by weak proton hyperfine couplings to the local protein matrix.  相似文献   

The mechanism of propagation of the radical center between the cofactor, substrate, and product in the adenosylcobalamin- (AdoCbl) dependent reaction of ethanolamine ammonia-lyase has been probed by pulsed electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spectroscopy. The radical of S-2-aminopropanol, which appears in the steady state of the reaction, was used in ENDOR experiments to determine the nuclear spin transition frequencies of (2)H introduced from either deuterated substrate or deuterated coenzyme and of (13)C introduced into the ribosyl moiety of AdoCbl. A (2)H doublet (1.4 MHz splitting) was observed centered about the Larmor frequency of (2)H. Identical ENDOR frequencies were observed for (2)H irrespective of its mode of introduction into the complex. A (13)C doublet ENDOR signal was observed from samples prepared with [U-(13)C-ribosyl]-AdoCbl. The (13)C coupling tensor obtained from the ENDOR powder pattern shows that the (13)C has scalar as well as dipole-dipole coupling to the unpaired electron located at C1 of S-2-aminopropanol. The dipole-dipole coupling is consistent with a distance of 3.4+/-0.2 A between C1 of the radical and C5' of the labeled cofactor component. These results establish that the C5' carbon of the 5'-deoxyadenosyl radical moves approximately 7 A from its position as part of AdoCbl to a position where it is in contact with C1 of the substrate which lies approximately 12 A from the Co(2+) of cob(II)alamin. These findings are also consistent with the contention that 5'-deoxyadenosine is the sole mediator of hydrogen transfers in ethanolamine ammonia-lyase.  相似文献   

To characterize the binding of substrate to aconitase, we have made 17O electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) measurements on reduced active ([4Fe-4S]1+) beef heart aconitase, both in H216O and H217O, in the presence of substrate and the inhibitors, tricarballylate, trans-aconitate, and 1-hydroxy-2-nitro-1, 3-propanedicarboxylate, referred to here as nitroisocitrate; the hydroxyl of the latter also was isotypically labeled with 17O. The hydroxyl oxygen of citrate and isocitrate is exchanged with solvent water by aconitase, but the hydroxyl of nitroisocitrate is not. Thus, the isotopic composition of nitroisocitrate can be chemically controlled, allowing direct identification of any 17O ENDOR signal associated with it. 17O ENDOR signals were observed from Hx17O (mean = 1 or 2) bound to the [4Fe-4S]1+ cluster in samples prepared with trans-aconitate and unlabeled nitroisocitrate. 17O-Labeled nitroisocitrate in H216O bound to the cluster showed a signal from the 17OH group; in H217O it showed 17O ENDOR resonances due to both Hx17O and 17OH of substrate. This result demonstrates that the cluster participates in substrate binding and can simultaneously coordinate the hydroxyl of a substrate (or analogue) and water (or hydroxyl). The sample with citrate in H217O showed only the Hx17O signal, although aconitase exchanges the hydroxyl of substrate with solvent water. The mechanism of action of aconitase is discussed in light of this observation. Comparison shows the ENDOR study to be in agreement with previous M?ssbauer and EPR spectroscopic results.  相似文献   

The tyrosyl radicals generated in reactions of ethyl hydrogen peroxide with both native and indomethacin-pretreated prostaglandin H synthase 1 (PGHS-1) were examined by low-temperature electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spectroscopies. In the reaction of peroxide with the native enzyme at 0 degrees C, the tyrosyl radical EPR signal underwent a continuous reduction in line width and lost intensity as the incubation time increased, changing from an initial, 35-G wide doublet to a wide singlet of slightly smaller line width and finally to a 25-G narrow singlet. The 25-G narrow singlet produced by self-inactivation was distinctly broader than the 22-G narrow singlet obtained by indomethacin treatment. Analysis of the narrow singlet EPR spectra of self-inactivated and indomethacin-pretreated enzymes suggests that they reflect conformationally distinct tyrosyl radicals. ENDOR spectroscopy allowed more detailed characterization by providing hyperfine couplings for ring and methylene protons. These results establish that the wide doublet and the 22-G narrow singlet EPR signals arise from tyrosyl radicals with different side-chain conformations. The wide-singlet ENDOR spectrum, however, is best accounted for as a mixture of native wide-doublet and self-inactivated 25-G narrow-singlet species, consistent with an earlier EPR study [DeGray et al. (1992) J. Biol. Chem. 267, 23583-23588]. We conclude that a tyrosyl residue other than the catalytically essential Y385 species is most likely responsible for the indomethacin-inhibited, narrow-singlet spectrum. Thus, this inhibitor may function by redirecting radical formation to a catalytically inactive side chain. Either radical migration or conformational relaxation at Y385 produces the 25-G narrow singlet during self-inactivation. Our ENDOR data also indicate that the catalytically active, wide-doublet species is not hydrogen bonded, which may enhance its reactivity toward the fatty-acid substrate bound nearby.  相似文献   

Cells of Synechococcus 6301 were briefly exposed to a phycocyanin-absorbed light in the presence of DCMU. PS II trap closure was then estimated from fluorescence induction measurements with excitation light absorbed predominantly either by chlorophyll or by phycocyanin. In cells adapted to light-state 2, the exposure to light absorbed by phycocyanin closed only a proportion of the PS II centres that could be closed by exposure to light absorbed by chlorophyll. This distinction was reduced in cells adapted to light-state 1. We conclude that a proportion of PS II core complexes become decoupled from the phycobilisomes during the transition to light-state 2.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are components of the innate immune system and may be potential alternatives to conventional antibiotics because they exhibit broad‐spectrum antimicrobial activity. The AMP cecropin P1 (CP1), isolated from nematodes found in the stomachs of pigs, is known to exhibit antimicrobial activity against Gram‐negative bacteria. In this study, we investigated the interaction between CP1 and lipopolysaccharide (LPS), which is the main component of the outer membrane of Gram‐negative bacteria, using circular dichroism (CD) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). CD results showed that CP1 formed an α‐helical structure in a solution containing LPS. For NMR experiments, we expressed 15N‐labeled and 13C‐labeled CP1 in bacterial cells and successfully assigned almost all backbone and side‐chain proton resonance peaks of CP1 in water for transferred nuclear Overhauser effect (Tr‐NOE) experiments in LPS. We performed 15N‐edited and 13C‐edited Tr‐NOE spectroscopy for CP1 bound to LPS. Tr‐NOE peaks were observed at the only C‐terminal region of CP1 in LPS. The results of structure calculation indicated that the C‐terminal region (Lys15–Gly29) formed the well‐defined α‐helical structure in LPS. Finally, the docking study revealed that Lys15/Lys16 interacted with phosphate at glucosamine I via an electrostatic interaction and that Ile22/Ile26 was in close proximity with the acyl chain of lipid A. Copyright © 2016 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The diiron center in stearoyl-acyl carrier protein (ACP) desaturase (DS) from castor plant Ricinus communis catalyzes the dioxygen- and NADPH-dependent introduction of a cis double bond between C9 and C10 of stearoyl-ACP. Radiolytic reduction of diferric DS at 77 K produces an electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR)-detectable mixed-valence center (or [DS(ox)](mv)) that is trapped in the conformation of the diferric precursor and thus provides a sensitive EPR/electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) probe of the structure of the diamagnetic diiron(III) state. The cryoreduced DS shows two distinct EPR signals, suggesting the presence of two diiron(III) states: the mu-oxo (major)- and mu-hydroxo (minor)-bridged diiron centers. ENDOR studies show that in the dominant oxo-bridged diferric state each iron(III) coordinates a histidine and a water along with other ligands. Samples containing stoichiometric amounts of stearoyl-ACP show pronounced changes in the EPR and (1)H ENDOR spectra of cryoreduced DS. EPR spectra of the cryoreduced DS-substrate complex reveal two distinct substates of the parent. EPR and ENDOR studies show that both major conformers of the diferric cluster have a mu-oxo bridge. ENDOR shows that the major conformer has a histidine and a water bound to both Fe ions. In the minor conformer, one of the irons has lost the terminal water ligand. The structure of the trapped [DS(ox)](mv) state relaxes upon annealing to 170 K: the mu-oxo bridge in the major cryoreduced DS species protonates on annealing to 170 K; this does not occur for the major DS-substrate complex, even upon annealing to 230 K. The relaxed Fe(II)Fe(III) center in cryoreduced DS and DS-substrate show much less intense and resolved (14)N ENDOR spectra than those of the structurally similar cryoreduced diiron center in ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) protein R2. This difference may reflect some differences in His-Fe bonds. The alterations in the diferric site of DS induced by substrate are suggested to be mediated by conformational changes in the polypeptide chain produced by substrate binding. These structural alterations may provide DS with an additional mechanism for tuning the redox potential of the diferric site. The mixed-valence states of DS are unstable at temperatures above 230 K.  相似文献   

In the course of investigation of 8-alkylamino substituted adenosines, the title compounds were synthesized as potential partial agonists for adenosine receptors. The structure determination of these compounds was carried out with the X-ray crystallography study. Crystals of 8-(2-hydroxyethylamino)adenosine are monoclinic, space group P 2(1); a = 7.0422(2), b = 11.2635(3), c = 8.9215(2) A, beta = 92.261(1) degrees, V = 707.10(3) A3, Z = 2; R-factor is 0.0339. The nucleoside is characterized by the anti conformation; the ribose ring has the C(2')-endo conformation and gauche-gauche form across C(4')-C(5') bond. The molecular structure is stabilized by intramolecular hydrogen bond of N-HO type. Crystals of 8-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)adenosine are monoclinic, space group C 2; a = 19.271(1), b = 7.3572(4), c = 11.0465(7) A, beta = 103.254(2), V = 1524.4(2) degrees A3, Z = 4; R-factor is 0.0498. In this compound, there is syn conformation of the nucleoside; the ribose has the C(2')-endo conformation and gauche -gauche form across C(4')- C(5') bond. The molecular structure is stabilized by intramolecular hydrogen bond of O-HN type. For both compounds, the branching net of intermolecular hydrogen bonds occur in the crystal structures.  相似文献   

17O electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) studies at X-band (9-GHz) and Q-band (35-GHz) microwave frequencies reveal that the [4Fe-4S]+ cluster of substrate-free aconitase [citrate (isocitrate) hydro-lyase, EC] binds solvent, HxO (x = 1, 2). Previous 17O ENDOR studies [Telser et al. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 4840-4846] had disclosed that Hx17O binds to the enzyme-substrate complex and also to complexes of enzyme with the substrate analogues trans-aconitate and nitroisocitrate (1-hydroxy-2-nitro-1,3-propanedicarboxylate). We have used 1H and 2H ENDOR to characterize these solvent species. We propose that the fourth ligand of Fea in substrate-free enzyme is a hydroxyl ion from the solvent; upon binding of substrate or substrate analogues at this Fea site, the solvent species becomes protonated to form a water molecule. Previous 17O and 13C ENDOR studies [Kennedy et al. (1987) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 84, 8854-8858] showed that only a single carboxyl, at C-2 of the propane backbone of cis-aconitate or at C-1 of the inhibitor nitroisocitrate, coordinates to the cluster. Together, these results imply that enzyme-catalyzed interconversion of citrate and isocitrate does not involve displacement of an endogenous fourth ligand, but rather addition of the anionic carboxylate ligand and a change in protonation state of a solvent species bound to Fea. We further report the 17O hyperfine tensor parameters of the C-2 carboxyl oxygen of substrate bound to the cluster as determined by the field dependence of the 17O ENDOR signals. 17O ENDOR studies also show that the carboxyl group of the inhibitor trans-aconitate binds similarly to that of substrate.  相似文献   

The pulsed EPR methods of electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) and electron spin echo-electron nuclear double resonance (ESE-ENDOR) are used to investigate the proximity of exchangeable hydrogens around the paramagnetic S(2)-state Mn cluster of the photosystem II oxygen-evolving complex. Although ESEEM and ESE-ENDOR are both pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance techniques, the specific mechanisms by which nuclear spin transitions are observed are quite different. We are able to generate good simulations of both (1)H ESE-ENDOR and (2)H ESEEM signatures of exchangeable hydrogens at the S(2)-state cluster. The convergence of simulation parameters for both methods provides a high degree of confidence in the simulations. Several exchangeable protons-deuterons with strong dipolar couplings are observed. In the simulations, two of the close ( approximately 2.5 A) hydrogen nuclei exhibit strong isotropic couplings and are therefore most probably associated with direct substrate ligation to paramagnetic Mn. Another two of the close ( approximately 2.7 A) hydrogen nuclei show no isotropic couplings and are therefore most probably not contained in Mn ligands. We suggest that these proximal hydrogens may be associated with a Ca(2+)-bound substrate, as indicated in recent mechanistic proposals for O(2) formation.  相似文献   

Pure solubilised microsomal glutathione transferase 1 (MGST1) forms well-ordered two-dimensional (2-D) crystals of two different symmetries, one orthorhombic (p22(1)2(1)) and one hexagonal (p6), both diffracting electrons to a resolution beyond 3 A. A three-dimensional (3-D) map has previously been calculated to 6 A resolution from the hexagonal crystal form. From orthorhombic crystals we have now calculated a 6 A 3-D reconstruction displaying three repeats of four rod-like densities. These are inclined relative to the normal of the membrane plane and consistent with arising from a left-handed four-helix bundle fold. The rendered volume clearly displays the same structural features as the map previously calculated from the p6 crystal type including similar lengths and substructure of the helices, but several distinguishing features do exist. The helices are more tilted in the map calculated from the orthorhombic crystals indicating conformational flexibility. Density present on the cytosolic side is consistent with the location of the active site. In addition, the current map displays the noted similarity to subunit I of cytochrome c oxidase.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of the N-terminal 51-residue domain of recombinant hirudin in aqueous solution was determined by 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, and the resulting high-quality solution structure was compared with corresponding structures obtained from studies with the intact, 65-residue polypeptide chain of hirudin. On the basis of 580 distance constraints derived from nuclear Overhauser effects and 109 dihedral angle constraints, a group of 20 conformers representing the solution structure of hirudin(1-51) was computed with the program DIANA and energy-minimized with a modified version of the program AMBER. Residues 3 to 30 and 37 to 48 form a well-defined molecular core with two antiparallel beta-sheets composed of residues 14 to 16 and 20 to 22, and 27 to 31 and 36 to 40, and three reverse turns at residues 8 to 11 (type II), 17 to 20 (type II') and 23 to 26 (type II). The average root-mean-square deviation of the individual NMR conformers relative to their mean co-ordinates is 0.38 A for the backbone atoms and 0.77 A for all heavy atoms of these residues. Increased structural disorder was found for the N-terminal dipeptide segment, the loop at residues 31 to 36, and the C-terminal tripeptide segment. The solution structure of hirudin(1-51) has the same molecular architecture as the corresponding polypeptide segment in natural hirudin and recombinant desulfatohirudin. It is also closely similar to the crystal structure of the N-terminal 51-residue segment of hirudin in a hirudin-thrombin complex, with root-mean-square deviations of the crystal structure relative to the mean solution structure of 0.61 A for the backbone atoms and 0.91 A for all heavy atoms of residues 3 to 30 and 37 to 48. Further coincidence is found for the loop formed by residues 31 to 36, which shows increased structural disorder in all available solution structures of hirudin, and of which residues 32 to 35 are not observable in the electron density map of the thrombin complex. Significant local structural differences between hirudin(1-51) in solution and hirudin in the crystalline thrombin complex were identified mainly for the N-terminal tripeptide segment and residues 17 to 21. These are further analyzed in an accompanying paper.  相似文献   

Complete sequence-specific 1H nuclear magnetic resonance assignments were obtained for the backbone hydrogen atoms in Tendamistat, a protein with 74 residues. From NOESY observation of 1H-1H short distance constraints, measurements of the spin-spin couplings 3JHN alpha and a qualitative identification of slowly exchanging amide protons, two antiparallel beta-sheets containing three and four strands, respectively, were identified. The peptide segments outside the beta-sheets do not form regular secondary structure. Preliminary data were obtained on the relative spatial arrangements of the two beta-sheets.  相似文献   

J R Brisson  J P Carver 《Biochemistry》1983,22(15):3671-3680
The solution conformation is presented for representatives of each of the major classes of asparaginyl oligosaccharides. In this report the conformation of alpha(1-3)-, alpha(1-2)-, beta(1-2)-, and beta(1-4)-linked units is described. The conformational properties of these glycopeptides were determined by high-resolution 1H nuclear magnetic resonance in conjunction with potential energy calculations. The NMR parameters that were used in this analysis were chemical shifts and nuclear Overhauser enhancements. Potential energy calculations were used to evaluate the preferred conformers available for the different linkages in glycopeptides and to draw conclusions about the behavior in solution of these molecules. It was found that the linkage conformation of the Man alpha 1-3 residues was not affected by substitution either at the 2-position by alpha Man or beta GlcNAc or at the 4-position by beta GlcNAc or by the presence of a bisecting GlcNAc on the adjacent beta Man residue.  相似文献   

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