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The nuclear pore complex (NPC) conducts macromolecular transport to and from the nucleus and provides a kinetic/hydrophobic barrier composed of phenylalanine-glycine (FG) repeats. Nuclear transport is achieved through permeation of this barrier by transport receptors. The transport receptor CRM1 facilitates export of a large variety of cargoes. Export of the preribosomal 60 S subunit follows this pathway through the adaptor protein NMD3. Using RNA interference, we depleted two FG-containing cytoplasmically oriented NPC complexes, Nup214-Nup88 and Nup358, and investigated CRM1-mediated export. A dramatic defect in NMD3-mediated export of preribosomes was found in Nup214-Nup88-depleted cells, whereas only minor export defects were evident in other CRM1 cargoes or upon depletion of Nup358. We show that the large C-terminal FG domain of Nup214 is not accessible to freely diffusing molecules from the nucleus, indicating that it does not conduct 60 S preribosomes through the NPC. Consistently, derivatives of Nup214 lacking the FG-repeat domain rescued the 60 S export defect. We show that the coiled-coil region of Nup214 is sufficient for 60 S nuclear export, coinciding with recruitment of Nup88 to the NPC. Our data indicate that Nup214 plays independent roles in NPC function by participating in the kinetic/hydrophobic barrier through its FG-rich domain and by enabling NPC gating through association with Nup88.  相似文献   

The oncogenic nucleoporin CAN/Nup214 is essential in vertebrate cells. Its depletion results in defective nuclear protein import, inhibition of messenger RNA export and cell cycle arrest. We recently found that CAN associates with proteins of 88 and 112 kDa, which we have now cloned and characterized. The 88 kDa protein is a novel nuclear pore complex (NPC) component, which we have named Nup88. Depletion of CAN from the NPC results in concomitant loss of Nup88, indicating that the localization of Nup88 to the NPC is dependent on CAN binding. The 112 kDa protein is the human homologue of yeast CRM1, a protein known to be required for maintenance of correct chromosome structure. This human CRM1 (hCRM1) localized to the NPC as well as to the nucleoplasm. Nuclear overexpression of the FG-repeat region of CAN, containing its hCRM1-interaction domain, resulted in depletion of hCRM1 from the NPC. In CAN-/- mouse embryos lacking CAN, hCRM1 remained in the nuclear envelope, suggesting that this protein can also bind to other repeat-containing nucleoporins. Lastly, hCRM1 shares a domain of significant homology with importin-beta, a cytoplasmic transport factor that interacts with nucleoporin repeat regions. We propose that hCRM1 is a soluble nuclear transport factor that interacts with the NPC.  相似文献   

Metazoan NXF1-p15 heterodimers promote the nuclear export of bulk mRNA across nuclear pore complexes (NPCs). In vitro, NXF1-p15 forms a stable complex with the nucleoporin RanBP2/Nup358, a component of the cytoplasmic filaments of the NPC, suggesting a role for this nucleoporin in mRNA export. We show that depletion of RanBP2 from Drosophila cells inhibits proliferation and mRNA export. Concomitantly, the localization of NXF1 at the NPC is strongly reduced and a significant fraction of this normally nuclear protein is detected in the cytoplasm. Under the same conditions, the steady-state subcellular localization of other nuclear or cytoplasmic proteins and CRM1-mediated protein export are not detectably affected, indicating that the release of NXF1 into the cytoplasm and the inhibition of mRNA export are not due to a general defect in NPC function. The specific role of RanBP2 in the recruitment of NXF1 to the NPC is highlighted by the observation that depletion of CAN/Nup214 also inhibits cell proliferation and mRNA export but does not affect NXF1 localization. Our results indicate that RanBP2 provides a major binding site for NXF1 at the cytoplasmic filaments of the NPC, thereby restricting its diffusion in the cytoplasm after NPC translocation. In RanBP2-depleted cells, NXF1 diffuses freely through the cytoplasm. Consequently, the nuclear levels of the protein decrease and export of bulk mRNA is impaired.  相似文献   

CRM1 (chromosome region maintenance 1; also referred to as exportin1 or Xpo1) is a member of the importin beta superfamily of nuclear transport receptors, recognizing proteins bearing a leucine-rich nuclear export sequence. CRM1 is the major receptor for the export of proteins out of the nucleus and is also required for transport of many RNAs. Besides its established role in nuclear export, CRM1 is also implicated in various steps during mitosis, widening its functional spectrum within the cell.  相似文献   

Leucine-rich nuclear export signals (NESs) mediate rapid nuclear export of proteins via interaction with CRM1. This interaction is stimulated by RanGTP but remains of a relatively low affinity. In order to identify strong signals, we screened a 15-mer random peptide library for CRM1 binding, both in the presence and absence of RanGTP. Under each condition, strikingly similar signals were enriched, conforming to the NES consensus sequence. A derivative of an NES selected in the absence of RanGTP exhibits very high affinity for CRM1 in vitro and stably binds without the requirement of RanGTP. Localisation studies and RNA interference demonstrate inefficient CRM1-mediated export and accumulation of CRM1 complexed with the high-affinity NES at nucleoporin Nup358. These results provide in vivo evidence for a nuclear export reaction intermediate. They suggest that NESs have evolved to maintain low affinity for CRM1 to allow efficient export complex disassembly and release from Nup358.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of RanBP3, a nuclear member of the Ran-binding protein 1 family, in CRM1-mediated protein export in higher eukaryotes. RanBP3 interacts directly with CRM1 and also forms a trimeric complex with CRM1 and RanGTP. However, RanBP3 does not bind to CRM1 like an export substrate. Instead, it can stabilize CRM1–export substrate interaction. Nuclear RanBP3 stimulates CRM1-dependent protein export in permeabilized cells. These data indicate that RanBP3 functions by a novel mechanism as a cofactor in recognition and export of certain CRM1 substrates. In vitro, RanBP3 binding to CRM1 affects the relative affinity of CRM1 for different substrates.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1996,134(5):1141-1156
Nup153 is a large (153 kD) O-linked glyco-protein which is a component of the basket structure located on the nucleoplasmic face of nuclear pore complexes. This protein exhibits a tripartite structure consisting of a zinc finger domain flanked by large (60-70 kD) NH2- and COOH- terminal domains. When full-length human Nup153 is expressed in BHK cells, it accumulates appropriately at the nucleoplasmic face of the nuclear envelope. Targeting information for Nup153 resides in the NH2- terminal domain since this region of the molecule can direct an ordinarily cytoplasmic protein, pyruvate kinase, to the nuclear face of the nuclear pore complex. Overexpression of Nup153 results in the dramatic accumulation of nuclear poly (A)+ RNA, suggesting an inhibition of RNA export from the nucleus. This is not due to a general decline in nucleocytoplasmic transport or to occlusion or loss of nuclear pore complexes since nuclear protein import is unaffected. While overexpression of certain Nup153 constructs was found to result in the formation of unusual intranuclear membrane arrays, this structural phenotype could not be correlated with the effects on poly (A)+ RNA distribution. The RNA trafficking defect was, however, dependent upon the Nup153 COOH-terminal domain which contains most of the XFXFG repeats. It is proposed that this region of Nup153, lying within the distal ring of the nuclear basket, represents a docking site for mRNA molecules exiting the nucleus.  相似文献   

Centrins in vertebrates have traditionally been associated with microtubule-nucleating centers such as the centrosome. Unexpectedly, we found centrin 2 to associate biochemically with nucleoporins, including the Xenopus laevis Nup107-160 complex, a critical subunit of the vertebrate nuclear pore in interphase and of the kinetochores and spindle poles in mitosis. Immunofluorescence of Xenopus cells and in vitro reconstituted nuclei indeed revealed centrin 2 localized at the nuclear pores. Use of the mild detergent digitonin in immunofluorescence also allowed centrin 2 to be clearly visualized at the nuclear pores of human cells. Disruption of nuclear pores using RNA interference of the pore assembly protein ELYS/MEL-28 resulted in a specific decrease of centrin 2 at the nuclear rim of HeLa cells. Functionally, excess expression of either the N- or C-terminal calcium-binding domains of human centrin 2 caused a dominant-negative effect on both mRNA and protein export, leaving protein import intact. The mRNA effect mirrors that found for the Saccharomyes cerevisiae centrin Cdc31p at the yeast nuclear pore, a role until now thought to be unique to yeast. We conclude that in vertebrates, centrin 2 interacts with major subunits of the nuclear pore, exhibits nuclear pore localization, and plays a functional role in multiple nuclear export pathways.  相似文献   

In vertebrates, the nuclear pore complex (NPC), the gate for transport of macromolecules between the nucleus and the cytoplasm, consists of approximately 30 different nucleoporins (Nups). The Nup and SUMO E3-ligase Nup358/RanBP2 are the major components of the cytoplasmic filaments of the NPC. In this study, we perform a structure-function analysis of Nup358 and describe its role in nuclear import of specific proteins. In a screen for nuclear proteins that accumulate in the cytoplasm upon Nup358 depletion, we identified proteins that were able to interact with Nup358 in a receptor-independent manner. These included the importin α/β-cargo DBC-1 (deleted in breast cancer 1) and DMAP-1 (DNA methyltransferase 1 associated protein 1). Strikingly, a short N-terminal fragment of Nup358 was sufficient to promote import of DBC-1, whereas DMAP-1 required a larger portion of Nup358 for stimulated import. Neither the interaction of RanGAP with Nup358 nor its SUMO-E3 ligase activity was required for nuclear import of all tested cargos. Together, Nup358 functions as a cargo- and receptor-specific assembly platform, increasing the efficiency of nuclear import of proteins through various mechanisms.  相似文献   

Interferon stimulation of cells leads to the tyrosine phosphorylation of latent Stat1 and subsequent transient accumulation in the nucleus that requires canonical transport factors. However, the mechanisms that control the predominantly cytoplasmic localization in unstimulated cells have not been resolved. We uncovered that constitutive energy- and transport factor-independent nucleocytoplasmic shuttling is a property of unphosphorylated Stat1, Stat3, and Stat5. The NH(2)- and COOH-terminal Stat domains are generally dispensable, whereas alkylation of a single cysteine residue blocked cytokine-independent nuclear translocation and thus implicated the linker domain into the cycling of Stat1. It is revealed that constitutive nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of Stat1 is mediated by direct interactions with the FG repeat regions of nucleoporin 153 and nucleoporin 214 of the nuclear pore. Concurrent active nuclear export by CRM1 created a nucleocytoplasmic Stat1 concentration gradient that is significantly reduced by the blocking of energy-requiring translocation mechanisms or the specific inactivation of CRM1. Thus, we propose that two independent translocation pathways cooperate to determine the steady-state distribution of Stat1.  相似文献   

The protein Gle1 is required for export of mRNAs from the nucleus to the cytoplasm in both lower and higher eukaryotic cells. In human (h) cells, shuttling of hGle1 between the nucleus and cytoplasm is essential for bulk mRNA export. To date, no hGle1-interacting proteins have been reported and the mechanism by which hGle1 interacts with the nuclear pore complex (NPC) and mediates export is unknown. To identify proteins that can interact with hGle1, a genome-wide yeast two-hybrid screen was performed. Three potential hGle1-interacting partners were isolated, including clones encoding the C-terminal region of the NPC protein hNup155. This interaction between hGle1 and full-length hNup155 was confirmed in vitro, and deletion analysis identified the N-terminal 29 residues of hGle1 as the hNup155-binding domain. Experiments in HeLa cells confirmed that the nuclear rim localization of the major hGle1 protein variant (hGle1B) was dependent on the presence of these 29 N-terminal residues. This suggests that this domain of hGle1 is necessary for targeting to the NPC. This work also characterizes the first domain in hNup155, a 177 C-terminal amino acid span that binds to hGle1. The mutual interaction between hGle1 and the symmetrically distributed nuclear pore protein Nup155 suggests a model in which hGle1's association with hNup155 may represent a step in the Gle1-mediated mRNA export pathway.  相似文献   

Dbp5 is a DEAD-box protein essential for mRNA export from the nucleus in yeast. Here we report the isolation of a cDNA encoding human Dbp5 (hDbp5) which is 46% identical to yDbp5p. Like its yeast homologue, hDbp5 is localized within the cytoplasm and at the nuclear rim. By immunoelectron microscopy, the nuclear envelope-bound fraction of Dbp5 has been localized to the cytoplasmic fibrils of the nuclear pore complex (NPC). Consistent with this localization, we show that both the human and yeast proteins directly interact with an N-terminal region of the nucleoporins CAN/Nup159p. In a conditional yeast strain in which Nup159p is degraded when shifted to the nonpermissive temperature, yDbp5p dissociates from the NPC and localizes to the cytoplasm. Thus, Dbp5 is recruited to the NPC via a conserved interaction with CAN/Nup159p. To investigate its function, we generated defective hDbp5 mutants and analysed their effects in RNA export by microinjection in Xenopus oocytes. A mutant protein containing a Glu-->Gln change in the conserved DEAD-box inhibited the nuclear exit of mRNAs. Together, our data indicate that Dbp5 is a conserved RNA-dependent ATPase which is recruited to the cytoplasmic fibrils of the NPC where it participates in the export of mRNAs out of the nucleus.  相似文献   

RanBP2/Nup358, the major component of the cytoplasmic filaments of the nuclear pore complex (NPC), is essential for mouse embryogenesis and is implicated in both macromolecular transport and mitosis, but its specific molecular functions are unknown. Using RanBP2 conditional knockout mouse embryonic fibroblasts and a series of mutant constructs, we show that transport, rather than mitotic, functions of RanBP2 are required for cell viability. Cre-mediated RanBP2 inactivation caused cell death with defects in M9- and classical nuclear localization signal (cNLS)-mediated protein import, nuclear export signal-mediated protein export, and messenger ribonucleic acid export but no apparent mitotic failure. A short N-terminal RanBP2 fragment harboring the NPC-binding domain, three phenylalanine-glycine motifs, and one Ran-binding domain (RBD) corrected all transport defects and restored viability. Mutation of the RBD within this fragment caused lethality and perturbed binding to Ran guanosine triphosphate (GTP)-importin-β, accumulation of importin-β at nuclear pores, and cNLS-mediated protein import. These data suggest that a critical function of RanBP2 is to capture recycling RanGTP-importin-β complexes at cytoplasmic fibrils to allow for adequate cNLS-mediated cargo import.  相似文献   

The karyopherin CRM1 mediates nuclear export of proteins and ribonucleoproteins bearing a leucine‐rich nuclear export signal (NES). To elucidate the precise mechanism by which NES‐cargos are dissociated from CRM1 in the cytoplasm, which is important for transport directionality, we determined a 2.0‐Å resolution crystal structure of yeast CRM1:RanBP1:RanGTP complex, an intermediate in the disassembly of the CRM1 nuclear export complex. The structure shows that on association of Ran‐binding domain (RanBD) of RanBP1 with CRM1:NES‐cargo:RanGTP complex, RanBD and the C‐terminal acidic tail of Ran induce a large movement of the intra‐HEAT9 loop of CRM1. The loop moves to the CRM1 inner surface immediately behind the NES‐binding site and causes conformational rearrangements in HEAT repeats 11 and 12 so that the hydrophobic NES‐binding cleft on the CRM1 outer surface closes, squeezing out the NES‐cargo. This allosteric mechanism accelerates dissociation of NES by over two orders of magnitude. Structure‐based mutagenesis indicated that the HEAT9 loop also functions as an allosteric autoinhibitor to stabilize CRM1 in a conformation that is unable to bind NES‐cargo in the absence of RanGTP.  相似文献   

Nup88 is a nuclear pore complex protein which is overexpressed in a variety of human tumors of the stomach, colon, liver, pancreas, breast, lung, ovary, uterus, prostate and kidney. A monoclonal antibody crossreacting with the yeast Candida albicans and Nup88 was used to investigate the expression of cross-reactive antigens in chick embryos, in an attempt to identify an experimental model for studying the role played by Nup88 during cell development and differentiation. All cells in the trilaminar embryo were labeled with the antibody, but as development advanced and organogenesis was completed, expression of the corresponding antigen became more restricted. Thus, some structures continued to be intensely labeled (skin epithelium, oropharyngeal endothelium, perichondral mesenchymal tissue), whereas others ( muscular tissue, vascular endothelium, respiratory endothelium, digestive tract mucosa, peripheral nerves, medullary white matter and the retinal axons) were more moderately stained. No immunoreactivity was observed in the medullary grey matter or cartilage. A specific band of 53 kDa observed by Western blotting of chick embryo extracts suggested that the chicken antigen recognized by the monoclonal antibody is the homologue of human Nup88, which is associated with the high proliferation and low differentiation of tumor cells. The present results indicate that the role of Nup88 in cell differentiation and organ development could be fruitfully investigated using the developing chick embryo as an experimental model.  相似文献   

Nup1p is a yeast nuclear pore complex protein (nucleoporin) required for nuclear protein import, mRNA export and maintenance of normal nuclear architecture. We have used a genetic approach to identify other proteins that interact functionally with Nup1p. Here we describe the isolation of seventeen mutants that confer a requirement for Nup1p in a background in which this protein is normally not essential. Some of the mutants require wild-type Nup1p, while others are viable in combination with specific nup1 alleles. Several of the mutants show nonallelic noncomplementation, suggesting that the products may be part of a hetero-oligomeric complex. One is allelic to srp1 which, although it was identified in an unrelated screen, was shown to encode a protein that is localized to the nuclear envelope (Yano, R., M. Oakes, M. Yamaghishi, J. A. Dodd, and M. Nomura. 1992. Mol. Cell. Biol. 12:5640- 5651). We have used immunoprecipitation and fusion protein precipitation to show that Srp1p forms distinct complexes with both Nup1p and the related nucleoporin Nup2p, indicating that Srp1p is a component of the nuclear pore complex. The distant sequence similarity between Srp1p and the beta-catenin/desmoplakin family, coupled with the altered structure of the nuclear envelope in nup1 mutants, suggests that Srp1p may function in attachment of the nuclear pore complex to an underlying nuclear skeleton.  相似文献   

Nuclear export of messenger ribonucleoproteins (mRNPs) through the nuclear pore complex (NPC) can be roughly classified into two forms: bulk and specific export, involving an nuclear RNA export factor 1 (NXF1)-dependent pathway and chromosome region maintenance 1 (CRM1)-dependent pathway, respectively. SUN proteins constitute the inner nuclear envelope component of the linker of nucleoskeleton and cytoskeleton (LINC) complex. Here, we show that mammalian cells require SUN1 for efficient nuclear mRNP export. The results indicate that both SUN1 and SUN2 interact with heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) F/H and hnRNP K/J. SUN1 depletion inhibits the mRNP export, with accumulations of both hnRNPs and poly(A)+RNA in the nucleus. Leptomycin B treatment indicates that SUN1 functions in mammalian mRNA export involving the NXF1-dependent pathway. SUN1 mediates mRNA export through its association with mRNP complexes via a direct interaction with NXF1. Additionally, SUN1 associates with the NPC through a direct interaction with Nup153, a nuclear pore component involved in mRNA export. Taken together, our results reveal that the inner nuclear envelope protein SUN1 has additional functions aside from being a central component of the LINC complex and that it is an integral component of the mammalian mRNA export pathway suggesting a model whereby SUN1 recruits NXF1-containing mRNP onto the nuclear envelope and hands it over to Nup153.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1993,123(6):1345-1354
Using an autoimmune serum from a patient with overlap connective tissue disease we have identified by biochemical and immunocytochemical approaches an evolutionarily conserved nuclear pore complex (NPC) protein with an estimated molecular mass of 180 kD and an isoelectric point of approximately 6.2 which we have designated as nup180. Extraction of isolated nuclear envelopes with 2 M urea and chromatography of the solubilized proteins on WGA-Sepharose demonstrated that nup180 is a peripheral membrane protein and does not react with WGA. Affinity-purified antibodies yielded a punctate immunofluorescent pattern of the nuclear surface of mammalian cells and stained brightly the nuclear envelope of cryosectioned Xenopus oocytes. Nuclei reconstituted in vitro in Xenopus egg extract were also stained in the characteristic punctate fashion. Immunogold EM localized nup180 exclusively to the cytoplasmic ring of NPCs and short fibers emanating therefrom into the cytoplasm. Antibodies to nup180 did not inhibit nuclear protein transport in vivo nor in vitro. Despite the apparent lack of involvement in NPC assembly or nucleocytoplasmic transport processes, the conservation of nup180 across species and its exclusive association with the NPC cytoplasmic ring suggests an important, though currently undefined function for this novel NPC protein.  相似文献   

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