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L-lysine and other amino acids are commonly produced through fermentation using strains of heterotrophic bacteria such as Corynebacterium glutamicum. Given the large amount of sugar this process consumes, direct photosynthetic production is intriguing alternative. In this study, we report the development of a cyanobacterium, Synechococcus sp. strain PCC 7002, capable of producing L-lysine with CO2 as the sole carbon-source. We found that heterologous expression of a lysine transporter was required to excrete lysine and avoid intracellular accumulation that correlated with poor fitness. Simultaneous expression of a feedback inhibition resistant aspartate kinase and lysine transporter were sufficient for high productivities, but this was also met with a decreased chlorophyll content and reduced growth rates. Increasing the reductant supply by using NH4+, a more reduced nitrogen source relative to NO3-, resulted in a two-fold increase in productivity directing 18% of fixed carbon to lysine. Given this advantage, we demonstrated lysine production from media formulated with a municipal wastewater treatment sidestream as a nutrient source for increased economic and environmental sustainability. Based on our results, we project that Synechococcus sp. strain PCC 7002 could produce lysine at areal productivities approaching that of sugar cane to lysine via fermentation using non-agricultural lands and low-cost feedstocks.  相似文献   

The Gram-positive bacterium Corynebacterium glutamicum is used for the industrial production of amino acids, e.g. of l-glutamate and l-lysine. In the last 10 years, genetic engineering and amplification of relevant structural genes have become fascinating methods for the construction of strains with desired genotypes. By cloning and expressing the various genes of the l-lysine pathway in C. glutamicum we could demonstrate that an increase of the flux of l-aspartate semialdehyde to l-lysine could be obtained in strains with increased dehydrodipicolinate synthase activity. By combined overexpression of deregulated aspartate kinase and dihydrodipicolinate synthase, the l-lysine secretion could be increased (10–20%). Recently we detected that in C. glutamicum two pathways exist for the synthesis of dl-diaminopimelate and l-lysine. Mutants defective in one pathway are still able to synthesize enough l-lysine for growth, but the l-lysine secretion is reduced to 50–70%. Using NMR spectroscopy, we could calculate how much of the l-lysine secreted into the medium is synthesized via each pathway. Amplification of the feedback inhibition-insensitive homoserine dehydrogenase and homoserine kinase in a high l-lysine overproducing strain enabled channelling of the carbon flow from the intermediate aspartate semialdehyde towards homoserine, resulting in a high accumulation of l-threonine. For a further flux from l-threonine to l-isoleucine the allosteric control of threonine dehydratase must be eliminated. In addition to all steps considered so far to be important for amino acid overproduction, the secretion into the culture medium also has to be noted. Recently it could be demonstrated that l-glutamate, l-lysine and l-isoleucine are not secreted via passive diffusion but via specific active carrier systems. Analysis of lysine-overproducing C. glutamicum strains indicates that this secretion carrier has a strong influence on the overproduction of this amino acid. Thus, for the construction of strong amino acid overproducing strains by using the gene cloning techniques, the overexpression of the genes for the export systems also seems necessary.  相似文献   

Corynebacterium glutamicum with the ability to simultaneously utilize glucose/pentose mixed sugars was metabolically engineered to overproduce shikimate, a valuable hydroaromatic compound used as a starting material for the synthesis of the anti-influenza drug oseltamivir. To achieve this, the shikimate kinase and other potential metabolic activities for the consumption of shikimate and its precursor dehydroshikimate were inactivated. Carbon flux toward shikimate synthesis was enhanced by overexpression of genes for the shikimate pathway and the non-oxidative pentose phosphate pathway. Subsequently, to improve the availability of the key aromatics precursor phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) toward shikimate synthesis, the PEP: sugar phosphotransferase system (PTS) was inactivated and an endogenous myo-inositol transporter IolT1 and glucokinases were overexpressed. Unexpectedly, the resultant non-PTS strain accumulated 1,3-dihydroxyacetone (DHA) and glycerol as major byproducts. This observation and metabolome analysis identified glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH)-catalyzed reaction as a limiting step in glycolysis. Consistently, overexpression of GAPDH significantly stimulated both glucose consumption and shikimate production. Blockage of the DHA synthesis further improved shikimate yield. We applied an aerobic, growth-arrested and high-density cell reaction to the shikimate production by the resulting strain and notably achieved the highest shikimate titer (141 g/l) and a yield (51% (mol/mol)) from glucose reported to date after 48 h in minimal medium lacking nutrients required for cell growth. Moreover, comparable shikimate productivity could be attained through simultaneous utilization of glucose, xylose, and arabinose, enabling efficient shikimate production from lignocellulosic feedstocks. These findings demonstrate that C. glutamicum has significant potential for the production of shikimate and derived aromatic compounds.  相似文献   

Protocatechuic acid (3, 4-dihydroxybenzoic acid, PCA) is a natural bioactive phenolic acid potentially valuable as a pharmaceutical raw material owing to its diverse pharmacological activities. Corynebacterium glutamicum forms PCA as a key intermediate in a native pathway to assimilate shikimate/quinate through direct conversion of the shikimate pathway intermediate 3-dehydroshikimate (DHS), which is catalyzed by qsuB-encoded DHS dehydratase (the DHS pathway). PCA can also be formed via an alternate pathway extending from chorismate by introducing heterologous chorismate pyruvate lyase that converts chorismate into 4-hydroxybenzoate (4-HBA), which is then converted into PCA catalyzed by endogenous 4-HBA 3-hydroxylase (the 4-HBA pathway). In this study, we generated three plasmid-free C. glutamicum strains overproducing PCA based on the markerless chromosomal recombination by engineering each or both of the above mentioned two PCA-biosynthetic pathways combined with engineering of the host metabolism to enhance the shikimate pathway flux and to block PCA consumption. Aerobic growth-arrested cell reactions were performed using the resulting engineered strains, which revealed that strains dependent on either the DHS or 4-HBA pathway as the sole PCA-biosynthetic route produced 43.8 and 26.2 g/L of PCA from glucose with a yield of 35.3% and 10.0% (mol/mol), respectively, indicating that PCA production through the DHS pathway is significantly efficient compared to that produced through the 4-HBA pathway. Remarkably, a strain simultaneously using both DHS and 4-HBA pathways achieved the highest reported PCA productivity of 82.7 g/L with a yield of 32.8% (mol/mol) from glucose in growth-arrested cell reaction. These results indicated that simultaneous engineering of both DHS and 4-HBA pathways is an efficient method for PCA production. The generated PCA-overproducing strain is plasmid-free and does not require supplementation of aromatic amino acids and vitamins due to the intact shikimate pathway, thereby representing a promising platform for the industrial bioproduction of PCA and derived chemicals from renewable sugars.  相似文献   

By complementation analysis of an isoleucine-uptake-deficient Escherichia coli strain, it was shown that a 1.6-kb HindIII-StuI fragment of Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC 13032, located downstream of the aecD gene, encodes an isoleucine uptake system. Sequence analysis revealed that the complementing fragment carried an open reading frame, termed brnQ, that encodes a protein with sequence similarities to branched-chain amino acid carriers of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. The brnQ gene specifies a predominantly hydrophobic protein of 426 amino acid residues with a calculated molecular mass of 44.9 kDa. A topology prediction by neural network computer analysis suggests the existence of 12 hydrophobic segments that most probably form transmembrane α-helices. A C. glutamicum mutant strain harboring a defined deletion of brnQ in the chromosome showed a considerably lower isoleucine uptake rate of 0.04 nmol min–1 mg (dry mass)–1 as compared to the wild-type strain rate of 1.2 nmol min–1 mg (dry mass)–1. Overexpression of brnQ by means of a tac promotor resulted in an elevated uptake rate for isoleucine of 11.3 nmol min–1 mg (dry mass)–1. Evidently, the brnQ gene encodes the only transport system in C. glutamicum directing isoleucine uptake. Received: 16 October 1997 / Accepted: 27 November 1997  相似文献   

Application of a high-sensitivity microbore system designed to separate and quantify nonderivatized amino acids by anion exchange chromatography and amperometric detection for determination of amino acid-specific activities in biological samples requires high capacity to recover sufficient labeled material for adequate count statistics. Scale up from a low (25-1000 pmol) to a high (500-15,000 pmol) working range was achieved by use of a thick working electrode gasket to reduce sensitivity and eliminate peak splitting and tailing and by modification of the wash procedure to eliminate carryover. Analysis of recoveries of labeled amino acids revealed that specific amino acids are either selectively retained on the column or partially degraded during analysis and that assessment of purities of labeled compounds and metabolic labeling patterns requires careful analysis of recoveries of labeled compounds in the appropriate eluate fraction.  相似文献   

We studied the production of L-lysine in Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC 21543 non growing cells obtained by nutrient limitation. Statistical analysis revealed significant differences in the L-lysine titers of glucose, gluconic acid or glucose-gluconic acid cultures. Higher L-lysine titer obtained in batch cultures with mixed carbon sources or gluconic acid alone were found to be associated with a high 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase activity (6PGDH, E.C. This enzyme is a pivotal enzyme within the hexose monophosphate pathway, and thus of importance for L-lysine production. 6PGDH was purified and characterized. The purified enzyme migrates as a single band on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis with a molecular mass of 52.5 kDa. The molecular mass of the native enzyme was estimated to be 120 kDa by molecular exclusion chromatography, thus suggesting a homodimeric structure. The amino terminal sequence shows a strong similarity (a match of 86% of the first 20 amino acid) to the 6PGDH from other microorganisms such as, E. coli and B. subtilis. The pI of the dimeric native enzyme and the optimum pH were 6.2 and 8.0, respectively. For the oxidative decarboxylation of 6-phosphogluconate, Km of 71 μM and 43 μM were obtained for 6-phosphogluconate and NADP+, respectively.  相似文献   

In a previous work, we have investigated the effect of amplifying individually the genes of the threonine biosynthetic pathway on threonine accumulation by yeast. Here, we present the results of the simultaneous amplification of these genes in strains with different genetic backgrounds. These strains carry a mutant HOM3-R2 allele (coding for a feedback-insensitive aspartate kinase), and/or a mutant cha1 allele that makes it defective in threonine degradation by the catabolic L-serine (L-threonine) deaminase. The results show that the amplification of the clustered genes affects threonine and homoserine accumulation only when it includes the HOM3 gene, or when combined with a HOM3-R2 mutation. Similarly, the cha1 mutation is only effective when a certain amount of threonine is reached. Threonine overproduction affects other cellular functions such as the accumulation of other amino acids, the cell growth and metabolite excretion, probably reflecting a redirection of the carbon flux in the central metabolism.  相似文献   

Sixth generation of mutant maize seed homozygous for lysine plus threonine resistancewhich was derived from the resistant callus cultures has been harvested. The resistance could be inherited stably. The fertility, however, was very poor. The resistant homozygotes have been obtained by backcross of the wild type with the resistant plants (W77-R3019 ×R0), and their fertility could be parlty recovered after selection for the resistant plants from backcross progenies. Genetic analysis showed that the resistance inherited as a single dominant nuclear allele. All of the free amino acids except phenylalan inc in the homozygote are increased by 4 folds. and free essential amino acids by 5 folds which are higher than those in the wild types. Total amino acids increased by 5.53%. The dramatic increase (11 times) in free threonine adds up the total threonine by 17.73%. Difference of the protein content between the homozygote and wild type was not obvious. These results show that selection for the resistance to lysine plus threonine in maize and other cereals is probably very useful for improving their value of protein nutrition.  相似文献   

Summary The activities of the transport systems A, B° and XAG- are induced by various forms of stress in renal epithelial cells. Amino acid deprivation induces System A and XAG- in a protein-synthesis dependent process. In the case of System XAG- evidence is presented that induction of transport does not involve an increase in the amount of mRNA for the transporter or of the amount of transport protein. Preliminary evidence for the existence of a novel glycoprotein which is induced in parallel to the induction of these transport systems is presented. It is suggested that the induction of amino acid transport proteins and of some of the so-called stress proteins may be triggered by a common molecular mechanism.  相似文献   

Summary Commercially obtained cystine binding protein (CBP), an osmotic shock protein ofEscherichia coli, was studied in an effort to determine its binding characteristics. Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS/PAGE) analysis of commercially obtained CBP showed three protein bands. N-terminal amino acid microsequencing and subsequent computer search revealed that the sequence of one of these proteins (25-kDa) was nearly identical to histidine binding protein (HisJ) ofSalmonella typhimurium. Purification of CBP by HPLC yielded four protein peaks, of which one bound histidine exclusively. Binding was maximal at pH 5.0 to 6.0, at 4°C, did not require calcium or magnesium ions and was not inhibited by reduction of CBP disulfide bonds. Amino acids other than histidine or cystine did not bind to CBP. These data show that commercially available CBP is not a homogenous protein; it contains a histidine as well as a cystine binding component.  相似文献   

Based on the report that the introduction of the biosynthetic precursor of lincomycin, propylproline, could increase the production of lincomycin (Bruce et al. in US Patent 3,753,859, 1973), a mutant strain pro10–20, with resistance of feedback suppression of proline (an analog of propylproline) was thus selected and lincomycin production increased by 10%. The addition of three amino acids (l-proline, l-tyrosine, l-alanine) which are the precursors of propylproline to the fermentation medium was found to enhance the accumulation of l-dopa through different pathways and was favorable to lincomycin biosynthesis. The production of lincomycin was increased by 23, 10, 13%, respectively, with the addition of 0.05 g L−1 l-proline at 60 h, 0.005 g L−1 l-tyrosine and 0.1 g L−1 l-alanine directly in the medium.  相似文献   

Summary Taurine transport was measured in cultured epithelial cells-LLC-PK1 and MDCK-grown on permeable membrane supports. Taurine transport by LLC-PK1 cells was greater on the apical surface compared to the basolateral surface. MDCK cells exhibited greater taurine uptake from the basolateral side. Transepithelial taurine flux was in the direction of apical to basolateral in the LLC-PK1 monolayers. There was no net transepithelial movement of taurine in the MDCK monolayers. Efflux of taurine from the apical and the basolateral membrane surfaces of LLC-PK1 cell monolayers was stimulated by external-alanine but not L-alanine. Efflux of taurine from MDCK cell monolayers was stimulated by-alanine on the basolateral surface. While the competitive inhibitor guainidinoeithane sulfonate (GES) competitively inhibited taurine uptake to a similar degree on the apical and basolateral surface of LLC-PK1 cell monolayers, GES had a more potent inhibitory effect on the basolateral taurine uptake in MDCK cells when compared to its inhibition of apical taurine transport. We conclude that there are characteristic differences in transport of taurine by apical and basolateral surfaces of LLC-PK1 and MDCK cells which may be the consequence of asymmetric distribution or unique structural properties of the taurine transporter.Supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Health (DK 37223), the American Heart Association (92-004470).  相似文献   

Summary Production of lysine byAzotobacter chroococcum strain H23 was studied in chemically-defined media amended with different concentrations of alachlor, metolachlor, 2,4-D, 2,4,5-T and 2,3,6-TBA. The presence of 5, 10, and 50g/ml of alachlor or 2,3,6-TBA significantly decreased quantitative production of lysine. However, the presence 2,4-D or 2,4,5-T at concentrations of 10 and 50g/ml enhanced the production of lysine. Quantitative production of lysine was not affected as consequence of the addition of metolachlor to the culture medium, showing that the release lysine to the culture media byA. chroococcum was not affected by that herbicide.  相似文献   

Effects of Free Fatty Acids on Synaptosomal Amino Acid Uptake Systems   总被引:3,自引:11,他引:3  
Abstract: The Na+-dependent synaptosomal uptakes of proline, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, and γ-aminobutyric acid were strongly inhibited by monounsaturated fatty acids. With oleic acid, half-maximal inhibition was observed at about 15 μM. The Na+-independent uptakes of leucine, phenylalanine, histidine, and valine were less sensitive to inhibition by the unsaturated fatty acids. In contrast, the uptakes of all of these amino acids were unaffected by saturated fatty acids. The inhibition of proline uptake (and that of the other Na+-dependent amino acids) by oleic acid was overcome by the addition of serum albumin and the data presented further indicate that the previously reported stimulation of proline uptake by albumin could be related to its fatty acid binding properties.  相似文献   

植物种子油合成的调控与遗传修饰   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植物种子油含有多种脂肪酸,是一种重要的种子贮藏化舍物。种子油既是人类的食品,又是重要的工业原料。代谢物组学的发展加深了对种子油生物合成途径的全景式认识,应用基因工程改良种子油品质和价值的研究已取得长足的进展。本文分析了种子油及脂肪酸合成调控机制的复杂性,论述了转基因提高种子油及高营养品质脂肪酸含量和培育能大量合成积累工业用脂肪酸的油料作物的技术策略、存在问题和发展前景。  相似文献   

Summary A method of ion exchange column chromatography was developed for the determination of D- and L-amino acids in the form of diastereomeric dipeptide. First the protein containing samples were hydrolyzed with 6 molar hydrochloric acid, then the single amino acids were separated in an LKB automated amino acid analyzer with the LKB fraction collector. Following lyophilization, the single amino acids were transformed into alanyl dipeptides with tertiary-butyloxycarbonil-L-alanine-N-hydroxy-succinimide (t-BOC-L-Ala-ONSu) active ester. The alanyl dipeptides were easily separated from one another and the initial amino acids. Determination of the D- and L-amino acids in this form is relatively accurate and reproducible but takes some time (33–38 min). Accuracy of the determination is satisfactory. The coefficient of variation amounts to 3–5%. The use of the method is suggested to laboratories having an amino acid analyzer and wish to determine D-and L-amino acids in synthetic-amino acids complements, peptides or natural materials.  相似文献   

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