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The interaction between the third-order T suppressor (Ts3) cell and the idiotype (Id)-specific second-order Ts factor (TsF2) was studied in the phenyltrimethylamino (TMA) hapten system. The experimental system which we used allowed the independent analysis of induction and activation requirements of Ts3. The procedure consisted of inducing the Ts3 in vivo and activating the enriched T-cell populations containing Ts3 in vitro with TsF2. The suppressive potential was then tested in mice previously primed for delayed-type hypersensitivity responses which were also treated with cyclophosphamide to deplete Ts3 and other drug-sensitive Ts cell types. Using this experimental system, it was found that the Id-specific TsF2 was required for the in vitro activation of Ts3. Furthermore, the TsF2 activated only the homologous and not heterologous antigen-primed Ts3-containing T cells and moreover, the target of TsF2 was found to be the Ts cells bearing hapten-specific receptors. Once the TMA hapten-specific Ts3 was activated with TsF2, the ensuing suppression was antigen nonspecific. The data demonstrate that the Ts3 represents a final effector Ts cell type in the TMA system.  相似文献   

Interleukin 2 induction of antigen-nonspecific suppressor cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although Interleukin 2 (IL-2) is essential to the generation of immune responses it may also be important as a regulator of these same responses, as both primary and secondary anti-SRBC responses are greatly diminished when IL-2 is included in culture. IL-2 must be present within the first 24 hr of culture to affect maximum suppression. This inhibition is mediated by suppressor cells which are expanded by pulsing spleen cells with IL-2 for 48-72 hr. Their development is not antigen dependent and their action is antigen nonspecific. Suppressor cell activity can be generated from either naive or primed animals which are equally effective in inhibiting primary or secondary anti-SRBC responses. Suppressor cells can be propagated for long periods of time in T-cell growth factor-containing medium. These long-term cultured cells retain the ability to inhibit various immune responses such as mitogen- and alloantigen-induced proliferation, the generation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes and humoral responses. These cells suppress these responses by absorbing IL-2, as demonstrated by their ability to remove IL-2 upon incubation at 4 degrees C, and the reversal of suppression by the addition of supraoptimal amounts of IL-2.  相似文献   

The administration of azobenzenearsonate-modified syngeneic spleen cells (ABA-SC) intravenously induces a population of first order hapten-specific inducer suppressor T cells (Ts1), which downregulate various aspects of T-cell-mediated immune responses via a well defined suppressor-T-cell pathway. In this study, we investigated the effects of these suppressor cells on the generation of ABA-specific cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) and helper T cells (Th) in vivo. We found evidence for functional impairment of ABA-activated Th and ABA-specific CTL precursors (CTLp) in the suppressed animals by a number of different in vitro criteria. Functional analysis of ABA-specific CTLp and ABA-activated Th in suppressed animals revealed that ABA-specific Ts inhibit the generation of CTL by impairing the antigen-specific activation of Th, which may in turn, prevent the clonal expansion of antigen-specific CTLp. The significance of these findings in relationship to our understanding of the cellular interactions necessary for the generation of CTL and the mode of action and mechanisms of suppressor T cells is discussed.  相似文献   

Monoclonal nonspecific suppressor factor (MNSF), a lymphokine produced by murine T cell hybridoma, possesses a pleiotropic antigen-nonspecific suppressive function. We have shown that 70 kDa MNSF comprises an 8 kDa ubiquitin-like polypeptide (Ubi-L) and 62 kDa T cell receptor (TCR) alpha-like molecule. Ubi-L binds specifically to its 82 kDa receptor protein on target cells. In the current study, we have further characterized the biochemical nature of the TCR(alpha)-like molecule. The 62 kDa protein was separated into two species of 46 kDa and 16 kDa on reverse-phase HPLC. Anti-TCR(alpha) monoclonal antibody recognized the 46 kDa, but not the 16 kDa protein. Anti-TCRbeta monoclonal antibody failed to recognize these proteins. Ubi-L conjugated to the 46 kDa protein, whereas Ubi-L lacking its C-terminal Gly-Gly did not. Although Ubi-L was labile both to heating at 56 degrees C and to acidification to pH 4, the Ubi-L-46 kDa protein complex was unaffected by these treatments. In addition, the 46 kDa protein elongated the Ubi-L-induced protein tyrosine phosphorylation in a concanavalin A-activated murine T helper type 2 clone, D10 cells. One of the four tryptic peptide sequences derived from the 46 kDa protein was in alignment with a related sequence found in the J(alpha) region of the TCR(alpha), including the highly conserved motif F-G-X-G-T-X-L.  相似文献   

Previous experiments have demonstrated that feedback suppression of murine antibody responses occurs in vitro after exposure of unprimed T-cell subsets to suppression-inducing signals from primed cells, resulting in suppression of primary and secondary IgM as well as IgG anti-SRBC responses. However, following priming with antigen when cells appear which are capable of inducing feedback suppression, the ability of unfractionated splenic T-cell populations to mediate detectable feedback suppression in vitro rapidly disappears, suggesting that priming alters the expression of feedback suppression at the same time as providing for its induction. In the present study, we have succeeded in isolating active feedback suppressor T-cell precursors (preTs) in the Ly 1+2+ and L3T4- T-cell populations from SRBC-primed as well as from unprimed mice, demonstrating that preTs are not lost after priming. The preTs isolated from primed mice resemble those isolated from unprimed mice in Ly and L3T4 phenotype, cell dose requirements, kinetics, level of suppression, and requirement for in vitro activation by primed cells. These results imply that antigen priming neither significantly depresses nor enhances the ability of Ly 1+2+ preTs to participate in feedback suppression and that activated suppressor effector cells are not detectable in the Ly 1+2+ splenic T-cell subset. Priming does, however, induce an enhancing activity in Ly 2-, L3T4+ T cells which appears to compete with feedback suppression and thus may account for the absence of detectable feedback suppression when unfractionated T cells from primed mice are the only source of preTs.  相似文献   

Stimulated lymphocytes are capable of synthesizing and secreting a variety of lymphokines which can affect the functions of several types of target cells. We report here the existence of a soluble factor released by activated human mononuclear leukocytes which produces a selective inhibition of human pulmonary fibroblast migration. This fibroblast migration inhibitory factor (FIF) was produced by antigen- or mitogen-stimulated human peripheral blood mononuclear leukocytes (PBML) and purified T cells. It inhibited the migration of 51Cr-labeled fibroblasts in a dose-dependent fashion with optimal effect (65–70% inhibition) obtained at 1:10 dilution and 8–20 hr of incubation. Sephadex G-100 fractionation revealed most activity to be found between 28,000 and 34,000 daltons. FIF was stable at 56 °C for 15 min, but destroyed at 80 °C or at low pH. This factor may play an important role in the modulation of fibrogenesis and healing processes by the immune system.  相似文献   

Human antibody-forming cells were demonstrated by a plaque in agar technique following in vitro stimulation with either pokeweed mitogen or Cowan I strain of protein A-positive Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. We evaluated the effects on this antibody formation caused by the addition of cells which had been stimulated with PH A or Con A. Both Con A and PHA cells harvested after 3 days showed strong inhibition of pokeweed-induced plaque formation. The majority of the suppression could be accounted for by a blast fraction separated on 1g sedimentation gradients from the Con A or PHA cultures. Small cells from such cultures showed inhibition of PFC when added at high ratios (1:2), but this suppressive activity diluted out much more rapidly than that of the blast cells. No helper activity was noted with either small cells or blasts. Our studies indicate a T-cell blast as the suppressive fraction in Con A- or PHA-stimulated human lymphoid cells. While this T-cell suppression applies to T-dependent responses such as antibody stimulation with pokeweed mitogen, it does not have a substantial effect on Cowan I-induced plaque-forming responses. The finding that Cowan I-induced plaques could not be inhibited by Con A or PHA blasts indicates the T independence of this response.  相似文献   

Allogeneic Con A induced suppressor cells differing in the I and S region but not H-2K or H-2D regions were as efficient as syngeneic cells in suppressing the secondary IgM and IgG response to burro erythrocytes. Con A activated suppressor cells were not sensitive to anti-Ia serum and complement. However, if the spleen cell population was treated with anti-Ia serum and complement before stimulation with Con A, suppressor cells were not generated.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that macrophage-like accessory cells are involved in suppressor T cell (Ts) induction. To further analyze this issue, we obtained several cloned macrophage hybridoma cell lines by somatic cell fusion of the macrophage tumor P388D1 of DBA/2 (H-2d) origin with splenic adherent cells of CKB mice (H-2k). Several cloned lines displayed the serological and functional characteristics of macrophages. We evaluated the ability of these hybridomas to induce third order or effector Ts (Ts3) to suppress the contact sensitivity response against the hapten 4-hydroxy-3-nitrophenyl acetyl (NP). In contrast to the parental P388D1 and two other macrophage hybridomas, one macrophage hybridoma clone, termed 63, when conjugated with NP, induced Ts3, which suppressed contact sensitivity responses against NP but not DNFB, showing that the Ts3 were antigen specific. Macrophage hybridoma 63 could specifically induce Ts3 activity in either H-2k, H-2d, or H-2k/H-2d heterozygous hosts. Thus, macrophage hybridoma 63 functionally expressed major histocompatibility complex-related restricting determinants, and the fusion with cells from a H-2k macrophage donor caused a functional complementation of H-2d-related, Ts-inducing elements. The genetic restriction governing induction of Ts3 was controlled by genes that mapped to I-J region. Furthermore, NP-conjugated macrophage hybridoma 63 could serve as a target for elicitation of suppressor responses after administration of I-Jk, but not I-Jb, restricted suppressor factor. The data suggest that macrophage hybridomas represent a means to dissect heterogeneity within the macrophage population. The data also imply that the I-J determinants expressed on macrophages represent a ligand for the antigen receptor of Ts.  相似文献   

We have previously characterized a macrophage hybridoma clone, termed clone 59, which induced immunity but consistently failed to induce Ts responses. Macrophage 59 cells were cultured with supernatants from several activated T cell clones to determine if lymphokines could modulate the activity of this macrophage hybridoma to generate effector Ts. Culture supernatants from Th1 clones and from one atypical IL-4 and IFN-gamma-producing T cell clone successfully modulated clone 59 cells to induce effector Ts cells. In contrast, supernatants from activated Th2 cells failed to generate Ts-inducing activity in macrophage 59 cells. Culture with recombinant derived IFN-gamma was sufficient to cause modulation of Ts-inducing activity in macrophage 59 cells. The data imply that the differential functional activities ascribed to various macrophage hybridoma clones reflect macrophage heterogeneity instead of independent macrophage lineages. The suppression induced by clone 59 macrophages was genetically restricted to the putative I-J region. The ability of IFN-gamma containing supernatants to endow macrophage 59 with the capacity to induce effector suppressor cells was specifically abrogated by addition of an anti-IJk-idiotype antibody, which also reacts with IJ-interaction molecules, indicating that the mechanism of modulation most likely involves expression of IJ-interaction molecule determinants on antigen presenting cells.  相似文献   

A culture system has been developed which allows segregation of individual clones of cytotoxic lymphocytes (CLs). When CBA, DBA, or (CBA × DBA)F1 spleen cells from adult mice were cultured, clones of CLs able to lyse P815 target cells were generated in the absence of stimulating cells. The effector cells are sensitive to anti-Thy-1 serum and include cells with anti-self reactivity. The maximum number of CL clones was detected on Day 4, while the largest size of clones occurred 1 or 2 days later. In contrast to stimulated cultures, there was a nonlinear relationship between the number of clones and the concentration of spleen cells in the culture. The generation of spontaneous cytotoxicity is a characteristic of adult spleens and does not develop until mice are 4 weeks old.  相似文献   

Acute and chronic graft-vs-host disease (GVHD) due to non-MHC histocompatibility differences differ histopathologically. Acute GVHD is characterized by the cytotoxic destruction of recipient tissues, whereas chronic GVHD is characterized by increased collagen deposition. In an attempt to determine if acute and chronic GVHD represent two phases of the same pathophysiologic process or two distinct processes, the T lymphocytes from the C57BL/6 (B6) recipients of LP spleen cells (non-H-2 GVHD) have been cloned and compared to clones from immune mice (LP anti-B6). Acute GVHD (G) clones were established on day 10-14 posttransplant and chronic GVHD (CG) clones on day 50 from animals with clinical chronic GVHD. Immune (I) clones were established 10 to 14 days after immunization. All I clones exhibited B6-specific blastogenesis and cytotoxicity and had a Thy-1.2+, Lyt-2.2+, L3T4- phenotype. All CG clones were noncytotoxic, had I-Ab-specific blastogenesis, and had a Thy-1.2+, Lyt-2.2-, L3T4+ phenotype. The acute GVHD (G) clones were heterogeneous. Fourteen of 23 clones exhibited B6-specific blastogenesis and had a Lyt-2.2+, L3T4- phenotype (B6-G clones). Seven of 9 B6-G clones were cytotoxic for B6 targets. Nine of 23 G clones exhibited I-Ab-specific blastogenesis, and all but one clone had a Lyt-2.2-, L3T4+ phenotype as the did CG clones. Thus, the principal clonogenic T lymphocytes from mice with acute and chronic GVHD differ in terms of 1) their antigenic specificity, 2) their cytotoxic capacity, and 3) their surface phenotype. The presence of I-Ab-specific T lymphocytes with a phenotype identical to CG clones early after transplantation suggests that the immunologic events that result in chronic GVHD begin soon after transplantation. These results indicate that acute GVHD is due primarily to recipient-specific cytotoxic donor T lymphocytes, whereas chronic GVHD is due to autoreactive helper T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Small numbers of appropriately stimulated (but not resident) peritoneal macrophages in the rat are shown to inhibit mitogen induced lymphocyte proliferation. A variety of in vivo and in vitro cell selection/fractionation procedures applied to the indicator (lymphocyte) population indicates that the cytostatic potential of the macrophages is not expressed spontaneously in vitro, but is dependent upon the activity of a second “regulator” cell from the lymphocyte population. The latter cell is shown to be large, long lived, and recirculating, highly sensitive to anti-thymocyte serum and cyclophosphamide, insensitive to irradiation, indomethacin, and mitomycin C, adherent to glass wool, and to survive poorly in culture—it is most active in vivo in the early neonatal period, contributing significantly to the lack of demonstrable PHA-responsiveness in splenocyte cultures from new born rats. A similar cell (nominal suppressor T cell) is shown to appear in lymph nodes during primary immune responses to soluble antigen.  相似文献   

H-Y-specific and H-2Db-restricted, Lyt-1-2+ T-cell clones ( CTLL ) with graded specific cytotoxic activities on male C57BL/6 (B6) target cells ( 1E3 , ; 2C5 , ++; 2A5 , +, 3E6 , +/-) were tested for their capacity to inhibit the generation of H-Y-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) in vitro. Addition of irradiated lymphocytes of CTLL 1E3 and CTLL 3E6 but not those of CTLL 2A5 or CTLL 2C5 abolished the generation of CTL from in vivo primed H-Y-specific precursor cells (CTLP) when added to fresh mixed-lymphocyte cultures (MLC). Exogenous sources of T-cell growth factors (TCGF) did not overcome suppression. Rather the presence of TCGF resulted in a further enhancement of suppressive activities in CTLL 1E3 and 3E6 and the induction of similar activities in cells from CTLL 2A5 and 2C5 , which by themselves were not inhibitory. Moreover when added to similar MLC on Day 1 instead of Day 0, only irradiated cells of CTLL 3E6 but not those of the other three CTLL were suppressive. Induction of suppressive activities in H-Y-specific CTLL was independent of the appropriate male stimulator cells since it was also observed in MLC induced by irrelevant antigens (H-2, trinitrophenol). Furthermore at low cell numbers, irradiated lymphocytes from any of the CTLL consistently enhanced CTL activities generated from H-Y-specific CTLP. This augmenting activity, which was not TCGF, could be transferred by soluble mediators present in antigen-sensitized CTLL cultures. Thus, these data indicate (i) that cytotoxic effector cells can function as suppressor cells in the generation of CTL, (ii) that the cytotoxic activity of cloned CTL does not correlate with their capacity to suppress CTL responses, (iii) that the inhibition of CTL responses by CTLL is not due to simple consumption of T-cell growth factors produced in MLC, and (iv) that different CTL clones may interfere with the generation of CTL at different stages of their maturation. Moreover, the experiments suggest an antigen-independent enhancement of suppression by the interaction of CTL with lymphokines. Together with the augmenting activity evoked by cloned CTL the data provide strong evidence for the expression of multiple immunological functions by one particular subset of T cells and suggest that cytotoxic effector cells can differentially regulate the maturation and/or clonal expression of their precursor cells.  相似文献   

Spleen cells obtained from mice 5 to 40 days after infection with viable BCG organisms (BCG-spleens) were found to be unresponsive in vitro to both mitogenic and alloantigenic stimuli. Moreover, suppressor cells could be demonstrated in the spleens from these infected animals. When spleen cells from BCG-infected mice were added to either syngeneic or allogeneic normal spleen cells, the mixtures neither proliferated nor developed cytotoxic activity when cultured with alloantigen or with concanavalin A (Con A). The development of unresponsiveness post-infection paralleled the onset of suppressive activity. Spleen cells obtained from mice given heat-killed BCG were neither suppressive nor unresponsive. The suppressive activity of BCG-spleen cells was associated with an adherent, phagocytic cell that lacked membrane-associated Thy-1 antigen. Removal of this cell by passage through nylon wool columns resulted in a cell population that was no longer capable of suppression and that responded normally to alloantigen and to Con A. It would thus appear that BCG infection results in the development of a "suppressor" macrophage-like cell population within the spleen. The role of this cell type in regulation of the immune response in BCG-infected animals is as yet undefined.  相似文献   

A clonal approach was used to investigate the cellular basis of a T cell response to single minor histocompatibility antigens (miHA). This analysis was performed by functional and immunogenetic characterization of a large number of clones derived from short-term mixed leukocyte culture (MLC) populations generated against the miHA, H-1.3. Forty-nine clones isolated from such MLC were specifically cytolytic for H-1.3-bearing, H-2Db-compatible target cells. Thirty-seven of the 49 cytolytic clones were driven to proliferate when stimulated by spleen cells bearing the H-1.3 alloantigen in the absence of added T cell-derived growth factor(s) (GF). The remaining 12 clones proliferated only when GF was added. A strong positive correlation was observed between antigen-induced proliferation and the production of interleukin 2 (IL 2) activity. A similar correlation was observed when comparing the ability of both antigen and concanavalin A to induce IL 2 activity from the clones. These data suggest that i) antigen-driven or helper T cell-independent cytolytic T cells (HITc) are frequent components of an MLC response to a single miHA, and ii) the ability of HITc to undergo antigen-driven proliferation is related to their ability to produce antigen-induced GF.  相似文献   

Regulatory T cells can be obtained from primary mixed lymphocyte cultures of CBA spleen cells responding to BALB/c stimulators. At day 3 of culture, T cells are generated which can either help or suppress the generation of cytotoxic T cells in a second primary MLC culture. The regulatory activity observed depends on the conditions employed in the assay system allowing independent assay of different functional cell types which coexist in the cultures. Both the helper activity and the suppressor activity are mediated by differentiated antigen-specific T cells whose function is radioresistant. The Ly phenotype of these regulatory cells was tested. At day 3 of the first-step culture, the phenotype of the helper cells is Ly 1.1+ Ly 2.1-, whereas the inhibitory cells are Ly 1.1 Ly 2.1+. At day 5 of M LC culture, suppressor activity and helper activity are also observed. However, at this point, a suppressor cell which is Ly 1.1-Ly 2.1+ represents the major inhibitory activity. It is not clear whether this change in suppressor cell phenotype as a function of time in culture represents one differentiation pathway or cells derived from two different precursor cells. The Ly phenotype of helper or cytotoxic T cells did not change as a function of time in culture. In day 5 first-step cells, the cytotoxic cells were typed as Ly 1.1+ 2.1+, whereas the inhibitory cells present in aliquots of the same treated cell population expressed the Ly 1.1- Ly 2.1 phenotype. Taken together, these observations show that the antigen-specific suppressor cells and helper cells which regulate the generation of cytotoxicity, and the cytotoxic cells themselves represent physically distinct subclasses of T cells.  相似文献   

Human peripheral blood lymphocytes were stimulated by concanavalin A (Con A) and then evaluated by their suppressive activity for thymus-derived (T) cell- and bone marrow-derived (B) cell-proliferative responses to mitogen and allogeneic cells. Con A-activated T cells markedly suppressed these responses, but Con A-activated B cells failed to demonstrate suppressor activity. Discontinuous bovine serum albumin (BSA) density gradient separation of T cells which had been activated by Con A demonstrated that a fraction containing blast cells as well as fractions containing unproliferated cells manifest the same degree of suppressor capabilities. However, when density gradient separation of T cells followed by subsequent incubation with Con A was performed, fractions of proliferating cells of low density exhibited no suppression; a fraction containing high density T cells produced marked suppression, but this fraction incorporated only little thymidine in response to Con A. Thus, these studies indicate that Con A-induced suppressor T cells belong to a distinctive subpopulation which has already been programmed to express this function before exposure to Con A and that cell proliferation may not be a prerequisite for the development of such suppressor T cells.  相似文献   

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