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Summary Chondrocytes of the rat epiglottis contain large amounts of glycogen and lipids, which often make the cells resemble fat cells. The content of lipids is interpreted as being related to the function of the cells. The membranes of some of the large vacuoles are stained with ruthenium red. The cells give rise to long cytoplasmic processes. As in hyaline cartilage the intercellular substance consists of a fine network containing proteoglycan granules together with thicker cross striated fibers. Furthermore elastic fibers are found, consisting of amorphous and microfibrillar parts. In the matrix, both lysosome-like granules and more or less empty vesicles are observed. Accumulations of a finely particulate electron dense material and of a translucent amorphous material containing membrane bound granules are found in some lacunae situated in the outer part of the cartilage. These accumulations are possibly related to the development of collagenous and elastic fibers.  相似文献   

The cartilage in the external ear of the rat belongs to the group of secondary cartilages and it has a unique structural organization. The chondrocytes are transformed into typical adipose cells, the proteoglycan cartilage matrix is reduced to thin capsules around the cells and the rest of the extracellular matrix is occupied by a network of coarse elastic fibers. It appears late in development (16-day fetus) and needs more than one month for final development. The differentiation proceeds in several steps which partly overlap: the appearance of collagen fibrils, elastin fibers, the proteoglycan matrix, and the adipose transformation of chondrocytes. The phenotype of this cartilage and the course of its differentiation are very stable, even in very atypical experimental environmental conditions. The only exceptions are explants in organ culture in vitro and perichondrial regenerates. In these conditions the development of elastic fibers is slow and poor while the production of the proteoglycan matrix is abundant. The resulting cartilage then displays structural characteristics of hyaline cartilage rather than those of the initial elastic one.  相似文献   

Summary Neural lobes from rats which had been allowed to drink hypertonic saline for five days were examined electron microscopically and by bioassay of oxytocin levels. The profound changes in the ultrastructure were examined and the reversal of these changes in morphology was followed until the hormone levels returned to normal. The recovery of the gland as measured by the two parameters of structure and hormone content indicated that the morphological recovery apparently preceded the hormone level recovery, a factor which might be explained by continued release of hormone during the period of recovery.  相似文献   

Summary Male rats were divided in two experimental groups. In group I two partes distales of the hypophysis were grafted under the kidney capsule and in group II two complete hypophyses were transplanted. Animals were killed 5 to 22 months after the operation. The grafted tissue was excised and processed for light and electron microscopy.The transplanted pars distalis tissue showed a well developed vascularisation in contrast to the pars intermedia which appeared poorly vascularised. Six different cell types were observed in grafted pars distalis. They correspond to the different types of cells found in the rat pars distalis in situ. The predominant cell type in the graft displayed all the morphological characteristics of stimulated prolactotrophs. Pars intermedia cells appeared hypertrophied resembling the MSH cells under stimulation. Two types of syncytial formations were frequently seen. One of them appeared to originate from prolactotrophs and the other from MSH cells. Bodian impregnated fibres and structures resembling either growth cones of axons or typical nerve endings were observed in the pars intermedia of long-term grafted hypophyses. Pituicytes remained as isolated clusters of cells. Canaliculi lined by two or more pituicytes were observed. Saccular formations resembling the hypophyseal cleft appeared in all grafts studied. The present findings suggest that in the male rat the chronically grafted pituitary gland is capable of synthesising most or all the hormones which are known to be produced by the gland in situ. Furthermore, prolactin and MSH seem to be the predominant secretion of the transplanted pituitary.Supported by the National Research Council of Argentina. Grant 7315/74Members of the Research Career of Conicet, Argentina  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the interstitial gland of the rat ovary was studied at estrus and on Days 4, 6, 10, 14 and 18 of pregnancy. At estrus, ovarian interstitial cells have small nuclei with dense irregular clumps of heterochromatin. Mitochondria are small and rod-shaped and have predominantely lamellar cristae. Numerous osmiophilic lipid droplets are present. At Days 4 and 6, nuclear heterochromatin is reduced, and nucleoli are larger and complex. Mitochondria are enlarged and often bizarre-shaped and have tubular cristae. Golgi and smooth endoplasmic reticulum are more conspicuous. At Day 10, prominent ultrastructural features include nuclei with conspicuous heterochromatin, smaller mitochondria with both lamellar and tubular cristae, numerous ribosomes and lipid droplets with decreased osmiophilia. At Days 14 and 18, nuclei have increased heterochromatin, mitochondria are small and have lamellated cristae and an increase in the size and number of lipid droplets occurs. These observations suggest that steroidogenic activity of interstitial cells is highest during the first half of pregnancy and regresses during the last half. It is suggested that the interstitial gland is an important ovarian source of pregnancy hormone(s) during the first half of gestation and that LH may modulate steroidogenic activity in this ovarian component.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the corneal nerves of the rat was studied in tissue fixed by immersion in and by perfusion with glutaraldehyde-containing fixatives. Of the four types of axonal terminal identified in the nerves, those with the features of adrenergic and cholinergic terminals were confined to the nerves at the limbus and were concentrated in the perivascular plexuses. The remaining two types of terminal were found on axons located in all parts of the cornea and on both intraepithelial axons and axons in the stromal nerves. Of these, one contained the numerous mitochondria which occur in the terminals of axons associated with known mechanoreceptors and the second contained variable and often small numbers of both clear and large dense-cored vesicles. While most of the mitochondria-containing terminals were seen in nerves located near the periphery, vesicle-containing terminals were numerous in all of the nerves, and especially in those in the avascular cornea. In material fixed by immersion in glutaraldehyde-paraformaldehyde, the vesicle-containing terminals appeared to be dilated, but in material fixed by perfusion there was little evidence of any increase in the diameter of the axons in the terminal regions. The structure of the terminals was compared with that of the terminals of axons identified in the nerves of the skin and the urinary tract and the differences in the vesicle content of the terminals to those reported in other studies of the corneal nerves was related to the use of different fixation procedures. The possibility that axons possessing such terminals are identical with the beaded axons and both the cholinesterase-positive and fluorescent axons demonstrated in light microscopical studies of the corneal nerves is discussed, and the widespread distribution of the axons in the cornea is equated with the hypothesis that they are afferent in nature and represent the peripheral receptors for pain impulses.  相似文献   

Elastic cartilage-derived cells cultured two-dimensionally with FGF2 and corticosteroid produce gel-type masses that become mature cartilage when injected into a subcutaneous pocket. This unique method has previously been clinically applied for treatments of nasal augmentation. However, the components of the gel-type mass and the mechanism of its synthesis remain unknown. Here, we have investigated the components of the gel-type mass produced by elastic cartilage-derived cells, and whether this gel-type mass can be produced by using other cell sources or other media. Human elastic cartilage-derived cells from auricular cartilage, hyaline cartilage-derived cells from articular cartilage, and mesenchymal stem cells from synovium were cultured in three media: “redifferentiation medium” containing FGF2 and dexamethasone; “chondrogenic medium” containing bone morphogenetic protein-2, transforming growth factor-β3, and dexamethasone specific for in vitro chondrogenesis of mesenchymal stem cells; control medium. The elastic cartilage-derived cells cultured in redifferentiation medium produced a gelatinous matrix positive for Alcian blue. During culture, the amount of chondroitin 4-sulfate, chondroitin 6-sulfate, and especially hyaluronan increased. However, the expression of RNAs for most chondrogenic genes did not increase. We also reproduced cartilage tissue formation by the injection of elastic cartilage-derived cells with the gelatinous mass into the subcutaneous space of the nude mouse. The synthesis of gelatinous matrix in vitro and the formation of cartilage tissue in vivo could be obtained only for the combination of elastic cartilage-derived cells with redifferentiation medium. This study was supported in part by grants from the “Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (19591752)” and “Center of Excellence Program for Frontier Research on Molecular Destruction and Reconstruction of Tooth and Bone in Tokyo Medical and Dental University” to Takeshi Muneta, and the “Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (18591657)” to Ichiro Sekiya.  相似文献   

水稻幼穗组培及白化苗的电镜观察   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
木文报道了五份水稻材料的幼穗组培的诱导率和分化率,对继代8次后的幼穗愈伤分化出的白苗和绿苗及其各自的愈伤进行电镜扫描,发现白苗的质体结构不完整,不能正常合成叶绿素。  相似文献   

Studies on the elasmobranch inner ear have focused predominantly on a small group of sharks, particularly, carcharhinids. As a result, subsequent studies in other species have subdivided species into two main groups: those typical and those atypical of carcharhinid sharks. This study proposes a different set of inner‐ear morphology groupings to those previously suggested. The inner ears from 17 species of elasmobranchs (representing both sharks and rays) are examined in this study and based on morphometric data some groups include both rays and sharks. Four groups are now proposed based predominantly on the shape and dimensions of the membranous otoconial organs, and characteristics of the semicircular canals. Evident morphological differences between the ear types belonging to the new groups include the membranes of the semicircular canals being bound to the otoconial organs in some species, while only being connected via the canal ducts in others, as well as clear variation present in saccular organ size. Previous studies examining variation in the inner ear have attributed differences to either phylogeny or functional significance. Results from this study suggest that neither phylogeny nor feeding strategy solely accounts for the morphological diversity present in the external morphology of the elasmobranch inner ear. J. Morphol., 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The distribution of nerve fibres in the mucosa of the nasal septum of the rat was investigated by means of transmission electron microscopy on transverse and tangential ultrathin sections. Near the basement membrane of respiratory and squamous epithelium, a rather dense network of unmyelinated nerve fibres occurs. Some fibres in the respiratory epithelium ascend between the epithelial cells to reach up to the tight junctions. These fibres appeared in transverse sections to end as hooks or boutons, sometimes with branches. These shapes resemble the free nerve endings that are considered to act as nociceptors. The small intraepithelial fibres, with diameters of about 0.5–1 m, contain both dense granules and clear vesicles comparable to synaptic vesicles. Substance P was found in dense granules in basal fibres; vasoactive intestinal peptide was absent throughout the epithelium. Acetylcholinesterase activity was observed closely associated with the basal fibres; the apical fibres showed little if any activity. Membrane specializations pointing to an efferent function as well as structures usually associated with mechanoreceptive functions were lacking in both respiratory and squamous epithelium.Part of this work was presented at the Annual Conference of the Netherlands Society for Electron Microscopy, 28–29 Nov 1985, Wageningen, The Netherlands. See Spit BJ and Hendriksen EGJ (1986) Ultramicroscopy 19:102–103  相似文献   

Summary Isolated medio-basal hypothalami of adult rats were continuously superfused in a chamber with controllable inputs and outputs, for periods from 30 to 240 min. The median eminence was prepared for transmission electron microscopy under carefully controlled conditions by immersion fixation with osmium tetroxide. The ultrastructure of superfused median eminence was compared with that of directly fixed, non-superfused median eminence. Even after 4h of superfusion, the median eminence displays remarkably well preserved histological and cytological patterns; cytomembranes, cell organelles, intercellular relationships, and extracellular spaces were remarkably similar in superfused and non-superfused tissues. As a consequence of osmium tetroxide fixation, microtubules were not observable. The ultrastructural information obtained from unstimulated rat median eminence superfused in vitro provides a basis for future morphofunctional correlations in the study of neurosecretion.  相似文献   

目的:研究慢性睡眠障碍对大鼠颞下颌关节微结构的影响。方法:采用改良多平台法(MMPM)建立睡眠剥夺模型,将90只Wistar大鼠随机分为3组(n=30),分别为小平台组、网格组和对照组。小平台组和网格组大鼠接受每天18 h的睡眠剥夺和6 h间歇期(10:00—16:00),间歇期大鼠正常笼养。实验第7、14和21天时分别行动物行为学观察、旷场试验和动物血浆检测,并通过HE染色和扫描电镜观察颞下颌关节微结构的变化。结果:与对照组和网格组相比,小平台组大鼠血清促肾上腺激素(ACTH)和皮质醇(CORT)水平均增高(P<0.05),髁突软骨HE染色显示软骨细胞层次及厚度改变;扫描电镜结果显示关节盘表面纤维排列松散。结论:慢性睡眠障碍可能导致颞下颌关节微结构发生病理性改变。  相似文献   

Summary The problem of development of the innervation of the rat atrioventricular node has been investigated by electron microscopy. Nerve bundles appear in relation to the node as early as the second postnatal day and vesiculated axons are seen throughout the entire node by the fourth day. Intimate contacts between nodal cells, axons and terminal varicosities are frequently observed.Use of the 5-hydroxydopamine tracer technique has enabled the identification of both cholinergic and adrenergic axons. It is concluded that the node has a dual innervation although cholinergic endings far outnumber those classified as adrenergic on the sixth postnatal day.These results are quite different to earlier findings made at the light microscope level and the discrepancies are discussed with respect to the histochemical techniques used. The suggestion that nodal differentiation is induced by nerves is considered in relation to the differences in cholinesterase activity exhibited by nodal cells during normal development and following neonatal sympathectomy.  相似文献   

Summary The postnatal development of the rat prostate has been studied with the electron microscope. Major developmental changes begin during the second week after birth and involve organelles associated with the formation of secretions. The amount of granular endoplasmic reticulum and the size of the Golgi complex increase greatly. Large vacuoles that probably contain secretory material are formed, and the lumen of the prostatic acini appears to contain secreted material. Large lysosomes with polymorphic interiors are present as early as 10 days after birth, and they become numerous by the end of the third week. Differences in fine structure between the different lobes of the prostate are detectable in 10–14 day old rats. The subsequent differentiation of the granular endoplasmic reticulum into the forms characteristic of the different prostatic lobes is described. The initial changes in the prostate occur in advance of sexual maturity of the animal, and the adult appearance of the gland is attained by 4–5 weeks after birth.This study was supported by Contract No. 69-2104, Program Project HD-02282, Health Sciences Advancement Award FR-02084, and a Research Career Development Award (1-K3-GM-28, 214-03) from the National Institutes of Health.The author wishes to acknowledge the technical assistance of Mrs. Stephanie Krah.  相似文献   

Summary Four groups of male rats were exercised for periods of 2, 4, 6, and 8 weeks with controls in each group. As a result of chronic exercise there was an increase in the width of the zona fasciculata of the adrenal cortex. Also, there was an increase in the number and size of the mitochondria, and an increase in the quantity of smooth endoplasmic reticulum, and during the first 4 weeks of exercise an increase in the number of lipid droplets in the zona fasciculata. The close relationship between the smooth endoplasmic reticulum and the mitochondria, and the relationship between the smooth endoplasmic reticulum and the lipid droplets suggests a possible means for a transport mechanism for movement of precursors between these organelles.This research was supported in part by a Public Health Research Career Development Award KO4 GM42,355 from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences  相似文献   

Summary This report concerns a light and electron microscopic investigation of the median eminence and dorsal infundibular stem of the rat following surgical isolation (deafferentation). Using a modification of the Halász technique, the basal hypothalamus, including the arcuate nucleus and median eminence were surgically isolated from surrounding structures. Special attention was directed to the contact (external) zone of the median eminence and rostral infundibulum where tuberohypophyseal axons as well as ependymal cell processes abut upon the abluminal basement membrane of the portal perivascular space. The results of this study to date suggest that 9, 20, and 40 days following surgical isolation, there is a distinct increase in the population of tuberohypophyseal dense core vesicles. It is suggested that deafferentation abolishes inhibitory and excitatory input that serves to modify the cellular dynamics of tuberohypophyseal neurosecretory elements. Comments are also made on the presence of cistern-like structures in the lateral median eminence; the presence of vesicle-like inclusions in terminal ependymal processes is discussed in relationship to the role that ependyma may play in linking the third ventricle with the adenohypophysis.This research was supported by USPHS Grants NB 08171 and AM 10002. The authors are indebted to the excellent technical assistance provided by G. Krobisch Dudley. Further, the authors wish to express their thanks to Dr. Adolph Weindl for his valuable advice and criticism, and to Matilde Holzwarth for her helpful assistance.  相似文献   

Summary In the median eminence of the rat axons of the supraoptic-paraventricular-hypophyseal tract with elementary neurosecretory granules (150–200 m) traverse the internal zone. Terminals containing dense core vesicles 60–120 m in diameter end on the portal capillaries of the median eminence. A unique organisation of the primary portal capillaries is shown. Endothelial cells have many fenestrae. The pericapillary space has numerous extensions all of which represent a special zone around the endothelial tube. The fine structural organisation and function of the neurovascular contacts in the median eminence are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the epithelial basement membrane and membrane precursor was studied in rat submandibular rudiment and a model system of the reconstructed basement membrane, by transmission electron microscopy following alcian blue staining. Directly beneath the epithelial plasma membrane, a meshwork layer was found to consist of anastomosing thin fibers arranged as a three-dimensional meshwork (100–400 nm in thickness). Straight strands (5–10 nm in diameter) could sometimes be seen to pass through the meshwork. Adjacent to this layer, a coarse network composed of threads (20–40 nm in diameter) connected the meshwork layer with collagen fibers of the underlying connective tissue. The earliest precursors recognized in the reconstruction-model system were part of the fine-meshwork structure, and showed this structure to be a fundamental component of the basement membrane.  相似文献   

Summary The interstitial cells of the pseudohermaphrodite rat testis are both hypertrophic and hyperplastic. The cytoplasm is characterized by smooth endoplasmic reticulum which is abundant and variable in form. Mitochondria are numerous and large with tubular cristae and occasional inclusions. Structural features of the Leydig cells indicate potential for increased steroid synthesis. The presence of large numbers of mast cells in the intertubular area is confirmed.Small seminiferous tubules lack advanced germinal elements. Additional connective tissue and myoepithelial layers produce a thickening of the limiting membrane. Some myoepithelial cells are atypical with an electron translucent cytoplasm and nuclei with dense peripheral chromatin. No spermatogenic cells beyond the cap phase of the spermatid are observed. The cytoplasm of Sertoli cells contains large lipid droplets and degenerating germ cells.The authors are greatly indebted to Drs. A. J. Stanley, J. E. Allison, and L. G. Gumbreck for kindly providing the animals for this study.  相似文献   

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