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During infection, the enteric pathogen Vibrio cholerae encounters a bile-containing environment. Previous studies have shown that bile and/or bile acids exert several effects on the virulence and physiology of the bacterial cells. These observations have led to the suggestion that bile acids may play a signaling role in infection. We have previously reported that the bile component deoxycholic acid blocks the general diffusion porin OmpT in a dose-dependent manner, presumably as it transits through the pore. V. cholerae colonizes the distal jejunum and ileum, where a mixture of various conjugated and unconjugated bile acids are found. In this work, we have used patch clamp electrophysiology to investigate the effects of six bile acids on OmpT. Two bile acids (deoxycholic and chenodeoxycholic acids) were found to block OmpT at physiological concentrations below 1 mM, while glycodeoxycholic acid was mildly effective and cholic, lithocholic and taurodeoxycholic acids were ineffective in this range. The block was also voltage-dependent. These observations suggest the presence of a specific binding site inside the OmpT pore. Since deconjugation is due to the activity of the endogenous flora, the preferential uptake of some unconjugated bile acids by OmpT may signal the presence of a hospitable environment. The results are also discussed in terms of the possible molecular interactions between the penetrating bile acid molecule and the channel wall.  相似文献   

During infection, the enteric pathogen Vibrio cholerae encounters a bile-containing environment. Previous studies have shown that bile and/or bile acids exert several effects on the virulence and physiology of the bacterial cells. These observations have led to the suggestion that bile acids may play a signaling role in infection. We have previously reported that the bile component deoxycholic acid blocks the general diffusion porin OmpT in a dose-dependent manner, presumably as it transits through the pore. V. cholerae colonizes the distal jejunum and ileum, where a mixture of various conjugated and unconjugated bile acids are found. In this work, we have used patch clamp electrophysiology to investigate the effects of six bile acids on OmpT. Two bile acids (deoxycholic and chenodeoxycholic acids) were found to block OmpT at physiological concentrations below 1 mM, while glycodeoxycholic acid was mildly effective and cholic, lithocholic and taurodeoxycholic acids were ineffective in this range. The block was also voltage-dependent. These observations suggest the presence of a specific binding site inside the OmpT pore. Since deconjugation is due to the activity of the endogenous flora, the preferential uptake of some unconjugated bile acids by OmpT may signal the presence of a hospitable environment. The results are also discussed in terms of the possible molecular interactions between the penetrating bile acid molecule and the channel wall.  相似文献   

OmpT and OmpU are general diffusion porins of the human intestinal pathogen Vibrio cholerae. The sole presence of OmpT in the outer membrane sensitizes cells to the bile component deoxycholic acid, and the repression of OmpT in the intestine may play an important role in the adaptation of cells to the host environment. Here we report a novel important functional difference between the two porins, namely the sensitivity to deoxycholic acid. Single channel recordings show that submicellar concentrations of sodium deoxycholate induce time-resolved blocking events of OmpT but are devoid of any effect on OmpU. The effects are dose-, voltage-, and pH-dependent. They are elicited by deoxycholate applied to either side of the membrane, with some asymmetry in the sensitivity. The voltage dependence remains even when deoxycholate is applied symmetrically, indicating that it is intrinsic to the binding site. The pH dependence suggests that the active form is the neutral deoxycholic acid and not the negatively charged species. The results are interpreted as deoxycholic acid acting as an open-channel blocker, which may relate to deoxycholic acid permeation.  相似文献   

The outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria contains porins, large pore-forming proteins which allow the traffic of hydrophilic compounds between the external medium and the periplasm. The oral mode of infection of Vibrio cholerae, the agent of cholera, implies that the bacteria must adapt to severe changes in the environment, such as acidic pH and the presence of bile. Because of their localization and the regulation of their expression in response to these external factors, the OmpU and OmpT porins of V. cholerae are thought to be involved in the adaptation of the bacteria to the host environment. Using patch clamp and planar lipid bilayer electrophysiology, we assessed the effect of pH on the channel properties of OmpU and OmpT. OmpT does not show any major modification in its activity between pH 4 and pH 7.2. In the case of OmpU, the effect of acidic pH is manifested by promoting single-step closures, whose duration, frequency and current size increase as pH is lowered, thereby producing a pH-dependent decrease in the channel open probability. Surprisingly, the increase in current size of this single-step closure is not coupled with an increase of the total current through the porin, indicating that the trimeric conductance remains unchanged. This observation suggests that coordinated events take place at the level of the trimer, and various explanations for this peculiar effect of acidic pH on porin gating and conductance are provided.  相似文献   

Numerous environmental signals regulate the production of virulence factors and the composition of the outer membrane of Vibrio cholerae. In particular, bile promotes the ToxR-dependent expression of the porin OmpU. Strains expressing solely OmpU are more resistant to bile, are better able to colonize the intestine, and produce more cholera toxin than strains expressing solely the OmpT porin. To gain some understanding in the physiological relevance and the molecular mechanism underlying these porin-dependent phenotypes, we have undertaken a thorough electrophysiological characterization of the channel properties of the two porins. Purified OmpU or OmpT was reconstituted in liposomes suitable for patch clamp and in planar lipid bilayers. The high resolution of the patch clamp technique allowed us to analyze in detail the behavior of single OmpU and OmpT channels. Both channels exhibit closing transitions to various conductance states. OmpT is a much more dynamic channel than OmpU, displaying frequent and prolonged closures, even at low transmembrane potentials. With a critical voltage for closure V(c) of approximately +/-90 mV, OmpT is much more voltage-sensitive than OmpU (with a V(c) of approximately +/-160 mV), a feature that is also readily apparent in the voltage dependence of closing probability observed in patch clamp in the +/-100 mV range. OmpT has low ionic selectivity (P(K)/P(Cl) = approximately 4), whereas OmpU is more cation-selective (P(K)/P(Cl) = approximately 14). The distinct functional properties of the two porins are likely to play an integrated role with environmental regulation of their expression. For example, the higher selectivity of OmpU for cations provides a possible explanation for the protective role played by this porin in a bile-containing environment, because this type of selectivity would restrict the flux of anionic bile salts through the outer membrane and thus would reduce the exposure of the cytoplasmic membrane to this natural detergent.  相似文献   

General-diffusion porins form large β-barrel channels that control the permeability of the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria to nutrients, some antibiotics, and external signals. Here, we have analyzed the effects of mutations in the OmpU porin of Vibrio cholerae at conserved residues that are known to affect pore properties in the Escherichia coli porins OmpF and OmpC. Various phenotypes were investigated, including sensitivity to β-lactam antibiotics, growth on large sugars, and sensitivity to and biofilm induction by sodium deoxycholate, a major bile component that acts as an external signal for multiple cellular responses of this intestinal pathogen. Overall, our results indicate that specific residues play different roles in controlling the passage of various compounds. Mutations of barrel wall arginine residues that protrude in the pore affect pore size and growth in the presence of large sugars or sodium deoxycholate. Sensitivity to large cephalosporins is mostly affected by D116, located on the L3 loop, whose homolog in E. coli, OmpF, is a known binding determinant for these drugs. L3 loop residues also affect biofilm induction. The results are interpreted in terms of a homology model based on the structures of E. coli porins.  相似文献   

The electrophysiological technique of patch-clamp was used to characterize the pore properties of site-directed mutants in the Vibrio cholerae general diffusion porin OmpU. Changes in conductance and selectivity were observed, thus confirming the predicted pore location of these residues, based on homology with the Escherichia coli porins OmpF and OmpC. Some mutants acquire a weak selectivity for cations, which mirrors the properties of the homologous, deoxycholic acid sensitive, OmpT porin of V. cholerae. However, the mutants remain insensitive to deoxycholic acid, like wildtype OmpU. This result suggests that channel selectivity is not an important determinant in the sensitivity to this drug, and is in agreement with our finding that the neutral deoxycholic acid, and not deoxycholate, is the actual active form in channel block. Modifications in the kinetics of spontaneous closures were also noted, and are similar to those found for the E. coli channels. In addition, mutants at the D116 residue on the L3 loop display marked transitions to sub-conductance states. The results reported here are compared to a phenotypical characterization of the mutants in terms of permeability to maltodextrins and beta-lactam antibiotic sensitivity. No strict correlations are observed, suggesting that distinct, but somewhat overlapping, molecular determinants control electrophysiological properties and substrate permeability.  相似文献   

Vibrio cholerae uses a variety of strategies for obtaining iron in its diverse environments. In this study we report the identification of a novel iron utilization protein in V. cholerae, VciB. The vciB gene and its linked gene, vciA, were isolated in a screen for V. cholerae genes that permitted growth of an Escherichia coli siderophore mutant in low-iron medium. The vciAB operon encodes a predicted TonB-dependent outer membrane receptor, VciA, and a putative inner membrane protein, VciB. VciB, but not VciA, was required for growth stimulation of E. coli and Shigella flexneri strains in low-iron medium. Consistent with these findings, TonB was not needed for VciB-mediated growth. No growth enhancement was seen when vciB was expressed in an E. coli or S. flexneri strain defective for the ferrous iron transporter Feo. Supplying the E. coli feo mutant with a plasmid encoding either E. coli or V. cholerae Feo, or the S. flexneri ferrous iron transport system Sit, restored VciB-mediated growth; however, no stimulation was seen when either of the ferric uptake systems V. cholerae Fbp and Haemophilus influenzae Hit was expressed. These data indicate that VciB functions by promoting iron uptake via a ferrous, but not ferric, iron transport system. VciB-dependent iron accumulation via Feo was demonstrated directly in iron transport assays using radiolabeled iron. A V. cholerae vciB mutant did not exhibit any growth defects in either in vitro or in vivo assays, possibly due to the presence of other systems with overlapping functions in this pathogen.  相似文献   

We used the Vibrio cholerae Fur protein as a model of iron-sensitive repressor proteins in gram-negative bacteria. Utilizing manganese mutagenesis, we isolated twelve independent mutations in V. cholerae fur that resulted in partial or complete loss of Fur repressor function. The mutant fur genes were recovered by PCR and sequenced; 11 of the 12 contained point mutations (two of which were identical), and one contained a 7-bp insertion that resulted in premature truncation of Fur. All of the mutants, except that containing the prematurely truncated Fur, produced protein by Western blot (immunoblot) analysis, although several had substantially smaller amounts of Fur and two made an immunoreactive protein that migrated more rapidly on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Nine of the 11 point mutations altered amino acids that are identical in all of the fur genes sequenced so far, suggesting that these amino acids may play important structural or functional roles in Fur activity. Eight of the point mutations occurred in the amino-terminal half of Fur, which is thought to mediate DNA binding; most of these mutations occurred in conserved amino acids that have been previously suggested to play a role in the interaction between adjacent alpha-helices of the protein. Three of the point mutations occurred in the carboxy-terminal half of Fur, which is thought to bind iron. One mutation at histidine-90 was associated with complete loss of Fur function; this amino acid is within a motif previously suggested as being involved in iron binding by Fur. The fur allele mutant at histidine-90 interfered with iron regulation by wild-type fur in the same cell when the mutant allele was present at higher copy number; wild-type fur was dominant over all other fur mutant alleles studied. These results are analyzed with respect to previous models of the structure and function of Fur as an iron-sensitive repressor.  相似文献   

In a proteomic analysis of rpoS-deficient Vibrio vulnificus versus the wild type, one of the down-regulated proteins in the rpoS mutant strain was identified as a Fur protein, a ferric uptake regulator. The expression of a fur::luxAB fusion was significantly influenced by sigma factor S, the rpoS gene product, and positively regulated by Fur under iron-limited conditions.  相似文献   

OmpU is one of the major outer membrane porins of Vibrio cholerae. OmpU has been biochemically characterized previously for its 'porin'-property. However, previous studies have used the OmpU protein extracted from the bacterial outer membrane envelope fractions. Such method of isolation imposes limitations on the availability of the protein reagent, and also enhances the possibility of the OmpU preparation being contaminated with lipid molecules of bacterial outer membrane origin, especially lipopolysaccharides (LPS). Here we report a strategy of purifying the V. cholerae OmpU protein recombinantly overexpressed in heterologous protein expression system in Escherichia coli, without its being incorporated into the bacterial membrane fraction. In our strategy, the majority of the protein was expressed as insoluble inclusion body in the E. coli cytoplasm, the protein was dissolved by denaturation in 8M urea, refolded, and purified to homogeneity in presence of detergent. Our strategy allowed isolation of the recombinant OmpU protein with significantly enhanced yield as compared to that of the wild type protein extracted from the V. cholerae membrane fraction. The recombinant V. cholerae OmpU protein generated in our study displayed functional channel-forming property in the synthetic liposome membrane, thus confirming its 'porin'-property. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report showing an efficient refolding and functional assembly of the V. cholerae OmpU porin recombinantly expressed as inclusion body in the cytoplasm of a heterologous host E. coli.  相似文献   

Cholera disease, caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae, afflicts hundreds of thousands worldwide each year. Endemic to aquatic environments, V. cholerae's proliferation and dynamics in marine systems are not well understood. Here, we show that under a variety of coastal seawater conditions V. cholerae remained primarily in a free-living state as opposed to attaching to particles. Growth rates of free-living V. cholerae (micro: 0.6-2.9 day(-1)) were high (similar to reported values for the bacterial assemblages; 0.3-2.5 day(-1)) particularly in phytoplankton bloom waters. However, these populations were subject to heavy grazing-mortality by protozoan predators. Thus, grazing-mortality counterbalanced growth, keeping V. cholerae populations in check. Net population gains were observed under particularly intense bloom conditions when V. cholerae proliferated, overcoming grazing pressure terms in part via rapid growth (> 4 doublings day(-1)). Our results show V. cholerae is subject to protozoan control and capable of utilizing multiple proliferation pathways in the marine environment. These findings suggest food web effects play a significant role controlling this pathogen's proliferation in coastal waters and should be considered in predictive models of disease risk.  相似文献   

Vibrio cholerae has multiple iron acquisition systems, including TonB-dependent transport of heme and of the catechol siderophore vibriobactin. Strains defective in both of these systems grow well in laboratory media and in the infant mouse intestine, indicating the presence of additional iron acquisition systems. Previously uncharacterized potential iron transport systems, including a homologue of the ferrous transporter Feo and a periplasmic binding protein-dependent ATP binding cassette (ABC) transport system, termed Fbp, were identified in the V. cholerae genome sequence. Clones encoding either the Feo or the Fbp system exhibited characteristics of iron transporters: both repressed the expression of lacZ cloned under the control of a Fur-regulated promoter in Escherichia coli and also conferred growth on a Shigella flexneri mutant that has a severe defect in iron transport. Two other ABC transporters were also evaluated but were negative by these assays. Transport of radioactive iron by the Feo system into the S. flexneri iron transport mutant was stimulated by the reducing agent ascorbate, consistent with Feo functioning as a ferrous transporter. Conversely, ascorbate inhibited transport by the Fbp system, suggesting that it transports ferric iron. The growth of V. cholerae strains carrying mutations in one or more of the potential iron transport genes indicated that both Feo and Fbp contribute to iron acquisition. However, a mutant defective in the vibriobactin, Fbp, and Feo systems was not attenuated in a suckling mouse model, suggesting that at least one other iron transport system can be used in vivo.  相似文献   

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