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Among the five phytochromes in Arabidopsis thaliana, phytochrome A (phyA) plays a major role in seedling de-etiolation. Until now more then ten positive and some negative components acting downstream of phyA have been identified. However, their site of action and hierarchical relationships are not completely understood yet.  相似文献   

The kinetics of phototransduction of phytochrome A (phyA) and phytochrome B (phyB) were compared in etiolated Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings. The responses of hypocotyl growth, cotyledon unfolding, and expression of a light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-binding protein of the photosystem II gene promoter fused to the coding region of β-glucuronidase (used as a reporter enzyme) were mediated by phyA under continuous far-red light (FR) and by phyB under continuous red light (R). The seedlings were exposed hourly either to n min of FR followed by 60 minus n min in darkness or to n min of R, 3 min of FR (to back-convert phyB to its inactive form), and 57 minus n min of darkness. For the three processes investigated here, the kinetics of phototransduction of phyB were faster than that of phyA. For instance, 15 min R h−1 (terminated with a FR pulse) were almost as effective as continuous R, whereas 15 min of FR h−1 caused less than 30% of the effect of continuous FR. This difference is interpreted in terms of divergence of signal transduction pathways downstream from phyA and phyB.  相似文献   

Cloning of the Arabidopsis thaliana genomic DNA fragment presumably corresponding to the promoter region of the ornithine-delta-aminotransferase (OAT) gene is reported. The reporter-gene construct, containing the Escherichia coli beta-glucouronidase gene under control of the OAT gene promoter was generated. The Nicotian tabacum SR1 transformants carrying this construct were obtained. It was demonstrated that in normal conditions, expression of the reporter gene was associated with the meristems and the zones of intensive shoot growth. Possible role of the OAT gene in nitrogen metabolism and shoot development is discussed.  相似文献   

Ninety-eight independent transformed (T1) Arabidopsis plants were generated, containing additional copies of the chalcone synthase (CHS) gene. Three T2 generation families (A, B and C) were found that showed reduced anthocyanin biosynthesis, consistent with homology- dependent gene silencing of CHS. Clonal sectors of tissue showing CHS silencing were seen in the early generations. Affected individuals in family A showed only slight silencing, in family C such plants were almost completely silenced, and in family B affected individuals were intermediate. Plants homozygous for a single silencing insert were isolated from each family. Plants homozygous or hemizygous for insert A showed variable penetrance and expressivity of silencing. Self-fertilization of plants hemizygous for the B and C-inserts suggested that these CHS-silencing inserts each behave as single Mendelian dominant traits. The CHS mRNA of the C-insert homozygotes was reduced to undetectable levels. Outcrosses of B- and C-insert homozygotes to wild-type plants resulted in F1 plants that were variegated. This variegation appears to be due to expression of the CHS allele from the wild-type parent, since use of a CHS mutant, tt4, as untransformed parent resulted in uniform green F1 plants. Southern blots revealed a correlation between DNA methylation and CHS silencing. In addition, derivative plants were generated from C-insert homozygotes that had lost the silencing inserts, and these showed a partial reversion towards wild-type phenotype and methylation of the cellular CHS gene at the TT4 locus. This result suggests that the TT4 copy of CHS became methylated during the C-insert-induced silencing and retained methylation and partial silencing after the silencing T-DNA was lost.  相似文献   

A majority of the cells in the Arabidopsis hypocotyl undergo endoreduplication. The number of endocycles in this organ is partially controlled by light. Up to two cycles occur in light-grown hypocotyls, whereas in the dark about 30% of the cells go through a third cycle. Is the inhibition of the third endocycle in the light an indirect result of the reduced cell size in the light-grown hypocotyl, or is it under independent light control? To address this question, the authors examined the temporal and spacial patterns of endoreduplication in light- or dark-grown plants and report here on the following observations: (i) during germination two endocycles take place prior to any significant cell expansion; (ii) in the dark the third cycle is completed very early during cell growth; and (iii) a mutation that dramatically reduces cell size does not interfere with the third endocycle. The authors then used mutants to study the way light controls the third endocycle and found that the third endocycle is completely suppressed in far red light through the action of phytochrome A and, to a lesser extent, in red light by phytochrome B. Furthermore, no 16C nuclei were observed in dark-grown constitutive photomorphogenic 1 seedlings. And, finally the hypocotyl of the cryptochrome mutant, hy4, grown in blue light was about three times longer than that of the wild-type without a significant difference in ploidy levels. Together, the results support the view that the inhibition of the third endocycle in light-grown hypocotyls is not the consequence of a simple feed-back mechanism coupling the number of cycles to the cell volume, but an integral part of the phytochrome-controlled photomorphogenic program.  相似文献   

DNA methylation,a conserved epigenetic mark,is critical for tuning temporal and spatial gene expression.The Arabidopsis thaliana DNA glycosylase/lyase REPRESSOR OF SILENCING 1(ROS1) initiates active DNA demethylation and is required to prevent DNA hypermethylation at thousands of genomic loci.However,how ROS1 is recruited to specific loci is not well understood.Here,we report the discovery of Arabidopsis AGENET Domain Containing Protein 3(AGDP3) as a cellular factor that is required to prevent g...  相似文献   

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