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The Phoenicians were the dominant traders in the Mediterranean Sea two thousand to three thousand years ago and expanded from their homeland in the Levant to establish colonies and trading posts throughout the Mediterranean, but then they disappeared from history. We wished to identify their male genetic traces in modern populations. Therefore, we chose Phoenician-influenced sites on the basis of well-documented historical records and collected new Y-chromosomal data from 1330 men from six such sites, as well as comparative data from the literature. We then developed an analytical strategy to distinguish between lineages specifically associated with the Phoenicians and those spread by geographically similar but historically distinct events, such as the Neolithic, Greek, and Jewish expansions. This involved comparing historically documented Phoenician sites with neighboring non-Phoenician sites for the identification of weak but systematic signatures shared by the Phoenician sites that could not readily be explained by chance or by other expansions. From these comparisons, we found that haplogroup J2, in general, and six Y-STR haplotypes, in particular, exhibited a Phoenician signature that contributed > 6% to the modern Phoenician-influenced populations examined. Our methodology can be applied to any historically documented expansion in which contact and noncontact sites can be identified.  相似文献   

濒危植物元宝山冷杉的遗传多样性研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
元宝山冷杉(Abies yuanbaoshanensis)是仅分布于广西融水县元宝山的珍稀濒危物种。本研究采用AFLP分子标记分析了元宝山冷杉种群的遗传多样性。取元宝山冷杉种群43棵植株作为研究材料,4对引物组合用于AFLP扩增,共得到261条DNA扩增带。分析结果:元宝山冷杉种群的多态位点百分比率为50.96%,Nei's基因多样性为0.1510,Shannon多样性指数为0.1735。用NTSYS软件计算各个样品间的相似性系数,并用UPGMA法基于相似性系数进行了聚类分析。研究结果表明:元宝山冷杉种群的遗传多样性水平低,种群内个体间的相似性系数很大,无明显亚种群间的遗传分化。要保护或保存这个物种的遗传资源,建议应该选择种群内尽可能多的个体进行保护。  相似文献   

The Cantabrian capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus cantabricus) occupies the southwestern edge of the grouse family distribution range in Eurasia. It is endemic to the Cantabrian Mountains in northwestern Spain and is geographically isolated and separated from the neighboring population in the Pyrenees by a distance of 300 km. Over the last decades, the population has undergone a dramatic decline and is now threatened with extinction. This study presents the genetic analysis of the Cantabrian capercaillie population using non-invasive samples. We performed genotyping of 45 individuals using 20 microsatellites and a sex marker. The data highlight the need for using a large number of markers when considering fragmented small populations. Genetic diversity (HE = 0.50) and average number of alleles (3.40) in the population were low. The population is fragmented into 2 clusters (FST = 0.113) that fit with areas on both sides of the transportation ways that divide its range. Both clusters exhibited additional heterozygote deficits. Geographical distance was negatively correlated with genetic relatedness (r = −0.44, P ≤ 0.001). The data show a recent decline in effective population size that can be related to an ongoing process of population reduction and fragmentation. Conservation actions should focus on the protection of local demes by maintaining a dense network of suitable patches to maximize reproductive output and the number of potential dispersers to reconnect the 2 subpopulations. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Aim Japanese red maple (Acer pycnanthum K. Koch) is an endangered species which grows in discrete wetland ecosystems within a limited geographical range. It is an important relic of geologic time, an endemic of unique wetland ecosystems and an indicator of hotspots of plant species diversity. However, information on its genetic characteristics across its range is lacking. Our aim was to determine the genetic structure and diversity of the species and make recommendations for conservation. Location Wetlands in central Honshu Island, Japan. Methods We collected leaf samples from 400 individuals of A. pycnanthum in 30 populations, extracted total DNA from each and sequenced three non‐coding regions of chloroplast DNA. Results We identified nine haplotypes. High haplotype diversity (0.81) and the occurrence of rare haplotypes in eight distant populations suggest that wetlands provided multiple, adequate‐size refuges during the Last Glacial Maximum. We found only one to four haplotypes within populations. The high degree of differentiation (GST = 0.83) implies that gene flow by seeds among populations is restricted. Eight populations demonstrated a positive contribution to the total genetic diversity owing to occurrence of rare and private haplotypes. Such populations are concentrated in the south‐western part of the species distribution. According to the spatial autocorrelation analysis, there were significant spatial clusters of populations, which were characterized by similar haplotype composition. Using the haplotype distribution, samova and barrier detected nearly identical genetic boundaries. Main conclusion In spite of the species’ limited geographical range, we identified a relatively high number of haplotypes and a clear geographical structure. We propose six management units, which can be used for future conservation activities, such as introduction of new individuals for on‐site conservation projects and seed collection for ex situ conservation.  相似文献   

Hucho taimen are listed as endangered in China. The population size has declined recently, prompting an increase in the level of listing from grade three in 2002 to grade five in 2006. We analyzed the genetic diversity of wild populations using 17 microsatellite markers to establish a scientific basis for conservation of this species. We collected tissue samples from four populations in the Heilongjiang River basin: Huma River (HM), Hutou (HT), Haiqing (HQ), and Zhuaji (ZJ). A total of 21 loci were amplified, 18 of which were polymorphic. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 2 to 9 (mean: 4.1905). There were 13 highly polymorphic loci and 5 moderately polymorphic loci. Analysis of five genetic diversity parameters (Na, Ne, Ho, He, and PIC) suggested moderate levels of diversity within the populations. The populations were ranked HT > HQ > ZJ > HM, but the differences in diversity were not statistically significant (P > 0.05). A comparison of variation among all four populations suggested Hardy–Weinberg disequilibrium at 20% of the loci. Genetic differentiation (Fst) was 0.0644 and the gene flow among populations was estimated at 3.36 individuals per generation. The majority of diversity (93.88%) occurred among individuals within a population. In contrast, relatively little (6.12%) of the genetic diversity was distributed between the populations. An analysis of genetic differentiation and genetic distance between pairs of populations revealed that both parameters were higher in comparisons of the HM population to the HT, HQ, and ZJ populations than among the three latter populations. This suggests that the HM population has a distinct genetic structure. We hypothesize that habitat degradation and excessive fishing, not low genetic diversity, has caused the decline in H. taimen populations. However, this species should be protected from further declines in genetic diversity.  相似文献   

Hucho taimen are listed as endangered in China. The population size has declined recently, prompting an increase in the level of listing from grade three in 2002 to grade five in 2006. We analyzed the genetic diversity of wild populations using 17 microsatellite markers to establish a scientific basis for conservation of this species. We collected tissue samples from four populations in the Heilongjiang River basin: Huma River (HM), Hutou (HT), Haiqing (HQ), and Zhuaji (ZJ). A total of 21 loci were amplified, 18 of which were polymorphic. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 2 to 9 (mean: 4.1905). There were 13 highly polymorphic loci and 5 moderately polymorphic loci. Analysis of five genetic diversity parameters (Na, Ne, Ho, He, and PIC) suggested moderate levels of diversity within the populations. The populations were ranked HT > HQ > ZJ > HM, but the differences in diversity were not statistically significant (P > 0.05). A comparison of variation among all four populations suggested Hardy–Weinberg disequilibrium at 20% of the loci. Genetic differentiation (Fst) was 0.0644 and the gene flow among populations was estimated at 3.36 individuals per generation. The majority of diversity (93.88%) occurred among individuals within a population. In contrast, relatively little (6.12%) of the genetic diversity was distributed between the populations. An analysis of genetic differentiation and genetic distance between pairs of populations revealed that both parameters were higher in comparisons of the HM population to the HT, HQ, and ZJ populations than among the three latter populations. This suggests that the HM population has a distinct genetic structure. We hypothesize that habitat degradation and excessive fishing, not low genetic diversity, has caused the decline in H. taimen populations. However, this species should be protected from further declines in genetic diversity.  相似文献   

The European mink Mustela lutreola is regarded as one of the most endangered mammals in the world. We chose to characterize microsatellite loci in order to investigate the pattern of decline of this species. We used primer pairs developed for a related species Mustela vison to genotype individual of Mustela lutreola. Out of 19 primer pairs used 8 were useful for our purpose. The conservation of primer sequence point out the problem of neutrality of some microsatellite loci as this conservation could be related to strong selection pressure on those loci. Finally we present the first data allowing an estimation of heterozygosity of French population of European mink.  相似文献   

The extent of genetic diversity loss and former connectivity between fragmented populations are often unknown factors when studying endangered species. While genetic techniques are commonly applied in extant populations to assess temporal and spatial demographic changes, it is no substitute for directly measuring past diversity using ancient DNA (aDNA). We analysed both mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and nuclear microsatellite loci from 64 historical fossil and skin samples of the critically endangered Western Australian woylie (Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi), and compared them with 231 (= 152 for mtDNA) modern samples. In modern woylie populations 15 mitochondrial control region (CR) haplotypes were identified. Interestingly, mtDNA CR data from only 29 historical samples demonstrated 15 previously unknown haplotypes and detected an extinct divergent clade. Through modelling, we estimated the loss of CR mtDNA diversity to be between 46% and 91% and estimated this to have occurred in the past 2000–4000 years in association with a dramatic population decline. In addition, we obtained near‐complete 11‐loci microsatellite profiles from 21 historical samples. In agreement with the mtDNA data, a number of ‘new’ microsatellite alleles was only detected in the historical populations despite extensive modern sampling, indicating a nuclear genetic diversity loss >20%. Calculations of genetic diversity (heterozygosity and allelic rarefaction) showed that these were significantly higher in the past and that there was a high degree of gene flow across the woylie's historical range. These findings have an immediate impact on how the extant populations are managed and we recommend the implementation of an assisted migration programme to prevent further loss of genetic diversity. Our study demonstrates the value of integrating aDNA data into current‐day conservation strategies.  相似文献   

Genetic viability of threatened and endangered species is of increasing concern with habitat loss and fragmentation. Valuable assessments of the genetic status of endangered species are difficult in most cases, where only single sample estimates are available. Using historical and contemporary samples, we assessed the impact of both historical and recent demographic changes on population genetics of the endangered golden-cheeked warbler, (Dendroica chrysoparia). Our study documents a steep decline in genetic diversity in an endangered species over a 100-year period, along with concurrent increase in genetic differentiation, and low contemporary effective sizes for all the populations we evaluated. While adding to the growing body of literature that describes the genetic impacts of habitat fragmentation, our study may also serve as an informative guide to future management of endangered species. Our study underlines the importance of long term population genetic monitoring in understanding the full extent of genetic changes in endangered species.  相似文献   

The shrub Rosa rugosa (Japanese Rose), native to East Asia, is considered one of the most troublesome invasive plant species in natural or semi-natural habitats of northern Europe and has proven very difficult to control. We aimed at disentangling the species’ invasion history in Europe, including determining the number of introductions and their geographic origin, and at investigating whether populations in the introduced and native ranges differ in genetic diversity, structure and degree of differentiation. We found that introduced (n = 16) and native (n = 16) populations had similar levels of genetic diversity at seven nuclear SSR (microsatellite) loci. European populations lack isolation by distance and are less genetically differentiated than are populations in East Asia. Multiple and at least three independent colonization events, one of which was particularly successful, gave rise to current R. rugosa populations in Europe. The geographic distribution patterns of these three genetic clusters could not be explained by natural dispersal alone, indicating that human mediated secondary dispersal is driving the expansion in Europe. One cluster representing three of the European populations was most likely derived from NW Japan, whereas the origin of the remaining thirteen populations could not clearly be resolved. The introduction and expansion in Europe occurred with no significant loss of genetic diversity. We conclude that high propagule pressure at the primary establishment phase is the most parsimonious explanation for this pattern. A potential for long distance seed dispersal, coastal habitat connectivity and an outcrossing breeding system are factors likely to have enabled populations of R. rugosa to avoid detrimental effects of genetic bottlenecks and will further increase the species’ range size and abundance in Europe. We recommend that human-mediated dispersal should be prevented in order to halt the continued expansion.  相似文献   

Plant-feeding insects have undergone unparalleled diversification among different plant taxa, yet explanations for variation in their diversity lack a quantitative, predictive framework. Island biogeographic theory has been applied to spatially discrete habitats but not to habitats, such as host plants, separated by genetic distance. We show that relationships between the diversity of gall-inducing flies and their host plants meet several fundamental predictions from island biogeographic theory. First, plant-taxon genetic distinctiveness, an integrator for long-term evolutionary history of plant lineages, is a significant predictor of variance in the diversity of gall-inducing flies among host-plant taxa. Second, range size and structural complexity also explain significant proportions of the variance in diversity of gall-inducing flies among different host-plant taxa. Third, as with other island systems, plant-lineage age does not predict species diversity. Island biogeographic theory, applied to habitats defined by genetic distance, provides a novel, comprehensive framework for analysing and explaining the diversity of plant-feeding insects and other host-specific taxa.  相似文献   

Undomesticated (wild) banteng are endangered in their native habitats in Southeast Asia. A potential conservation resource for the species is a large, wild population in Garig Gunak Barlu National Park in northern Australia, descended from 20 individuals that were released from a failed British outpost in 1849. Because of the founding bottleneck, we determined the level of genetic diversity in four subpopulations in the national park using 12 microsatellite loci, and compared this to the genetic diversity of domesticated Asian Bali cattle, wild banteng and other cattle species. We also compared the loss of genetic diversity using plausible genetic data coupled to a stochastic Leslie matrix model constructed from existing demographic data. The 53 Australian banteng sampled had average microsatellite heterozygosity (HE) of 28% compared to 67% for outbred Bos taurus and domesticated Bos javanicus populations. The Australian banteng inbreeding coefficient (F) of 0.58 is high compared to other endangered artiodactyl populations. The 95% confidence bounds for measured heterozygosity overlapped with those predicted from our stochastic Leslie matrix population model. Collectively, these results show that Australian banteng have suffered a loss of genetic diversity and are highly inbred because of the initial population bottleneck and subsequent small population sizes. We conclude that the Australian population is an important hedge against the complete loss of wild banteng, and it can augment threatened populations of banteng in their native range. This study indicates the genetic value of small populations of endangered artiodactyls established ex situ.  相似文献   

1. One important goal in conservation biology is to characterise evolutionary lineages within endangered species before management decisions are taken. Here, we assess population differentiation in the freshwater crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes, an endangered species endemic to western Europe and provide valuable information for the conservation of French populations. 2. Analysis of five microsatellite loci in 44 populations revealed very different within population levels of genetic diversity (0.000 < H0 < 0.564). Two groups, corresponding to northern and southern French populations, showed a high degree of genetic differentiation in both allele frequencies and allele sizes. Comparison of these results with previous studies of A. pallipes strongly suggests that the divergence between northern and southern populations could have occurred during the last glaciation period of the Pleistocene from one Atlantic and one Mediterranean refuge. 3. Evidence for genetic admixture between these two lineages was revealed by correspondence analyses in southern populations, probably as the result of artificial translocations. 4. French populations appeared significantly differentiated among the different river drainages and were highly structured within rivers. The impact of population size, population bottlenecks and founder events on the population genetic differentiation are discussed. 5. Based on these results, we propose the designation of two evolutionarily significant units for A. pallipes in France. Our data also support the maintenance of separate demographic management strategies for crayfish inhabiting different river systems. However, genetic analyses will have to be combined with demographic and ecological data for sustainable conservation programmes.  相似文献   

Omphalogramma souliei Franch. is an endangered perennial herb only distributed in alpine areas of SW China. ISSR markers were applied to determine the genetic variation and genetic structure of 60 individuals of three populations of O. souliei in NW Yunnan, China. The genetic diversity at the species level is low with P=42.5% (percentage of polymorphic bands) and Hsp=0.1762 (total genetic diversity). However, a high level of genetic differentiation among populations was detected based on different measures (Nei's genetic diversity analysis: Gst=0.6038; AMOVA analysis: Fst=0.6797). Low level of genetic diversity within populations and significant genetic differentiation among populations might be due to the mixed mating system in which xenogamy predominated and autogamy played an assistant role in O. souliei. The genetic drift due to small population size and limited current gene flow also resulted in significant genetic differentiation. The assessment of genetic variation and differentiation of the endangered species provides important information for conservation on a genetic basis. Conservation strategies for this rare endemic species are proposed.  相似文献   



Genetic diversity of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) population within an individual is lost during transmission to a new host. The demography of transmission is an important determinant of evolutionary dynamics, particularly the relative impact of natural selection and genetic drift immediately following HIV-1 infection. Despite this, the magnitude of this population bottleneck is unclear.  相似文献   

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