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We examined the pathological conditions in a sample of 200 skulls of Alouatta palliata recovered from Barro Colorado Island (BCI), Panama, to investigate the prevalence of disease and injury in a free-ranging monkey population. Forty-five individuals (22.5%) have some type of nondental pathological condition, indicating that illness and injury are relatively common in this population. Ten individuals, all older adult males, exhibit clear signs of antemortem trauma in the form of healed fractures. We attribute the trauma primarily to fighting, and its frequency (16.4% of adult males) contradicts previous assertions that BCI howlers are nonaggressive. Nine of the 37 scorable immature individuals (24%) have signs of a larval infestation, supporting the suggestion that ectoparasites play an important role in BCI howler mortality. Other pathological conditions in the sample include shifted muscle attachments, periostitis, arthritis, neoplasm, periapical abscesses, and facial deformity, as well as various dental abnormalities.  相似文献   

Four clones of the marine, unicellular, cyanobacteria Synechococcus spp., were examined for the spectral and biochemical features of their phycoerythrins (PE) and their photosynthetic characteristics. Two spectral types of PE which are distinct from known PEs were found. One PE type possessed absorption maxima at 500 and 545 nm and a fluorescence emission at 560 nm. Upon denaturation in acid-urea, two chromophore absorption maxima were obtained, one corresponding to phycourobilin (Amax 500 nm) and one at 558 nm, ascribed to a phycoerythrobilin-like chromophore. The ratio of phycoerythrobilin-like to phycourobilin chromophores was 4.9:1.3. This PE possessed two subunits of Mrs of 17.0 and 19.5 kD for the α and β subunits, respectively. The other PE possessed a single symmetrical absorption at 551 nm and a fluorescence emission at 570 nm. This phycobiliprotein showed a single chromophore absorption band (Amax 558 nm) and yielded two polypeptides, an α of 17.5 kD and a β subunit of 20.8 kD. Both PEs showed a (α, β)n structure. The presence of phycoerythrobilin-like chromophores (Amax 558 nm) appears to be diagnostic of this marine cyanobacterial group. The features of these PEs combined with additional biochemical data, suggest a possible evolutionary link between the PE-containing marine Synechococcus group and the red algal chloroplast. When the Synechococcus clones were grown under low light intensity the PE-containing clones showed higher photosynthetic performance, larger photosynthetic units sizes, reaction center I to II ratios near unity, and steeper initial slopes of photosynthesis versus irradiance curves than a non-PE-containing clone. These findings demonstrate the high photosynthetic efficiency of PE-containing clones in low light environments common to middepth neritic and oceanic habitats.  相似文献   

Meat-eating is an important aspect of human evolution, but how meat became a substantial component of the human diet is still poorly understood. Meat-eating in our closest relatives, the great apes, may provide insight into the emergence of this trait, but most existing data are for chimpanzees. We report 3 rare cases of meat-eating of slow lorises, Nycticebus coucang, by 1 Sumatran orangutan mother–infant dyad in Ketambe, Indonesia, to examine how orangutans find slow lorises and share meat. We combine these 3 cases with 2 previous ones to test the hypothesis that slow loris captures by orangutans are seasonal and dependent on fruit availability. We also provide the first (to our knowledge) quantitative data and high-definition video recordings of meat chewing rates by great apes, which we use to estimate the minimum time necessary for a female Australopithecus africanus to reach its daily energy requirements when feeding partially on raw meat. Captures seemed to be opportunistic but orangutans may have used olfactory cues to detect the prey. The mother often rejected meat sharing requests and only the infant initiated meat sharing. Slow loris captures occurred only during low ripe fruit availability, suggesting that meat may represent a filler fallback food for orangutans. Orangutans ate meat more than twice as slowly as chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), suggesting that group living may function as a meat intake accelerator in hominoids. Using orangutan data as a model, time spent chewing per day would not require an excessive amount of time for our social ancestors (australopithecines and hominids), as long as meat represented no more than a quarter of their diet.  相似文献   

Animals are assumed to obtain/conserve energy effectively to maximise their fitness, which manifests itself in a variety of behavioral strategies. For marine animals, however, these behavioral strategies are generally unknown due to the lack of high-resolution monitoring techniques in marine habitats. As large marine herbivores, immature green turtles do not need to allocate energy to reproduction but are at risk of shark predation, although it is a rare occurrence. They are therefore assumed to select/use feeding and resting sites that maximise their fitness in terms of somatic growth, while avoiding predation. We investigated fine-scale behavioral patterns (feeding, resting and other behaviors), microhabitat use and time spent on each behavior for eight immature green turtles using data loggers including: depth, global positioning system, head acceleration, speed and video sensors. Immature green turtles at Iriomote Island, Japan, spent an average of 4.8 h feeding on seagrass each day, with two peaks, between 5∶00 and 9∶00, and between 17∶00 and 20∶00. This feeding pattern appeared to be restricted by gut capacity, and thus maximised energy acquisition. Meanwhile, most of the remaining time was spent resting at locations close to feeding grounds, which allowed turtles to conserve energy spent travelling and reduced the duration of periods exposed to predation. These behavioral patterns and time allocations allow immature green turtles to effectively obtain/conserve energy for growth, thus maximising their fitness.  相似文献   

毒蛇咬伤的动态分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
李景新  林天辅 《蛇志》1998,10(3):6-7
目的探讨毒蛇咬伤不同时期的动态变化。方法根据32年共收治各类型毒蛇咬伤患者606例的临床资料,分析不同时期毒蛇咬伤的动态变化。结果毒蛇的种类、毒蛇咬伤的多发季节、受伤人群的分布数量和死亡率都发生了变化,形成了新的动向和规律。结论毒蛇咬伤的种类和患者不断增多,多发季节明显改变,死亡率明显下降,受伤人群形成了新的动向。  相似文献   

Phycobiliproteins, together with linker polypeptides and various chromophores, are basic building blocks of phycobilisomes, a supramolecular complex with a light-harvesting function in cyanobacteria and red algae. Previous studies suggest that the different types of phycobiliproteins and the linker polypeptides originated from the same ancestor. Here we retrieve the phycobilisome-related genes from the well-annotated and even unfinished cyanobacteria genomes and find that many sites with elevated d N /d S ratios in different phycobiliprotein lineages are located in the chromophore-binding domain and the helical hairpin domains (X and Y). Covariation analyses also reveal that these sites are significantly correlated, showing strong evidence of the functional-structural importance of interactions among these residues. The potential selective pressure driving the diversification of phycobiliproteins may be related to the phycobiliprotein-chromophore microenvironment formation and the subunits interaction. Sites and genes identified here would provide targets for further research on the structural-functional role of these residues and energy transfer through the chromophores. [Reviewing Editor: Dr. Rasmus Nielsen]  相似文献   

东南亚五加科包含14个属约500种,本文应用ITS片段对该区五加科植物的进化关系作了初步研究.研究显示该地区五加科植物具有复杂的起源,很多属属于亚洲掌状复叶类群或Hedereae族的一支中.该区特有类群Harmsiopanax形态上非常特殊,但其系统位置尚未不明朗.在Brassaiopsis属中,有几种形态差异较大的种,但它们属同一单系,加之各种问ITS序列差异较小,故应是新近起源于马来亚半岛和苏门达腊岛的种类.Wardenia simplex聚类在Brassaiopsis一支中,故不支持将Wardenia作为独立的属.东南亚地区对于Schefflera属的发育非常重要,已有的证据显示该区的Schefflera属植物属于该属的Heptapleumm类群.马来亚与泰国南部的Dendropanax lancifolius并没有与Dendropanax属的核心类群聚在一起,其系统地位需进一步研究.Macropanax maingayi是非常特殊的一个种,曾被独立分出,成立了单种属Hederopsis.本文的分析清楚表明它属于Macropanax属.Aralia merrillii因为其不同寻常的攀缘特性而被独立出来,建立了单种属Acanthophora,但ITS序列分析支持将它置于Aralia属中.新增的取样继续支持Arthrophyllum的单系性.Osmoxylon的原初分布范围在东南亚,它是五加科系统进化树上孤立的类群.  相似文献   

Activity of Head Muscles During Feeding by Snakes: A Comparative Study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The adaptive radiation of colubroid snakes has involved thedevelopment of numerous prey capture specializations combinedwith conservation of a swallowing mechanism characterized byindependent movements of the right and left toothed bones ofthe skull. Synchronized electromyographic and cinematographicrecordings of swallowing in Nerodia, Elaphe, Heterodon and Agkistrodon,four diverse genera of colubroid snakes, allow a preliminaryevaluation of the relationship between prey capture and swallowing.The results indicate that the movements of the palatopterygoidbar and advance of the mandible as closing of the jaws beginsas well as patterns of muscle activity producing these movementsare similar among the four genera. Conversely, the patternsof activity of external adductors and, to some extent, the depressormandibulae differ among the four genera sampled. Analyses ofbone movements during swallowing suggest that swallowing iseffected primarily by the palatopterygoid bars. The mandiblesand their connecting soft tissues mainly press the prey againstthe palatopterygoid teeth. The mandibular teeth evidently playlittle active role in swallowing. Also, the maxilla, which displaysconsiderable morphological diversity among colubroid snakes,has little independent or direct function in swallowing, itsteeth rarely contacting the prey. The data suggest that theheads of colubroid snakes have evolved two partially separatedstructural-functional units, a medial swallowing unit and alateral prey capture unit.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Notions of functional and behavioral transformationsamong traits of similar organisms are ad hoc unless viewed withinthe context of a corroborated scheme of relationships of thetaxa involved. For purposes of exposition a current best estimateof the interrelationships of the main groups of teleosts (asexpressed by a branching diagram or cladogram) is used as abasis for evaluating the transformations of feeding and locomotormechanisms. When the various states of these mechanisms areincorporated into the branching structure, the cladogram, wheninterpreted historically, specifies certain conceptual constraintssuch that, 1) specializations of the upper jaw first arose andproliferated before specializations of the paired fins, and2) that fin spines arose only after changes in both feedingand locomotor mechanisms were well under way. These resultsare contrasted with familiar though unsupported adaptationiststatements about the relative importance of locomotor and feedingmechanisms for the evolution of the spiny-finned teleosts (acanthopterygians)—acontrast between the interpretation of what happened as opposedto why it happened. The particular reasons why a given structure,function or behavior exists are unknowable and theories addressingsuch questions are untestable. Adaptationist arguments in generalare framed in terms of forces external to the organism whichimpose a process of change that leads to good design. The conceptof an external agency or process (such as selection) that candesign structures or whole organisms to fit their environments,even when stated in rigorously biological language, are effectivelythe same, and almost as far removed from the empirical data,as the creationist argument for adaptation. To the extent thatthe empirical data of systematics are not allowed to constrainthe evolutionary interpretation of functional anatomists, theirexplanation of historical change will be limited only by theirown inventiveness and the gullibility of their audience.  相似文献   

The role of prey movement in feeding behavior was investigated in 10 garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis) repeatedly presented with paired stationary and continuously rotating sections of earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris). Additionally, prey odor intensity and source were varied and the performance of a tongueless snake was compared to normal animals. Experiment 1 showed that garter snakes will selectively attack rotating over nonmoving sections of earthworm across a wide range of speeds (1–2048 rpm) with an optimum between 16 and 256 rpm. However, blocking the odor from the sections and presentation of speeds greater than 500 rpm decreased response to moving sections. Experiment 2 showed that at 22–32 rpm moving sections were selected over stationary sections when odor from both was blocked. Experiment 3 assessed the effects of varying ambient odor conditions upon selection of artificial moving and stationary prey. Ambient earthworm odor resulted in a sustained high rate of tongue-flicking while, with no odor present, snakes showed a gradually increasing rate of tongue-flicking that declined within a few minutes. Experiments 4 and 5 studied the effects of tongue removal upon the selection of moving and nonmoving prey. Gross changes in the feeding sequence were noted. A long-term tongue-less adult fed by opening her mouth and thrashing about her cage when presented with earthworm odor and only preferred moving prey at 32 rpm; a control showed the normal stalk-and-strike sequence. The tongueless snake was less attracted to the moving earthworm at a distance than were normal snakes and the use of vision seemed less integrated rather than compensably improved. The results are discussed in reference to the critical flicker-fusion frequency, klepto-parasitism, and escape tactics of prey.  相似文献   

Behavioral and Evolutionary Neurobiology: A Pluralistic Approach   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
SYNOPSIS. An individual's existing phenotype is defined by behavioraland structural characters in the context of an ecological environmentwhich is inclusive of both biotic and abiotic factors. Multipleexplanations, designated here as mechanisms,life history, fitness,and evolutionary history, can account for the existence of phenotypiccharacters and their relationships to each other. These explanationscan be described pictorially using a Venn—like diagramwith three overlapping circles; each circle represents the potentialrange of variation for each character or the environment. Thecenter of the diagram, a point of overlap in all three circles,is the existing phenotype. Mechanistic explanations establishlinkages either between characters or between characters andthe environment; they are represented spatially by the overlapbetween two circles identified here as behavioralecological,behavioral—structural, and ecological—structuralmechanisms. Life history explanations incorporate the temporaldimension of an individual's age so that sequences of Venn diagramswould symbolize an individual's entire life history. Fitnessexplanations identify the relationship of a character, mechanism,life history stage or entire life history strategy to reproductivesuccess and survival. Lastly, explanations based on evolutionaryhistory account for the current phenotype in terms of interactionsbetween characters and ecological environments along the temporaldimension of geological time. Together, multiple explanationscontribute to a pluralistic understanding of an existing phenotype,as used in this essay to explain vocalization behaviors exhibitedby alternative male reproductive morphs in a teleost fish, theplainfin midshipman, Porichthys notatus.  相似文献   

Behavior can be regarded as a result of various processes ofdecision based on the information provided by the sensory organs.In this review the role of the so-called additional heat sense,next to vision, smell and mechanoreception is discussed withrespect to the feeding behavior of snakes. The hierarchy ofthe sensory information in various phases of the feeding behaviordiffers between snakes possessing heat receptors (e.g., speciesof the Crotalinae and Pythoninae) and those without (e.g., speciesof the Viperinae and Colubrinae). Probably depending on theinfluence of ecological demands, visual or chemical cues arethe main information in the behavioral phases before the strikeHowever, in situations with little visual input, e.g., in darkness,rodents' burrows, etc., hunting behavior is guided in the firstplace by radiation of warm objects in Crotalus, Python and Trimeresurusflavoviridis, and by substrate vibrations in Vipera aspis, Pituophismelanoleucus and Boa constrictor. I suggest that in the sensoryhierarchy, heat information functionally replaces the mechanicalinformation which is utilized by snakes without pit organs.Poststrike behavior on the other hand is mainly guided by chemicalcues in all snakes.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic and Ecological Analysis of Novel Marine Stramenopiles   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
Culture-independent molecular analyses of open-sea microorganisms have revealed the existence and apparent abundance of novel eukaryotic lineages, opening new avenues for phylogenetic, evolutionary, and ecological research. Novel marine stramenopiles, identified by 18S ribosomal DNA sequences within the basal part of the stramenopile radiation but unrelated to any previously known group, constituted one of the most important novel lineages in these open-sea samples. Here we carry out a comparative analysis of novel stramenopiles, including new sequences from coastal genetic libraries presented here and sequences from recent reports from the open ocean and marine anoxic sites. Novel stramenopiles were found in all major habitats, generally accounting for a significant proportion of clones in genetic libraries. Phylogenetic analyses indicated the existence of 12 independent clusters. Some of these were restricted to anoxic or deep-sea environments, but the majority were typical components of coastal and open-sea waters. We specifically identified four clusters that were well represented in most marine surface waters (together they accounted for 74% of the novel stramenopile clones) and are the obvious targets for future research. Many sequences were retrieved from geographically distant regions, indicating that some organisms were cosmopolitan. Our study expands our knowledge on the phylogenetic diversity and distribution of novel marine stramenopiles and confirms that they are fundamental members of the marine eukaryotic picoplankton.  相似文献   

It is well known that there is a strong relationship among the environment, selection, and extinction, but the underlying role of genetics and genetic constraints in contributing to extinction is less appreciated. Integration of characters may enhance survivability for species, providing that selective pressure is parallel with the patterns of morphological integration. However, we hypothesize that, if the direction of selection shifts, integration may also prevent populations from responding quickly enough to the new directions of selection. This would lead to the inability to find a successful adaptive solution, causing downward pressure on the population, and ultimately, extinction. We test this model with a computer simulation, using an adaptive landscape model. We generate populations of varying levels of multivariate integration and generate selection pressures to test the ability of the populations to respond to selection both parallel and orthogonal to the axis of maximum variation. In these simulations, more highly integrated populations survived longer when selection was in the direction of maximum variation. However, when selection was closer to orthogonal to the axis of maximum variation, extinction was more rapid in highly integrated populations. These results suggest that integration may play a strong role in both survivability and extinction. Tightly integrated populations are highly persistent when selection pressure is close to the axis of maximum variation, which is expected to frequently be the case since integration is likely often a product of selection. However, these highly integrated taxa are more susceptible to extinction when the direction of selection shifts, and is closer to orthogonal to the axis of maximum variation.  相似文献   

Most snakes ingest and transport their prey via a jaw ratchetingmechanism in which the left and right upper jaw arches are advancedover the prey in an alternating, unilateral fashion. This unilateraljaw ratcheting mechanism differs greatly from the hyolingualand inertial transport mechanisms used by lizards, both of whichare characterized by bilaterally synchronous jaw movements.Given the well-corroborated phylogenetic hypothesis that snakesare derived from lizards, this suggests that major changes occurredin both the morphology and motor control of the feeding apparatusduring the early evolution of snakes. However, most previousstudies of the evolution of unilateral feeding mechanisms insnakes have focused almost exclusively on the morphology ofthe jaw apparatus because there have been very few direct observationsof feeding behavior in basal snakes. In this paper I describethe prey transport mechanisms used by representatives of twofamilies of basal snakes, Leptotyphlopidae and Typhlopidae.In Leptotyphlopidae, a mandibular raking mechanism is used,in which bilaterally synchronous flexions of the lower jaw serveto ratchet prey into and through the mouth. In Typhlopidae,a maxillary raking mechanism is used, in which asynchronousratcheting movements of the highly mobile upper jaws are usedto drag prey through the oral cavity. These findings suggestthat the unilateral feeding mechanisms that characterize themajority of living snakes were not present primitively in Serpentes,but arose subsequently to the basal divergence between Scolecophidiaand Alethinophidia.  相似文献   

Parental feeding styles may promote overeating or overweight in children. A comprehensive literature review was undertaken to summarize the associations between parental feeding styles and child eating and weight status. Twenty‐two studies were identified. We systematically coded study attributes and outcomes and tested for patterns of association. Nineteen studies (86%) reported at least one significant association between parental feeding style and child outcome, although study methodology and results varied considerably. Studies measuring parental feeding restriction, as opposed to general feeding control or another feeding domain, were more likely to report positive associations with child eating and weight status. Certain associations differed by gender and by outcome measurement (e.g., rate of eating as opposed to total energy intake). Parental feeding restriction, but no other feeding domain, was associated with increased child eating and weight status. Longitudinal studies are needed to test underlying causal pathways, including bidirectional causal models, and to substantiate findings in the presence of other obesity risk factors.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS Bimodal breathing crustaceans, while representing astage in the transition from the aquatic to terrestrial habitat,also constitute a distinct group that can be characterized bymorphological, behavioral, and physiological traits. Morphologically,this group displays reduced gill surface area and enlarged branchialchambers. The lining of the branchial chambers, the branchiostegites,also has increased surface area and is highly vascularized.The branchiostegites can be smooth, cutaneous epithelia, orthey can have more complex evaginations or invaginations tofurther increase surface area. In addition, the thickness ofthe branchiostegal epithelium is greatly reduced, compared tothat in the gills, thus minimizing the diffusion distance betweenair and hemolymph. These animals maintain a store of water inthe branchial chamber that covers the gills and allows for simultaneousgas exchange with two media (air and water). There is also apartitioning of gas exchange, with oxygen uptake occurring preferentiallyfrom air across the branchiostegites, and carbon dioxide excretionoccurring across the gills into the branchial water. One criticalfactor that appears to separate bimodal breathing crustaceansfrom fully terrestrial, exclusively air-breathers is the abilityof the latter group to excrete CO2directly into air across thegills and branchiostegites. It is suggested that the incorporationof the enzyme carbonic anhydrase into the membrane fractionof the branchiostegites may have been one of the key molecularevents which allowed for pulmonary CO2 excretion into air.  相似文献   

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