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Gambierdiscus is a genus of benthic dinoflagellates found worldwide. Some species produce neurotoxins (maitotoxins and ciguatoxins) that bioaccumulate and cause ciguatera fish poisoning (CFP), a potentially fatal food‐borne illness that is common worldwide in tropical regions. The investigation of toxigenic species of Gambierdiscus in CFP endemic regions in Australia is necessary as a first step to determine which species of Gambierdiscus are related to CFP cases occurring in this region. In this study, we characterized five strains of Gambierdiscus collected from Heron Island, Australia, a region in which ciguatera is endemic. Clonal cultures were assessed using (i) light microscopy; (ii) scanning electron microscopy; (iii) DNA sequencing based on the nuclear encoded ribosomal 18S and D8‐D10 28S regions; (iv) toxicity via mouse bioassay; and (v) toxin profile as determined by Liquid Chromatography‐Mass Spectrometry. Both the morphological and phylogenetic data indicated that these strains represent a new species of Gambierdiscus, G. lapillus sp. nov. (plate formula Po, 3′, 0a, 7″, 6c, 7‐8s, 5?, 0p, 2″″ and distinctive by size and hatchet‐shaped 2′ plate). Culture extracts were found to be toxic using the mouse bioassay. Using chemical analysis, it was determined that they did not contain maitotoxin (MTX1) or known algal‐derived ciguatoxin analogs (CTX3B, 3C, CTX4A, 4B), but that they contained putative MTX3, and likely other unknown compounds.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity of the ciguatera fish poisoning-related dinoflagellate distributed in Japanese coastal areas was investigated. The entire sequence of the 5.8S rRNA gene and two internal transcribed (ITS) regions were determined, which included putative pseudogenes, from 19 strains of dinoflagellates assigned to the genus Gambierdiscus Adachi et Fukuyo collected from Japanese subtropical and temperate coastal areas. The sequences obtained from the 19 strains were divided into two types based on sequence similarity. Here we designate the two types as type 1 and type 2. For the relationship between the genotypes and origins of the strains used, the strains collected from subtropical areas possessed the type 1 sequence; whereas those from temperate areas possessed the type 2. This observation led us to question former reputations that Gambierdiscus cells observed in Japanese temperate areas are immigrants from Japanese subtropical areas. Subsequently, we sequenced a part of the 18S rRNA gene from two strains from subtropical areas and two from temperate areas. Unfortunately, phylogenetic analysis including the sequences obtained from various gonyaulacales dinoflagellates failed to determine the species phylogenetically closely related to and possible origin(s) of the Gambierdiscus sp. from the Japanese coastal areas.  相似文献   

Dinoflagellates of the genus Gambierdiscus are known to produce neurotoxins that cause the human illness ciguatera, a tropical and sub‐tropical fish poisoning. Some species from the Gambierdiscus genus were recently re‐classified into a new genus, Fukuyoa based on their phylogenetic and morphological divergence, however, little is known about their distribution, ecology and toxicology. Here we report the first occurrence of F. paulensis in the temperate coastal waters of eastern Australia and characterize its toxicology. Liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) did not detect the presence of ciguatoxins, however, a putative maitotoxin congener (MTX‐3) was present. Similarly, high maitotoxin‐like activity was detected in High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) fractionated cell extracts using a Ca2+ influx bioassay on a Fluorescent Imaging Plate Reader (FLIPR), but no ciguatoxin‐like activity was detected.  相似文献   

In Massachusetts, paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) is annually recurrent along the coastline, including within several small embayments on Cape Cod. One such system, the Nauset Marsh System (NMS), supports extensive marshes and a thriving shellfishing industry. Over the last decade, PSP in the NMS has grown significantly worse; however, the origins and dynamics of the toxic Alexandrium fundyense (Balech) populations that bloom within the NMS are not well known. This study examined a collection of 412 strains isolated from the NMS and the Gulf of Maine (GOM) in 2006–2007 to investigate the genetic characteristics of localized blooms and assess connectivity with coastal populations. Comparisons of genetic differentiation showed that A. fundyense blooms in the NMS exhibited extensive clonal diversity and were genetically distinct from populations in the GOM. In both project years, genetic differentiation was observed among temporal samples collected from the NMS, sometimes occurring on the order of approximately 7 days. The underlying reasons for temporal differentiation are unknown, but may be due, in part, to life‐cycle characteristics unique to the populations in shallow embayments, or possibly driven by selection from parasitism and zooplankton grazing; these results highlight the need to investigate the role of selective forces in the genetic dynamics of bloom populations. The small geographic scale and limited connectivity of NMS salt ponds provide a novel system for investigating regulators of blooms, as well as the influence of selective forces on population structure, all of which are otherwise difficult or impossible to study in the adjacent open‐coastal waters or within larger estuaries.  相似文献   

Roe deer is a protected species in Iran as its population and distribution in the country have considerably declined. Roe deer are threatened by several factors such as habitat fragmentation and road mortality, so studying their distribution and movement through the increasing habitat destruction and fragmentation is necessary. This will become increasingly important because climate change will transform the species’ future habitat and connectivity patterns. We evaluated the roe deer’s potential distribution range in northern Iran and, for the first time, developed connectivity models and designed corridors for the present and future to make better conservation plans. We collected 91 points indicating the presence of roe deer in the study region. After developing ensemble models using six species distribution algorithms, we defined high-ranked habitat cores using the concept of landscape suitability prioritization. From these, we designed connectivity and corridors in two time-frames with the help of least-cost paths and circuit theories to predict the potential movement throughout the study area. We estimated that the overall core habitats for roe deer in the present and future periods are, respectively, around 1200 km2 and 2600 km2, corresponding to 2 and 4 percent of the whole area. This suggests that the habitat core will expand in the future as a result of climate change. Similarly, the connectivity among the cores will strengthen. We also conclude that the temperature-driven and anthropogenic variables significantly affect the distribution of roe deer in northern Iran. It is necessary that conservationists and managers consider the designed corridors in the present study while planning conservation strategies.  相似文献   

Results are presented from a three-year investigation of the relationship between accumulations of marine fouling organisms and growth of the pearl oyster Pinctada fucata (Gould). Estimates are provided of the diversity of the foulers, and data on certain hydrological features of the experimental site are also given.There was an inverse correlation between growth of the pearl oyster and diversity of the biofouling assemblages, whatever depth. Growth curves did not follow seasonal variations in the environmental factors very exactly. It was also observed that the polychaete, Polydora vulgaris Mohammad, preferred the oysters planted on the bottom to those suspended near the surface. Bottom oysters suffered the highest mortality, but definite evidence of a relationship between mortality and infestation by the polychaete was not apparent. Percentages of both infestation and mortality were higher among the fouled oysters than those cleaned periodically.  相似文献   

为了解浙江清凉峰国家级自然保护区内野猪(Sus scrofa)的分布及活动节律,2018年3月至2019年2月,我们利用红外相机技术对其进行了网格化监测。在千顷塘和龙塘山区域总计布设109个红外相机监测点,共计调查39 240个相机日。结果表明,在千顷塘区域,野猪倾向于在落叶阔叶林(拍摄率5.33 ±5.64)和针阔混交林(3.75 ±3.46)活动,而在龙塘山区域,则倾向于针阔混交林(4.32 ±5.21);千顷塘与龙塘山区域野猪各月间的日活动差异指数α均存在极显著差异(P < 0.01),冬季的α值高于其他季节;昼行性指数β的平均值分别为0.870和0.768,显著高于理论值13/24(P < 0.01),表明清凉峰的野猪种群具有明显的昼行性特征,且在冬季的活动时间分配较之其他季节更不均匀。通过核密度估计法分析不同季节野猪的日活动节律发现,保护区内野猪春季有晨昏两个活动高峰(08:00-10:00、17:00-19:00),冬季活动高峰出现在午后(13:00-17:00),其他季节无明显活动高峰。本研究有助于加深对野猪华南亚种生态习性的认知,为保护区的野生动物管理工作提供科学依据。  相似文献   

One hundred to 120 maize recombinant inbred lines at the mature fourth leaf stage derived from F-2 and Io parental lines were grown in a glasshouse and were deprived of water for 9 days in order to detect pertinent markers of the physiological response to water stress which may be used for breeding. Carbohydrate metabolism QTLs were compared to photosynthesis gas exchange QTLs. The locations of these QTLs were further compared with those of morphological trait QTLs when water availability varied. The traits ranged from three enzyme activities (invertase, sucrose-P synthase, ADP glucose pyrophosphorylase) and hexose, sucrose, starch content to CO2 uptake and stomatal conductance, water status, leaf size, root/shoot ratio, and ABA (leaf, root and xylem sap). Four main results were obtained (1) only 14 % of QTLs were common to both drought and watered treatments, confirming the existence of stress specific chromosome regions, (2) the QTLs tended to form clusters, frequently consisting of QTLs from different classes (growth, photosynthesis, water status, carbohydrate metabolism and ABA), (3) carbohydrate metabolism trait QTLs were more frequently co-located with growth trait QTLs than photosynthesis related ones, especially in control conditions, (4) one co-location was observed between the three enzyme activities implied in sucrose and starch metabolism and a corresponding structural gene, which can be considered as a candidate gene for explaining part of the variability of each enzymatic trait (invertase, sucrose-P synthase, ADPglucose pyrophosphorylase). It is concluded that, carbohydrate metabolism provides valuable traits for understanding and improving maize responses to water stress.  相似文献   

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