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甘蓝型油菜pol CMS育性恢复基因对orf224/atp6的转录调控   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
袁美  杨光圣  傅廷栋  李赟 《遗传学报》2003,30(5):469-473
用 10个线粒体基因探针对波里马细胞质雄性不育 (polimaCMS)三系 1141A(pol) ,1141B(nap)和 1141R(pol)的花蕾线粒体RNA进行了Northern检测。结果表明 ,只有 3个探针atp6、orf2 2 4和orf2 2 2检测到转录本的差异。atp6在可育的 1141B中只转录产生一个丰度很高的 1 1kb转录本 ,在雄性不育的 1141A和pol胞质恢复系 1141R中 ,这个转录本的丰度明显减少并出现了分子量较大的 2个转录本 2 2kb、1 9kb转录本。与 1141A相比 ,恢复系1141R的 2 2kb和 1 9kb转录本丰度明显减少 ,并伴随着两个新的转录本 1 4kb和 1 3kb。表明orf2 2 4 atp6的表达与polCMS有关 ,并且其转录受到恢复基因Rfp的调控。同时通过对杂种F1 ( 1141A× 1141R)与另一个恢复系RS35 (pol)的比较证实 ,Rfp对orf2 2 4 atp6的调控与Rfp纯合与否无关。orf2 2 4 atp6在 1141A的苗期叶片中还转录产生育性恢复特异的 1 4kb转录本 ,这可能与细胞核基因型和相对低温条件有关。  相似文献   

Chicken fetal-leukemic antigen (CFA) is an oncodevelopmental antigen present on embryonic and neonatal chicken peripheral red blood cells (RBCs) but is not restricted to fetal stages of development in other avian species. Crosses between white Leghorn chickens and Japanese quail resulted in adult hybrids whose peripheral RBCs were positive for CFA. Of the four CFA determinants normally found in adult quail RBCs, only two were present on quail-chicken hybrid RBCs. Adult quail--chicken hybrid RBCs also possessed on CFA determinant associated with early development in both quail and chicken and one chicken-specific CFA determinant. Evidence is presented for the possible association of CFA-positive adult peripheral RBCs and the level of circulating reticulocytes. Crosses between pheasant and turkey (both with CFA-positive adult RBCs) resulted in hybrid adult RBCs expressing only a portion of the parental CFA determinants. Through the formation of somatic cell hybrids between adult chicken and embryonic Japanese quail RBCs, it was possible to induce the appearance of CFA determinants normally restricted to embryonic chicken RBCs. Approximately 50% of the hybrid cells showed reexpression of CFA, and this induction was both time and temperature dependent. Hybridization between RBCs of adult chicken and those of either adult Japanese quail or adult turkey failed to elicit the reexpression of chicken-specific CFA.  相似文献   

Summary Somatic hybrids of Nicotiana knightiana (2n=2X=24) and an albino mutant of Nicotiana tabacum (2n=4X=48) were selected after polyethylene glycol induced protoplast fusion. Three lines were selected on the basis of the simultaneous expression of shoot inducibility and green pigmentation, traits originally separated in the parental species.The hybrid nature of the lines was confirmed by their characteristic isoenzyme patterns, the morphology of the regenerated plants, and by the appearance of heterochromatic blocks in the interphase nuclei.Chromosome numbers in the somatic hybrids varied greatly within individual plants. Variegation in leaf and flower colour and segregation for morphological traits in vegetatively multiplied plants are attributed to segregation of chromosomes in the somatic cells, a consequence of the numerical instability. Hybridity, caryotypic changes induced by tissue culture, and high chromosome numbers, are discussed as possible reasons for the observed genetic instability.  相似文献   

 We have used two targeting approaches [pairs of nearly isogenic lines (NILs) and bulked segregant analysis] to identify DNA markers linked to the Rfp1 restorer gene for the pol CMS of canola (Brassica napus L.). We were able to target the Rfp1 locus as efficiently by comparing NILs as by bulked segregant analysis, and it was demonstrated in this instance that double-screening strategies could significantly improve the overall targeting efficiency. The chance occurrence of shared homozygosity at specific unlinked chromosomal regions in the bulks was found to limit the efficiency of bulked segregant analysis, while the efficiency of NIL comparison was limited by residual DNA from the donor cultivar at scattered sites throughout the genome of the NILs. Received: 6 June 1997 / Accepted: 12 February 1998  相似文献   

Somatic hybrids between Brassica napus (oilseed rape) and its wild relative Sinapis arvensis (Xinjiang wild mustard) from northwestern China were produced by fusing mesophyll protoplasts. Fifty-four plants were identified as symmetric hybrids and four as asymmetric hybrids by random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis and nuclear DNA content. The morphology of investigated 58 hybrid plants resembled characters from both parental species. Highly fertile hybrids were recovered where the fertility was associated with the choice of B. napus genotype. Enhanced disease resistance to Leptosphaeria maculans was found in S. arvensis and in the hybrid offspring. This plant material has great potentials not only for use as a bridge for the introduction of a number of valuable traits from the wild species to Brassica crops but also for breeding new varieties with improved blackleg resistance.  相似文献   

Rat hepatoma cells amplified for adenosine deaminase (ADA) gene sequences show the amplified DNA on large, homogeneously staining regions (HSRs). The amplified cells are stable in the absence of selection for 12 mo without loss of ADA activity or gene sequences. However, in hybrids formed between an amplified cell line with a prominent HSR and a nonamplified cell line, rapid loss of ADA activity, as well as gene sequences, occurs. Karyotype analyses of the hybrids indicate that the HSR structures are no longer visible in a large percentage of the hybrid metaphase spreads and appear to have been replaced by DNA structures that resemble double minutes. Our data provide evidence that the extent of the breakdown of the HSR in the hybrids may be affected by the presence of an active adenosine kinase or the level of ATP in the cells and additional unidentified factors are present in the hybrids that affect the integrity of the HSR structure. There is no evidence for a specific trans-acting factor in nonamplified cells that regulates gene amplification.  相似文献   

In order to set up a quick and easy procedure for determining the cytoplasmic composition of somatic hybrids, we tested a set of ’universal primers’ for plastidial and mitochondrial DNA on 13 genotypes belonging to the following species: Nicotiana tabacum, Solanum commersonii, Solanum tuberosum, Solanum etuberosum, Solanum phureja, Brassica oleracea, Brassica rapa, ’Anand’ CMS B. rapa, ’Chiang’ CMS B. oleracea, and ’Ogura’ CMS B. oleracea. Such primers are homologous to conserved coding sequences and amplify polymorphic intergenic or intronic regions. cpDNA polymorphism within Solanum and Brassica spp. was found with two and four primer pairs, respectively. The primers for the intergenic region between the trnF and trnV genes gave polymorphism among several tested species and were used in S. commersonii (+) S. tuberosum somatic hybrids,and B. oleracea (+) ’Anand’ CMS B. rapacybrids. Two primer pairs for mtDNA revealed polymorphism between S. commersonii and S. tuberosum, and one showed intraspecific polymorphism in S. tuberosum. The primer pair for the intergenic region between the rps14 and cob genes (pumD) showed a fragment of about 1.5 kb in S. tuberosum and S. phureja. A shorter fragment and no amplification were found in S. etuberosum and S. commersonii, respectively, suggesting frequent intrageneric rearrangements in this genome region. All Brassicaceae evidenced a fragment about 150-bp longer than in S. tuberosum. The same primers were also used with interspecific Solanum spp. somatic hybrids. Both PCR with pumD primers and hybridization with rpl5/rps14 genes indicated lack of linkage between rpl5/rps14 and cob genes in S. commersonii. Compared to direct visualization of restricted organellar DNA or Southern analysis with labelled probes, amplification of cpDNA and mtDNA with universal primers, followed by electrophoresis of either entire or restricted amplified fragments, is a simpler, more rapid and less expensive method to determine the organelle genome composition of interspecific Solanum and Brassica somatic hybrids. Received: 2 August 2000 / Accepted: 22 September 2000  相似文献   

Sexual progenies of asymmetric somatic hybrids between Brassica napus and Crambe abyssinica were analyzed with respect to chromosomal behavior, fae1 gene introgression, fertility, and fatty-acid composition of the seed. Among 24 progeny plants investigated, 11 plants had 38 chromosomes and were characterized by the occurrence of normal meiosis with 19 bivalents. The other 13 plants had more than 38 chromosomes, constituting a complete chromosomal set from B. napus plus different numbers of additional chromosomes from C. abyssinica. The chromosomes of B. napus and C. abyssinica origin could be clearly discriminated by genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) in mitotic and meiotic cells. Furthermore, meiotic GISH enabled identification of intergenomic chromatin bridges and of asynchrony between the B. napus and C. abyssinca meiotic cycles. Lagging, bridging and late disjunction of univalents derived from C. abyssinica were observed. Analysis of cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) markers derived from the fae1 gene showed novel patterns different from the B. napus recipient in some hybrid offspring. Most of the progeny plants had a high pollen fertility and seed set, and some contained significantly greater amounts of seed erucic acid than the B. napus parent. This study demonstrates that a part of the C. abyssinica genome can be transferred into B. napus via asymmetric hybridization and maintained in sexual progenies of the hybrids. Furthermore, it confirms that UV irradiation improves the fertility of the hybrid and of its sexual progeny via chromosomal elimination and facilitates the introgression of exotic genetic material into crop species.  相似文献   

 Chromosome counts and RFLP markers mapped to Arabidopsis thaliana were used to determine the proportion of eliminated chromosomes and retained A. thaliana DNA in the back-crossed (BC) progeny derived from symmetric and asymmetric somatic hybrids between Brassica napus and A. thaliana. All plants were analysed for the presence of two RFLP markers per chromosome, preferably with one located on each chromosome arm. A reduction in both A. thaliana RFLP markers and chromosome numbers was found in the BC1 and BC2 generations of the symmetric hybrids as well as in the BC1 generation of the asymmetric hybrids. In the symmetric hybrids, two back-crosses to B. napus were required to reduce the frequency of retained A. thaliana loci to 42.4% and mean chromosome number to 39.4. In comparison, the BC1 progeny of the asymmetric hybrids had 16% of the analysed A. thaliana loci present and an average of 38.4 chromosomes maintained. When the frequency of A. thaliana chromosomes with both analysed loci maintained was compared with the frequency of chromosomes with one locus lost and one kept, a reduction in the number of complete chromosomes between BC1 and BC2 derived from the symmetric hybrids was observed. Among the BC1 plants in the asymmetric group the situation was different, with higher amounts of incomplete donor chromosomes compared to whole chromosomes. The results indicate that A. thaliana chromosome fragments are more often found in the progeny of irradiated hybrids, while back-crossed symmetric hybrids have more complete chromosomes. Received: 2 April 1998 / Accepted: 14 July 1998  相似文献   

Regulation of gene expression in somatic cell hybrids: a review   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
R L Davidson 《In vitro》1971,6(6):411-426

Summary A correlation between the expression or absence of human glyoxalase I and chromosome 6 (as well its markers ME1, IPO-B, and PGM3) was observed in man-mouse somatic cell hybrids. This segregation pattern indicates that the GLO gene is situated on chromosome 6.
Zusammenfassung In Hybriden somatischer Zellen zwischen Maus und Mensch wurde eine Korrelation zwischen Vorhandensein bzw. Abwesenheit der menschlichen Glyoxalase I und von Chromosom 6 (sowie seinen Markern ME1, IPO-B und PGM3) ermittelt. Diese Korrelation spricht dafür, daß das GLO-Gen auf Chromosome 6 liegt.

Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft BE 352/8 and GR 373/6.  相似文献   

Summary Catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) plays an important role in the inactivation of catecholamines. It has been demonstrated that erythrocyte COMT activity is genetically determined and controlled by a major autosomal locus with two alleles. The recent development of a method which allows the detection of COMT isozymes directly in autoradiozymograms has provided the means to investigate the chromosome location of the gene by using somatic cell hybrids. We have found that a single form of the COMT enzyme is expressed in several mouse-human fibroblast cell lines. The data obtained from the segregation analysis of the COMT enzyme in these hybrids and their subclones have provided evidence for the location of a major gene for COMT activity on human chromosome 22.  相似文献   

Novel Brassica napus somatic hybrids have been created through protoplast fusion of B. oleracea var. botrytis and B. rapa var. oleifera genotypes selected for high erucic acid (22:1) content in the seed oil. Fifty amphidiploids (aacc) and one putative hexaploid (aacccc) hybrid were recovered in one fusion experiment. Conversely, only one amphidiploid and numerous regenerates with higher DNA contents were produced in a similar fusion using a different B. rapa partner. Hybridity was confirmed by morphology, isozyme expression, flow cytometry, and DNA hybridization. Analysis of organellar DNA revealed a distinct bias toward the inheritance of chloroplasts from the B. rapa (aa) genome. All amphidiploids set self-pollinated seed. A erucic acid content as high as 57.4% was found in the seed oil of one regenerated plant. Fatty acid composition was stable in the R1 generation and was coupled with increased female fertility. Other novel agronomic characters in the hybrids recovered include large seed size, lodging resistance, and non-shattering seed pods.  相似文献   

Protoplast fusions were performed between hypocotyl protoplasts of Brassica napus and mesophyll protoplasts of Thlaspi perfoliatum. The two species are members of the Lepidieae and Brassiceae tribes, respectively, in the family of Brassicaceae. Seeds of T. perfoliatum are rich in the fatty acid C241 (nervonic acid), an oil valuable for technical purposes. In the search for renewable oils to replace the mineral oils, plant breeders have been trying to develop oil crops with a high content of long-chain fatty acids. After fusion of B. napus protoplasts with non-irradiated as well as irradiated protoplasts of T. perfoliatum selection was carried out by flow cytometry and cell sorting. Of the shoots regenerated from different calli 27 were verified as hybrids or partial hybrids using the isoenzyme phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI) as a marker. Another 6 plants were identified as partial hybrids using a T. perfoliatum-specific repetitive DNA sequence. Slot blot experiments were performed to estimate the copy number of the repetitive DNA sequence in the parental species and in the hybrids. In T. perfoliatum there were approximately 105 copies per haploid genome, and the range in the hybrids was 1–37% of the value in T. perfoliatum. When the nuclear DNA content of the regenerated shoots was analysed we found partial as well as symmetric hybrids. Even though the rooting and establishment of hybrid shoots in the greenhouse were difficult, resulting in the death of many plants, 19 plants were cultured to full maturity. Seeds obtained from 15 plants were analysed to determine whether they contained nervonic acid, and 5 of the hybrids were found to contain significantly greater amounts of nervonic acid than B. napus.  相似文献   

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