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An examination of the external morphology of a recent collection from Araracuara, Colombia, has suggested that the plant belongs to the primarily Old World family Dipterocarpaceae. A study of the wood, bark, and pith anatomy of this new taxon,Pseudomonotes tropenbosii Londoño, Alvarez & Forero, was undertaken to help confirm its systematic affinities. Comparisons ofPseudomonotes with data from the literature and reference wood slides, coupled with the use of computer-aided identification keys, support the view that its closest relationships probably are within the family Dipterocarpaceae. Detailed anatomical comparisons have revealed thatPseudomonotes' relationships are most likely to be with the subfamily Monotoideae, comprised of the African generaMonotes A. DC. andMarquesia Gilg.  相似文献   

Job Kuijt 《Brittonia》1997,49(2):181-188
Materials are presented to the effect thatPhoradendron californicum Nutt., the nomenclatural type of the genusPhoradendron (Viscaceae), is related to southern, cataphyllous species, not to northern, acataphyllous ones. The evidence consists of the frequent occurrence of basal cataphylls in the species, variation in basal phyllotaxy, and a basically biseriate arrangement of flowers on fertile internodes. The suggestion of this southern, cataphyllous affinity is supported by the recent discovery of a strictly cataphyllous Mexican species,P. olae Kuijt, which shows median basal phyllotaxy and is in many features extremely similar toP. californicum. The nomenclatural consequences of this discovery would lead to subgen.Boreales (Trel.) Engler (and probably subgen.Aequatoriales (Trel.) Engler) being synonymized under subgen.Phoradendron, characterized by basal cataphylls (though not in all species). However, no generic subdivision of any sort is supported at this time.  相似文献   

Passiflora cordistipula, a new species of subg.Passiflora, ser.Lobatae, from the state of Amazonas, Brazil, is described and illustrated.  相似文献   

John W. Brown 《ZooKeys》2014,(462):125-134
Circanota, new genus, and its two new species, Circanota undulata sp. n. (type species), from Costa Rica and Panama, and Circanota simplex sp. n., from Panama and Ecuador, are described and illustrated. Although superficially similar to some species of Platynota Clemens, 1860, Circanota appears to be more closely related to members of a putative clade within Sparganothini defined by a slender crescent-shaped signum in the corpus bursae of the female genitalia. The most conspicuous autapomorphy for Circanota is the strongly undulate costa of the male and female forewing. Barcode sequence data (i.e., cytochrome oxidase I) from Circanota undulata (n = 12) form a tight cluster with exceedingly limited genetic divergence (less than 0.1%); specimens of Circanota simplex have not been sequenced. In neighbor-joining trees based on COI, Circanota is portrayed nearest Sparganothoides, which is consistent with morphological evidence.  相似文献   

A new genus of cynipid oak gallwasp, Zapatella Pujade-Villar & Melika, gen. n. (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Cynipini), with two new species, Zapatella grahami Pujade-Villar & Melika, sp. n. and Zapatella nievesaldreyi Melika & Pujade-Villar, sp. n., is described from the Neotropics. Zapatella grahami,known only from the sexual generation,induces galls in acorns of Quercus costaricensis and is currently known only from Costa Rica. Zapatella nievesaldreyi, known only from the asexual generation, induces inconspicuous galls in twigs of Quercus humboldtii, and is known only from Colombia. Diagnostic characters for both new species are given in detail. Five Nearctic species are transferred from Callirhytis to Zapatella: Zapatella cryptica (Weld), comb. n., Zapatella herberti (Weld), comb. n., Zapatella oblata (Weld), comb. n., Zapatella quercusmedullae (Ashmead), comb. n.,Zapatella quercusphellos (Osten Sacken), comb. n. (= Zapatella quercussimilis (Bassett), syn. n.). A key based on adults for the species belonging to Zapatella is also given. Generic limits and morphological characteristics of Zapatella and closely related genera are discussed.  相似文献   

Cryptomys represents the most speciose and widely distributed genus of the Bathyergidae (Mammalia; Rodentia), a family of mole-rats endemic to sub-Saharan Africa. Throughout its range in southern, central, and western Africa, Cryptomys displays diversity in terms of morphology, patterns of behavior, and chromosome number, thus complicating the systematics of the group. A molecular phylogeny was obtained by separate and combined analyses of the mitochondrial 12S rRNA and intron I of the nuclear transthyretin gene for chromosomally and geographically diverse populations of Cryptomys. Our results show that Cryptomys sensu lato is comprised of two distinct and divergent monophyletic clades: hottentotus and mechowi. Based on our analyses, we propose the elevation of the mechowi clade to the genus Coetomys, retaining Cryptomys as the generic epithet of the South African hottentotus clade. This is supported by: (1) reciprocal monophyly of the two lineages based on independent datasets, (2) the level of sequence divergence observed between these lineages relative to other genera (i.e., Bathyergus and Georychus), and (3) different patterns of chromosomal evolution, with Cryptomys sensu stricto being karyotypically conserved (2N=54) and Coetomys exhibiting high karyotypic diversity (2N=40-78).  相似文献   

The morphology of an unarmored chain-forming harmful dinoflagellate Cochlodinium polykrikoides and its similar species such as Cochlodinium catenatum, Cochlodinium fulvescens, and Cochlodinium convolutum was carefully observed, emphasizing the single cell stage for clarifying taxonomically important morphological features. To differentiate C. polykrikoides from C. convolutum, the shape and the position of the nucleus are useful characters. C. polykrikoides also differs from C. fulvescens in being smaller in size, possessing many rod-shaped chloroplasts and having the sulcus running just below the cingulum on the dorsal surface. Careful observation of the ichnotype of C. catenatum suggests that C. catenatum sensu Kofoid and Swezy collected from off La Jolla, CA, USA, is not identical to C. catenatum sensu Okamura and is probably a different species, in having no chloroplasts and a nucleus positioned at the center of the cell. In addition, C. polykrikoides has many morphological features in common with C. catenatum sensu Okamura except for slightly elongate cells and is probably a junior synonym of this species.  相似文献   

Echinogobius hayashii, a new genus and species of Gobiidae is described, based on 11 specimens from Japan and Australia. This genus is distinguishable from all other gobiid genera in having the following combination of characters: first spine of first dorsal fin hard and straight, about 1.5 times second spine in thickness; first spine of second dorsal fin hard, with similar thickness as first soft ray of second dorsal fin, supported by two normally-sized pterygiophores; snout convex; preopercular spine absent; predorsal scales absent; all scales cycloid. The species occurs between 1–20 m in clear water on clear sandy bottoms influenced by fast tidal currents. Based on our observations, it is not associated with an alpheid shrimp.  相似文献   

Synopsis A recent (1979) expedition to the Chagos Archipelago resulted in the collection of about 40 new taxa of fishes. A new genus,Trimmatom, and two new species,T. nanus andT. offucius, are described here. The new genus is characterized by having all pelvic-fin rays simple (unbranched), a scaleless body, no head pores, a wide gill opening extending anteroventrally to below the eye, and hypurals 1 and 2 fused to the complex formed by the fusion of the ural centrum and hypurals 3 and 4.T. nanuss andT. offucius are differentiated on the basis of fin ray counts and colour pattern.T. nanus is the smallest vertebrate yet to be described. Mature females with ovaries full of eggs are 8–10 mm in standard length.  相似文献   

In the present study, a new species of a cavernicolous beetle is described from Serbia: Pholeuonopsis (Pholeuonopsis) zlatiborensis sp. n. (Leptodirini, Cholevinae, Leiodidae). All important taxonomic features have been thoroughly analyzed and illustrated. The new species probably belongs to an old phyletic lineage of mesogeid origin, like other known Pholeuonopsis species inhabiting cave and endogean habitats in the western part of the Balkan Peninsula. Therefore, the species is both relict and endemic inhabitant of cave habitats in Serbia.  相似文献   

Five new species ofHypolytrum Rich. from South America are described and illustrated.Hypolytrum amorimii andH. jardimii, both of sect.Bullata T. Koyama, are species with pseudopetioles and colored leaves, and endemic to the rain forest of southeastern Brazil.Hypolytrum bahiense (sect.Hypolytrum), a species with a lax synflorescence and two, free and lightly scabridulous floral bracts, is endemic to the rain forest of southeastern Bahia, Brazil.Hypolytrum leptocalamum (sect.Hypolytrum), a species with lax synflorescence and spike ellipsoid to cylindrical, is restricted to area of tepuis in the Guayana Highland (Brazil, Guyana, and Venezuela).Hypolytrum paraense (sect.Hypolytrum), a species with three, partly connate and densely scabridulous floral bracts, is restricted to the rain forest of the Amazon Basin, in the state of Pará, Brazil.  相似文献   

Aechmea itapoana is a new, conspicuous and distinct species from the coastal sand dune scrub of N.E. Brazil. Its possible relationships within subgenusChevaliera, toA. multiflora andA. rodriguesia are discussed.  相似文献   

A new Adapiform Primate from the locality of Chambi (Tunisia) is described and assigned toDjebelemur martinezi gen.nov., sp. nov. Holotype CBI 33, fragment of left mandible with P/3-M/3. Other material includes a lower and two upper isolated molars and one probable lower canine. This new material is assigned to the Adapidae.  相似文献   

A new lotic species of leptocerid caddisfly, Leptocerus fluminalis sp. nov., is described based on adult and immature stages from Japan. The habitat and gut contents of this species are noted.  相似文献   

An unusual species of Leptophlebiidae is described based on males, females, and nymphs from Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. As a consequence of its distinct characteristics on all stages, a new genus is established. The new genus can be distinguished from other South American Leptophlebiid genera mostly by: Adults: vein MA of fore wings asymmetrical; hind wings with costal projection well developed, Sc ending at cross vein near costal projection; tarsal claws dissimilar, one blunt other acute; projections of styliger plate forming two well developed lobes with rounded apex, ventrally obstructing view of the penes; penes fused on basal half, each lobe with a ventral furrow and a long and slender spine directed anteriorly. Nymphs: Head prognathous, wider than labrum; labrum with prominent median emargination, with three subtle crenulations; body flattened; hind wings pads present; tarsal claws with over 20 denticles, subapical denticle much larger than remaining denticles; gills long and narrow, present on abdominal segments I-VII; posterolateral projections present on abdominal segments VIII-IX. Phylogenetic analyses conducted based on a previously published data matrix that included other South America leptophlebiid genera placed Poranga nessimiani gen. nov. et sp. nov. as sister to Bessierus + Perissophlebioides. In most analyses this clade was recovered within the Farrodes complex. Nymphs of the new taxa are particularly similar to Bessierus, whereas adults share the very acute costal projection on hind wings seen in non-dipterous members of the Farrodes complex.  相似文献   

A new taxonomic treatment is proposed for thePottia starckeana species complex. The peristome development is not considered to be a useful feature to separate the taxa. On the basis of spore morphology only two species are accepted:P. starckeana, with spores wavy in outline, andP. davalliana, with variously-shaped and developed processes on the spores.Pottia starckeana var.brachyoda is reduced to synonymy withP. starckeana; P. conica andP. commutata are treated as synonyms ofP. davalliana. The speciesP. mutica, P. affinis, P. salina, P. microphylla, P. texana, andP. arizonica (included var.mucronulata) are considered taxa of doubtful affinity, as they have spore features intermediate between the two spore types established for the group. The identity ofP. appertii andP. recurvifolia has not been elucidated because the type material has been destroyed.  相似文献   

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