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Red cell invasion by Plasmodium merozoites involves multiple steps such as attachment, apical reorientation, junction formation and entry into a parasitophorous vacuole. These steps are mediated by specific molecular interactions. P. vivax and the simian parasite P. knowlesi require interaction with the Duffy blood group antigen to invade human erythrocytes. P. vivax and P. knowlesi Duffy binding proteins (PvDBP and PkDBP), which bind the Duffy antigen during invasion, share regions of sequence homology and belong to a family of erythrocyte binding proteins (EBPs). By deletion of the gene that encodes PkDBP, we demonstrate that interaction of PkDBP with the Duffy antigen is absolutely necessary for invasion of human erythrocytes by P. knowlesi. Electron microscopy studies reveal that PkDBP knockout parasites are unable to form a junction with human erythrocytes. The interaction of PkDBP with the Duffy antigen is thus necessary for the critical step of junction formation during invasion. These studies provide support for development of intervention strategies that target EBPs to inhibit junction formation and block erythrocyte invasion by malaria parasites.  相似文献   

The role of the cytosolic domain of tissue factor (TF) in signal transduction and gene regulation was studied in mice with a targeted deletion of the 18 carboxy-terminal intracellular amino acids. This deletion was introduced in exon 6 along with a floxed neo(R) selection cassette in intron 5 using homologous recombination in embryonic stem cells. Removal of the floxed neo(R) cassette by in vivo Cre-mediated loxP recombination yielded TF(+/deltaCT) and TF(deltaCT/deltaCT) mice. In contrast to TF(-/-) mice, TF(+/deltaCT) and TF(deltaCT/deltaCT) mice displayed normal embryonic development, survival, fertility, and blood coagulation. Factor VIIa or factor Xa stimulation produced similar p44/42 MAPK activation in TF(+/+) and TF(deltaCT/deltaCT) fibroblasts. These data, based on expression of a TF(deltaCT) molecule from the endogenous TF locus, provide conclusive proof that the cytosolic domain of TF is not essential for signal transduction in embryogenesis and in physiological postnatal processes.  相似文献   

The body-plan of vertebrates, while exteriorly essentially symmetric along its medio-lateral plane, displays numerous left-right differences in the disposition and placement of internal organs. Such left-right asymmetries, established during embryogenesis, are controlled by complex epigenetic and genetic cascades that impart laterality information to the different embryo structures and organ primordia. A key and evolutionarily conserved feature of these information cascades among vertebrate embryos is the left-sided transfer of information from the node to the lateral plate mesoderm during early somitogenesis stages. We review here recent evidence concerning the mechanisms that regulate the laterality of such transfer. Furthermore, we propose a model of left-right axis specification that underscores the role of the node as an integrator of laterality information and the evolutionary conservation of the mechanisms that convey such information to and from the node.  相似文献   

The regulation of dynein activity to produce microtubule sliding in flagella has not been well understood. To gain more insight into the roles of ATP and ADP in the regulation, we examined the effects of fluorescent ATP analogues and fluorescent ADP analogues on the ATPase activity and motile activity of dynein. 21S dynein purified from the outer arms of sea urchin sperm flagella hydrolyzed BODIPY(R) FL ATP (FL-ATP) at 78% of the rate for ATP hydrolysis. FL-ATP at 0.1-1 mM, however, induced neither microtubule translocation on a dynein-coated glass surface nor sliding disintegration of elastase-treated axonemes. Direct observation of single molecules of the fluorescent analogues showed that both the ATP and ADP analogues were stably bound to dynein over several minutes (dissociation rates = 0.0038-0.0082/s). When microtubule translocation on 21S dynein was induced by ATP, the initial increase of the mean velocity was accelerated by preincubation of the dynein with ADP. Similar increase was also induced by the preincubation with the ADP analogues. Even after preincubation with ADP, FL-ATP did not induce sliding disintegration of elastase-treated axonemes. After preincubation with a nonhydrolyzable ATP analogue, AMPPNP (adenosine 5'-(beta:gamma-imido)triphosphate), however, FL-ATP induced sliding disintegration in approximately 10% of the axonemes. These results indicate that both noncatalytic ATP binding and stable ADP binding, in addition to ATP hydrolysis, are involved in the regulation of the chemo-mechanical transduction in axonemal dynein.  相似文献   

Obscurin is a giant structural and signaling protein that participates in the assembly and structural integrity of striated myofibrils. Previous work has examined the physical interactions between obscurin and other cytoskeletal elements but its in vivo role in cell signaling, including the functions of its RhoGTPase Exchange Factor (RhoGEF) domain have not been characterized. In this study, morpholino antisense oligonucleotides were used to create an in-frame deletion of the active site of the obscurin A RhoGEF domain in order to examine its functions in zebrafish development. Cardiac myocytes in the morphant embryos lacked the intercalated disks that were present in controls by 72 and, in the more severely affected embryos, the contractile filaments were not organized into mature sarcomeres. Neural abnormalities included delay or loss of retinal lamination. Rescue of the phenotype with co-injection of mini-obscurin A expression constructs demonstrated that the observed effects were due to the loss of small GTPase activation by obscurin A. The immature phenotype of the cardiac myocytes and the retinal neuroblasts observed in the morphant embryos suggests that obscurin A-mediated small GTPase signaling promotes tissue-specific cellular differentiation. This is the first demonstration of the importance of the obscurin A-mediated RhoGEF signaling in vertebrate organogenesis and highlights the central role of obscurin A in striated muscle and neural development.  相似文献   

Multidrug resistance protein (MRP1) utilizes two non-equivalent nucleotide-binding domains (NBDs) to bind and hydrolyze ATP. ATP hydrolysis by either one or both NBDs is essential to drive transport of solute. Mutations of either NBD1 or NBD2 reduce solute transport, but do not abolish it completely. How events at these two domains are coordinated during the transport cycle have not been fully elucidated. Earlier reports (Gao, M., Cui, H. R., Loe, D. W., Grant, C. E., Almquist, K. C., Cole, S. P., and Deeley, R. G. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275, 13098-13108; Hou, Y., Cui, L., Riordan, J. R., and Chang, X. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275, 20280-20287) indicate that intact ATP is observed bound at NBD1, whereas trapping of the ATP hydrolysis product, ADP, occurs predominantly at NBD2 and that trapping of ADP at NBD2 enhances ATP binding at NBD1 severalfold. This suggested transmission of a positive allosteric interaction from NBD2 to NBD1. To assess whether ATP binding at NBD1 can enhance the trapping of ADP at NBD2, photoaffinity labeling experiments with [alpha-(32)P]8-N(3)ADP were performed and revealed that when presented with this compound labeling of MRP1 occurred at both NBDs. However, upon addition of ATP, this labeling was enhanced 4-fold mainly at NBD2. Furthermore, the nonhydrolyzable ATP analogue, 5'-adenylylimidodiphosphate (AMP-PNP), bound preferentially to NBD1, but upon addition of a low concentration of 8-N(3)ATP, the binding at NBD2 increased severalfold. This suggested that the positive allosteric stimulation from NBD1 actually involves an increase in ATP binding at NBD2 and hydrolysis there leading to the trapping of ADP. Mutations of Walker A or B motifs in either NBD greatly reduced their ability to be labeled by [alpha-(32)P]8-N(3)ADP as well as by either [alpha-(32)P]- or [gamma-(32)P]8-N(3)ATP (Hou et al. (2000), see above). These mutations also strongly diminished the enhancement by ATP of [alpha-(32)P]8-N(3)ADP labeling and the transport activity of the protein. Taken together, these results demonstrate directly that events at NBD1 positively influence those at NBD2. The interactions between the two asymmetric NBDs of MRP1 protein may enhance the catalytic efficiency of the MRP1 protein and hence of its ATP-dependent transport of conjugated anions out of cells.  相似文献   

FKBP52 is a steroid receptor-associated immunophilin that binds via a tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) domain to hsp90. FKBP52 has also been shown to interact either directly or indirectly via its peptidylprolyl isomerase (PPIase) domain with cytoplasmic dynein, a motor protein involved in retrograde transport of vesicles toward the nucleus. The functional role for the PPIase domain in receptor movement was demonstrated by showing that expression of the PPIase domain fragment of FKBP52 in 3T3 cells inhibits dexamethasone-dependent nuclear translocation of a green fluorescent protein-glucocorticoid receptor chimera. Here, we show that cytoplasmic dynein is co-immunoadsorbed with two other TPR domain proteins that bind hsp90 (the cyclophilin CyP-40 and the protein phosphatase PP5). Both proteins possess PPIase homology domains, and co-immunoadsorption of cytoplasmic dynein with each is blocked by the PPIase domain fragment of FKBP52. Using purified proteins, we show that FKBP52, PP5, and the PPIase domain fragment bind directly to the intermediate chain of cytoplasmic dynein. PP5 colocalizes with both cytoplasmic dynein and microtubules, and expression of the PPIase domain fragment of FKBP52 in 3T3 cells disrupts its cytoskeletal localization. We conclude that the PPIase domains of the hsp90-binding immunophilins interact directly with cytoplasmic dynein and that this interaction with the motor protein is responsible for the microtubular localization of PP5 in vivo.  相似文献   

1. Dynein was extracted with 0.5 M KCl from Tetrahymena axonemes. SDS-gel electrophoresis of the extract indicated that about 50% of the extracted protein had a molecular weight of about 3.5 X 10(5), and that 90% of the proteins with this weight had been extracted. 2. The ATPase [EC] reaction of the KCl-extracted dynein fraction was enhanced by 60-80% by addition of the outer doublet fraction. It showed an initial burst of Pi liberation of about 1 mol per mol of proteins with a molecular weight of 3.5 X 10(5). 3. We examined the interaction of the dynein-tubulin system from Tetrahymena cilia with ten ATP analogs [2'-dATP, 3'-dATP, epsilonATP, FTP, 8-NH(CH3)-ATP, 8,3'-S-cyclo-ATP, 8-Br-ATP, 8-OCH3-ATP, 8-SCH3-ATP, and AMPPNP]. Among them, 2'-dATP and 3'-dATP were good substrates for dynein ATPase, as they induced the dissociation of dynein arms from the B-tubule of outer doublets, the sliding movement between outer doublets, and the bending movement of axonemes. The other analogs did not induce the dissociation or the sliding movement. 4. Among the ATP analogs tested, only 2'-dATP and 3'-dATP induced the reorientation of cilia on the Triton model of Tetrahymena; the reorientation rates were smaller than that induced by ATP.  相似文献   

Lantibiotics are ribosomally synthesized and post-translationally modified peptide antibiotics that contain unusual amino acids such as dehydro and lanthionine residues. Nukacin ISK-1 is a class II lantibiotic, whose precursor peptide (NukA) is modified by NukM to form modified NukA. ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter NukT is predicted to cleave off the N-terminal leader peptide of modified NukA and secrete the mature peptide. Multiple sequence alignments revealed that NukT has an N-terminal peptidase domain (PEP) and a C-terminal ATP binding domain (ABD). Previously, in vitro reconstitution of NukT has revealed that NukT peptidase activity depends on ATP hydrolysis. Here, we constructed a series of NukT mutants and investigated their transport activity in vivo and peptidase activity in vitro. Most of the mutations of the conserved residues of PEP or ABD resulted in failure of nukacin ISK-1 production and accumulation of modified NukA inside the cells. NukT(N106D) was found to be the only mutant capable of producing nukacin ISK-1. Asn(106) is conserved as Asp in other related ABC transporters. Additionally, an in vitro peptidase assay of NukT mutants demonstrated that PEP is on the cytosolic side and all of the ABD mutants as well as PEP (with the exception of NukT(N106D)) did not have peptidase activity in vitro. Taken together, these observations suggest that the leader peptide is cleaved off inside the cells before peptide secretion; both PEP and ABD are important for NukT peptidase activity, and cooperation between these two domains inside the cells is indispensable for proper functioning of NukT.  相似文献   

Sciellin, together with other precursor proteins, was cross-linked by transglutaminase 1 to form the cornified envelope, an essential component of the physical barrier of the epidermis and stratified squamous epithelia. To more fully understand the function of sciellin in cornified envelope formation, we generated sciellin null mice. The mice appeared normal in their development and maturation and there were no structural features that distinguished them from littermate controls. Isolated cornified envelopes appeared normal in structure and were not more fragile to mechanical stress. There was no evidence of decreased barrier function or altered expression of other cornified envelope components. Transgenic mice expressing the repeat domain appeared to have a normal phenotype, like the null, and did not alter endogenous sciellin expression. We conclude that sciellin null mice had no structural anomalies and the transgenic mice did not act as a dominant-negative mutation.  相似文献   

Despite the existence of multiple subunit isoforms for the microtubule motor cytoplasmic dynein, it has not yet been directly shown that dynein complexes with different compositions exhibit different properties. The 14-kD dynein light chain Tctex-1, but not its homologue RP3, binds directly to rhodopsin's cytoplasmic COOH-terminal tail, which encodes an apical targeting determinant in polarized epithelial Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. We demonstrate that Tctex-1 and RP3 compete for binding to dynein intermediate chain and that overexpressed RP3 displaces endogenous Tctex-1 from dynein complexes in MDCK cells. Furthermore, replacement of Tctex-1 by RP3 selectively disrupts the translocation of rhodopsin to the MDCK apical surface. These results directly show that cytoplasmic dynein function can be regulated by its subunit composition and that cytoplasmic dynein is essential for at least one mode of apical transport in polarized epithelia.  相似文献   

Influenza virus nucleoprotein (NP) is associated with the genome RNA, forming ribonucleoprotein cores. To identify the amino acid sequence involved in RNA binding, we performed Northwestern blot analysis with a set of N- and C-terminal deletion mutants of NP produced in Escherichia coli. The RNA binding region has been mapped between amino acid residues 91 and 188, a stretch of residues that contains a sequence that is not only highly conserved among NPs from A-, B-, and C-type influenza viruses but also similar to the RNA binding domain of a plant virus movement protein.  相似文献   

Vanadate selectively inhibited dynein ATPase, 10?7M causing 50% inhibition under favorable conditions. Actomyosin ATPase was inhibited only by up to a thousand times higher concentration. In both cases vanadate inhibition was not competitive with ATP. Reversal by catecholamines was correlated with reduction of vanadate. The motility of demembranated sea urchin or mammalian sperm was arrested by vanadate concentrations similar to those which inhibited dynein ATPase; a thousand times higher concentration was needed to paralyze live sperm. The possible utility of vanadate sensitivity as a probe for dynein involvement in non-axonemal motile systems was explored with respect to brain ATPase associated with tubulin obtained by cycles of assembly, and ATPases associated with mitotic apparatus isolated from sea urchin embryos.  相似文献   

The integrase (IN) protein of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) catalyzes site-specific cleavage of 2 bases from the viral long terminal repeat (LTR) sequence yet it binds DNA with little DNA sequence specificity. We have previously demonstrated that the C-terminal half of IN (amino acids 154-288) possesses a DNA binding domain. In order to further characterize this region, a series of clones expressing truncated forms of IN as N-terminal fusion proteins in E.coli were constructed and analyzed by Southwestern blotting. Proteins containing amino acids 1-263, 1-248 and 170-288 retained the ability to bind DNA, whereas a protein containing amino acids 1-180 showed no detectable DNA binding. This defines a DNA binding domain contained within amino acids 180-248. This region contains an arrangement of 9 lysine and arginine residues each separated by 2-4 amino acids (KxxxKxxxKxxxxRxxxRxxRxxxxKxxxKxxxK), spanning amino acids 211-244, which is conserved in all HIV-1 isolates. A clone expressing full-length IN with a C-terminal fusion of 16 amino acids was able to bind DNA comparably to a cloned protein with a free C-terminus, and an IN-specific monoclonal antibody which recognizes an epitope contained within amino acids 264-279 was unable to block DNA binding, supporting the evidence that a region necessary for binding lies upstream of amino acid 264.  相似文献   

In vivo function of the molecular chaperone Hsp90 is ATP-dependent and requires the full-length protein. Our earlier studies predicted a second C-terminal ATP-binding site in Hsp90. By applying direct biochemical approaches, we mapped two ATP-binding sites and unveiled the C-terminal ATP-binding site as the first example of a cryptic chaperone nucleotide-binding site, which is opened by occupancy of the N-terminal site. We identified an N-terminal gamma-phosphate-binding motif in the middle domain of Hsp90 similar to other GHKL family members. This motif is adjacent to the phosphate-binding region of the C-terminal ATP-binding site. Whereas novobiocin disrupts both C- and N-terminal nucleotide binding, we found a selective C-terminal nucleotide competitor, cisplatin, that strengthens the Hsp90-Hsp70 complex leaving the Hsp90-p23 complex intact. Cisplatin may provide a pharmacological tool to dissect C- and N-terminal nucleotide binding of Hsp90. A model is proposed on the interactions of the two nucleotide-binding domains and the charged region of Hsp90.  相似文献   

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