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青藏高原孕育有丰富的维管植物,且以濒危、特有和狭域物种众多为特点,其保护对维护区域生物生态安全具有至关重要的价值.因历史原因,已建保护地对区域维管植物的保护效率较低,急需开展面向维管植物保护的青藏高原保护地体系优化研究,以提升其保护效率.本研究通过揭示青藏高原维管植物多样性分布格局,识别热点地区、保护优先区和保护空缺,评估已建保护地和保护优先区的维管植物保护效率,进而提出面向维管植物保护的青藏高原已建保护地优化策略.结果显示,(ⅰ)青藏高原维管植物多样性分布整体由东南至西北递减,热点地区主要位于横断山区和东喜马拉雅山地;(ⅱ)识别的16个保护优先区主要位于青藏高原东部、东南部、南部和西北部,其对青藏高原维管植物的保护效率为97%以上;(ⅲ)已建保护地对区域维管植物(7.32%)及其濒危(4.81%)、特有(8.28%)和狭域物种(0.98%)的保护效率均较低,仅覆盖约1/4的保护优先区,青藏高原维管植物保护存在明显的保护空缺;(ⅳ)将本研究识别的Ⅰ级保护空缺(仅占青藏高原国土面积6.5%)用于保护地体系优化,可有效提升已建保护地对青藏高原维管植物的保护.本研究为探索面向青藏高原维管植物...  相似文献   

苏铁类植物含2科10属, 是现存种子植物最原始的类群之一, 具有重要的科学研究和保护价值。苏铁属(Cycas)是唯一在中国有自然分布的苏铁类植物, 约20种, 多数种类为中国特有。中国的苏铁属植物主要分布于西南地区和东南沿海, 大部分种类为狭域分布的类群, 其生存繁衍受到了严重的威胁, 均被列为国家一级重点保护野生植物。基于文献资料收集整理和野外调查, 本文对中国苏铁属植物的研究和保护进行了阶段性总结。介绍了中国苏铁属植物分类研究、地理分布; 阐述了中国苏铁植物生存面临的主要威胁及相应的保护措施, 提出了保护方案的制定应遵循遗传学特征等科学依据。文中总结了我国苏铁植物保护科研工作中存在的5个主要问题: (1)苏铁植物基础科学问题有待进一步研究, (2)苏铁植物生境破坏较为严重, (3)人为盗采贩卖依然猖獗而苏铁植物园林园艺育种事业却举步不前, (4)苏铁自身生物学特性导致繁殖困难, (5)迁地保护难以保证苏铁种质“纯洁性”等, 同时针对这些问题提出相应建议, 以期为我国苏铁属植物的研究、保护以及可持续利用工作提供参考。  相似文献   

开展已有就地保护体系对生物多样性的保护现状评估有利于科学指导下一步保护规划工作.本研究收集华北地区46个国家级自然保护区的科学考察报告、多样性研究报告及其他相关文献资料,整理构建了华北地区药用维管植物保护名录数据库,并利用此数据库分析了该地区药用维管植物的就地保护状况.结果发现:华北地区国家级自然保护区不同程度保护了2 364种药用维管植物,隶属于165科800属;其中,1710个物种(占总数的72.34%)受保护程度一般,分布的保护区数量少于10个,仅62个物种(占总数的2.62%)受到有效保护,分布的保护区数量大于30个;不同保护类型的保护区对药用维管植物所发挥的保护作用不同,森林生态类型保护区发挥的保护作用最大,保护了华北地区89.04%(2 105/2 364种)的药用维管植物.研究认为华北地区国家级自然保护区对该地区药用维管植物的就地保护发挥了重要作用,但现有保护状况可进一步完善,尤其应该重视森林生态类型保护区的建设工作以及珍稀濒危药用植物的保护规划.  相似文献   

珍稀濒危植物的回归:理论和实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
回归(reintroduction)指的是在一个物种出现濒危的现有分布区域或已经灭绝的历史分布区域内建立新种群的活动.作为物种保护及种群恢复的重要策略之一,回归在越来越多的珍稀濒危植物保护实践中得到了应用.回归的成功标准分为短期和长期两类,前者包括个体的成活、种群的建立和扩散:后者包括回归种群的自我维持和在生态系统中发挥功能等.珍稀濒危植物的回归是一项高风险和高花费的工程,需要根据种群遗传学和生态学理论,选择合适的繁殖体、扩繁方式、回归地点和生境、定植时间、定植方式等,还要考虑传粉者和共生物种,并开展回归后的长期监测.为保证回归的成功并把回归过程中可能对生态环境造成的不利影响降到最小,还需要防止遗传污染、避免源种群的过度采集、加强公众教育、加强长期监测等.不同植物的回归面临着各不相同的具体困难,兰科植物的回归面临更多的困难,如材料扩繁难与存活率低等.基于生态学、传粉生物学、繁殖技术、真菌学和种群遗传多样性研究基础上开展兰科植物的回归,被证明是有效的综合保护策略.  相似文献   

中国1,334种兰科植物就地保护状况评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者通过对中国543个自然保护区内兰科植物数据的分析,对我国1,334种兰科植物的就地保护状况进行了逐一评价。我们根据有记录分布保护区的数量,通过专家咨询的方式,将兰科植物就地保护水平划分为"有效保护"、"较好保护"、"一般保护"、"较少保护"、"保护状况不明"和"未予评价"6个等级。结果发现:有676种兰科植物在自然保护区内得到了不同程度的就地保护,占所评价兰科植物总数的51.9%;但有626种兰科植物保护状况不明,尚未受到就地保护,占总数的46.9%。另外有32种仅分布在香港、澳门和台湾地区,本研究中未予评价,约占总数的2.4%。根据评价结果,就兰科植物就地保护中存在的基础调查不足、受关注程度低、受保护率低等问题进行了深入的讨论,提出5条有针对性的建议对策:(1)加强兰科植物的调查监测;(2)提高兰科植物的保护级别与受关注程度;(3)进一步完善兰科自然保护区建设;(4)规范自然保护区综合科学考察;(5)定期评价我国兰科植物保护成效。  相似文献   

通过实地网格化调查、标本查阅及历史资料搜集对上海濒危植物现状及保护对策进行了研究,结果表明:上海共有国家重点保护和濒危野生植物23科27属28种,建议上海重点保护的野生植物有54科82属101种。上海原生植物减少、外来植物增多、生物多样性降低等是上海一些原生植物变为濒危的主要原因。今后应建立上海濒危植物保护体系,重点保护上海的植物多样性中心,并尽快立法公布上海地方重点保护野生植物名录;加强植物多样性保护宣传,保护上海的野生植物资源并防范外来植物入侵。  相似文献   

湖北万朝山自然保护区珍稀濒危植物优先保护定量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该研究采用样线法和样地法,对湖北万朝山自然保护区的珍稀濒危保护植物资源进行了调查,并运用濒危系数、遗传价值系数和物种价值系数,计算出综合评价值,对其优先保护顺序进行了定量分析。结果表明:保护区内共有珍稀濒危保护植物47种,隶属于34科44属;根据综合评价值对珍稀濒危保护植物物种进行优先保护评价排序,其中Ⅰ级优先保护物种有9种,Ⅱ级优先保护物种有23种,Ⅲ级优先保护物种有12种,Ⅳ级优先保护有物种3种。通过分析珍稀濒危保护植物分布特征,发现该保护区珍稀濒危植物分布相对集中,并且在900~1 600 m海拔段,珍稀濒危保护植物物种和数量分布最多。该研究结果更加真实有效地为该保护区管理部门制定该地区珍稀濒危植物保护计划提供了科学依据,使其更加高效有力地指导本保护区的保护工作。  相似文献   

我国近30年来植物迁地保护及其研究的综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从20世纪80年代起,中国植物园与世界植物园同步挑起了植物迁地保护的历史重担,使植物园的数量迅速增加至近200个,收集保存了占中国植物区系2/3的20000个物种,并在稀有濒危植物迁地保护原理与方法的科学研究上获得了新的进展。然而,中国植物园的布局与世界的植物园一样,物种越丰富的地区,已建立的植物园越少;在保存的物种中,不仅忽视了遗传多样性的保护,而且有约1/3的国家重点保护种类主要因适应性问题而生长不良、出现生殖障碍,甚至死亡。为了提高我国植物迁地保护的有效性,本文就《中国稀有濒危植物保护名录》的修订与公布、《中国植物保护战略》的制定,以及我国植物园协调机制的建立、植物迁地保护网络系统的完善、稀有濒危植物迁地保护的规范等问题进行讨论。  相似文献   

植物迁地保护将是正在建设的国家植物园体系的核心任务,然而,有关植物迁地保护在植物多样性保护中的地位与作用、我国植物迁地保护的目标应该如何确立等诸多问题尚待讨论。本文通过文献研究,简要回顾了植物迁地保护的发展历史、过去40年国内外植物迁地保护取得的成绩,澄清了人们对植物迁地保护工作的一些疑虑;结合《昆明-蒙特利尔全球生物多样性框架》和即将发布的《支持<昆明-蒙特利尔全球生物多样性框架>实施的植物保护相关的自愿补充行动》,提出我国植物迁地保护的目标应该为“对所有受威胁植物实施有效的迁地保护,包括保护其遗传的多样性和代表性”。  相似文献   

桫椤科植物是古老的孑遗植物,现存的桫椤天然群落极为罕见,为了解桫椤(Alsophila spinulosa)及桫椤科(Cyatheaceae)植物在生物群落的中生存与保育状态研究现状,本文通过搜集国内外关于桫椤及桫椤科植物相关文献进行研究。桫椤科植物分布于高温潮湿、光斑直射的生境,常以斑块状分布于常绿阔叶林林缘。现阶段,桫椤科植物保护面临的主要问题是生态旅游、毁林开荒、环境污染、药材的违法采摘和挖掘等,这导致桫椤科植物的生境遭受干扰和破碎,桫椤科植株数量下降。对桫椤科植物的保护方式主要有就地保护、迁地保护,分子生物学技术在桫椤科植物繁育中应用逐渐增加。生物和非生物因素制约着桫椤科植物的分布和多样性,其中,生物因素特别是种间关系对桫椤植物的生长发育和分布有着重要影响,从种间关系的视角出发探讨桫椤科植物的保护或许不失为新时代桫椤科植物保护的有效方式。讨论了桫椤植科物相关的种间关系:桫椤科植物-微生物互作、桫椤科植物-其他植物互作、桫椤科植物-动物互作,探讨了桫椤科植物面临灭绝的因素以及近年来桫椤科植物相关的保护策略及成效,为桫椤科植物的有效利用和保护提供一定理论基础。  相似文献   

全球生态问题与植物园的功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文概述了全球生态问题的热点和植物园可能起的作用。作者以许多具体的实例论证了资源植物和植物环境对人类生存的重要意义,阐明了植物园的功能,尤其在保护植物多样性,保护稀有濒危植物方面的重要作用。  相似文献   

Europe has the greatest concentration of botanic gardens in the world, they cultivate extensive collections of plants that include samples of European threatened plant species. This study looks at the effectiveness of these collections in supporting species conservation. A three part study is presented: (1) the results of a survey and assessment of threatened plants in botanic gardens, as defined by the Bern Convention; (2) case studies illustrating current issues in the ex situ management of European threatened plant species; and (3) presentation of policy recommendations on further improving botanic garden contributions to European plant conservation. The survey indicated that of 119 European botanic gardens in 29 European countries, 105 are cultivating 308 of the 573 threatened plant species listed by the Bern Convention. The survey identified 25 botanic gardens in 14 countries undertaking 51 conservation projects focused on 27 Bern listed species. In particular this survey has established that the majority of taxa are held in a small number of collections, dominated by non-wild origin accessions, and are not adequately documented. The majority of specimens in botanic gardens are cultivated out of the range country and not contributing to a specific conservation project. We review the genetic representation and documentation of origin in collections. Existing plant collections contain representatives of populations, now lost in the wild and maintain samples of at least nine European plant taxa identified as 'Extinct in the Wild'. However, inadequate standards of record keeping has compromised the conservation value of many collections. We highlight the dangers of hybridisation and disease in ex situ collections. The results suggest that botanic garden collections are skewed towards horticulturally robust and ornamental species and do not fully reflect priorities as defined by the Bern Convention. Recognising the limitations of traditional botanic garden collections we propose that botanic gardens more effectively utilise their two core competencies, namely scientific horticulture and public display and interpretation. The unique horticultural skills resident in European botanic gardens could be more effectively utilised through the application of horticulture to the management of wild populations.Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society  相似文献   

This paper presents a unique survey on the role of botanic gardens as educational institutions that communicate plant diversity and conservation. An online survey was created to evaluate the present strategies developed by botanic gardens from all over the world to their visiting public. Dependent on their resources, either human, financial or both, all of them look for the accomplishment of Global Strategy for Plant Conservation’ target 14, promoting education on plants and awareness on human impacts in plant diversity loss. However, an educational group/department is more common in botanic gardens owned by the central government compared to the private, non-profit botanic gardens. The diversity of activities on plant diversity and conservation is influenced by the size and the number of staff in the garden. Only half of the surveyed botanic gardens have rooms exclusively assigned for educational activities and even less have garden spots for the same purpose. Online resources are particularly restricted to North America and Oceania botanic gardens. Although climate change is a brand new subject that could attract public to the garden, the most part of the gardens address biodiversity and plant identification as major themes of communication. Besides species label information and interpretation panels, self-guided visits, guided visits or activities/workshops are the common offers for public attraction. School visitors are still less than half of the total visitors and cover children from 6 to 13 years-old. These follow more guided visits and activities while general public choose self-guided visits.  相似文献   

In 2009, the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (UK) launched its Breathing Planet Programme. This 10 year programme seeks to re-align Kew’s work to develop plant-based solutions to the challenges of climate change. Further to the development of the Programme, Kew has undertaken a review of its science projects with relevance to mitigating the impacts of climate change on plant diversity and people. The review has allowed Kew to better understand its current strengths and weaknesses in this area in order to plan for the future. The findings of the review could be relevant for science programmes in other botanic gardens. Botanic gardens play a fundamental role in the conservation of biodiversity to mitigate climate change impacts. Knowledge and data on plant systematics, distribution and physiology is vital for modelling and monitoring the impacts of climate change, to help to identify plant species and habitats most at risk of losing their wild diversity. Kew’s Millennium Seed Bank Project will safeguard 25% of plant species by 2020, while in situ projects are improving the conservation of threatened habitats. One challenge is to make such activities relevant and useful to other scientists, conservation groups and policy makers working to address climate change. However, botanic gardens must also develop working practices and projects that specifically address the challenges of climate change. Kew and a global network of partners are doing this in a variety of ways, and examples will be presented in this paper.  相似文献   

The one activity that is common to all botanic gardens is the cultivation of plants. Many also have education, science, conservation, events and exhibitions programmes but cultivating plants is at the core of every botanic garden and plants are used to support all these activities. With existing and potential threats to plants and habitats it is essential that botanic gardens contribute to both the science and practice of plant conservation. This is because they have the staff skills and some of the resources required to make a significant contribution. However, if the live plant collections are to play a part in this work, and they must, then they must be guided by a Collection Policy and achieve the highest standards of sampling, record keeping and cultivation to make sure that the plants in question are fit for purpose. After describing the Collection Policy for the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (RBGE) in Part 1, the paper covers the importance of wild origin material, targets, review and audits in driving up standards in Part 2. In Part 3, the inadequacy of some conservation collections are described. The approach taken by three different conservation programmes at RBGE which have embraced the need for rigorous standards in conservation collections are then described. These are the International Conifer Conservation Programme, the Scottish Plants Programme and RBGE’s Target 8 (of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation) Project. Examples from RBGE’s Living Collection and Collection Policy are used throughout to illustrate the points being made.  相似文献   

 采用样线法和点样法对鄂尔多斯风蚀沙化梁地上的植物进行了调查,研究了梁地上克隆植物的分布、克隆植物在群落中的重要性及其与群落物种多样性之间的关系。结果表明:1)在梁顶的典型草原植物群落和梁底的滩地盐生植物群落中克隆植物的物种丰富度较高,而在梁坡的沙生植物群落中较少,非克隆植物物种在梁顶出现频率较高,在梁坡和梁底较少;密集型克隆植物物种丰富度的变化与非克隆植物相同,游击型克隆植物在梁顶植物群落中没有出现,在梁坡群落中也很少,而在梁底的滩地中较多。2)梁底群落中克隆植物的重要值高于梁顶和梁坡群落中克隆植物的重要值,梁顶与梁坡群落中非克隆植物的重要值高于梁底群落中非克隆植物的重要值;在梁坡与梁底群落中,克隆植物的重要值都高于非克隆植物的重要值,而在梁顶群落中克隆植物与非克隆植物的重要值之间无差异;梁顶与梁坡群落中密集型克隆植物的重要值高于梁底群落中密集型克隆植物的重要值,而游击型克隆植物的重要值在梁底群落中较高;在梁顶与梁坡群落中,密集型克隆植物的重要值分别高于游击型克隆植物的重要值,而在梁底群落中,密集型克隆植物的重要值低于游击型克隆植物的重要值。3)梁顶的典型草原植物群落中,群落物种多样性随非克隆植物的重要值、克隆植物的重要值、密集型克隆植物的重要值的变化趋势相同,都为抛物线型。梁坡的沙生植物群落中,群落物种多样性与非克隆植物的重要值呈正相关,而分别与克隆植物和密集型克隆植物的重要值呈负相关。梁底的滩地盐生植物群落中,群落物种多样性与非克隆植物的重要值呈正相关,而与克隆植物和游击型克隆植物的重要值呈负相关。  相似文献   

Research on agrobiodiversity points to the importance of home gardens in situ conservation, yet few studies to date explicate the origins and dynamics of plant species diversity. In this paper, we examine inter-household variations in cultivated plant species diversity among house gardens in a traditional peasant community, near Iquitos, Peru. In-depth household interviews (n = 24) and garden/field surveys reveal that home gardens are clearly the site of highest plant diversity in farmers’ field portfolios, and that substantial differences exist in garden composition, plant diversity, and the sources of garden planting material across households. Statistical analyses indicate that home garden diversity is related strongly to specific garden characteristics, household socioeconomic features, and access to planting material including seeds, cuttings, and suckers. The role and implications of differential access to planting material in the development and maintenance of crop species diversity is signaled as an important theme for future study in economic botany.  相似文献   

China’s rich floral diversity includes more than 33 000 vascular plant species,representing approximately 10 percent of all known plant species.Over half of these species are endemic to China.However,China’s rapid economic development in the last 30 years and continuous population growth have seriously damaged plant resources in the wild and the ecological environment,resulting in a dramatic increase in the number of endangered species.There are nearly 4 000 to 5 000 higher plants that are now threatened or on the verge of extinction.To help halt the loss of Chinese plant diversity,Botanic Gardens Conservation International(BGCI) has developed a China programme and opened its first office based in Guangzhou in 2008.This office works along with Chinese partners aiming to secure Chinese plant diversity through integrated conservation approaches with reintroduction/population reinforcement,engagement of local communities in conservation activities,capacity building in horticulture and environmental education and public outreach.  相似文献   

The conservation of plant diversity attracts worldwide interest. One of the major objectives of botanic gardens is to create and support collections of native taxa, and to build and maintain stocks of plants for ex situ conservation. In Armenia the first steps toward the cultivation and conservation of the local flora were taken in the 1930s on the initiative of Prof. H. K. Magakyan, one of the founders of the Yerevan Botanic Garden and an effort was made to create a scientifically-based living collection of Armenian plants. In 1954 A. A. Akhverdov and N. V. Mirzoeva created an exhibition plot at the Garden on the Flora and Vegetation of Armenia and the plot has now been established for over 55 years. The plot undertakes the conservation of living plants, conservation of the main types of plant community in Armenia, the introduction into cultivation of rare and declining species of the native flora, the establishment of living plants for re-introduction into natural habitats and the evaluation of data pertaining to the cultivation of rare and declining species in botanic gardens. The collection is also the basis for training and experimental studies for a number of educational institutions in Armenia. Armenia has c. 3500 species of vascular plant, of which c. 1000 species are represented in the Plot. As well as conservation, the plot has scientific, cultural and educational significance. Dissemination of knowledge about native plants contributes to greater public awareness and a better understanding of the natural world.  相似文献   

China′s rich floral diversity includes more than 33000 vascular plant species, representing approximately 10 percent of all known plant species. Over half of these species are endemic to China. However, China′s rapid economic development in the last 30 years and continuous population growth have seriously damaged plant resources in the wild and the ecological environment, resulting in a dramatic increase in the number of endangered species. There are nearly 4000 to 5000 higher plants that are now threatened or on the verge of extinction. To help halt the loss of Chinese plant diversity, Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI) has developed a China programme and opened its first office based in Guangzhou in 2008. This office works along with Chinese partners aiming to secure Chinese plant diversity through integrated conservation approaches with reintroduction/population reinforcement, engagement of local communities in conservation activities, capacity building in horticulture and environmental education and public outreach.  相似文献   

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