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Summary The reaction of saturated and unsaturated oils and fatty acids was examined in vitro with the Baker's acid hematein test. It has been found that oils whose molecules contain fatty acid components of two or more double bonds give a positive reaction with the acid hematein technique. The intensity of the reaction runs parallel with the number of double bonds.  相似文献   

We report the synthesis of the novel scaffolds pyrazino[1,2-b]isoquinoline and pyrrolo[1,2-a]pyrazine displaying the somatostatin pharmacophores. Both classes of compounds contain a pyrazine heterocycle, which can be prepared in a straightforward manner utilizing an intramolecular Fukuyama-Mitsunobu reaction. As both the families derive from amino acids, they can be accessed in high optical purity.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the relationship between inactivity and shear stress, the frictional force of blood against the endothelium, in spinal cord injury (SCI) subjects. SCI group offers a unique "model of nature" to study the effects of inactivity. Nine SCI subjects with upper (SCI-U) and 5 with a lower (SCI-L) motoneuron lesion and 10 able-bodied controls (C) were included. A venous blood sample was withdrawn to determine blood viscosity. Red blood cell velocities and arterial diameters of the common carotid artery (CCA) and common femoral artery (CFA) were measured by using echo-Doppler ultrasound in a supine position. No differences were observed in wall shear stress in the CCA between groups. In the CFA, peak and mean wall shear stress were significantly increased in SCI (14.1 and 1.2 Pa, respectively) compared with C (10.2 and 0.9 Pa, respectively). Because SCI-U and SCI-L showed no differences in shear stress levels, inactivity and not nerve degeneration seems to cause the elevated shear stress levels in the CFA in SCI. However, the lack of central neural control as a causal factor cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

The reaction of blood lymphocytes on adaptive irradiation in vitro (0.05 Gy) and challenge irradiation (1.0 Gy) 5 h after has been studied among 320 children 3-16 years old by micronuclei test with cytochalasin B cytokinetic block. The adaptive response or the hypersensitivity phenomenon (HS) has been determined by the calculation of the number of binucleated cells with micronuclei (MN) in 1000-2000 binucleated cells. For each individual by the chi2 criteria significant differences between the frequencies of damaged cells by irradiation in challenge dose and by combined action of adaptive and challenge doses have been detected. On the base of the results obtained the connection between AR or HS and the somatic diseases of different type and the disturbancies in systems of humoral and cell immunity has been studied. It was shown that in the row of allergic diseases and tuberculous infection among the significant part of the children (approximately 50%) the HS phenomenon was registered. The connection between the HS phenomenon and inflammatory processes (without allergic components), the logopedic disturbancies wasn't observed. It was shown in the group of HS children the deviation in the cell immunity system is registered. Significant deviations in HS group in the system of the humoral immunity is observed. So by the HS phenomenon significant number of the children have the somatic diseases and the deviation in the systems of cell and humoral immunity.  相似文献   

Patellofemoral pain is a disabling, highly prevalent pathology. Altered patellofemoral contact forces are theorized to contribute to this pain. Musculoskeletal modeling has been employed to better understand the etiology of patellofemoral pain. Currently, there are no data on the effective quadriceps moment arm for individuals with patellofemoral pain, forcing researchers to apply normative values when modeling such individuals. In addition, the ratio of patellofemoral reaction force to quadriceps force is often used as a surrogate for patellofemoral joint contact force, ignoring the fact that the quadriceps efficiency can vary with pathology and intervention. Thus, the purposes of this study were to: (1) quantify the effective quadriceps moment arm in individuals with patellofemoral pain and compare this value to a control cohort and (2) develop a novel methodology for quantifying the normalized patellofemoral joint reaction force in vivo during dynamic activities. Dynamic MR data were captured as subjects with patellofemoral pain (30F/3M) cyclically flexed their knee from 10° to 40°. Data for control subjects (29F/9M) were taken from a previous study. The moment arm data acquired across a large cohort of individuals with patellofemoral pain should help advance musculoskeletal modeling. The primary finding of this study was an increased mean normalized patellofemoral reaction force of 14.9% (maximum values at a knee angle of 10°) in individuals with patellofemoral pain. Understanding changes in the normalized patellofemoral reaction force with pathology may lead to improvements in clinical decision making, and consequently treatments, by providing a more direct measure of altered patellofemoral joint forces.  相似文献   

To examine the temporal relationship between the DTH skin reaction to HBsAg and antibody response to HBsAg, serial skin tests for HBsAg were carried out on seven individuals immunized with HB vaccine. All cases developed both a skin reaction and antibody response. In many cases, the DTH skin reaction appeared four weeks before the antibody response. These data suggest that DTH skin reaction may be a more sensitive method than humoral antibody assessment for monitoring the success of vaccination.  相似文献   

In mutation testing for Huntington disease, an autosomal dominant hereditary late-onset disorder, unfavourable test outcomes in at-risk individuals provide important information about other family members at risk. On the other hand, common counselling practice considers favourable outcomes as non-informative for at-risk relatives, except for the offspring of the tested individual. We shall show, however, that favourable outcomes also change the perspectives for the tested individual's first-degree relatives at risk. In the case of a (prospective) parent originally at 50% risk, and with n equalling the number of children or fetuses identified as non-carriers, the probability of being a non-carrier equals 2 (n)/(2 (n)+1) for the at-risk parent, providing that none of the offspring of this parent has been identified as a carrier. Likewise, the probability of being a non-carrier equals (2 (n+1)+1)/(2 (n+1)+2) for the (future) siblings of the tested individual. These changes in probabilities are important for individuals who are considering prenatal or presymptomatic DNA-testing for autosomal dominant hereditary late-onset disorders, such as Huntington disease and hereditary forms of cancer (BRCA1/2, FAP, HNPCC). Consequences can be far reaching in the case of pregnancies, where the risk of miscarriage after a prenatal test is 1%-2%. Parents initially at 50% risk may consider not having a prenatal test in successive pregnancies, knowing that favourable test results in previous pregnancies have considerably reduced their personal risk.  相似文献   


Persistent post concussion symptoms (PPCS) describe the condition when an individual experiences chronic symptoms, particularly fatigue, beyond the expected time of recovery. The aim of this study was to quantify the effect of fatigue and related ongoing symptoms on somatosensory and corticomotor pathways using reaction time (RT) testing, and single-pulse and paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Eighty-three participants (nine female, mean age 37.9?±?11.5?years) were divided into two groups (persistent symptoms versus asymptomatic) following self-report based upon previously published clinical symptom scores. All participants completed somatosensory and visuomotor RT testing, as well as corticomotor excitability and inhibition measurements via TMS. Participants in the persistent symptom group (n?=?38) reported greater number of previous concussions (t?=?2.81, p?=?0.006) and significantly higher levels of fatigue and related symptoms in the asymptomatic group (n?=?45; t?=?11.32, p?<?0.006). Somatosensory RT showed significant slowing and increased variability in the persistent symptoms group (p?<?0.001), however no significant differences were observed between groups for visuomotor RTs. Transcranial magnetic stimulation revealed differences between groups for intracortical inhibition at all stimulus intensities and paired pulse measures. The results indicate that somatosensory and corticomotor systems reflect on-going fatigue. From a practical perspective, objective and simplistic measures such as somatosensory and corticomotor measures can be used in the assessment of PPCS and gauging the efficacy of post concussion rehabilitation programmes.  相似文献   



Clinically, plantar fasciitis (PF) is believed to be a result and/or prolonged by overpronation and excessive loading, but there is little biomechanical data to support this assertion. The purpose of this study was to determine the differences between healthy individuals and those with PF in (1) rearfoot motion, (2) medial forefoot motion, (3) first metatarsal phalangeal joint (FMPJ) motion, and (4) ground reaction forces (GRF).


We recruited healthy (n=22) and chronic PF individuals (n=22, symptomatic over three months) of similar age, height, weight, and foot shape (p>0.05). Retro-reflective skin markers were fixed according to a multi-segment foot and shank model. Ground reaction forces and three dimensional kinematics of the shank, rearfoot, medial forefoot, and hallux segment were captured as individuals walked at 1.35 ms−1.


Despite similarities in foot anthropometrics, when compared to healthy individuals, individuals with PF exhibited significantly (p<0.05) (1) greater total rearfoot eversion, (2) greater forefoot plantar flexion at initial contact, (3) greater total sagittal plane forefoot motion, (4) greater maximum FMPJ dorsiflexion, and (5) decreased vertical GRF during propulsion.


These data suggest that compared to healthy individuals, individuals with PF exhibit significant differences in foot kinematics and kinetics. Consistent with the theoretical injury mechanisms of PF, we found these individuals to have greater total rearfoot eversion and peak FMPJ dorsiflexion, which may put undue loads on the plantar fascia. Meanwhile, increased medial forefoot plantar flexion at initial contact and decreased propulsive GRF are suggestive of compensatory responses, perhaps to manage pain.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of genomewide association testing of a binary trait when some sampled individuals are related, with known relationships. This commonly arises when families sampled for a linkage study are included in an association study. Furthermore, power to detect association with complex traits can be increased when affected individuals with affected relatives are sampled, because they are more likely to carry disease alleles than are randomly sampled affected individuals. With related individuals, correlations among relatives must be taken into account, to ensure validity of the test, and consideration of these correlations can also improve power. We provide new insight into the use of pedigree-based weights to improve power, and we propose a novel test, the MQLS test, which, as we demonstrate, represents an overall, and in many cases, substantial, improvement in power over previous tests, while retaining a computational simplicity that makes it useful in genomewide association studies in arbitrary pedigrees. Other features of the MQLS are as follows: (1) it is applicable to completely general combinations of family and case-control designs, (2) it can incorporate both unaffected controls and controls of unknown phenotype into the same analysis, and (3) it can incorporate phenotype data about relatives with missing genotype data. The methods are applied to data from the Genetic Analysis Workshop 14 Collaborative Study of the Genetics of Alcoholism, where the MQLS detects genomewide significant association (after Bonferroni correction) with an alcoholism-related phenotype for four different single-nucleotide polymorphisms: tsc1177811 (P=5.9x10(-7)), tsc1750530 (P=4.0x10(-7)), tsc0046696 (P=4.7x10(-7)), and tsc0057290 (P=5.2x10(-7)) on chromosomes 1, 16, 18, and 18, respectively. Three of these four significant associations were not detected in previous studies analyzing these data.  相似文献   

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