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Nucleoside diphosphate kinase (NDK) is a housekeeping enzyme localized in cellular organelles and distributed in various organs in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. In Neurospora crassa, NDK-1 is suggested to control catalases in response to heat, oxidative stress and light. In this study, we identified the presence of NDK-1 during most developmental stages in submerged mycelia, aerial hyphae, asexual conidia and perithecia, and the localization of it in soluble, mitochondrial, nuclear and membrane fractions in the mycelial cell. A light-dependent localization of NDK-1 was shown by Western blotting and immunohistochemical analysis using anti-NDK-1 antibody. In the mycelia, NDK-1 was compartmentalized on the plasma membrane in darkness, while it was relocated in the cytoplasm under light. These results suggest that NDK-1 protein was translocated from the plasma membrane to cytoplasm in response to light, and may interact with catalase.  相似文献   

As a first step towards understanding the process of blue light perception, and the signal transduction mechanisms involved, in Neurospora crassa we have used a pharmacological approach to screen a wide range of second messengers and chemical compounds known to interfere with the activity of well-known signal transducing molecules in vivo. We tested the influence of these compounds on the induction of the al-3 gene, a key step in light-induced carotenoid biosynthesis. This approach has implicated protein kinase C (PKC) as a component of the light transduction machinery. The conclusion is based on the effects of specific inhibitors (calphostin C and chelerythrine chloride) and activators of PKC (1,2-dihexanoyl-sn-glycerol). During vegetative growth PKC may be responsible for desensitization to light because inhibitors of the enzyme cause an increase in the total amount of mRNA transcribed after illumination. PKC is therefore proposed here to be an important regulator of transduction of the blue light signal, and may act through modification of the protein White Collar-1, which we show to be a substrate for PKC in N. crassa.  相似文献   

Summary Genetic analysis showed that the glycerol non-utilizing isolate gly-u(234) of Neurospora crassa is derived by mutation in a nuclear gene situated in the right arm of linkage group I, about 2.2 crossover units distal to ad-9 and 11 units proximal to nit-1.Enzymatic testings using a radiochemical method indicate that the mutant is deficient for the enzyme glycerol kinase. The radiochemical testings further indicate that the mutation has inactivated an inducible glycerol kinase, while a low residual activity may be due to a second, basal and non-inducible glycerol kinase, in accordance with a proposal by North (1973, 1974) that Neurospora has two glycerol kinases with these properties.  相似文献   

Repeat-induced point mutation (RIP) is a process that efficiently detects DNA duplications prior to meiosis in Neurospora crassa and peppers them with G:C to A:T mutations. Cytosine methylation is typically associated with sequences affected by RIP, and methylated cytosines are not limited to CpG dinucleotides. We generated and characterized a collection of methylated and unmethylated amRIP alleles to investigate the connection(s) between DNA methylation and mutations by RIP. Alleles of am harboring 84 to 158 mutations in the 2.6-kb region that was duplicated were heavily methylated and triggered de novo methylation when reintroduced into vegetative N. crassa cells. Alleles containing 45 and 56 mutations were methylated in the strains originally isolated but did not become methylated when reintroduced into vegetative cells. This provides the first evidence for de novo methylation in the sexual cycle and for a maintenance methylation system in Neurospora cells. No methylation was detected in am alleles containing 8 and 21 mutations. All mutations in the eight primary alleles studied were either G to A or C to T, with respect to the coding strand of the am gene, suggesting that RIP results in only one type of mutation. We consider possibilities for how DNA methylation is triggered by some sequences altered by RIP.  相似文献   

Summary A nuclear gene mutant of Neurospora crassa designated cyb-3 is deficient in cytochrome b and coenzyme QH2-cytochrome c reductase. Nearly normal when grown at 25°C, the strain expresses a mutant phenotype at 38°C. Mitochondria from cybr-3 mycelium, which has undergone 3–4 mass doublings at the elevated temperature, possess 3-fold less cytochrome b, 2-fold more cytochrome, c, 5-fold less coenzyme QH2-cytochrome c reductase activity, and require 3-fold less antimycin A per milligram of protein to inhibit NADH oxidation than do wild type mitochondria. The activity of coenzyme QH2-cytochrome c reductase declines rather slowly in cultures of cyb-3 transferred to 38° C, and the in vitro thermostability of the enzyme is very similar in wild type and mutant mitochondria. Therefore, the mutation may decrease synthesis or impair integration into the membrane of cytochrome b and perhaps other proteins of the enzyme complex.Contribution No. 1294-j, Division of Biology, Agricultural Experiment Station, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas.  相似文献   

Photoreceptor pigment for blue light responses in Neurospora crassa   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Irradiating the mycelium of Neurospora crassa with blue light causes the photoreduction of a b-type cytochrome. The action spectrum for the photoreduction of the cytochrome b is similar to action spectra for the photoactivation of carotene synthesis and photoinhibition of the circadian rhythm of conidiation in Neurospora.  相似文献   

A study of the heat-shock response in Neurospora crassa   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. Neurospora crassa was grown at 28 degrees C for 12 hr and transferred to higher temperatures for 2 hr. 2. Cultures labelled with [35S]methionine showed the synthesis of several new proteins in response to heat-shock at 46 to 48 degrees C. 3. Major polypeptides of approximate Mr 105,000, 99,000, 78,000, 43,000 and 23,000 were detectable in one-dimensional SDS-polyacrylamide slab gel electropherograms. 4. 2-D analysis using isoelectric-focussing in the first dimension and electrophoresis in SDS-polyacrylamide gels in the second led to the resolution of some of the heat-induced polypeptide into multiple spots differing in pI values. 5. mRNA from heat-shocked cells was translated poorly in Wheat Germ extract and rabbit reticulocyte lysate in vitro translation systems.  相似文献   

Actin has a pivotal function in hyphal morphogenesis in filamentous fungi, but it is not certain whether its function is equivalent to that of a morphogen, or if it is simply part of a mechanism that executes orders given by another regulatory entity. To address this question we selected for cytochalasin A resistance and isolated act1, the first actin mutant in Neurospora crassa. This mutant branches apically and shows an altered distribution of actin at the tip. Based on the properties of this mutant, we propose a model of tip growth and branching in which actin effects tip growth by regulating the rate of vesicle flow from proximal to distal regions of a hypha, thereby controlling the tip-high gradient of cytoplasmic calcium. The actin-controlled calcium gradient at the tip is necessary for maintenance of tip growth as well as the dominance of one polarized site at the hyphal tip. The phenotype of act1 indicates that actin controls the balance between lateral and apical branching.  相似文献   

Nucleoside diphosphate (NDP) kinase is transiently phosphorylated on a histidine of the active site during the catalytic cycle. In the presence of a nucleotide acceptor, the phosphohistidine bond is unstable and the phosphate is transferred to the acceptor in less than 1 msec. We describe the synthesis of an analog of the phosphoenzyme intermediate with an inactive mutant of NDP kinase in which the catalytic histidine is replaced by a cysteine. In two sequential disulfide exchange reactions, a thiophosphate group reacts with the thiol function of the cysteine that had previously reacted with dithionitrobenzoate (DTNB). The thiophosphoenzyme presents a 400,000-fold increased stability in the presence of NDPs compared with the phosphoenzyme. The binding of NDP is studied at the steady state and presteady state. Data were analyzed according to a bimolecular association model. For the first time, the true equilibrium dissociation constants of NDP for the analog of the phosphoenzyme are determined in the absence of phosphotransfer, allowing a better understanding of the catalytic mechanism of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Min K  Song HK  Chang C  Kim SY  Lee KJ  Suh SW 《Proteins》2002,46(3):340-342

Tamuli R  Kasbekar DP 《Genetics》2008,178(3):1169-1176
Crosses involving the Adiopodoumé strain of Neurospora crassa are defective for repeat-induced point mutation (RIP), a genome defense mechanism of fungi. We show here that the Adiopodoumé strain possesses an incompletely penetrant and variably expressive dominant suppressor of RIP (Srp) that maps to an approximately 34-kbp genome segment that is approximately 26 kbp proximal to mat on linkage group IL. Gene disruption experiments revealed that Srp is the upr-1 allele of Adiopodoumé (upr-1(Ad)) that is contained within this segment. The upr-1 gene codes for the catalytic subunit of the translesion DNA polymerase-zeta (Pol-zeta) and it is unusually polymorphic in Neurospora. That the upr-1 gene contains upstream ORFs that overlap with the main ORF is potentially relevant to the incomplete penetrance and variable expressivity of the suppressor. Crosses between heterokaryons that contain upr-1(Ad) and strains that prevent mating events involving nuclei that contain upr-1(Ad) yielded no progeny in which RIP had occurred, consistent with the idea that the suppressor encoded by upr-1(Ad) is diffusible. The potential involvement of the Pol-zeta subunit in two functions, translesion DNA synthesis and RIP regulation, might account for the rapid evolution of its gene in Neurospora.  相似文献   

Mycobacteria encode putative class II polyphosphate kinases (PPKs). We report that recombinant PPK2 of Mycobacterium tuberculosis catalyses the synthesis of GTP from GDP using polyphosphate rather than ATP as phosphate donor. Unlike that of PPK1, this is the favoured reaction of PPK2. The sites of autophosphorylation, H115 and H247, as well as G74 were critical for GTP‐synthesizing activity. Compromised survival of a ppk2 knockout (PPK2‐KO) of Mycobacterium smegmatis under heat or acid stress or hypoxia, and the ability of ppk2 of M. tuberculosis to complement this, confirmed that PPK2 plays a role in mycobacterial survival under stress. Intracellular ATP : GTP ratio was higher in PPK2‐KO compared with the wild‐type M. smegmatis, bringing to light a role of PPK2 in regulating the intracellular nucleotide pool. We present evidence that PPK2 does so by interacting with nucleoside diphosphate kinase (Ndk). Pull‐down assays and analysis by surface plasmon resonance demonstrated that the interaction requires G74 of PPK2MTB and 109LET111 of NdkMTB. In summary, we unravel a novel mechanism of regulation of nucleotide pools in mycobacteria. Downregulation of ppk2 impairs survival of M. tuberculosis in macrophages, suggesting that PPK2 plays an important role in the physiology of the bacteria residing within macrophages.  相似文献   

Bhat A  Kasbekar DP 《Genetics》2001,157(4):1581-1590
In Neurospora crassa the ability of an ectopic gene-sized duplication to induce repeat-induced point mutation (RIP) in its target gene was suppressed in crosses that were heterozygous for another larger chromosome segment duplication. Specifically, the frequency of RIP in the erg-3 gene due to a 1.3-kb duplication was reduced if the chromosome segment duplications Dp(IIIR > [I;II]) AR17, Dp(VIR > IIIR) OY329, or Dp(IVR > VII) S1229 were present in either the same or the other parental nucleus of the premeiotic dikaryon. We suggest that the larger duplications act as sinks to titrate the RIP machinery away from the smaller duplication. In contrast, RIP efficiency was relatively unaffected in comparably unproductive interspecies crosses with N. intermedia and N. tetrasperma. These findings offer a novel explanation for the observed persistence of the transposable element Tad in only a subset of Neurospora strains.  相似文献   

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