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Nucleolar assembly of the rRNA processing machinery in living cells   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
To understand how nuclear machineries are targeted to accurate locations during nuclear assembly, we investigated the pathway of the ribosomal RNA (rRNA) processing machinery towards ribosomal genes (nucleolar organizer regions [NORs]) at exit of mitosis. To follow in living cells two permanently transfected green fluorescence protein-tagged nucleolar proteins, fibrillarin and Nop52, from metaphase to G1, 4-D time-lapse microscopy was used. In early telophase, fibrillarin is concentrated simultaneously in prenucleolar bodies (PNBs) and NORs, whereas PNB-containing Nop52 forms later. These distinct PNBs assemble at the chromosome surface. Analysis of PNB movement does not reveal the migration of PNBs towards the nucleolus, but rather a directional flow between PNBs and between PNBs and the nucleolus, ensuring progressive delivery of proteins into nucleoli. This delivery appeared organized in morphologically distinct structures visible by electron microscopy, suggesting transfer of large complexes. We propose that the temporal order of PNB assembly and disassembly controls nucleolar delivery of these proteins, and that accumulation of processing complexes in the nucleolus is driven by pre-rRNA concentration. Initial nucleolar formation around competent NORs appears to be followed by regroupment of the NORs into a single nucleolus 1 h later to complete the nucleolar assembly. This demonstrates the formation of one functional domain by cooperative interactions between different chromosome territories.  相似文献   

Microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) from calf brain were fluorescently labeled with 6-iodoacetamido fluorescein (I-AF). The modified MAPs (especially enriched for MAP2) were fully active in promoting tubulin polymerization in vitro and readily associated with cytoplasmic filaments when microinjected into living cultured cells. Double-labeling experiments indicated that the microinjected AF-MAPs were incorporated predominantly, if not exclusively, into cytoplasmic microtubules in untreated cells or paracrystals induced within vinblastine-treated cells. Similar results were obtained with different cell types (neuronal, epithelial, and fibroblastic) of diverse origin (man, mouse, chicken, and rat kangaroo). Mobility measurements of the microinjected AF-MAPs using the method of fluorescence-photobleaching recovery (FPR) revealed two populations of AF-MAPs with distinct dynamic properties: One fraction represents the soluble pool of MAPs and is mobile with a diffusion coefficient of D = 3 X 10(-9) cm2/s. The other fraction of MAPs is associated with the microtubules and is essentially immobile on the time scale of FPR experiments. However, it showed slow fluorescence recovery with an apparent half time of approximately 5 min. The slow recovery of fluorescence on defined photobleached microtubules occurred most probably by the incorporation of AF-MAPs from the soluble cytoplasmic pool into the bleached area. The bleached spot on defined microtubules remained essentially immobile during the slow recovery phase. These results suggest that MAPs can associate in vivo with microtubules of diverse cell types and that treadmilling of MAP2-containing microtubules in vivo, if it exists, is slower than 4 micron/h.  相似文献   

CeR-2 RNA is one of the newly identified Caenorhabditis elegans noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs). The characterization of CeR-2 by RNomic studies has failed to classify it into any known ncRNA family. In this study, we examined the spatiotemporal expression patterns of CeR-2 to gain insight into its function. CeR-2 is expressed in most cells from the early embryo to adult stages. The subcellular localization of this RNA is analogous to that of fibrillarin, a major protein of the nucleolus. It was observed that knockdown of C/D small nucleolar ribonucleoproteins (snoRNPs), but not of H/ACA snoRNPs, resulted in the aberrant nucleolar localization of CeR-2 RNA. A mutant worm with a reduced amount of cellular CeR-2 RNA showed changes in its pre-rRNA processing pattern compared with that of the wild-type strain N2. These results suggest that CeR-2 RNA is a C/D snoRNA involved in the processing of rRNAs.  相似文献   

Non-ribosomal nucleolar proteins in HeLa cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The study of nucleolar macromolecular components has previously emphasized ribosomal precursor and mature RNA, or ribosomal structural proteins. In this work, we have stressed the purification of nucleoli, and have studied their protein composition. The results indicate that there exists in highly purified nucleoli of HeLa cells, a class of high molecular weight polypeptides which have been identified by means of size, kinetics of turnover, and metabolic behavior to be non-ribosomal nucleolar-specific proteins. The possibility that these proteins play a part in the assembly of mature ribosomes is discussed.  相似文献   

By means of immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy we have studied the fate of different nucleolar components during the apoptotic process in camptothecin-treated HL60 cells. We have found that RNA polymerase I disappeared while UBF was associated with previously described fibrogranular threaded bodies. In contrast, fibrillarin, C23/nucleolin, and B23/nucleophosmin remained detectable in granular material present amid micronuclei of late apoptotic cells. Double immunolabeling experiments showed colocalization of both C23 and B23 with fibrillarin. Immunoblotting analysis showed that UBF was proteolytically degraded, whereas fibrillarin, C23/nucleolin, and B23/nucleophosmin were not. These results may help explain the presence of anti-nucleolar antibodies seen in various pathological disorders.  相似文献   

Maturation of pre-rRNA has been investigated through heat shock experiments in which pre-rRNA synthesis is successively turned off and turned on. After one hour at 43°C high molecular weight RNA is no longer synthesized and both the methylation and the maturation of pre-rRNA synthesized before heat shock are blocked. After two hours recovery at 37°C, methylation and simultaneous maturation, of pre-existing RNA occur while pre-rRNA synthesis is reinitiated only after 7 hours at 37°C. During the first 30 min. at 43°C, a residual synthesis of high molecular weight RNA is observed in the nucleolus with an average molecular weight slightly higher than pre-rRNA (4.6 106). During the recovery period at 37°C, RNA synthesized at 43°C is slowly processed into unusual species (39S, 35S, 29S). No new ribosomal RNA appeared in the cytoplasm. This unusual maturation pathway could be a minor pathway of nucleolar RNA processing in exponentially growing cells.  相似文献   

A plastome (chloroplast genome) mutant of tobacco, lutescens-1, displays abnormal degradation of the chloroplast-encoded polypeptides which form the core complex of photosystem II (PSII). Two nuclear-encoded proteins (present in polymorphic forms), which normally function in the water oxidation process of PSII, accumulate as larger size-class polypeptides in mutant thylakoid membranes. These accumulated proteins are intermediate in size between the full-length primary protein synthesized in the cytoplasm and the proteolytically processed mature polypeptides. Trypsin treatment of unstacked mutant thylakoids and of inside-out vesicle (PSII-enriched) preparations indicated that the intermediate size forms were correctly localized on the inner surface of the thylakoid membrane, but not surface-exposed in the same way as the mature proteins. Only one of the intermediate size-class proteins could be extracted by salt washes. We interpret these data to be consistent with the idea that the two imported proteins that function in the water oxidation step of photosynthesis and are localized in the loculus (the space within the thylakoid vesicles) undergo two-step processing. The second step in proteolytic processing may be related to transport through a second membrane (the first transport step through the chloroplast envelope having been completed); this step may be arrested in the mutant due to the absence of the PSII core complex.  相似文献   

The discovery and engineering of novel fluorescent proteins (FPs) from diverse organisms is yielding fluorophores with exceptional characteristics for live-cell imaging. In particular, the development of FPs for fluorescence (or F?rster) resonance energy transfer (FRET) microscopy is providing important tools for monitoring dynamic protein interactions inside living cells. The increased interest in FRET microscopy has driven the development of many different methods to measure FRET. However, the interpretation of FRET measurements is complicated by several factors including the high fluorescence background, the potential for photoconversion artifacts and the relatively low dynamic range afforded by this technique. Here, we describe the advantages and disadvantages of four methods commonly used in FRET microscopy. We then discuss the selection of FPs for the different FRET methods, identifying the most useful FP candidates for FRET microscopy. The recent success in expanding the FP color palette offers the opportunity to explore new FRET pairs.  相似文献   

ADP-ribosylation reactions in nucleoli of exponentially growing HeLa cells were studied. Isolated nuclei or nucleoli were labeled with 32P-NAD; then the nucleolar proteins were analyzed by 1-dimensional and 2-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and modified proteins were detected by autoradiography. The labeled nucleolar proteins were also chromatographically fractionated on DEAE-cellulose. Electrophoretic analysis of total nucleolar and chromatographically purified proteins revealed that besides nuclear ADP-ribosyltransferase and histones two characteristic nucleolar phosphoproteins numatrin/B23 and nucleolin/C23 were modified by ADP-ribosylation.  相似文献   

The production of ribosomes is an energy-intensive process owing to the intricacy of these massive macromolecular machines. Each human ribosome contains 80 ribosomal proteins and four non-coding RNAs. Accurate assembly requires precise regulation of protein and RNA subunits. In response to stress, the integrated stress response (ISR) rapidly inhibits global translation. How rRNA is coordinately regulated with the rapid inhibition of ribosomal protein synthesis is not known. Here, we show that stress specifically inhibits the first step of rRNA processing. Unprocessed rRNA is stored within the nucleolus, and when stress resolves, it re-enters the ribosome biogenesis pathway. Retention of unprocessed rRNA within the nucleolus aids in the maintenance of this organelle. This response is independent of the ISR or inhibition of cellular translation but is independently regulated. Failure to coordinately control ribosomal protein translation and rRNA production results in nucleolar fragmentation. Our study unveils how the rapid translational shut-off in response to stress coordinates with rRNA synthesis production to maintain nucleolar integrity.  相似文献   

A review of the structural studies of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) is given. TMV is essentially a flat helical microcrystal with 16 1/3 subunits per turn. A single strand of RNA runs along the helix and is deeply embedded in the protein. The virus particles form oriented gels from which high-resolution X-ray fiber diffraction data can be obtained. This may be interpreted by the use of six heavy-atom derivatives to give an electron density map at 0.4 nm resolution from which the RNA configuration and the form of the inner part of the protein subunit may be determined. In addition, the protein subunits form a stable 17-fold two-layered disk which is involved in virus assembly and which crystallizes. By the use of noncrystallographic symmetry and a single heavy-atom derivative, it has been possible to solve the structure of the double disk to 0.28 nm resolution. In this structure one sees that an important structural role is played by four alpha-helices, one of which (the LR helix) appears to form the main binding site for the RNA. The main components of the binding site appear to be hydrophobic interactions with the bases, hydrogen bonds between aspartate groups and the sugars, and arginine salt bridges to the phosphate groups. The binding site is between two turns of the virus helix or between the turns of the double disk. In the disk, the region proximal to the RNA binding site is in a random coil until the RNA binds, whereupon the 24 residues involved build a well-defined structure, thereby encapsulating the RNA.  相似文献   

Imaging protein-protein interactions in living cells   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The complex organization of plant cells makes it likely that the molecular behaviour of proteins in the test tube and the cell is different. For this reason, it is essential though a challenge to study proteins in their natural environment. Several innovative microspectroscopic approaches provide such possibilities, combining the high spatial resolution of microscopy with spectroscopic techniques to obtain information about the dynamical behaviour of molecules. Methods to visualize interaction can be based on FRET (fluorescence detected resonance energy transfer), for example in fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM). Another method is based on fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) by which the diffusion rate of single molecules can be determined, giving insight into whether a protein is part of a larger complex or not. Here, both FRET- and FCS-based approaches to study protein-protein interactions in vivo are reviewed.  相似文献   

Imaging molecular interactions in living cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Hormones integrate the activities of their target cells through receptor-modulated cascades of protein interactions that ultimately lead to changes in cellular function. Understanding how the cell assembles these signaling protein complexes is critically important to unraveling disease processes, and to the design of therapeutic strategies. Recent advances in live-cell imaging technologies, combined with the use of genetically encoded fluorescent proteins, now allow the assembly of these signaling protein complexes to be tracked within the organized microenvironment of the living cell. Here, we review some of the recent developments in the application of imaging techniques to measure the dynamic behavior, colocalization, and spatial relationships between proteins in living cells. Where possible, we discuss the application of these different approaches in the context of hormone regulation of nuclear receptor localization, mobility, and interactions in different subcellular compartments. We discuss measurements that define the spatial relationships and dynamics between proteins in living cells including fluorescence colocalization, fluorescence recovery after photobleaching, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, fluorescence resonance energy transfer microscopy, and fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy. These live-cell imaging tools provide an important complement to biochemical and structural biology studies, extending the analysis of protein-protein interactions, protein conformational changes, and the behavior of signaling molecules to their natural environment within the intact cell.  相似文献   

Transient and low-affinity interactions among macromolecules underlie many physiological events. Often, these interactions are difficult to study because they are not maintained when the participating molecules are removed from their cellular context. To circumvent this challenge, crosslinking reagents can be used to introduce covalent bonds between interacting macromolecules. Photoactivatable crosslinkers are particularly attractive because they allow crosslinking to proceed in time- and location-specific ways. Once the interacting partners have been crosslinked, they can be isolated and then analyzed by mass spectrometry or other analytical techniques to determine the identity of the interacting molecules and to pinpoint the interacting regions. This review highlights recent methodological developments that make it possible to introduce photocrosslinking groups into polypeptides or glycans as they are synthesized in cells. We also describe how these methods offer a non-invasive way to study macromolecular interactions in a native context.  相似文献   

Cellular signaling networks have evolved an astonishing ability to function reliably and with high fidelity in uncertain environments. A crucial prerequisite for the high precision exhibited by many signaling circuits is their ability to keep the concentrations of active signaling compounds within tightly defined bounds, despite strong stochastic fluctuations in copy numbers and other detrimental influences. Based on a simple mathematical formalism, we identify topological organizing principles that facilitate such robust control of intracellular concentrations in the face of multifarious perturbations. Our framework allows us to judge whether a multiple-input-multiple-output reaction network is robust against large perturbations of network parameters and enables the predictive design of perfectly robust synthetic network architectures. Utilizing the Escherichia coli chemotaxis pathway as a hallmark example, we provide experimental evidence that our framework indeed allows us to unravel the topological organization of robust signaling. We demonstrate that the specific organization of the pathway allows the system to maintain global concentration robustness of the diffusible response regulator CheY with respect to several dominant perturbations. Our framework provides a counterpoint to the hypothesis that cellular function relies on an extensive machinery to fine-tune or control intracellular parameters. Rather, we suggest that for a large class of perturbations, there exists an appropriate topology that renders the network output invariant to the respective perturbations.  相似文献   

Tracking single proteins within cells   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
We present experiments in which single proteins were imaged and tracked within mammalian cells. Single proteins of R-phycoerythrin (RPE) were imaged by epifluorescence microscopy in the nucleoplasm and cytoplasm at 71 frames/s. We acquired two-dimensional trajectories of proteins (corresponding to the projection of three-dimensional trajectories onto the plane of focus) for an average of 17 frames in the cytoplasm and 16 frames in the nucleus. Diffusion constants were determined from linear fits to the mean square displacement and from the mean displacement squared per frame. We find that the distribution of diffusion constants for RPE within cells is broader than the distributions obtained from RPE in a glycerol solution, from a Monte Carlo simulation, and from the theoretical distribution for simple diffusion. This suggests that on the time scales of our measurements, the motion of single RPE proteins in the cytoplasm and nucleoplasm cannot be modeled by simple diffusion with a unique diffusion constant. Our results demonstrate that it is possible to follow the motion of single proteins within cells and that the technique of single molecule tracking can be used to probe the dynamics of intracellular macromolecules.  相似文献   

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