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The effect of short-term isolation on the systolic blood pressure and heart rate of rats has been studied. Five days continuous isolation in glass metabolic cages caused systolic arterial hypertension in all animals. Isolation in standard cages for this time period caused hypertension, but only in 55% of the animals. Both forms of isolation caused an initial tachycardia. Handling and contact with other animals for 1 hr daily prevented the development of hypertension in some animals but did not alter the blood pressure once the hypertension had developed. Group-housing of animals after a 3 week period of isolation restored blood pressure to control levels within 24 hr. It is possible that stress imposed by isolation activated the sympatho-adrenal system and thereby caused these changes.  相似文献   

As part of a study of risk factors for coronary heart disease 24 hour urine collections were obtained from 7354 men and women aged 40-59 selected at random from 22 districts throughout Scotland (Scottish heart health study). The mean of two standardised measurements of blood pressure was related to the reported consumption of alcohol and measurements of height, weight, pulse rate, and electrolyte excretion. Several significant correlations were found with both systolic and diastolic pressure, but only the coefficients for age, body mass index, and pulse rate were greater than 0.1. Alcohol consumption showed a weak positive correlation with blood pressure in men. Sodium excretion showed a weak positive correlation with blood pressure in both sexes, and potassium excretion showed weak negative correlations. In multiple regression analysis age, pulse rate, body mass index, alcohol consumption, and potassium excretion had significant independent effects but sodium excretion did not. Although measuring blood pressure twice on one occasion and 24 hour urinary sodium excretion only once may have weakened any potential correlation, the most likely explantation of these results is that the relation between sodium and blood pressure in the population is weak and that potassium and alcohol are of greater importance.  相似文献   

In 8 freely moving rats the circadian variation in the eletrolyte excretion was studied. Food was available during either the dark or the light period. The lights were on from 0800–2000 hr. Potassium, phosphate and magnesium showed peak excretion values during the dark period under both feeding conditions, although the maxima occurred 2.5 hr earlier when the rats were fed during the light period; minimum excretion was recorded just prior to feeding. Sodium excretion followed a different pattern; for animals fed during the night, maximum excretion occurred almost at the end of the dark period and minimum excretion at the start of the feeding period. For day-fed animals these values were recorded 5 and 4 hours earlier, respectively. Calcium excretion reached a maximum after the feeding period and a minimum shortly after the onset of feeding. From this study it can be concluded that the peak excretions of potassium, phosphate and magnesium are only slightly influenced by the feeding regimen, indicating that they depend mainly on an endogenous rhythm. In contrast, the minimum excretion of these ions is determined by feeding. For calcium maximum as well as minimum excretion is correlated with the feeding regimen. The excretion pattern of sodium differs from that of calcium, as well as potassium, phosphate and magnesium, indicating that it is controlled by a different mechanism.  相似文献   

Using Brattleboro rats with and without hereditary diabetes insipidus (DI, non-DI), blood pressure, water intake and the excretion of water, sodium, potassium and osmotically active substances were measured in intact individuals and in animals subjected to unilateral nephrectomy at the age of 23 or 80 days. The development of blood pressure (BP) changes, determined in unilaterally nephrectomized animals at the age of 4--6 months, depended on the age at which the kidney was removed. After nephrectomy at the age of 25 days, hypertension developed only in DI females given 0.6% NaCl solution to drink. The BP of those which drank water was unaffected. Unilateral nephrectomy at the age of 80 days produced a slight BP increase in females irrespective of whether they drank water or 0.6% NaCl, but in males only if they drank 0.6% NaCl solution. No hypertension was observed in intact animals. No relationship was found between water intake and the blood pressure level. The BP increase in water-drinking females uninephrectomized at 80 days was accompanied by a raised urine flow and raised excretion of osmotically active substances. Sodium losses in DI animals were greater than in non-DI animals and the urinary sodium concentration, in maximum dehydration, attained minimum values in DI and maximum values in non-DI animals. Unilateral nephrectomy at 25 days increased sodium losses in all the animals except non-DI females, but when performed at 80 days, only in DI males. No relationship between these results and BP changes was found. The possible relationship of the extrarenal consequences of absence of vasopressin to the development of experimental hypertension are discussed.  相似文献   

Around-the-clock blood pressure measurements repeated from the 2nd to 6th month of life in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) quantify circadian rhythmicity during the development of an elevated mean blood pressure. The rise in overall pressure is aggravated by social isolation in SHR maintained on a 12-hour white light/12-hour dim red light cycle, but not in SHR kept in continuous dim red light. The demonstration of this interaction is not possible with blood pressure measurements performed only at certain (convenient) times: failure to quantify the circadian rhythm in systolic blood pressure leads to conclusions which can vary with the circadian time at which measurements are made, even in comparisons at the same fixed clock-hour. Thus, in order to model and optimize multiple factors interacting in the genesis of overall mammalian pressure in SHR, rhythmometry is an indispensable tool as it is in other fields.  相似文献   

Zomepirac sodium is a new inhibitor of prostaglandin cyclooxygenase with an in vitro potency equivalent to indomethacin. Since inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis have marked effects on renal hemodynamics, zomepirac may be expected to reduce renal blood flow (RBF) in a manner similar to indomethacin. This study compares the effects of zomepirac and indomethacin on RBF and electrolyte excretion in anesthetized Rhesus monkeys. Each experiment consisted of a control period followed by 3 or 4 drug treatment periods in which increasing doses of zomepirac (0.5 to 20 mg/kg) or indomethacin (0.5 to 10 mg/kg were given. Indomethacin (5 mg/kg) reduced RBF by 22% and the higher dose (10 mg/kg) reduced RBF by an additional 13%. Zomepirac had little effect on RBF in doses as high as 20 mg/kg. At any given dose the mean plasma concentration of zomepirac was equal to or greater than indomethacin. Peak indomethacin concentration was 48 μg/ml after the 10 mg/kg dose while the peak zomepirac, after 20 mg/kg, was 158 μg/ml. Neither drug had a significant effect on either glomerular filtration rate or excretion rate of sodium or potassium. Thus, zomepirac had only minimal effects on RBF while indomethacin decreased RBF of anesthetized monkeys in a manner qualitatively similar to its effect in other species. The minimal renal effects caused by zomepirac relative to indomethacin in this primate may indicate a therapeutic advantage for zomepirac in man.  相似文献   

The influence of a three-day lithium treatment on the biliary electrolyte and bile acid output was determined in 20- and 105-day-old rats. The osmolarity of bile and the biliary concentrations of cations (Na+, K+, Ca++, H+) and chloride were higher in untreated young rats than in adults, although bile flow and bile acid excretion rates of the young and adult animals were comparable. Lithium increased the biliary excretion of sodium, potassium and calcium and decreased the excretion of chloride and bicarbonate ions in both age groups. In contrast, lithium treatment reduced bile acid excretion only in adult rats. The lithium-induced alterations in biliary ion elimination may be caused by an intracellular replacement of sodium and/or potassium. These results indicate that after lithium treatment cation loss occurs in the young as well as in the adult organism not only via urine and faeces but also via bile.  相似文献   

The effect of aspirin administration and presumed blockade of prostaglandin synthesis on renal sodium excretion, plasma and extracellular fluid volumes, and blood pressure were examined in rats on a high sodium intake. After acute salt loading aspirin treated rats showed an impaired sodium excretion, while no changes in glomerular filtration rate were observed. In chronically loaded rats (7 weeks) administration of aspirin induced significant increases in both plasma and extracellular fluid volume, but no significant changes in blood pressure were found. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that prostaglandins mediate renal sodium excretion and therefore participate in extracellular fluid volume regulation.  相似文献   

The effect of aspirin administration and presumed blockade of prostaglandin synthesis on renal sodium excretion, plasma and extracellular fluid volumes, and blood pressure were examined in rats on a high sodium intake. After acute salt loading aspirin treated rats showed an impaired sodium excretion, while no changes in glomerular filtration rate were observed. In chronically loaded rats (7 weeks) administration of aspirin induced significant increases in both plasma and extracellular fluid volume, but no significant changes in blood pressure were found. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that prostaglandins mediate renal sodium excretion and therefore participate in extracellular fluid volume regulation.  相似文献   

This review summarizes the evidence suggesting a role for second messengers in the thymus dependent differentiation of lymphocytes. Special emphasis will be placed on the potential for such studies to indicate differences and similarities not only between thymosin and other thumus factors but between the various peptides which are present in thymosin fraction 5.  相似文献   

《BMJ (Clinical research ed.)》1988,297(6644):319-328
The relations between 24 hour urinary electrolyte excretion and blood pressure were studied in 10,079 men and women aged 20-59 sampled from 52 centres around the world based on a highly standardised protocol with central training of observers, a central laboratory, and extensive quality control. Relations between electrolyte excretion and blood pressure were studied in individual subjects within each centre and the results of these regression analyses pooled for all 52 centres. Relations between population median electrolyte values and population blood pressure values were also analysed across the 52 centres. Sodium excretion ranged from 0.2 mmol/24 h (Yanomamo Indians, Brazil) to 242 mmol/24 h (north China). In individual subjects (within centres) it was significantly related to blood pressure. Four centres found very low sodium excretion, low blood pressure, and little or no upward slope of blood pressure with age. Across the other 48 centres sodium was significantly related to the slope of blood pressure with age but not to median blood pressure or prevalence of high blood pressure. Potassium excretion was negatively correlated with blood pressure in individual subjects after adjustment for confounding variables. Across centres there was no consistent association. The relation of sodium to potassium ratio to blood pressure followed a pattern similar to that of sodium. Body mass index and heavy alcohol intake had strong, significant independent relations with blood pressure in individual subjects.  相似文献   

No effect on cognitive function from daily mobile phone use   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The increasing use of mobiles phones (MP) has raised the problem of the effects of daily electromagnetic fields (EMF) exposure on human health. To date several studies have been published concerning the effects of acute MP exposure on psychomotor performances. This study investigated the effects of daily exposure to GSM 900 type MP on cognitive function. Fifty-five subjects (27 male and 28 female) were divided into two groups: a group with MP switched on and a group with MP switched off. The two groups were matched according to age, gender, and IQ. This double blind study lasted for 45 days and was divided in three periods: baseline (BLP, 2 days), exposure (EP, 27 days), and recovery (RP, 13 days). Subjects were exposed during EP and sham exposed during RP for 2 h/day, 5 days/week. The neuropsychological test battery composed of 22 tasks screened four neuropsychological categories: information processing, attention capacity, memory function, and executive function. This neuropsychological battery was performed four times on day 2 (BLP), day 15 (EP), day 29 (EP), and day 43 (RP). Our results indicate that daily MP use has no effect on cognitive function after a 13-h rest period.  相似文献   

To explore the role of arterial chemoreceptors, the effect of hypobaric hypoxia on urinary sodium excretion and systolic blood pressure was investigated in conscious spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) with carotid body denervation (CBD) or after sham-operation (SO). Denervation of the carotid bodies was performed by section of the carotid sinus nerves. Exposure to hypobaric hypoxia equivalent to high altitude of 4000 m led to a more pronounced decrease in systolic blood pressure in CBD-rats than in SO-rats. The pattern of urinary sodium excretion observed on the first two days of hypoxia in both groups was not affected by the chemodenervation. It is being suggested that arterial chemoreceptors do not play a critical role in blood pressure and natriuretic responses to hypobaric hypoxia in conscious SHR.  相似文献   

The rich innervation of the kidney is distributed to all structures of renal parenchyma thus providing important anatomical support to the functional evidence that the renal nerves can control kidney functions and send signals on the kidney environment to the central nervous system. Efferent renal nerve fibres are known to influence renal haemodynamics by modifying arteriolar vascular tone, renin release by a direct action on juxtaglomerular cells, and the excretion of sodium and water by changing tubular reabsorption of sodium and water at the different tubular levels. Mechano- and chemo-receptors have been shown in the kidney. Afferent fibres connected with renal receptors convey signals to the central nervous system both at spinal and supraspinal levels. The central areas receiving inputs from the kidney are those involved in the control of cardiovascular homeostasis and fluid balance. Activation of renal receptors by the electrical stimulation of renal afferent fibres were found to elicit both excitatory and inhibitory sympathetic responses. Although the existence of excitatory renorenal reflexes has been suggested, electrophysiological and functional data demonstrate that neural renorenal reflexes exert a tonic inhibitory influence on the tubular sodium and water reabsorption and on the secretion of renin from the juxtaglomerular cells.  相似文献   

D Susic  J C Sparks 《Prostaglandins》1975,10(5):825-831
The effect of aspirin administration and presumed blockade of prostaglandin synthesis on renal sodium excretion, plasma and extracellular fluid volumes, and blood pressure were examined in rats on a high sodium intake. After acute salt loading aspirin treated rats showed an impaired sodium excretion, while no changes in glomerular filtration rate were observed. In chronically loaded rats (7 weeks) administration of aspirin induced significant increases in both plasma and extracellular fluid volume, but no significant changes in blood pressures were found. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that prostaglandins mediate renal sodium excretion and therefore participate in extracellular fluid volume regulation.  相似文献   

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