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Epithelial barrier dysfunction is associated with the pathogenesis of a number of immune inflammations; the etiology is not fully understood. The fusion of endosome/lysosome is a critical process in the degradation of endocytic antigens in epithelial cells. Recent reports indicate that myosin VI (myo6) is involved in the activities of endosomes. The present study aims to investigate the role of myo6 in epithelial barrier dysfunction.


The endosome accumulation was observed in myo6-deficient Rmcs. More than 80% endosomes were fused with lysosomes in naïve Rmcs while less than 30% endosomes were fused with lysosomes in the myo6-deficient Rmcs. The myo6-deficient Rmc monolayers showed high permeability to a macromolecular antigen, ovalbumin, the latter still conserved the antigenicity, which induced strong T cell activation.


We conclude that myo6 plays a critical role in the fusion of endosome/lysosome in Rmc epithelial cells. Deficiency of myo6 compromises the epithelial barrier function.  相似文献   

The reduced-folate carrier (Rfc-1), previously also called methotrexate carrier-1 (MTX-1), was recently identified as accounting for approximately 30% of the methotrexate (Mtx) uptake into rat kidney slices. The localization of the carrier and its contribution to secretory or reabsorptive flux of the drug was therefore evaluated in polarized epithelial layers of Madin Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. Confocal laser scanning microscopy revealed that the HA-epitope-tagged protein was sorted to the basolateral side. In flux assays, the basolateral-to-apical transport of fluoresceinated methotrexate (FMTX) was two-fold higher than in the apical-to-basolateral direction across rat Rfc-1 transfected, but not mock-transfected, monolayers. The same observation was made for unlabeled Mtx. This secretory transport of FMTX was inhibited by an excess of 1 mM Mtx and was saturable and temperature-dependent. No differences in directional flux were observed for the pure fluorescein label. Removal of sodium resulted in a marked decrease of directional FMTX flux. The pH profile of the active transport component showed a trough around 6.5 and a maximum at acidic pH, as reported for uptake into Rfc-1-expressing cells. Thus, rat Rfc-1 is sorted to the basolateral side in polarized MDCK epithelial cells and mediates the secretion of Mtx, probably in co-operation with efflux proteins, such as multidrug resistance associated proteins, which are also expressed in these cells. This study was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (HO2103/1-2) and HO2512/1-1 (Kerstin U. Honscha).  相似文献   

Cytomatrix synthesis in MDCK epithelial cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Detailed information regarding the synthesis rates of individual protein components is important in understanding the assembly and dynamics of the cytoskeletal matrix of eukaryotic cells. As an approach to this topic, the dual isotope technique of Clark and Zak (J. Biol. Chem., 256:4863-4870, 1981), was employed to measure fractional synthesis rates (FSRs) in growing and quiescent cultures of MDCK epithelial cells. Cell protein was labeled to equilibrium with [14C]leucine over several days and then pulse-labeled for 4 hours with [3H]leucine. FSRs (as percent per hour) were calculated from the 3H/14C ratio of cell extracts or individual proteins separated by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and the 3H/14C ratio of free leucine in the medium. Synthesis of total cell protein rose from approximately 1.4%/hour in quiescent cells to 3.5%/hour in the growing cultures. The latter rate was sufficient to account for the rate of protein accumulation and a low level of turnover in the growing cultures. The FSR of the buffered-Triton soluble extract was higher and the cytoskeletal FSR significantly lower than that for total protein in quiescent monolayers. This difference, however, was not observed in growing cultures. A distinct pattern of differences was seen in the FSRs of individual cytoskeletal proteins in the quiescent cultures. Vimentin synthesis was significantly lower than that of the keratins and the keratin FSRs were not obviously matched in pairwise fashion. Unexpectedly, the FSRs of alpha- and beta-tubulin diverged in quiescent cells with alpha-tubulin turnover exceeding beta-tubulin. Likewise, components of the microfilament lattice showed unequal fractional synthesis rates, myosin and alpha-actinin being faster than actin. In addition, the FSR for globular actin exceeded that of the cytoskeletal associated form. The results suggest that metabolic coupling between individual cellular filament systems is not strict. The data are, however, consistent with models that predict that assembly of a subcellular structure influences the turnover of its component proteins.  相似文献   

Polarity of the Forssman glycolipid in MDCK epithelial cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
To determine whether epithelial plasma membrane glycolipids are polarized in a manner analogous to membrane proteins, MDCK cells grown on permeable filters were analyzed for the expression of Forssman ceramide pentasaccharide, the major neutral glycolipid in these cells. In contrast to a recent report which described exclusive apical localization of the Forssman glycolipid (Hansson, G.C., Simons, K. and Van Meer, G. (1986) EMBO J. 5, 483-489), immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopic staining revealed the Forssman glycolipid on both the apical and basolateral surfaces of polarized cells. Immunoblots indicated that the Forssman antigen was detectable only on glycolipids and not on proteins. Analysis of metabolically labeled glycolipids released into the apical and basal culture medium, either as shed membrane vesicles or in budding viruses, also demonstrated the presence of the Forssman glycolipid on both apical and basolateral membranes of polarized cells. Quantitation of the released glycolipid indicated that the Forssman glycolipid was concentrated in the apical membrane. These results are consistent with previous reports which described quantitative enrichment of glycolipids in the apical domain of several epithelia.  相似文献   

Cadherin-mediated cell-cell adhesion controls the morphology and function of epithelial cells and is a critical component of the pathology of chronic inflammatory disorders. Dynamic interactions between cadherins and the actin cytoskeleton are required for stable cell-cell contact. Besides actin, microtubules also target intercellular, cadherin-based junctions and contribute to their formation and stability. Here, we studied the role of microtubules in conjunction with Rho-like GTPases in the regulation of lung epithelial barrier function using real-time monitoring of transepithelial electrical resistance. Unexpectedly, we found that disruption of microtubules promotes epithelial cell-cell adhesion. This increase in epithelial barrier function is accompanied by the accumulation of beta-catenin at cell-cell junctions, as detected by immunofluorescence. Moreover, we found that the increase in cell-cell contact, induced by microtubule depolymerization, requires signaling through a RhoA/Rho kinase pathway. The Rac-1 GTPase counteracts this pathway, because inhibition of Rac-1 signaling rapidly promotes epithelial barrier function, in a microtubule- and RhoA-independent fashion. Together, our data suggest that microtubule-RhoA-mediated signaling and Rac-1 control lung epithelial integrity through counteracting independent pathways.  相似文献   

Etk/Bmx is a member of the Tec family of cytoplasmic non-receptor tyrosine kinases known to express in epithelial cells. We demonstrate herein that Etk activation in stably Etk-transfected epithelial Pa-4 cells resulted in a consistently increased transepithelial resistance (TER). After 24 h of hypoxic (1% O(2)) exposure, the TER and equivalent active ion transport rate (I(eq)) were reduced to <5% of the normoxia control in Pa-4 cells, whereas both TER and I(eq) were maintained at comparable and 60% levels, respectively, relative to their normoxic controls in cells with Etk activation. Moreover, Pa-4 cells exhibited an abundant actin stress fiber network with a diffuse distribution of beta-catenin at the cell periphery. By contrast, Etk-activated cells displayed a redistribution of actin to an exclusively peripheral network, with a discrete band of beta-catenin also concentrated at the cell periphery, and an altered occludin distribution profile. On the basis of these findings, we propose that Etk may be a novel regulator of epithelial junctions during physiological and pathophysiological conditions.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoids and prolactin (PRL) have a direct effect on the formation and maintenance of tight junctions (TJs) in cultured endothelial and mammary gland epithelial cells. In this work, we investigated the effect of a synthetic glucocorticoid dexamethasone (DEX) and PRL on the paracellular barrier function in MDCK renal epithelial cells. DEX (4 microM)+PRL (2 microg/ml) and DEX alone increased significantly the transepithelial electrical resistance after chronic treatment (4 days) of confluent MDCK monolayers or after 24 h treatment of subconfluent monolayers. Immunoblotting and immunocytochemistry revealed no changes in the expression and distribution of TJ-associated proteins occludin, ZO-1 and claudin-1 in confluent monolayers after hormone addition. However, a marked increase in junctional content for occludin and ZO-1 with no changes in their total expression was observed in subconfluent MDCK monolayers 24 h exposed to DEX or DEX+PRL. No change in cell proliferation/growth was detected at subconfluent conditions following hormone treatment. An increase in the total number of viable cells was observed only in confluent MDCK monolayers after exposure to DEX+PRL suggesting that the main effect of these hormones on already established barrier may be associated with the inhibition of cell death. In conclusion, our data suggest that these hormones (specially dexamethasone) have an effect on TJ structure and function only during the formation of MDCK epithelial barrier by probably modulating the localization, stability or assembly of TJ proteins to membrane sites of intercellular contact.  相似文献   

The molecular chaperone protein Hsp78, a member of the Clp/Hsp100 family localized in the mitochondria of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is required for maintenance of mitochondrial functions under heat stress. To characterize the biochemical mechanisms of Hsp78 function, Hsp78 was purified to homogeneity and its role in the reactivation of chemically and heat-denatured substrate protein was analyzed in vitro. Hsp78 alone was not able to mediate reactivation of firefly luciferase. Rather, efficient refolding was dependent on the simultaneous presence of Hsp78 and the mitochondrial Hsp70 machinery, composed of Ssc1p/Mdj1p/Mge1p. Bacterial DnaK/DnaJ/GrpE, which cooperates with the Hsp78 homolog, ClpB in Escherichia coli, could not substitute for the mitochondrial Hsp70 system. However, efficient Hsp78-dependent refolding of luciferase was observed if DnaK was replaced by Ssc1p in these experiments, suggesting a specific functional interaction of both chaperone proteins. These findings establish the cooperation of Hsp78 with the Hsp70 machinery in the refolding of heat-inactivated proteins and demonstrate a conserved mode of action of ClpB homologs.  相似文献   

Claudins are a family of integral membrane proteins of the tight junction that are thought to participate in the permeation of solutes across epithelia via the paracellular pathway. Claudin-8 is expressed in the distal renal tubule, which has a characteristically low passive permeability to monovalent cations. To test the hypothesis that claudin-8 plays a role in forming a tight paracellular barrier to cations, stably transfected Madin-Darby canine kidney II cell lines with inducible expression of claudin-8 were generated. Induction of claudin-8 expression was associated with down-regulation of endogenous claudin-2 protein. Other tight junction proteins were expressed and targeted normally, and the number of junctional strands was minimally altered. By Ussing chamber and radiotracer flux studies, claudin-8 expression was found to reduce paracellular permeability to monovalent inorganic and organic cations and to divalent cations but not to anions or neutral solutes. The size selectivity, charge dependence, and activation energy of paracellular cation permeation were all unchanged. These observations are consistent with a model in which claudin-2 encodes a highly cation-permeable channel, whereas claudin-8 acts primarily as a cation barrier. When exogenous claudin-8 is expressed, it replaces endogenous claudin-2, inserting in its place into existing tight junction strands, thereby reducing the apparent number of functional cation pores. Our findings suggest that claudin-8 plays an important role in the paracellular cation barrier of the distal renal tubule.  相似文献   

Oxidant-mediated death of lung epithelial cells due to cigarette smoking plays an important role in pathogenesis in lung diseases such as idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). However, the exact mechanism by which oxidants induce epithelial cell death is not fully understood. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) modulator 1 (Romo1) is localized in the mitochondria and mediates mitochondrial ROS production through complex III of the mitochondrial electron transport chain. Here, we show that Romo1 mediates mitochondrial ROS production and apoptosis induced by oxidative stress in lung epithelial cells. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) treatment increased Romo1 expression, and Romo1 knockdown suppressed the cellular ROS levels and cell death triggered by H2O2 treatment. In immunohistochemical staining of lung tissues from patients with IPF, Romo1 was mainly localized in hyperplastic alveolar and bronchial epithelial cells. Romo1 overexpression was detected in 14 of 18 patients with IPF. TUNEL-positive alveolar epithelial cells were also detected in most patients with IPF but not in normal controls. These findings suggest that Romo1 mediates apoptosis induced by oxidative stress in lung epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Kidney anion exchanger 1 (kAE1) is a membrane glycoprotein expressed at the basolateral membrane of type A intercalated cells in the kidney collecting tubule. Mutations occurring in the gene encoding this protein can give rise to distal renal tubular acidosis (dRTA), a disease characterized by an impaired urine acidification, nephrocalcinosis, and renal failure. Here we review how the study of dRTA mutants in polarized epithelial cells has shed light on the cellular mechanisms resulting in this renal disease.  相似文献   

Group A Streptococcus pyogenes (GAS) is a human pathogen that causes local suppurative infections and severe invasive diseases. Systemic dissemination of GAS is initiated by bacterial penetration of the epithelial barrier of the pharynx or damaged skin. To gain insight into the mechanism by which GAS penetrates the epithelial barrier, we sought to identify both bacterial and host factors involved in the process. Screening of a transposon mutant library of a clinical GAS isolate recovered from an invasive episode allowed identification of streptolysin S (SLS) as a novel factor that facilitates the translocation of GAS. Of note, the wild type strain efficiently translocated across the epithelial monolayer, accompanied by a decrease in transepithelial electrical resistance and cleavage of transmembrane junctional proteins, including occludin and E-cadherin. Loss of integrity of intercellular junctions was inhibited after infection with a deletion mutant of the sagA gene encoding SLS, as compared with those infected with the wild type strain. Interestingly, following GAS infection, calpain was recruited to the plasma membrane along with E-cadherin. Moreover, bacterial translocation and destabilization of the junctions were partially inhibited by a pharmacological calpain inhibitor or genetic interference with calpain. Our data indicate a potential function of SLS that facilitates GAS invasion into deeper tissues via degradation of epithelial intercellular junctions in concert with the host cysteine protease calpain.  相似文献   

Clathrin and caveolins are known for their involvement in the internalization of numerous receptors. Here we show that in polarized epithelial Madin-Darby canine kidney cells, both the clathrin machinery and caveolins are involved in the endocytosis and delivery to the plasma membrane (PM) of the M1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (mAChR). We initially localized this receptor to the lateral membrane, where it accumulates proximal to the tight junctions. From there it is internalized through the clathrin-mediated pathway. In addition, the receptor may associate on the PM with caveolin (cav) 2 or in intracellular compartments with either cav 2, or monomeric or oligomeric cav 1. Association of the PM M1 mAChR with cav 2 inhibits receptor endocytosis through the clathrin-mediated pathway or retains the receptor in an intracellular compartment. This intracellular association attenuates receptor trafficking. Expression of cav 1 with cav 2 rescues the latter's inhibitory effect. The caveolins stimulate M1 mAChR oligomerization thus maintaining a constant amount of monomeric receptor. These results provide evidence that caveolins play a role in the attenuation of the M1 muscarinic receptor's intracellular trafficking to and from the PM.  相似文献   

Tight junction formation in cultured epithelial cells (MDCK)   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Summary Synthesis and assembly of tight junctions are studied in monolayers of MDCK cells plated at a density sufficient for confluence, allowed to attach for 1 hr, and transferred to fresh media without cells containing or not Ca2+, 20 hr later, while monolayers with Ca2+ have fully developed junctions that confer an electrical resistance across of 346±51 cm2, those without Ca2+ have a negligible resistance. If at this time Ca2+ is added, junctions assemble and seal with a fast kinetics, that can be followed through the development of electrical resistance, penetration of ruthenium red, and electron microscopy. Drugs that impair synthesis, maturation and transport of proteins (cycloheximide, tunicamycin, monensin) indicate that protein components are synthesized early upon plating, do not seem to require N-glycosylation, and are stored in the Golgi compartment. Upon addition of Ca2+ they are transferred to the membrane with the participation of microfilaments but not of microtubules. These components seem to insert directly in the position they occupy in the strands, and the cell circles its perimeter with one strand as early as 15 min, even if in some segments it only consists of a row of particles. New strands develop in association with previous ones, and the pattern completes in 4 to 6 hr. Ca2+ is required for the maintenance of the assembly and also for the sealing with neighboring cells. These processes cannot occur below 25°C. Serum is not required. Polarized distribution of intramembrane particles (IMP) in apical and basolateral regions follows the same time course as junction formation, in spite of the fence constituted by those strands that are already assembled. This suggests that IMP do not redistribute by lateral displacements in the plane of the membrane, but by removal and insertion in the apical and basolateral domains.  相似文献   

The effects of the sensory neurotransmitter substance P on the expression of tight junction proteins and on barrier function in human corneal epithelial cells were investigated. The expression of ZO-1, but not that of occludin or claudin-1, was increased by substance P in a concentration- and time-dependent manner. This effect was inhibited by the NK-1 receptor antagonist GR82334 and by KN62, an inhibitor of Ca2+- and calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II. Substance P also increased the transepithelial electrical resistance of a cell monolayer in a manner sensitive to GR82334. Substance P may therefore play a role in maintenance of tight junctions in the corneal epithelium.  相似文献   

Polarized epithelial cells secrete proteins at either the apical or basolateral cell surface. A number of non-epithelial secretory proteins also exhibit polarized secretion when they are expressed in polarized epithelial cells but it is difficult to predict where foreign proteins will be secreted in epithelial cells. The question is of interest since secretory epithelia are considered as target tissues for gene therapy protocols that aim to express therapeutic secretory proteins. In the parathyroid gland, parathyroid hormone is processed by furin and co-stored with chromogranin A in secretory granules. To test the secretion of these proteins in epithelial cells, they were expressed in MDCK cells. Chromogranin A and a secreted form of furin were secreted apically while parathyroid hormone was secreted 60% basolaterally. However, in the presence of chromogranin A, the secretion of parathyroid hormone was 65% apical, suggesting that chromogranin can act as a “sorting escort” (sorting chaperone) for parathyroid hormone. Conversely, apically secreted furin did not affect the sorting of parathyroid hormone. The apical secretion of chromogranin A was dependent on cholesterol, suggesting that this protein uses an established cellular sorting mechanism for apical secretion. However, this sorting does not involve the N-terminal membrane-binding domain of chromogranin A. These results suggest that foreign secretory proteins can be used as “sorting escorts” to direct secretory proteins to the apical secretory pathway without altering the primary structure of the secreted protein. Such a system may be of use in the targeted expression of secretory proteins from epithelial cells. David V. Cohn—Deceased.  相似文献   

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