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Mathematical modeling is becoming established in the immunologist's toolbox as a method to gain insight into the dynamics of the immune response and its components. No more so than in the case of the study of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, where earlier work on the viral dynamics brought significant advances in our understanding of HIV replication and evolution. Here, I review different areas of the study of the dynamics of CD4+ T cells in the setting of HIV, where modeling played important and diverse roles in helping us understand CD4+ T-cell homeostasis and the effect of HIV infection. As the experimental techniques become more accurate and quantitative, modeling should play a more important part in both experimental design and data analysis.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between HIV-1 replication and virus (HIV-1; CMV)-specific CD4(+) T cell frequency and function in HIV-1-infected children. HIV-1 gag p55-specific CD4(+) T cell IFN-gamma responses were detected in the majority of children studied. p55-specific responses were detected less commonly and at lower frequencies in children with <50 copies/ml plasma HIV-1 RNA than in children with active HIV-1 replication. In children with <50 copies/ml plasma HIV-1, p55-specific responses were detected only in children with evidence of ongoing HIV-1 replication, indicating a direct relationship between HIV-1 replication and HIV-specific CD4(+) T cell frequencies. In contrast, p55-specific proliferative responses were detected more frequently in children with <50 copies/ml plasma HIV-1. CMV-specific CD4(+) responses were more commonly detected and at higher frequencies in CMV-coinfected children with suppressed HIV-1 replication. The lack of HIV-specific CD4(+) proliferative responses, along with the preservation of CMV-specific CD4(+) responses in children with controlled HIV-1 replication, suggests that viral replication may have deleterious effects on HIV-1 and other virus-specific CD4(+) responses. Vaccination to stimulate HIV-specific CD4(+) T cell responses in these children may synergize with antiretroviral therapy to improve the long-term control of viral replication, and may perhaps allow the eventual discontinuation of antiretroviral therapy.  相似文献   

During human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection, there is a strong positive correlation between CCL2 levels and HIV viral load. To determine whether CCL2 alters HIV-1 infection of resting CD4(+) T cells, we infected purified resting CD4(+) T cells after incubation with CCL2. We show that CCL2 up-regulates CXCR4 on resting CD4(+) T cells in a CCR2-dependent mechanism, and that this augmentation of CXCR4 expression by CCL2 increases the ability of these cells to be chemoattracted to CXCR4 using gp120 and renders them more permissive to X4-tropic HIV-1 infection. Thus, CCL2 has the capacity to render a large population of lymphocytes more susceptible to HIV-1 late in the course of infection.  相似文献   

Unlike resting CD4+ T cells, activated CD4+T cells are highly susceptible to infection of human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1). HIV-1 infects T cells and macrophages without activating the nucleic acid sensors and the anti-viral type I interferon response. Adenosine deaminase acting on RNA 1 (ADAR1) is an RNA editing enzyme that displays antiviral activity against several RNA viruses. Mutations in ADAR1 cause the autoimmune disorder Aicardi-Goutieères syndrome (AGS). This disease is characterized by an inappropriate activation of the interferon-stimulated gene response. Here we show that HIV-1 replication, in ADAR1-deficient CD4+T lymphocytes from AGS patients, is blocked at the level of protein translation. Furthermore, viral protein synthesis block is accompanied by an activation of interferon-stimulated genes. RNA silencing of ADAR1 in Jurkat cells also inhibited HIV-1 protein synthesis. Our data support that HIV-1 requires ADAR1 for efficient replication in human CD4+T cells.  相似文献   

Preferential apoptosis of HIV-1-specific CD4+ T cells   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In contrast to other viral infections such as CMV, circulating frequencies of HIV-1-specific CD4+ T cells in peripheral blood are quantitatively diminished in the majority of HIV-1-infected individuals. One mechanism for this quantitative defect is preferential infection of HIV-1-specific CD4+ T cells, although <10% of HIV-1-specific CD4+ T cells are infected. Apoptosis has been proposed as an important contributor to the pathogenesis of CD4+ T cell depletion in HIV/AIDS. We show here that, within HIV-1-infected individuals, a greater proportion of ex vivo HIV-1-specific CD4+ T cells undergo apoptosis compared with CMV-specific CD4+ T cells (45 vs 7.4%, respectively, p < 0.05, in chronic progressors). The degree of apoptosis within HIV-1-specific CD4+ T cells correlates with viral load and disease progression, and highly active antiretroviral therapy abrogates these differences. The data support a mechanism for apoptosis in these cells similar to that found in activation-induced apoptosis through the TCR, resulting in oxygen-free radical production, mitochondrial damage, and caspase-9 activation. That HIV-1 proteins can also directly enhance activation-induced apoptosis supports a mechanism for a preferential induction of apoptosis of HIV-1-specific CD4+ T cells, which contributes to a loss of immunological control of HIV-1 replication.  相似文献   

Although human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)-specific CD8+ T cells can produce various cytokines that suppress HIV-1 replication or modulate anti-HIV-1 immunity, the extent to which HIV-1-specific CD8+ T cells produce cytokines when they recognize HIV-1-infected CD4+ T cells in vivo still remains unclear. We first analyzed the abilities of 10 cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) clones specific for three HIV-1 epitopes to produce gamma interferon, macrophage inflammatory protein 1beta, and tumor necrosis factor alpha after stimulation with epitope peptide-pulsed cells. These CTL clones produced these cytokines in various combinations within the same specificity and among the different specificities, suggesting a functional heterogeneity of HIV-1-specific effector CD8+ T cells in cytokine production. In contrast, the HIV-1-specific CTL clones for the most part produced a single cytokine, without heterogeneity of cytokine production among the clones, after stimulation with HIV-1-infected CD4+ T cells. The loss of heterogeneity in cytokine production may be explained by low surface expression of HLA class I-epitope peptide complexes. Freshly isolated HIV-1-specific CD8+ T cells with an effector/memory or memory phenotype produced much more of the cytokines than the same epitope-specific CTL clones when stimulated with HIV-1-infected CD4+ T cells. Cytokine production from HIV-1-specific memory/effector and memory CD8+ T cells might be a critical event in the eradication of HIV-1 in HIV-1-infected individuals.  相似文献   

Homeostatic proliferation ensures the longevity of central memory T-cells by inducing cell proliferation in the absence of cellular differentiation or activation. This process is governed mainly by IL-7. Central memory T-cells can also be stimulated via engagement of the T-cell receptor, leading to cell proliferation but also activation and differentiation. Using an in vitro model of HIV-1 latency, we have examined in detail the effects of homeostatic proliferation on latently infected central memory T cells. We have also used antigenic stimulation via anti-CD3/anti-CD28 antibodies and established a comparison with a homeostatic proliferation stimulus, to evaluate potential differences in how either treatment affects the dynamics of latent virus populations. First, we show that homeostatic proliferation, as induced by a combination of IL-2 plus IL-7, leads to partial reactivation of latent HIV-1 but is unable to reduce the size of the reservoir in vitro. Second, latently infected cells are able to homeostatically proliferate in the absence of viral reactivation or cell differentiation. These results indicate that IL-2 plus IL-7 may induce a detrimental effect by favoring the maintenance of the latent HIV-1 reservoir. On the other hand, antigenic stimulation efficiently reactivated latent HIV-1 in cultured central memory cells and led to depletion of the latently infected cells via virus-induced cell death.  相似文献   

HIV-1-specific CD4(+) T cells are qualitatively dysfunctional in the majority of HIV-1-infected individuals and are thus unable to effectively control viral replication. The current study extensively details the maturational phenotype of memory CD4(+) T cells directed against HIV-1 and CMV. We find that HIV-1-specific CD4(+) T cells are skewed to an early central memory phenotype, whereas CMV-specific CD4(+) T cells generally display a late effector memory phenotype. These differences hold true for both IFN-gamma- and IL-2-producing virus-specific CD4(+) T cells, are present during all disease stages, and persist even after highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). In addition, after HAART, HIV-1-specific CD4(+) T cells are enriched for CD27(+)CD28(-)-expressing cells, a rare phenotype, reflecting an early intermediate stage of differentiation. We found no correlation between differentiation phenotype of HIV-1-specific CD4(+) T cells and HIV-1 plasma viral load or HIV-1 disease progression. Surprisingly, HIV-1 viral load affected the maturational phenotype of CMV-specific CD4(+) T cells toward an earlier, less-differentiated state. In summary, our data indicate that the maturational state of HIV-1-specific CD4(+) T cells cannot be a sole explanation for loss of containment of HIV-1. However, HIV-1 replication can affect the phenotype of CD4(+) T cells of other specificities, which might adversely affect their ability to control those pathogens. The role for HIV-1-specific CD4(+) T cells expressing CD27(+)CD28(-) after HAART remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Recent publications by Zaph et al. have highlighted the distinct requirements for generating and maintaining different subpopulations of CD4(+) memory T cells after infection with Leishmania major in mice. These studies have advanced the understanding of the nature of long-lasting immunity to Leishmania and, when considered within the context of previous work on both murine and human leishmaniasis, will aid the design of effective vaccines.  相似文献   

Unlike HIV-1-infected people, most HIV-2-infected subjects maintain a healthy CD4+ T cell count and a strong HIV-specific CD4+ T cell response. To define the cellular immunological correlates of good prognosis in HIV-2 infection, we conducted a cross-sectional study of HIV Gag-specific T cell function in HIV-1- and HIV-2-infected Gambians. Using cytokine flow cytometry and lymphoproliferation assays, we show that HIV-specific CD4+ T cells from HIV-2-infected individuals maintained proliferative capacity, were not terminally differentiated (CD57-), and more frequently produced IFN-gamma or IL-2 than CD4+ T cells from HIV-1-infected donors. Polyfunctional (IFN-gamma+/IL-2+) HIV-specific CD4+ T cells were found exclusively in HIV-2+ donors. The disparity in CD4+ T cell responses between asymptomatic HIV-1- and HIV-2-infected subjects was not associated with differences in the proliferative capacity of HIV-specific CD8+ T cells. This study demonstrates that HIV-2-infected donors have a well-preserved and functionally heterogeneous HIV-specific memory CD4+ T cell response that is associated with delayed disease progression in the majority of infected people.  相似文献   



In the USA, most HIV-1 infected children are on antiretroviral drug regimens, with many individuals surviving through adolescence and into adulthood. The course of HIV-1 infection in these children is variable, and understudied.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We determined whether qualitative differences in immune cell subsets could explain a slower disease course in long term survivors with no evidence of immune suppression (LTS-NS; CD4%≥25%) compared to those with severe immune suppression (LTS-SS; CD4%≤15%). Subjects in the LTS-NS group had significantly higher frequencies of naïve (CCR7+CD45RA+) and central memory (CCR7+CD45RA−) CD4+ T cells compared to LTS-SS subjects (p = 0.0005 and <0.0001, respectively). Subjects in the rapid progressing group had significantly higher levels of CD4+ TEMRA (CCR7−CD45RA+) cells compared to slow progressing subjects (p<0.0001).


Rapid disease progression in vertical infection is associated with significantly higher levels of CD4+ TEMRA (CCR7−CD45RA+) cells.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-induced lymphoproliferative disease is an important complication in the context of immune deficiency. Impaired T-cell immunity allows the outgrowth of transformed cells with the subsequent production of predominantly B-cell lymphomas. Currently there is no in vivo model that can adequately recapitulate EBV infection and its association with B-cell lymphomas. NOD/SCID mice engrafted with human CD34(+) cells and reconstituted mainly with human B lymphocytes may serve as a useful xenograft model to study EBV infection and pathogenesis. We therefore infected reconstituted mice with EBV. High levels of viral DNA were detected in the peripheral blood of all infected mice. All infected mice lost weight and showed decreased activity levels. Infected mice presented large visible tumors in multiple organs, most prominently in the spleen. These tumors stained positive for human CD79a, CD20, CD30, and EBV-encoded RNAs and were light chain restricted. Their characterization is consistent with that of large cell immunoblastic lymphoma. In addition, tumor cells expressed EBNA1, LMP1, and LMP2a mRNAs, which is consistent with a type II latency program. EBV(+) lymphoblastoid cell lines expressing human CD45, CD19, CD21, CD23, CD5, and CD30 were readily established from the bone marrow and spleens of infected animals. Finally, we also demonstrate that infection with an enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP)-tagged virus can be monitored by the detection of infected EGFP(+) cells and EGFP(+) tumors. These data demonstrate that NOD/SCID mice that are reconstituted with human CD34(+) cells are susceptible to infection by EBV and accurately recapitulate important aspects of EBV pathogenesis.  相似文献   

CXCR1+CD4+ T cells in human allergic disease   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Chemokine receptors play an important role in the migration of leukocytes to sites of allergic inflammation in humans. In this study, we have identified increased expression of the chemokine receptor CXCR1 on CD4+ T lymphocytes derived from patients with atopic disease compared with normal donors. Enhanced expression of CXCR1 by atopic donors was identified on freshly isolated peripheral blood cells and on expanded cell populations derived from nasal mucosal biopsies and from the periphery. Identification of CXCR1 expression on CD4 cells in the nasal mucosa was confirmed by double immunofluorescence. In addition, expression of CXCR1 was dramatically decreased in patients undergoing successful treatment of allergic rhinitis by specific immunotherapy. CXCR1 provided a functional receptor capable of regulating T cells in the context of allergic disease, since expression of CXC chemokine ligand 8 was up-regulated at the site of allergic inflammation and freshly isolated CXCR1+CD4+ cells from atopic donors showed an enhanced functional response to this ligand. CXCR1 expression on CD4+ T cells was increased in vitro in response to the pro-Th2 cytokine IL-4. Phenotypic analysis reveals that IFN-gamma expression was lower in the CXCR1+CD4+ cells. The identification of CXCR1 as a marker of allergic rhinitis reveals a possible target for therapeutic intervention in atopic disease.  相似文献   

We examined the influence of donor T lymphocytes on human peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL) engraftment into severe combined immune deficient (SCID) mice. Mice were injected with unfractionated or subset-depleted human PBL, and treated at various times with OKT3, a cytotoxic monoclonal antibody against human CD3(+) T lymphocytes. PBL engraftment, high levels of human Ig, and high incidence of lymphoproliferative disease (lpd) were found in mice transplanted with unfractionated PBL and CD8- or CD14-depleted PBL, and in mice treated with OKT3 at distance from PBL transfer. Animals xenografted with CD3- or CD4-depleted PBL, or treated at transplantation time with OKT3, had very low levels of human Ig and did not develop lpd. PBL engraftment was minimal or absent in these animals, as determined by immunohistochemistry, dot-blot, and RT-PCR analyses. These results demonstrate that the presence of donor CD4(+) T lymphocytes at transplantation time is necessary for observing human PBL engraftment into SCID mice, an essential condition for human Ig production and lpd development.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) preferentially replicates in CD4-expressing T cells bearing a "memory" (CD45RO+) rather than a "naive" (CD45RA+/CD62L+) phenotype. Yet the basis for the higher susceptibility of these cells to HIV-1 infection remains unclear. Because the nature of the CD45 isoform itself can affect biochemical events in T cells, we set out to determine whether these isoforms could differently modulate HIV-1 long terminal repeat (LTR) activity and thereby replication. Through the use of CD4+ Jurkat T cells specifically expressing distinct CD45 isoforms (i.e. CD45RABC or CD45RO), we demonstrated that a difference in CD45 isoform expression conferred preferential replication of HIV-1 to CD45RO-expressing T cell clones following a physiological CD3/CD28 stimulation. Closer analysis indicated that higher HIV-1 LTR activation levels were consistently observed in CD45RO-positive cells, which was paralleled by more pronounced nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT) activation in these same cells. Specific involvement of NFAT1 was revealed in studied Jurkat clones by mobility shift analyses. In addition, preferential activation of the LTR and viral replication in CD45RO T cells was FK506- and cyclosporin A-sensitive. These results underscore the importance of NFAT in HIV-1 regulation and for the first time identify the role of the CD45 isoform in limiting productive HIV-1 replication to the human CD4 memory T cell subset.  相似文献   

HIV infection is characterized by a gradual deterioration of immune function, mainly in the CD4 compartment. To better understand the dynamics of HIV-specific T cells, we analyzed the kinetics and polyfunctional profiles of Gag-specific CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cell responses in 12 subtype C-infected individuals with different disease-progression profiles, ranging from acute to chronic HIV infection. The frequencies of Gag-responsive CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells showed distinct temporal kinetics. The peak frequency of Gag-responsive IFN-γ(+)CD4(+) T cells was observed at a median of 28 d (interquartile range: 21-81 d) post-Fiebig I/II staging, whereas Gag-specific IFN-γ(+)CD8(+) T cell responses peaked at a median of 253 d (interquartile range: 136-401 d) and showed a significant biphasic expansion. The proportion of TNF-α-expressing cells within the IFN-γ(+)CD4(+) T cell population increased (p = 0.001) over time, whereas TNF-α-expressing cells within IFN-γ(+)CD8(+) T cells declined (p = 0.005). Both Gag-responsive CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells showed decreased Ki67 expression within the first 120 d post-Fiebig I/II staging. Prior to the disappearance of Gag-responsive Ki67(+)CD4(+) T cells, these cells positively correlated (p = 0.00038) with viremia, indicating that early Gag-responsive CD4 events are shaped by viral burden. No such associations were observed in the Gag-specific CD8(+) T cell compartment. Overall, these observations indicated that circulating Gag-responsive CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cell frequencies and functions are not synchronous, and properties change rapidly at different tempos during early HIV infection.  相似文献   

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