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目的 构建有良好测量学属性的中文版本的脑卒中患者满意度量表,适用于对中国脑卒中患者的医疗服务满意度进行测量。方法 从上海市5家综合医院中随机抽取300位脑卒中患者进行问卷,得到280份有效问卷,回收率93.3%。运用主成分分析、KM0检验和巴特利球体检验及因子分析对量表进行测评,以此获得量表的信效度。结果 条目分析将条目16剔除;KMO指数为0.854,探索性因子分析验证量表修订版也包括两个因子:住院治疗服务满意度和居家康复服务满意度,两因子解释总变异的70.1%;验证性因子分析验证量表的各项拟合指标良好。中文版本脑卒中患者满意度量表得分总数与医疗服务满意度总分数显著正相关,与Barthel日常生活功能评估指数得分和自我健康功能评估得分低程度显著正相关。总量表的Cronbach’s α系数为0.85,重测信度系数为0.83。结论 中文版本的脑卒中患者满意度量表信度和效度均良好,适用于国内脑卒中患者进行满意度的专门测量。  相似文献   

目的 评价“中国医院住院患者体验和满意监测量表”的信度与效度,为改进量表、推广应用提供依据。方法 采用邮寄方式对出院患者进行问卷调查,使用SPSS数据分析软件,分别对量表的内部一致性、折半信度、内容效度及结构效度进行评价。结果 量表总体Cronbach’s ɑ系数为0.956,所包含6个维度的Cronbach’s ɑ系数均大于0.8。分半信度为0.971。各条目与量表总体的相关系数介于0.51~0.79之间。以所有条目为变量进行因子分析,共提取5个公因子,其累计贡献率为66.2%,各条目至少在其中一个公因子上负荷值大于0.4。结论 量表具有良好的信度和效度,适用于中国医院住院患者满意度的测评。  相似文献   

本研究根据Paulhus1998年提出的双成分模型为理论基础,结合已有问卷,编制征兵心理检测情境下社会期许性量表。对某军校2010级的1224名新生分别在"应征心理检测情境"和"非应征情境"下,进行两次施测,前后测试间隔7个月,并对调查数据进行探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析。根据探索性因子分析提取的印象管理和自我欺骗两因子模型,符合理论构想,经验证性因子分析表明量表的结构效度良好;前后测试结果具有显著性差异,且效应值较大;内部一致性信度和重测信度均符合预期设想,自编征兵情境下社会期许性量表的信、效度均达到心理测量学的要求。  相似文献   

目的 对住院医师职业素养量表进行信效度测评,为上海地区医疗机构提供住院医师职业素养的量化工具,并研究与职业素养相关的影响因素,对上海住院医师规范化培训现状提出一些建议。方法 针对上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院2012届住院医师规范化培训基地110学员进行职业素养调查,回收完整填写量表104份,回收率94.5%。运用主成分法、KMO检验和巴特利球体检验及因子分析对量表进行测评,以此获得量表的信效度。结果 住院医师职业素养量表Cronbach’s Alpha 系数为0.978,分半信度系数为0.864,CVI系数为0.884;KMO检验系数为0.916;职业素养量表由两个主要因子组成(内在因素、外在因素)。主成分分析出初始因子总方差解释率达78.86%。结论 量表具有较高的信度、可接受的结构效度,可广泛应用于上海市住院医师规范化培训的住院医师职业素养评估。  相似文献   

目的:构建学龄儿童家庭食物环境评价工具,并对其进行信效度分析。方法:运用文献分析和专家访谈法初步构建家庭食物环境评价工具,共包括6个维度(家庭社会人口学特征和经济状况、家庭喂养模式、家庭食物规则、家庭饮食行为、家长营养素养、家庭食物可及性)和54道题目。选择北京市1所公立小学1~5年级学生家长进行评价工具问卷调查。结果:599名学生家长参与调查,其中98.7%为父/母亲。根据题目筛选标准,删除7道题目,保留47道题目。问卷的内部一致性信度(Cronbachs α系数)为0.78,分半信度为0.84;内部一致性效度分析结果显示,家庭食物环境总分与各维度得分的相关系数均大于各维度之间的相关系数;探索性因子分析提取15个因子,累计方差贡献率为62.33%;验证性因子分析结果为χ2/df=1.97、GFI=0.88、AGEI=0.85、NFI=0.86、IFI=0.92、CFI=0.92、RMR=0.03、RMSEA=0.04、P=1.00。结论:本研究构建的学龄儿童家庭食物环境评价工具信效度较好,可用于评价学龄儿童家庭食物环境。  相似文献   


目的 构建病人安全文化影响因素量表,评价量表的信度、效度。方法 收集条目,聘请专家评审,用初始量表进行预调研,修改形成应用版量表。采取整群抽样的方法进行调研。采用SPSS17.0、EXCEL2007对数据进行分析,结合多种统计方法对条目进行分析和筛选;评价量表效度采用因子分析以及量表编制的过程;应用克朗巴赫α系数、分半信度及重测信度评价量表的信度。结果 应用专家咨询法以及统计方法对量表条目进行筛选,得到49个条目。各维度的内部一致性良好(>0.7),分半信度和重测信度的结果良好,对量表进行因子分析以及内容效度的评估,结果显示效度指标良好。结论 量表具有较好的敏感性,区分性,独立性,代表性以及一致性,具有良好的信度和效度。


目的 针对当前学术界及实践工作者聚焦关注的患者满意度测评,以及文献综述发现其门诊患者测评量表在医疗服务技术及费用核心要素设计上,普遍存在指标粗略、患者难以理性判断等问题,修正研制完善其测评量表并进行信效度评价。方法 运用文献资料及专题小组讨论法,从患者能够理性体验和客观判断的视角研制该量表,并对浙江省8家综合医院421名门诊患者进行问卷调查,采用内部一致性检验、Spearman相关分析和因子分析等方法评价量表的信效度。结果 量表总体的分半信度为0.96,Cronbach’s α系数为0.94,量表五个维度的Cronbach’s α系数在0.84~0.87之间;因子分析共提取“服务环境”“服务效率”“服务态度”“服务技术”“医疗费用”5个公因子,方差累计贡献率为71.66%。结论 修正研制的门诊患者满意度测评量表侧重及细化设计丰富了医疗服务技术及费用维度的条目内容,总体及各维度信效度均较好,可作为医院门诊医疗服务效果社会评价及治理的参考工具。  相似文献   

目的 针对当前学术界及实践工作者聚焦关注的医务人员工作满意度测评,以及文献综述发现其测评量表忽视和缺失考察了患方及社会舆论因素对其满意度的影响以及医患满意协同的作用,修正研制完善其测评量表并进行信效度评价。方法 运用文献资料及专题小组讨论法编制医务人员工作满意度量表,并对浙江省8家综合医院573名医务人员进行问卷调查,采用内部一致性检验、Spearman相关分析和因子分析等方法对量表信度、效度进行评价。结果 量表的内部一致性系数为0.917,分半信度为0.953,各条目得分与总体得分相关系数在0.403~0.759之间(P<0.01);因子分析发现量表6个维度结构较为合理,可累积解释总体方差变异的72.89%。结论 量表在条目设计上弥补了患者对医务人员的尊重、认可、信任及社会舆论环境等因素对其满意度影响的考察,总体及各维度信效度较好,可作为医务人员工作满意度测评及治理的参考工具。  相似文献   

目的 探索和开发我国医院市场导向测评量表,了解医院服务模式在理念和行动方面的现状。方法 课题组采用外部引进、内部调整的方法形成我国综合医院市场导向的测评量表,对20家三级综合医院展开现场调查。结果 量表包含3个维度:顾客满意、市场信息的产生和传播、对市场信息的反应;内部一致性信度为0.898,运用因子分析检验建构效度,前3个因子累积解释了67.81%的信息;顾客满意维度评分高于对市场信息的反应,市场信息的产生和传播评分较低;不同岗位的员工对市场导向观念评分差异存在统计学意义。结论 研制的量表具有较好的信度、内容效度和建构效度,能较好地反映不同医疗机构的市场导向现状和差异。  相似文献   

目的 初步编制一套临床医生的工作要求—资源测量量表,检验其信度和效度,并探究工作要求—资源模型对工作—家庭冲突的影响。方法 通过问卷调查法收集数据,采用内部一致性信度检验和探索性因子分析检验量表的信度和效度,采用多元阶层线性回归分析方法检验变量之间的相互关系。结果 工作要求—资源量表包含2个维度下的14个测量条目,工作要求、工作资源和整体量表的格朗巴赫一致性系数分别为0.882、0.787和0.773,量表具有良好的结构效度和预测效度,工作要求对工作—家庭冲突(β= 0.445,P<0.01)具有显著的正向预测作用,工作资源对工作—家庭冲突(β= -0.270,P<0.01)具有显著的负向预测作用。结论 临床医生工作要求—资源量表具有良好的信效度,同时,较高的工作要求会更容易引发医生的工作—家庭冲突,而高水平的工作资源则会有效缓冲他们的工作—家庭冲突。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to develop a brief scale, primarily intended for research applications, that measures how well people report meeting the welfare needs of their pet cats. The practice of keeping cats as a companion animal has increased, and despite their popularity, many cats suffer from poor welfare and behavioral problems. The failure to meet their welfare needs and provide for natural behaviors impacts their quality of life and may affect cats’ retention in adoptive homes. We present three studies in which we developed, piloted, and psychometrically evaluated the Cat Care and Needs Scale (CCANS) by surveying cat guardians, examining their selfreported care-taking habits and interactions in regards to a pet cat. The final study (n = 1,591) resulted in a 15-item scale which shows high reliability, with application of item response theory indicating that individual items were all suitable for inclusion. Diverse evidence, including a factor analysis, parallel analysis, and confirmatory factor analysis, supports that the scale is unidimensional. The CCANS is scalable and allows for correlational comparisons with other scales which measure any variable of interest in research exploring human–companion animal relationships or cat welfare. We propose that the CCANS scale is a step forward in measuring how well pet owners understand and meet their cats’ behavioral, welfare, and basic care needs.  相似文献   

Our limited ability to assess spontaneous pain in rodent models of painful human conditions may be associated with a translational failure of promising analgesic compounds in to clinical use. If measurement of spontaneous pain behaviours can be used to generate an analgesic intervention score their use could expand to guide the use of analgesics, as mandated by regulatory bodies and ethical and welfare obligations. One such measure of spontaneous pain, the Rat Grimace Scale (RGS), has recently been described and shown to exhibit reliability. However, reliability of measurement scores is context and content specific, and further testing required to assess translation to a heterogenous setting (different model, raters, environment). The objectives of this study were to perform reliability testing with the Rat Grimace Scale in a heterogenous setting and generate an analgesic intervention score for its use. In a randomised, blinded study, sixteen adult female rats received one of three analgesia treatments (0.05 mg/kg buprenorphine subcutaneously, 1 mg/kg meloxicam subcutaneously, 0.2 mg/kg oral buprenorphine in jelly) peri-operatively (telemetry unit implantation surgery). Rats were video-recorded (before, 1–6 and 12 hours post-operatively) and images collected for independent scoring by three blinded raters using the RGS, and five experts based on “pain/no pain” assessment. Scores were used to calculate inter- and intra-rater reliability with an intraclass correlation coefficient and generate an analgesic intervention score with receiver operating characteristic curve analysis. The RGS scores showed very good inter- and intra-rater reliability (0.85 [0.78–0.90 95% CI] and 0.83 [0.76–0.89], respectively). An analgesic intervention threshold of greater than 0.67 was determined. These data demonstrate that the RGS is a useful tool which can be successfully employed in a heterogenous setting, and has the potential to guide analgesic intervention.  相似文献   

The Preferences Scale (PS) is a new measure of morningness and therefore requires intensive investigation to establish its measurement properties and validity. A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of Smith and colleagues (2002) posited model structure was not optimal in both a student (n=731) and working sample (n=218). However, significant differences (p<0.01) were found for times to sleep and wake between morning and evening types. Principal components and reliability analyses were used to develop a 6‐item model comprising 2 factors using a student sample (n=368). Cronbach's α for the PS was 0.73 and the factors explained 61% of the variance. The revised model was replicated via CFA in a separate student sample (n=363). A subsequent CFA confirmed the model structure in the working sample. Cronbach's α was 0.74 and the factors explained 64% of the variance. Significant differences (p<0.01) in self‐reported alertness ratings between morning and evening types were obtained by time‐of‐day. These results provide preliminary support for the PS. The predictive efficacy of the PS requires further validation against a number of health and work‐related variables.  相似文献   

Psychometric properties of the Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Some psychometric parameters of the instrument were estimated using a sample of depressed patients and a sample of normal subjects from the Czech population. The findings considerably support the hypothesis that the SDS items belong to the same psychometric family. Most items and the scale as a whole show a remarkable ability to discriminate between normal subjects and those suffering from depressive disorder. The result also rather convincingly indicate the SDS capacity to monitor changes of depressive disorder symptoms during treatment to be rather independent of relatively stable personality traits as measured by the EPQ. It might be concluded that the SDS psychometric parameters qualify the instrument for measurement of milder forms of depressive disorder in the Czech population.  相似文献   



Internalizing the pervasive weight bias commonly directed towards individuals with overweight and obesity, co-occurs with increased psychopathology and impaired quality of life. This study sought to establish population norms and psychometric properties of the most widely used self-report questionnaire, the Weight Bias Internalization Scale (WBIS), in a representative community sample.

Design and Methods

In a survey of the German population, N = 1158 individuals with overweight and obesity were assessed with the WBIS and self-report measures for convergent validation.


Item analysis revealed favorable item-total correlation of all but one WBIS item. With this item removed, item homogeneity and internal consistency were excellent. The one-factor structure of the WBIS was confirmed using confirmatory factor analysis. Convergent validity was shown through significant associations with measures of depressive and somatoform symptoms. The WBIS contributed to the explanation of variance in depressive and somatoform symptoms over and above body mass index. Higher WBIS scores were found in women than in men, in individuals with obesity than in individuals with overweight, and in those with lower education or income than those with higher education or income. Sex-specific norms were provided.


The results showed good psychometric properties of the WBIS after removal of one item. Future research is warranted on further indicators of reliability and validity, for example, retest reliability, sensitivity to change, and prognostic validity.  相似文献   

This study describes the psychometric properties of the Children''s Separation Anxiety Scale (CSAS), which assesses separation anxiety symptoms in childhood. Participants in Study 1 were 1,908 schoolchildren aged between 8 and 11. Exploratory factor analysis identified four factors: worry about separation, distress from separation, opposition to separation, and calm at separation, which explained 46.91% of the variance. In Study 2, 6,016 children aged 8–11 participated. The factor model in Study 1 was validated by confirmatory factor analysis. The internal consistency (α = 0.82) and temporal stability (r = 0.83) of the instrument were good. The convergent and discriminant validity were evaluated by means of correlations with other measures of separation anxiety, childhood anxiety, depression and anger. Sensitivity of the scale was 85% and its specificity, 95%. The results support the reliability and validity of the CSAS.  相似文献   



HIV-related stigma has negative consequences for infected people''s lives and is a barrier to HIV prevention. Therefore valid and reliable instruments to measure stigma are needed to enable mapping of HIV stigma. This study aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties of the HIV stigma scale in a Swedish context with regard to construct validity, data quality, and reliability.


The HIV stigma scale, developed by Berger, Ferrans, and Lashley (2001), was distributed to a cross-sectional sample of people living with HIV in Sweden (n = 194). The psychometric evaluation included exploratory factor analysis together with an analysis of the distribution of scores, convergent validity by correlations between the HIV stigma scale and measures of emotional well-being, and an analysis of missing items and floor and ceiling effects. Reliability was assessed using Cronbach''s α.


The exploratory factor analysis suggested a four-factor solution, similar to the original scale, with the dimensions personalised stigma, disclosure concerns, negative self-image, and concerns with public attitudes. One item had unacceptably low loadings and was excluded. Correlations between stigma dimensions and emotional well-being were all in the expected direction and ranged between −0.494 and −0.210. The instrument generated data of acceptable quality except for participants who had not disclosed their HIV status to anybody. In line with the original scale, all subscales demonstrated acceptable internal consistency with Cronbach''s α 0.87–0.96.


A 39-item version of the HIV stigma scale used in a Swedish context showed satisfactory construct validity and reliability. Response alternatives are suggested to be slightly revised for items assuming the disclosure of diagnosis to another person. We recommend that people that have not disclosed should skip all questions belonging to the dimension personalised stigma. Our analysis confirmed construct validity of the instrument even without this dimension.  相似文献   

The Preferences Scale of morningness was originally conceived as a two‐factor, 11‐item model. More recently, a two‐factor, six‐item model has been developed and supported in two independent samples. These competing models were examined using structural equation modeling in a mixed student and working sample (n=120). The results supported the two factor, six‐item model (χ2(8, N=120)=10.84, p>0.05) as best fitting the sample data. The two factors explained 59% of the variance and Cronbach's alpha was 0.71. Significant differences (p<0.01) in self‐reported driving ability between morning and evening types were obtained by time‐of‐day, providing some evidence of construct validity. Morning types rated their performance as better in the morning hours and evening types rated their performance as better at night. We then examined whether self‐rated performance is subject to some degree of bias. For both morning and evening types, there was a tendency for those scoring high on self‐deception to rate their driving ability as better, but these differences were not significant. Overall, these findings suggest that self‐ratings are suitable for use in determining construct validity. Recommendations for future studies are made.  相似文献   

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