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深圳市福田区三维城市景观格局变化特征   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
付凤杰  刘珍环  黄千杜 《生态学报》2019,39(12):4299-4308
城市景观是景观变化最快的类型之一,建成景观与绿地景观格局和功能的相互影响及空间配置是城市景观优化的核心。在紧凑型城市快速发展过程中,城市垂直方向增长成为主要扩展方式。如何定量分析三维城市景观格局变化,为城市景观优化提供科学依据还有待深入。选取深圳市福田区,以高分辨率遥感数据和建筑普查数据为基础,运用景观格局指数和景观连通性等方法定量分析建筑景观和绿地景观变化及空间影响。研究结果表明:(1)2003—2016年,福田区建筑景观主要表现为垂直向的立体扩展模式,新增建筑主要为高层和超高层建筑,建筑平均高度增加6.53 m,立体空间体积增加135.58×10~6 m~3,建筑密度仅增加2.42%,建筑景观高度差异逐渐增大,呈现出明显的三维空间异质性。(2)2003—2016年,建筑景观格局由"阶梯式"转变为"金字塔"形,受益于建筑景观的垂向增长,建成景观与绿地景观比例由1.20∶1调整为0.99∶1,建成景观减少4.03 km~2,绿地景观增加2.80 km~2。(3)建成景观的三维立体化释放了绿地景观用地空间,同时也限制了绿地景观的外部连通性,绿地景观连通性较低,大型绿地斑块间缺乏廊道连通,呈现孤岛化。研究可为城市景观空间优化和国土规划等实践提供科学依据。  相似文献   

嘉陵江流域植被景观异质性的空间梯度变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在遥感图像基础上,利用ArcView GIS和景观统计软件FRAGSTATS从东西、南北以及西北至东南3个方向对嘉陵江流域的植被景观异质性进行了空间梯度分析。结果表明:(1)"栽培植被"面积占总流域面积的51.81%,为整个流域植被景观的基质,聚合性最强,联结度最高;"针叶林"和"灌丛"的斑块数较多,但面积较小,破碎化程度较高,而"裸地/城镇"破碎化最低;"灌丛"斑块间距最大,聚合性最弱;"高山植被"分布零星,联结度最低;(2)沿东西方向,植被景观异质性逐步下降,在流域中部降至最低,但随着进一步向西推移又明显升高,表现出"先降后升"的总趋势;(3)从北至南植被景观异质性向上波动3次后逐步下降,在接近流域南端时降至最低后又略有升高,表现出"先升高再逐渐波动下降"的总趋势;(4)沿西北至东南方向植被景观异质性上下波动1次后在近东南端降至最低,随后略有小幅波动,但波动次数和幅度远低于北南方向,表现出"先降低再波动下降"的总趋势。  相似文献   

2D与3D景观指数测定山区植被景观格局变化对比分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
植被和土地覆盖变化是环境变化的一个重要因素,同时也是引起景观和生态系统变化的重要原因。景观指数是定量分析植被和土地覆盖变化的重要研究方法之一。以滇西北高山峡谷区为案例区,比较分析传统2D景观指数和3D景观指数进行植被变化定量测定的差异。研究主要选取了基于斑块面积和周长几个常用指数来进行比较分析。研究结果表明在斑块层次上,除了分维数指数,其他指数的三维方法计算值显著地高于二维方法计算值;在类型层次上,三维的类型面积指数、平均斑块面积指数、平均最小邻近距离指数测定的变化值显著大于二维的相应指数测定变化值,但是二维和三维平均形状指数和分维指数测定的植被斑块的平均形状变化结果没有显著差异;在景观层次,只有三维的平均斑块面积和最小邻近距离指数测定的变化结果显著高于二维的平均面积和最小邻近距离指数测定的变化结果,其它指数如形状指数、分维指数、多样性指数和均一度指数等测定出两个不同时期的植被图格局变化结果均无显著差异,主要由于这些指数是采用面积和周长的对数或者比值计算得出,从而缩小了斑块表面面积与平面面积,表面周长与平面周长之间的差异。总体而言,利用二维景观指数在进行定量分析山区植被格局变化时,往往低估了其类型面积、平均斑块面积、斑块邻近距离等指数变化量,而三维景观指数得到相对较精确的变化值。  相似文献   

利用1992 年和2013 年Landsat TM 数据, 在遥感与GIS 平台支持下, 采用景观格局和梯度分析相结合的方法来分析沈阳市城市化进程中景观格局变化。研究结果表明, 1992-2013 年, 沈阳市城市景观格局总体变化明显, 城镇用地增长10.97%, 农业用地减少9.95%, 水体、道路、绿地变化幅度较小。整体景观格局破碎化程度有所下降, 斑块密度、边界密度、Shannon 多样性均有所下降, 蔓延度升高。在样带梯度分析中, 以斑块密度为基础的几种景观指数能检测出城市化梯度和程度不断向郊区递减, 在空间上, 呈现出农村-城乡交错带-城市-城乡交错带-农村的变化特征,在时间上, 中心城区的景观破碎化降低, 城乡交错带景观破碎化升高。景观格局变化分析为了解城市化过程中城市形态、结构和生态过程提供依据和参考。  相似文献   

上海浦东新区城市化过程景观格局变化分析   总被引:23,自引:7,他引:23  
利用1994和2000年航空遥感影像资料解译的土地利用与覆盖数据,在GIS支持下,采用景观格局指数和梯度方法分析了上海市浦东新区城市化过程中景观格局的变化.结果表明,随着城市化程度的推进,浦东新区由原来以农业为主的格局逐渐转变成以居民地、公共设施和工厂为主的城市景观格局,农田占地比例由1994年的71.45%下降到2000年的41.32%,居民地、公共设施和工厂总占地由1994年的18.2%上升到2000年的41.9%.整体景观格局的破碎化程度和异质性都有所增加,斑块个数由1994年的4.08个·km-2上升至2000年28.65个·km-2,面积平均加权由24.43 km2减少到1.75 km2,聚集度由98.31下降为95.09,多样性和均匀性指数分别由0.4697和0.5284增至0.7509和0.8343.在样带梯度分析中,景观格局指数能检测出城市化梯度及城市化程度不断向郊区递减的趋势,城市化水平较高地区以人工景观为主,表现出斑块个数多且面积小、斑块形状简单和景观多样性高等景观特征.景观格局动态变化分析是了解城市化过程中城市形态、结构及生态过程的基础.  相似文献   

陈皓  刘茂松  徐驰  杨雪姣  黄涛 《生态学杂志》2012,31(6):1556-1561
为揭示城市化过程中景观稳定性及其区位分异,本文在多时相Landsat TM遥感影像的支持下,应用Kappa指数方法对1988—2008年间南京市城乡梯度上景观要素(除丘陵山地及大规模水体外)的空间位置变化与数量变化进行了研究。结果表明:耕地的数量稳定性较高,但空间位置稳定性较低;而聚落用地空间位置稳定性较高,但数量稳定性却较低;水体的空间位置和数量稳定性都比较高;林地和其他用地的数量以及空间位置稳定性都比较低。在城乡梯度上,随着城市化程度增加,景观的空间位置稳定性呈上升趋势,而数量稳定性则表现出下降趋势。对于已完成城市化的中心城区,景观的数量稳定性迅速上升,其景观要素的组成和空间分布特征均趋于稳定。聚落用地和耕地的空间位置和数量稳定性在不同城乡梯度带间变化较大,而水体和林地的空间与数量稳定性受城市化过程影响较小。  相似文献   

张莹  雷国平  林佳  张慧 《生态学杂志》2012,31(5):1250-1256
景观格局变化下的区域生态风险研究可以为保护区域景观生态系统健康,实现区域资源的合理和可持续利用提供重要科学依据。以扎龙自然保护区为研究区,利用遥感手段提取景观类型信息,定量分析不同空间尺度下研究区景观格局时空变化特征和演变规律。根据研究区景观格局变化特点构建景观生态风险指数,对研究区不同时期空间尺度变化过程中景观生态风险时空变化特征进行分析。研究表明:1995—2010年研究区不同空间尺度下景观总体格局和各景观类型格局变化显著,呈现不同变化特征;景观生态风险随空间粒度的增大而减小。对比分析两期数据,研究区景观生态风险加剧,其空间分布均呈环形扩散特征。根据本研究区区域面积大小和景观格局复杂程度,确定了景观格局和景观生态风险研究的适宜尺度域。  相似文献   

疏勒河上游山区不同海拔梯度的景观格局变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于1986年7月的LandsatTM和2001年7月的LandsatE TM遥感影像及1:50000DEM数据,利用ArcViewGIS3.3和Fragstats3.3软件对祁连山西端疏勒河上游山区不同海拔高程带的景观变化进行了分析。结果表明:整体景观上,疏勒河上游山区以草地为基质,灌丛与其他景观类型作为斑块镶嵌其中,结构组成单一,形状规则,斑块分布集中;在景观要素水平上,低覆盖度草地所占面积最大,其次是裸岩石砾地,所有植被约占52%,高覆盖度草地仅占5%,居民点少且分散;15年里,草地退化严重,灌丛、高覆盖度草地、低覆盖度草地和沼泽地面积减少,裸地、河滩地、中覆盖度草地和农田面积增加;草地在3800~4000m的海拔高程带内退化最为严重,而这一高程带正是该区多年冻土分布的下限,因气候变暖而导致的冻土活动层增厚与土壤含水量的降低是草地退化的主要原因。  相似文献   

景观格局指数是景观格局分析中常用的定量分析工具,而传统二维景观格局指数却忽略了地形对景观的影响,在定量描述山区景观格局时可能存在一定局限.本文以典型山地丘陵区山东栖霞市为研究区,在地形结构分析的基础上,选择面积/密度(类型面积、平均斑块大小)、边缘/形状(边缘密度、景观形状指数、平均斑块分维数)、多样性(香农多样性指数、香农均匀度指数)、聚散性(聚集度)4个方面的8个景观格局指数,比较分析传统二维景观格局指数与三维景观格局指数对山区景观格局及其动态变化定量描述的差异.结果表明:三维类型面积、平均斑块大小和边缘密度与其相应二维指数差异显著,三维景观形状指数、平均斑块分维数、香农多样性指数和香农均匀度指数与其相应二维指数差异不显著,三维聚集度与二维聚集度无差别.由于采用斑块表面面积和表面周长计算三维景观格局指数,采用各斑块的投影面积和投影周长计算二维景观格局指数,所以在描述山区景观面积、密度、边界等指标时三维景观格局指数相对精确,但在测定景观形状、多样性和聚散性等指数时,则与传统的二维景观格局指数差异不显著.三维景观格局指数引入了地形特征,对景观格局及其动态变化的反映相对精确.  相似文献   

吴健生  袁甜  王彤 《生态学报》2017,37(13):4519-4528
城市景观由自然元素与人工元素构成,以建筑为主体,辅以外部空间环境。对城市景观美学价值的研究有利于探讨如何提升城市形象及居民生活环境,为城市规划设计纳入了感性与理性结合的合理途径。景观美学特征以不同方式影响整体景观质量,合理运用景观指数对城市景观美学特征进行量化表达,是评估景观质量的重要前提。在整理借鉴景观美学相关研究的基础上,结合景观生态学理论基础,以城市空间内部审美者的角度将城市景观五大美学特征,包括自然性、开阔性、多样性、奇特性和协调性,转化为可定量表达的二维及三维景观指数。量化指标易使用数据进行快速评估,对于城市规划设计有着积极意义。  相似文献   

Local community structure and interactions have been shown to depend partly on landscape context. In this paper we tested the hypothesis that the spatial scale experienced by an organism depends on its trophic level. We analyzed plant-herbivore and herbivore-parasitoid interactions in 15 agricultural landscapes differing in structural complexity using the rape pollen beetle ( Meligethes aeneus ), an important pest on oilseed rape ( Brassica napus ), and its parasitoids. In the very center of each landscape a patch of potted rape plants was placed in a grassy field margin strip for standardized measurement. Percent non-crop area of landscapes was negatively related to plant damage caused by herbivory and positively to the herbivores' larval mortality resulting from parasitism. In a geographic scale analysis, we quantified the structure of the 15 landscapes for eight circular sectors ranging from 0.5 to 6 km diameter. Correlations between parasitism and non-crop areas as well as between herbivory and non-crop area were strongest at a scale of 1.5 km, thereby not supporting the view that higher trophic levels experience the world at a larger spatial scale. However, the predictive power of non-crop area changed only slightly for herbivory, but greatly with respect to parasitism as scales from 0.5 to 1.5 km and from 1.5 to 6 km diameter increased. Furthermore, the effect of non-crop area tended to be stronger in parasitism than herbivory suggesting a greater effect of changes in landscape context on parasitoids. This is in support of the general idea that higher trophic levels should be more susceptible to disturbance.  相似文献   

Aim Animal communities can be influenced by the composition of the surrounding landscape through immigration. Depending on habitat preferences, however, the effect of the landscape matrix can be positive or negative and can vary with scale. We tested this idea with arable spiders and tried to infer dispersal distances from relationships between local density and landscape composition at different spatial scales. Location Thirty‐eight landscapes around the cities of Göttingen and Giessen, Germany. Methods Spiders were captured with pitfall traps in one field of winter wheat in each landscape. Landscape composition around the fields was characterized at 11 scales from 95 m to 3 km radius by land‐use mapping and subsequent GIS analysis. Correlation tests were performed between landscape composition and local densities or species richness. Results In both study regions, local species richness was enhanced by non‐crop habitats on a landscape scale. The overall densities of wolf spiders (Lycosidae), long‐jawed spiders (Tetragnathidae), crab spiders (Thomisidae), and dwarf sheet spiders (Hahniidae) increased significantly in landscapes with high percentages of non‐crop habitats. Out of the 40 species tested, 19 responded positively to the percentage of non‐crop habitats in the surrounding landscape, and five responded negatively. Depending on the species, the spatial scales with the highest explanatory power ranged from 95 m to 3 km radius around the study fields, potentially reflecting dispersal distances. Main conclusions Arable spider species showed contrasting responses to the landscape context with respect both to the direction and to the spatial scale of the relationship. The variation in landscape requirements among species ensures high spider densities in a wide range of situations, which contributes to ecosystem resilience. However, species richness of arable spiders depends on heterogeneous landscapes with high percentages of non‐crop habitats.  相似文献   

赵银军  梁日梅  丁爱中  蓝文陆 《生态学报》2023,43(12):4954-4964
流域景观特征决定了非点源污染物来源与地表景观削减消纳能力,但尚缺乏全流域不同空间尺度对二者关联性的认识。以广西北部湾南流江为例,分别在子流域、河岸缓冲带以及监测点圆形缓冲区三种尺度上,基于2020年Landsat 8 OLI遥感影像解译的土地利用类型特征,结合水质监测数据,运用数理统计和GIS空间分析方法,探讨了流域景观特征在不同空间尺度上对河流水质的影响。结果表明:(1)在子流域尺度,土地利用类型以林地为主,而在河岸缓冲带与监测点圆形缓冲区均以耕地为主;(2)水质指标高锰酸盐指数、生化需氧量与景观特征相关性最为显著,耕地、建设用地、其他用地和园地与其呈正相关,是南流江水质污染负荷的重要来源区;景观格局指数中,斑块密度、蔓延度指数、多样性指数、均匀度指数是引起河流水质指标变化的主要景观因子;(3)受流域内或不同子流域间景观特征差异,景观组成面积占比和景观格局指数均在河岸缓冲带尺度对水质状况影响最大,分别可解释57.0%和64.7%的水质指标变化;子流域尺度次之,圆形缓冲区尺度最小,且景观格局指数对水质状况的影响大于景观组成面积占比。建议在河岸带50 m范围内严格控制耕地面积,建设河岸缓...  相似文献   

Bark beetle diversity at different spatial scales   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
To determine how the scale of observation affects ecological patterns we studied bark beetle (Coleoptera, Scolytidae) diversity in southern Finland. A block covering 160 × 160 m of a forest was delimited in four stands of different site types. Each block was divided into 256 squares (10 × 10 m) in which the occurrence of bark beetle species was recorded. In addition, environmental variables describing site type, trees, and breeding material appropriate for bark beetles were measured. The species presence/absence data were combined at different scales of resolution (10 × 10 m. 20 × 20 m, 40 × 40 m, 80 × 80 m, 160 × 160 m). At the finest scale a recently thinned pine stand showed relatively high diversity compared to other study stands due to a few evenly distributed and abundant species. However, the species diversity increased faster toward larger scales in mature spruce stands with several sporadically distributed species. According to logistic regression analyses, breeding material and site characteristics explained the occurrence of most beetle species. However, these variables did not explain the occurrence of the six most frequent species, probably because the factors regulating their distribution and occurrence operate at larger scales.  相似文献   

Interspecific competition has been intensely studied as an organizing force in insect herbivore communities that can be mediated by changes in resource availability. We analyzed patterns of interspecific association of three species of gall-forming insects at shoot length class and shrub levels for Bauhinia brevipes through a null model program. Results show that shoots galled by three species were distributed independently among shoot length classes over 3-years, hence, no evidence of competition for shoots was found. Nevertheless, at the plant level our results suggest that there was a positive association. We found no evidence of any reciprocal negative effect because the density of species did not differ among shoot length classes. We suggest that this lack of pattern was probably due to: (a) host-plant resistance mediating interactions; (b) higher abundance of plant resource available, or (c) free-feeding herbivores mediating interactions by manipulating the resources used by gall-forming species.  相似文献   

Determinants of avian species richness at different spatial scales   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
ABSTRACT. Studies of factors influencing avian biodiversity yield very different results depending on the spatial scale at which species richness is calculated. Ecological studies at small spatial scales (plot size 0.0025–0.4 km2) emphasize the importance of habitat diversity, whereas biogeographical studies at large spatial scales (quadrat size 400–50,000 km2) emphasize variables related to available energy such as temperature. In order to bridge the gap between those two approaches the bird atlas data set of Lake Constance was used to study factors determining avian species diversity at the intermediate spatial scales of landscapes (quadrat size 4–36 km2). At these spatial scales bird species richness was influenced by habitat diversity and not by variables related to available energy probably because, at the landscape scale, variation in available energy is small. Changing quadrat size between 4 and 36 km2, but keeping the geographical extension of the study constant resulted in profound changes in the degree to which the amount of different habitat types was correlated with species richness. This suggests that high species diversity is achieved by different management regimes depending on the spatial scale at which species richness is calculated. However, generally, avian species diversity seems to be determined by spatial heterogeneity at the corresponding spatial scale. Thus, protecting the diversity of landscapes and ecosystems appears to ensure also high levels of species diversity.  相似文献   

Landscape genetic analyses are typically conducted at one spatial scale. Considering multiple scales may be essential for identifying landscape features influencing gene flow. We examined landscape connectivity for woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) at multiple spatial scales using a new approach based on landscape graphs that creates a Voronoi tessellation of the landscape. To illustrate the potential of the method, we generated five resistance surfaces to explain how landscape pattern may influence gene flow across the range of this population. We tested each resistance surface using a raster at the spatial grain of available landscape data (200 m grid squares). We then used our method to produce up to 127 additional grains for each resistance surface. We applied a causal modelling framework with partial Mantel tests, where evidence of landscape resistance is tested against an alternative hypothesis of isolation-by-distance, and found statistically significant support for landscape resistance to gene flow in 89 of the 507 spatial grains examined. We found evidence that major roads as well as the cumulative effects of natural and anthropogenic disturbance may be contributing to the genetic structure. Using only the original grid surface yielded no evidence for landscape resistance to gene flow. Our results show that using multiple spatial grains can reveal landscape influences on genetic structure that may be overlooked with a single grain, and suggest that coarsening the grain of landcover data may be appropriate for highly mobile species. We discuss how grains of connectivity and related analyses have potential landscape genetic applications in a broad range of systems.  相似文献   

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