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Observations on Gecarcinus lateralis and Ocypode quadrata from Bermuda show that their cuticular terraces are not functional as burrowing sculptures, as previously assumed. Instead, they increase the friction against the walls of the burrow when the animal wedges itself to avoid being extracted by predators. No significant increase in the number of terraces takes place during growth in the size interval available for this study. This is different from the situation described as usual in burrowing decapods, and is rather similar to that of crevice-dwelling crabs. The distribution of terraces and their ontogenetic pattern, therefore, are not reliable indicators of the life habits.  相似文献   

圈养白头叶猴春季昼夜活动节律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008 年3 ~5 月,采用瞬时扫描法,对上海动物园5 只白头叶猴的行为进行24 h 昼夜连续观察。结果表明:春季圈养白头叶猴一天的活动起于06∶ 00 左右,结束于18∶ 00 或18∶ 30。白天白头叶猴的主要行为为休息、取食和移动,平均频次依次是13.79 次、4.75 次和2.18 次。夜间的主要行为为休息、移动和抓挠,平均频次依次是22.13 次、0.43 次和0.26 次。不同个体昼夜活动节律差异很大。其中,移动、理毛、玩耍和其它行为的差异显著。夜间无理毛和玩耍行为,移动行为在夜间21∶ 00, 00 ∶ 30, 03∶00 和04∶ 30 出现高峰。在22∶ 30, 01∶ 00, 02∶ 00, 03∶ 30, 04∶ 30 和05∶30 则出现抓挠高峰。这预示白头叶猴夜间休息时处于一个“轻睡眠”状态。同时,雌雄白头叶猴昼夜移动行为差异显著。  相似文献   

Under experimental conditions, endogenous activity rhythms were found among several species of the terrestrial moiety of the littoral Acari. These rhythms correlated with both circatidal (semidiurnal) and photoperiod/temperature (diurnal) cycles. In non-littoral species, only diurnal cycles were observed. Under similar experimental conditions, members of the aquatic moiety, i.e. the family Halacaridae, showed no activity cycles, and it is thought that in these mites activity may be exogenous. It is suggested that the possession of endogenous activity cycles among the terrestrial moiety is an adaptation to prevent inundation and dislodgement by wave action, and that the aquatic moiety, which are permanently immersed, require no such adaptation, and rely upon exogenously triggered activity patterns.  相似文献   

Antibacterial activity in four marine crustacean decapods   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
A search for antibacterial activity in different body-parts of Pandalus borealis (northern shrimp), Pagurus bernhardus (hermit crab), Hyas araneus (spider crab) and Paralithodes camtschatica (king crab) was conducted. Dried samples were extracted with 60% (v/v) acetonitrile, containing 0.1% (v/v) trifluoroacetic acid, and further extracted and concentrated on C18 cartridges. Eluates from the solid phase extraction were tested for antibacterial, lysozyme and haemolytic activity. Antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli, Vibrio anguillarum, Corynebacterium glutamicum and Staphylococcus aureus was detected in extracts from several tissues in all species tested, but mainly in the haemolymph and haemocyte extracts. V. anguillarum and C. glutamicum were generally the most sensitive micro-organisms. In P. borealis and P. bernhardus most of the active fractions were not affected by proteinase K treatment, while in H. araneus and P. camtschatica most fractions were sensitive to proteinase K treatment, indicating antibacterial factors of proteinaceous nature. In P. bernhardus the active fractions were generally heat labile, whereas in H. araneus the activities were resistant to heat. Differences between active extracts regarding hydrophobicity and sensitivity for heat and proteinase K treatment indicate that several compounds are responsible for the antibacterial activities detected. Lysozyme-like activity could be detected in some fractions and haemolytic activity against human red blood cells could be detected in haemolymph/haemocyte and exoskeleton extracts from all species tested.  相似文献   


We have established the presence of a rhythm in the activity of 4 enzymes in in‐vitro cell suspensions of human red blood cells. Glucose 6‐phosphate dehydrogenase and glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase demonstrated semicircadian patterns of activity, while acid phosphatese and acetylcholine esterase exhibited circadian activity rhythms. The ratios between the highest to lowest activities varied from 2:1 to 10:1 among the various enzymes. The affinity of glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase to its substrate and coenzyme remained constant throughout the cycle. No evidence was obtained for the presence of a soluble inhibitor at the lower levels of the activity. Sonication of hemolysates with low glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogense activity yielded additional activity comparable to that of the peak activity. Sonication of hemolysates from the time of the peak activity did not change the original activity. The observations point to a role of the cell membrane in the biological clock.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to determine whether oestradiol increases activity in the European ferret (Mustela furo), whether this effect is sexually dimorphic, and whether a 24-h rhythm is present in the ferret's daily activity. The activity of male and female adult, postpubertally gonadectomized ferrets was monitored while they were maintained singly on a 13:11 light-dark cycle, before and after implantation with oestradiol-17β. Gonadectomized male and female ferrets exhibited equal levels of activity, and neither sex exhibited a significant change in activity following oestradiol implantation. None of the ferrets exhibited a strong circadian rhythm, although weak 24-h rhythms and shorter harmonic rhythms were present. Golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus), monitored in an identical manner, exhibited strong circadian rhythms. It was concluded that oestradiol administration may not cause an increase in activity in the ferret, and that this species lacks a strong circadian activity rhythm.  相似文献   

Circadian performance rhythms: some practical and theoretical implications   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Safety and productivity are low at night and this would appear to be because we are a diurnal species. This is reflected not only in our habitual sleep time, but also in our endogenous body clocks that, together with exogenous influences, such as the patterning of meals and activity, result in predictable circadian (24 h) rhythms in our physiological processes. Our performance capabilities also vary over the course of our waking period, with task demands affecting both the precise trend over the day, and the rate at which it adjusts to the changes in sleep timing occasioned by shift work. Studies designed to examine the reasons for this have shown that memory loaded performance may have a quite separate endogenous component to that responsible for more simple performance, suggesting that these two types of performance cannot be causally related. Furthermore, it would appear that the exogenous component of circadian rhythms may also differ across measures, and our attempts to model these endogenous and exogenous components have led us to re-examine the evidence on adjustment to night work. Our findings suggest that shiftworkers merely 'stay up late' on the night shift, rather than adjust to it, and that this is responsible for the reduced safety at night. It would seem that in situations where safety is paramount, the only solution to these problems is the creation of a nocturnal sub-society that not only always works at night but also remains on a nocturnal routine on rest days.  相似文献   

The daily cycle of activity was investigated in a number of species of Carabidae. Most were either nocturnal or diurnal, but some were plastic and responded to environmental conditions.
Résumé Le cycle quotidien de l'activité des mouvements fut étudié chez plusieurs espèces de Carabidae par observations d'élevage en insectarium.L'auteur a trouvé que la majorité des espèces pourraient être classées strictement comme nocturnes ou diurnes.Certaines espèces furent classées comme indifférentes, le cycle journalier de leur activité variant en fonction des modifications naturelles du milieu externe.

This work formed part of a thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the University of London.  相似文献   

Abinash Padhi 《Genetica》2012,140(4-6):197-203
Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are present in a wide range of taxonomic groups and played a crucial role in host adaptation to a diverse array of ever-changing pathogens. Crustin, a cysteine-rich cationic AMP, is known to exhibit antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria in decapods. Given their important role in host-immune defense, a large proportion of amino acid substitutions in crustin AMPs are expected to be fixed by natural selection. Utilizing the complete coding nucleotide sequence data of crustin, the present study revealed the pervasive role of positive Darwinian selection in the evolution and divergence of crustin AMPs in decapods. Approximately, 20–35?% of codons in two phylogenetically distinct groups of closely related crustins in Penaeid shrimps are shown to have evolved under positive selection. Interestingly, several of these positively selected sites are located at the carboxyl-terminal region, the region that directly interacts with the invading pathogens. Pathogen-mediated selection pressure could be the likely cause for such an accelerated rate of amino acid substitutions and could have contributed to the structural and functional diversification of crustin AMPs in several taxa.  相似文献   

The rate of water-loss from tropical African centipedes (Rbysida nuda and Ethmostigmus trigonopodus) and millipedes (Oxydesmus platycercus and Ophistreptus sp.) is proportional to the saturation deficiency of the atmosphere. These animals therefore resemble forms from temperate and desert regions in this aspect of their physiology. Their nocturnal habits are probably related to their high rate of transpiration. The endogenous 24-hour rhythm shows a slight retardation in constant light and an acceleration in darkness. The probable function of this is to synchronize it with diurnal environmental changes. The West African scorpion, Pandinus imperator, has a critical temperature considerably lower than those of desert species and comparable with that of the Italian Euscorpius germanus.
Zusammenfassung Bie den tropischen afrikanischen Hundertfüßlern Rhysida nuda und Ethmostigmus trigonopodus, den Tausendfüßlern Oxydesmus platycercus und Ophistreptus sp. sowie bei dem Skorpion Pandinus imperator wurden die Wasserverlustraten durch Wägen der Individuen bestimmt, die über Phosphorpentoxyd in konischen Flaschen aufgehängt wurden, die in ein Wasserbad tauchten. Die Tiere wurden jeder Temperatur 20 Minuten lang ausgesetzt, bevor der durch Evaporation bedingte Betrag des Wasserverlustes bestimmt wurde. Es wird gezeigt, daß diese Methode wertvolle Vergleiche zwischen den verschiedenen Arten zu ziehen gestattet. Sowohl bei Hundertfüßlern wie auch bei Tausendfüßlern erwies sich die Transpiration als proportional zum Sättigungsdefizit der Luft. Diese Tiere ähneln deshalb in diesem Punkte ihrer Physiologie Arten aus gemäßigten und Wüsten-Gebieten.Ihre nächtliche Lebensweise, die mittels Aktographen festgestellt wurde, steht wahrscheinlich in Beziehung zu der vergleichsweise hohen Wasserverlustrate. Der endogene diurnale Rhythmus ziegt eine leichte Verzögerung bei Dauerbelechtung und eine Beschleunigung bei Dunkelheit. Auf diese Weise wird wahrscheinlich die Periodizität dieser Tiere mit dem 24-Stunden-Rhythmus der Umgebung synchronisiert.Die kritsche Temperatur des westafrikanischen Skorpions Pandinus imperator liegt beträchtlich niedriger als die der Wüsten-Arten und ähnelt der des italienischen Euscorpius germanus. Es wird vermutet, daß in diesem Falle die nächtliche Lebensweise in Beziehung steht zu der Gefährdung des großen, langsamen Tieres durch räuberische Wirbeltiere.Es wird geschlossen, daß im allgemeinen die Transpirationsrate in Beziehung zum Habitat steht und bei Wüstenbewohnern am niedrigsten ist.

A wide range of compromises between maximum speed attained and pushing force exerted are exhibited by various Coleoptera. Some structural and functional parameters are quoted for two beetles at the extreme ends of this range: the rapid tiger beetle Cicindelu cumpestris and the powerful dung beetle Geotrupes stercorarius. Additionally, maximum sprint speeds and pushing forces were obtained for 105 species selected from 22 families of beetles. To compare the relative speed (uR) and relative force (FR) abilities of different sized species, a simple means of scaling was used in which uR= u/W0'33 (where u is the maximum sprint speed, and W the weight of a beetle) and FR= F/W0'67 (where F is the maximum forçe exerted by the beetle. measured by pulling). The best speed/force adapted species lay along a limiting front where uR a FR and u. F/W.k = 1 (where k is a constant). This gave a measure of the locomotory capability of a beetle in terms of I, the index of speed/force specialization. The specialists exhibited an index close to 1·0, but that of most beetles tested lay between 1·0 and 0·01. The Carabidae was analysed more closely as it contains many locomotor specialists. It was possible to define three structural/functional groups which showed different combinations of running and pushing abilities. The possible evolutionary relationships of these habit groups was discussed, and some speed and force comparisons were made between beetles and some other terrestrial arthropods.  相似文献   

Summary The activities of seven enzymes were studied during the first 24 h of spherule formation (differentiation) in cultures of Physarum polycephalum. These enzymes were: isocitrate dehydrogenase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, glutamate dehydrogenase, acid phosphatase, phosphodiesterase, -glucosidase, and histidase. Isocitrate dehydrogenase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase showed a decrease, glutamate dehydrogenase and phosphodiesterase increased about eight-fold, acid phosphatase about two-fold, -glucosidase showed an activity peak at about 15 h after starvation which decreased, after 24 h to its original value, and histidase showed no significant activity change during the period. The inhibition of protein synthesis by cycloheximide resulted in a decrease of enzymic activity at all times during the process, whereas the inhibition of RNA synthesis by actinomycin D had no effect during the early stages of spherulation but resulted in a rather rapid decrease of enzymic activity when added 21 h after the initiation of spherule formation. Attempts to induce higher enzymic activities during spherulation above the levels already observed were unsuccessful.
Zusammenfassung Der Aktivitätsverlauf, von sieben Enzymen wurde während der ersten 24 Std der Mikrosklerotienbildung verfolgt. Es handelte sich um die Enzyme: Isocitratdehydrogenase, Glucose-6-Phosphat Dehydrogenase, Glutamat-dehydrogenase, saure Phosphatase, Phosphodiesterase, -Glucosidase und Histidase. Isocitratdehydrogenase und Glucose-6-Phosphat Dehydrogenase nahmen während dieser Zeit ab, Glutamatdehydrogenase und Phosphodiesterase stiegen auf das 8fache des Ausgangswertes, saure Phosphatase auf das 2fache. -Glucosidase zeigte ein Aktivitätsmaximum nach ungefähr 15 Std, das aber nach etwa 24 Std wieder bis zu dem Ausgangswert abnahm, während Histidase sich nicht signifikant veränderte. Die Hemmung der Proteinsynthese durch Cycloheximid resultierte zu jedem Zeitpunkt in einer sofortigen Abnahme der Enzymaktivität, während die Inhibition der RNS-Synthese in der ersten Zeit ohne Effekt war, jedoch bei einer Zugabe nach 21 Std nach der Induktion der Spherulation eine ziemlich schnelle Abnahme der Enzymaktivität bewirkte. Versuche, die Enzymaktivitäten zusätzlich zu den schon beobachteten zu induzieren, schlugen fehl.

Summary The activity levels of seven enzymes were studied in growing plasmodia of Physarum polycephalum. The enzymes were isocitrate dehydrogenase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, glutamate dehydrogenase, acid phosphatase, phosphodiesterase, -glucosidase, and histidase. Six of the enzymes showed a continuous increase in activity during the mitotic cycle; glutamate dehydrogenase exhibited a stepwise increase about 5 h after mitosis. Cycloheximide immediately inhibited the activity of all enzymes. Actinomycin D was ineffective in inhibiting enzyme activity until after one mitotic cycle had been completed; this indicates that mRNA was stable for all of these enzymes during the G2 period. Attempts to induce enzyme activity were unsuccessful.
Zusammenfassung Der Aktivitätsverlauf von sieben Enzymen wurde in wachsenden Plasmodien von Physarum polycephalum untersucht. Es handelte sich um die Enzyme: Isocitrat-Dehydrogenase, Glucose-6-Phosphat-Dehydrogenase, Glutamat-Dehydrogenase, saure Phosphatase, Phosphodiesterase, -Glucosidase und Histidase. Sechs dieser Enzyme wiesen einen kontinuierlichen Aktivitätsanstieg während des Mitosecyclus auf; Glutamat-Dehydrogenase zeigte einen stufenförmigen Anstieg etwa 5 Std nach der Kernteilung. Cycloheximid hemmte sofort die Aktivität der Enzyme, während Actinomycin D erst nach Ablauf eines halben Teilungscyclus inhibierend wirkte. Dies deutet auf eine relativ stabile mRNA hin. Versuche, die Aktivität zu induzieren, schlugen fehl.

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