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Both ethology and physiology can provide insights about stress conditions in wild animals during handling. Lama guanicoe (guanaco) is the major large herbivore inhabiting arid zones in Argentina. Since 2005, the Payún Matrú Cooperative, a business established and run by native people, has captured and handled guanacos for shearing at Payunia Reserve, Mendoza Province, Argentina, to market the species’ fibre for clothing and other products. The aim of our study was to evaluate the behavioural and physiological stress responses to handling of wild guanacos during these shearing activities. We evaluated stress conditions in guanacos by monitoring the frequency of agonistic behaviour in the holding corrals, following capture, the rate of vocalisation and agonistic behaviour during handling, and by estimating cortisol levels in handled animals. Crowding increased agonistic behaviour; this appeared to be related to dominance conflicts between males in the corrals. Time of corralling increased rate of agonistic behaviour and vocalisations during handling. The rate of behavioural stress responses was negatively related to cortisol levels in males; which may be due to animal fatigue or because behavioural stress responses may help mitigate physiological stress responses. Incorporating our results into animal welfare practices could help reduce stress conditions in wild guanacos. Our results suggest that both behavioural and physiological responses are important measures of stress in handled animals, and that behavioural stress responses cannot be used as a simple surrogate for glucocorticoid levels.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to establish whether two lines of rainbow trout divergent for their plasma cortisol response to a standardized stressor would show consistent differences in their behavioural response to a range of challenging situations. Our results show that the high- and low-responding (HR and LR) lines of rainbow trout did not differ in the aggression shown towards an intruder or in their response to the introduction of a novel object to their home environment. However, there was a difference in behaviour between the two selection lines when they were exposed to two unfamiliar environments. These results suggest that the behaviour of the HR and LR fish differs when they are challenged in unfamiliar environments, while their behaviour does not differ when they are challenged in their home environment. These observations are in agreement with studies on mammals that show that individuals with reactive coping styles perform similarly to proactive animals when they are challenged in a familiar environment, while they show different behaviour when they are challenged in unfamiliar environments. Thus, these results provide further evidence that the HR and LR selection lines of rainbow trout exemplify the two different coping styles described in mammals.  相似文献   

Idiosyncratic drug-induced hepatitis may depend upon many factors including a balance between pro- and anti-inflammatory mediator production levels. Using a guinea pig model of liver injury induced by bioactivation of the anesthetic drug, halothane, we found that toxicity was commensurate with an increase in serum macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF), a pro-inflammatory signal and counter-regulator of glucocorticoids, but only in susceptible animals. The pathogenic role of MIF was further investigated using a murine model in which liver injury was induced by the reactive metabolite of another drug, acetaminophen (APAP). MIF leakage from the liver into the sera preceded peak increases in toxicity following APAP administration. MIF null (-/-) mice were significantly less susceptible to this toxicity at 8 h. At 48 h following a 300 mg/kg dose, complete lethality was observed in wild-type mice, while 46% survival was noted in MIF-/- mice. The decreased hepatic injury in MIF-/- mice correlated with a reduction in mRNA levels of interferon-gamma and a significant increase in heat shock protein expression, but was unrelated to the APAP-protein adduct formation in the liver. These findings support MIF as a critical pro-toxicant signal in drug-induced liver injury with potentially important and novel effects on heat shock protein responsiveness.  相似文献   

Two lines of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) that exhibit divergent endocrine responsiveness to stressors also display disparate behavioral traits. To investigate whether the high-responding (HR) and low-responding (LR) fish also differ in cognitive function, the rate of extinction of a conditioned response was compared between the two lines. Groups of HR and LR fish were exposed to a paired conditioned stimulus (CS; water off) and unconditioned stimulus (US; confinement stressor). After exposure to 18 CS-US pairings, at least 70% of individuals of both lines acquired a conditioned response (CR) manifested as an elevation of blood cortisol levels on presentation of the CS only. Post-conditioning, the fish were tested by presentation of the CS at weekly intervals, for 4 weeks, with no further reinforcement, and the extinction of the CR in the two lines was compared. The decline in mean plasma cortisol levels after exposure to the CS over successive tests suggested that the CR was retained for a shorter period among the HR (<14 days) than LR fish (<21 days). The frequency of individuals within each line whose plasma cortisol levels indicated a stress response when exposed to the CS was significantly greater among the LR than HR fish at 14 and 21 days with no HR fish falling into this category at 21 days. At 28 days post-conditioning, there were no HR fish and only three LR fish were categorized as "stressed". These results suggest that there are differences in cognitive function between the two lines. Possible mechanisms underlying these differences are discussed.  相似文献   

In the past decade there has been a profusion of studies highlighting covariation between individual differences in stress physiology and behavioural profiles, here called personalities. Such individual differences in ways of coping with stress are relevant both in biomedicine, since different personalities may experience a different stress and disease vulnerability, and in behavioural ecology, since their adaptive value and evolutionary maintenance are the subject of debate. However, the precise way in whi...  相似文献   

The zebrafish (Danio rerio) has emerged as a promising model organism for affective or cognitive neuroscience research, and may be useful to study the interplay between memory and anxiety-related states. To assess the effects of acute psychological stress on spatial and cued memory, adult zebrafish were trained in an aquatic plus-maze for 14 days using food bait as a reward. Two ecologically relevant stressors (alarm pheromone or Indian leaf fish exposure) were applied to acutely stress zebrafish immediately prior to the final (testing) trial. Overall, acute single inescapable stress markedly impaired spatial and cued memory in zebrafish plus-maze test, reducing the number of correct arm entries and time spent in the target arm. This observation parallels rodent and clinical literature on memory-impairing effects of acute stress, strongly supporting the utility of zebrafish in neurobehavioral research.  相似文献   

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