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From time of embryonic emergence, the gustatory papilla types on the mammalian tongue have stereotypic anterior and posterior tongue locations. Furthermore, on anterior tongue, the fungiform papillae are patterned in rows. Among the many molecules that have potential roles in regulating papilla location and pattern, Sonic hedgehog (Shh) has been localized within early tongue and developing papillae. We used an embryonic, tongue organ culture system that retains temporal, spatial, and molecular characteristics of in vivo taste papilla morphogenesis and patterning to study the role of Shh in taste papilla development. Tongues from gestational day 14 rat embryos, when papillae are just beginning to emerge on dorsal tongue, were maintained in organ culture for 2 days. The steroidal alkaloids, cyclopamine and jervine, that specifically disrupt the Shh signaling pathway, or a Shh-blocking antibody were added to the standard culture medium. Controls included tongues cultured in the standard medium alone, and with addition of solanidine, an alkaloid that resembles cyclopamine structurally but that does not disrupt Shh signaling. In cultures with cyclopamine, jervine, or blocking antibody, fungiform papilla numbers doubled on the dorsal tongue with a distribution that essentially eliminated inter-papilla regions, compared with tongues in standard medium or solanidine. In addition, fungiform papillae developed on posterior oral tongue, just in front of and beside the single circumvallate papilla, regions where fungiform papillae do not typically develop. The Shh protein was in all fungiform papillae in embryonic tongues, and tongue cultures with standard medium or cyclopamine, and was conspicuously localized in the basement membrane region of the papillae. Ptc protein had a similar distribution to Shh, although the immunoproduct was more diffuse. Fungiform papillae did not develop on pharyngeal or ventral tongue in cyclopamine and jervine cultures, or in the tongue midline furrow, nor was development of the single circumvallate papilla altered. The results demonstrate a prominent role for Shh in fungiform papilla induction and patterning and indicate differences in morphogenetic control of fungiform and circumvallate papilla development and numbers. Furthermore, a previously unknown, broad competence of dorsal lingual epithelium to form fungiform papillae on both anterior and posterior oral tongue is revealed.  相似文献   

Taste papillae are ectodermal specializations that serve to house and distribute the taste buds and their renewing cell populations in specific locations on the tongue. We previously showed that Sonic hedgehog (Shh) has a major role in regulating the number and spatial pattern of fungiform taste papillae on embryonic rat tongue, during a specific period of papilla formation from the prepapilla placode. Now we have immunolocalized the Shh protein and the Patched receptor protein (Ptc), and have tested potential roles for Shh in formation of the tongue, emergence of papilla placodes, development of papilla number and size, and maintenance of papillae after morphogenesis is advanced. Cultures of entire embryonic mandible or tongues from gestational days 12 to 18 [gestational or embryonic days (E)12-E18] were used, in which tongues and papillae develop with native spatial, temporal, and molecular characteristics. The Shh signaling pathway was disrupted with addition of cyclopamine, jervine, or the 5E1 blocking antibody. Shh and Ptc proteins are diffuse in prelingual tissue and early tongue swellings, and are progressively restricted to papilla placodes and then to regions of developing papillae. Ptc encircles the dense Shh immunoproduct in papillae at various stages. When the Shh signal is disrupted in cultures of E12 mandible, tongue formation is completely prevented. At later stages of tongue culture initiation, Shh signal disruption alters development of tongue shape (E13) and results in a repatterned fungiform papilla distribution that does not respect normally papilla-free tongue regions (E13-E14). Only a few hours of Shh signal disruption can irreversibly alter number and location of fungiform papillae on anterior tongue and elicit papilla formation on the intermolar eminence. However, once papillae are well formed (E16-E18), Shh apparently does not have a clear role in papilla maintenance, nor does the tongue retain competency to add fungiform papillae in atypical locations. Our data not only provide evidence for inductive and morphogenetic roles for Shh in tongue and fungiform papilla formation, but also suggest that Shh functions to maintain the interpapilla space and papilla-free lingual regions. We propose a model for Shh function at high concentration to form and maintain papillae and, at low concentration, to activate between-papilla genes that maintain a papilla-free epithelium.  相似文献   

The adult fungiform taste papilla is a complex of specialized cell types residing in the stratified squamous tongue epithelium. This unique sensory organ includes taste buds, papilla epithelium and lateral walls that extend into underlying connective tissue to surround a core of lamina propria cells. Fungiform papillae must contain long-lived, sustaining or stem cells and short-lived, maintaining or transit amplifying cells that support the papilla and specialized taste buds. Shh signaling has established roles in supporting fungiform induction, development and patterning. However, for a full understanding of how Shh transduced signals act in tongue, papilla and taste bud formation and maintenance, it is necessary to know where and when the Shh ligand and pathway components are positioned. We used immunostaining, in situ hybridization and mouse reporter strains for Shh, Ptch1, Gli1 and Gli2-expression and proliferation markers to identify cells that participate in hedgehog signaling. Whereas there is a progressive restriction in location of Shh ligand-expressing cells, from placode and apical papilla cells to taste bud cells only, a surrounding population of Ptch1 and Gli1 responding cells is maintained in signaling centers throughout papilla and taste bud development and differentiation. The Shh signaling targets are in regions of active cell proliferation. Using genetic-inducible lineage tracing for Gli1-expression, we found that Shh-responding cells contribute not only to maintenance of filiform and fungiform papillae, but also to taste buds. A requirement for normal Shh signaling in fungiform papilla, taste bud and filiform papilla maintenance was shown by Gli2 constitutive activation. We identified proliferation niches where Shh signaling is active and suggest that epithelial and mesenchymal compartments harbor potential stem and/or progenitor cell zones. In all, we report a set of hedgehog signaling centers that regulate development and maintenance of taste organs, the fungiform papilla and taste bud, and surrounding lingual cells. Shh signaling has roles in forming and maintaining fungiform papillae and taste buds, most likely via stage-specific autocrine and/or paracrine mechanisms, and by engaging epithelial/mesenchymal interactions.  相似文献   

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